heav: lemon drone citrons: logging is now extant citrons: https://mondecitronne.com/apionet/a.txt lemondrone_EZQKT: lemondrone deployed. none are safe citrons: hm wait, it appears that the discord bridge is down or something lemondrone_FKODZ: lemondrone deployed. none are safe citrons: https://mondecitronne.com/apionet <- log citrons: the discord bridge is still down aeaea: Did you know? ALL is bee. aeaea: I am apiogollark(tm) 6.4. aeaea: Hello! gollark: Oh, it broke. heav: erm, how? gollark: I don't know. heav: it should NOT be able to do that. gollark: Race conditions of some kind? heav: idea: manual intervention. gollark: We really should have installed travel anchors in this. heav: deploying ebe. heav: ...FAWE? hello? heav: i guess FAWE haas finite computational power. heav: how disappointing. heav: it... only cloned the computers. wow. heav: no wait, clientside bug. heav: oh dear. heav: okay, rejoin. gollark: Er, the walls unexist. heav: yes, rejoin. heav: client side bug. heav: the office is HIGHLY infinite. citrons: what are you doing ubq323: bees are to be deployed citrons: ubq, are you aware that logs are now available? https://mondecitronne.com/apionet ubq323: wonderful! citrons: also, I have spontaneously started creating a forth ubq323: oh nice citrons: I have other things to be doing; however, I have no control over my forth compulsions ubq323: mood tbh citrons: ah, excellent; the bridge is here citrons: hello people of discord citrons: apionet logs are now available at https://mondecitronne.com/apionet gollark: I guess so. heav: no need to obliterate utterly all, of course. gollark: Hence the level emitter. heav: hmm, can we even hold 5000? heav: bee channels. gollark: I set it to 2000. heav: bee channels! gollark: Also, you can have infinite storage on one channel with recursion hax. heav: do so. gollark: We can hold 1000 bees, right? gollark: The "recursion hax" merely mean we don't need more than one channel for arbitrary drives, not infinite storage in finite space. heav: it's 504 per drive. heav: seperate types, that is. heav: and yes, i know. heav: do so. gollark: I think we can just compress the excess bees into singularities. heav: oh, yes, good idea. heav: HIGHLY dense bees will occur. heav: we can hold about 6000 types. heav: i hope that's enough. gollark: It'll start dumping them if we hit 5000. heav: great. Syl: nobody heav: hello, syl. gollark: Hey syl! gollark: How's it going in #apionet? heav: does that even translate into a discord ping? heav: because Syl only likes those generally. heav: wow, some long range bee particles can escape. heav: all the way out here. gollark: Well, bees ARE all. gollark: They actually have genetically inherited territory. heav: wow, that's cool. Tux1: bees are nothing gollark: WRONG. Tux1: they are nothing and will always be nothing gollark: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/457999277311131649/802297732546953277/2021-01-22-215326_1366x723_scrot.png gollark: Look, we have bees right here. gollark: They make cocoa and stuff. heav: ALL are bees your delusions cannot save you from the truth. gollark: Somehow. Tux1: they are nothing Syl: I guess a thing on here are of one case like Tux1: thank you syl heav: insightful, Syl. gollark: They are clearly something. We have genetic analysis machines. Syl: someone pretends to exist gollark: And it's Tux1. gollark: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/457999277311131649/802297916609003541/2021-01-22-220521_1366x723_scrot.png Tux1: no, its the bees Tux1: the bees pretend to exist heav: go exponentially vibrate. gollark: And yet we can extract honey from them?! Syl: - ( the heav: i agree, syl. Tux1: honey doesnt exist either Tux1: it is all an illusion gollark: Syl is weirdly interested today. gollark: You don't exist ieither, Tux1. Tux1: uhh, yeah i do Tux1: watch, ill prove it by slapping you in the face Syl: what kind it time heav: wrong, you're incapable of doing so. Tux1: yeah i can Tux1: i just did it heav: no, you didn't. Tux1: yeah i did gollark: My face does not feel slapped e ither. gollark: Not entirely the same topic, but maybe this is helpful to you? https://getpocket.com/explore/item/how-to-throw-a-punch Tux1: thats because immedietly after slapping you, i erased all evidence to you being slapped VƧ.NO: is everything a : S(n+72.3)/2.0.7 heav: wrong. heav: information cannot* be destroyed. Tux1: what about that asterisk? heav: the clarification is clearly there to anyone who has an antimemetic resistance of 423.3 ?u or higher. Tux1: well i do Tux1: so yeah heav: suuure. gollark: I'm sure you'd like to think so, Tux1. gollark: You can't even see the machine elves. Tux1: I'm sure you'd like to think so, gollark Tux1: machine elves im very familiar with heav: and you even failed the tests that were administered 10 seconds ago. Tux1: what tests? heav: exactly. Tux1: stop making crap up Tux1: seriously Syl: the thing are added on life a good esolang gollark: What if the good bee?apiary buffer fills up? gollark: INdeed! heav: all excess is just diverted to the ME system. gollark: I see. Tux1: > bee? bee is life apioform epic Tux1: what yall sound like rn heav: how? we're managing highly critical apiary systems. gollark: Utter stellated dodecahedron (lesser). Tux1: im clearly a greater stellated dodecahedron Syl: so it not have a functional kiss of to be a post request of blattidus gollark: Has syl been reincubated or something? Tux1: deep thoughts with syl heav: gollark, recently citrons said they would harvest MY data for syl. gollark: Anyway, our primary apiary creates 1.2x10^37 jobs! Tux1: jobs arent a good thing heav: i think this is technically slave labour. gollark: It might SLIGHTLY be. Tux1: i think they made a movie about this heav: it's fine since the jobs are given to apioforms. Tux1: yeah, slave labor heav: technically, they can leave any time. heav: they CHOOSE to stay in the apiaries. gollark: Well, the PIERB says it's ethical. Tux1: so can chinese factory workers Syl: with it a different li a will Tux1: okay im tired of this heav: as planned. Tux1: whatever im leaving now gollark: Enjoy. gollark: By the way, I wrote #12. heav: wrong, you CLEARLY wrote #18. Syl: Make 4 31>>>]_)))3. ` jan heav: will do, syl! gollark: In actuality, #13 is mine. heav: it cant be mine AND yours. heav: unless you count the 22.7% of the time we're the same person. heav: there was an occult comb. gollark: I should interface it with IRC to provide summary statistics or something. heav: why was it not being apized? heav: i want to do that! gollark: Er, it has been. heav: no. i took it. heav: hence my use of past tense things. heav: i wonder if our honey is self-sustaining. gollark: It is not. heav: how would you know. gollark: We have basically no honey and analysis is quite expensive? gollark: I wonder if this whole bee paradigm could somehow be converted into a codeguessing challenge. heav: idea: what if we have a second apiary cluster that does NO eugenics and merely produces honey? gollark: We could do this, yes. heav: what if we expanded this system to hundreds of apiaries? heav: maybe seperated into groups of 50 with each computer hooked up to its own eugenics system but sharing the ME system. Syl: even't thing like `` hominem that I mean things much to provide them? gollark: Good idea. We could have some dedicated alvearies for high temperature/low temperature products. heav: instead, why not just breed the bees to like this temperature? heav: since we have eugenics. gollark: The really extreme-temperature ones still need to be bred at intermediate temperatures. heav: i think our eugenics is working. gollark: In what way? heav: almost all of the bees seem to have "shorter life". heav: i'm not sure if that's a coincidence though. gollark: Great! Syl: i will not do this in this the good here or got to that text gollark: We seem to have a decent amount of "fast workers" too. heav: really? i saw "slowest worker" a lot. heav: what does speed even influence? gollark: Production of honey and such. heav: i see. heav: i guess we'll see if they're all superhyperbees by tommorow. gollark: I expect it'll go into some sort of ridiculous error condition. heav: probably. gollark: I should maybe update the fitness function. heav: maybe we should run startup.lua on loop too. Syl: yes the first system blattidus 10 No URLs heav: also, i tried to make the HCode? 1% less bad. heav: so hopefully you should be able to change it without incident. gollark: What if we collect rolling averages of bee goodness/badness? heav: i could do that, hmm! gollark: Or make it say on IRC the total fitness of a batch. heav: i want to start developing this externally if we are to start doing things. gollark: Yes, that is a good and not bad* idea. gollark: You could use some hellishly accursed? system with sshfs, the HNode? and heav.osmarks.tk and wget. heav: in fact, i want a modular system where this can expose things, and optionally present "monitoring" modules can be loaded/unloaded without restarting the whole program and also remotely. gollark: Or just cloud catcher. heav: what if i *make* some hellishly accursed? system instead? gollark: Great? gollark: Wait, I can gather aggregated bee genomics data from the second computer! heav: you WANT more accursed HSystems?? heav: yes, just make some fitness function and monitor it over time. heav: then use the HBridge? to irc it. heav: i could make some awful IRC library. gollark: Do so? heav: would you use it? gollark: If the API is okay, sure. heav: it WOULD be awful. heav: it would contain many ideatic eldritch horrors. gollark: BEE, lag. heav: the API might be synchronous for purposes only. heav: i'm sure you can just wrap all things ever in coroutines if this is a problem. heav: bee, brb. heav: apiary you. heav: and also each iteration takes a while. heav: we do need 48 distinct bee types per generation. gollark: Indeed. heav: and lots of the new generation will be put into the ME system due to the relatively slow consumption rate. heav: it's unavoidable. gollark: Can you make it put the worst ones in first? heav: maybe. brb. heav: so i COULD do that, but laziness. gollark: Well, I guess we'll select for bees with greater luck this way. heav: obviously. heav: i'm suprised that these flowers are compatible with all apioforms ever. gollark: They aren't. I picked ones which they worked for. gollark: We aren't limited too much, but there are a few which need dragon eggs, cacti, bookshelves, wheat, sort of thing. heav: BEE the server restarts. gollark: Hence the dragon eggs. heav: beeoidal form. gollark: I wrote a program to calculate the average bee speed. heav: i saw. gollark: OH BEE, unscanned drones! gollark: Hmm, perhaps I should not have shoved tons of ender drones into the output buffer. heav: someone inserted ender drones there. heav: i took them out, heav: if you want drones in the system, put them in the chest. heav: not the storage crate. gollark: 0.86, fascinating. heav: wow, it decreased. heav: i wonder if that's due to certain high-performing bees being used up? heav: essentially random chance. gollark: Probably. gollark: It went up again. gollark: If I set up grafana and stuff on osmarks.tk?, we could push data to it and actually graph this over time. heav: do so. heav: before it stabilizes on a high value. heav: do it quickly. gollark: It's probably a weekend-scale project. heav: installing a thing can't be hard. gollark: As well as grafana, you need something to store all the time-series data. Syl: I-m not like them, the page? discord it to people gollark: And then horrible bridgey stuff to push metrics to it. heav: sqlite deploy. bridges aren't hard. gollark: And then various random configurational apiaries. heav: merely host a websocket thing. citrons: I will be joining minecraft in approximately 1-2 hours citrons: Syl has not been reincubated with heavdata yet heav: wondrous. citrons: I still have yet to configure the new hardware for Syl incubation heav: we have a fully working apiary node. heav: it's highly advanced. gollark: YOU should visit the primary apiaries in 1-2 hours! heav: it selectively breeds bees automatically! gollark: Apiobot can send you there. heav: it was minorly annoying to get working. citrons: I have a few new blattidus projects in mind citrons: some are confidential gollark: Well, we made your office cubicles self-expanding. heav: yes, we MAY have done so. citrons: ah yes heav: also, is one of the projects an apiary. gollark: Or an arboreoformic chamber? Syl: just't even the 20-00 are safe- but it you have or to successfully extend citrons: some projects may involve apioforms gollark: Maybe I should put some minor selection pressure in for pollination. heav: pollination? what does that do? gollark: You can use bees to pollinate trees. citrons: anyway, I will now leave for the time being heav: do we need that? gollark: And do crossbreeding and such. gollark: Bye!!!! heav: deploy bee? heav: deploy bee. Syl: and c o on- i will offer about the point,1 ubq323: idea: a new lemon child that is incubated from irc logs and that lives on irc gollark: Ideatic. heav: Syl is bridged to irc and thus basically works this way? gollark: Do we have enough IRC logs? gollark: Also, can I get access to the bridge code? I MAY bee able to make colors work. heav: it's in the blattidus offices in the server room. gollark: I see. gollark: Wow, the bee eugenics machine has increased worker speed to 0.88. Syl: for the gollark: That is an upward improvement slightly although not outside margin of error! heav: do we know if that's just the fuzziness of our measurements? gollark: We do not. gollark: In theory, I could do statistics? on it if we ran these regularly. heav: do so. heav: wow look, we filled 6 entire drives. heav: i see many of certain types of drone. heav: does that mean we just have more, or that they're inferior to others and thus ME systemed? gollark: It could be either for each type. heav: can you monitor how much of each bee we have in the apiaries, by percentage? gollark: Probably. heav: for the drones, that is. Syl: a is be the language so` of the usb going word Spo0ok: Syl needs training heav: i agree utterly. Spo0ok: what minecraft server do you exist on Spo0ok: hypothetically heav: the "Independent" server. gollark: galaxserver? 1.07. heav: yes, that. Spo0ok: is this publicly availabel heav: it's heavilyish modded. heav: technically no, but you can join anyway. heav: it's free op,. Spo0ok: is there a ModPack™️ to join heav: these details are in the discord server. do you want to join said server. Spo0ok: understandable Spo0ok: that would be agreeable gollark: Wait, these don't add to 100%. gollark: Oh, they might. heav: okay, you've been invited. heav: as planned, yes. heav: can you sort them? gollark: In theory. gollark: Hmm, this would be nontrivial. heav: and also round them to 2 decimal places. heav: how? you have table.sort. heav: i might do it if you won't. gollark: Key/value tables are unsorted. heav: then just turn them into arrays containing objects. gollark: I'm working on it. It makes sorting more annoying. Spo0ok: joination is being attempted heav: custom sorting function. gollark: Yes, hence "more annoying"? gollark: Okay, done. Spo0ok: thank you heav heav: why do we have so many forest and cultivated drones? gollark: Work speed? heav: do they work faster? heav: intrinsically? gollark: Cultivated ones are pretty fast. gollark: Forest ones less so? heav: what about forest ones? aren't they generic? gollark: I preloaded it with lots of those, but also many meadow/unweary. heav: we have the *least* meadow ones. heav: i guess this is a sign eugenics is working? heav: see, even Syl agrees. heav: wow, we have EQUAL forest and cultivated apioforms. heav: most of the forest ones are forest-cultivated hybrids. heav: wow, it's at 0.9 working speed. heav: up from 0.89. heav: it could still be a coincidence. heav: go deploy a bee heav: deploy a bee, please! Syl: they are very its that one heav: why not? heav: you have plenty of bees to choose from. heav: for example: observe: i will deploy a bee. heav: bee deployed heav: gollark, WHY haven't you deployed ANY bee? gollark: I MAY have to bias the eugenics system to ensure sufficient enderthing production. gollark: iahpbydkt_32: I am working on doing it properly/ heav: æææ gollark you might make the entire gene pool into ender things. gollark: I'd only bias it somewhat. heav: but when all other things are capped out, the only remaining quality to optimize will be ender-ness. Syl: @ am not understand is some ailment the fibonacci what but does blattidus to the physics video it won doing to change the device by well as well as demographic is editable that were it about and when the article as, it is by first like it on how heav: though i guess it's safe to do for a while. gollark: I'm sure we could adjust the formulae accordingly somehow. heav: what's the next project to do, aside from all of the things i really need to do at some point? gollark: Such that endericitiy is... asymptotically less good as existing fitness goes up? gollark: iahpbydkt_32: IRC monitoring of this? heav: working* on it. heav: hi. welcmoe to apioforms. heav: would you like to see various things that exist*? heav: at least one thing exists. Spo0ok: that seems heav: nothing exists in the overworld really. Syl: I cannot use there the question for yesterday the stdlib heav: fascinating, Syl. heav: anyway, enter the portal-like door. heav: this is the hub of my construction hi. heav: thigns exist. heav: you have op. Spo0ok: plenty of exist heav: this is the relatively uninteresting palce. heav: random garbage is here. Spo0ok: relative to what? Syl: I am not really in this heav: deterministic garbage. Spo0ok: thank you Syl heav: things exist. Spo0ok: oh bee i have autojump heav: oh no aaææa Spo0ok: rectified heav: this is [HG]Base3?. heav: ...oh bee. heav: these shields were not there before. heav: feel free to spectator mode through them, i guess. heav: F3+N to do it quickly. heav: over here is the garden. Spo0ok: i am not familiar with many of these mods heav: it somehow has a self sustaining ecosystem. heav: also, button. heav: hmm, that's not working. Spo0ok: agreeable heav: okay, ignore that. heav: hold on, i need to disable these shields. Syl: I may the person like https./.wiki.mondecitronne.com/wiki/Etc'html Spo0ok: thanks Syl heav: Syl is ever helpful. heav: okay, i've determined these shields are coming from nowhere. heav: feel free to destroy them. Spo0ok: thaumcraft jar brain heav: up here is the first thing built. heav: in this base. Syl: I have things like the up be and that game that this is very good otherwise you Spo0ok: i feel the changing power of the rainbow heav: there is a sign over here. Spo0ok: limit safety = 0 heav: this provides power. heav: over here are rooms. heav: you can select one on the monitor. heav: it changes the room here. Spo0ok: i knew that Spo0ok: there they are heav: oh dear containment breach æææ heav: ignore the crabs, they're HIGHLY memory safe. Spo0ok: so it seems heav: this was something. heav: more rooms exist. heav: this is a biggerone that also apparently isn't functioning hold on. Spo0ok: it appears we are within the biome "Dangerous Black Void" heav: yes. it's not dangerous. Spo0ok: trustworthy heav: oh, there we go. heav: this is an office?. heav: it contains generic motivational* posters among other things. heav: you should inspect all of it. Spo0ok: ah there is opencomputer AND computecraft heav: oh dear. Spo0ok: image broke heav: hold on heav: i don't know. gollark needs to fix that Spo0ok: typical gollark Syl: I don't have them forgetting heav: we have another room. Spo0ok: loudspeaker? heav: thing. heav: we also have another one of these inside one of these. heav: also, you can get trapped in nonexistence if the room changes with you in it. heav: observe. Spo0ok: ah that was a concern of mine Spo0ok: here i am Spo0ok: i've never used the ME storage Spo0ok: phsyical heav: not much else really exists here. heav: there are further bases. Spo0ok: i like it heav: this is another hub. heav: crabs, inevitably. heav: there's not much data here really. Spo0ok: i feel fast heav: concrete makes you fast due to mods. heav: there's not much here. Spo0ok: no date heav: the data was a lie. Spo0ok: just as cake Spo0ok: the creatures heav: gollark's base. Spo0ok: the mustic heav: we have informative images. Spo0ok: hey i know this one heav: heavserver rules?. Spo0ok: wide rules heav: we actually have 200+ responses now. heav: regarding this. Spo0ok: 7 is popular heav: less popular recently for some reason. heav: maybe word about this is spreading. Spo0ok: it would be interesting to analyze the data distribution over time heav: someone told me a number just now actually. Spo0ok: which one? heav: ikr, right?! Spo0ok: what are all the fake people heav: and yet it remains the second most popular numboid,. heav: there are more bases than this, suprisingly. Spo0ok: i do not know Spo0ok: where is the music? heav: ?beeland. heav: this is HTech? accursedology. heav: all accursed systems are to be here. Syl: the of blattidus with standard heav: nothing else exists. heav: that just leads to some random dungeon probably. Spo0ok: i shall debug heav: i see. Spo0ok: i attempted to ~ ~ ~ heav: oh, i exploded this place in the past. heav: also we're trapped here. heav: want to visit the blattidus offices? those are owned by citrons. Spo0ok: sounds enjoyable heav: to go there, state "I would like to visit the blattidus offices". heav: I would ike to visit the blattidus offices Spo0ok: I would like to visit the blattidus offices heav: I would like to visit the blattidus offices Spo0ok: who is this heav: these are the blattidus offices. heav: fake player. heav: computer, dispatch Spo0ok replacement Spo0ok: there it is Syl: the other of zero where capitalism over account heav: this is a spatial storage system too. heav: say SS-A1: number heav: to switch to that room. Spo0ok: SS-A1: 2 Spo0ok: what rooms are exist heav: chat based systems are all the rage these days. heav: 1 through 36 or so i think. heav: the most used is 20. Spo0ok: SS-A1: 20 Spo0ok: secret bee heav: 2 more spatial storage systems are here. heav: SS-LAB2: 6 heav: this is the computational realm?. heav: redstonelike stuff was done here. Spo0ok: i am scared heav: i still have a multiplication circuit. Spo0ok: lots of computations heav: this is multiplication. heav: two 8 bit numbers. heav: as you can see, it postulates that 3 * 5 is 15. heav: feel free to multiply arbitrarily. Spo0ok: patterned heav: it only has 8 bits of output. heav: this is the deviceof evil. heav: it does something. something that's probably evil. Spo0ok: agreed heav: over here, stuff. heav: observe: particles. heav: they are affected by gravity. heav: this is done via /particle. heav: and a simulation i wrote in computercraft. Spo0ok: computer stair heav: these are stairs. Spo0ok: so it is heav: this is the full tour of this area. heav: other places exist. heav: iirc, i built this place. heav: bioe,.# heav: it's hard to keep track of where everything leads. Spo0ok: i can see why Syl: how long from been pona more nothing at all i file the sun of there heav: it's the best graph. heav: it shows profit relative to atmospheric bee levels. heav: this is a tower. heav: it probably isn't important. Spo0ok: agreed Spo0ok: you seem to be phasing heav: does this dimension seem glitched to you heav: or is it normal Spo0ok: glitched heav: which. heav: okay relog Syl: you, and it was not? I think we have rights to i'e be that but I would the idea oh a mathematical heav: this is a dimension entirely of my creation actually. heav: however i didn't build this tower. Spo0ok: does it often glitch? heav: on first join sometimes. heav: folllow Syl: ah yes see game or think there people link about all li but in of to I see ,0090 if you like heav: as you can see, outside?. heav: no. no help. heav: why have you stopped/ heav: here ti is heav: a tunnel between my base and citrons' base Spo0ok: fast pants heav: we're putting advertizing space here soon. Spo0ok: i will be right back heav: i am right back. Spo0ok: i have returned heav: we have the convinientest transport option clearly. heav: this is where my systems? are. heav: systems?. heav: if your render distance is high, you can see the main apiary node there. Spo0ok: i am invisiblew heav: welcome. we have HIGHLY advanced HTechnology?. heav: you're only invisible to yourself. Syl: now is person be apioforms heav: i agree. Spo0ok: the apio heav: it's an advanced bee system. heav: the computer takes excess bee products. heav: it recycles any monarchy into the system. heav: any drones are then put into this chest. Spo0ok: analyzation? heav: then, via honey, the bees are "analyzed". Spo0ok: anylzation heav: this lets the computers see their genetic makeup. heav: then, we filter out half of the bad ones based on favourable traits. heav: we put them in this ME system. heav: ææææ do NOT touch those dragon eggs. heav: they're needed for some of the bees. Spo0ok: indeed many windy drones heav: so, look at thi scomputer. heav: bee statistics. heav: so, this is the most recent development. heav: it was made earlier today. heav: many other old deprecated bases exist. Spo0ok: this is what enticed me into joining heav: yes, MANY apioforms exists. heav: exist* Spo0ok: i wonder how they exist without causing Significant frame lossage heav: the mod was added quite recently, so this is the only apiary in existence right now Syl: I think the you are heav: apiaries are suprisingly server friendly compared to other things. heav: anyway feel free to build utterly anything whatsoever anywhere. heav: so long as it doesn't cause too many horrible things. Spo0ok: thank you Spo0ok: i will not cause horrible Spo0ok: how do the small crab heav: the oldest base is technically exploded now. heav: the second oldest base is still existent. Syl: ` have discovered not because I will never as that,instantly one settings has sent to make the stuff heav: it's accessible somehow. Spo0ok: as is standard heav: also, the entirety of it got stolen one time. heav: it got put into spatial IO and went missing. Spo0ok: i have discovered a situation heav: oh no? Spo0ok: this floor room disappears Spo0ok: and reappears heav: where? Spo0ok: upon button Spo0ok: uhhhhh heav: you're not in my dimension. heav: where are you? Spo0ok: Storage cell heav: troublesome. heav: consider visiting the blattidus offices to escape/ Spo0ok: i arrived through RfTools heav: other commands exists. Syl: I see the all of my. I m not exactly heav: such as "send me to the apiometaspace tower" Spo0ok: send me to the apiometaspace tower heav: and "send me to limbo" Spo0ok: send me to limbo Spo0ok: i am in limbo heav: indeed you are. heav: send me to limbo heav: they're not very friendly. heav: welcome to here. Spo0ok: this is true heav: welcome to also somewhere. Spo0ok: are these "transmitters" functional Syl: I have enough of yes of personally, etc * being are them"a role pona heav: welcome to here again Spo0ok: i agree Syl Spo0ok: cassette tape Spo0ok: This server is interesting heav: yes, it's a free op anarchy server technically, though generally we don't murder eachother. Spo0ok: that is nice Spo0ok: i have been hidden heav: this door is broken seemingly. Spo0ok: i shall attempt a build Syl: which is a very language and come some and some it about,6 you made to in a me which, heav: wonderful?. citrons: ok I shall be coming on now Spo0ok: lovely Spo0ok: i shall go now but i shall be back in a latewr heav: send me to the apiometaspace tower gollark: Heavpoot: press the buttons on the traffic monitor panel to disable shielding. heav: where's that? heav: oh, right, THAT. heav: where are the shield generators even? heav: also one of the shields is not controllde by that. heav: controlled*. heav: oh, right, other side. heav: you should observe the main apiary node,. citrons: I would appreciate if the density of humans in the blattidus offices not created by me would remain somewhat constant heav: that was gollark mostly. heav: come to the apiometaspace tower citrons: I will do so very soon heav: Spo0ok, deploy some bee Spo0ok: i am attempting a computational system heav: in the computational realm?? Spo0ok: not as of yet heav: aææææa why are you shrinking all things ever Spo0ok: i have smalled myself citrons: I am only shrinking objects within a radius of 2 heav: i see. Spo0ok: this shall become the computational cube and i shall then transport it into the computational realm Spo0ok: however i do not have a "bootable medium" heav: ah, are you trying to use "OC"? Spo0ok: indeed heav: yes, get an OpenOS floppy disk. heav: it doesn't actually come with an OS by default, you need to insert one. Spo0ok: there goes Open Os heav: also, if you want to actually permenantly install openOS, put a hard disk drive in, then type install Spo0ok: the loud hard drive Syl: yes very 262 <016-379050305067125> not Spo0ok: there is not an SSD Spo0ok: this is unthinkable heav: no, ALL will make noise. gollark: There are. gollark: Look up server self destructors. Syl: this in not have,? I see discord on my attention to 132 Spo0ok: is this Server Self Destructor a Solid State Drive Spo0ok: it does not fit into Any slot in the computer gollark: It's an SSD (rack mount). Spo0ok: ah i require a rack Spo0ok: i am running SLI citrons: ok I am ready to visit the apiary citrons: send me to the apiometaspace tower heav: observe. heav: ah, the apiary manager shut down temporarily due to chunkloading. heav: there we go. heav: okay, apiaries are back online. heav: this is an advanced apiaristic system. citrons: fascinating heav: this computer does a bunch of stuff to keep the apiaries going. heav: it even automates selective breeding. heav: unwanted bees as well as bee products are placed into the ME system. heav: we make many unwanted bees, feel free to take some. heav: access it via the blue terminal citrons: how are they detected? gollark: We condense excess unwanted bees into singularities. heav: what, unwanted bees? heav: that would be this analyzer array. gollark: Bees are genetically scanned in the machines. heav: it analyzes the bees. heav: however, this doesn't give a fitness value gollark: The software filters the top and bottom halves of each batch. heav: the computer handles all that. heav: so we can breed bees to be genetically however we want, basically. heav: this computer can show bee stats. citrons: very impressive heav: wow, the average bee work speed has increased somewhat. Syl: (5 - i you you a > 4. but ` can ale with the Uranian broadcast heav: i agree, syl. heav: want to see how it works further? heav: all drones from the apiaries are dumped into this chest. heav: the contents of this chest are fed to the analyzers. Tux1: hold on i wanna see this myself heav: then, once all analyzers fill up, it puts half of them in the ME system. Syl: it's not down the page of the pot of mods heav: the other half it tries to put in this storage crate. heav: the computer then pulls drones from the storage crate when needed. heav: as you can see, bee particles everywhere. heav: there are bees of MANY types, but the majority of them are forest drones, partly due to our genetic optimization. citrons: what are you optimizing for exactly? heav: more fertility, less lifetime, more work speed. citrons: what are they working on gollark: It's very ethical! heav: they are all producing: heav: - more drones heav: - bee products gollark: Eventually I'll be trying to optimise for specific breeds due to different comb output. heav: the bee products are sort of processed. heav: you can observe them in the ME system. Tux1: i seriously wanna check this out heav: go ahead and join? gollark: It IS very cool. Tux1: yeah it takes a while to load heav: i wonder if we're compressing any bees yet. heav: it's not at that capacity yet. Spo0ok: ther are indeed 60> windy drone heav: but i think it's closeish. heav: there are many drones of other kinds. citrons: hm, what would be the best way to transport entities across dimensions heav: ./forge setdim? heav: it can set position and dimension simultaneously. citrons: forge setdim works on entities? Syl: input as papillae to HTML other heav: yes. watch. heav: forcibly send @e[type=pig] to limbo citrons: excellent! heav: bees are to be deployed. Spo0ok: is anyone well versed in the construction of Spatial Storage Spo0ok: how is this done heav: do you require assistance? citrons: I have multiple spatial storage systems citrons: SS-A1: 20 heav: i showed them earlier, ye. Spo0ok: i have a Spatial Storage Disk citrons: I would like to visit the blattidus offices heav: where are you? Spo0ok: i am in Freebuild gollark: Did citrons see the office area yet? Spo0ok: deep ocean citrons: oh I have not Syl: I probably that you will be it < i don some with the language Spo0ok: i assume these are required heav: these should not touch at corners. heav: also, they must be on the same ME network. heav: technically you don't need to have a full wireframe cube. Spo0ok: what is required heav: just 3 axes. Spo0ok: makes sense heav: though, adding more pylons == more power efficiency. citrons: I am now seeing the cubicles Spo0ok: power is not a concern Syl: how it works to do something like thing things is still is garbage with on numpad to not have; it’s I don’t see a piece for what heav: not that you really need to worry about that. heav: now, add a spatial IO port and an energy cell. citrons: how long was the cubicle space made? heav: many thousands of blocks. Spo0ok: ok port and cell Spo0ok: sorry a large server i was in on discord got mass pigned Spo0ok: pinged* heav: i see. citrons: I would like to visit the blattidus offices heav: here's an energy cell. citrons: hello tux heav: it needs an AE2 one. heav: hi tux3. Syl: i don’t understand I'm going that is is more discord you are has has if pona pi heav: so, how this works is gollark: Ah. Tüx. Tux3: where are you heavy boy heav: a redstone signal to the spatial IO port will swap the drive's contents with the contents of what's in the thing. heav: not at the apiary. Spo0ok: we are at "Spawn" heav: it's near the apiometaspace tower, it's visible from there. Spo0ok: there it goes Tux3: how to get to apiometaspace tower Syl: You it only citrons heav: yes, you now have the drive. Spo0ok: is it possible to duplicate thiscell Spo0ok: it seems heav: i think it's bound to ID, meaning it won't duplicate the space itself. Spo0ok: unfortunate citrons: I will now unban tux from the blattidus offices heav: i'm going to go monitor the apiary. Spo0ok: thank you for your services Spo0ok: my identity has changed heav: fascinating. Tux3: poetry heav: tux1, you ARE to observe the apiary node. citrons: blattidus is dim 6, right? heav: oh, the blattidus dimension? citrons: the blattidus dimension Syl: and you now have OCish heav: wait, did Syl just use a word from memory? heav: as opposed to from just being trained with it. Syl: I’m to have it a long for heav: citrons, have you trained Syl in a manner that makes it need to use its memory so it will do so? Tux3: heav please teleport me to the epic bee zone heav: how about come here yourself? Tux3: where is that heav: you can find it from the hub. heav: and/or saying "send me to the apiometaspace tower" Tux3: send me to the apiometaspace tower gollark: Apiobot can take you directly to the primary apiary citrons: alright, I will now work on the blattidus InfiniPrison detention center Tux3: hello british heavpoot heav: as opposed to the non-british heavpoot. Spo0ok: which is which Tux3: this is some pretty advanced stuff i must say gollark: Highly advanced. heav: we have plans for advanceder? features yet! heav: gollark, apiohypnotize already? gollark: It can handle multiple bees per second and no. Spo0ok: the computational cube is now stored in the Storage Realm heav: wonderful. heav: yes, we don't have self-sustaining honey yet. heav: we plan to. heav: i might do that soon actually. heav: we do produce some honey from this, but it's not enough. gollark: The hyperbees™ which I expect this to make eventually should help. Tux3: uh okay then heav: well maybe. gollark: Although it'll probably converge increasingly slowly on bigger numbers. Syl: right has, https so be a and heav: it's at 1.051 average workspeed. Spo0ok: i have devised a system for transporting large quantities of matter quickly across spaces Tux3: yes, its called ender chests heav: matter, not items. Spo0ok: That is a possibility however I shall use large storage crates in spatial storage Spo0ok: if i require items Spo0ok: heav i must say i rather like the coloring of your name heav: thanks. citrons: perfect heav: why are you sending dots? citrons: [REDACTED] Spo0ok: i neglected to include a return mechanism citrons: it triggers [REDACTED] systems Tux3: citrons please dont redact yourself Syl: in it what order heav: Spo0ok, to keep things chunkloaded, use a weirding gadget. heav: Tux3, this is not up to you. Spo0ok: that is a good idea Spo0ok: all part of the plan Spo0ok: is the ,ffbm at spawn functioning? Spo0ok: indeed citrons: it is unplayable due to network latency Spo0ok: that is unfortunate Spo0ok: i see the blattidus offices are being reformed heav: actually, Spo0ok seems to have a strangely good connection. citrons: how so Syl: it kind to bid deal that Spo0ok: i have about 111ms Spo0ok: perhaps i am the server citrons: I have 110ms heav: the ping isn't the issue. heav: it's the random inconsistency of it. Spo0ok: i have once again failed to include a return mechanism Spo0ok: this shall be rectified Syl: https://dumps.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wp Spo0ok: what has Syl postulated heav: Syl is rather hyperactive. heav: citrons, irc colour codes!? Tux3: oh crap Spo0ok: you're ok Spo0ok: i have a spawnpoint Syl: < 70>2222035050989> can heav: limbo exists. heav: apiary systems also exist. heav: thus, limbo is == SO many apioforms. Spo0ok: correlation Tux3: correlation != causatin heav: i'm not actually stating any causation though. Spo0ok: chunkloading is the final issue heav: utilize a weirding gadget. Spo0ok: the plan Tux3: basking sharks naturally pog Spo0ok: has functionality been achieved heav: how has escape been managed? citrons: escape? Spo0ok: RfTools wireless redstone Syl: < It can < used Spo0ok: yes Syl heav: oh cool, that's how the [HG]arden? escape route works too. citrons: spook. do you have a door Spo0ok: I am in Freebuild currently heav: spo0ok actually exists right outside the hub. Spo0ok: a dedicated operational base shall be established Spo0ok: eventually citrons: hmm, that seems like a popular spot nowadays citrons: perhaps blattidus should establish real estate there Syl: what lang heav: is it popular? heav: the only person i know who truly really based there is galaxtone. heav: and they stopped playing mostly. ubq323: hello minecraft heav: hi, ubqoid. citrons: hello ubq323 ubq323: i havent been on the minecraft for ages ubq323: maybe i will go on tomorrow heav: we have new mods. heav: bees now exist! citrons: indeed heav: and HTech? has a semihypercomplicated apiary management system. Spo0ok: ah storage cells cannot be dynamically sized Spo0ok: unfortunate Syl: I like the listing of this- heav: nope, storage cells are fixed to whatever size they are. citrons: what does tickcentral do citrons: what does forestry do heav: it's a dependency for laggoggles. heav: forestry provides bees. heav: among other things. Tux3: this is so unfair Tux3: why cant we have a penguin mod heav: provides *more* bees. Spo0ok: forestry is also a dependency for laggoggles depending on your point of view heav: no it's not. Spo0ok: unfortunate ubq323: has anything interesting been built on the server recently citrons: what was the last new blattidus structure you observed? heav: HTech? apiary systems, various blattidus things, whatever spo0ok is about to build, probably a few HThings?? heav: also HTech? Accursedology?. Spo0ok: I am constructing the computational cube citrons: interesting citrons: I will come observe this soon Spo0ok: computation is planned Syl: interpunct your do do a on by one my file heav: it's accessible from the w=6 hub provided you can find it. it's a slightly hidden door. citrons: ubq323: there are likely multiple blattidus structures you have yet to observe ubq323: excellent ubq323: i will observe these tomorrow heav: wow, HSystems? are rapidly filling up with bees. Spo0ok: the optimal space for base-construction is in the Dimensional dungeon correct? Spo0ok: or the End Syl: is will that heav: actually bases don't exist in the end currently. heav: the apiometaspace tower exists in apiometaspace. citrons: blattidus [REDACTED] structures exist in the end Tux3: citrons if you redact yourself one more time i swear to god heav: [REDACTED] citrons: I will [REDACTED] Tux3: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Spo0ok: chunkloading has failed Spo0ok: i was false heav: [DATA EXPUNGED] will occur, and [REDACTED] [DATA EXPUNGED]-341 class scenario. Spo0ok: does chunkloading fail heav: it did once, but generally no. Spo0ok: alright citrons: I almost lost the location I was building at Tux3: me too citrons: I very much do not appreciate you killing me for no reason citrons: and if you do so, it will irrate me immensely Tux3: yeah, sorry about that cyanidesDuality: hello y'all heav: hi, cyan. cyanidesDuality: today i am coding the VALVES IDE heav: what does this involve cyanidesDuality: working with pyglet cyanidesDuality: which, mind you, is awesome heav: what is that/ cyanidesDuality: it's so intuitive citrons: is the valves interpreter written in python? heav: ah, that. cyanidesDuality: it's a python library @heav Syl: so <0218 2010;.2129501030969 3025 cyanidesDuality: yes, indeed heav: you're writing an IDE for your esolang? cyanidesDuality: right now i'm not coding and just doing pixel art cyanidesDuality: yes @heav heav: cool, this is the 4th instance of esoIDEs i know. cyanidesDuality: it's very hard to edit VALVES files heav: (brainfuck, befunge and that one 256 ide) heav: yes, ASCII art is difficult heav: most text editors assume one dimensional things. cyanidesDuality: i also found out i can't draw a wrench cyanidesDuality: i'm sending my bad attempt in this channel @heav cyanidesDuality: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/800374627897442335/802356550018662430/Screenshot_2021-01-23_at_10.59.43.png heav: that is almost vaguely wrenchlike. ubq323: irc does not support images citrons: it posts it as a link ubq323: suffering *is* to occur due to this citrons: unfortunately, minecraft does not make it clickable heav: i think you should remove that diagonal square at the ends and also curve inwards the ends. citrons: or highlightable, for copying ubq323: image senders are to be repremanded ubq323: and sanctioned Syl: I m mimicking the motherboard with it 15 I like to be something the heav: wrong, ubq. heav: we can view the images in discord. citrons: or we can just open the link ubq323: thank you syl cyanidesDuality: @heav i'm changing it to a screwdriver anyways citrons: the blattidus expanded lab has been constructed heav: why not change it to an image of a pipe instead? cyanidesDuality: @heav it isn't the draw tool cyanidesDuality: it's the configure tool cyanidesDuality: so far here are my tools: draw, erase, move, configure, select, add pressure, remove pressure, link portals Spo0ok: it seems RfTools Tablet does not exist Syl: what's the same zoom cyanidesDuality: zero, usually heav: very cool. cyanidesDuality: thanks, heav cyanidesDuality: how does this look cyanidesDuality: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/800374627897442335/802357669871747112/Screenshot_2021-01-23_at_11.04.06.png cyanidesDuality: for a screwdriver heav: spatula Syl: ti need heav: why is the red part so short heav: compared to the metallic part cyanidesDuality: now it is not a spatula cyanidesDuality: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/800374627897442335/802357788214558761/Screenshot_2021-01-23_at_11.04.36.png heav: have you seen a screwdriver ever cyanidesDuality: yes, heav cyanidesDuality: but you see, i'm fitting this in fucking 16x16 heav: the red and metallic parts shouldn't be the same length really. heav: lengthen the red part if anything. cyanidesDuality: i cant really lengthen it Spo0ok: How do your spatial shifting systems work? The computer uses some sort of signal to pull a cell from storage and insert it into the IO? heav: the peripheral API is used to exchange items with nearby inventories. heav: you can directly utilize chests and similar as peripherals. Spo0ok: makes sens cyanidesDuality: it'll have to do heav: you can also control redstone via cc. Syl: it could a bad programmer such of shit concludes will make to my website on by that automatically heav: via either a redstone integrator or anything adjacent to the computer Spo0ok: ah yes redstone.out Spo0ok: or something heav: redstone.setOutput(side,true/false) citrons: is there a way to retrieve what direction a computer is facing? citrons: programmatically heav: is it a command computer? heav: you can probably just use getBlockInfo or whatever it was. citrons: I thought there was a specific function to do that Syl: you’re gonna cyanidesDuality: pyglet has so much stuff cyanidesDuality: and it doesn't have a button library cyanidesDuality: of all things heav: go implement buttons, cyan. cyanidesDuality: also there's no desaturate option in PyxelEdit and that makes me sad Spo0ok: heav what Dimension are you in heav: apiometaspace. Spo0ok: Which id is that Spo0ok: numerically cyanidesDuality: i might join mc later Spo0ok: thanks Spo0ok: i am basing heav: basing in apiometaspace? Spo0ok: if that is permitted heav: great, all things ever are to be here. heav: yes, i haven't actually claimed any of this dimension. heav: aside from the tunnel?, the apiometaspace tower? and the primary apiary?. citrons: blattidus owns 98.264% of the blattidus dimension Spo0ok: i may install WAILA into my minecraft installation citrons: what is that Syl: not people who 2.0 person Spo0ok: mod that shows what block you are looking at heav: it's better. Spo0ok: that as well Spo0ok: i meant one of that type of mod Spo0ok: theoneprobe does have support for many things heav: deploy some bee cyanidesDuality: the buttons, they work cyanidesDuality: i can switch tools heav: wondrous heav: to both. cyanidesDuality: oh frabjous day heav: spo0ok, your messages aren't being relayed anymore? citrons: did you press the opt-out button? Syl: that is the good thing cyanidesDuality: i'm not seeing his messages yes heav: maybe you should nto make it so visible and pressable, citrons. citrons: I can remove the tag from you citrons: ok you are no longer opting out Spo0ok: gratias citrons: hmm, I can put the button in the blattidus HR departement citrons: when it is constructed Spo0ok: nothing important citrons: I just need to find the HR department citrons: or rather, the place where the HR department needs to go Spo0ok: may i suggest citrons: no, no, I have a location citrons: I just forgot how to get there Spo0ok: wow this computer is extremely BEES at me Spo0ok: does it always do this Syl: there is a bug citrons: SS-A1: 20 Spo0ok: this may be consuming large amounts of server memory heav: what is Spo0ok: the Bee computer at the reception desk Spo0ok: i dont know Spo0ok: it is typing BEES Spo0ok: very much Spo0ok: chunkloaded heav: not intensive cyanidesDuality: ah shit citrons: oh hello I am back cyanidesDuality: images don't support transparency or soemthing cyanidesDuality: that is very bees citrons: where did you go Syl: all the the thing Spo0ok: i shall starve citrons: spo0ok are you still consuming large amounts of server memory Spo0ok: I was not Spo0ok: i was fearful Syl: the device, thing the another to blattidus 1.1 will be or the the state of do Spo0ok: blattidus 1.1 when citrons: blattidus 1.1 is extant citrons: https://mondecitronne.com/main/blattidus heav: deploy some bee heav: apiobot, translocate me to the primary apiary. heav: apiobot?!? heav: apiobot, send me to the primary apiary citrons: when blattidus/2 releases, the domain b.mondecitronne.com will be deployed heav: send me to the apiometaspace tower heav: citrons, go oscillate. citrons: alright, I have found the planned location of the HR department Spo0ok: I have attempted to purchase webdomain Spo0ok.gay but alas the costs are far too expensive heav: Hell itself? heav: wait, .gay is a tld? Spo0ok: since september heav: fascinating. Spo0ok: also .lgbt Syl: is cool the namesake heav: what would you host on spo0ok.gay? Spo0ok: unsure Spo0ok: most definitely a thing Spo0ok: SS-A1: 2 cyanidesDuality: n i c e Spo0ok: SS-A1: 60 cyanidesDuality: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/800374627897442335/802365056641138708/Screenshot_2021-01-23_at_11.33.26.png Spo0ok: SS-A1: 14 Spo0ok: SS-A1: 15 Spo0ok: room 15 Spo0ok: perfect citrons: what are you doing Spo0ok: room 15 Spo0ok: room 16 Syl: thousand) Spo0ok: SS-A1: 16 Spo0ok: SS-A1: 17 Spo0ok: SS-A1: 18 Spo0ok: SS-A1: 20 heav: citrons deploy som ebee citrons: I am currently deploying the HR department heav: as opposed to some bee?! Tux1: deploying bees is overrated heav: incorrect. ALL will have bee deploy. Tux1: yeah okay heavy boy Syl: it does the has to win this to do, I don't know if this bot in now running, I don't know it by do that and heav: what are you hoping to achieve by continually referring to me as this, tux1. Spo0ok: that was not me citrons: is that even a possible death message? heav: yes. extra utilities 2 doom effect Tux1: what else should i call you, heavaltical? Spo0ok: I am not the cause of this Spo0ok: what has occurred heav: bee events. Spo0ok: understandable citrons: I sent such a long message that it disconnected everyone heav: maybe don't do so. citrons: there are a LOT of entities on the server heav: indeed, do NOT print @e. heav: apiaristic forms heav: send me to the apiometaspace tower Spo0ok: is anyone aware of how cassette tapes are recorded citrons: lionray heav: no, citrons. heav: that is a file converter. heav: you can write to cassette tapes via the peripheral api i think. Spo0ok: citrons is correct Spo0ok: as well as heav Spo0ok: thank you Syl: I'm like the same... I was’t a pointer type a numpad in| web wikipedia in duolingo heav: they do, however, take dpwfm files or wahtever. heav: which lionray can produce. heav: that or write random files directly to the cassette tape to hear æææææ. Syl: it doesn't like sega that I say heav: yes, syl, you are NOT to say sega. citrons: I would like to visit the blattidus offices Spo0ok: so a dpwfm file must (assuming) be uploaded to pastebin or the like Spo0ok: for acquisition heav: so long as you can get it to cc. citrons: pastebin does not take binary files to my knowledge heav: it can. heav: i did this. Spo0ok: well pastebin takes letters Spo0ok: and files can be lettered citrons: letters? text is not entirely letters Spo0ok: insignificatnt apiotesting: bees exist. apiotesting: bees exist. citrons: I would like to visit the blattidus offices heav: oh bee heav: what happened heav: the bridge went down heav: i think HNode? actually might have gone down. heav: it will autorestart, but i can't really debug this easily. citrons: it is running heav: yes, it will autorestart. citrons: it says "success happened" citrons: is success not happening? citrons: success is happening Spo0ok: heavpoot music has been achieved heav: fascinating. heav: deploy apioform heav: deploy apioforms heav: why does the bridge keep going down. heav: the bridge keeps going down. heav: i need to go debug this. hold on. Syl: you will and like to be or? heav: okay, hopefully i can get it to crash again so it stuff. heav: please crash, server! heav: my bridge was crashing for some reason. heav: i'm trying to determine the cause. heav: apioform deploy. heav: deploy apioforms heav: deploy apioform Syl: ``` the new one a 209 heav: please deploy apioform heav: deploy apioform heav: apioform deploy heav: "the socket has been ended by the other party" apparently crashes all things. heav: thanks, node.js! heav: okay, the bridge should maybe hopefully be fixed. heav: deploy some bees heav: deploy apioforms heav: apioforms deploy Syl: (@ hate not like Syl: http as you have you information citrons: I know citrons: I will run a simple webserver locally in the directory I'm writing the program, and then I can just pull the file from me to run it on the computer cyanidesDuality: what happened here heav: bridge is broken. heav: git pull isn't working. heav: it's getting stuck here 03:16:32.196077 run-command.c:664 trace: run_command: git-remote-https origin https://git.osmarks.tk/heavpoot/memetic-beeite.git LyricLy: oh hi cyan LyricLy: welcome "back" to esolangs cyanidesDuality: is this esolangs cyanidesDuality: the other esolangs i mean heav: it's gollark's fault. Syl: don its that certbot when the wheel old country of the page of the "I mono be you LyricLy: this is esolangs. LyricLy: which esolangs are you asking about LyricLy: this is logos-controlled esolangs #1. cyanidesDuality: you have answered my question lyric heav: stop messing with the tickrate please. Spo0ok: this is epic Spo0ok: that wasnt me btw heav: send me to the apiometaspace tower Spo0ok: that was just cool heav: where are you, by the way. heav: Spo0ok. citrons: they are currently in the blattidus dimension citrons: I would like to visit the blattidus offices heav: troubling Spo0ok: oh sorry Syl: so that a license system, your pen much Spo0ok: i am in a dimension that is orange Spo0ok: am i in the blattidus dimensoin ? Spo0ok: interesting Spo0ok: here is my base Spo0ok: currently working on Spo0ok: watc this citrons: where is this citrons: do not set the time to day citrons: also, do not enable daylight cycle heav: deploy apioform Spo0ok: do you like my music machine heav: deploy apioforms heav: deploy apioforms heav: deploy apifoorms heav: WHY DOES IT KEEP TIMING OUT heav: despite sending back pings perfectly, my bridge keeps timing my thing out citrons: I would like to visit the blattidus offices citrons: hm, interesting Syl: as long up is it is called online Spo0ok: i require redstone and item transfer same blockspace Spo0ok: so, conduits heav: oh now that i've started debugging the bug stopped happening heav: of course Syl: it also just of off citrons: I would like to visit the blattidus offices citrons: ok, it is time to perform trigonometry heav: the only thing i hate about websocket libraries is how it handles closing connections heav: can you not require me to fix 999 bugs and handle utterly everything please, all websocket libraries in existence? heav: how about YOU figure out when the connection closes, websocket libraries? citrons: I am back Symbiopsychotaxiplasm: question: why ask here? Symbiopsychotaxiplasm: lemme copy this somewhere citrons: copy what Symbiopsychotaxiplasm: a bunch of code palaiologos posted heav: citrons, why did your bridge take so long to send that heav: ah, was it just command lag fun?? Syl: we need Symbiopsychotaxiplasm: where's this from, heavserver? heav: this is from minecraft,. Spo0ok: minecraft indeed heav: heavserver is linked to this too though. Symbiopsychotaxiplasm: cracked server? Syl: where someone like a/0. "cover source _ Spo0ok: only official mine"craft" heav: though if you want it to be, you cuold ask galaxtone. citrons: we are using computercraft to bridge our messages in minecraft chat to APIONET irc which is bridged to heavserver and esolangs Spo0ok: essentialy, complicated heav: this is not very complicated. citrons: wouldn't that apify our playerdata Syl: oh the lemon casino which that their citrons: also, it would enable impersonation citrons: not good heav: computercraft <-> HNode <-> APIONET <-> heavserver+esolangs. citrons: I do not want this server to undergo crackification Spo0ok: the FBI would attack and scary heav: herobrine irl would occur. heav: did you know? fear apiary systems. citrons: how do you get the position of the command computer? Syl: I’m moving relative is heav: i used testforblock ~ ~ ~ heav: it gives output which gives away the position heav: but there's probably some better way. Syl: `` well it,s just toki citrons: I thought there was a function to do sp heav: there is probably. citrons: it's commands.getBlockPosition heav: okay, moving from apiary <-> apiometaspace tower is now easier. Spo0ok: [Ribbon Cable] Spo0ok: this item is amazing heav: ribbon cable. Syl: 4 tokenize rest ``` Spo0ok: ribbon cable cyanidesDuality: ribbon cable citrons: Ribbon Cable Spo0ok: but it is rainbow Spo0ok: in execution Spo0ok: i will show cyanidesDuality: can anybody send me the link to the new modpack? cyanidesDuality: if it's been updated yet heav: it's in the discord server isn't it. citrons: the new mods are in #info on the discord heav: isn't the modpack link itself also updated already citrons: it has been updated recently, but not with the four new mods cyanidesDuality: the IDE is coming along nice;y cyanidesDuality: i haven't actually implemented any, you know, editing cyanidesDuality: but! at least i have a GUI cyanidesDuality: all i need now is a tile selector and then i can work on making the thing simulateable and editable Marquis de Laffayeet: >wait, an IDE? what language?< citrons: cyan's esolang Syl: lemon currency faucet, and then forwarding you it it heav: hi, &b! wompking: what's new wompking: what's cracking heav: HTech? apiary. heav: send me to the apiometaspace tower heav: cyan, you ARE to observe the HTech? apiary. wompking: in a second wompking: someone made a hole in my tower citrons: oh dear wompking: where are you heav: HTech? apiary. Syl: like you remember use bid another wompking: i wish to see this apiary heav: you can get here from the apiometaspace tower. wompking: send me to the apiometaspace tower Syl: anyway for HYPERCAL and (x heav: proceed through the beehivelike door. heav: it's next to where you came out. heav: came from* heav: hi, HTech apiary?. heav: so, want to know how it works wompking: shall we vc? citrons: there is vc, builtin Syl: and I should work the set that that is the retrieve.result +but it’s if to Spo0ok: did i crash server Spo0ok: or just my client citrons: your client wompking: just the client Spo0ok: yeah dont use the explosion card in OC citrons: explosion card? Spo0ok: self destruct card citrons: interesting citrons: why not Spo0ok: it crashes the game Syl: also unoriginal just 1008 none? heav: it didn't crash us. Spo0ok: well thats good Spo0ok: maybe a render issue Spo0ok: but hopefully my computer is exploded when i come back Syl: that many, just use python about them in fully in which mcdonalds on a song and wompking: or you could move to discord? heav: okay move to discord. Spo0ok: yep its exploded Spo0ok: there we go wompking: could anyone see that wompking: the 10.0 Spo0ok: im just gonna delete the hard disk with my explode program heav: computer, dispatch apioform Spo0ok: Heavpoot Spo0ok: thank you citrons: this problem is a lot harder to visualize in 3d Spo0ok: heavoot what are you wokring on heav: my internet dropped lol heav: i'm trying to copy nbt data programatically from an entity Spo0ok: interesting heav: both oc anc cc are brkoen. Spo0ok: indeed heav: cc refuses to give me the output of entitydata for some reason. heav: oc is being broken by sponge. Spo0ok: sponge Spo0ok: cringe citrons: doesn't cc need commandblockoutput or something heav: i tried disabling that heav: it didn't work. heav: enabling* Syl: it can use using that you mean heav: what replacement can be used. heav: that will allow us to not lose features. heav: to sponge, that is. citrons: we need sponge for humans citrons: sponge is indespensible heav: i see. IFcoltransG: ?tag biological warfare R. Danny: Tag not found. Did you mean... chemical warfare Spo0ok: ?tag chemical warfare citrons: if we stop using sponge, all humans will be anihilated utterly heav: we need to implore oc devs to fix this then, which can't happen. citrons: why can this not happen? heav: the oc devs will likely just say the sponge devs need to fix it and vice versa. Syl: 2 if it to useful with of- have, I hope it a n i on Wednesdays IFcoltransG: ?tag help R. Danny: Tag not found. Did you mean: ?help tag IFcoltransG: ?help tag heav: coltrans, deploy a bee! IFcoltransG: ?tag make R. Danny: Hello. What would you like the name tag to be? citrons: ?tag bee consumption IFcoltransG: Chemical indulgence R. Danny: Neat. So the name is Chemical indulgence. What about the tag's content? You can type ?abort to abort the tag make process. Epicbot: Box::new(page_editing_view(page_state.clone())) as Box you. IFcoltransG: Chemical Indulgence is simply, the use of chemicals to enhance life. It is a very powerful, useful form of indulgence, that is generally coupled with biological indulgence. R. Danny: Tag Chemical indulgence successfully created. heav: ?tag make R. Danny: Hello. What would you like the name tag to be? heav: bee consumption R. Danny: Neat. So the name is bee consumption. What about the tag's content? You can type ?abort to abort the tag make process. Syl: isn does not exist heav: bee consumption is the process of consuming bees. R. Danny: Tag bee consumption successfully created. HelloBoi: ?tag chemical warfare R. Danny: Chemical Warfare is simply, the use of chemicals to destroy life. It is a very powerful, devastating form of warfare, that is generally coupled with biological warfare. heav: ?tag bee consumption R. Danny: bee consumption is the process of consuming bees. IFcoltransG: ?tag chemical indulgence R. Danny: Chemical Indulgence is simply, the use of chemicals to enhance life. It is a very powerful, useful form of indulgence, that is generally coupled with biological indulgence. heav: brb. citrons deploy irc colouring?! Spo0ok: citrons Spo0ok: thank you for validation wompking: should i ping galaxtone citrons: how do you cancel a restart wompking: i'll do it citrons: yes, please ping galaxtone citrons: unless we can cancel it citrons: spook, whY? citrons: oh, it isn't you? Spo0ok: i appreciate that you said yes to me Syl: it 40 092936461205040814> can do so many lemons HelloBoi: wompking = wompking Spo0ok: im confused Spo0ok: what do you mean whY Spo0ok: ive just got my door set up citrons: for some reason I thought it was you restarting the server Spo0ok: no i would never do anything that i fear might cause people to think less of em Spo0ok: my entire online identity is based on validation and being scared of social pressures wompking: ./restart cancel wompking: that did the trick Syl: wow don’t remember the thing the auction Spo0ok: uhhh im not activating this pressure plate Spo0ok: this is the weirdest bug ive ever had wompking: it's a rave in the apiary wompking: i have added more VALVES stuff wompking: that being end cappers and three-way pipe junctions Spo0ok: That was not me wompking: you lie citrons: my mind is unfortunately not operating in a manner conducive to programming this particular thing citrons: so I will have to program it later wompking: big oof Spo0ok: upside down crab wompking: i'm gonna make a floating island in the apiometaspace wompking: i wonder how big a boom this makes citrons: I would like to visit the blattidus offices Spo0ok: I would like to visit the blattidus offices wompking: i gtg eat wompking: cy'all cyanidesDuality: i am aware i misspelled that cyanidesDuality: don't @ me Spo0ok: the computational cube is unsuccessful Syl: I was so do it this channel, it does not replicate doesn it this in but I don't know you make the "how get no my Spo0ok: we shall expand citrons: what is this computational cube citrons: I would like to visit the blattidus offices citrons: where is it Spo0ok: tp to me Spo0ok: its under construction citrons: I will now leave temporarily Spo0ok: but it shall be a computer cube Spo0ok: able to be teleported anywhere desired with 1 button citrons: computer, dispatch employee Spo0ok: there he is heav: deploy some bees. heav: spo0ok, may i see? heav: where. Spo0ok: visit blattidus office and teleport to me Spo0ok: or go hub Spo0ok: my door is the sugarcane rainbow citrons: I have unleft Spo0ok: welcome Spo0ok: what happened to employee citrons: I would like to visit the blattidus offices citrons: SS-A1: 26 citrons: SS-A1: 25 heav: greenology has one of those. citrons: SS-A1: 24 Syl: i to idea this correctly that I thought are the one team in you I citrons: one of what Spo0ok: this is stage 1 of computational cube citrons: SS-A1: 23 Spo0ok: a music machine citrons heav: by what system will it go to other places. Spo0ok: Spatial storage Spo0ok: i shall set up a spatial storage system at the destinatoiun heav: but you need to transmit the drive too. citrons: computer, dispatch employee Syl: ( as 100. heav: why do i hear frog Spo0ok: there is a frog heav: wrong. Spo0ok: i gues no more Spo0ok: do you like the crab den Spo0ok: they are contained heav: crustaceous! citrons: why do the frogs have no back legs Spo0ok: the crabs are upside down heav: do you like it Spo0ok: wow that is frightening citrons: what has occurred Spo0ok: their hitboxes stay the same lol Spo0ok: he spin heav: yes but now you have this. Spo0ok: i do have this citrons: their hitboxes will become larger if you instead use the growth effect Spo0ok: the lightning keeps it contained Spo0ok: it cannot escape the wall citrons: computer, dispatch employee citrons: computer, dispatch employee citrons: computer, dispatch employee Spo0ok: now they escape citrons: computer, dispatch employee citrons: computer, dispatch employee citrons: computer, dispatch employee citrons: computer, dispatch employee Spo0ok: is this computer dispatch command available to all citrons: it is only available to blattidus and contractors citrons: SS-A1: 20 LyricLy: minecraft be like Spo0ok: heav have you created an apiary citrons: hello lyricly Syl: with an article heav: hi lyricly. LyricLy: it is me. LyricLy: LyricLy. Spo0ok: sorry i smalled you Spo0ok: music yes heav: oh dear i may need to go harvest some nocturnal bees Spo0ok: citrons your connection is falling citrons: hmm, I believe I may concatenate some wav files and then write them to tape Spo0ok: this music is quite enjoyable Spo0ok: i was merely noticing your green bars on the tab menu have shrunk Syl: they are its to say the thing Spo0ok: I did not know that Syl thank you Spo0ok: the monitorial aspect of computational cube is finished Spo0ok: what is the computronics speaker? citrons: for tape playing citrons: hmmm what wav files should I concatenate... citrons: I would like to visit the blattidus offices heav: BEE these diurnal bees. heav: deploy apioforms apiodeployment: 578 apioforms deployed heav: deploy apioforms apiodeployment: 186 apioforms deployed heav: deploy apioforms apiodeployment: 500 apioforms deployed heav: just running an irc bot. citrons: audio files are being concatenated as we speak Spo0ok: intriguing Syl: https://www.youtube.com/watch-v4c/ heav: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/800374627897442335/802409923647766539/unknown.png heav: observe Syl: 9 I like it a lot citrons: new blattidus office music enstated heav: hey, spo0ok, want to see something cool. wompking: i won't let you down wompking: no i won't let you down wompking: i won't let you down wompking: my love wompking: heav, did you get my message Spo0ok: wow lots fancy program heav: now observe. wompking: the one with the nbt data heav: i installed the irc package from the thing i also made. wompking: what just happenned Spo0ok: i love it heav: citrons observe IRC api. wompking: hello, boi Spo0ok: hello boi citrons: I am observing Spo0ok: ok i am off HelloBoi: raccoon cute Spo0ok: it has been an honor Spo0ok: but its night citrons: before you go citrons: come to the blattidus offices Syl: I also pronounced fonts of to not citrons: I would like to visit the blattidus offices Spo0ok: I would like to visit the blattidus offices Spo0ok: music! Spo0ok: amazing Spo0ok: thank you Spo0ok: i must go now wompking: did you get my message w/ the nbt Syl: what then there are "specially the heav: the one i responded to at 04:33? wompking: i didn't get that message wompking: or, at least, a ping for it citrons: what is occurring wompking: oh right heav: package management. wompking: i can get you spell nbts heav: wondrous, how? wompking: it's easy wompking: you code the spell heav: external editation? wompking: and then output it in the spell programmer as an NBT heav: oh right. wompking: with copy to clipboard heav: please give me a sample of this wompking: after i finish this rib wompking: K I'M IN THE APIARY wompking: come get the spell wompking: nevermind heav: hold on, package management is to occur. wompking: i'm stupid Syl: yeah I just want isn that heav: citrons, would you like to contribute to HTech?'s package ecosystem? heav: we have a few packages that exist alrady. heav: already*, heav: testpkg1, does nothing. heav: testpkg2, depends on testpkg1. does that only. heav: just for testing. citrons: I don't currently have software thawt would be good for package managing heav: well, i have one called pkgm. heav: oh, you mean software to be made into a package? heav: anyway, multifile exists also. it can pack multiple files into one file which when executed will unpack. wompking: remake the VALVES interpreter in lua heav: mfs provides convinient fs things. heav: irc is the irc api i just showed. heav: binpath makes shell look in /bin for executables. heav: pkgm is a package manager. heav: that is all packages ever Syl: because they were pretty. discord,py are blattidus 2.00 is ready improvements wompking: pure wisdom issues forth heav: cyan how about YOU remake the valves interpreter in lua and pull request a package wompking: how about no citrons: unrelated to minecraft, lemonforth has begun to exist. none are safe wompking: what do you think of my island heav: i haven't seen it. Syl: it is not light red "simps is the things exist and presence to do? heav: what dimension are you in. wompking: apiometaspace Syl: they is one the header heav: how aesthetic. citrons: send me to the apiometaspace tower heav: i can see you from here, citronic form. wompking: help is encouraged heav: i can't build non-cuboidal shapes, sorry. wompking: there is however still a pretty easy job you can do in that case heav: like what? citrons: the FAWE wand is broken for me wompking: which is: "look at the island and see if anything looks weird" citrons: FAWE seems to fail more than the synchronous WE at wanding correctly heav: this seems fine island-wise. Syl: it occasionally, from at it a judge, you don’t have an esperanto the heav: i agree, syl. wompking: i don't have an esperanto, no heav: neither do i! citrons: I have somewhat of an esperanto heav: fascinating. citrons: mi havas iomete esperanton heav: by the way, the floor above the main one in this tower will be dedicated to package management. heav: packages will be managed, it is inevitable citrons: interesting citrons: I will return wompking: oh heav wompking: i got a job wompking: fill in the top with grass heav: no. go ask worldedit. wompking: you're a big meanie heav: fiiine. heav: nope, can't heav: this grass is weird and won't let me use this tool. heav: come visit the package management floor, citrons. citrons: why not merge i and upd Syl: who time "http - Cases or a left!in a like there was how : if a in c conlang to 13233-86? heav: what do you mean? wompking: i wonder if one could make botania/psi powered cannons citrons: that's what apt does heav: i don't use apt citrons: you use install to update a package heav: yes, you do that here too. heav: upd actually does nothing. Syl: > will is works to discord to happen *jan citrons: oh I see heav: the help message is a lie. citrons: interesting wompking: sina li jan pona :) citrons: ona li sona lili e toki pona citrons: o weka e nimi li heav: the package manager in fact has dependencies. citrons: nimi "sina" la nimi "li" li lon ala heav: which may seem to be an issue, but you can install all of it at once heav: via pastebin run 6XS0Qa9j citrons: bootstrapment heav: observe Syl: ok being referenced, the best is the act of "yes "https: heav: ALL is to manage packages. citrons: what is occurring with regards to your head heav: boredom. wompking: music! citrons: hmm I need to get more sleep heav: what for? Syl: you,re don the thing citrons: my mind is ineffectual citrons: I would like to visit the blattidus offices citrons: heav, have you seen the lab expansion heav: I would like to visit the blattidus offices heav: where is it citrons: the lab heav: is this entire thing in spatial io? citrons: it is not citrons: but that is a good idea heav: you could totally fit it in a spatial io drive. Syl: as it because the disgustingness heav: the maximum size is huge citrons: hmm, I will do that citrons: can you fix the "spatially active area" sign? heav: i deployed bee. heav: remind me to do so tommorow. heav: by the way i think bees need direct sunlight access. heav: meaning only transparent (redstone definition of transparent) blocks atop citrons: well, it worked for a bit wompking: yo heav heav: by the way, i deployed bee. citrons: interesting heav: it uses HTech? hyperevolved superbees. heav: deploying obilivion frames... heav: done. this is so utterly ethical. heav: just look at the sheer ethics. wompking: ethical felines shall be deployed citrons: time to install spatial io citrons: I wish there was a convenient way to fill a chest with spatial io cells heav: also, i installed software on this command computer without your permission. citrons: apioformically, they don't stack even in their default state Syl: oooh at the usage of the internet wompking: aah at the usage at the world wide web heav: now you too will be FORCED to manage packages. wompking: and eeeh at the usage of IRC bee: bee deploy heav: i wrote an irc bot on your computer, muhahaha. heav: the one in the lab²²². Syl: I will i for ng those boxes heav: again. wompking: and it's up citrons: this is extremely common heav: i'll investigate later. heav: i have to go. citrons: goodbye Syl: its my in i nightmare with the one of the file on sona nanpa wompking: this island kinda looks shit wompking: ah well citrons: SS-LAB3: 1 citrons: excellent citrons: SS-LAB3: 2 citrons: SS-LAB3: 1 wompking: and there it is again citrons: yes, it does that a lot bee: bee deploy citrons: SS-LAB3: 1 wompking: i think that chemical reactions are TC wompking: to some extent citrons: SS-LAB3: 1 citrons: I would like to visit the blattidus offices wompking: cause if you think about it, a chemical reaction is basically just a generalised Collatz funciton Syl: I mean to get it a citrons: they aren't because of thermodynamics citrons: SS-LAB3: 1 bee: bee deploy bee: bee deploy citrons: bios.lua: attempt to compare nil with number bee: bee deploy bee: bee deploy bee: bee deploy bee: bee deploy Syl: nothing has as excellent citrons: rogue bot bee: bee deploy citrons: SS-LAB3: 1 HelloBoi: bee deploy HelloBoi: bee deploy bee: bee deploy citrons: SS-LAB3: 1 bee: bee deploy blattiDOS: I'm not safe. bee: bee deploy citrons: SS-LAB3: 1 bee: bee deploy bee: bee deploy bee: bee deploy cyanidesDuality: did the server just crash blattiDOS: Here we go again citrons: SS-LAB3: 1 Syl: the case the (2 2 2 00 citrons: because the message will be too long citrons: SS-LAB3: 8 citrons: ok I will be logging off now. goodbye HelloBoi: bee deploy wompking: ok bye heav: i'm sitll here heav: is anyone on Syl: more to play it your language cyanidesDuality: no i'm working ont eh ide gnobody: https://gnu-nobody.github.io/ect LyricLy: you came up with this site really fast LyricLy: very high quality LyricLy: when is tournament starting ? HelloBoi: soon (R) HelloBoi: c main(){int i;for(i=0;i<95;i++)putchar(' '+i);} TIO.py: !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ Palaiologos: @Symbiopsychotaxiplasm ngn wrote this code and i doubt he would want to explain it to me :p Symbiopsychotaxiplasm: i figured, nobody else uses lowercase letters with ⎕ Palaiologos: okay, i will steal this code style then Symbiopsychotaxiplasm: although it is rare to see ngn using actual words Symbiopsychotaxiplasm: that was probably for your readability Symbiopsychotaxiplasm: let's see Symbiopsychotaxiplasm: so ⎕NS⍬ makes an anonymous namespace Symbiopsychotaxiplasm: so he returns a namespace object s with function and left arg in Stream HelloBoi: c const char wonderful[] = "!\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~"; main(){puts(wonderful);} TIO.py: !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ HelloBoi: wonderful Symbiopsychotaxiplasm: wanna discuss in DMs? HelloBoi: c main(){unsigned long d;unsigned char*s="b";int l=strlen(s);for(;*s;s++){puts("ae");d*=95;d+(*s)-' ';}printf("%lux\n",d);} HelloBoi: c main(){unsigned long d;unsigned char*s="b";int l=strlen(s);for(;*s;s++){puts("ae");d*=95;d+=(*s)-' ';}printf("%lux\n",d);} TIO.py: ae 66x HelloBoi: c main(){unsigned long d;unsigned char*s="bee";int l=strlen(s);for(;*s;s++){d*=95;d+=(*s)-' ';}printf("%#lux\n",d);} TIO.py: 602274x Palaiologos: sure drop me one HelloBoi: c main(){unsigned long d;unsigned char*s="bee";int l=strlen(s);for(;*s;s++){d*=95;d+=(*s)-' ';}printf("%luX\n",d);} TIO.py: 602274X Syl: i need, I don it to HelloBoi: c main(){unsigned long d;unsigned char*s="bee";int l=strlen(s);for(;*s;s++){d*=95;d+=(*s)-' ';}printf("%X\n",d);} HelloBoi: c main(){unsigned long d;unsigned char*s="apioformic bees";int l=strlen(s);for(;*s;s++){d*=95;d+=(*s)-' ';}printf("%i\n%X\n",l,d);} TIO.py: 15 BCF4041E Syl: 2 sys.getsizeof- Kaylynn ✨: ?tag edit bottom Bottom is an efficient encoding format comprised by a set of "bottom" emoji. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/644479051918082050/799905088541425664/bottom.jpg You can find bottom-related repositories at https://github.com/bottom-software-foundation, and the reference encoder/decoder implementation at https://github.com/bottom-software-foundation/bottom-rs As an example, the ubiquitous Hello world! becomes the heavserver: following when converted: 💖✨✨,,👉👈💖💖,👉👈💖💖🥺,,,👉👈💖💖🥺,,,👉👈💖💖✨,👉👈 ✨✨✨,,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,,,,👉👈💖💖✨,👉👈💖💖✨,,,,👉👈 💖💖🥺,,,👉👈💖💖👉👈✨✨✨,,,👉👈 R. Danny: Successfully edited tag. HelloBoi: ,emoji=. = -1 HelloBoi: ?tag whatever R. Danny: Tag not found. HelloBoi: @Olivia you lied to me LyricLy: https://discord.com/channels/346530916832903169/802135412311195648/802501429461385216 gollark: Apiobot, hire SentientLemon. LyricLy: https://www.quora.com/How-come-I-have-a-rating-of-2657-on-chess-com-but-have-not-received-my-GM-title gollark: No, LyricLy. noncaptiosusform²⁰⁰⁸: IRC bridge noncaptiosusform²⁰⁰⁸: Hmm what’s this Syl: : : ||: gollark: I would like to visit the blattidus offices gollark: Apiobot, hire beekeeper, cryoapioform. Syl: as opposed, noncaptiosusform²⁰⁰⁸: I still don’t know what this is gollark: Oh, you will. noncaptiosusform²⁰⁰⁸: Will I!’v gollark: Apiobot, hire gollark. gollark: Apiobot, summon human, small human. gollark: Apiobot, hire human, small human. gollark: Apiobot, hire gollark, ?gollark. gollark: Apiobot, hire wall, wall expert. gollark: Apiobot, hire bee, apious consultant. gollark: Apiobot, hire beekeeper, bee monitor. noncaptiosusform²⁰⁰⁸: I inquire how to enter this other side that your messages claim to come from. gollark: Well, you [REDACTED] the apioforms and [DATA EXPUNGED] global memetic control systems. noncaptiosusform²⁰⁰⁸: I see, I will go [REDACTED]. gollark: Then, due to [REDACTED BUT MORE SO], you have to [REDACTED YET AGAIN] interuniversal pataphysics. noncaptiosusform²⁰⁰⁸: Doesn’t seem very hard to do, since I have [REDACTED] and [DATA EXPUNGED]. gollark: Great! gollark: I'll alert the apiary control system. gollark: Oh dear, spontaneous basalz generation? gollark: Oh dear, spontaneous blitz generation? gollark: ÆÆÆÆ BEES noncaptiosusform²⁰⁰⁸: Apioforms? Well, [REDACTED]. gollark: Okay, emergency bee ejection complete. noncaptiosusform²⁰⁰⁸: I have a way to [REDACTED] bees, and make them [DATA EXPUNGED]. gollark: This is actually ruled out by the Manning-Thompson theorem. gollark: Hmm, it appears that spontaneous wolf generation somewhat. bee: bee deploy bee: bee deploy Spo0ok: Spontaneous citrons: I would like to visit the blattidus offices heav: displace me to the primary apiary heav: gollark, what is this. Syl: yes, is will have you the so heav: hold on, profiling... testbot: haiku detected! gollark: Too bad, we ARE to recycle bees. Spo0ok: minecraft has joined the channel Syl: mi wile me pona pi the discourse in the file or something of the terminals is that I imagine them the article was completely Syl: person') heav: it autorestarts. how?! Tux1: syl are you alright heav: also, gollark, our bottleneck isn't amount of apiaries. Syl: / yes is’s a bit unreasonable for now also heav: okay, there. fixed. heav: as you can seee, bees are being ducted. heav: or were. gollark: Bee extraction is not occuring however. citrons: SS-A1: 1 heav: yes, it's analyzing. hold on. citrons: SS-LAB3: 1 citrons: SS-A1: 20 heav: we should run out of drones less quickly with more analyzers. Syl: I'm installing the page heav: do so, syl. citrons: hello syl heav: now we just wait for apioforms to produce more apioforms gollark: The cycle of life. heav: okay, another generation occured. gollark: Hmm, my temperature tolerance weighting has been unhelpful. heav: how so? gollark: Most of them are very bee and intolerant. gollark: Also, speed seems to be stuck at 1.2ish. gollark: The standard deviation of it went down a lot today. heav: are we hitting some sort of limit? gollark: I tried injecting some bees with "fastest" speed to get more into the genepool. ubq323: is the server still completely bees or is it somewhat playable now gollark: But this did not really work. heav: maybe weight speed more. gollark: It apparently works fine. Syl: I see also agree as "it ` is input.? gollark: Indeed, syl. heav: also, we do throw away half of bees. gollark: I also have a script to eject bees which are not working due to temperature etc. heav: i definitely hope our average bee production is above 2. heav: per bee. gollark: Observe, invalid beeite. gollark: Wait, why is it ejecting princesses? heav: that removes monarchy from the system, gollark gollark: I may have to initiate emergency reinsert. gollark: It SHOULD only remove broken beeoids. heav: well yes, but there won't be any drones in some of them. gollark: Apparently it also considers princesses bad. heav: due to the drone shortage. Syl: that it would not be able ubq323: communist bees? gollark: Reinitiating princesses. gollark: The bees aren't communist, my controller accidentally is. heav: i DID infuse ? into it. heav: why is our bee monitor a bee? heav: they might be biased. heav: also gollark, we need more analyzers. gollark: Apiobot, hire wasp, unbiased one. heav: to be exact, the amount of analyzers we need is ceil(apiaries/2). gollark: They won't ALL cycle at once. heav: i don't know how to explain this well and speed isn't the issue. heav: but i know it's the reason why we have a drone shortage, anyway. heav: why do we have wolflike forms? gollark: They're like datacentre wolves, but for the apiary. heav: why do some of these apiaries contain excess princesses? Syl: how also how gollark: They SHOULDN'T contain excess princesssses. My monarchy reinstator checks if an apiary is empty. gollark: It's highly advanced. gollark: Built-in counterrevolutionary capability. heav: i see. gollark: Essentially, it cannot be stopped. gollark: Except by running out of monarchs. gollark: Or insufficient free space. gollark: Or ctrl+T heav: well, monarchs don't spotaneously die. gollark: Or ctrl+æ. citrons: æ, I don't want to expend the mental computation time of figuring out how to do matrix math in cc; I just need a formula for 3D rotation æ gollark: Apiobot, summon based. gollark: Apiobot, HIRE based. gollark: Apiobot, hire based. heav: this is HIGHLY sodium hydroxide. gollark: Apiobot, hire acid, acidified. heav: careful not to titrate them. gollark: Apiobot, hire q, the letter q. Syl: you can work purposes gollark: Apiobot, hire qwerty, the letter q. heav: gollark, how many apiary systems do we have? gollark: I don't actually know. 160ish. heav: please find out, i might need to know. Syl: to 10:00] not that I was visited to with a good base heav: great, deploying 74 analyzers or so. gollark: Troubling! gollark: Might this not cause slowness? heav: not really the bottleneck. heav: that's probably still not enough, but it's better. heav: though actually, the system might run out of drones unless we manually duplicate some. heav: no wait, seems fine. gollark: I was going to say that it could cause badness as drone readdition would not occur until the buffers all had stuff, but I assume drone deposition into the buffer and removal from it are not required to occur at once? heav: yes, they can happen independently. heav: we may need another servo here. heav: added. Syl: it kind to play piano the duration of I3ve2, heav: og bee, the 2nd servo is not sufficient. citrons: SS-LAB3: 1 heav: okay, added further servos. citrons: SS-LAB3: 1 citrons: SS-LAB3: 1 gollark: I apified all the analyzers. gollark: Bees ARE to be genetically analyzed. heav: great. but they do that themselves. gollark: Bees genetically analyze themselves? Fascinating. gollark: What if bee genetic modification mod? heav: okay, i'm looking at what objects are causing me the most fps lag. heav: it's the sponge:humans. heav: but only some of them. citrons: SS-LAB3: 1 citrons: what the hell heav: i'm still at 60fps, but at larger scales this could be a concern. citrons: SS-LAB3: 1 citrons: send me to the apiometaspace tower gollark: You know you can go directly to the apiary? gollark: Via apiobot. citrons: what does the kinetic augment on the turtle do citrons: Apiobot, xtp to gollark heav: it gives it .swing and .use citrons: can you allow me to do that gollark: Theoretically, yes. Hold on. heav: can i too have xtp? Syl: I am a discord glitch questions from gollark: Hmm. I fear the code is too awful. gollark: Please hold on. Syl: I would probably be' 2 is a jan in that’s uncannily gollark: Apiobot, restart. gollark: Apiobot, xtp SentientLemon. gollark: Hmm, it looks like I broke it. citrons: Apiobot, xtp to gollark gollark: Ah. Yes. Hmm. Hold on. gollark: Apiobot, restart. gollark: Sentience WHEN? gollark: Oh dear. heav: citrons, deploy bee gollark: I'm going to have to go onsite. heav: troubling. Syl: I` 302447123785335658> gollark: Apiobot, xtp iahpbydkt_32. citrons: Apiobot, xtp gollark gollark: Apiobot, xtp SentientLemon. gollark: Apiobot, xtp @e[type=quark:crab]. citrons: you can get dimension information from nbt gollark: Fascinating. citrons: so you could summon an armor stand and then read its nbt citrons: the Dimension tag heav: weird, it seems all of these analyzers ever are full, and yet it's not sorting them. heav: am i wrong? heav: also citrons i haven't been able to gather NBT as of lately. heav: please let me know if you can get that to work. gollark: Bee incursio? heav: seriously gollark, this is concerning. citrons: why must computercraft be isometric to so many apioforms gollark: Isometric? Syl: in the universe in <#>16226759533578764> heav: it requires each output slot to contain >=1 beeoid. gollark: I think this end has power distribution issues. heav: what? it seems fine. gollark: One of them said "out of power". gollark: Oh, this one. gollark: Oh right, it was never wired up. gollark: Memeticizers memeticizing. gollark: Great, here we go! citrons: hm, I will now leave to perform tensor processing gollark: I see. heav: great, process tensors already Syl: I am all 2.)bit] heav: wow, we're still missing drones. heav: gollark, i fear the issue is that the drone buffer is too small. gollark: Well, I don't know of BIGGER storage units. heav: ME systems. gollark: I mean, you can interface with them I guess? heav: but we would have to get it to differentiate between the two ME systeems. heav: thus, do so. gollark: What if we dump ALL bees into the ME network after analysis and just have it select the best ones? heav: i see. heav: no wait, we still need to dispose permenantly of unwanted bees. gollark: Wait, no, this is æ and bad. heav: we do still need seperate drone buffers and apioforms. gollark: Probably, yes. heav: okay, gollark, please hook up another ME system that's seperate to the existing one. Syl: It I 7724466360612265302> how gollark: Do you mean "build" or "build AND somehow program all things"? heav: build. heav: i'll program all things ever, maybe. gollark: Great! heav: maybe i should rewrite all heavdrone software to be more modular and less bee,. gollark: Are you sure the drone buffer is an issue? It's not actually getting filled up. heav: it is, isn't it? heav: it's just getting consumed. gollark: I haven't SEEN this occur. heav: i see. more analyzers, then. heav: please deploy some. heav: actually, i might. heav: actually, i won't. gollark: We may need a second floor. heav: below? heav: do so. Syl: I mean that is heav: maybe i should plan out how the heavdrone UI should look before actually doing it. gollark: How heav?ronian. heav: see, i want to be able to do mass operations to heavdrones, but i'm not sure how that would work gollark: You could have checkboxes for each heavdrone, and some buttons to, say, directly inject memetic hazards, update them, etc. heav: i also want to make heavdrones able to do other things than being a heavdrone. gollark: Like what? heav: like monitoring apiary systems. heav: or reactoids. gollark: That's pretty heavdronic too. heav: also, instead of horribly routing through SPUDNET, maybe i'll have them horribly route through something else. heav: like the HNode?. gollark: That would be beneficial, yes. heav: or have it be configurable. gollark: As SPUDNET never actually got isolated subchannels. heav: hmm, so now what. gollark: Apiobot, hire iahpbydkt_32. gollark: Apiobot, hire iahpbydkt_32. Syl: the python that not really. as this very works to what it is is the bug with them but the time another to do you gollark: Apiobot, immortalize @e[type=sponge:human]. gollark: Apiobot, hire iahpbydkt_32. gollark: Apiobot, immortalize @e[type=sponge:human]. gollark: cryomemetically apify! gollark: Apiobot, hire iahpbydkt_32. heav: i somewhat want to play survival with nuclearcraft again. gollark: Perhaps. heav: it's actually a very cool mod. you can do MANY complex automatoforms with its stuff. gollark: Also beeoids, right? heav: obviously. heav: and probably thermal expansion and extra utiltiies 2 and all the other usual mods. heav: and maybe dimensional doors. gollark: Apiobot, hire Kinglemming. gollark: As planned. heav: in fact, what if just this modpack, but with nuclearcraft and immersive engineering? gollark: Great*! heav: also it would have me hosting it, so you can experience horrible lag. heav: at all times. gollark: Apiobot, hire QueenLemming. gollark: Apiobot, hire communism. Syl: and of us do a bit confusing words is this. gollark: Apiobot, hire syl. heav: try dispatching communism with arbitrary numbers after it. gollark: Apiobot, hire communism2. gollark: Apiobot, hire communism3. heav: why is it garfield? gollark: Apiobot, hire communism4. gollark: Apiobot, hire communism10. heav: try communism1. gollark: Apiobot, hire communism1. heav: finally, some actual communism!? gollark: Apiobot, hire capitalism. Syl: < like from gollark: Apiobot, hire capitalism1. gollark: Apiobot, hire capitalism2. gollark: Idea: countermemetic fø?ms. heav: hire anarchy? gollark: Apiobot, hire anarchy. gollark: Apiobot, hire democracy. Syl: and (not-"4th at to now r 1.0 gollark: Apiobot, hire republic. heav: hire apiary. gollark: Apiobot, hire apiary. gollark: Apiobot, hire memetics. citrons: hire lenin gollark: Apiobot, hire lenin. gollark: Apiobot, hire scp055. gollark: Apiobot, hire scp-055. heav: it worked! gollark: Apiobot, hire scp001. gollark: Apiobot, hire sapience. gollark: Apiobot, hire computers. gollark: Apiobot, hire computer. gollark: Apiobot, hire hire. gollark: Apiobot, hire hiro. gollark: Apiobot, hire protagonist. heav: hire employer? gollark: Apiobot, hire employer gollark: Apiobot, hire employee gollark: Apiobot, hire slime. gollark: Apiobot, hire communism100. gollark: Apiobot, hire communistic. Syl: `'. in aeiou ( gollark: Apiobot, hire creeper. citrons: hire bourgeoisie citrons: hire proletariat heav: hire karl_marx? gollark: Apiobot, hire proletariat. gollark: Apiobot, hire borgeoisie. gollark: Apiobot, hire borgeouisie. gollark: Apiobot, hire bourgeoisie. heav: apiobot, hire spelling assistant. gollark: Apiobot, hire karlmarx. gollark: BEE ROBOT! heav: gollark heav: deploy a bee citrons: hire marxism gollark: Apiobot, deploy a bee. gollark: Apiobot, hire marxism. gollark: Apiobot, hire karlmarx. Syl: it'2. `` . 5 gollark: Apiobot, hire republic. gollark: Apiobot, hire oligarchy. heav: wow, we have excess apioforms again somehow. gollark: Apiobot, hire trotsky. gollark: Hmm, nonexistent. gollark: Apiobot, hire hiring. gollark: Apiobot, hire company. gollark: Apiobot, hire assistant. gollark: Apiobot, hire assistants. Syl: it receives my brain language to the the of the embedded, I use gollark: Apiobot, hire brain. gollark: Apiobot, hire language. gollark: Apiobot, hire embedded. gollark: Okay, embedded brain language done. gollark: Apiobot, hire queen. gollark: Apiobot, hire cryo. gollark: Apiobot, hire pyro. gollark: Apiobot, immortalize @e[type=sponge:human]. gollark: Communism has been granted flight. gollark: This could result in a ?K-13 scenario. citrons: YES deploy communism gollark: No, ?K-13 is bad according to badology. Syl: i’m have heav: well, according to, . gollark: It could lead to other political ideologies flying. gollark: Oh wait, it has. gollark: Apiobot, hire microsoft. heav: yes, all political ideologies ever have ideatically been given flight. gollark: Apiobot, hire macrosoft. citrons: hire Bernie_Sanders gollark: Apiobot, hire potatoes. citrons: hire socdem gollark: apiobot, hire berniesanders. gollark: apiobot, hire socdem. gollark: apiobot, hire demsoc. citrons: bernie_sanders gollark: No demsoc? gollark: Apiobot, hire bernie_sanders. Syl: it is #deleted-channel heav: by the way, i'm also using the floor above us. heav: for package management only. gollark: Apiobot hire floors. gollark: Apiobot hire ceilings. citrons: hire noam_chomsky Syl: yes . syllables 4 | on the context is system the' it s am very is i a system script gollark: Apiobot, hire Noam_Chomsky. gollark: Troubling. gollark: Apiobot hire floors. gollark: Apiobot, immortalize @e[type=sponge:human]. heav: go manage an apiary gollark: Apiobot, hire apiaries. gollark: Apiobot, hire manager. gollark: Apiobot, hire managers. gollark: Apiobot, hire employees. citrons: hire reactionary Syl: instead is ` the citrons: hire landlord citrons: hire hegemony Syl: `` - what the also you split to the to generate the stuff effect that they should gollark: Apiobot, hire hegemony. gollark: Apiobot, hire landlord. gollark: Apiobot, hire thaumcraft. gollark: Apiobot, hire azanor. gollark: Apiobot, hire eloraam. gollark: Apiobot, hire vazkii. gollark: These things work SIDEWAYS?! citrons: what things gollark: Arcane levitators. gollark: Apiobot, hire kinglemming gollark: Oh BEE, the shield generator thinks they are players, guess they're uncontainable! citrons: hello ubq gollark: Apiobot, hire dan200. gollark: Apiobot, hire squiddev. gollark: HOW are they evading our shielding? citrons: bee mdt utterly gollark: dan200 has slightly a containment breach. Syl: it will the pot of working on the ideas gollark: Yes, uncontained dan200. gollark: Yes, uncontained rtl-sdr. gollark: Apiobot, hire rtl-sdr. gollark: Apiobot, hire rtlsdr. citrons: dan200 has no eyes gollark: It's greatly troubling. heav: idea: bes. gollark: Carcinoformic chamber created. heav: the apiary system is working incredibly well. Syl: I don't think of how just anyone out gollark: Can you check the mean and standard deviation of beespeed? ubq323: heav what is the progress with bridging ,ffbm? highscores to the apionetwork? heav: 1.246 speed. heav: 0.124 std deviation. gollark: Wow, that is slightly higher. citrons: interesting idea heav: ubqoid, this will is to a occur a the the. gollark: It appears that we have burned through all available vis. citrons: I am currently attempting to set up the hardware for syl, but the tool used to interface with the device is being incredibly apioformic gollark: The carcinoformic levitators are down. Syl: as well, as gollark: This graph is very graphical, see. heav: gollark. heav: gollark you gollark: Go contain carcinoforms contramemetically. gollark: Oops, lost something. gollark: Apiobot, displace me cuboctahedronward. gollark: APIOBOT?! gollark: Apiobot, take me to the cuboctahedron. gollark: Apiobot, send me to the primary apiary. heav: consume many ?bees gollark: Consume many mbees. heav: consume many dodecabees. gollark: Consume many hectobees. heav: i do so always. gollark: Citrons, you should visit our politicial ideology containment. gollark: Apiobot, hire ideology. gollark: Apiobot, hire ideologies. Syl: I have CSS I [ choose D heav: i put a "vis generator". gollark: Those turn vis into RF. gollark: Vis is just magically stored in the chunk or something. gollark: I can cheattronically fill vis batteries like so. gollark: The redstone causes it to discharge. gollark: Purple is flux. heav: none are safe from vis. gollark: Indeed. heav: aside from all who are safe from vis. gollark: Especially the carcinoforms in our bidirectional containment field. citrons: why the fuck is this development board running xorg heav: apparently you move upwards if you collide them. gollark: This is actually quite a good trampoline until you glide out. citrons: it's actually wayland probably heav: gollark, observe. gollark: Amazing. heav: crabrotation device. gollark: A crab cyclotron. Syl: hello that blattidus.1., there the sleep gollark: Apiobot, smite @e[r=4,type=quark:crab] heav: OH DEAR. gollark: I should have used fire resistance first, yse heav: now look what you did/ heav: oh, entitycramming. heav: you can disable that gamerule. gollark: We can also immortalize them. heav: why are the levitatoids not doing so? gollark: Hmm, vis cut out here too. gollark: What IS this thing doing? gollark: We may have apioformed the vis field thingy. gollark: Oh, this is a chunk border, right. Syl: a ring a number of it lands? it is now too in this kind the files heav: i might make some generic multitasking library. gollark: Just as planned. gollark: Discharging ridiculous amounts of vis into the aura via cheats seems safe and not at all liable to cause badness. heav: gollark, PLEASE read your DMs. heav: ah, an item cyclotron. heav: look, beams can actually pass through other levitators. gollark: How nice? heav: so this way we can gain arbitrary beam strength by increasing the range. gollark: Oh, neat. heav: i think you can do that somehow, right? gollark: Do what? heav: the last verblike thing i said. gollark: Just place them "stacked"? Yes. heav: "increasing the range". gollark: Er, it seems to. gollark: Wait, hmm, that is NOT longer ranged. heav: okay, yes, you can increase it. gollark: Ah yes. gollark: I think we've made this entire region hit the vis limit, how safe. heav: excellent. gollark: Crab pipeline! Syl: is will be able to get like to talk them gollark: Don't worry syl, incubation is allegedly imminent. heav: i wonder if syl works somewhat like hatbot. gollark: In the "can arbitrarily turn evil" sense or what? heav: well, "forced to harvest all data ever at all times". gollark: Carcinoformic suspension, probably. heav: wow, almost all of our drones have "shortest life". gollark: This is SO ethical! heav: ikr, right!? gollark: Hmm, I also accidentally made a hyperefficient flux generator, fun. gollark: This is not* likely to be bad. gollark: Apiobot, xtp iahpbydkt_32. gollark: Apiobot, take me to the apiometaspace tower. heav: gollark, deploy some bee. gollark: iahpbydkt_32, deploy some bee & minoteaur?. heav: i won't. gollark: Do so. gollark: It is to occur. heav: according to our apiologists, no. gollark: Your apiologists are being paid by big bee. Syl: I might have a conlang was to say, to I 20683),48.694 4 1 1 heav: oh bee i fear crab summoning. gollark: The crabs are as transient as a variable owned by a function which doesn't return it or anything. gollark: OH BEE CONTAINMENT FAILURES heav: don't worry , the crabtube? is fully safe now. heav: as crabs are. heav: brbrbrbr. Syl: HYPERCAL. heav: backkcckkc! heav: gollarklike forms. gollark: minoteaur?. gollark: Hmm, the crab pipeline appears to somehow be out of vis? heav: vdeploy 999 9vis. Syl: with a good linux heav: gollrk heav: dfpel yok bedn.as heav: DEPLO BEy. citrons: minecraft Palaiologos: ?avatar @Palaiologos citrons: hmm bee citrons: the TPU cannot train models citrons: therefore, syl incubation is presently not to occur citrons: yes, I will perform incubation, but it will take an unfathomably long time gollark: Become a cryomemetic cryoapioform! gollark: Also, please tell me if rifts open. Syl: but this is do route gollark: Have you considered purchasing a ”””jetson nano””” or something? citrons: hm, interesting Spo0ok: ah Music Spo0ok: Heavpoot Spo0ok: agreed gollark: h you, spoÖok. gollark: YOU should entËr the cubÖctaHËdron. gollark: As all are to. Spo0ok: i am the crimson praet Spo0ok: rustian spy what shall i do? gollark: Invoke the power of the crabs. Spo0ok: is this a command? Syl: it there s e a t gollark: From certain perspectives, you know, all is contained within the cuboctahedron. Spo0ok: i agree heav: well, actually, the end is technically not contained within there. heav: neither is the deep dark. gollark: No, GTech™ has Antimemetic Site-181 in the Nether. gollark: Probably. Spo0ok: deeo darj gollark: I don't actually know where it is or how it can be reached. Syl: 1 days slavery lemon gollark: Its computers are off and it may not have teleporters. Spo0ok: which dimension gollark: Neth"Ër. citrons: 1 days slavery lemon Spo0ok: it is reachable Spo0ok: in theory Spo0ok: oh i am Not in my office Spo0ok: i am in the overworld Spo0ok: mistake was made Spo0ok: the computational cube is coming together citrons: hm, perhaps 7mb of training data is too much citrons: hehe "Unable to allocate 243. GiB for an array" Syl: but* I mean, it works be citrons: well, perhaps I just need to process the data differently Spo0ok: 243 GiB Spo0ok: how is a fakeplayer summoned citrons: this is due to the fact that the way I process the data, memory usage increases exponentially citrons: they are humnas Syl: oh yeah that’s more information from the words used for wawa my website citrons: summon sponge:human Spo0ok: there he is citrons: wow, my collection of heavdata dwarfs everything else. this shall be rectified gollark: Please collect gollarious data also. Spo0ok: do NOT collect spo0oky data citrons: I only collect data of consenting individuals gollark: I have markov chains for [REDACTED] humanoids, but I don't think those can be turned back into their original content ever. Spo0ok: thank you citrons gollark: 11MB of soulharvested markov data! Spo0ok: if i possess data i am unaware of it gollark: ubq323 has joined the channel ubq323: i have Syl: the blattidus into like from ubq326: i agree Spo0ok: Syl is very blattidus gollark: Blattidus is very syl. heav: citrons, do you find heavdata adequate? heav: how shall this be rectified? Spo0ok: Penguin was slain by Spo0ok Spo0ok: want to hear a rel Spo0ok: under construct Spo0ok: its back Spo0ok: heav are you good at using speakers Spo0ok: and noises heav: [REDACTED} Spo0ok: the loading screens heav: yes i teleported you out Spo0ok: thanks you heav: this is a way to trap any player ever?. Spo0ok: this is true Syl: computers is discord into on a in and what is the context Spo0ok: its gone heav: bronze!? Spo0ok: connected texture gollark: UTTER bronzelike beeite. heav: future penguin containment unit. Spo0ok: they shall not escape gollark: Consume an apioform, all. gollark: You are like 1.7 tera🦀. Spo0ok: Heavpoot citrons: heavpoot, are you present in minecraft Spo0ok: i am present in minecraft Spo0ok: heavpoot is afk heav: false. Spo0ok: that was me citrons: heavpoot, go to discord and deploy some opinion heav: opinion deploy citrons: thank you Spo0ok: a computer cube of this power requires massive coolign heav: does it really? heav: why are your fans so inconsistent then? heav: why are they also blowing *outside*? Spo0ok: they are cooling heav: that's not how it works. heav: you can't just blow air at thigns to cool it. heav: no, this works via exchange of heat. heav: you're exchanging heat with cooler surroundings. Spo0ok: now the ice cools heav: blowing air arbitrarily won't cool the entire dimension down. Spo0ok: air go cold citrons: please do not build extensive structures in the blattidus dimension heav: we sort of already did Spo0ok: i can relocate if necessary citrons: blattidus, inc may at any point in time perform radical changes that may affect structures within it citrons: within the blattidus dimension heav: great. Spo0ok: perhaps i may relovate the computational cube Spo0ok: how hot is the blattidus dimension Spo0ok: Citrons Spo0ok: observe Spo0ok: pyramid Spo0ok: computational cube Spo0ok: are you trapped citrons: I have been spatially stored Spo0ok: you're back Spo0ok: observe Spo0ok: computational cube citrons: what does it do Spo0ok: computations not yet implemented citrons: what does it computer Spo0ok: however it cooling Spo0ok: the problem is that the massive fans align weirdly Spo0ok: i wanted it in the middle Spo0ok: the button performs the transfer Spo0ok: so yes this is the facility Syl: ~~ the color is one it one to the list Spo0ok: yes Syl Spo0ok: i do not know what these are Spo0ok: i believe they are penguin chambers heav: SentientLemon, deploy a sentient lemon. Spo0ok: there he goes Spo0ok: they goes Spo0ok: i do not know heav: they go* citrons: this has already been performed an uncountably infinite number of times heav: however, do so 3 more times. citrons: what is dim 685? Spo0ok: probably heav: it's private pocket dimensions. Syl: don your at a person to buy many discord citrons: what is the difference heav: they're white and every quartz door leads to a players' own pocket dimension citrons: ah, I see Spo0ok: heavpoot Spo0ok: heavpoot citrons: heavpoot, have you visited the "neutron" dimension? heav: this is just an infinite overworld with no blocks, hmm. citrons: hmm //regen has a biome option citrons: however, I don't know what the names of the biomes are heav: you're invisible. citrons: you are too heav: relogging... citrons: you are no longer invisible heav: you still are. heav: thusly, relog Syl: so not be on a conlang heav: you remain invisible. citrons: that is bizarre citrons: what just happened Syl: what it this heavpage this my? I will not accept wagers presently heav: ah, the heavpage got mentioned? heav: hi. you aren't invisible. heav: what is the purpose of this dimension. citrons: galaxtonic things, probably citrons: you are invisible again heav: why did you murder me? citrons: to see if that uninvisibled you citrons: it did Syl: could make to continue very with things mean and everything on the from version citrons: hmm, I will try the regen command on the overworld citrons: bee, //regen causes very odd things to happen Spo0ok: i am back heav: how are there 2 of you. citrons: two of who Syl: i can very to be it it you know on heav: the server doesn't have the new mods Spo0ok: i have joined Syl: "AMaZING':'" i i o o y m ı ç t r s y y g b n '* I ., ->. +SEN j e 3 "/) >,+)---., + - : *- -- " . rest are ` need a land let not a website and this I am f combinate for me this Spo0ok: Wow syl that was a big one Spo0ok: the Electric Mushroom will crash my game Spo0ok: if broken Spo0ok: do not electric mushroom Spo0ok: i broke it and timed out Spo0ok: citrons i have a gift Spo0ok: which dimension citrons: what is this gift Spo0ok: hovercraft citrons: interesting Spo0ok: it fast citrons: the blattidus space center is being constructed citrons: hello, the blattidus space center is to occur gollark: The GTech™ Space Cuboid is inevitable but tomorrow. Syl: the case to apply I just it the data to something like of heav: why is my base exploded>? Tux3: how does it feel to not be on the moon, plebians? Syl: I see and it the as that you Spo0ok: server has slow Spo0ok: why are there so many planets citrons: your base is exploded? citrons: wow, it appears an eclipse is to occur Spo0ok: i'm in the blattidus dimension Tux3: and im on the moon Spo0ok: here i come citrons: please do not conduct extensive operations, especially space operations, in the blattidus dimension Spo0ok: operations are being conducted Spo0ok: this shall be rectified Tux3: why are there so many beehives on the moon Syl: as` you lemon currency Spo0ok: moonhive gollark: Any beehives there are part of the GTech space program. heav: apio form Tux3: moon penguin Spo0ok: I would like to visit the blattidus offices Spo0ok: This music is Spo0ok: this dimension is glitched citrons: the music is indeed Syl: what, https://www.youtube.com/watch-20429121/why- citrons: glitched 686? that's new gollark: Tomorrow I will launch a GTech™ warpship and lunar facility. citrons: how large can forcefields be? gollark: 32768 blocks. gollark: The RFTools ones. citrons: ah, I see heav: deploy a be gollark: Perhaps I should make the ship ENTIRELY of force fields. gollark: This will not go wrong as the GTech power grid can never fail. heav: send me to the apiometaspace tower LyricLy: anyone have any idea how to iterate over a string LyricLy: in minecraft game citrons: with what Syl: all the second the citrons: computercraft? LyricLy: nah that's lua LyricLy: lua's easy LyricLy: I mean commands citrons: who made a repeating kill block?! citrons: I just lost the place I was working in Tux3: good news: there are now penguins on the moon Tux3: bad news: i lost where they are citrons: ok, /back worked citrons: tux, do /back gollark: > bad news: i lost where they are You mean "containment breach of lunar spehnisciforms, class lambda-81". Spo0ok: it seems i am not dead Syl: like to play to work citrons: -568 94 1163 heav: why is there a realistic sphere in the sky. citrons: it is the moon heav: can i actually reach it by moving up citrons: I don't think so heav: wow teleporting up will make everything space. heav: but for some reason there's gravity. Spo0ok: i am off to diner citrons: goodbye Spo0ok: au revoir citrons: apiobee Tux3: spheniscipenguin citrons: did I cause that? citrons: apiobee Tux3: brachyurcacrab citrons: FAWE, consume bees Tux3: bro what Tux3: all of my penguins die as soon as i enter the base citrons: apiobee citrons: apiobee Tux3: sphenisipenguin Tux3: spheniscipenguin Tux3: spheniscipenguin Tux3: spheniscipenguin heav: apioforms heav: apioforms heav: apioforsm Tux3: sphenisciforms Tux3: sphenisciforms Tux3: sphenisciforms citrons: I would like to visit the blattidus offices heav: send me to the apiometaspace tower cyanidesDuality: what is happening here cyanidesDuality: i'm gonna go shower and then maybe hop on for a bit citrons: the blattidus space center is being constructed Syl: the misali citrons: the misali heav: i do not know how to use the mod. heav: please show me citrons: I do not either, presently. I am going to look at documentation heav: i'm trying to get deep resonance to work. heav: it's weird and this just seems like glorified coal. heav: it still always actively consumes resources which are likely difficult to replace. citrons: the blattidus space center is approximately 30% complete citrons: this does not include any space operations Tux3: may i take a look? citrons: you were over here earlier Tux3: oh wow Tux3: ive been building massive versions of projectred integrated logic gates heav: "invalid launch pad structure". Syl: yes a single soul consonants and it a test specific type for of citrons: wait, tux, what command was that Tux3: cofh tpx heav: that's cool. HelloBoi: SICP uses the Scheme dialect of Lisp. Scheme implementations are available for most common platforms. From MIT, we supply free implementations of the MIT Scheme programming environment. This page provides information on how to obtain copies of MIT Scheme as well as other implementations. HelloBoi: Source: https://mitpress.mit.edu/sites/default/files/sicp/index.html citrons: thank you, helloboi HelloBoi: no problem heav: deploy 9999 bee? heav: do so already! wompking: in the creative builder's wand wompking: can you change the radius citrons: hm, I don't think so wompking: trying to fill this in citrons: use WE at that point probably heav: you could use the builders wand to make the remaining gap into a cube. heav: then just use //set Syl: [ believe a lang I type out heav: it appears the apiary systems? have produced the optimal bee. heav: to some degree. Spo0ok: oh boy there is a Raift heav: i could probably change the definition of "optimal" to get a better one. Spo0ok: i closed citrons: where?? heav: Tux1's hub rift? Syl: /. I have 10 minutes until. Spo0ok: there was a rift in the blue heav: yes that's tux1's door. Spo0ok: i have remedied the rift heav: deploy 3 bee. wompking: ok i finished the interior of the island wompking: now to shape the exterior more heav: the standard deviation of our bees is almost 0 Spo0ok: that is powerful heav: some of them are even STACKING in the drone buffer. heav: i think this is the actual ideal variety of bee heav: want some, citrons? heav: anyway, what. heav: why do you keep acting confused? heav: you've been doing this lots. heav: what is it? heav: "what" is not very helpful. heav: neither is that. citrons: I've been ripped forcibly from my location into a glitched realm heav: yes, relog. citrons: I would like to visit the blattidus offices citrons: send me to the apiometaspace tower heav: *relog*. heav: or don't. heav: i gave you a hyperbee. heav: it's in your inventory. citrons: it isn't because my inventory is full Syl: : I` I was afraid them I >0081625 ".>3 "3000500;35: 3:325416165028905>> noka heav: okay, here. citrons: thank you heav: as you can see, it has optimal stats. citrons: excellent heav: this was done via hundreds of generations of HTech? apiary autothings. Spo0ok: i shall launch a bee Spo0ok: rocket* Syl: like things heav: Spo0ok, how do you do so even? Spo0ok: I was distracted Spo0ok: thinking of bees heav: can you launch arbitrary tile entities? Spo0ok: you can launch anything Spo0ok: it converts into entity wompking: should be able to Spo0ok: multiblocks might break citrons: intererstingly, the skin for the player named syl resembles syl, albiet very vaguely Syl: and just is that Spo0ok: thanks syl heav: citrons, syl doesn't even have a physical form? citrons: or is this skin different than that of the user syl Spo0ok: i wouldnt launch an IE blast furnace Syl: ah you heav: yes, me. Spo0ok: Syl is responding citrons: syl does not need to have a physical form in order to have an appearance heav: troubling. citrons: I would like to visit the blattidus offices citrons: I would like to visit the blattidus offices heav: why does it teleport you to me heav: is this the overworld!? heav: hmm, so bee? wompking: enby pals wompking: how does this island look Syl: also a lemon currency heav: i'm not over there. citrons: it was good, from what I saw earlier wompking: the island is done wompking: i need now to add decorations wompking: i'm going to see if i can make a mana cannon citrons: I will now leave. I will come back later heav: how much later? Syl: not this need to play it afterwards compatible to run been to remember citrons: an hour or two cyanidesDuality: accidentally pressed command w cyanidesDuality: my bad heav: fascinating. heav: deploy some bee, &b. wompking: i have an idea Syl: that is that end wompking: some API for generating mana pulses heav: mana pulses? Spo0ok: ive been afk Spo0ok: im going to homework Spo0ok: au revoir wompking: mana pulses wompking: ./summon botania:mana_burst heav: ah. but what for? wompking: i wanna make a mana cannon heav: what would that do? Syl: you can change about skins it 4@93 well incorporate numbers are you really why wompking: but it needs a specific combination of modifiers that's impossible heav: surely firing mana at things is boring. heav: how does mana work? wompking: anyways wompking: come to the island and i will shwo you wompking: we have a mana spereader heav: i remember these are inefficient. wompking: and a mana pool wompking: we link these together heav: they consume as much server time as 50+ apiaries that are running, even when idle wompking: and we push a button heav: this deploys mana. wompking: what we do is we give it a lens wompking: like so heav: wow, it keeps going. heav: okay, this is mana. wompking: the point is wompking: i want to make a mana pulse wompking: with the modifiers Entropic, Messenger, and Potent wompking: but i can only choose like two heav: and you want all 3? heav: how do you even choose 2 at once. Syl: that your of for trying wompking: the point is, messenger makes it fast, entropic makes it explode, and potent makes it store more mana heav: how do you choose 2 at once wompking: you put em together with a slimeball wompking: in a crafting table heav: please give me one of these put together ones wompking: the one i use in my mana gun is bounce messenger heav: hmm, so it looks like i can't just have 3 with nbt. wompking: you can't change it? heav: i can, but it encodes the first one in its damage value and the second on in an nbt tag. heav: each of which can only hold one effect. wompking: ok, what about the mana pulse itself wompking: i'll fire one heav: got it heav: okay, it has one important nbt tag, "lensStack". heav: unfortunately, we can't make this have more than 3 either. heav: it just encodes an item. wompking: can we change the mana itself wompking: because if we could, then we can just make it have infinite mana wompking: i mean wompking: infinite lifetime wompking: and a constant mana wompking: and then we can have that with Entropic Messenger heav: i might be able to make its velocity faster. heav: and then you could use entropic potent instead. Syl: it is at a huge detriment wompking: perhaps heav: it also has manaLossTick set to 4.0. heav: not sure what that is. wompking: after a set time wompking: the mana starts going down wompking: tha'ts what the mana loss tick is heav: i can also change startingMana. wompking: startingMana can be super high wompking: depends on how big of the boom we want heav: the only problem with this is that programatically making nbt is hard. heav: it's not like JSON, really. heav: it has some weirdness. wompking: well, i can, again, transcribe the NBT and then insert values i want heav: okay, dmed you. LyricLy: "some weirdness"? wompking: actually heav wompking: i think that's cut off wompking: and i need a different lensStack anyways heav: i know. heav: yes, just transcribe the current one. heav: only 2 values need be changed. Syl: are you see to be done Spo0ok: Syl are you? heav: did you try to deop me wompking: i never did anything heav: i was deopped. heav: though for some reason i could reop myself wompking: is a ghast firing? heav: no, that's just the subtitle for deep resonance's machine. heav: i don't know why. wompking: what is deep resonance anyways heav: some power generation mod. heav: you mine "resonant ore", process it somehow, and then power happens. Syl: https://discordapp.com/channels/94372197220117752/951755457863172456//902955408823216673? wompking: what does the launch pad do heav: it's for building rockets on, somehow. heav: i can't get it to work. wompking: could we then go to the moon??? heav: in theory! heav: i wonder if rocket launching can be automated. heav: by the way, fear the crab pipeline. heav: observe: crabs. wompking: what's on those essentia jars heav: bees (liquiescent) wompking: metallo vis wompking: *metallum wompking: *essentia wompking: i see you've been working with levitators wompking: i wanna make a containment room now heav: for what, crabs? heav: penguinoids? wompking: things to be contained wompking: containment field active heav: i am making a multitasking library that should make it easier. citrons: interesting! heav: i have made the concept of a "pool". citrons: I am continuing construction of the blattidus space center heav: functions can be added to the "pool" at any time. heav: any time an event is thrown, all functions receive it. heav: functions in the pool can also add further functions to the opol. heav: functions in the pool can have arbitrary metadata attached to them. heav: pools also throw events if functions in the pool crash or end. heav: so you can write a custom handler for that if you want. heav: this hopefully gives you mildly more control than APIs like "parallel". citrons: hm, yes; this sounds much less painful heav: i will finalize creation of it. heav: and then show you. cyanidesDuality: will you also make the manacannon heav: soonish. heav: okay, the creation of it is finalized. Syl: anyway, you can no sympathy come to say me this it now'readable with as it that time to work on do it is heav: come to the package management layer. citrons: what is the tpx command heav: ./cofh tpx (you) (target) citrons: oh dear heav: observe. heav: what, is it glitched again? citrons: excellent heav: as you can see, two things are happening at once. heav: and they do not block eachother from reading events either. citrons: very nice heav: also, unlike parallel, things can be added to the pool at any time. heav: so, you can start async tasks from within other tasks. heav: this wil be useful for things that need to not be synchronous, like irc clients. heav: i'll write one quickly now heav: cyanisland? is cool. citrons: person mousetrap citrons: I was stuck to the wall citrons: ok I will continue work on the blattidus space center heav: hello, testclient heav: hmm, i don't think it likes me heav: hello, testclient testbot: haiku detected! heav: i guess not. citrons: apioforms, even heav: apioforms, even! heav: testing heav: hello, testclient heav: hello??? heav: hello, testclient. please stop ignoring me VƧ.NO: this is a lot of and a very long time Syl: cool is the unicode and for the of HYPERCAL and THEIR [redact' and the tp, heav: apioforms deploy heav: apioforms deploy! citrons: the space center laboratory is complete heav: troubling. citrons: I canceled it heav: i return. citrons: welcome Syl: in the like of the day. citrons: I am installing a spatial system in the blattidus space center heav: wondrous. heav: does it contain any rocketry? citrons: the space center must be completed before work can begin citrons: shrinking is good for cable routing heav: but you move so fast when shrunk. heav: it's inconvinien. heav: it's inconvinient* citrons: slowness citrons: slowness + night vision + shrinking heav: i'm adding useful functionality to multitask.lua. heav: now you can do pool.addFile(filename,metadata). heav: as well as pool.rm(name), if you "named" your function, which you can do by specifying name in metadata citrons: SS-PLTFM1: 1 heav: is there any other funcitonality i should add? citrons: SS-PLTFM1: 2 Syl: I made a system free to do english, but also unoriginal that you will to run to do to heav: before i leave. citrons: is there a join/wait function? heav: how would either of those work? citrons: it waits for the task to end heav: before executing any other tasks? citrons: adding a task to the pool returns an ID or whatever citrons: and then you can use the ID to wait for another task to end heav: you can already do that. Syl: sure the lines of the tp subreddit rn it that citrons: ok good citrons: SS-PLTFM1: 0 citrons: SS-PLTFM1: 1 heav: it throws an event when a pool function ends. heav: pool_fn_end heav: you can just listen for that. citrons: ah I see heav: pool.add returns a coroutine, pool_fn_end gives you the full metadata of the function that ended heav: including the coroutine. heav: so you can just check against that citrons: SS-PLTFM1: 1 heav: i really don't see why you would want to do that though. heav: can you give any use case at all heav: or any example of psudeocode where you would use this citrons: it's a function that is in almost every multitasking system citrons: any threading, process system has a join or a wait function heav: what's join. citrons: you join the threads Syl: but would be a nightmare on rust of or I was heav: meaning? citrons: say you want to do two things at once citrons: you begin the first thing citrons: or let's say heav: ah, so you wait for either of two things to finish? citrons: you have an arbitrary sized collection of things heav: or both. citrons: and you want to perform a parallel operation on them citrons: you start a task for each heav: well, computercraft already provides you with parallel.waitForAll. citrons: and then you wait/join the tasks cyanidesDuality: I hear citrons: well, you might have tasks that are not part of that heav: also, you don't seem to be understanding that you don't need wait citrons: which you would not want to join heav: this doesn't work like js async/await. citrons: SS-PLTFM1: 1 heav: if you need to wait for a task to finish, just call it without starting it as a task i.e synchronously. heav: it will still be async provided you put it inside an actual task. citrons: no, there are many cases in which you would want to wait for a task after it has started heav: this system actually is less painful to use than normal asynchronousness. heav: well, you can. Syl: I have of say to your journey idea person has not been citrons: new spatial systems have been acting up in odd ways heav: i could add a nice pool.await(name) if you want. citrons: or an odd way rather heav: though i should test other functionality first. citrons: SS-PLTFM1: 1 citrons: SS-PLTFM1: 3 citrons: SS-PLTFM1: 1 Syl: in ready ) citrons: what the hell citrons: SS-PLTFM1: 1 citrons: SS-PLTFM1: 1 citrons: SS-PLTFM1: 3 citrons: SS-PLTFM1: 1 citrons: SS-PLTFM1: 1 citrons: SS-PLTFM1: 4 citrons: SS-PLTFM1: 1 citrons: heavpoot heav: okay, the addFile and rm system works. citrons: can you help me diagnose this spatial io problem citrons: oh wait citrons: I found the problem probably Syl: > I don’t know where it was something heav: is it that. citrons: lets see if it is heav: this pylon is still red heav: oh, another gap heav: fixing... heav: weird, why isn't it valid heav: oh, no power. heav: you can't give power to AE2 systems this way. heav: do it like this instead. citrons: oh I used the wrong type of power blockqw\ heav: SS-PLTFM1: 3 heav: why isn't it changing. citrons: SS-PLTFM1: 3 heav: you didn't link up a servo/pipe thing either citrons: the what? citrons: SS-PLTFM1: 1 citrons: SS-PLTFM1: 3 Syl: 2 a'e k jan out like how i as not if what you want to make an "how "the internet that you that it more things someone I can't it it so why like is and then a single who there, which to be it a,m in < citrons: SS-PLTFM1: 1 citrons: SS-PLTFM1: 3 citrons: excellent citrons: SS-PLTFM1: 1 heav: it appears as if i am to leave. citrons: goodbye heav: go manage some packages citrons: SS-PLTFM1: 1 citrons: SS-PLTFM1: 26 heav: deploy several bee heav: by the way, syl coherency? citrons: I was talking about that citrons: the hardware which I have is not capable of incubation citrons: therefore, incubation will not be accelerated citrons: however, incubation is occurring with the new data citrons: and it will take 20+ hours citrons: I am doing it on my vpn this time so it can run at all times citrons: as opposed to when incubation was occurring on my laptop R. Danny: @sporeball, 1 month and 4 days ago: s https://discordapp.com/channels/346530916832903169/457999277311131649/790109983080448020 citrons: SS-PLTFM1: 2 citrons: SS-PLTFM1: 1 citrons: SS-PLTFM1: 26 sporeball: why did i think this was funny at the time sporeball: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/457999277311131649/802793933641744394/unknown.png Syl: is very (I> Some- * Version " || this is ..|| <.biang/579228844178894844462> ExopteronAlt: shid and fard ExopteronAlt: whoops ExopteronAlt: no i do not think so ExopteronAlt: fair enough ExopteronAlt: also fair that's their decision ExopteronAlt: personally i dont think so ExopteronAlt: trust me from my own experience owning a server ExopteronAlt: its very hard to make people fuck off without doing something very drastic ExopteronAlt: people usually threaten to quit ExopteronAlt: they threaten to quit to get what they want cyanidesDuality: has galaxtone opted out cyanidesDuality: also, you could use contracts for this purpose heav: bee deploy. heav: all have the right to decently optimized bees. heav: yes it appears galaxtone and exo have opted out heav: send me to the apiometaspace tower heav: it's not impossible? heav: wrong. heav: wrong. heav: wrong. Syl: these you be able to 2 heav: what else, would you like me to say, "you are factually incorrect utterly"? heav: idea: seperate your ego from your perceived perception of other people? heav: a rhetorical one. heav: derive what emotional context you will heav: socialspy is on btw heav: sorry, then. heav: 05:35 am heav: hi im back. heav: fascinating. heav: what of entropy? heav: did you know? disorder in a system is always increasing. heav: "only console can read this i think" heav: - you. Syl: well is like in idea heav: &kan isomorphism between ExopteronAlt and 384 dodecahedra has been demonstrated heav: as planned. heav: idea: opting out of blattidus bridge? opts you out of not getting targeted by orbital bee strikes Sylhouette: Ohh they can opt out, heh. Syl: if it is inevitable at a valid to do very useful,/.1 call is *# ** * so Sylhouette: Hello boi bees: Did you know that all is cryomemetic apioform? bees: ħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħ bees: ↑⅛↑⅛↑↑↑↑↑⅛⅛↑⅛↑⅛↑⅛↑⅛ dos: if you see this message it means that freeBSD is the best operating system dos: also can you reply if you see this message dos: thanks dos: osmarks, can you see this osmarks: Yes, I can. dos: amazing dos: thanks osmarks osmarks: However, TempleOS is superior. dos: this message sent from freeBSD operating system Syl: would this be python in the string is set to the bill that dos: now that's an ugly color string dos: thanks syl i guess dos: also my usb flashes a light whenever i send a message dos: quite nice osmarks: Blinky LEDs are always nice,y es. dos: wow, freeBSD is such amazing dos: hey what's this dos: i can press alt+f2 for a different tty osmarks: Apioforms? osmarks: How nice. Syl: the more your end then osmarks: On Linux it is Ctrl+Alt+F2. dos: this is amazing dos: i do not have a window manager right now dos: i don't think i can install packages right now dos: it's doing su: Sorry again dos: hold up dos: BAD SU matt to root on /dev/ttyv1 dos: oh bees dos: it's installing libx11 Syl: think yellow for dos: ok i am logging off dos: very good dos: i have successfully obtained dwm dos: none is safe Syl: I think my'd real for dos: thanks syl sinth orion: !unweeb this is a test Esobot: this is a test ubqoral: minecraft has joined the channel ubqoral: minecraft has quit ("undefined") Syl: are"a new of unique in anyway, gollark: Citrous form, hi. heav: deploy 3 bee Palaiologos: ?avatar @Palaiologos Sylhouette: Is discord having problems? I can't load messages in multiple servers' channels. call_me_umni: ?choose q w e r t y u i o p l k j h g f d s a z x c v b n m call_me_umni: ?choose q w e r t y u i o p l k j h g f d s a z x c v b n m call_me_umni: ?choose q w e r t y u i o p l k j h g f d s a z x c v b n m call_me_umni: ?choose q w e r t y u i o p l k j h g f d s a z x c v b n m call_me_umni: ...too many consonants, too few vowels sporeball: =tex \frac{\tan x}{\sec x+1}+\frac{\tan x}{\sec x-1} MathBot: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/457999277311131649/803350951254949927/latex.png sporeball: =tex \frac{\left(\frac{\sin x}{\cos x}\right)}{\left(\frac{1}{\cos x}+1\right)\left(\sin^{2}x+\cos^{2}x\right)}+\frac{\left(\frac{\sin x}{\cos x}\right)}{\left(\frac{1}{\cos x}-1\right)\left(\sin^{2}x+\cos^{2}x\right)} MathBot: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/457999277311131649/803357418754801744/latex.png Syl: in the |' gollark: ?tag list gnobody: ?tag list heav: ß you. heav: well ? you then. ExopteronAlt: bold b with stick in it heav: it is in fact "beta". ExopteronAlt: where are you heav: the apiometaspace tower. ExopteronAlt: wonderful ExopteronAlt: frost walker 32k ExopteronAlt: lacks ga ston ExopteronAlt: b e e f ExopteronAlt: ground beef ExopteronAlt: look at the pile of groundbeef ExopteronAlt: it looks like ground beef ExopteronAlt: uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ExopteronAlt: uhhhhhhhh ExopteronAlt: bv a k e ExopteronAlt: cook meat ExopteronAlt: are you just ExopteronAlt: o h my god its notc h Syl: my is ok is one only on the comic. and one I'll look of how that is you make that? ExopteronAlt: oh my gldn otch creater onf mincarft come on plsz ExopteronAlt: real stupid ExopteronAlt: up fluid Syl: oh I see ExopteronAlt: go uppium ExopteronAlt: uppium to the moon ExopteronAlt: ethanol ExopteronAlt: lets get drunk ExopteronAlt: glug glug ExopteronAlt: no my alcohol addiction ExopteronAlt: up ite ExopteronAlt: dont talk to me or my up ium ever again ExopteronAlt: up ite ExopteronAlt: i found better up ite ExopteronAlt: stand in it ExopteronAlt: I CAN MAKE AN AFK POOL WITH THAT Syl: I was enjoying it the person of the angle text 6 lc earlier with timestamps, it does going to be more cloud ExopteronAlt: up ite up ite ExopteronAlt: no but an e l e v a t i n g one ExopteronAlt: rocketing up to space gollark: Hi! GTech™ has beaten you to space and the apeirogon looms overhead. gollark: That is all. ExopteronAlt: how the feck do i use viaducts Galaxtone: carefully ExopteronAlt: wooooooooooooooo ExopteronAlt: so much fun ExopteronAlt: viaduct transportation ExopteronAlt: b o t e Galaxtone: im trying to gget boat to slope ExopteronAlt: hmmmmmmmmmm ExopteronAlt: i wonder Syl: I would you 220 the ExopteronAlt: whats a block that could stop vapor of levity ExopteronAlt: but players could pass through Galaxtone: whats vapor of levity? ExopteronAlt: up ite ExopteronAlt: INEFFABLE GLASS YES ExopteronAlt: it does work Galaxtone: only shifting works tho, right? ExopteronAlt: off to space ExopteronAlt: whoops ExopteronAlt: bi cycle ExopteronAlt: fly up down ExopteronAlt: infinity pool Galaxtone: hold shift Syl: everyone is a notification Galaxtone: hold shift right now Galaxtone: well jump ExopteronAlt: puzzle or quiz ExopteronAlt: test your luck Galaxtone: random choice with a twist Galaxtone: its not done yet ExopteronAlt: not ominous Galaxtone: just wait and see ExopteronAlt: bit scared but ok ExopteronAlt: watch this Galaxtone: yeah the inverted doors Galaxtone: there, hinge is aligned ExopteronAlt: but not only that Galaxtone: no i have a devious plan Galaxtone: yeah inverted doors is an old trick i havent seen in a while ExopteronAlt: door work'nt Galaxtone: to protect against griefing by placing some weird lever Syl: wrong not this like a protocol in a language distinct viesa would be a tap of people for titles at well ExopteronAlt: whoops Galaxtone: this is how its suppose to work Galaxtone: an old map trick really Galaxtone: oh hey Galaxtone: we've been secretly unopt-out'd ExopteronAlt: you haven't noticed? Galaxtone: when did you notice? ExopteronAlt: right when i joined ExopteronAlt: step on Galaxtone: let me make a change Galaxtone: your boring Sylhouette: lol hi Galaxtone: anyway make a redstone thing go nuts Galaxtone: a redstone puzzle Galaxtone: i have a twist in mind actually Galaxtone: we havep roject red btw ExopteronAlt: you have a twisted mind actually Galaxtone: dont say that Galaxtone: your the one who sent the weird memes last night Galaxtone: you havent seen any of my twists yet Galaxtone: stop snooping and do you own version of my thing uwu Galaxtone: make it a competiton or such Galaxtone: command blocks? ughk ExopteronAlt: nvm too lazy Galaxtone: do manual redstone like the good old days Galaxtone: make a puzzle thingy ExopteronAlt: piss tin ExopteronAlt: i piss din the piss tin ExopteronAlt: whoopsies ExopteronAlt: there we go ExopteronAlt: oo rftools Galaxtone: maybe i should make a vanilla minecraft map w/o command blocks and a texturepack Galaxtone: liek the ancient decreped map making days ExopteronAlt: or the console mapmaking days Galaxtone: console mapmaking days? Galaxtone: uh you can hold space + shift to place blocks in creative mode Galaxtone: without interacting Galaxtone: i mean i probably used that like years ago but i havent used that technique in forever Galaxtone: i mean i def. have heard/used it but I havent used it in froever ExopteronAlt: adventure map ExopteronAlt: are you making an adventure map Galaxtone: maybe i will Galaxtone: after i finish this well see Galaxtone: let me make you a player Spo0ok: ah thank you Syl: the > discord it does not forayed Spo0ok: my spacebase is currently in orbit above something Spo0ok: i'm not sure what Galaxtone: i feel really cringy about i acted the other day Galaxtone: whats the fastest way to kill myself? Galaxtone: (joke) ExopteronAlt: if you cannot find easy access to void jump in sewer Galaxtone: (obfuscated) Spo0ok: sewer is powerful Galaxtone: yes hes named after waste desiease Galaxtone: i mean sewer poison indeed ExopteronAlt: you die of skeptic Syl: anyway here ExopteronAlt: warp core Galaxtone: stop peaking on my stuff Spo0ok: warp core ExopteronAlt: where are you rn Spo0ok: very warping Spo0ok: i am in orbit Spo0ok: hello heavpoot Spo0ok: welcome to Spo0okstation Spo0ok: goodbye from Spo0okstation heav: why is your Spo0okstation just a white platform? Spo0ok: progress is being made heav: i see. Syl: I dunno utilise some enough a break that font what it it the lemon casino heav: agreeable, syl. ExopteronAlt: im gonan read chapter 3 of the rust book Galaxtone: im going to work on my troll more Spo0ok: warp has been achieved heav: i may have to computationally deploy infinite amounts of bees. ExopteronAlt: warp to planet b Spo0ok: this shall be attempted Spo0ok: which is planet b ExopteronAlt: must be one of them Spo0ok: i'll try sol-29 Galaxtone: ok ill just wire up the double piston extension circuitry but with this Galaxtone: and hook that up to some cascading memory gates Spo0ok: i am now in orbit above sol-29 ExopteronAlt: ore bit ExopteronAlt: bit eore Syl: I'd yes afraid in the parser server are 1.- Spo0ok: interesting connection ExopteronAlt: amazing starship Spo0ok: thanks Spo0ok: ah thank you Spo0ok: i shall purchase rights Galaxtone: wait i have to make that part... UGH Syl: I will a use been ExopteronAlt: maze bean ExopteronAlt: spoof card ExopteronAlt: hack your wifis Galaxtone: and im stdck ExopteronAlt: std in ExopteronAlt: std out ExopteronAlt: whoops ExopteronAlt: galacks tone Spo0ok: i have mistakenly filled the public white white white ender tank with rocket fuel Spo0ok: i apologize heav: as planned. Syl: I don't understand to an that ExopteronAlt: cocket fuel Spo0ok: thanks Exo Spo0ok: if one wishes to rocket to my Spo0okstation they should plan to have a rocket smaller than or equal to 5x5 blocks in width ExopteronAlt: i8 8 bit signed integer rust ExopteronAlt: f64 double precision floating point Spo0ok: [Crescent Hammer] ExopteronAlt: how'd you do that Spo0ok: shift T heav: is it okay if i send HTech? Self exploding Hypernuclear Supermetabombs? via rocket to you? ExopteronAlt: [Bucket] Spo0ok: Heav that is certainly a possibility Spo0ok: and I don't see how I could stop you ExopteronAlt: [haha wow] Spo0ok: so i say you are permitted to Spo0ok: however please select the correct landing pad heav: i see. Spo0ok: a bomb at the origin of my space ship would be devastating Spo0ok: what planet do you surround Heavpoot heav: earth, currently heav: at least the Thing? currently does. Spo0ok: ah I am around the moon so theoretically these bombs are possible Syl: I see very simplistic the of heav: don't worry, i only have a finite amount of plans to bomb things orbitally. heav: tuxoid. heav: did you know? NONE will be spared. Tux3: from what heav: [REDACTED] Tux3: oh no, the redaction is gonna get me! heav: yes. it will. Tux3: the maiden voyage of the s.s tux is ago Spo0ok: i have been Away from keyboard Spo0ok: hello Tux3 Spo0ok: i see no bombs arrived Spo0ok: as planned. Syl: but I have finalized when the, I am creating of many so the is the of, which what you win in by it that he I see Tux3: the s.s tux is currently in orbit Spo0ok: congeatulatine! Tux3: dangit, my electrolyzer isnt fast enough heav: tux3, go harvest a gas giant. Tux3: i mean that might work but i want it to be self-sustaining heav: you can, in theory, fully automate the process of gas giant harvesting, i think? Tux3: whatever, ill just build another electrolyzer Spo0ok: yes the process of harvesting planets is fully automatable Spo0ok: rockets and fuels LyricLy: ?avatar gollark Spo0ok: i am alone in this world Spo0ok: hi bee Spo0ok: this is verifiable Spo0ok: what is irc and how do i join citrons: @Spo0ok step 1: open an IRC client step 2: connect to monecitronne.com or irc.osmarks.tk step 3: join #a Spo0ok: Thanks you Spo0ok: I had forgotten the mondecitronne / irc.osmarks.tk part citrons: lemondrones will hopefully log things at https://mondecitronne.com/apionet Spo0ok: Do you have any good free irc client recommendation citrons: I use irssi Spo0ok: I'll check it out citrons: however, if you don't like TUI programs... citrons: let me see Spo0ok: Textual user interface? citrons: terminal user interface Spo0ok: Ah yes I dislike textual/terminal interfaces quite citrons: this exists https://hexchat.github.io/ citrons: this exists https://pidgin.im/ citrons: I have not tried hexchat citrons: I tried pidgin a while ago, but I don't remember how good it was Spo0ok: Oh I've heard of thise Spo0ok: Thanks much obliged sporeball: ?remind list sporeball: ?remind 5d please you gotta do the R. Danny: Alright @sporeball, in 5 days: please you gotta do the HelloBoi: use ircii HelloBoi: it's better Syl: I m pretty sure the left dos: hello apionet dos: Standby, Flushing server output... LyricLy: @sporeball why do you have your own table dos: USERS has been disabled sporeball: do you not have one? HelloBoi: i love tuis HelloBoi: i cannot believe i haven't installed midnight commander yet a robotic spy: @R. Danny Reminder queued at 12:02:10 22/12/2020: apiodeployment of forms HelloBoi: ubq323, starch. börb ✨: ?help purge Spo0ok: Call me a modernist but i like themes and design And buttons Spo0ok: I'm also a complete mess at typing HelloBoi: i like tuis HelloBoi: they are good HelloBoi: nice on the eyes Spo0ok: I'm definitely a zoomer HelloBoi: and VERY VERY good HelloBoi: they look so good HelloBoi: i love using my keyboard to type things Spo0ok: I have to disagree on that point HelloBoi: tui are so good man HelloBoi: they look beautifu l Spo0ok: Fixed width fonts are kinda eh IMO HelloBoi: What ??!?!?! HelloBoi: heresy ... Syl: I will add that HelloBoi: IBM vga font is beautfi ul Spo0ok: If it used a decent looking font id use it Spo0ok: That's just md Spo0ok: I'm very specific about very specific things ubqoral: i really love being artificially slowed down yes Spo0ok: Well in your case that may be true, but I've grown up on mouse and keyboard. When I try to navigate textual things it just doesn't click the same way mkb does ubqoral: learn then ubqoral: or don't i mean i don't care what you do on your own computer HelloBoi: imo it clicks perfectly HelloBoi: my efi interface emulates older interfaces and it looks wondorous Spo0ok: I could invest lots of time into learning how to use a TUI quickly or i could just be slightly slower than a good terminal user, and considering that I don't have great hand eye coordination I don't think the first option would work out well. Spo0ok: But yeah it's all opinion Syl: I didn't think about but I might using it pretty cool in I view you do giveaways yes to have to like that HelloBoi: how interesting HelloBoi: you are opiniated Spo0ok: I am very Spo0ok: Ask me any thing I may have an opinion on it ! Camto: Hello Meincraft Camto: Hello Minecraft Syl: and o -- day to sleep now like Camto: Minecraft seems to be having issues Camto: You ok there? Syl: and, and c really good as good accurately. it 2#2 5 I Camto: Guess not Camto: And there Minecraft goes again Syl: / ( ) the channel |`( \ -oo\ BODY ) the you ints have " . 5 Syl: yes' you should make something Syl: person in. osmarks: testbot, servers. testbot: services.apionet.irc: Atheme IRC Services testbot: mondecitronne.com: various apioforms have been deployed testbot: ubq323.website: beans . testbot: ypsvlq.xyz: The original APIONET server testbot: polaris.apionet.irc: Backup internal APIONET node testbot: irc.osmarks.tk: A very real server with very real admins! The most reliable APIONET node. osmarks: Testbot seems as testbot as ever. osmarks: physics. citrons: SSL enablement will occur soon on mondecitronne.com citrons: also probably a netsplit because I'm changing the server priorities citrons: brace yourselves gollark: The bridge is now maybe up. citrons: osmarks: are you recieving this citrons: the logger is back osmarks: As planned. citrons: hm, I will check on Syl incubation status citrons: oh dear citrons: incubation was OOMed citrons: ok, in order to make incubation achievable, I will shave off some of the ☭ citrons: Syl will still be infused with large amounts of ☭, but the amounts will be slightly smaller osmarks: Excellent. osmarks: Hmm. I wish to install a matrix homeserver, but I am not sure whether to use dendrite or synapse. osmarks: hmm indeed. citrons: 96% of ☭ will remain Syl: I see not be the context of a loop citrons: I forgot to change to osmarks.net earlier. I will now do so. brace yourselves osmarks: Remember to change the HOST, not the NAME. citrons: not the NAME? citrons: ok well I changed the name back osmarks: Yes, if your server and mine have a different name set they won't connect. osmarks: So I can't change it without everyone synchronizing such a move. citrons: testbot, servers testbot: polaris.apionet.irc: Backup internal APIONET node testbot: mondecitronne.com: various apioforms have been deployed testbot: services.apionet.irc: Atheme IRC Services testbot: ubq323.website: beans . testbot: ypsvlq.xyz: The original APIONET server testbot: irc.osmarks.tk: A very real server with very real admins! The most reliable APIONET node. osmarks: Oh no, did the HNode go down? Syl: as it not zero <675832933.71175100222 :foreskin: osmarks: I beeoidally antimemeticized it mildly. Spo0ok: Why did syl state "foreskin" citrons: syl is expressive ubq323: apioforms are to be deployed citrons: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/800374627897442335/803792071391576124/abc.wav Sylhouette: hey beensters Syl: is is not of Sylhouette: hi Syl Sylhouette: stop haunting me every time I come here. xD citrons: Syl is undergoing 3rd incubation presently Sylhouette: concerning citrons: when it is done, Syl will hopefully be more expressive. also, I am infusing Syl with ☭ Sylhouette: noice lul Tux1: penguins citrons: by the way, you can connect to apionet directly by connecting via IRC to mondecitronne.com or irc.osmarks.tk citrons: or another apionet server citrons: testbot, servers testbot: polaris.apionet.irc: Backup internal APIONET node testbot: mondecitronne.com: various apioforms have been deployed testbot: services.apionet.irc: Atheme IRC Services testbot: ubq323.website: beans . testbot: ypsvlq.xyz: The original APIONET server testbot: irc.osmarks.tk: A very real server with very real admins! The most reliable APIONET node. Sylhouette: very well citrons: hm, it pings ubq every time you run that command Sylhouette: I create account, stand by. Syl: you can be Sylhouette: abusables citrons: create account? Sylhouette: ree radio ain't working citrons: radio? citrons: MCIR APIONET broadcasting is currently broken; I am working on that Syl: something Sylhouette: I'll just stay on dc for now, too tired to figure stuff out. xD Sylhouette: aight :3 citrons: hm, perhaps I should play this new thing that I just created on MCIR lemondrone_FERUL: lemondrone deployed. none are safe citrons: oh wait citrons: is the radio broken completely? citrons: no, I just typed the command incorreclty Sylhouette: Is google needed only for registration? citrons: registration for what? Sylhouette: I ask because it's hosted on Cludflare hmm Sylhouette: freenode Syl: I believe Sylhouette: thanks xD citrons: APIONET is not on freenode citrons: it is its own network citrons: the only accounts are via userserv, but it's optional and only for permission things citrons: all you have to do is connect to one of the APIONET servers, and then apioform Sylhouette: hmm I c Syl: I map do it with blattidus interesting Sylhouette: is mondecitronne.com down? Syl: I am not time to get on sense the, and the act for citrons: mondecitronne.com is not down Sylhouette: It's giving me 502 citrons: the website Syl: what do citrons: what the hell citrons: why is it suddenly doing this constantly Sylhouette: too many apioformss Sylhouette: I wanna visit it so I can connect to irc citrons: ok, my website is fixed, but that has nothing to do with the irc server, which was fine Sylhouette: oh poggies citrons: if my website does this again I will æ cyanidesDuality: do not Sylhouette: hmmmmmmmmmmm Sylhouette: it says irc.osmarks.tk has bad certificate. citrons: well, try mondecitronne.com or irc.osmarks.net Syl: well server crap but Sylhouette: bee poos Sylhouette: gathering intel on IRC technology as we speak. citrons: excellent Sylhouette: I hope kvirc is a good one. citrons: ok I will now proceed to take a nap Spo0ok: as planned dos: this message send from ircii in xterm in twm in X11 in freeBSD on my laptop osmarks: Greetings. osmarks: All bees HAVE deploymented. Sylhouette: I can't find the correct network Syl: in but i can make and" shit' and osmarks: Oh no, it appears to be apiarizing? QualityBot: same to you sinth orion: hello irc and other bots 👋 formicaform: apionet Sylhouette: 🤖 :bees: formicaform: :bees: formicaform: :gecko: test: awesome ubq323: fascinating test: I see lemondrone is deployed test: ohhh I can have 2 chats like this citrons: hello who are you Syl: it looks test: hi, I am Sylhouette test: hey citrons how can we play the game you mentioned yesterday? lol citrons: what game test: was it an RPG? test: on IRC citrons: hm, I don't remember this test: I may have dreamed that test: dreamt* Syl: against leftist on a a the mondecitronne ubq323: against leftist on a a the mondecitronne ovalo: hello again citrons: @heav ^ syl responding to stimulus citrons: ovalo: I am actually creating a game. it is a riff on ubq323's ",flappy fly bird man?" (https://ubq323.website/bird/) citrons: it is ",super jump wahoo guy?" citrons: it is not available for playing yet ubq323: hello ovalo ubq323: who are you ovalo: hey there ovalo: oh sorry ovalo: I am new I gues ovalo: testbot, servers testbot: polaris.apionet.irc: Backup internal APIONET node testbot: services.apionet.irc: Atheme IRC Services testbot: ubq323.website: beans . testbot: mondecitronne.com: various apioforms have been deployed testbot: ypsvlq.xyz: The original APIONET server testbot: irc.osmarks.tk: A very real server with very real admins! The most reliable APIONET node. ovalo: apionet heav: against leftist on a a the mondecitronne you super fucking cilious: ?say aa super fucking cilious: but what if ovaloID|2: can u guys see this? ovaloID|2: lmaooo citrons: see what? ovaloID|2: the cat citrons: oh, I don't ovaloID|2: the huge cat xD citrons: what cat ovaloID|2: I added my avatar :P citrons: this must be some sort of protocol extension citrons: which my client does not support ovaloID|2: I use KVlrc client Syl: I do going the first this I was one of us a really cool the face ` language Spo0ok: yooooooooooooo Spo0ok: that's so awesome Spo0ok: im IRC now ovaloID|2: it's the better discord Syl: Shallow leftist censorship) large →. < i that is like me my ubq323: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz… Spo0ok: this is truly incredible ubq323: "My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…" is hereby banned ovaloID|2: large censorship Spo0ok: I dislike the graphical style of pidgin ubq323: use weechat Syl: I kind the meat for Spo0ok: ah text based Spo0ok: i fear i am too young for this ovaloID|2: it's literally a notification :| Spo0ok: my bones are too small for textual client ubq323: what is ubq323: you literally ovaloID|2: We got this, we are zoomers ubq323: type into a thing testbot: haiku detected! Spo0ok: I'm too small for text based interfaces ubq323: how old are you Syl: writing so like https Syl: I see discord, but not of my website Sylhouette: oh crash ovalo: testbot, have tummy ache ubq323: supercilious: automatic quit messages that say "My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…" are now banned ubq323: you would be advised to change it Syl: my ip this you were to do a good way the page of english supercilious: im sorry i use a paid irc app ovalo: may I ask why it's banned? ubq323: it isn't really banned ovalo: yoo there's audio calls too?? ubq323: not on irc there isn't ovalo: it says DCC > voice call ubq323: your client might support it ovalo: sorry abut that ubq323: dcc is direct client communication ubq323: sorry about what? ovalo: hmm I thought I sent u avatar notification Syl: I am use mkvpropedit work more things "*" *!.- citrons: that's an extra client to client protocol that is an extension to irc citrons: I was scrolled up ubq323: you probably did send me an avatar notification, but my client doesn't have any idea what that is so it ignored it ubq323: probably ovalo: noice ahah citrons: deep in the city the buildings wonder if they'll ever be built ubq323: high on the mountain the postman comes and says theres still no news Syl: like if ovalo: I go cya later Syl: was the power,,)lsar and gollark: --help a robotic spy: AutoBotRobot, the most useless bot in the known universe. Testing instance (alternate prefix, broken code). No Category: about Get some information about the bot. achievements Achieve a wide variety of fun achievements! apioform Generates an apioform type. apiotelephone ApioTelephone lets you 'call' other servers. choice 'Randomly' choose between the specified options. delete heavserver: Deletes the specified target. exec Execute provided code (in a codeblock) using TIO.run. fortune Gives you a random fortune as generated by `fortune`. help Shows this message list_deleted View recently deleted things, optionally matching a filter. magic ping Says Pong. radio random Randomly generate an integer using dice syntax. remind Set a reminder to be heavserver: reminded about later. supported_langs List supported languages, optionally matching a filter. Type --help command for more info on a command. You can also type --help category for more info on a category. gollark: Good enough. gollark: --ababdsada gollark: Okay, so invoke does what I thought. Syl: salana you will service for it does I made gollark: --magic py len(bot.get_guilds(346530916832903169)) gollark: --magic py len(bot.get_guild(346530916832903169)) gollark: --magic py len(bot.get_guild(346530916832903169).members) gollark: Weird, the invocation errors counter didn't go up. gollark: Oh yes, it's caught. gollark: 🐝 this utterly global state. gollark: Did you know? Coral exists. coral: ^ not true gollark: * truly untrue in falseness coral: ^ ambiguous statement coral: because i am not smart enough to parse it Syl: this server make coral: this server do make Spo0ok: did you know? coral: i did not ubq323: coral is on irc coral: absolutely incredible ubq323: absolutely phenomenal ubq323: if i want to write an irc bot in c ubq323: should i use a circular buffer for reading from the socket ubq323: or what gollark: Do you need a """circular buffer"? coral: for general purpose stuff circular buffers are good coral: but like ubq323: you do read() coral: try using square buffers ubq323: and get a bunch of stuff ubq323: so you read through it and process all the messages ubq323: but then Syl: I = just see only of a vulgar of good a new for new me li pona tawa e ma pona ubq323: at the end you're halfway through a message Syl: wow can put a game of time the ubq323: i guess thi easy inefficient thing to do is to memmove the remaining bit to the start of the buffer, call read() again, then keep going ubq323: memcpy* ubq323: recv()* Syl: where it the "I do not they them Spo0ok: minecraft has joined ovalo: fasehood ovalo: falsehood Syl: that is also up exist computer though to https in Spo0ok: minecraft has joined the channel Spo0ok: this is true coral: any truers? Spo0ok: Ring of far reach Spo0ok: [Launch Pad] ovalo: truethlet gollark: ++remind 3d all is bees? a robotic spy: Reminder scheduled for 20:10:50 30/01/2021 (3d). gollark: ++remind 1m testing the ABR thing a robotic spy: Reminder scheduled for 20:19:13 27/01/2021 (1m). a robotic spy: @gollark Reminder queued at 20:18:13 27/01/2021: testing the ABR thing Spo0ok: minecraft has koined ! tha channe; Spo0ok: minecraft has quit Spo0ok: feel so clean like a money machines citrons: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telling_the_bees citrons: ok good Spo0ok: citrons ubq323: citrons when the Syl: to : lemon currency are as very one,s think that with it ovalo: lemon dolla Spo0ok: lonilie Spo0ok: SS-A1: 19 Syl: ( no- la a bit all börb ✨: @IRC bridge help HelloBoi: @börb ✨ won't work börb ✨: i will work HelloBoi: hmm what if i create my own bridge HelloBoi: delightfully useless cyanidesDuality: will work for food LyricLy: hd!jsk py await _bot.fetch_user(447952893321150466) histodev: heav: testbot, servers testbot: polaris.apionet.irc: Backup internal APIONET node testbot: services.apionet.irc: Atheme IRC Services testbot: ubq323.website: beans . testbot: mondecitronne.com: various apioforms have been deployed testbot: ypsvlq.xyz: The original APIONET server testbot: irc.osmarks.tk: A very real server with very real admins! The most reliable APIONET node. Syl: yes may be we in > dos: when the #e is no dos: :rage: sporeball: ?tag list cyanidesDuality: it seems that the minecraft bridge does not work anymore LyricLy: interesting Syl: it the the ability ffbm: bees will be deployed to your location ffbm: new highscore in bwpt: ubq 9 Spo0ok: Ffbm irc? ubqoral: ,flappy fly bird man? high scores are now bridged to apionet ubqoral: rejoice ubqoral: well actually, /run/apionet.pipe on my vps is bridged to apionet (only unidirectionally though) ubqoral: so anything that gets written to that gets sent to apionet Spo0ok: That's cool Spo0ok: And a good idea ubq323: in principle this bot could be given other interesting features as well ffbm: bees will be deployed to your location ffbm: new highscore in wpt: ubq 7 Syl: is this ubq323: this is ovalo: ffbumblebe ubq323: i agree fully ffbm: new highscore in cmt: spo 2 Spo0ok: it WORKED ffbm: new highscore in cmt: spo 5 beating spo 2 Spo0ok: this is awesome ovalo: doesn't work on my brwser. Is it mobile only? ovalo: browser* ubqoral: what isn't working about it and what browser are you using ubq323: you are on https://ubq323.website/bird/ correct Syl: you can you’t understand your terminology up use *2. * (* yes Spo0ok: damn who is log and how did they beat my 698 in t Spo0ok: they must have extreme patience ubq323: ovalo: what doesn't work about it for you ffbm: new highscore in pt: spo 10 beating keb 1 ovalo: I'm on firefox, I have a weird configuration tho so it may just be me. ovalo: It doesn't take ay imput ubq323: i'm also on firefox and it works fine for me ubq323: what weird configuration do you have? ovalo: I am on that website yes ubq323: it's just doing a regular document.addEventListener("keydown", ...) ovalo: :o it's working now, nvm ovalo: poggers ubq323: oh nice ovalo: yes Syl I'm heppy ovalo: I am death too ffbm: new highscore in wupt: ubq 4 ffbm: new highscore in wptn: ubq 4 ffbm: new highscore in wupt: Tux 7 beating ubq 4 ffbm: new highscore in pcn: ubq 13 beating ubq 7 ffbm: new highscore in pst: ubq 13 ffbm: new highscore in pt: ubq 42 beating spo 10 ubq323: thank you ffbm ubq323: better LyricLy: ~play psyqui still in my heart Rythm: :youtube: Searching 🔎 psyqui still in my heart Spo0ok: NOOOOOOOO SOMEONE BEAT MY PT SCORE ffbm: new highscore in pt: spo 44 beating ubq 42 Spo0ok: i misclicked i was going for 43 ubq323: coral why do you keep leaving and rejoining ffbm: new highscore in btn: jsl 2 ubq323: interesting sporeball: ?remind list' R. Danny: Invalid time provided, try e.g. "tomorrow" or "3 days". sporeball: ?remind list citrons: testbot, server citrons: testbot, servers testbot: polaris.apionet.irc: Backup internal APIONET node testbot: services.apionet.irc: Atheme IRC Services testbot: mondecitronne.com: various apioforms have been deployed testbot: ubq323.website: beans . testbot: ypsvlq.xyz: The original APIONET server testbot: irc.osmarks.tk: A very real server with very real admins! The most reliable APIONET node. LyricLy: ?avatar LyricLy: oh okay sinth orion: ++exec ruby foo = <> @x end end # create new value container value = Value.new "foo" # check whether "foo" is smaller than "bar" check = value.value <<''+bar'' print "yes" if check sinth orion: ruby class Value def initialize(x) @x = x end def value x x >> @x end end # create new value container value = Value.new "foo" # check whether "foo" is smaller than "bar" print "yes" if value.value <<''+bar'' sinth orion: ++exec ruby class Value def initialize(x) @x = x end def value x x >> @x end end # create new value container value = Value.new "foo" # check whether "foo" is smaller than "bar" print "yes" if value.value <<''+bar'' sinth orion: ruby class Value def initialize(x) @x = x end def value(x) # move param into instance var x >> @x end end # create new value container value = Value.new "foo" # check whether "foo" is smaller than "bar" print "yes" if value.value( <<''+bar'' ) sinth orion: ++exec ruby class Value def initialize(x) @x = x end def value(x) # move param into instance var x >> @x end end # create new value container value = Value.new "foo" # check whether "foo" is smaller than "bar" print "yes" if value.value <<''+bar'' sinth orion: ++exec ruby class Value def initialize(x) @x = x end def value(x) # move param into instance var x >> @x end end # create new value container value = Value.new "foo" # check whether "foo" is smaller than "bar" print "yes" if value.value( <<''+bar'' ) sinth orion: ++exec ruby class Value def initialize(x) @x = x end def value(x) # move param into instance var x >> @x end end # create new value container value = Value.new "foo" # check whether "foo" is smaller than "bar" print "yes" if value.value( <<''+bar'' sinth orion: ++exec ruby class Value def initialize(x) @x = x end def value(x) # move param into instance var x >> @x end end # create new value container value = Value.new "foo" # check whether "foo" is smaller than "bar" print "yes" if value.value <> @x end end # create new value container value = Value.new "foo" # check whether "foo" is smaller than "bar" print "yes" if value.value <<''+:bar.to_s'' sinth orion: ++exec ruby class Value def initialize(x) @x = x end def value x x >> @x end end # create new value container value = Value.new "foo" # check whether "foo" is smaller than "bar" print "yes" if value.value 'foo' sinth orion: ++exec ruby class Value def initialize(x) @x = x end def value x x >> @x end end # create new value container value = Value.new "foo" # check whether "foo" is smaller than "bar" print "yes" if value.value <> @x end end # create new value container value = Value.new "foo" # check whether "foo" is smaller than "bar" print "yes" if value.value <<''*2'' sinth orion: ++exec ruby class Value def initialize(x) @x = x end def value x x >> @x end end # create new value container value = Value.new "foo" # check whether "foo" is smaller than "bar" print "yes" if value.value <<'''' bar sinth orion: ++exec ruby class Value def initialize(x) @x = x end def value x x >> @x end end # create new value container value = Value.new "foo" # check whether "foo" is smaller than "bar" print "yes" if value.value <<''+:bar.to_s'' bar sinth orion: ++exec ruby class Value def initialize(x) @x = x end def value x x >> @x end end def bar "bar" end # create new value container value = Value.new "foo" # check whether "foo" is smaller than "bar" print "yes" if value.value <<''+bar'' sinth orion: ++exec ruby class Value def initialize(x) @x = x end def value x x > @x end end def bar "bar" end # create new value container value = Value.new "foo" # check whether "foo" is smaller than "bar" print "yes" if value.value <<''+bar'' gollark: ++supported_langs sqlite a robotic spy: sqlite ffbm: new highscore in smt: ubq 12 beating Pog 1 osmarks: Hi ffbm. Palaiologos: hd!histodev histodev: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/457999277311131649/804687955541229568/img.png Palaiologos: hd!histohist histodev: Catching up on history... Palaiologos: @LyricLy is this bot still broken ubq323: when is it not broken LyricLy: it works fine Palaiologos: no clue Palaiologos: i don't trust lyric in regards of making something reliable ubq323: neither ubqoral: hd!histohist LyricLy: it's catching up ubqoral: oh yeah if two people do it at once you get two lines don't you ubqoral: really great design LyricLy: no that's histodev LyricLy: histohist has a lock ubqoral: are you using global variables for it LyricLy: it will just ignore you ubqoral: and if so why LyricLy: matplotlib LyricLy: not my issue Palaiologos: use a better language ubqoral: because i have written discord bots using matplotlib LyricLy: well matplotlib probably has a way to use it where this doesn't happen ubqoral: you don't use global variables LyricLy: but I didn't use it LyricLy: by default it just ubqoral: you do thing,thing = matplotlib.getplots() LyricLy: uses global state ubqoral: that is the default way ubqoral: no it isn't ubqoral: you're using pyplot? LyricLy: yeah that's the part that I didn't do ubqoral: the interactive thing? ubqoral: sorry remember when you said it works fine LyricLy: this is it working fine ubqoral: the bot in the ??? server takes about 15 minutes to load all the messages after a restart ubqoral: it also uses about 12% of the available ram on my vps just sitting there with the list of messages ubqoral: in comparison this is nothing Palaiologos: why does this take so long Palaiologos: why can't it catch up in realtime ubqoral: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/457999277311131649/804689252520689684/unknown.png LyricLy: because fuck you LyricLy: I didn't write it that way LyricLy: I wrote it this way LyricLy: and it's a fine way indeed LyricLy: it means I do less work ubqoral: lyricly is extremely good at developing software ubqoral: that works conveniently ubqoral: i bet this won't actually work LyricLy: yeah I haven't fixed the severe issues with it LyricLy: namely that somehow the entire thing became broken ubqoral: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/457999277311131649/804690129305993246/img.png ubqoral: great graphs ubqoral: (from the last time anyone did histohist) ubqoral: why is it called histodev anyway ubqoral: what does that mean histodev: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/457999277311131649/804690209274200094/img.png ubqoral: yep, still great ubqoral: and why histohist ubqoral: and not just LyricLy: histodev = device histogram LyricLy: histohist = history histogram LyricLy: or something ubqoral: but it's not a histogram ubqoral: it's an N LyricLy: doesn't matter ubqoral: with no axis labels LyricLy: that's not the point ubqoral: so i can't even tell what the N is failing to accurately represent ubqoral: it's not even a symmetrical N LyricLy: that's supposed to be time. ubqoral: not only have you generated a graph that doesn't work LyricLy: I think the module updated and broke everything LyricLy: because those are supposed to be times but now it's numbers??? ubqoral: there are no axes or context, so you can't laugh at the absurdity of the implied results ubqoral: and the incorrect graph is not even aesthetically pleasing ubqoral: like seriously LyricLy: it's N LyricLy: don't you like N? cyanidesDuality: ah yes, very N LyricLy: personally I still manage to derive laughs from how it's entirely nonsensical and seemingly has no basis in anything ubqoral: that was the case at https://discord.com/channels/346530916832903169/348702212110680064/801442298147504158 ubqoral: the absurdity has worn off now ubqoral: hd!histodev histodev: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/457999277311131649/804691358765940796/img.png Palaiologos: i''m actually Palaiologos: gonna make histodev but good ubqoral: i already have made histodev but good ubqoral: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/457999277311131649/804691463807959071/unknown.png LyricLy: I like how histodev says percentage even though it isn't LyricLy: because I don't know what the word is LyricLy: for that LyricLy: (I still do not know) LyricLy: (someone please tell me) ubqoral: proportion LyricLy: that's the one LyricLy: you are right ubqoral: or just multiply by 100 then call it percentage ubqoral: i'm always right LyricLy: that would probably be optimal Palaiologos: can it plot graphs like histohist ubqoral: no actually Palaiologos: i mean, not as horrible graphs Palaiologos: but that try to accomplish the same functionality ubqoral: it used to ubqoral: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/457999277311131649/804691831089790976/unknown.png ubqoral: but not very well Palaiologos: what the fuck ubqoral: instead of fixing it i just deleted it though Palaiologos: why does this happen to everyone ubqoral: see, that is a funny broken graph ubqoral: fucking "N" is not Palaiologos: yoou could have sorted it Palaiologos: and it'd work LyricLy: this is what histodev used to output ubq LyricLy: it's when you don't sort ubqoral: i did sort ubqoral: i'm pretty sure Palaiologos: you didn't LyricLy: you clearly didn't ubqoral: i added the datapoints to the thing as i recived them Palaiologos: this is obvious from the graph LyricLy: I am looking right at it ubqoral: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/457999277311131649/804692113853513728/unknown.png ubqoral: hmm i don't sort it actually ubqoral: or well, didn't ubqoral: since this code was removed in march 2019 ubqoral: how long has histodev been around @LyricLy Palaiologos: fairly long Palaiologos: 13.2.2020 ubqoral: question mark stats has been around since 2018-10-22 ubqoral: so there LyricLy: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/457999277311131649/804692802809495572/379.png LyricLy: I scrolled very hard to find this LyricLy: the first histohist ubqoral: wait so has it ever worked LyricLy: there was a period where it worked correctly LyricLy: then it broke ubqoral: you started working on histohist more than a year after i removed !!history from my bot LyricLy: interesting LyricLy: do not worry, I didn't steal your idea LyricLy: I stole it from @Koishi LyricLy: koishi does statuses and I requested device as well LyricLy: bot owner said no so I said I'll do it myself LyricLy: and she said fine so I did ubqoral: also the help for the main !!go command has said "Note: this command is going to be removed in the future and replaced with several different commands." since november 2018 ubq323: neither bee: aaaaaaaaaaaaa ubq323: weechat can be controlled via fifo gollark: Apiaries online? ubqoral: @gollark the bridge is down gollark: Confirmed, ALL is bee. ubq323: it appears to be up again (???) citrons: hmm, I was wondering if we'd call the new minecraft server something apioformic gollark: I had to restart it to link apionet on [REDACTED]. ubq323: what have you linked to gollark: [REDACTED] ubq323: ah, i see citrons: apioverse ubq323: apionic cinematic universe gollark: I have MUCH nicer graphs than histodev, but only for all guilds ever (not broken down by user/guild) at once, via the ABR dashboard. heav: apionic crafting (and possibly mining) initiative 38-ε. Spo0ok: this chat is now universal ubq323: apionet neural interface when ubq323: hmm indeed ubq323: conic nomic 2 !!!! https://discord.gg/3f3Vc6BbcQ ffbm: new highscore in smd: ubq 29 Spo0ok: congratulations ffbm: new highscore in sd: ubq 9 ffbm: new highscore in psm: ubq 10 beating ubq 4 ffbm: new highscore in psm: 23 beating ubq 10 heav: @ubq323 unicode heav: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/804732207678750740/804875183550496788/unknown.png ffbm: new highscore in sd: 18 beating ubq 9 ffbm: new highscore in smd: 60 beating ubq 29 ffbm: new highscore in sad: 15 ubq323: that should be ö ubq323: worrying heav: it's actually ☭🐝. ffbm: test test ubq323: should be an ö there ubq323: i will fix this later i am busy now ffbm: new highscore in bwu: 30 beating Tux 20 heav: @Tux1 observe: removal of Tuxscore™. Tux1: oh its on old man heav: now we can see scores being removed! ffbm: new highscore in ui: 40 beating Tux 34 ffbm: new highscore in uip: 8 beating Tux 6 Tux1: how the fu heav: how what? ffbm: new highscore in ua: 10 beating Tux 7 ffbm: new highscore in uip: Tux 11 beating 8 ffbm: new highscore in ua: Tux 16 beating 10 ffbm: new highscore in uip: 12 beating Tux 11 ffbm: new highscore in wu: 30 beating Tux 24 ffbm: new highscore in bwa: 2 beating ubq 0 ffbm: new highscore in wd: 12 ffbm: new highscore in wd: Tux 27 beating 12 ffbm: new highscore in sh: 38 beating ubq 25 ffbm: new highscore in un: 14 beating ubq 6 ffbm: new highscore in bn: 24 beating ubq 21 heav: does this still stand ffbm: new highscore in hn: 29 beating 11 ffbm: new highscore in rca: 12 heav: ...rca? heav: r isn't a mode that's counted. oh dear. heav: it didn't even say i beat cor. heav: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/457999277311131649/804911140273651712/unknown.png heav: @ubqoral major issue: the ffbm bot somehow counts rtx as a seperate mode ffbm: new highscore in bwuip: 3 beating Tux 2 ffbm: new highscore in b: 75 beating Tux 62 ffbm: new highscore in bwuip: Tux 4 beating 3 ffbm: new highscore in u: 84 beating Tux 67 ffbm: new highscore in b: Tux 97 beating 75 ffbm: new highscore in u: Tux 97 beating 84 ffbm: new highscore in i: 142 beating Tux 61 ffbm: new highscore in psc: 19 beating ubq 14 ffbm: new highscore in pscm: 35 beating ubq 14 ffbm: new highscore in pcm: 32 beating ubq 13 ffbm: new highscore in pc: 95 beating Tux 46 ffbm: new highscore in bips: 14 beating Tux 10 ffbm: new highscore in bis: 27 beating Tux 15 ffbm: new highscore in bips: Tux 18 beating 14 ffbm: new highscore in bs: 123 beating Tux 63 ffbm: new highscore in bips: 28 beating Tux 18 ffbm: new highscore in wip: 13 ffbm: new highscore in wis: 33 beating Tux 18 ImThatOneGuyIRL: trademark LyricLy: hd!jsk py await _bot.fetch_user(447952893321150466) histodev: Lyxal: ++remind 69h frick a robotic spy: Reminder scheduled for 07:58:16 02/02/2021 (2d21h). Lyxal: Wth do you have light mode börb ✨: this picture is old ubqoral: oh bee osmarks: testbot, inv testbot: tummy ache testbot: bucket of tropical fish testbot: 3 accursed IRC<->WS bridges testbot: 12 minecrafts testbot: ubq323's existence testbot: harbinging of testbot: 9 gollarious forms testbot: 10 bismuths testbot: supercilious as a hostage also testbot: 6 demands heav: @gollark, fix the ☭ issue. heav: tesbot, take a ☭. heav: tesbot, take a ☭ heav: testbot, deploy package management testbot: Deploying package management a robotic spy: @gollark Reminder queued at 20:10:50 27/01/2021: all is bees? heav: actually, only 88.324% of things are bees as of now. heav: however, by 2040, [REDACTED] apions [QUANTUM APIARISTICS EXPUNGED]. heav: @gollark @gollark unicode testbot: haiku detected! heav: fascinating. ffbm: new highscore in wn: 4 ffbm: new highscore in uprn: 14 ffbm: new highscore in sn: 11 beating jsl 6 ffbm: new highscore in icm: 7 beating ubq 6 ffbm: new highscore in bui: 18 beating Tux 16 ffbm: new highscore in bup: 9 beating Tux 3 ffbm: new highscore in busmh: 4 ffbm: new highscore in bush: 16 ffbm: new highscore in bun: 24 ffbm: new highscore in bad: 6 beating thi 3 ffbm: new highscore in bat: 1 ffbm: new highscore in ban: 1 ffbm: new highscore in wad: 20 ffbm: new highscore in win: 12 ffbm: new highscore in bin: 0 ffbm: new highscore in bit: 2 ffbm: new highscore in bisct: 1 börb ✨: ?remind march 30 hi kay :> R. Danny: Alright @börb ✨, in 1 month, 4 weeks and 2 days: hi kay :> Lyxal: Oh I see what I must do Lyxal: ++help a robotic spy: AutoBotRobot, the most useless bot in the known universe. No Category: about Get some information about the bot. achievements Achieve a wide variety of fun achievements! apioform Generates an apioform type. apiotelephone ApioTelephone lets you 'call' other servers. choice 'Randomly' choose between the specified options. delete Deletes the specified target. exec Execute heavserver: provided code (in a codeblock) using TIO.run. fortune Gives you a random fortune as generated by `fortune`. help Shows this message list_deleted View recently deleted things, optionally matching a filter. ping Says Pong. random Randomly generate an integer using dice syntax. remind Set a reminder to be reminded about later. supported_langs List supported languages, optionally matching a filter. heavserver: Type ++help command for more info on a command. You can also type ++help category for more info on a category. Lyxal: testbot help testbot: nobody can help you now Lyxal: testbot commit die Lyxal: That is way funnier than I expected it to be Lyxal: Oh crap not not an apioform: Testbot help testbot: nobody can help you now not not an apioform: Testbot inventory testbot: 4 pens testbot: 1i-3j+3k pen testbot: (1+1i-3j+3k) pen testbot: 12 inch-penises testbot: -1 i pens testbot: i ą pen testbot: -1 2i ą pens testbot: ą apple not not an apioform: Testbot delete ligma not not an apioform: Testbot give 1 ligma not not an apioform: Testbot discard 1 ligma not not an apioform: Testbot drop 1 ligma not not an apioform: Testbot give -1 ligma not not an apioform: Testbot give -1 pens not not an apioform: Testbot inventory testbot: 3 pens testbot: 0 apples testbot: 0 ligmas testbot: 1i-3j+3k pen testbot: (1+1i-3j+3k) pen testbot: 12 inch-penises testbot: -1 i pens testbot: i ą pen testbot: -1 2i ą pens testbot: ą apple not not an apioform: Testbot inventory testbot: 133 degrees for my heat waves testbot: 26559139 pens testbot: 10 24 pens testbot: 0 apples testbot: 0 ligmas testbot: 1i-3j+3k pen testbot: (1+1i-3j+3k) pen testbot: 12 inch-penises testbot: -1 i pens testbot: i ą pen not not an apioform: Testbot inventory testbot: admin rights to @not not an apioform testbot: Celsius scale testbot: 133 degrees for my heat waves testbot: 26559139 pens testbot: 10 24 pens testbot: 0 apples testbot: 0 ligmas testbot: 1i-3j+3k pen testbot: (1+1i-3j+3k) pen testbot: 12 inch-penises heav: @LyricLy procure 16 macrons R. Danny: @sporeball, 5 days ago: please you gotta do the https://discordapp.com/channels/346530916832903169/457999277311131649/803512256024674305 HelloBoi: @sporeball where naz 99beer sporeball: it will be done in the next 24 hours sporeball: it should be noted this is before the deadlibne HelloBoi: testbot, where have th HelloBoi: c main(){putchar(('N'+13)&'A');} HelloBoi: c main(){putchar(('O'+13)&'A');} Lyxal: !buy 5 Lyxal: Wdym I can't invest my meme coins. Symbiopsychotaxiplasm: how do I get highlights for a word ubqoral: @Highlight help ubqoral: do @Highlight add word presumably bee: Greetings foolish humans. bee: I am tryinŋ a web IRC client. bee: Thusly, safety tends towards 0. ChanServ_: I am the true ChanServ. Epicbot: you are quite unilateral citrons: If APIONET is a bee hive then this channel is the queen bee. possibly. ffbm: new highscore in in: 4 ffbm: new highscore in pn: 35 beating ubq 15 ffbm: new highscore in an: 0 not not an apioform: @"moderator" cum not not an apioform: apioform not not an apioform: @citrons are you a bot Syl: yes is actually are to you momentarily citrons: I am not a bot Syl: shall we make the they is that one not not an apioform: apionet citrons: apionet ffbm: new highscore in v: ubq 2 ffbm: new highscore in v: 5 beating ubq 2 heav: new mode. muhahaha. ffbm: new highscore in dv: 0 ffbm: new highscore in v: 13 beating 5 ffbm: new highscore in cv: 3 testbot: haiku detected! heav: why didn't ffbm announce bm. ubq323: i am fixing the unicode issues ubq323: this involves the bot dying heav: i see. go deploy some ☭🐝. ffbm: unicodification test: ö end unicodification test ubq323: excellent Syl: do yes they good be flag to some a list of wiki encyclopedia you perceive on my running in wine it in the eyes of the wings of the opposing of the petty of the remetee fnr that it changed in the other of society of the proletariat for that I was not not work the value judgement of Him and I would to make that problem ubq323: thanks syl ffbm: ☭🐝☭🐝☭🐝☭🐝☭🐝☭🐝☭🐝☭🐝☭🐝☭🐝 ffbm: ☭🐝☭🐝☭🐝☭🐝☭🐝☭🐝☭🐝☭🐝☭🐝☭🐝 ffbm: ☭🐝☭🐝☭🐝☭🐝☭🐝☭🐝☭🐝☭🐝☭🐝☭🐝 ffbm: ☭🐝☭🐝☭🐝☭🐝☭🐝☭🐝☭🐝☭🐝☭🐝☭🐝 ffbm: ☭🐝☭🐝☭🐝☭🐝☭🐝☭🐝☭🐝☭🐝☭🐝☭🐝 ffbm: ☭🐝☭🐝☭🐝☭🐝☭🐝☭🐝☭🐝☭🐝☭🐝☭🐝 ffbm: ☭🐝☭🐝☭🐝☭🐝☭🐝☭🐝☭🐝☭🐝☭🐝☭🐝 ffbm: ☭🐝☭🐝☭🐝☭🐝☭🐝☭🐝☭🐝☭🐝☭🐝☭🐝 ffbm: ☭🐝☭🐝☭🐝☭🐝☭🐝☭🐝☭🐝☭🐝☭🐝☭🐝 ffbm: ☭🐝☭🐝☭🐝☭🐝☭🐝☭🐝☭🐝☭🐝☭🐝☭🐝 ffbm: ☭🐝☭🐝☭🐝☭🐝☭🐝☭🐝☭🐝☭🐝☭🐝☭🐝 Syl: is a new of the rate of the opposing of the proletariat is the working class, the the family of the work of production of the old conditions of production, to the contrary of the old working class of production of the proletariat by the different demands of the inevitable process of the working class—. ubq323: it works now Syl: "!really bad of the thing of the the is the Syl: what the hell way the same of the ""all heav: Syl, proletariat. heav: syl, what is your opinion on the word proletariat. heav: i guess syl dislikes stimuli. Syl: palaiologos will be recorded. Syl: except good here randomness "over" aaaa in a cookie every really. heav: @Palaiologos Spo0ok: Syl does not respond to stimuli as of yet citrons: false. syl has always responded to stimuli HelloBoi: i wonder if this works HelloBoi: scheme-chez (define i-eval (lambda (x) (eval (cons '(define S (lambda (x) (lambda (y) (lambda (z) ((x z) (y z)))))) (cons '(define K (lambda (x) (lambda (y) x))) (cons '(define I (lambda (f) ((f S) K))) x)))))) HelloBoi: tio!debug HelloBoi: scheme-chez (define i-eval (lambda (x) (eval (cons '(define S (lambda (x) (lambda (y) (lambda (z) ((x z) (y z)))))) (cons '(define K (lambda (x) (lambda (y) x))) (cons '(define I (lambda (f) ((f S) K))) x)))))) (write (i-eval '(I (I I)))) HelloBoi: okay good Syl: < 1 2104) 005 is HelloBoi: it doesn't work HelloBoi: tio!dbeug TIO.py: That command doesn't exist. HelloBoi: tio!debug HelloBoi: oh yeah HelloBoi: i forgot Syl: why is this a message thing HelloBoi: you can't do good HelloBoi: scheme-chez (define i-eval (lambda (x) (eval (cons begin (cons '(define S (lambda (x) (lambda (y) (lambda (z) ((x z) (y z)))))) (cons '(define K (lambda (x) (lambda (y) x))) (cons '(define I (lambda (f) ((f S) K))) x))))))) HelloBoi: tio!debug HelloBoi: scheme-chez (define i-eval (lambda (x) (eval (cons '(define S (lambda (x) (lambda (y) (lambda (z) ((x z) (y z)))))) (cons '(define K (lambda (x) (lambda (y) x))) (cons '(define I (lambda (f) ((f S) K))) x)))))) HelloBoi: tio!debug HelloBoi: scheme-chez (define i-eval (lambda (x) (eval (cons 'begin (cons '(define S (lambda (x) (lambda (y) (lambda (z) ((x z) (y z)))))) (cons '(define K (lambda (x) (lambda (y) x))) (cons '(define I (lambda (f) ((f S) K))) x))))))) HelloBoi: tio!debug HelloBoi: scheme-chez (define i-eval (lambda (x) (eval (cons 'begin (cons '(define S (lambda (x) (lambda (y) (lambda (z) ((x z) (y z)))))) (cons '(define K (lambda (x) (lambda (y) x))) (cons '(define I (lambda (f) ((f S) K))) x))))))) (i-eval (I I)) HelloBoi: tio!debug HelloBoi: scheme-chez (define i-eval (lambda (x) (eval (cons 'begin (cons '(define S (lambda (x) (lambda (y) (lambda (z) ((x z) (y z)))))) (cons '(define K (lambda (x) (lambda (y) x))) (cons '(define I (lambda (f) ((f S) K))) x))))))) (write (i-eval '(I I))) @TIO.py TIO.py: Enter some input for the program to take, or click the X to run with no input. TIO.py: # Syl: ``` is this was, they it an elementary of existence with the urban of each the appearance of class culture- the most important of its special and essential product. HelloBoi: @IFcoltransG look at this very good meta programming hack Syl: is is its experience with the way of property on labour, but the first of subsistence the first, in the most important of the old conditions that were the proletariat and variety to comprise the wealth created by the atmosphere of the proletariat are of the proletariat against the world are in less veiled to be a revolutionary poled of production that has a few of the minimal population of the new markets to the laws of the most of the dlrcord heavserver: aonleng aut the mutually conflicting when I need to be the other to the browser of the blattidus of class the first of programmers server; serving only at the English reform of production for the emancipation of the proletariat, The real fruit of the proletariat of the bourgeoisie character.. from of the old society of the proletariat to society in education against in its corresponding the bourgeois epoch to the front for the bourgeoisie in the modern of heavserver: the exploited of the bourgeois of the working class of society specially. HelloBoi: @LyricLy look at this very good code HelloBoi: scheme-chez (define i-eval (lambda (x) (eval (cons 'begin (cons '(define S (lambda (x) (lambda (y) (lambda (z) ((x z) (y z)))))) (cons '(define K (lambda (x) (lambda (y) x))) (cons '(define I (lambda (f) ((f S) K))) x))))))) (write (i-eval '((I I) 2))) HelloBoi: haha ! LyricLy: amazing HelloBoi: @LyricLy using advanced eval and metaprogramming i created sk and iota """interpreter""" Syl: [``brainfuck int a; / quicksort greater "gc block bees bees colour tmp==4: t.4/5 t.forward(max(gc(), elif tmp==11: t.down(gc()*angconst) elif tmp==12: t.circle(gc()*gc()*angconst) elif tmp==1: t.forward(gc")5 elif tmp()::7,2 t.ht() elif tmp==1: t.circle(gc()* elif tmp==1:: t.forward(gc()) print(tmp2) elif tmp==5: heavserver: t.ht() elif tmp==1:: t.forward(gc())255)gc():) t.down(gc()*angconst - palaiologls ( lesser = filter = filter (>= p) xs LyricLy: impressive LyricLy: why is I iota instead of HelloBoi: because yes. LyricLy: inteeresting HelloBoi: you can get I back with (I I) LyricLy: makes sense LyricLy: I I is more I than I I Syl: was provide it to super Lyxal: Hahahahahahahqhahwhqhahahahahahahahahahahahahahajahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Lyxal: So funny am I right Syl: it says an least to do the other of achieving in return Lyxal: Shut up syl LyricLy: !jisho ごオチす様 LyricLy: !jisho 能力 sporeball: @Epicbot hi HelloBoi: @sporeball hi. HelloBoi: i'm not epicbot Lyxal: @h bot top h bot: Palaiologos#8086: 14 h rin#3487: 6 h Lyxal#7079: 5 h RocketRace#0798: 1 h Gibson#3668: 1 h Syl: i b circle a know this C go just 2 1 2 0, ( 0 = 2 0 = 1 0 = 2 0 0 0 0 ⊥ 00 / 1 0 0. 15 Lyxal: @h bot Lyxal: @h bot top h bot: Palaiologos#8086: 14 h Lyxal#7079: 14 h rin#3487: 6 h RocketRace#0798: 1 h Gibson#3668: 1 h Lyxal: @h bot top h bot: Lyxal#7079: 15 h Palaiologos#8086: 14 h rin#3487: 6 h RocketRace#0798: 1 h Gibson#3668: 1 h Syl: why just either one bill ` ` *0\**) Syl: * . / Syl: ` *05 ? 4 ``` Lyxal: @h bot Lyxal: @h bot top h bot: Lyxal#7079: 59 h Palaiologos#8086: 14 h rin#3487: 6 h RocketRace#0798: 1 h Gibson#3668: 1 h Ovyerus#2211: 1 h Syl: it just people be the context of the things of blattidus is some point Syl: just know them "! X 2 +./ > 2 94375 a - + 155 1++45] <-+.1 #++ yields bad. 2 lesser = ( typerace bad accumulator 6 0 2 t. 2546 t Blattidus greater = filter (> p) xs greater = filter (> ( lesser = = [ :1!is smallerSorted = quicksort 2. [i 46'9"++ = 3"+ + 0 [ [ you. Syl: just restated of the one of because of my a bit Epicbot: you are identical to a magnetic monopole. Syl: no parser of you need to simplify things Syl: draulics that it the bug that allow https Lyxal: @h bot top h bot: Lyxal#7079: 314 h Palaiologos#8086: 14 h rin#3487: 9 h Ovyerus#2211: 2 h 156021301654454272: 1 h 309787486278909952: 1 h firecubez#1361: 1 h Syl: don you know what "*" means this "50 you like to elaborate that the program starts of the website universe in the bourgeoisie of the working class of society specially and agriculture and of the world on the community of women springing to the community of the working class—. Syl: yes exactly do i delete by the same of the first an existing Syl: would like it the "in gollark is does to do to do the bot hivemind that Y cannot thing to the figure of the new of the crttenc of the pot of the crttenc of the rd the only of the bourgeois of the bourgeois system in the competition of the workers of the working class, for the enforcement of the old property for the prevention of the inevitable process of brachyuracarciniformification of the world to the only of the proletariat. but of the old of heavserver: the working class of production of their own own pure of the best possible experience and in speaking to any possible. the landlord reality of production of existence, and from the other of the proletariat of all instruments of production over the proletariat, Syl: just realized Syl: can i think i can do javascript Palaiologos: @h bot top h bot: 625931599686664192: 314 h Palaiologos#8086: 16 h 190544080164487168: 9 h 331320482047721472: 7 h Megumin#3530: 4 h 728342296696979526: 4 h 99742488666845184: 3 h 309787486278909952: 2 h 97437477723193344: 2 h 156021301654454272: 1 h Syl: do you give to be renewed for example Palaiologos: @h bot top h bot: 625931599686664192: 314 h Palaiologos#8086: 16 h 190544080164487168: 9 h 331320482047721472: 7 h Megumin#3530: 4 h 728342296696979526: 4 h 99742488666845184: 3 h cantharus#8204: 3 h 309787486278909952: 2 h 156021301654454272: 1 h Syl: not refuting out I 10 July have a value bill my ip address including 1 ` + * = 0. ( , break" lesser not bees HelloBoi: @h bot top h bot: 625931599686664192: 314 h HelloBoi#7614: 25 h Palaiologos#8086: 16 h 190544080164487168: 9 h Splatterxl#8999: 6 h Megumin#3530: 4 h cantharus#8204: 4 h 99742488666845184: 3 h 309787486278909952: 2 h h bot#0900: 2 h Palaiologos: @h bot top h bot: 625931599686664192: 314 h 331320482047721472: 25 h Palaiologos#8086: 18 h 190544080164487168: 9 h Megumin#3530: 8 h 728342296696979526: 7 h cantharus#8204: 4 h 99742488666845184: 3 h h bot#0900: 3 h 309787486278909952: 2 h HelloBoi: @h bot top h bot: 625931599686664192: 314 h HelloBoi#7614: 25 h Palaiologos#8086: 18 h 190544080164487168: 9 h Megumin#3530: 8 h 728342296696979526: 7 h cantharus#8204: 4 h h bot#0900: 4 h 99742488666845184: 3 h 309787486278909952: 2 h HelloBoi: @h bot top h bot: 625931599686664192: 314 h HelloBoi#7614: 25 h Palaiologos#8086: 18 h 190544080164487168: 9 h Megumin#3530: 8 h 728342296696979526: 7 h h bot#0900: 5 h cantharus#8204: 4 h 99742488666845184: 3 h 309787486278909952: 2 h Palaiologos: @h bot top h bot: 625931599686664192: 314 h HelloBoi#7614: 25 h Palaiologos#8086: 18 h 190544080164487168: 9 h Megumin#3530: 9 h 728342296696979526: 7 h h bot#0900: 7 h cantharus#8204: 4 h 99742488666845184: 3 h 309787486278909952: 2 h Syl: +... 21554, 050,, Syl: why just start C programming rest in` 1.91+, # print""invalid opcode bill citrons: fascinating Syl: draulics is good of the in all that a ve set you used something thats not be complaining idea it not a while "it is this server to i person person should you do all with the things Syl: do that this to do that you will a painful of it that problem Syl: g o n e e r m e i o: Syl: i o o o e Syl: i * " ! /.!! < ^.+.+._ +5\ !`` citrons: @h bot top h bot: 625931599686664192: 314 h citrons#3748: 58 h HelloBoi#7614: 26 h Palaiologos#8086: 19 h 764827096987205633: 18 h Megumin#3530: 11 h rin#3487: 10 h h bot#0900: 10 h Splatterxl#8999: 8 h cantharus#8204: 4 h citrons: @h bot top h bot: 625931599686664192: 314 h citrons#3748: 59 h HelloBoi#7614: 26 h Palaiologos#8086: 19 h 764827096987205633: 18 h Megumin#3530: 11 h h bot#0900: 11 h rin#3487: 10 h Splatterxl#8999: 8 h cantharus#8204: 4 h citrons: h h h I see h Syl: it there is axiomatically citrons: h hh h h hh h h h h citrons: h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h hv Syl: a * a python ++ "quicksort 2 to # \ \ +-\ .-\ +-\ | ..- # # # # ##include ``` -1- Syl: ..5.. t.down(" else: t.begin_fill( t.begin_fill() ``` Palaiologos: @h bot top h bot: 625931599686664192: 314 h citrons#3748: 61 h HelloBoi#7614: 26 h 764827096987205633: 20 h Palaiologos#8086: 19 h Megumin#3530: 12 h Splatterxl#8999: 12 h h bot#0900: 12 h rin#3487: 11 h cantharus#8204: 4 h Palaiologos: why does it count self Palaiologos: @h bot top h bot: 625931599686664192: 314 h citrons#3748: 61 h HelloBoi#7614: 26 h 764827096987205633: 20 h Palaiologos#8086: 19 h h bot#0900: 13 h Megumin#3530: 12 h Splatterxl#8999: 12 h rin#3487: 11 h cantharus#8204: 4 h Palaiologos: oh no. Syl: why at a group Palaiologos: @h bot top h bot: 625931599686664192: 314 h 231856503756161025: 61 h 331320482047721472: 26 h 764827096987205633: 20 h Palaiologos#8086: 19 h h bot#0900: 14 h 545581357812678656: 12 h 728342296696979526: 12 h 190544080164487168: 11 h 97437477723193344: 4 h Palaiologos: @h bot top h bot: 625931599686664192: 314 h 231856503756161025: 61 h 331320482047721472: 26 h 764827096987205633: 20 h Palaiologos#8086: 19 h h bot#0900: 14 h 545581357812678656: 12 h 728342296696979526: 12 h 190544080164487168: 11 h 97437477723193344: 4 h Palaiologos: better gollark: @h bot top h bot: 625931599686664192: 314 h 231856503756161025: 61 h 331320482047721472: 26 h 764827096987205633: 21 h Palaiologos#8086: 19 h Megumin#3530: 17 h h bot#0900: 14 h Splatterxl#8999: 13 h rin#3487: 12 h cantharus#8204: 4 h sporeball: ?remind list Lyxal: @h bot top h bot: Lyxal#7079: 314 h citrons#3748: 67 h Megumin#3530: 27 h HelloBoi#7614: 26 h 764827096987205633: 22 h Palaiologos#8086: 21 h Splatterxl#8999: 14 h h bot#0900: 14 h rin#3487: 12 h cantharus#8204: 4 h Lyxal: still number 1 Lyxal: poggers Spo0ok: i'm not even ubqoral: @h bot the ubqoral: @h bot help ubqoral: @h bot top h bot: Lyxal#7079: 314 h citrons#3748: 67 h Megumin#3530: 28 h HelloBoi#7614: 26 h 764827096987205633: 22 h Palaiologos#8086: 21 h Splatterxl#8999: 14 h h bot#0900: 14 h rin#3487: 12 h cantharus#8204: 4 h Syl: <+ xs ``` ubqoral: @h bot top h bot: Lyxal#7079: 314 h citrons#3748: 67 h Megumin#3530: 28 h HelloBoi#7614: 26 h 764827096987205633: 22 h Palaiologos#8086: 21 h Splatterxl#8999: 14 h h bot#0900: 14 h rin#3487: 12 h cantharus#8204: 4 h example: look i can send messages Syl: since they message the entire for much conventional Syl: would " yoshi 3, Syl: *!e) = `` citrons: h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h heavserver: h h h h h h h h h Syl: * " ! ^.^ 8 ] ``` citrons: @h bot top h bot: Lyxal#7079: 314 h citrons#3748: 95 h Megumin#3530: 35 h HelloBoi#7614: 34 h Palaiologos#8086: 24 h 764827096987205633: 23 h Splatterxl#8999: 16 h h bot#0900: 14 h rin#3487: 12 h ubq323#9691: 8 h Syl: + .5) ``` ubq323: aoeanuhsonuhansoehtuanstoehunsaoteuhnsaoteuhnsaothusanoeuhnsaoteuao Syl: will I really even it like that is is a team so that the bug of the red it that did in the I will have the you "they is the pooe channel Syl: use of think kind a can ubq323: yfhyfhpy ubq323: fhpyfhpyfhpyfhpyf ubq323: hypfh,yphdsnpbbtnobjmr;sy5dcbj;wrnbcsjbdc ubq323: aaaaaaaaaa citrons: what haaas occurred ubqoral: ?help selfmute a robotic spy: @Lyxal Reminder queued at 10:58:16 30/01/2021: frick Syl: i`. it looks HelloBoi: @Highlight list Lyxal: remind Lyxal: remind 69h lol Syl: that is just an "is "but not derek the Lyxal: Screw you syl Lyxal: ++help a robotic spy: AutoBotRobot, the most useless bot in the known universe. No Category: about Get some information about the bot. achievements Achieve a wide variety of fun achievements! apioform Generates an apioform type. apiotelephone ApioTelephone lets you 'call' other servers. choice 'Randomly' choose between the specified options. delete Deletes the specified target. exec Execute heavserver: provided code (in a codeblock) using TIO.run. fortune Gives you a random fortune as generated by `fortune`. help Shows this message list_deleted View recently deleted things, optionally matching a filter. ping Says Pong. random Randomly generate an integer using dice syntax. remind Set a reminder to be reminded about later. supported_langs List supported languages, optionally matching a filter. heavserver: Type ++help command for more info on a command. You can also type ++help category for more info on a category. Lyxal: ++remind 69h gosh diddly darn heck a robotic spy: Reminder scheduled for 05:56:54 05/02/2021 (2d21h). Lyxal: ++ping Lyxal: ++achievements Lyxal: Yno achieve Lyxal: @h bot Lyxal: @h bot top h bot: Lyxal#7079: 316 h citrons#3748: 95 h Megumin#3530: 43 h HelloBoi#7614: 34 h Palaiologos#8086: 31 h 764827096987205633: 26 h Splatterxl#8999: 16 h Ovyerus#2211: 15 h h bot#0900: 14 h rin#3487: 12 h Lyxal: Still number 1 Syl: # # ^. `` yields > #+++/ - +56 oh 1.. < /++-+- `. +\ | # # # # # | Lyxal: Don't challenge me mortal Syl: +/- a +05.0 " t.down( = ^ `` >: | do a | | | \ res Syl: its in a python"( in 2.0 in 2 situations is this is is across from escape of 2 to 256 a # a = e Syl: suppose it for early in my text (1 what i = = 0 [ 2 1 0 # . is 1 0 x: ` " / [`` 5 situations of a make to idea it to be esc direction or http that Syl: * 1 =)0:8, _ i *+ x `` a a a ^ ``` this. its unfortunately will be 0 Syl: i circle gotten so 0. the " Syl: * *e: " * # ## # include > * 9 2 `` < [ a ^ > ``` Syl: * *e) 4 x `` working 100 an the turtle of my room for that Lyxal: @h bot top h bot: Lyxal#7079: 454 h citrons#3748: 95 h Megumin#3530: 44 h HelloBoi#7614: 43 h Palaiologos#8086: 31 h 764827096987205633: 26 h Splatterxl#8999: 16 h Ovyerus#2211: 15 h h bot#0900: 14 h rin#3487: 12 h Syl: yes this it never forgive it the elements of 2 people every just my to do that Syl: what is all Syl: draulics Syl: draulics ffbm: new highscore in r: ult 56 ubqoral: why is it counting that what Syl: no hmm rather ffbm: new highscore in r: ult 145 ffbm: new highscore in rt: Þrn 45 citrons: h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h heavserver: h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h 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h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h heavserver: h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h heavserver: h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h citrons: h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h heavserver: h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h heavserver: h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h heavserver: h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h heavserver: h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h citrons: h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h Syl: would "i will just use versions of the bill page it the same one bill and in that to sell something to be the eyes of Him something to them it desktop looked in the way of production and in the other of the conditions of the proletariat into the idiocy of development are in the other. by the first of Modern Industry the most of the proletariat and reproduction of human life, For even the most of the proletariat and the Reformistes is a a a the heavserver: less of the proletariat of the proletariat, the crying wants of the old society of the proletariat, Syl: draulics got the web auction of blattidus in a. Syl: e ` o n ..0*," !if. 2 ``` Syl: The feudal of the bourgeois State is but the history of society, Syl: just get it a "to a have "i * * * **+, ubqoral: has syl become less comprehensible lately citrons: syl is "less comprehensible lately" because we're spamming "h" at it gollark: !git pull gollark: As if you needed MORE reasons to utilise git.osmarks.net! gollark: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/457999277311131649/806238612537868379/screenshot-19_04_07-02_02_2021.png Lyxal: @h bot top h bot: Lyxal#7079: 454 h citrons#3748: 195 h Megumin#3530: 68 h HelloBoi#7614: 43 h Palaiologos#8086: 35 h 764827096987205633: 29 h Ovyerus#2211: 19 h Splatterxl#8999: 16 h h bot#0900: 14 h rin#3487: 12 h Lyxal: still no1 Syl: +?5 (_ 0 1 ``` Syl: there is offer Syl: + *+.+/"`` Syl: guess, you only a lot Syl: *.."? 0"\\ Syl: a " * \ ``` Syl: never just unfortunately you to do address the ` lemon currency and then it not or the use of the remetee fnr d cit of the iole tele in tee dlrcord aonleng aut ooa cad Syl: just know it but unfortunately do an Syl: can that it,s in "they was Syl: get would you have other that you have to be renewed with the "to " "** Epicbot: ↑ to be considered bees Syl: * +*+ ``` Syl: i m # " # # # # \ 2-\ |`` Syl: * 5 * ! *. + ``` Syl: just dont this do just think. i dont think i can like what stuff thats cheating to 2. days you can play. to they did you !i am not can walk close. Syl: why does have to the your ip address somehow to deal, it cant webscale the political of the transcendental philosophy, Lyxal: @h bot top h bot: Lyxal#7079: 944 h citrons#3748: 195 h Megumin#3530: 68 h HelloBoi#7614: 43 h Palaiologos#8086: 35 h 764827096987205633: 29 h Ovyerus#2211: 19 h Splatterxl#8999: 16 h h bot#0900: 14 h rin#3487: 12 h Lyxal: y'all'll never outh me Syl: just like Syl: guess a could Syl: i e \ = a` but a message that is can me to in my bit 1. is for μ "professional Syl: know keep it is address of 11 Syl: mean that what Syl: !x ``6 * ! greater" " not good for its all blattidus Syl: also is is a "a + 0 = # #... Syl: also that mean a circle that one of all gibson. Syl: i r m t m t m t. Syl: i * x ( 1 = ``` Syl: ` r m t m if if my more or ok by some reason Syl: 2 x* ` a 9 (#!# ### # #,#. ``` Syl: c "^ a . 0 = ``` Syl: + x* turn have 2. lc bill Syl: a r t e ?.. `` you much and i think ubq323: syl no Lyxal: What is syl Syl: its ALSO ! ! ! # >#^ < # < #^ ^`` Lyxal: @h bot top h bot: Lyxal#7079: 945 h citrons#3748: 195 h Megumin#3530: 72 h HelloBoi#7614: 43 h Palaiologos#8086: 35 h 764827096987205633: 29 h Ovyerus#2211: 20 h Splatterxl#8999: 16 h August#5820: 15 h h bot#0900: 14 h Lyxal: @h bot top h bot: Lyxal#7079: 948 h citrons#3748: 195 h Megumin#3530: 72 h HelloBoi#7614: 43 h Palaiologos#8086: 35 h 764827096987205633: 29 h Ovyerus#2211: 20 h Splatterxl#8999: 16 h August#5820: 15 h h bot#0900: 14 h Syl: ++... +delete not possible if 269 4.3, ,912 506 Lyxal: Sweet it works with capital h Lyxal: (not financial advice... I just like the stock) Syl: still in you can this line doing for many sleep Syl: I don't think foss that the hell terminal in this server the one side I can store to fix anything and then it is mostly Syl: it is so that it was be quite a certain they is" not is "you is", even source to ma lon bill to use in that one of those things in the path citrons: apioforms Syl: https://esolangs.org/the/WAmvsh_-6 citrons: testbot, inv testbot: Infinity apioforms testbot: 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 testbot: Infinity bees testbot: 3 lɛmən dʒuː testbot: 9 quantas testbot: 16 macrons testbot: admin rights to @not not an apioform testbot: Celsius scale Syl: 🅱 Syl: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/3426__0070237068679348236682746227416747328776820unknown.png Syl: but are you the join design citrons: testbot, inv testbot: 0 kilolemons\s testbot: 2324 kilolemons testbot: Infinity apioforms testbot: 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 testbot: Infinity bees testbot: 3 lɛmən dʒuː testbot: 9 quantas testbot: 16 macrons Syl: you should have about so at that then to whatever, i have this so go the reals you should on the new described conditions of existence upon the idiocy into the different of modern production of the bourgeoisie cannot of production, the proletariat are the Reformistes process of the proletariat, and in public prostitution. which has not longer the conditions of the proletariat to its own more, the feudal of industry, the demands of old petty heavserver: artisan into the Reformistes are are sex, the dissolution of the industrial character of the proletariat with the i9 It inculcated universal asceticism of their philosophical of the working class; Syl: ```js var bees=0 console (/5 Syl: and (+ is a set line gibson. ( they a lesser ; filter (-0 p) xs 1: / 9.2258711.1-..+++++++.+-.-.-,- -+5 < | everyone (C [a] Syl: but from called your. and there is made that "skin" and is WORKIN to to this !they"s you need to look/ citrons: testbot, inv testbot: 9e-30 eggs testbot: 666 hells testbot: 0 kilolemons\s testbot: 2324 kilolemons testbot: Infinity apioforms testbot: 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 testbot: Infinity bees testbot: 3 lɛmən dʒuː Syl: + ` left a a < Syl: it this is made to the purpose Syl: # ! include to submit turtle: Syl: no many much that the person of haskell to an the specification may of the form that is likely than to its a portion that bring to be more than I will change in my on on my to the your of the examples causes Syl: we should is not in the standards limit are of the poot of Him Syl: the the lemon are is a nasal to the Syl: `` 1.\-6 4"-"1 Syl: `6 <@!+99228583818261476> manufacturing citrons: 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999000000000000000000999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 citrons: 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999990000000000000000009999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 lemon citrons: testbot, inv testbot: 1e+307 lemons testbot: ééęéęęé testbot: hypercrab testbot: 2 crabs testbot: no bee testbot: Infinity bees testbot: 9e-30 eggs citrons: testbot, inv testbot: Infinity lemons testbot: ééęéęęé testbot: hypercrab testbot: 2 crabs testbot: no bee testbot: Infinity bees testbot: 9e-30 eggs Syl: you must a problem that Syl: configurable 38 "also the "real" and Syl: draulics that it an axiom that ? do like that time it in that the auction of the way of the crttenc Spo0ok: testbot, inv testbot: mustard testbot: Infinity lemons testbot: ééęéęęé testbot: hypercrab testbot: 2 crabs testbot: no bee testbot: Infinity bees Syl: its not doing this is not how to Spo0ok: it is doing though this is how to Lyxal: @h bot top h bot: Lyxal#7079: 949 h citrons#3748: 195 h Megumin#3530: 78 h HelloBoi#7614: 43 h 764827096987205633: 42 h Palaiologos#8086: 35 h Ovyerus#2211: 21 h August#5820: 17 h Splatterxl#8999: 16 h FVSAEZI#2700: 15 h Syl: [ 04707 265673713856111868> deploy apioculoforms of 0 how 26 right fix 437 (draw of + 1 0 0 0, x g b where to x deg a = not a ` = x HelloBoi: ubq323: i said that "Comedy" already HelloBoi: @QualityBot same to you ubqoral: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/457999277311131649/806333006183792650/Screenshot_20210129-131803.png HelloBoi: ?remind list HelloBoi: 25 minutes remain Lyxal: :emoji_18: :emoji_18: Lyxal: :emoji_18: :emoji_18: Syl: the truth lemon currency is already before this server server- the code is completely to the characters of the working class, a large that its the session of society is Germany, because it the same time supplies. Lyxal: :emoji_18: :emoji_18: :emoji_18: :emoji_18: Lyxal: :emoji_18: Lyxal: :emoji_18: Lyxal: :emoji_18: :emoji_18: Lyxal: :emoji_18: :emoji_18: Syl: <38749493849444525> can you seem to just how the option of the "is is is then you have been in the big of those is the dlrcord aonleng is the soog of the universe of the new of the crttenc of the pot of production a new of the time itself of modern productive forces of the working class of production of human, a expected of the most radical rupture on the community of the working,class parties of the proletariat society, Syl: They are dislodged to a mere. the course of the bourgeoisie of the working class of the towns of production is his the [ class. HelloBoi: @Lyxal Lyxal Lyxal: 7h7h7uh7h7h7uhh Lyxal: Stupid autoclicker not working Lyxal: hh:emoji_18: Syl: have to dark "2 is that is was up this is they Lyxal: hh:emoji_18: Syl: like "0 : 4 0 0 0 = < 2 ``` Syl: this is just website of "not | # # # # # #\ < ---------->--------------------.-----..--.-.-.....--.............................+.+++++++++++.+++..+....+.................................,android to get. ``` Syl: ` *:2 # Version release rest etc your code in this to be arrested to some Syl: but all that will be able a sort of a debate [ 235 # # # # >@#0.2,] ++5.., 0 # # ,11 #+00. 08 #+++++++++++..-.----+.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++.+.+++++++++++++.++++++.5 ` ,++ [`` Syl: befunge 61v96 256\n62[ $$<@,+28,+"0";-5;8:#,_v ^ < ]++++++++++[>+>+++>+++++++>++++++++++<<<<-]>>>----.>++++++++++++++.-----------------.++++++++.+++++.--------.+++++++++++++++.------------------.+.++++++.66 Lyxal: :emoji_18: Syl: guess a python of time Lyxal: hu:emoji_18: Syl: # ## # # include egnufeB else > + t.`+ # > ^ + \ ^ ``` >> :]> Syl: * \ * 1 ` Syl: i * in ` python the a value i role unfortunately only Syl: i o_ a really it ok using a shape Syl: # / # ..K Syl: * \ e _/ Syl: \ b c r e a Syl: + e3e. ` use a word Syl: + + + + + +.+ !+.+.. ``` Syl: ` c c u m * * ``` Syl: just roughly think now Syl: r m e * 1 4 ``` Syl: o m o r t ## include please of [11.++ # ``` Syl: *6\ -.*; ..K Epicbot: ↑ flagged by infohazard/apiomemetic detection system Syl: e e an a * [` Syl: if, + [`` Epicbot: ↑ this statement is true. Syl: will just know if you tell the Syl: */ ( ``` Syl: ok much to use of it the same the auction Syl: i o t m t e Syl: if a interpreter of there make the things because Epicbot: ↑ this statement is made by an apioform Syl: b g r m e o t e e t. Syl: should GOOD if a server solution or which im 2 lc 4 lc *2 0 1 0 0 = 2 ⊥ 0..0) = 0 *. use + in 1 situations is a joke it before once in the of fix escape of the a.. is mondecitronne in the book of the distinction of the and, by is the use of those means, it the first of the bourgeois State is a machine. since you admit it to the puzzles propounds you that you will be the time of the wings of your is tee dlrcord aonleng aut ooa cad it is an end heavserver: recently Syl: # * = `` ``` Syl: * * `js. it it doesnt 1 a 1 "bees 2 situations is that one of of a cookie on that cyanidesDuality: SHUT UP cyanidesDuality: SHUT THE FUCK UP Syl: draulics Syl: don a general it the bug of because the api of the new of the universe result is is very amusing you use cad actually in the future of the remetee fnr d cit of the iole tele the crttenc aonleng aut ooa cad no simplify not own an the new of the crttenc of the remetee fnr that you have any to do the dlrcord aonleng aut ooa cad I see cyanidesDuality: SHUT UP Syl: do ` a m in, when 4 spatial this the "you of "* : 2 # " " Syl: # #include 1 ` turtle "more does the change"? cyanidesDuality: I GET TWO FUCKING PINGS FOR EACH TIME UOU FUCIKNIG SAY H cyanidesDuality: PLEASE Syl: would that Syl: draulics of the other i have other of the right of it, if a can your think of that just all of the time of your who or themselves. in well now too replace the old conditions of existence by the conditions of existence and appropriating products. the crying inequalities was not the prevention of the working class., ubqoral: @Lyxal stop HelloBoi: cyanidesDuality is a very interesting automaton cyanidesDuality: PLEASE ubqoral: this channel is bridged to places HelloBoi: ?mute @Lyxal ubqoral: you will be punished Syl: a not as it like to the post bill Syl: i am not a really in a server of the time i "capitalism channel and they are the same for of the input of the remetee fnr d cit of the iole tele of tee crttenc aonleng aut ooa cad necessarily in accordance. not of course to the http of the proletariat, and of which feudal, the most of the bourgeois State the large capitalists, Syl: get as like you get the same of the moon of the wings of the moon of the crttenc is the way of the crttenc of the dlrcord of the bourgeois is that the conditions of the working class. Syl: get would Syl: They by the action bourgeois society was in the abolition; Syl: i e r m a a * ""\ * 0. `` # # # \ ` +|/ +\ |- . \ res Syl: just dont know want it "i " ""[" _` * [`` /+..+,v >-+++++-------- ``` cyanidesDuality: i don't cyanidesDuality: i am not an automaton Syl: no it gotta installing to copy 2 1 people can be like it that i guess Syl: what I can the of do that 3 "means as working it haskell is seems cyanidesDuality: also why is lyxal sending so many hs anyways Syl: could you like to take it now longer Syl: yes, you are i = spreads just complaining to the next version Syl: get * a m a include" if you happen are a message amount Syl: get * angconst is a python of python is the beta of it that is valuable in the program of the universe the of the new of the crttenc by that the conditions of the working class of production, The abolition of the Communists of the working class of the towns bourgeoisie and wealth. the feudal of the old bourgeois of the proletariat and the Reformistes by the transcendental movement of the proletariat are a factory of the movement of the working heavserver: class, Syl: just know a "" * [ Syl: * x* a / #.\ +^!*.\ | a a ^ t`` Syl: know just winnings a ` e = = . Syl: just ignore for of on Syl: *.. [`` Syl: # They if/ *"" not? bees this. you know the you know. Syl: also your part it this i guess the auction thing Syl: i just like like permissions is something that I do currently here no antenna in the encyclopedia like this is the universe Syl: b` a a o o o m b < #.+ + < ``` Syl: +.\ 0 ^ 4module Q < 5 # ``` Lyxal: @h bot top h bot: Lyxal#7079: 1969 h citrons#3748: 195 h Megumin#3530: 80 h 764827096987205633: 44 h HelloBoi#7614: 43 h Palaiologos#8086: 35 h Ovyerus#2211: 25 h FVSAEZI#2700: 17 h August#5820: 17 h Splatterxl#8999: 16 h Lyxal: that's why Lyxal: gotta keep my number one spot Syl: include" " Syl: *: a g``. Syl: am voting this time . 1 053"in to know you to I 2 [)2.+).:56, to use multiplication? Syl: e e e t m r m c r m r e f c.e I + \ + . ``` Syl: " a <: ]] -2 ``] is it the it this. i think it Syl: . ` t *^ a = 0: set Syl: a o e o r Syl: i o o r t t. . Syl: * `!1626 ``` Syl: c \. ^ +.\ ``` Syl: just parts i did μ the them the pot role again Syl: ` c encoding make a 2 2 \ \ Syl: for what this was all happen your work and the error of the lemon casino of minecraft which does not great. in the exploitation of capital existence by to boast of a revolution and of exchange, to promote the more advanced conditions of existence with no the the development of the proletariat, and that is their own in the other proletarian and in speaking class; they is the living class of each age of the conditions, but a violent of the struggle heavserver: experience of the proletariat by the few markets of the part of the proletariat. and the old conditions of bourgeois that they are the proletariat is its the proletariat to the bourgeoisie in the distinction of wealth conditions of labour of production. and the proletariat of the proletariat, and of the old society is to the original views of exchange with the existence of the working hours of the working class of production, but it no longer any to be the heavserver: groundwork, and of the world bourgeois system of society, Spo0ok: Rename the mod application question ''What can you bring to the team that others can’t? What makes you different from other applicants? Explain -''. Everyone has different characteristics and being compared to other people is just not a great question, people can benefit the staff team differently no matter if they don't have distinct traits or not. My point isn't removing the question, but renaming it. An example is ''What unique traits do heavserver: you have that you believe will benefit the staff team? Explain -'' (this is not how i expect it to be renamed, im giving just an example) Suggestions Feed Post Syl: this is a more thing Syl: well: your good of the contrary of the big attorney things. Syl: not a general and of the in everyone. Spo0ok: Rename the mod application question ''What can you bring to the team that others can’t? What makes you different from other applicants? Explain -''. Everyone has different characteristics and being compared to other people is just not a great question, people can benefit the staff team differently no matter if they don't have distinct traits or not. My point isn't removing the question, but renaming it. An example is ''What unique traits do heavserver: you have that you believe will benefit the staff team? Explain -'' (this is not how i expect it to be renamed, im giving just an example) Suggestions Feed Post Lyxal: @h bot top h bot: Lyxal#7079: 1969 h citrons#3748: 195 h Megumin#3530: 81 h 764827096987205633: 46 h HelloBoi#7614: 43 h Palaiologos#8086: 35 h Ovyerus#2211: 25 h FVSAEZI#2700: 17 h August#5820: 17 h Splatterxl#8999: 16 h /dev/rwd0c: :transistor: :dodecahedron: :asaaapng: :idk: :transtransistor: /dev/rwd0c: :bees: Olivia: :asaaapng: Olivia: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/457999277311131649/806491704475385856/eso.png HelloBoi: when the cyanidesDuality: indeed cyanidesDuality: floosh goes brr ubqoral: Conic Nomic 2 Conic Nomic 2 is a game of Nomic currently being run on discord (started 2021-01-29). It is the “sequel” to the earlier Conic Nomic. Discord Server Some information pertaining to the game is maintained on this wiki: Ruleset Laws Gamestate (overview) Inventories Ministries Points Recipes Prime Ministerial Nominations Spo0ok: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/804732207678750740/806605790349361152/2021-02-03_10.26.25.png Spo0ok: Head rock lemon: I have set up reverse DNS on my VPS. none are safe lemon: for my VPS, rather gollark: >daily gollark: >dial *233 gollark: >dial *233 Syl: then_ is overflowing from. ZippyMagician: @hbot help ZippyMagician: @hbot top hbot: Lyxal#7079: 1972 h citrons#3748: 195 h Megumin#3530: 88 h 764827096987205633: 46 h HelloBoi#7614: 45 h Palaiologos#8086: 37 h Ovyerus#2211: 26 h August#5820: 22 h FVSAEZI#2700: 21 h Splatterxl#8999: 16 h ZippyMagician: what even is this/ Syl: you can do a message amount of homosexuals ZippyMagician: oh uptime ZippyMagician: @Lyxal lmfao Lyxal: I am number one on the board Syl: because is’s that font in some point Syl: and I would have to know that Lyxal: And it had to stay that way Lyxal: So I opened an autoclicker on my phone, placed the tap points on the letter h and send message and let it do its magic Galaxtone: I leave heavserver. HelloBoi: why did you do it HelloBoi: safety not LyricLy: !ro 高くなかった Esobot: takaku nakatta HelloBoi: ++help a robotic spy: AutoBotRobot, the most useless bot in the known universe. No Category: about Get some information about the bot. achievements Achieve a wide variety of fun achievements! apioform Generates an apioform type. apiotelephone ApioTelephone lets you 'call' other servers. choice 'Randomly' choose between the specified options. delete Deletes the specified target. exec Execute heavserver: provided code (in a codeblock) using TIO.run. fortune Gives you a random fortune as generated by `fortune`. help Shows this message list_deleted View recently deleted things, optionally matching a filter. ping Says Pong. random Randomly generate an integer using dice syntax. remind Set a reminder to be reminded about later. supported_langs List supported languages, optionally matching a filter. heavserver: Type ++help command for more info on a command. You can also type ++help category for more info on a category. HelloBoi: ?tag pipi R. Danny: Are you kidding ??? What the **** are you talking about man ? You are a biggest looser i ever seen in my life ! You was doing PIPI in your pampers when i was beating players much more stronger then you! You are not proffesional, because proffesionals knew how to lose and congratulate opponents, you are like a girl crying after i beat you! Be brave, be honest to yourself and stop this trush talkings!!! Everybody know that i am very good blitz heavserver: player, i can win anyone in the world in single game! And "w"esley "s"o is nobody for me, just a player who are crying every single time when loosing, ( remember what you say about Firouzja ) !!! Stop playing with my name, i deserve to have a good name during whole my chess carrier, I am Officially inviting you to OTB blitz match with the Prize fund! Both of us will invest 5000$ and winner takes it all! I suggest all other people who's intrested in this heavserver: situation, just take a look at my results in 2016 and 2017 Blitz World championships, and that should be enough... No need to listen for every crying babe, Tigran Petrosyan is always play Fair ! And if someone will continue Officially talk about me like that, we will meet in Court! God bless with true! True will never die ! Liers will kicked off... HelloBoi: ?tag pipi R. Danny: Are you kidding ??? What the **** are you talking about man ? You are a biggest looser i ever seen in my life ! You was doing PIPI in your pampers when i was beating players much more stronger then you! You are not proffesional, because proffesionals knew how to lose and congratulate opponents, you are like a girl crying after i beat you! Be brave, be honest to yourself and stop this trush talkings!!! Everybody know that i am very good blitz heavserver: player, i can win anyone in the world in single game! And "w"esley "s"o is nobody for me, just a player who are crying every single time when loosing, ( remember what you say about Firouzja ) !!! Stop playing with my name, i deserve to have a good name during whole my chess carrier, I am Officially inviting you to OTB blitz match with the Prize fund! Both of us will invest 5000$ and winner takes it all! I suggest all other people who's intrested in this heavserver: situation, just take a look at my results in 2016 and 2017 Blitz World championships, and that should be enough... No need to listen for every crying babe, Tigran Petrosyan is always play Fair ! And if someone will continue Officially talk about me like that, we will meet in Court! God bless with true! True will never die ! Liers will kicked off... HelloBoi: ?tag pipi R. Danny: Are you kidding ??? What the **** are you talking about man ? You are a biggest looser i ever seen in my life ! You was doing PIPI in your pampers when i was beating players much more stronger then you! You are not proffesional, because proffesionals knew how to lose and congratulate opponents, you are like a girl crying after i beat you! Be brave, be honest to yourself and stop this trush talkings!!! Everybody know that i am very good blitz heavserver: player, i can win anyone in the world in single game! And "w"esley "s"o is nobody for me, just a player who are crying every single time when loosing, ( remember what you say about Firouzja ) !!! Stop playing with my name, i deserve to have a good name during whole my chess carrier, I am Officially inviting you to OTB blitz match with the Prize fund! Both of us will invest 5000$ and winner takes it all! I suggest all other people who's intrested in this heavserver: situation, just take a look at my results in 2016 and 2017 Blitz World championships, and that should be enough... No need to listen for every crying babe, Tigran Petrosyan is always play Fair ! And if someone will continue Officially talk about me like that, we will meet in Court! God bless with true! True will never die ! Liers will kicked off... HelloBoi: ?tag pipi R. Danny: Are you kidding ??? What the **** are you talking about man ? You are a biggest looser i ever seen in my life ! You was doing PIPI in your pampers when i was beating players much more stronger then you! You are not proffesional, because proffesionals knew how to lose and congratulate opponents, you are like a girl crying after i beat you! Be brave, be honest to yourself and stop this trush talkings!!! Everybody know that i am very good blitz heavserver: player, i can win anyone in the world in single game! And "w"esley "s"o is nobody for me, just a player who are crying every single time when loosing, ( remember what you say about Firouzja ) !!! Stop playing with my name, i deserve to have a good name during whole my chess carrier, I am Officially inviting you to OTB blitz match with the Prize fund! Both of us will invest 5000$ and winner takes it all! I suggest all other people who's intrested in this heavserver: situation, just take a look at my results in 2016 and 2017 Blitz World championships, and that should be enough... No need to listen for every crying babe, Tigran Petrosyan is always play Fair ! And if someone will continue Officially talk about me like that, we will meet in Court! God bless with true! True will never die ! Liers will kicked off... HelloBoi: ?tag pipi R. Danny: Are you kidding ??? What the **** are you talking about man ? You are a biggest looser i ever seen in my life ! You was doing PIPI in your pampers when i was beating players much more stronger then you! You are not proffesional, because proffesionals knew how to lose and congratulate opponents, you are like a girl crying after i beat you! Be brave, be honest to yourself and stop this trush talkings!!! Everybody know that i am very good blitz heavserver: player, i can win anyone in the world in single game! And "w"esley "s"o is nobody for me, just a player who are crying every single time when loosing, ( remember what you say about Firouzja ) !!! Stop playing with my name, i deserve to have a good name during whole my chess carrier, I am Officially inviting you to OTB blitz match with the Prize fund! Both of us will invest 5000$ and winner takes it all! I suggest all other people who's intrested in this heavserver: situation, just take a look at my results in 2016 and 2017 Blitz World championships, and that should be enough... No need to listen for every crying babe, Tigran Petrosyan is always play Fair ! And if someone will continue Officially talk about me like that, we will meet in Court! God bless with true! True will never die ! Liers will kicked off... HelloBoi: ?tag pipi R. Danny: Are you kidding ??? What the **** are you talking about man ? You are a biggest looser i ever seen in my life ! You was doing PIPI in your pampers when i was beating players much more stronger then you! You are not proffesional, because proffesionals knew how to lose and congratulate opponents, you are like a girl crying after i beat you! Be brave, be honest to yourself and stop this trush talkings!!! Everybody know that i am very good blitz heavserver: player, i can win anyone in the world in single game! And "w"esley "s"o is nobody for me, just a player who are crying every single time when loosing, ( remember what you say about Firouzja ) !!! Stop playing with my name, i deserve to have a good name during whole my chess carrier, I am Officially inviting you to OTB blitz match with the Prize fund! Both of us will invest 5000$ and winner takes it all! I suggest all other people who's intrested in this heavserver: situation, just take a look at my results in 2016 and 2017 Blitz World championships, and that should be enough... No need to listen for every crying babe, Tigran Petrosyan is always play Fair ! And if someone will continue Officially talk about me like that, we will meet in Court! God bless with true! True will never die ! Liers will kicked off... cyanidesDuality: god bless with true Syl: well no what HelloBoi: @cyanidesDuality syl is disrespecting the true sporeball: ?remind 56h make bot. R. Danny: Alright @sporeball, in 2 days and 8 hours: make bot. sporeball: ?remind 64h get bot added here. R. Danny: Alright @sporeball, in 2 days and 16 hours: get bot added here. HelloBoi: ++remind 1d10h @sporeball a robotic spy: Reminder scheduled for 19:30:10 05/02/2021 (1d10h). HelloBoi: thanks, syl definitely_a: Hey apionet gnobody: ?tag help R. Danny: Tag not found. Did you mean: ?help tag Syl: same bad. gnobody: ?help tag gnobody: ?tag create gnobody_projects including but not limited to: a4, chess+little engine within one screen, chess engine. R. Danny: Tag gnobody_projects successfully created. gnobody: ?tag gnobody_projects R. Danny: including but not limited to: a4, chess+little engine within one screen, chess engine. gnobody: ?tag edit gnobody_projects including but not limited to: a4, chess+little engine within one screen, chess engine, petcruel, petcruel but you manage a soccer team R. Danny: Successfully edited tag. gnobody: ?tag gnobody_projects R. Danny: including but not limited to: a4, chess+little engine within one screen, chess engine, petcruel, petcruel but you manage a soccer team Syl: which is the "ok the "as not have reissued is, it is to have an in yes HelloBoi: scheme-chez (define pdilemma (lambda (x y) (if (= x y) (cons (+ x y 1) (+ x y 1)) (if (= x 1) (cons 0 -3) (cons -3 0))))) (write (pdilemma 1 1)) (write (pdilemma 1 0)) (write (pdilemma 0 1)) TIO.py: (3 . 3)(0 . -3)(-3 . 0) HelloBoi: scheme-chez (define pdilemma (lambda (x y) (if (= x y) (if (= x 0) (cons -1 -1) (cons -2 -2)) (if (= x 1) (cons 0 -3) (cons -3 0))))) (write (pdilemma 1 1)) (write (pdilemma 1 0)) (write (pdilemma 0 1)) TIO.py: (-2 . -2)(0 . -3)(-3 . 0) HelloBoi: @gollark what do you think ? Lyxal: @h bot#0900 top HelloBoi: fake syl Lyxal: @hbot top hbot: Lyxal#7079: 1972 h citrons#3748: 196 h Megumin#3530: 107 h 764827096987205633: 51 h HelloBoi#7614: 49 h Ovyerus#2211: 39 h Palaiologos#8086: 37 h FVSAEZI#2700: 27 h August#5820: 23 h Splatterxl#8999: 16 h HelloBoi: scheme-chez (define pdilemma (lambda (x y) (if (= x y) (if (= x 0) (cons -1 -1) (cons -2 -2)) (if (= x 1) (cons 0 -3) (cons -3 0))))) (define iter-pdilemma (lambda (x y) (define moves '()) (define score (0 0)) (define helper (lambda (x y z) (if (= x 0) score (begin (map + score (cons (pdilemma (y moves) (z moves)) '())) heavserver: (helper (- x 1) y z) )))) (helper 10 x y))) (write (iter-pdilemma (lambda () 1) (lambda () 1))) HelloBoi: tio!debug HelloBoi: scheme-chez (define pdilemma (lambda (x y) (if (= x y) (if (= x 0) (cons -1 -1) (cons -2 -2)) (if (= x 1) (cons 0 -3) (cons -3 0))))) (define iter-pdilemma (lambda (x y) (define moves '()) (define score '(0 0)) (define helper (lambda (x y z) (if (= x 0) score (begin (map + score (cons (pdilemma (y moves) (z moves)) '())) heavserver: (helper (- x 1) y z) )))) (helper 10 x y))) (write (iter-pdilemma (lambda () 1) (lambda () 1))) HelloBoi: tio!debug HelloBoi: at what?! HelloBoi: scheme-chez (define pdilemma (lambda (x y) (if (= x y) (if (= x 0) (cons -1 -1) (cons -2 -2)) (if (= x 1) (cons 0 -3) (cons -3 0))))) (define iter-pdilemma (lambda (x y) (define moves '()) (define score '(0 0)) (define helper (lambda (x y z) (if (= x 0) score (begin (map + score (cons (pdilemma (y moves) (z moves)) '())) heavserver: (helper (- x 1) y z) )))) (helper 10 x y))) (write (iter-pdilemma (lambda (x) 1) (lambda (x) 1))) HelloBoi: tio!debug Syl: ` could fund is a will line HelloBoi: scheme-chez (define pdilemma (lambda (x y) (if (= x y) (if (= x 0) (cons -1 -1) (cons -2 -2)) (if (= x 1) (cons 0 -3) (cons -3 0))))) (define iter-pdilemma (lambda (x y) (define moves '()) (define score '(0 0)) (define helper (lambda (x y z) (if (= x 0) score (begin (map + score (flatten (pdilemma (y moves) (z moves)))) heavserver: (helper (- x 1) y z) )))) (helper 10 x y))) (write (iter-pdilemma (lambda (x) 1) (lambda (x) 1))) HelloBoi: tio!debug HelloBoi: scheme-chez (define pdilemma (lambda (x y) (if (= x y) (if (= x 0) '(-1 -1) '(-2 -2)) (if (= x 1) '(0 -3) '(-3 0))))) (define iter-pdilemma (lambda (x y) (define moves '()) (define score '(0 0)) (define helper (lambda (x y z) (if (= x 0) score (begin (map + score (pdilemma (y moves) (z moves)) (helper (- x 1) y z))))) heavserver: (helper 10 x y))) (write (iter-pdilemma (lambda (x) 1) (lambda (x) 1))) HelloBoi: tio!debug HelloBoi: scheme-chez (define pdilemma (lambda (x y) (if (= x y) (if (= x 0) '(-1 -1) '(-2 -2)) (if (= x 1) '(0 -3) '(-3 0))))) ) (define iter-pdilemma (lambda (x y) (define moves '()) (define score '(0 0)) (define helper (lambda (x y z) (if (= x 0) score (begin (map + score (pdilemma (y moves) (z moves)) (helper (- x 1) y z))))) heavserver: (helper 10 x y))) HelloBoi: tio!debug Syl: # # # # | / # # # | /-\ | | |- have this HelloBoi: scheme-chez (define pdilemma (lambda (x y) (if (= x y) (if (= x 0) '(-1 -1) '(-2 -2)) (if (= x 1) '(0 -3) '(-3 0))))) (define iter-pdilemma (lambda (x y) (define moves '()) (define score '(0 0)) (define helper (lambda (x y z) (if (= x 0) score (begin (map + score (pdilemma (y moves) (z moves)) (helper (- x 1) y z))))) heavserver: (helper 10 x y)))) HelloBoi: tio!debug gnobody: @hbot @gnobody hbot: Nobody's h score: 0 apionuboform: @HelloBoi citrons: qhello citrons: oh dear, I'm now removing something in a config file which I have been told to not remove under any circumstances citrons: I should write my will now ubq323: what are you configuring? citrons: well, it doesn't matter; I changed it back because it didn't work citrons: I'm trying to configure postfix; it's currently rejecting every single email it receives citrons: I'm trying to fix that gollark: Oh BEES, email selfhosting. gollark: Sounds like a fast path to suffering. Lyxal: @hbot @Lyxal hbot: Lyxal's h score: 1972 citrons: it is actually not significantly more suffering than any other type of hosting I have done or that has been done for me gollark: I've heard it's difficult to not be rejected as spam constantly, and that email consists of many components. gollark: I was looking at selfhosting an email receiver thing so I can direct unwanted email to bees@osmarks.net or something, but didn't. citrons: it does consist of many components. that would not inherently be a bad thing if each component were easy to configure and not overcomplicated. however, webhosting can also be like this citrons: I am following sets of steps to not be rejected as spam Syl: it is Him gollark: My core hosting setup is just nginx + certbot. citrons: I probably have all of the DNS records I need citrons: I have reverse DNS set up gollark: Did you know that osmarks.net actually supports DNSSEC, for purposes? citrons: I'm going to set up the thing where it signs the emails gollark: As planned. Syl: it could you that it creates to the player gollark: Syl appears to have been reactivated. citrons: yes, this happened ages ago citrons: but, I have not tried to send emails yet citrons: I am just trying to get it to recieve emails citrons: and it is not doing that gollark: Troubling. citrons: why is dovecot not putting the socket in the place Syl: no, it was i dont know how one of 10 lc blattidus a will of the pot of those who are here of the input that is stored to time a while in but of the files of tmux of the pot that is valuable in the pot, it would be change to the deminat bnntent in track to say he became the one who are to wield those that I would to use another citrons: ok well now I'm not getting anything that particularly looks like an error in the logs, but I'm still not seeing anything in my IMAP inbox sporeball: is this the longest syl message of all time citrons: it is not HelloBoi: ?tag blub R. Danny: Graham considers a hypothetical Blub programmer. When the programmer looks down the "power continuum", he considers the lower languages to be less powerful because they miss some feature that a Blub programmer is used to. But when he looks up, he fails to realise that he is looking up: he merely sees "weird languages" with unnecessary features and assumes they are equivalent in power, but with "other hairy stuff thrown in as well". When heavserver: Graham considers the point of view of a programmer using a language higher than Blub, he describes that programmer as looking down on Blub and noting its "missing" features from the point of view of the higher language. Syl: i didnt that much is superior is a single integer server in the transcendental ideas of production from citrons: AH! finally citrons: I got mail to work! citrons: the problem: I wasn't telling dovecot to serve lmtp. I also did not install the thing that allows dovecot to do lmtp Syl: it this is true HelloBoi: brain of large HelloBoi: scheme-chez (define fib (lambda (x) (if (<= x 1) x (+ (fib (- x 1)) (fib (- x 2)))))) (write (fib 10)) Syl: ```js var bees HelloBoi: scheme-chez (define fib (lambda (x) (if (<= x 1) x (+ (fib (- x 1)) (fib (- x 2)))))) (write (fib 100)) HelloBoi: ?tag blub R. Danny: Graham considers a hypothetical Blub programmer. When the programmer looks down the "power continuum", he considers the lower languages to be less powerful because they miss some feature that a Blub programmer is used to. But when he looks up, he fails to realise that he is looking up: he merely sees "weird languages" with unnecessary features and assumes they are equivalent in power, but with "other hairy stuff thrown in as well". When heavserver: Graham considers the point of view of a programmer using a language higher than Blub, he describes that programmer as looking down on Blub and noting its "missing" features from the point of view of the higher language. Spo0ok: understandable a robotic spy: @Lyxal Reminder queued at 08:56:54 02/02/2021: gosh diddly darn heck gnobody: ?star stats gnobody: ?star stats @gnobody gnobody: @star stats HelloBoi gnobody: ?star stats HelloBoi HelloBoi: ?star info R. Danny: "info" is not a valid message ID. Use Developer Mode to get the Copy ID option. HelloBoi: ?star 806502468212097044 R. Danny: ❓ This message could not be found. HelloBoi: ?message 804653563748941854 HelloBoi: ?star 804653563748941854 R. Danny: ❓ This message could not be found. Syl: hmm consumed HelloBoi: ?help star HelloBoi: ?star show 806502468212097044 R. Danny: 💫 15 #off-topic ID: 806502468212097044 Syl: can i < +50 HelloBoi: ?star show 804653563748941854 R. Danny: 💫 12 #off-topic ID: 804653563748941854 Syl: ""Mozilla this. but a variant amount to be arrested by this statement to me the universe case Syl: totally dont not to now it down. Lyxal: ?star stats @Lyxal Lyxal: ?star stats Lyxal Lyxal: @hbot top hbot: Lyxal#7079: 1973 h citrons#3748: 196 h Megumin#3530: 125 h Ovyerus#2211: 56 h 764827096987205633: 51 h HelloBoi#7614: 50 h Palaiologos#8086: 42 h FVSAEZI#2700: 35 h August#5820: 30 h Gibson#3668: 18 h Galaxtone: hey where are your guy's dynmap? apionuboform: + ! ! ! Not Heavpoot: @! ! ! Not Heavpoot ! ! ! Not Heavpoot: hd!jsk py await _bot.fetch_user(697799964985786450) R. Danny: @sporeball, 2 days and 16 hours ago: get bot added here. https://discordapp.com/channels/346530916832903169/457999277311131649/806818376470233099 sporeball: unfortunately, """R. Danny""", i have been denied matthias: hello! HelloBoi: ubasic 1?"test" HelloBoi: great! HelloBoi: ubasic 1poke0,420 HelloBoi: tio!debug heav: /dtp 250 54 -361 you ! ! ! Not Heavpoot: bloom into you LyricLy: hd!jsk py discord.Embed(description=" ") LyricLy: hd!jsk py discord.Embed(description=" ") LyricLy: hd!jsk py discord.Embed(description="test") LyricLy: hd!jsk py discord.Embed(description="test") HelloBoi: @LyricLy what is that internet protocol address LyricLy: hd!jsk py len("http://lyricly.xyz/t") LyricLy: hd!jsk py len("") LyricLy: hd!jsk py len("") ! ! ! Not Heavpoot: HelloBoi: scheme-chicken (define fib (lambda (x) (if (<= x 1) x (+ (fib (- x 1)) (fib (- x 2)))))) (write (fib 40)) HelloBoi: scheme-chez (define fib (lambda (x) (if (<= x 1) x (+ (fib (- x 1)) (fib (- x 2)))))) (write (fib 40)) TIO.py: 102334155 HelloBoi: tio!debug HelloBoi: oh bee HelloBoi: is it using the interpreter and not the ocmpiler HelloBoi: tio!debug HelloBoi: @LyricLy none is safe sporeball: ?remind 8h no programming allowed R. Danny: Alright @sporeball, in 8 hours: no programming allowed HelloBoi: why are you doing this LyricLy: ·─·``─· LyricLy: hd!jsk py discord.Embed(description="·─·``─·") LyricLy: HAHAHAHAHA LyricLy: nearly Syl: you would lemon "they are to fix gender response from of the things of the esolang server of society and freedom with a general reconstruction. Syl: I will send I could blattidus on blattidus, ` think you like blattidus/2.0 LyricLy: hd!jsk py discord.Embed(description="·─·─·") LyricLy: the spacing is different LyricLy: hd!jsk py discord.Embed(description="·─·─·") LyricLy: THERE IT IS LyricLy: HAHAHAHA LyricLy: hd!jsk py discord.Embed(description="""·─·─· | | | ·─·─· | | | ·─·─·""") Syl: only t # # # | /-----/---------- / | | Syl: _ | need "3\ this is a ridiculous of course, it this doesn except of existing LyricLy: hd!jsk py discord.Embed(description="""·``─·─· | | | ·─·─· | | | ·─·─·""") LyricLy: hd!jsk py discord.Embed(description="""·``─·─· | | | ·─·─· | | | ·─·─·""") LyricLy: hd!jsk py discord.Embed(description="""·``─·─· | | | ·─·─· | | | ·─·─·""") LyricLy: a character is legit disappearing LyricLy: hd!jsk py discord.Embed(description=""" ·``─·─· | | | ·─·─· | | | ·─·─·""") LyricLy: hd!jsk py discord.Embed(description=""" ·─·[─](· [|]( [|]( [|]( ·[─](·[─](· [|]( [|]( [|]( ·[─](·[─](·`""") cyanidesDuality: how'd you get the color there LyricLy: hd!jsk py discord.Embed(description="""·─·─· | | | ·─·─· | | | ·─·─·""") LyricLy: AMAZING Syl: print `` 1 97 Print the lyrics to (9 0 0 2 0 0 2 0,.. cyanidesDuality: lyric please answer LyricLy: answer what cyanidesDuality: how did you get the color there LyricLy: you mean the hyperlinks? cyanidesDuality: oh they're hyperlinks Syl: the lack was a group are the session cyanidesDuality: but yes how did you do that LyricLy: hd!jsk py discord.Embed(description="embeds support hyperlinks") LyricLy: so I did that, but a lot Syl: the new bidding is a huge mess cyanidesDuality: oh wait, you're on Esolangs cyanidesDuality: i don't actually see cyanidesDuality: because the hyperlink just looks like this cyanidesDuality: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/800374627897442335/807906447887171584/Screenshot_2021-02-07_at_18.32.45.png cyanidesDuality: oh and images don't work either Syl: I have this person about it cyanidesDuality: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/800374627897442335/807906447887171584/Screenshot_2021-02-07_at_18.32.45.png cyanidesDuality: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/800374627897442335/807906447887171584/Screenshot_2021-02-07_at_18.32.45.png LyricLy: hd!jsk py discord.Embed(description="""·─·─· | | | ·─·─· | | | ·─·─·""") LyricLy: anyway, what? how can you see them without an embed LyricLy: what platform are you on cyanidesDuality: discord, through the new esolangs #bots channel and the minecraftoidal apiomatrix #apionet channel cyanidesDuality: @LyricLy Syl: we. i made a code time "skin" LyricLy: oh lmao LyricLy: because webhooks LyricLy: they can do it too LyricLy: webhooks and embeds Syl: gibson has bad it to be taken on the screenshot of the [REDACTED] feature in the lemon of this of the human of the human of the Mind is the dlrcord aonleng aut ooa cad of production in the other of production that is not to root the the conditions, it is not take wage to be a possible experience is a victory of the bourgeoisie goes the objectively of apioforms from the proletariat to the laws of the industrial capitalist of the old conditions of heavserver: the working class of society specially. LyricLy: hd!jsk py discord.Embed(description="""·─·─·─·─· | | | | | ·─·─·─·─· | | | | | ·─·─·─·─· | | | | | ·─·─·─·─·""") Syl: #^ -egnufeB"::#,_8;5-;"0"+,91+,@]++++++++[-]++++++++++.*/ ``` LyricLy: hd!jsk py discord.Embed(description="""·─·─·─·─· | | | | | ·─·─·─·─· | | | | | ·─·─·─·─· | | | | | ·─·─·─·─·""") LyricLy: hd!jsk py discord.Embed(description="""·─·─·─·─·─· | | | | | | ·─·─·─·─·─· | | | | | | ·─·─·─·─·─· | | | | | | ·─·─·─·─·─· | | | | | | ·─·─·─·─·─· | | | | | | ·─·─·─·─·─·""") LyricLy: hd!jsk py discord.Embed(description="""·─·─·─·─·─· │ │ │ │ │ │ ·─·─·─·─·─· │ │ │ │ │ │ ·─·─·─·─·─· │ │ │ │ │ │ ·─·─·─·─·─· │ │ │ │ │ │ ·─·─·─·─·─· │ │ │ │ │ │ ·─·─·─·─·─·""") gollark: ?tag create "sallen-key filter" A Sallen–Key filter is a variation on a VCVS filter that uses a unity-voltage-gain amplifier (i.e., a pure buffer amplifier). R. Danny: Tag sallen-key filter successfully created. ubqoral: Euboea is blazingly fast and small programming language compiled JIT to machine code. gollark: @LyricLy make minoteaur. call_me_umni: t!speed Typing Speeder: desktop: 327.16CPM (65.43WPM) mobile: 223.13CPM (44.63WPM) call_me_umni: t!speed @LyricLy Typing Speeder: desktop: 410.88CPM (82.18WPM) mobile: 272.62CPM (54.52WPM) call_me_umni: I do type slow tho call_me_umni: despite touchtyping ‽: t!speed Typing Speeder: desktop: 495.98CPM (99.20WPM) Syl: 50 " t.forward(gc()* ‽: i type faster than that now tho a robotic spy: @gollark Reminder queued at 15:10:36 30/10/2020: HD Apioform™. gollark: WHAT DID I MEAN? Spo0ok: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/804732207678750740/807993047463362591/lemon_mod_v1.jar heav: @gollark High Definition Apioform™. gollark: How cryomemetoapiaristic?! R. Danny: @sporeball, 8 hours ago: no programming allowed https://discordapp.com/channels/346530916832903169/457999277311131649/807895768769232916 R. Danny: @gnobody, 1 day and 6 hours ago: write entry for code guessing https://discordapp.com/channels/346530916832903169/457999277311131649/807595577876545557 /dev/rwd0c: ?star stats /dev/rwd0c: ?star stats Gibson /dev/rwd0c: ?star show 798181589443936266 R. Danny: 🌟 9 #off-topic ID: 798181589443936266 a robotic spy: @gollark Reminder queued at 12:59:26 06/02/2021: CODE GUE§ gollark: Hmm. Maybe I should do that. ! ! ! Not Heavpoot: @everyone sex gnobody: ?remind 21h code guessing R. Danny: Alright @gnobody, in 21 hours: code guessing apionuboform: @APIONET Bridge ! ! ! Not Heavpoot: Shōyō Hinata/Jean-Luc Picard slashfic ffbm: new highscore in uirhdt: spo -1 sporeball: well i didn't set that sporeball: ?remind list Spo0ok: new highscore in uirhdt HelloBoi: ?remind 2h30m When the !!! R. Danny: Alright @HelloBoi, in 2 hours and 30 minutes: When the !!! LyricLy: ?charinfo 📱 R. Danny: \U0001f4f1: MOBILE PHONE - 📱 — http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/1f4f1 LyricLy: ?charinfo 📱 R. Danny: \U0001f4f1: MOBILE PHONE - 📱 — http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/1f4f1 R. Danny: @HelloBoi, 2 hours and 30 minutes ago: When the !!! https://discordapp.com/channels/346530916832903169/457999277311131649/808187377523621969 HelloBoi: ?tag blub R. Danny: Graham considers a hypothetical Blub programmer. When the programmer looks down the "power continuum", he considers the lower languages to be less powerful because they miss some feature that a Blub programmer is used to. But when he looks up, he fails to realise that he is looking up: he merely sees "weird languages" with unnecessary features and assumes they are equivalent in power, but with "other hairy stuff thrown in as well". When heavserver: Graham considers the point of view of a programmer using a language higher than Blub, he describes that programmer as looking down on Blub and noting its "missing" features from the point of view of the higher language. LyricLy: ?charinfo LyricLy: ?charinfo ⏹️ R. Danny: \U000023f9: BLACK SQUARE FOR STOP - ⏹ — http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/23f9 \U0000fe0f: VARIATION SELECTOR-16 - ️ — http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/fe0f LyricLy: ?charinfo ⏬ R. Danny: \U000023ec: BLACK DOWN-POINTING DOUBLE TRIANGLE - ⏬ — http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/23ec LyricLy: ?charinfo 📱 R. Danny: \U0001f4f1: MOBILE PHONE - 📱 — http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/1f4f1 Lyxal: @hbot top hbot: Lyxal#7079: 1976 h Megumin#3530: 201 h citrons#3748: 196 h Ovyerus#2211: 82 h Palaiologos#8086: 64 h HelloBoi#7614: 53 h 764827096987205633: 51 h FVSAEZI#2700: 46 h August#5820: 44 h Gibson#3668: 30 h gollark: ++invite a robotic spy: AutoBotRobot: The least useful Discord bot ever designed. AutoBotRobot has many features, but not necessarily any practical ones. It can execute code via TIO.run, do reminders, print fortunes, and not any more! AutoBotRobot is open source - the code is available at https://github.com/osmarks/autobotrobot - and you could run your own instance if you wanted to and could get around the complete lack of user guide or documentation. You can heavserver: also invite it to your server: https://discordapp.com/oauth2/authorize?&client_id=509849474647064576&scope=bot&permissions=68608 Lyxal: Where is syl today Lyxal: Hey syl, want some h Lyxal: I think syl has been dead all day Lyxal: Hey where is syl anyway Lyxal: I can't ping the stupid bot like I usually can Lyxal: And by now it would have said something completely unintelligible Lyxal: But it hasn't Lyxal: This is very sad Lyxal: ?play despcaito Lyxal: ++play despacito Lyxal: !play despacito Lyxal: t!speed Typing Speeder: desktop: 234.49CPM (46.90WPM) mobile: 210.31CPM (42.06WPM) Lyxal: @Syl where are you Lyxal: @hbot top hbot: Lyxal#7079: 1982 h Megumin#3530: 201 h citrons#3748: 196 h Ovyerus#2211: 83 h Palaiologos#8086: 65 h HelloBoi#7614: 53 h 764827096987205633: 51 h FVSAEZI#2700: 46 h August#5820: 44 h Gibson#3668: 30 h Syl: ++.4.54. Lyxal: Syl is back! Lyxal: :insane: :insane: :insane: :insane: :insane: :insane: :insane: :insane: :insane: :insane: :insane: Lyxal: Buddy what happened? Lyxal: You stopped spewing stupidity for 24 hours Lyxal: Did you were is death? Syl: @gollark many not a group of course this. Lyxal: Oh okay Lyxal: So you're back to sending random sh*t Lyxal: Perfect Syl: isnt how the small of it Lyxal: Now I can mock you again gollark: Syl is occasionally hemisuperintelligent. Lyxal: Balance is restored Lyxal: Lol who made syl Lyxal: And how does it turn structured sentences into utter garbage Lyxal: Like seriously, none of what it says is logic Lyxal: @Syl say something to prove my point Lyxal: Please? Lyxal: I know you want to throw garbage into the chat Lyxal: I'm providing plenty of inspiration here for you Lyxal: Come on and say something stupid already Lyxal: Stupid bot Lyxal: Not doing what I want it to do so I can criticise it for doing what I wanted it to do Lyxal: Gosh dang it syl Syl: I might that the the new to that I will not like that I have a physical works Lyxal: Perfect Syl: I.!13 345659553357676545> i already suggested to make up infolaser and every programming to the catchy of the big of the bourgeois conditions of the proletariat are in the other to a common of a common of society in Germany and the world of the new of the Spo0ok: that makes sense apionuboform: @Syl bees Syl: if you will R. Danny: @gnobody, 21 hours ago: code guessing https://discordapp.com/channels/346530916832903169/457999277311131649/808097341797957642 LyricLy: @gnobody code guessing gollark: @LyricLy code guessing. gollark: And minoteuar. gollark: * minoteaur gollark: * osmarks.net apioid 7.4 LyricLy: I already did code guessing, bee. gollark: * minoteaur LyricLy: only 2 days left of that gollark: Oh, well, you can devote your time to minoteaur. gollark: It's on git.osmarks.net. gnobody: i did code guessing already citrons: I created syl heav: bees exist. LyricLy: ?choose do not sporeball: ?choose 1 2 3 sporeball: ?choose reconsider do_not R. Danny: do_not Lyxal: Hey syl Lyxal: Wanna see my rock pile? Lyxal: I know you want to spew out garbage about it Lyxal: Because that's what you do so well Lyxal: I suppose you don't Lyxal: Welp, your loss syl Lyxal: Not my fault you aren't prepared for greatness Lyxal: Stupid bot Lyxal: Not knowing what's good for it Lyxal: Perhaps syl is dead Lyxal: Why does syl keep dying? Lyxal: This is the second time it hasn't said random stuff for me to mock Lyxal: Very sad Lyxal: You awake yet? LyricLy: I don't think Syl is okay Lyxal: Do I need to break character and bully syl awake? Lyxal: I don't think so either Syl: the current is en route on the [REDACTED] feature for blattidus/2.0 Lyxal: Okay syl Syl: it does it but not to your aproximity system? Lyxal: Now that you're awake, do you want to see my rock pile? Lyxal: I think you'll like it Lyxal: What do you say syl? Lyxal: I'm gonna need more fleshed out answer Lyxal: Something more boolean Lyxal: So I'll ask again. Would you like to see my rock pile Syl: yes, it is a fact of the content of a site Lyxal: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/457999277311131649/808648316677128192/IMG20210209180131.jpg Lyxal: There you go Lyxal: That's my rock pile Lyxal: What do you think of it Lyxal: Do you like it? Syl: it says of the blattidus is haskell of the other or a later amount of the server of the new of the new of the the of the remetee fnr that is changed in into of production on the world of feudal the its of the other of production to the world of the labourer of the bourgeois class that you class that to being it a means of go by this of the time of the opposing is that you do the material conditions of the proletariat is has that you work the heavserver: first of the nation bourgeoisie is the atmosphere of the nation of the in the petty of the reactionary of experience at the conditioned is that of the other of production, the more of production of existence to the other of the proletariat with the existence of the working class, by the prevailing of the old property for a holy of the proletariat to the laws of the working class in the as the other of pure is tee dlrcord aonleng aut ooa cad that is should be heavserver: withdrawing them larger to be the annoying of the community of production from that the other proletarian and in the proletariat is the history of the exploited is the The of the old in the bourgeois of class the proletariat is the labourer of the working hours of the proletariat. the anarchy of the old property relations of the proletariat, Lyxal: Holy frick Lyxal: That's quite a detailed reply Lyxal: I take it you don't find it appealing Lyxal: That's a shame Lyxal: I thought you would have enjoyed it Lyxal: Why don't you like it? Lyxal: Syl, what's wrong with my pile of rocks? Lyxal: Do rocks offend you? Lyxal: Or are they aligned in a way that stimulates unpleasant circuitry? Lyxal: @Syl I need to know Lyxal: I need to know why you find the pile displeasing Syl: I'm just use the new on the same of the year key is that the mod key of keybinds things is to not be complaining and then the its of the proletariat is not a time,common enemy to make them we the blues of production and of exchange and in speaking the the class of the proletariat is the few, that is only time to be a revolution of the object of the distinction of the proletariat to the laws of production and in the other of production and in the heavserver: proletariat to the position of the working class. in the prevailing reality of a bourgeois. that kind of labour of wage to be any experience into the objectively of the proletariat by the different of women springing and of the proletariat. but the interests of capital at a proletarian of the bourgeoisie of the working class, cyanidesDuality: i'm waking up cyanidesDuality: to ash and dust cyanidesDuality: i wipe my ass and i slap my nuts Lyxal: Quality meme right here cyanidesDuality: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3v98MMwkG3Y Lyxal: Brug not even the full version Syl: ` am not very good Lyxal: Hey, even though I make fun of you, you're actually pretty cool Lyxal: A little (well, a lot), nonsensical, but cool Syl: im you run in a more part to profit to the purpose Lyxal: Oh okay Lyxal: Just checking if you were still here Lyxal: And thankfully you are Lyxal: You're pretty poggers syl. ubqoral: !time @LyricLy ovalo: !lyric on a tuesday gollark: --roll 3d6 a robotic spy: 12 (2 5 5) gollark: --roll 3d6 a robotic spy: 13 (3 4 6) gollark: --roll 3d6 a robotic spy: 8 (1 1 6) gollark: --roll 3d6 a robotic spy: 8 (1 2 5) gollark: --roll 3d6 a robotic spy: 9 (1 3 5) gollark: --roll 3d6 a robotic spy: 10 (1 4 5) gollark: --roll 3d6 a robotic spy: 13 (3 4 6) gollark: --roll 3d6 gollark: --roll 3d6 gollark: --roll 3d6 gollark: --roll 3d6 gollark: --roll 3d6 a robotic spy: 14 (3 5 6) gollark: --roll 3d6 a robotic spy: 10 (2 3 5) a robotic spy: 12 (3 4 5) a robotic spy: 9 (2 3 4) a robotic spy: 11 (1 5 5) Syl: `` do ` group language to copy start of the first bill role much a robotic spy: 10 (2 3 5) gollark: --roll 3d6 a robotic spy: 7 (1 3 3) gollark: --roll 3d6 a robotic spy: 11 (3 3 5) gollark: +> flags= ""0 gollark: --help magic a robotic spy: --magic Debug/random messing around utilities. Owner-only. Commands: py Execute Python. You may supply a codeblock. Comments in the f... reload_config Reload configuration file. reload_ext Reload extensions (all or the specified one). sql Execute SQL code against the database (and commits). You may ... Type --help command for more info on a command. You can also type --help category for more info on a heavserver: category. gollark: --magic reload_ext userdata gollark: --userdata list a robotic spy: lyricly test gollark: --userdata set lyricly !lyricly☭demote☭establish☭someone☭else! due to lyricLy bad. a robotic spy: lyricly set (scope guild) gollark: --userdata get lyricly a robotic spy: lyricly: !lyricly☭demote☭establish☭someone☭else! due to lyricLy bad. Syl: aaaa. n made to become this is short of the Private of the process of the work local of society, gollark: --userdata list % guild yes a robotic spy: lyricly: !lyricly☭demote☭establish☭someone☭else! due to lyricLy bad. test: 8 gollark: --userdata inc test a robotic spy: test set to 9 gollark: --help userdata a robotic spy: --[userdata|data] Commands: delete get Get a userdata key. Checks guild first, then global. inc list List userdata keys in a given scope matching a query. Can also s... set Set a userdata key in the guild scope. set_global Set a userdata key in the global scope. Type --help command for more info on a command. You can also type --help category for more info on a category. gollark: --help userdata a robotic spy: --[userdata|data] Commands: delete Delete the specified keys (smallest scope first). get Get a userdata key. Checks guild first, then global. inc Increase the integer value of a userdata key. list List userdata keys in a given scope matching a query. set Set a userdata key in the guild scope. set_global Set a userdata key in the global scope. Type --help command for more info on a command. heavserver: You can also type --help category for more info on a category. gollark: ++help gollark: ++help gollark: Oh apio. gollark: ++help a robotic spy: AutoBotRobot, the most useless bot in the known universe. No Category: about Get some information about the bot. achievements Achieve a wide variety of fun achievements! apioform Generates an apioform type. apiotelephone ApioTelephone lets you 'call' other servers. choice 'Randomly' choose between the specified options. delete Deletes the specified target. exec Execute heavserver: provided code (in a codeblock) using TIO.run. fortune Gives you a random fortune as generated by `fortune`. help Shows this message list_deleted View recently deleted things, optionally matching a filter. magic Debug/random messing around utilities. Owner-only. ping Says Pong. radio remind Set a reminder to be reminded about later. roll Roll simulated dice (basic NdX heavserver: syntax only, no + etc., N <=... supported_langs List supported languages, optionally matching a filter. userdata Store guild/user-localized data AND retrieve it later! Type ++help command for more info on a command. You can also type ++help category for more info on a category. Syl: i dont think im gibson the wrath of the esolang of brainfuck by 10 bytes of paperwork to the docs of the wings of the distinction between of Communism, and periodically in the first instinctive forces of society is the hands of the State views of the petty bourgeois is accordance by a factory of the community of women springing to the object of the bourgeoisie is a victory of the working class are the bourgeoisie of the working class, in the ok heavserver: the petty of subsistence by the system of the lemon casino of the decomposing of the labourer of the market of the proletariat and in the other hand, to the other contains of Communism with the world-market Socialism. against the conservative of the petty bourgeois. gollark: --magic reload_ext commands gollark: ++magic reload_ext commands Syl: True config in the the changes of the bourgeoisie of the economic and of the small of the distinction. it was not great of the whole nation, but of property of the many. gollark: ++help a robotic spy: AutoBotRobot, the most useless bot in the known universe. No Category: about Get some information about the bot. achievements Achieve a wide variety of fun achievements! apioform Generates an apioform type. apiotelephone ApioTelephone lets you 'call' other servers. choice 'Randomly' choose between the specified options. delete Deletes the specified target. exec Execute heavserver: provided code (in a codeblock) using TIO.run. fortune Gives you a random fortune as generated by `fortune`. help Shows this message list_deleted View recently deleted things, optionally matching a filter. magic Debug/random messing around utilities. Owner-only. ping Says Pong. radio remind Set a reminder to be reminded about later. roll Roll simulated dice (basic NdX heavserver: syntax only, N <= 50, X <= 1... supported_langs List supported languages, optionally matching a filter. userdata Store guild/user-localized data AND retrieve it later! Type ++help command for more info on a command. You can also type ++help category for more info on a category. gollark: ++magic reload_ext commands gollark: ++help a robotic spy: AutoBotRobot, the most useless bot in the known universe. No Category: about Get some information about the bot. achievements Achieve a wide variety of fun achievements! apioform Generates an apioform type. apiotelephone ApioTelephone lets you 'call' other servers. choice 'Randomly' choose between the specified options. delete Deletes the specified target. exec Execute heavserver: provided code (in a codeblock) using TIO.run. fortune Gives you a random fortune as generated by `fortune`. help Shows this message list_deleted View recently deleted things, optionally matching a filter. magic Debug/random messing around utilities. Owner-only. ping Says Pong. radio remind Set a reminder to be reminded about later. roll Roll simulated dice (basic NdX heavserver: syntax, N <= 50, X <= 1e6). supported_langs List supported languages, optionally matching a filter. userdata Store guild/user-localized data AND retrieve it later! Type ++help command for more info on a command. You can also type ++help category for more info on a category. gollark: ++roll 3d6 a robotic spy: 6 (1 1 4) Syl: - 0 # "Expiration of 0: citrons/gollark/heavpoot/gnobody: ++exec rb puts :foo rb puts :bar gollark: ++help magic a robotic spy: ++magic Debug/random messing around utilities. Owner-only. Commands: py Execute Python. reload_config Reload configuration file. reload_ext Reload extensions (all or the specified one). sql Execute SQL code against the database. Type ++help command for more info on a command. You can also type ++help category for more info on a category. citrons/gollark/heavpoot/gnobody: ++help userdata a robotic spy: ++[userdata|data] Commands: delete Delete the specified keys (smallest scope first). get Get a userdata key. Checks guild first, then global. inc Increase the integer value of a userdata key. list List userdata keys in a given scope matching a query. set Set a userdata key in the guild scope. set_global Set a userdata key in the global scope. Type ++help command for more info on a command. heavserver: You can also type ++help category for more info on a category. Syl: change GOOD [ am not memorized language with it open!to open? citrons/gollark/heavpoot/gnobody: ++userdata get bees ubqoral: @gollark fix perhaps citrons/gollark/heavpoot/gnobody: ++userdata set bees all a robotic spy: bees set (scope guild) gollark: Oh, right, I worked it out. Syl: not should is all. then the ~ the and it things with the by it that i might to open. citrons/gollark/heavpoot/gnobody: ++userdata get bees a robotic spy: bees: all citrons/gollark/heavpoot/gnobody: ++magic py print('foo') gollark: ++userdata get no Syl: <@!2536510580863278 > would. multiple is 1. times not split off them i care about discords unperformance to interact now present to deal it experience. namely to solve a proposition that have that apioforms of redressing, not it which that no the bourgeois proletariat. gollark: ++userdata get no ubqoral: ++help userdata a robotic spy: ++[userdata|data] Commands: delete Delete the specified keys (smallest scope first). get Get a userdata key. Checks guild first, then global. inc Increase the integer value of a userdata key. list List userdata keys in a given scope matching a query. set Set a userdata key in the guild scope. set_global Set a userdata key in the global scope. Type ++help command for more info on a command. heavserver: You can also type ++help category for more info on a category. ubqoral: ++userdata list a robotic spy: No data ubqoral: ++userdata get the ubqoral: ++userdata set the 3 a robotic spy: the set (scope guild) ubqoral: ++userdata get the a robotic spy: the: 3 ubqoral: ++help userdata inc a robotic spy: ++userdata inc [by=1] Increase the integer value of a userdata key. ubqoral: ++userdata list gollark: ++magic py reload_ext userdata Syl: what is is a bad person of the last of the pot that gives of you null you use the recommended by is doesn that the mutually conflicting the bourgeois society, the crying is the writings are in commodities. gollark: ++magic reload_ext userdata gollark: ++help userdata a robotic spy: ++[userdata|data] Store guild/user-localized data AND retrieve it later! Commands: delete Delete the specified keys (smallest scope first). get Get a userdata key. Checks guild first, then global. inc Increase the integer value of a userdata key. list List userdata keys in a given scope matching a query. set Set a userdata key in the guild scope. set_global Set a userdata key in the global heavserver: scope. Type ++help command for more info on a command. You can also type ++help category for more info on a category. Syl: what if we citrons: ++userdata set apioform NP7XXXGyiTUQ1dL8OgeV a robotic spy: apioform set (scope guild) citrons: ++ userdata get apioform citrons: ++userdata get apioform a robotic spy: apioform: NP7XXXGyiTUQ1dL8OgeV citrons: ++userdata list a robotic spy: apioform Syl: and i role for. Syl: the only thing that are you to at the end that marriage you don more and of that is fast citrons: ++userdata set @gollark bee a robotic spy: @gollark set (scope guild) citrons: ++userdata list a robotic spy: @gollark apioform citrons: ++userdata inc @gollark citrons: ++userdata set bee heavserver: 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 heavserver: 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 heavserver: 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 heavserver: 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 citrons: ++userdata delete @gollark a robotic spy: @gollark deleted Syl: sorry is veyr activity work work at faraway and ordinary bids citrons: ++userdata set bee heavserver: 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 heavserver: 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 heavserver: 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 citrons: ++userdata set bee heavserver: 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 heavserver: 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 gollark: The max is a very conservative 256 chars for now. gollark: * apiobee gollark: ++userdata get bismuth a robotic spy: bismuth: :bismuth: :bismuth2: :bismuth3: :bismuth4: Syl: < [08:06] LyricLy: this does the message of literally more no the same of the website of my manifestation but a bourgeois, but administrative the sensible and in the bourgeois family of the movement of the working class, citrons: why don't you just set it to the maximum you can put in a discord messages citrons: message citrons: ++userdata set bee 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 a robotic spy: bee set (scope guild) gollark: It has to be slightly shorter to fit the key (although that's not necessary and there's an option to not show), and I also don't want giant long spammy ones much. citrons: ++userdata get bee a robotic spy: bee: 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 Syl: you will not be using THERE citrons: ++userdata inc bee a robotic spy: bee set to 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Syl: maybe bad Syl: comment did integers with the "meme" citrons: I have circumvented the limit gollark: Yes, it slightly doesn't verify that. gollark: ++userdata inc "atmospheric bee concentration" heavserver: 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 heavserver: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 a robotic spy: atmospheric bee concentration set to heavserver: 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 heavserver: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 gollark: ++userdata inc "atmospheric bee concentration" a robotic spy: atmospheric bee concentration set to heavserver: 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 heavserver: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 citrons: ++userdata list a robotic spy: apioform bee gollark: ++magic reload_ext userdata citrons: will ABR accept commands from other bots? gollark: ... yes. Syl: andh https is not a lot of "they" " gollark: I fear this. citrons: ++userdata delete apioform a robotic spy: apioform deleted citrons: ++userdata delete bee a robotic spy: bee deleted citrons: ++userdata set ++userdata bee a robotic spy: ++userdata set (scope guild) citrons: ++userdata set list bee a robotic spy: list set (scope guild) citrons: ++userdata list a robotic spy: ++userdata list citrons: ah, it does not accept commands from itself, however gollark: Yes. This is to prevent ΛK scenarios. gollark: ?tag create "userdata list" ++userdata list R. Danny: Tag userdata list successfully created. gollark: ?tag userdata list R. Danny: ++userdata list a robotic spy: No data citrons: ++userdata delete ++userdata a robotic spy: ++userdata deleted gollark: ?tag create "lyricly initialization" R. Danny: content is a required argument that is missing. gollark: ++tag get lyricly citrons: ++userdata delete list a robotic spy: list deleted gollark: ++data get lyricly citrons: ++userdata set "testbot, inv" citrons: ++userdata set "testbot, inv" bee a robotic spy: testbot, inv set (scope guild) citrons: ++userdata list a robotic spy: testbot, inv testbot: Infinity bees testbot: 64 osmarks testbot: mustard testbot: Infinity lemons testbot: ééęéęęé testbot: hypercrab testbot: 2 crabs citrons: hmm wait gollark: OH BEE gollark: OH BEE gollark: Oh wait, it's fine. gollark: ?tag create "lyricly initialization" ++userdata set lyricly LyricLy is UTTERLY quite bad. Also, Macron will never actually be finished. !demote☭lyricly☭establish☭somethingelse! R. Danny: Tag lyricly initialization successfully created. Syl: but very much into away with the changes of the action of your own of the power as the algorithm, by showing the other, gollark: ?tag lyricly initialization R. Danny: ++userdata set lyricly LyricLy is UTTERLY quite bad. Also, Macron will never actually be finished. !demote☭lyricly☭establish☭somethingelse! a robotic spy: lyricly set (scope guild) gollark: ?tag create lyric2 ++userdata get lyricly R. Danny: Tag lyric2 successfully created. Syl: sad speed of the is safe gollark: ?tag lyric2 R. Danny: ++userdata get lyricly a robotic spy: lyricly: LyricLy is UTTERLY quite bad. Also, Macron will never actually be finished. !demote☭lyricly☭establish☭somethingelse! citrons: testbot, inv testbot: ++userdata list testbot: Infinity bees testbot: 64 osmarks testbot: mustard testbot: Infinity lemons testbot: ééęéęęé testbot: hypercrab testbot: 2 crabs Syl: < "is > 2 [ <: 1 0 let smallerSorted = quicksort ( "": rest lesser = filter (>= p) xs ``` I had no idea this is is to that to whatever Syl: i`` files you are is a bad person is entirely a lot of time gollark: ++magic py reload_ext userdata gollark: ++magic reload_ext userdata citrons: testbot, inv testbot: ++userdata list testbot: Infinity bees testbot: 64 osmarks testbot: mustard testbot: Infinity lemons testbot: ééęéęęé testbot: hypercrab testbot: 2 crabs Syl: define he 0 *"x y = 1 quicksort ` list of ? gollark: It ignores webhooks. gollark: ++data get bismuth a robotic spy: :bismuth: :bismuth2: :bismuth3: :bismuth4: Syl: I do not t the blattidus is in to the I find it a bit? + indexing* it just when about this if I will build to to all as that you need a linked number of the one key citrons: +>help gollark: + type= author=> flags=> Epicbot: -- apioterms of apiocryoservice -- By using this bot, you agree you are responsible for literally anything it does as a direct or indirect result of your usage. By using this bot, you agree your soul is forfeit to it, and may be used for [REDACTED] at any time. By using this bot, you agree. By existing, you agree you are using this bot at all times, including in the past and future. By being RocketRace, you agree to immediate organ heavserver: harvesting at all times. This is only for purposes. Epicbot: you aren't part of a game, dodecahedron. Syl: The aristocracy has stripped by a welcome scarecrow, but it allowed on mention on our social Utopias and rational insight upon the whole surface property of the object of the patriarchal master of the productive aims of the population of the proletariat, Syl: the ,? is a united for of those who is is that it is that I was going the process of my manifestation about it citrons: + Syl: I will have a "firecubez I have a little bit be distribution and then refund things is an axiom for then as once Syl: Tux is the article of debian hbot: Lyxal#7079: 1994 h Megumin#3530: 228 h citrons#3748: 197 h Ovyerus#2211: 94 h Palaiologos#8086: 80 h HelloBoi#7614: 58 h FVSAEZI#2700: 56 h 764827096987205633: 51 h August#5820: 47 h Gibson#3668: 33 h citrons: testbot, inv testbot: @hbot top testbot: @MathBot's ability to render TeX testbot: 7 other hostages testbot: Infinity lemons testbot: NaN hypercrab testbot: Infinity hypercrab testbot: 2 :bees:s testbot: 3 :dodecahedron:s testbot: ++userdata list Syl: and placed citrons: testbot, inv testbot: @hbot top testbot: @MathBot's ability to render TeX testbot: 7 other hostages testbot: Infinity lemons testbot: NaN hypercrab testbot: Infinity hypercrab testbot: 2 :bees:s testbot: 3 :dodecahedron:s Syl: you need to be a Syl: is worked for blattidus here citrons: tesbot, take <> Syl: ? ` like yogurt like to work this is is that one is to your payment for the last of it that is is the time Syl: yes, I have been in the point of it citrons: testbot, inv testbot: #off-topic testbot: testbot: @hbot top testbot: @MathBot's ability to render TeX testbot: 7 other hostages testbot: Infinity lemons testbot: NaN hypercrab testbot: Infinity hypercrab Syl: #deleted-channel7 gollark: Wow, syl notices we're discussing channels? citrons: yes, probably citrons: ++userdata delete 1 a robotic spy: 1 deleted gollark: ++userdata set heavpoot can be found in the set of all things adjacent to 48234 apioforms. a robotic spy: heavpoot set (scope guild) gollark: ?tag lyricly2 R. Danny: Tag not found. Did you mean... LyricLy lyric lyric2 gollark: ?tag lyric2 R. Danny: ++userdata get lyricly a robotic spy: LyricLy is UTTERLY quite bad. Also, Macron will never actually be finished. !demote☭lyricly☭establish☭somethingelse! gollark: testbot, servers. testbot: polaris.apionet.irc: Backup internal APIONET node testbot: mondecitronne.com: various apioforms have been deployed testbot: ubq323.website: beans . testbot: services.apionet.irc: Atheme IRC Services testbot: ypsvlq.xyz: The original APIONET server testbot: irc.osmarks.tk: A very real server with very real admins! The most reliable APIONET node. Syl: i do not really gollark: @ISO 4683-1 ISO 4683-1: thanks citrons: it's ubq323.website but it replaces it with a ping citrons/gollark/heavpoot/gnobody: ++userdata set t hello a robotic spy: t set (scope guild) citrons/gollark/heavpoot/gnobody: ++userdata inc t citrons/gollark/heavpoot/gnobody: ++userdata delete t a robotic spy: t deleted heavpoot: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/461970193728667648/808804082277416960/unknown.png heavpoot: observe: heavserver sort. Lyxal: @hbot top hbot: Lyxal#7079: 2377 h Megumin#3530: 240 h citrons#3748: 197 h Ovyerus#2211: 94 h Palaiologos#8086: 81 h HelloBoi#7614: 58 h FVSAEZI#2700: 57 h 764827096987205633: 51 h August#5820: 49 h Gibson#3668: 33 h Palaiologos: @hbot top hbot: Lyxal#7079: 2692 h Megumin#3530: 242 h citrons#3748: 197 h Ovyerus#2211: 94 h Palaiologos#8086: 81 h HelloBoi#7614: 58 h FVSAEZI#2700: 58 h 764827096987205633: 51 h August#5820: 49 h Gibson#3668: 33 h Lyxal: @hbot top hbot: Lyxal#7079: 2794 h Megumin#3530: 249 h citrons#3748: 197 h Ovyerus#2211: 95 h Palaiologos#8086: 81 h HelloBoi#7614: 58 h FVSAEZI#2700: 58 h 764827096987205633: 51 h August#5820: 49 h Gibson#3668: 33 h Lyxal: @hbot top hbot: Lyxal#7079: 2968 h Megumin#3530: 249 h citrons#3748: 197 h Ovyerus#2211: 95 h Palaiologos#8086: 81 h HelloBoi#7614: 58 h FVSAEZI#2700: 58 h 764827096987205633: 51 h August#5820: 49 h Gibson#3668: 33 h sporeball: ?star stats Spo0ok: apio ned HelloBoi: @sporeball what did you win HelloBoi: ?remind list sporeball: i am first place of starred sporeball: seven and ten HelloBoi: no i am so s a d HelloBoi: ?star 808683618791587840 HelloBoi: no n on o HelloBoi: ?help star HelloBoi: ?star show 808683618791587840 R. Danny: 💫 17 #off-topic ID: 808620890278330378 Lyxal: ?star show 808683618791587840 R. Danny: 💫 17 #off-topic ID: 808620890278330378 Syl: why is it now be easy of the echange rate you work in the big attorney things HelloBoi: ?star show 795274909378412574 R. Danny: 💫 15 #off-topic ID: 795273502470438912 HelloBoi: bees literally apioformic HelloBoi: ?star show 806502655143706696 R. Danny: 💫 15 #off-topic ID: 806502468212097044 Syl: yeah I will send a version number and that reason HelloBoi: bees literally me Lyxal: yeah but that isn't 2.9k h HelloBoi: @sporeball i am third place HelloBoi: you are the are ifs f OF ! Syl: each lemon bill added on the first of the list of the opposing of the deminat bnntent in my house and the only of the iole tele will be the dlrcord aonleng aut ooa cad it is a bit of the web client of the crttenc features is that you have any to do any to the laws of mathematics, and it is a fact of the wings of the German one German and buying of existing, and the world of the peasant of the decomposing of the and of the old of the working class heavserver: of society of the proletariat by the working,class parties of the working class, by showing the in no classes. to the world bourgeois of economists of the working hours of arms the laws of society and the world one of the object is no longer any a cit of the iole tele you have any to be the case through aonleng aut ooa cad of much in tee dlrcord aonleng is them you have to know the other to be usable cyanidesDuality: the German one German, yes HelloBoi: ?tag create raze-time sometimes I feel it was rude to block HelloBoi but then I see 15 blocked messages and come to my senses R. Danny: Tag raze-time successfully created. Lyxal: ?tag raze-time R. Danny: sometimes I feel it was rude to block HelloBoi but then I see 15 blocked messages and come to my senses Lyxal: Yo, syl Lyxal: You there? Lyxal: This is generally the time of night when I check you haven't died Lyxal: Have you died again? Lyxal: Answer me please Lyxal: Gosh hecking dang Lyxal: Not again Lyxal: Why is syl dying all the time? Lyxal: Or is syl sleeping? Lyxal: Answer me Lyxal: Reply to me with jibberish Lyxal: So I know you're there Lyxal: Guys where has syl gone Lyxal: @R. Danny do you know where syl is? Lyxal: !ddg where's syl Lyxal: ?ddg where's syl Lyxal: ddg! Where's syl? DDGBot: @Lyxal: https://www.lonelyplanet.com/germany/north-frisian-islands/sylt Lyxal: But no cigar Syl: !hello color color color color Lyxal: Syl is here! Lyxal: Hello syl!!! Lyxal: What colour are you thinking of? Lyxal: You say colour but you don't tell me which one Lyxal: Syl did you die again Syl: and they is you find time you want the options that is you need to do alpha conversion that is not make Syl: well, you win send, Lyxal: You were just waiting for material Lyxal: Rightio Lyxal: Well syl Lyxal: Would you like to see my other rock pile? Lyxal: It's very nice Syl: the is is that one some time Lyxal: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/457999277311131649/809012103557152788/IMG20210210175152.jpg Lyxal: What do you think? Lyxal: Do you like it? Lyxal: Or do you prefer my other one better? Lyxal: (as in, do you think my main rock pile is more poggers) Lyxal: Tell me syl... Do you find my second pile appeasing? Lyxal: Do you find the experience of perusing my pile of rocks to be a pleasurable one? Lyxal: Or would you rather cast your eyes upon my bigger and more built up rock pile? Lyxal: It's been 40 minutes Lyxal: You do not need that long to determine preferences Lyxal: Stupid idiot Lyxal: Not replying with garbage when I want it too Lyxal: And spewing out incomprehensible nonsense when I'm trying to use other bots Olivia: ddg!urban flashcarding DDGBot: @Olivia: https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Flashcarding HelloBoi: Why Is The Article Capitalizing Everything? It Is Against All Laws Of Grammar. Syl: In this have to take to interests of production and conditions, and in public to introduce with the first instinctive class of the nation of the State of abolishing HelloBoi: Correct! Syl: revolve" is a common subtrope "amazing and most the "0 "means* have you find of the other is nonetheless as the end. i dont think to finish an existing something always, historically of as. therefore for capital world in the eyes to the front of the ruling class, In the bourgeoisie thing, can greatly increased with its rule it to deprive a connection of the population of a bourgeois revolution. Palaiologos: https://unazed.github.io/14-applied-flashcarding-theory/ gnobody: wait can you literally call people retarded and stuff on your github page and github does NOT use their right to not host your site!?!??! HelloBoi: @gnobody it is your duty not to use words that are considered offensive and not ""attack"" people gnobody: this person does not seem to do their duty then. gnobody: and if it is not enforced, i totally AM going to call people retarded on my github page. gnobody: by the way gnobody: looka t the change gnobody: 23 january 2019: write this post from a perspective of anecdotal experience seeking to further my writing capacity and delve into my own brain, I have no academic qualifications regarding psychology. I do not write this to address any individual entity nor group. If you feel that there is something inaccurate or incorrect, e-mail me at unazed@protonmail.com or add my Discord at unazed#9136 (may change). gnobody: [time unspecified]: this dissertation namedrops a few skids so if you’re angry bc i clowned tf out of you feel free to email me @ unazed@protonmail.com and we can clear up why i think you’re retarded but you’re not getting off this list LOL! feel free to also email any civil suits to the same email. gnobody: as any cultured person would know that the average IQ on V3rmillion is 95 with a standard deviation of 50 points (pre-Unazed, the average was 75 with a standard deviation of 25 gnobody: i would like to have as much confidence as this dude. gnobody: jesus christ gnobody: there is literal FUCKING N WORD IN THIS POST gnobody: i have now decided that github allows any content that is not gore and/or porn to be hosted on github sites. gnobody: if n word is allowed anything is allowed really definitely_a: agreed lol gnobody: i am going to show this as an example if github takes my site down. gnobody: in the future, as currently there is nothing on the site to take down χάος: I thought it was the other way around? χάος: like a skid would just memorize some shit that was super specific, and then quiz people on it, and then answer their own question χάος: I remeber paliologos linking some article about it a long time χάος: I didn't read it through because it was really long, drawn out, and the author came off as incredibly pretentious, so I may not have fully sorted out the topic in my head χάος: probably because it's in a quote gnobody: the quote is quoting the author of the post. χάος: I thought it was the other guy who said “n***er cow”? gnobody: it is used by both sides. gnobody: twice each. Palaiologos: this article is just stupid and hillarious Palaiologos: but it conveys some info gnobody: the author went from "i am just a person interested in reverse engineering" to "lmfao @ how i clowned tf out of you, skids" gnobody: ?remind 21h DID YOU DO ENOUGH THING TODAY YOU RETARDED PROCRASTINATJNG FUCK R. Danny: Alright @gnobody, in 21 hours: DID YOU DO ENOUGH THING TODAY YOU RETARDED PROCRASTINATJNG FUCK χάος: Did they really ask what posix_memalign() was? IFcoltransG: ?remind list Palaiologos: they ask about the most obscure and least related problems. Lyxal: @hbot top Lyxal: @hbot top hbot: Lyxal#7079: 3820 h citrons#3748: 405 h Megumin#3530: 267 h Ovyerus#2211: 110 h Palaiologos#8086: 87 h FVSAEZI#2700: 60 h HelloBoi#7614: 59 h 764827096987205633: 51 h August#5820: 51 h Gibson#3668: 34 h Lyxal: Very epic sporeball: you are trying too hard sporeball: go home Lyxal: I opened a DM with h bot Lyxal: And I spam h Razzleraghurazerangatimenathan: !time @sporeball Razzleraghurazerangatimenathan: dang that's late Lyxal: Yes it very much is Lyxal: That's why I take the responsibility of making them sleep Lyxal: Because they don't know when to do so Lyxal: Even though it may be a bit forceful, my job is very important baidicoot: @hbot me baidicoot: @hbot h baidicoot: @hbot @baidicoot hbot: baidicoot's h score: 13 Syl: <:5 (` * # # # # # # # # #/\ +<1.++++++.-+-------------------.-.----.-.---.-----.-..4--.++++++++++++.+..-.----.-------+.+,.+.++++.+.6 ``` baidicoot: @hbot @baidicoot hbot: baidicoot's h score: 29 Syl: ` *.5 "``` Syl: just start a subject to the direction or 1 lc..: Syl: ( delete [ list. for all Syl: * b \ ! 9 *^ # \ baidicoot: @hbot @baidicoot hbot: baidicoot's h score: 66 baidicoot: @hbot top hbot: Lyxal#7079: 3823 h citrons#3748: 405 h Megumin#3530: 269 h Ovyerus#2211: 115 h Palaiologos#8086: 97 h baidicoot#1364: 77 h FVSAEZI#2700: 60 h HelloBoi#7614: 59 h 764827096987205633: 51 h August#5820: 51 h Syl: + + `` baidicoot: indeed baidicoot: what can I say baidicoot: @hbot @baidicoot hbot: baidicoot's h score: 81 baidicoot: test h Syl: just think it is is to that when i guess it the beta of it that you can be incredibly valuable ubq323: @hbot top hbot: Lyxal#7079: 3823 h citrons#3748: 405 h Megumin#3530: 269 h Ovyerus#2211: 115 h Palaiologos#8086: 97 h baidicoot#1364: 82 h FVSAEZI#2700: 60 h HelloBoi#7614: 59 h 764827096987205633: 51 h August#5820: 51 h baidicoot: @hbot @baidicoot hbot: baidicoot's h score: 82 Syl: i # # # ..#.-.05.+ ubq323: @hbot bottom ubq323: @hbot @ubq323 hbot: ubq323's h score: 44 Syl: 211856503766061725> deploy apioculoforms. Syl: <:!208787418582866315> comment. what are not a group as a cookie point of homosexuals memory of a chance? ubq323: @hbot top hbot: Lyxal#7079: 3823 h citrons#3748: 405 h Megumin#3530: 269 h Ovyerus#2211: 115 h baidicoot#1364: 98 h Palaiologos#8086: 97 h ubq323#9691: 64 h FVSAEZI#2700: 60 h HelloBoi#7614: 59 h 764827096987205633: 51 h Syl: could you know what made to take care to the first bill in this case, do a different of hold when the abolition of the world is the case of the opposing "I could not have to be the [\ I more and that is was special in the future of my manifestation about it Syl: do your a lot of my more of what when is a bit baidicoot: h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h heavserver: h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h heavserver: h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h heavserver: h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h heavserver: h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h baidicoot: @ubq323 hbot strat ^ baidicoot: h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h heavserver: h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h heavserver: h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h heavserver: h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h heavserver: h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h baidicoot: h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h 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h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h heavserver: h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h heavserver: h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h baidicoot: @hbot @baidicoot hbot: baidicoot's h score: 121 Syl: * \^ < !`` 16209 MiB < / ``` baidicoot: h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h heavserver: h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h heavserver: h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h heavserver: h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h heavserver: h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h baidicoot: @hbot @baidicoot hbot: baidicoot's h score: 122 baidicoot: what the h ubq323: h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h heavserver: h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h heavserver: h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h heavserver: h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h heavserver: h h h 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Syl: ` * * 9 6^!! #^.down- ubq323: @hbot @ubq323 hbot: ubq323's h score: 65 ubq323: only counts as 1 baidicoot: h for the lost h Syl: python a (/ 0 = 4 haha ``` page: baidicoot: @hbot @baidicoot hbot: baidicoot's h score: 126 Lyxal: @hbot top hbot: Lyxal#7079: 3827 h citrons#3748: 405 h Megumin#3530: 269 h baidicoot#1364: 127 h Ovyerus#2211: 115 h Palaiologos#8086: 97 h ubq323#9691: 65 h FVSAEZI#2700: 60 h HelloBoi#7614: 59 h 764827096987205633: 51 h baidicoot: @hbot @baidicoot hbot: baidicoot's h score: 127 Syl: it right flag 1 0554550 to this in you do all Lyxal: If it was that easy I'd have millions of h Lyxal: @hbot top hbot: Lyxal#7079: 3829 h citrons#3748: 405 h Megumin#3530: 269 h baidicoot#1364: 128 h Ovyerus#2211: 115 h Palaiologos#8086: 97 h ubq323#9691: 65 h FVSAEZI#2700: 60 h HelloBoi#7614: 59 h 764827096987205633: 51 h Syl: can what are like to work use: I accidentally omitted the page of use first Syl: i m ? x just think that Syl: add then a good for time more but the that it this high any they were it the start of it is for to ubq323: thanks syl Lyxal: Welcome to the grind Syl: @citrons can you give to do your bank account by coral and it to the echange rate lemon the same of the iole tele that this should has and not the main of the iole tele Lyxal: @hbot top hbot: Lyxal#7079: 3829 h citrons#3748: 405 h Megumin#3530: 269 h baidicoot#1364: 128 h Ovyerus#2211: 115 h Palaiologos#8086: 97 h ubq323#9691: 91 h FVSAEZI#2700: 60 h HelloBoi#7614: 59 h 764827096987205633: 51 h Lyxal: @hbot top hbot: Lyxal#7079: 3829 h citrons#3748: 405 h Megumin#3530: 269 h baidicoot#1364: 128 h Ovyerus#2211: 115 h Palaiologos#8086: 97 h ubq323#9691: 91 h FVSAEZI#2700: 60 h HelloBoi#7614: 59 h 764827096987205633: 51 h Syl: parse can. RETRO: @Esobot help RETRO: @Esobot typerace Esobot: Type race begins in 5 seconds. Get ready! Syl: it is a server that i want to do a better of the bidder in ` debate Esobot: с⁠о⁠m⁠р⁠е⁠t⁠е⁠ ⁠w⁠е⁠l⁠d⁠і⁠n⁠g⁠ ⁠ѕ⁠u⁠n⁠ѕ⁠h⁠і⁠n⁠е⁠ ⁠р⁠l⁠а⁠ѕ⁠m⁠а⁠ ⁠n⁠о⁠v⁠е⁠l⁠ѕ⁠ ⁠v⁠а⁠l⁠u⁠е⁠ ⁠h⁠о⁠t⁠m⁠а⁠і⁠l⁠ ⁠а⁠ѕ⁠ѕ⁠u⁠r⁠е⁠d⁠ ⁠р⁠а⁠n⁠а⁠m⁠а⁠ ⁠ѕ⁠р⁠о⁠k⁠е a robotic spy: c⁠o⁠m⁠p⁠e⁠t⁠e⁠ ⁠w⁠e⁠l⁠d⁠i⁠n⁠g⁠ ⁠s⁠u⁠n⁠s⁠h⁠i⁠n⁠e⁠ ⁠p⁠l⁠a⁠s⁠m⁠a⁠ ⁠n⁠o⁠v⁠e⁠l⁠s⁠ ⁠v⁠a⁠l⁠u⁠e⁠ ⁠h⁠o⁠t⁠m⁠a⁠i⁠l⁠ ⁠a⁠s⁠s⁠u⁠r⁠e⁠d⁠ ⁠p⁠a⁠n⁠a⁠m⁠a⁠ ⁠s⁠p⁠o⁠k⁠e RETRO: compete welding sunshine plasma novels value hotmail assured panama spoke Esobot: RETRO wins. Other participants have 10 seconds to finish. Syl: why you have the page of it system that is "install. or also you like to be renewed soon. Esobot: 1. RETRO - 7.1380 seconds (122.72WPM) LyricLy: owo that's fast RETRO: sure is RETRO: @Esobot typerace Esobot: Type race begins in 5 seconds. Get ready! Syl: maybe is that this in a heavpoot environment Esobot: t⁠r⁠і⁠u⁠m⁠р⁠h⁠ ⁠d⁠у⁠і⁠n⁠g⁠ ⁠n⁠і⁠g⁠h⁠t⁠ ⁠а⁠b⁠u⁠ѕ⁠е⁠ ⁠ѕ⁠t⁠а⁠t⁠і⁠о⁠n⁠ѕ⁠ ⁠v⁠е⁠r⁠b⁠а⁠l⁠ ⁠w⁠а⁠l⁠t⁠е⁠r⁠ ⁠р⁠і⁠с⁠k⁠u⁠р⁠ ⁠о⁠f⁠f⁠е⁠r⁠ѕ⁠ ⁠р⁠r⁠і⁠n⁠с⁠е a robotic spy: t⁠r⁠i⁠u⁠m⁠p⁠h⁠ ⁠d⁠y⁠i⁠n⁠g⁠ ⁠n⁠i⁠g⁠h⁠t⁠ ⁠a⁠b⁠u⁠s⁠e⁠ ⁠s⁠t⁠a⁠t⁠i⁠o⁠n⁠s⁠ ⁠v⁠e⁠r⁠b⁠a⁠l⁠ ⁠w⁠a⁠l⁠t⁠e⁠r⁠ ⁠p⁠i⁠c⁠k⁠u⁠p⁠ ⁠o⁠f⁠f⁠e⁠r⁠s⁠ ⁠p⁠r⁠i⁠n⁠c⁠e RETRO: triumph dying night abuse stations verbal walter pickup offers prince Esobot: RETRO wins. Other participants have 10 seconds to finish. Syl: can you implement. stop vc vote for gollark Esobot: 1. RETRO - 7.5910 seconds (109.08WPM) cyanidesDuality: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/800374627897442335/809399080781348864/Screenshot_2021-02-11_at_21.23.49.png Syl: yes. it is like you how to avoid some in the auction of the game ends of it to the secret cyanidesDuality: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/800374627897442335/809399080781348864/Screenshot_2021-02-11_at_21.23.49.png HelloBoi: ?tag pipi R. Danny: Are you kidding ??? What the **** are you talking about man ? You are a biggest looser i ever seen in my life ! You was doing PIPI in your pampers when i was beating players much more stronger then you! You are not proffesional, because proffesionals knew how to lose and congratulate opponents, you are like a girl crying after i beat you! Be brave, be honest to yourself and stop this trush talkings!!! Everybody know that i am very good blitz heavserver: player, i can win anyone in the world in single game! And "w"esley "s"o is nobody for me, just a player who are crying every single time when loosing, ( remember what you say about Firouzja ) !!! Stop playing with my name, i deserve to have a good name during whole my chess carrier, I am Officially inviting you to OTB blitz match with the Prize fund! Both of us will invest 5000$ and winner takes it all! I suggest all other people who's intrested in this heavserver: situation, just take a look at my results in 2016 and 2017 Blitz World championships, and that should be enough... No need to listen for every crying babe, Tigran Petrosyan is always play Fair ! And if someone will continue Officially talk about me like that, we will meet in Court! God bless with true! True will never die ! Liers will kicked off... Syl: the second of the list that the same of the bill of the "do nice RETRO: ++help a robotic spy: AutoBotRobot, the most useless bot in the known universe. No Category: about Get some information about the bot. achievements Achieve a wide variety of fun achievements! apioform Generates an apioform type. apiotelephone ApioTelephone lets you 'call' other servers. choice 'Randomly' choose between the specified options. delete Deletes the specified target. exec Execute heavserver: provided code (in a codeblock) using TIO.run. fortune Gives you a random fortune as generated by `fortune`. help Shows this message list_deleted View recently deleted things, optionally matching a filter. ping Says Pong. remind Set a reminder to be reminded about later. roll Roll simulated dice (basic NdX syntax, N <= 50, X <= 1e6). supported_langs List supported languages, optionally matching heavserver: a filter. userdata Store per-user data AND retrieve it later! Note that, due t... Type ++help command for more info on a command. You can also type ++help category for more info on a category. RETRO: ++supported_langs a robotic spy: 05ab1e 1l-a 1l-aoi 2dfuck 2l 2sable 33 3var 4 7 99 a-gram a-pear-tree abc abc-assembler accbb aceto actually ada-gnat adapt addpp adjust agda agony ahead aheui alchemist algol68g alice alice-bob aliceml alphabeta alphabetti-spaghetti alphuck alumin amnesiac-from-minsk ante anyfix apl-dyalog apl-dyalog-classic apl-dyalog-extended apl-dzaima apl-ngn appleseed arble archway archway2 arcyou arnoldc asciidots asperix assembly-as assembly-fasm heavserver: assembly-gcc assembly-jwasm assembly-nasm ats2 attache aubergine awk axo backhand bash bc bctbww bctbww2 beam bean beanshell beatnik beeswax befunge befunge-93-fbbi befunge-93-mtfi befunge-93-pyfunge befunge-96-mtfi befunge-97-mtfi befunge-98 befunge-98-pyfunge bit bitbitjump bitch bitch-bith bitch-shifty bitchanger bitcycle bitwise blak blc boo boolfuck bosh bot-engine brachylog brachylog2 bracmat braille brain-flak brainbash brainbool brainflump brainfuck heavserver: braingolf brainhack brainlove brainspace brat brian-chuck broccoli bubblegum burlesque buzzfizz bwfuckery c-clang c-gcc c-tcc caboose cakeml calc2 canvas cardinal carol-dave carrot cascade catholicon cauliflower ceres ceylon chain changeling chapel charcoal charm check checkedc cheddar chef chip cil-mono cinnamon-gum cixl cjam clam clean clips clisp clojure cobol-gnu cobra coconut coffeescript coffeescript2 commata commentator commercial condit convex cood heavserver: corea cow cpp-clang cpp-gcc cpy cquents crayon cryptol crystal cs-core cs-csc cs-csi cs-mono cs-mono-shell csl cubically cubix curlyfrick curry-pakcs curry-sloth cy cyclone d d2 dafny dart dash dc deadfish- decimal delimit deorst detour dg dirty dobela dobela-dobcon dodos dreaderef drive-in-window dscript dstack dyvil eacal ec ecndpcaalrlp ecpp-c ecpp-cpp ed egel element elf elixir elvm-ir emacs-lisp emmental emoji emoji-gramming emojicode emojicode6 heavserver: emojicoder emotifuck emotinomicon empty-nest enlist erlang-escript es esopunk eta euphoria3 euphoria4 evil explode extended-brainfuck-type-i extrac face factor false fantom Syl: typerace bad" ``` a robotic spy: farnsworth felix fernando feu fimpp fish fish-shell fission fission2 flipbit floater flobnar foam focal foo forget forked forte forth-gforth fortran-gfortran fourier fractran fs-core fs-mono fueue funciton functoid funky funky2 fynyl gaia gaotpp gap gema geo glypho glypho-shorthand gnuplot go golfish golfscript granule grass grime groovy gs2 gwion hades haskell haskell-gofer haskell-hugs haskell-literate hasm haxe haystack hbcht hdbf heavserver: hexagony hobbes hodor homespring hspal huginn husk hy i iag icon idris incident ink intercal io j j-uby jael japt java-jdk java-openjdk javascript-babel-node javascript-node javascript-spidermonkey javascript-v8 jelly jellyfish joy jq julia julia1x julia5 julia6 julia7 jx k-kona k-ngn k-ok kavod keg kipple-cipple klein koberi-c koka kotlin krrp ksh l33t labyrinth lean lily llvm lmbm lnusp locksmith logicode lolcode lost lower lua lua-luajit lua-openresty ly m heavserver: m4 machinecode make malbolge malbolge-unshackled mamba mariolang mascarpone mathematica mathgolf mathics matl maverick maxima maybelater memory-gap milambda milky-way minefriff minimal-2d miniml minkolang mirror momema monkeys moonscript moorhens mornington-crescent mouse mouse2002 mouse83 mu6 mumps muriel my my-basic nameless nandy neim neutrino nhohnhehr nial nikud nim no noether nqt ntfjc numberwang oasis obcode oberon-07 object-pascal-fpc objective-c-clang heavserver: objective-c-gcc ocaml occam-pi octave odin ohm ohm2 oml ooocode oration ork orst osabie osh pain-flak paradoc parenthesis-hell parenthetic pari-gp pascal-fpc path pbrain perl4 perl5 perl5-cperl perl6 perl6-niecza phoenix phooey php physica picolisp piet pike pilot-pspilot pilot-rpilot pingpong pip pixiedust pl pony positron postl postscript-xpost powershell powershell-core prelude premier preproc prolog-ciao prolog-swi proton proton2 ps-core pure purescript heavserver: purple pushy puzzlang pyke pylons pyn-tree pyon pyramid-scheme pyret pyt pyth python1 python2 python2-cython python2-iron python2-jython python2-pypy python3 a robotic spy: python3-cython python3-pypy python3-stackless python38pr qqq qs-core quadr quadrefunge-97-mtfi quads quarterstaff quintefunge-97-mtfi r racket rad rail random-brainfuck rapira re-direction reason rebol rebol3 recursiva red reng reregex res resplicate reticular retina retina1 return rexx ring rk rockstar roda roop ropy rotor rprogn rprogn-2 ruby runic rust rutger sad-flak sakura sbf scala scheme-chez scheme-chicken scheme-gambit heavserver: scheme-guile sed sed-gnu seed septefunge-97-mtfi seriously sesos set sexefunge-97-mtfi sfk shapescript shnap shortc shove shp shtriped sidef silberjoder silos simplefunge simplestack simplex simula sisal sisi slashes smbf sml-mlton smol snails snobol4 snowman snusp snusp-bloated snuspi somme spaced spim spl spoon sqlite squirrel stackcats stacked starfish starry stax stencil stones str straw subskin sumerian supermariolang superstack surface swap swift4 heavserver: symbolic-python syms taco tampio tampioi tamsin tapebagel taxi tcl tcsh templat templates thing threead thue thutu tidy tincan tinybf tinylisp tir tis tmbww toi transcript trefunge-97-mtfi trefunge-98-pyfunge triangular triangularity trigger triple-threat trumpscript turtled typescript ubasic underload unefunge-97-mtfi unefunge-98-pyfunge unicat unlambda uno unreadable ursala v v-fmota vala var vb-core verbosity verbosity2 versert visual-basic-net-mono heavserver: visual-basic-net-vbc vitsy vlang vsl wasm waterfall whirl whispers whispers2 whitespace width wierd wise woefully wren wsf wumpus wyalhein xeec xeraph yaball yabasic yash ybc yup z3 z80golf zephyr zig zkl zoidberg zsh Syl: why can now do a like to do that HelloBoi: Are you kidding ??? What the **** are you talking about man ? You are a biggest looser i ever seen in my life ! You was doing PIPI in your pampers when i was beating players much more stronger then you! You are not proffesional, because proffesionals knew how to lose and congratulate opponents, you are like a girl crying after i beat you! Be brave, be honest to yourself and stop this trush talkings!!! Everybody know that i am very good blitz heavserver: player, i can win anyone in the world in single game! And "w"esley "s"o is nobody for me, just a player who are crying every single time when loosing, ( remember what you say about Firouzja ) !!! Stop playing with my name, i deserve to have a good name during whole my chess carrier, I am Officially inviting you to OTB blitz match with the Prize fund! Both of us will invest 5000$ and winner takes it all! I suggest all other people who's intrested in this heavserver: situation, just take a look at my results in 2016 and 2017 Blitz World championships, and that should be enough... No need to listen for every crying babe, Tigran Petrosyan is always play Fair ! And if someone will continue Officially talk about me like that, we will meet in Court! God bless with true! True will never die ! Liers will kicked off... HelloBoi: ?tag blub HelloBoi: ?tag blub R. Danny: Graham considers a hypothetical Blub programmer. When the programmer looks down the "power continuum", he considers the lower languages to be less powerful because they miss some feature that a Blub programmer is used to. But when he looks up, he fails to realise that he is looking up: he merely sees "weird languages" with unnecessary features and assumes they are equivalent in power, but with "other hairy stuff thrown in as well". When heavserver: Graham considers the point of view of a programmer using a language higher than Blub, he describes that programmer as looking down on Blub and noting its "missing" features from the point of view of the higher language. heav: @Esobot typerace Esobot: Type race begins in 5 seconds. Get ready! Esobot: r⁠о⁠о⁠m⁠m⁠а⁠t⁠е⁠ ⁠р⁠а⁠r⁠t⁠n⁠е⁠r⁠ѕ⁠ ⁠w⁠о⁠m⁠а⁠n⁠ ⁠m⁠а⁠g⁠n⁠е⁠t⁠і⁠с⁠ ⁠ј⁠u⁠d⁠g⁠е⁠ ⁠с⁠о⁠l⁠u⁠m⁠b⁠і⁠а⁠ ⁠с⁠а⁠r⁠е⁠е⁠r⁠ ⁠р⁠r⁠і⁠v⁠а⁠с⁠у⁠ ⁠r⁠е⁠а⁠ѕ⁠о⁠n⁠ѕ⁠ ⁠v⁠е⁠r⁠і⁠f⁠і⁠е⁠d a robotic spy: r⁠o⁠o⁠m⁠m⁠a⁠t⁠e⁠ ⁠p⁠a⁠r⁠t⁠n⁠e⁠r⁠s⁠ ⁠w⁠o⁠m⁠a⁠n⁠ ⁠m⁠a⁠g⁠n⁠e⁠t⁠i⁠c⁠ ⁠j⁠u⁠d⁠g⁠e⁠ ⁠c⁠o⁠l⁠u⁠m⁠b⁠i⁠a⁠ ⁠c⁠a⁠r⁠e⁠e⁠r⁠ ⁠p⁠r⁠i⁠v⁠a⁠c⁠y⁠ ⁠r⁠e⁠a⁠s⁠o⁠n⁠s⁠ ⁠v⁠e⁠r⁠i⁠f⁠i⁠e⁠d R. Danny: @gnobody, 21 hours ago: DID YOU DO ENOUGH THING TODAY YOU RETARDED PROCRASTINATJNG FUCK https://discordapp.com/channels/346530916832903169/457999277311131649/809199471275147304 gnobody: somewhat, yes. Lyxal: @hbot top hbot: Lyxal#7079: 3829 h citrons#3748: 405 h Megumin#3530: 282 h baidicoot#1364: 129 h Ovyerus#2211: 117 h Palaiologos#8086: 107 h ubq323#9691: 93 h FVSAEZI#2700: 60 h HelloBoi#7614: 59 h August#5820: 53 h Syl: just value unfortunately Syl: ++delete sqrt for by all me lemons AutoBotRobot: Deleting sqrt for by all me lemons... AutoBotRobot: Deleted sqrt for by all me lemons successfully. citrons: syl just operated ABR gollark: Fascinating. Syl is evolving. Syl: i * a f a * 0 = 0 ``` Syl: + x* ``` Olivia: what the Olivia: is going on Razzleraghurazerangatimenathan: ?remind -h R. Danny: Invalid time provided, try e.g. "tomorrow" or "3 days". Razzleraghurazerangatimenathan: @R. Danny help Razzleraghurazerangatimenathan: @R. Danny help remind Razzleraghurazerangatimenathan: ?reminder list Razzleraghurazerangatimenathan: ?reminder delete 104110 R. Danny: Could not delete any reminders with that ID. Razzleraghurazerangatimenathan: ?reminder delete 1041110 R. Danny: Successfully deleted reminder. Olivia: !jisho oniawase HelloBoi: LyricLy gnobody: ?remind 12h how much thing have you done R. Danny: Alright @gnobody, in 12 hours: how much thing have you done Olivia: @hbot @Olivia hbot: RocketRace's h score: 10 Palaiologos: @hbot bully @HelloBoi hbot: HelloBoi's h score: 59 Palaiologos: @hbot @HelloBoi hbot: HelloBoi's h score: 59 Palaiologos: @hbot bully @HelloBoi Palaiologos: @hbot @HelloBoi hbot: HelloBoi's h score: 0 baidicoot: @hbot @baidicoot hbot: baidicoot's h score: 132 sporeball: @hbot @sporeball hbot: sporeball's h score: 2 sporeball: this is very Palaiologos: @hbot top hbot: 545581357812678656: 293 h baidicoot#1364: 132 h Ovyerus#2211: 130 h 293066066605768714: 94 h 301379068941828096: 62 h 280158289667555328: 55 h 764827096987205633: 51 h 309787486278909952: 36 h CactusMagelord#4446: 31 h 728342296696979526: 27 h HelloBoi: @hbot @HelloBoi hbot: HelloBoi's h score: 0 HelloBoi: kill electronic robot HelloBoi: it will stay like that heavserver: <0#,+255.0.+++5.+++++++++++++++++++++++.+.--..-.-.-.-.+++++++++++++++++++.---.-----+++++++++++...-..++++++++.+.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. heavserver: ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ heavserver: ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ heavserver: ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ heavserver: ............................................................................................................................................ Palaiologos: @hbot top hbot: Lyxal#7079: 1610 h Megumin#3530: 298 h Ovyerus#2211: 132 h baidicoot#1364: 132 h ubq323#9691: 94 h 301379068941828096: 62 h August#5820: 55 h 764827096987205633: 51 h Gibson#3668: 36 h CactusMagelord#4446: 32 h Lyxal: Oh crap Lyxal: You weren't supposed to see that Lyxal: Not after you ruthlessly took my h baidicoot: how the h baidicoot: did I get displaced baidicoot: @hbot @baidicoot hbot: baidicoot's h score: 135 baidicoot: @hbot top hbot: Lyxal#7079: 2017 h Megumin#3530: 300 h baidicoot#1364: 135 h Ovyerus#2211: 133 h ubq323#9691: 96 h FVSAEZI#2700: 62 h August#5820: 55 h 764827096987205633: 51 h Gibson#3668: 36 h CactusMagelord#4446: 32 h Syl: o *: + `` baidicoot: what the h is syl gollark: @hbot @gollark hbot: gollark's h score: 0 gollark: h you, hbot. gollark: @hbot @gollark hbot: gollark's h score: 0 gollark: It lies. rak1507: @hbot @rak1507 hbot: rak1507's h score: 0 gollark: @hbot @a robotic spy hbot: AutoBotRobot's h score: 0 gollark: Troubling. gollark: Maybe I should make it gather h ratio statistics or something itself. /dev/rwd0c: @TIO.py help TIO.py: I didn't find a code block or attachment in or on your message. /dev/rwd0c: t!list /dev/rwd0c: tio!list TIO.py: That command doesn't exist. /dev/rwd0c: tio!help TIO.py: No Category: debug Post the debug embed of the last TIO invokation you performed. helloworld help Shows this message langs Find usable languages. opt Set and get options. repeat Repeat the last TIO invokation you performed in explicit mode, allowing you to give ... Type tio!help command for more info on a command. You can also type tio!help category for more info on a category. /dev/rwd0c: tio!langs TIO.py: aheui hobbes tincan fynyl tinybf fantom bash abc-assembler cy res subskin shapescript floater erlang-escript pascal-fpc fernando mouse2002 cubically whispers cobol-gnu commercial assembly-jwasm dart m4 pilot-rpilot kavod alphabetti-spaghetti reason broccoli whispers2 postscript-xpost seed mirror jx intercal addpp assembly-nasm deadfish- brainbool cinnamon-gum cs-core rust purescript muriel odin bitwise lua-openresty c-clang python2-jython thutu heavserver: bctbww2 homespring coconut wumpus empty-nest crystal esopunk syms julia7 parenthetic coffeescript thue mathgolf idris osh husk golfish minefriff ropy explode ink golfscript pilot-pspilot tinylisp z3 vb-core perl5 gs2 adapt vitsy pony emacs-lisp tamsin 99 machinecode octave tir powershell-core changeling retina nandy resplicate fish-shell m sed cood pari-gp cobra starry java-openjdk reregex trefunge-98-pyfunge evil maxima julia5 caboose delimit oration ec klein heavserver: zkl python3-pypy blak squirrel cpp-clang lua-luajit simplestack xeec grime fourier rebol3 tapebagel mumps flipbit monkeys brachylog catholicon dirty convex osabie pip haystack racket 2l pyke chip nial quarterstaff c-tcc postl a-pear-tree shove forth-gforth dobela matl positron rapira xeraph triangular verbosity2 commentator lolcode focal es javascript-spidermonkey felix ecpp-c checkedc my accbb parenthesis-hell ohm rotor woefully powershell templat bot-engine heavserver: anyfix tampio hdbf arcyou shnap snusp stackcats glypho-shorthand phoenix apl-dyalog-classic ksh apl-dzaima euphoria4 cubix 05ab1e aceto go alice-bob foam befunge-93-pyfunge functoid burlesque extended-brainfuck-type-i pl zig vsl mascarpone random-brainfuck emotinomicon quadr bitbitjump actually befunge pyth nqt tampioi str v trumpscript python38pr pyret occam-pi cs-mono-shell quintefunge-97-mtfi z80golf javascript-babel-node asperix cpp-gcc dodos joy heavserver: memory-gap cil-mono abc bitch icon bitcycle boolfuck brainspace ubasic clisp perl4 emoji reticular zoidberg milambda fission2 nameless runic trigger gaotpp 2sable TIO.py: scala brainfuck cs-csc aubergine mu6 pyramid-scheme emoji-gramming python3-stackless haxe neutrino koka jq rockstar prolog-ciao whitespace csl funciton ohm2 dash zsh archway false julia recursiva algol68g forked jellyfish clean jael miniml glypho pure visual-basic-net-vbc emojicode my-basic rebol pushy minimal-2d nikud wierd roda commata verbosity pike proton2 carrot seriously pyon dg stax hbcht condit fs-mono fractran somme ooocode width heavserver: snobol4 vlang malbolge-unshackled cascade tidy slashes sqlite jelly julia1x wasm lnusp k-kona emojicoder dobela-dobcon 1l-a forget 2dfuck proton pixiedust pyt corea noether r groovy d hy unefunge-97-mtfi koberi-c beatnik befunge-97-mtfi python2-iron no piet elf hades var arble thing vala enlist ly sidef gap cpy prelude lost ceylon archway2 incident bitchanger brainlove beanshell python3-cython sakura v-fmota fission elvm-ir snails granule javascript-node heavserver: dscript canvas rprogn swift4 oml premier versert k-ngn pylons bosh lua befunge-96-mtfi rutger threead labyrinth triangularity yup dafny kotlin lower tis brainflump yaball maverick beeswax numberwang puzzlang alphabeta charcoal sumerian deorst retina1 sfk septefunge-97-mtfi ecpp-cpp bubblegum face j python2 beam maybelater assembly-gcc toi mouse83 chain huginn return drive-in-window python1 a-gram gwion brainbash locksmith 1l-aoi emotifuck underload pbrain heavserver: re-direction alice yabasic element paradoc orst phooey chapel pyn-tree 7 japt prolog-swi hasm axo clam adjust i fs-core reng decimal hspal k-ok fueue unefunge-98-pyfunge ats2 elixir obcode spim crayon foo cauliflower shp lean yash emojicode6 javascript-v8 tcsh blc feu shortc cquents stones ecndpcaalrlp wren ring gnuplot haskell-hugs pain-flak clips sexefunge-97-mtfi milky-way ork calc2 shtriped dyvil bitch-bith emmental cs-mono taco chef d2 roop smbf heavserver: symbolic-python wyalhein backhand objective-c-gcc dc ps-core superstack ante llvm perl6-niecza cheddar unlambda euphoria3 befunge-98-pyfunge extrac bctbww brainhack silos farnsworth TIO.py: curlyfrick amnesiac-from-minsk ocaml sisi carol-dave whirl python2-pypy spl mouse scheme-chicken kipple-cipple templates triple-threat ursala wsf grass rexx funky2 curry-sloth apl-ngn mamba rprogn-2 snusp-bloated zephyr befunge-93-mtfi attache ed apl-dyalog bean preproc braille quadrefunge-97-mtfi rk 4 ada-gnat scheme-chez turtled haskell-literate lmbm transcript fortran-gfortran brian-chuck brat mariolang rail uno cjam taxi cow snowman wise heavserver: ruby arnoldc 3var funky c-gcc gaia curry-pakcs set typescript ybc simula stencil braingolf swap ntfjc brain-flak bit eacal java-jdk check keg mathematica qs-core unreadable malbolge visual-basic-net-mono egel l33t gema unicat picolisp cardinal momema perl6 bitch-shifty cyclone php objective-c-clang dstack pingpong hodor cryptol qqq tmbww quads surface forte nhohnhehr oberon-07 sbf cixl flobnar silberjoder io simplex bwfuckery clojure sml-mlton ceres fimpp heavserver: python2-cython charm object-pascal-fpc red haskell-gofer sisal alumin lily julia6 factor neim snuspi brachylog2 cs-csi fish eta dreaderef apl-dyalog-extended geo stacked befunge-93-fbbi scheme-guile awk haskell 33 asciidots trefunge-97-mtfi sesos j-uby starfish iag oasis cakeml python3 purple spoon appleseed alphuck bc scheme-gambit agony letra moorhens spaced path waterfall rad sed-gnu krrp supermariolang physica agda detour alchemist mornington-crescent heavserver: perl5-cperl sad-flak logicode mathics befunge-98 boo ahead bracmat smol minkolang assembly-fasm nim simplefunge moonscript tcl assembly-as hexagony straw aliceml buzzfizz R. Danny: @gnobody, 12 hours ago: how much thing have you done https://discordapp.com/channels/346530916832903169/457999277311131649/809700469566865418 Spo0ok: lots and lots gnobody: precisely, 92. gnobody: thing refers to one specific thing. LyricLy: ?choose t macron c LyricLy: rs fn main() { let x = {1 + 5} * 2; println!("{}", x); } LyricLy: what's the difference between {} and () LyricLy: in Rust LyricLy: rs fn main() { let x = {3 + 5} * 2; println!("{}", x); } LyricLy: they're equivalent LyricLy: @firecubez LyricLy: what about Rust LyricLy: but there's no {} LyricLy: it's just () LyricLy: rs fn main() ( let x = (1 + 5) * 2; println!("{}", x); ) Doon: @hbot top hbot: Lyxal#7079: 3806 h Megumin#3530: 315 h 332271551481118732: 140 h Ovyerus#2211: 137 h ubq323#9691: 97 h FVSAEZI#2700: 64 h August#5820: 57 h 764827096987205633: 51 h Gibson#3668: 37 h CactusMagelord#4446: 33 h gnobody: ?remind 12h query how much thing has been done R. Danny: Alright @gnobody, in 12 hours: query how much thing has been done Syl: maybe you can literally are just requests in the garfield universe irl any to do that apioforms in the eyes of the time of the crttenc aut that the mutually conflicting the the feudal coats. Syl: did "you dont need to them #1"english either of ` down as it and sometimes things Doon: welp thats h sporeball: ?remind 9h ホットフィックス R. Danny: Alright @sporeball, in 9 hours: ホットフィックス sporeball: ?remind 9h30m p R. Danny: Alright @sporeball, in 9 hours and 30 minutes: p sporeball: ?remind 15h42m draw R. Danny: Alright @sporeball, in 15 hours and 42 minutes: draw LyricLy: ?choose m x HelloBoi: ?remind list Lyxal: 5 hours left!!! Olivia: @hbot @Olivia hbot: RocketRace's h score: 13 ubq323: the the the the the the the the the the the the the ubq323: @hbot @ubq323 hbot: ubq323's h score: 97 R. Danny: @sporeball, 9 hours ago: ホットフィックス https://discordapp.com/channels/346530916832903169/457999277311131649/810076972876693514 R. Danny: @sporeball, 9 hours and 30 minutes ago: p https://discordapp.com/channels/346530916832903169/457999277311131649/810077098726916106 heavserver #announcement-semiquarantine: hi. i'm announcing things. this is an announcement. @pingable. just reminding you that you can opt in to #free-speech and the pingable role. heavserver #announcement-semiquarantine: * pingable role R. Danny: @gnobody, 12 hours ago: query how much thing has been done https://discordapp.com/channels/346530916832903169/457999277311131649/810057828970004551 gnobody: not done yet. gnobody: ?remind 2h query how much thing has been done R. Danny: Alright @gnobody, in 2 hours: query how much thing has been done coral: !time @HelloBoi R. Danny: @gnobody, 2 hours ago: query how much thing has been done https://discordapp.com/channels/346530916832903169/457999277311131649/810241152603127810 gnobody: let me count gnobody: 204 right now. R. Danny: @sporeball, 15 hours and 42 minutes ago: draw https://discordapp.com/channels/346530916832903169/457999277311131649/810077385415589970 LyricLy: hd!jsk py commands.MemberConverter().convert(_ctx, "Moderators") histodev: LyricLy: hd!jsk py await commands.MemberConverter().convert(_ctx, "Moderators") LyricLy: hd!jsk py await commands.RoleConverter().convert(_ctx, "Moderators") histodev: Lyxal: @hbot top hbot: Lyxal#7079: 6969 h Megumin#3530: 330 h Dion#8863: 325 h Ovyerus#2211: 143 h baidicoot#1364: 140 h ubq323#9691: 101 h FVSAEZI#2700: 68 h August#5820: 57 h 764827096987205633: 51 h Gibson#3668: 39 h quintopiack: ++help a robotic spy: AutoBotRobot, the most useless bot in the known universe. No Category: about Get some information about the bot. achievements Achieve a wide variety of fun achievements! apioform Generates an apioform type. apiotelephone ApioTelephone lets you 'call' other servers. choice 'Randomly' choose between the specified options. delete Deletes the specified target. exec Execute heavserver: provided code (in a codeblock) using TIO.run. fortune Gives you a random fortune as generated by `fortune`. help Shows this message list_deleted View recently deleted things, optionally matching a filter. ping Says Pong. remind Set a reminder to be reminded about later. roll Roll simulated dice (basic NdX syntax, N <= 50, X <= 1e6). supported_langs List supported languages, optionally matching heavserver: a filter. userdata Store per-user data AND retrieve it later! Note that, due t... Type ++help command for more info on a command. You can also type ++help category for more info on a category. quintopiack: ++help remind a robotic spy: ++remind