[21-01-27 09:51] lemondrone_ZILRY!~lemondrone_ZILRY@localhost joins [21-01-27 09:51] osmarksrobot (#o). [21-01-27 09:51] ah that [21-01-27 09:51] hmm how do circular buffers work [21-01-27 09:52] <08/​dev/rwd0c> keep irc bots out of here [21-01-27 09:52] the irc bot produces no output except for that single message [21-01-27 09:52] yeah the lemondrone is just logging [21-01-27 09:53] <08/​dev/rwd0c> ok [21-01-27 09:53] <08/​dev/rwd0c> smh violating discord tos [21-01-27 09:53] <04a​ rustian spy> I'm sure Discord logs everything ever permanently themselves. [21-01-27 09:53] <08/​dev/rwd0c> that is a right reserved for discord, can't have other people selling the data they need to make money [21-01-27 09:53] i mean [21-01-27 09:53] of course they do [21-01-27 09:53] how else do they display message history [21-01-27 09:53] citrons your server seems to be serving e.txt differently from a.txt [21-01-27 09:54] how so [21-01-27 09:54] <08/​dev/rwd0c> damn the discord tos is less spicy now [21-01-27 09:54] <04a​ rustian spy> Exactly. So by the idea of the veil of ignorance, it's ethical for us to log all things ever too! [21-01-27 09:54] a.txt displays in my browser but e.txt gives me a download prompt [21-01-27 09:54] odd [21-01-27 09:54] <08/​dev/rwd0c> it used to require you to give them access to your server if requestnedh [21-01-27 09:54] <04a​ rustian spy> Check the headers? [21-01-27 09:54] <04a​ rustian spy> What? Do you have an archived copy of that? [21-01-27 09:54] just use curl [21-01-27 09:54] i want to read it in my web browser though smh [21-01-27 09:54] <08/​dev/rwd0c> hang on [21-01-27 09:54] anyway, if you want me to purge you from the logs, ask me [21-01-27 09:55] <08/​dev/rwd0c> https://github.com/discord/discord-api-docs/commit/13749af5194b220ebfbcd5911d052581847ab933 [21-01-27 09:55] <08/​dev/rwd0c> > You agree to provide us with access to your network, systems, Applications and/or other materials related to your use of the API and SDK as may be requested by us [21-01-27 09:56] <04a​ rustian spy> > OWO what's this? That... ugh. [21-01-27 09:56] uh, no [21-01-27 09:56] I will not comply with that, ever [21-01-27 09:56] <04a​ rustian spy> Yes, I would just ignore them. [21-01-27 09:56] anyway [21-01-27 09:56] <08/​dev/rwd0c> it's no longer in there [21-01-27 09:56] <04a​ rustian spy> If they did have that, I would give them something fun like my SSH honeypot server. [21-01-27 09:56] <04a​ rustian spy> Or ignore them. [21-01-27 09:56] <04a​ rustian spy> Depends how bored I was feeling. [21-01-27 09:57] <08/​dev/rwd0c> > You may not use the APIs in any way to: > ... > - post messages, trigger notifications, or play audio on behalf of a Discord user except in response to such Discord user expressly opting-in to each instance of such action; huh, is this talking about bridging or something else [21-01-27 09:57] <06s​inth orion> Hello I'm Discord employee and I demand access to the secret porn FTP server that we have found to be in your possession. [21-01-27 09:57] <04a​ rustian spy> FTP? Seriously? [21-01-27 09:58] <08/​dev/rwd0c> i guess "post messages" could be talking about discord only [21-01-27 09:58] yeah [21-01-27 09:58] I'd assume so [21-01-27 09:58] <04a​ rustian spy> I suspect this might technically disallow the inter-channel bridges, but bee them. [21-01-27 09:58] yes [21-01-27 09:58] ubq323!~ubq323@host86-165-21-46.range86-165.btcentralplus.com changes channel topic to Bridged to #off-topic on esolangs discord; don't spam or the bridge will be revoked. [21-01-27 09:58] they should go consume bees [21-01-27 09:58] <04a​ rustian spy> Many bees. [21-01-27 09:59] <04a​ rustian spy> I should connect an apiometer to my server to graph bee density or something. [21-01-27 09:59] <06s​inth orion> do you store your porn in dropbox instead? [21-01-27 09:59] <08/​dev/rwd0c> i think that one is just referring to using the api to do that [21-01-27 09:59] do you not already have MANY apiometers? [21-01-27 09:59] <08/​dev/rwd0c> rather than bridging channels [21-01-27 09:59] <04a​ rustian spy> Not any USB-connected ones oddly enough. [21-01-27 10:00] interesting [21-01-27 10:00] <08/​dev/rwd0c> > “Discord Data” means any and all data you obtain through the APIs. > ... > You may not use the APIs in any way to: > - disclose any user’s Discord Data without their specific, informed consent; this one does block bridging [21-01-27 10:00] <08/​dev/rwd0c> at least without consent from every user [21-01-27 10:00] <11b​aidicoot> indeed it does. [21-01-27 10:00] <04a​ rustian spy> Oh, fun idea, I have an old phone on which I could run something to gather... accelerometer... data? [21-01-27 10:00] <08/​dev/rwd0c> > Don’t Do Anything Illegal, Harmful, or Otherwise Not Cool. wow what a funny and quirky legal document [21-01-27 10:00] <04a​ rustian spy> So I could graph... earthquake... existence? [21-01-27 10:00] <04a​ rustian spy> Also temperature, actually. [21-01-27 10:00] <04a​ rustian spy> Oh, and if I work out where my USB WiFi stick is, network... device... existence? [21-01-27 10:01] hmmm [21-01-27 10:01] <08/​dev/rwd0c> apparently, operation of nuclear facilities comes under "not cool" [21-01-27 10:01] <04a​ rustian spy> Although that could be done via ARP too. [21-01-27 10:01] <11b​aidicoot> what? [21-01-27 10:01] citrons can you think of any better way to bridge ffbm to irc [21-01-27 10:01] hmm [21-01-27 10:01] I don't exactly know what that means [21-01-27 10:01] wdym [21-01-27 10:01] <04a​ rustian spy> SERIOUSLY? Ugh, Project COPPERY BLENDER will have to be modified. [21-01-27 10:01] <11b​aidicoot> surely operation of nuclear facilities is very cool. [21-01-27 10:01] i want to have new highscores be announced in #a [21-01-27 10:01] <11b​aidicoot> #a [21-01-27 10:01] ah I see [21-01-27 10:02] maybe i could set up an actual webhook system [21-01-27 10:02] with a minimalish wsgi app [21-01-27 10:02] that takes http requests, makes sure they have some form of authorisation, then posts the content into #a [21-01-27 10:02] <04a​ rustian spy> This could also be done. [21-01-27 10:02] yes that is probably the best way to do it [21-01-27 10:02] and then i can hand out tokens to people [21-01-27 10:02] <08/​dev/rwd0c> > for any activities where the use or failure of the APIs could lead to death, personal injury, or environmental damage (such as the operation of nuclear facilities, air traffic control, or life support systems); if abr failed to work, it is likely that someone would be outraged and attempt to kill or personally injure gollark [21-01-27 10:02] <04a​ rustian spy> Hey, I could integrate this into the random stuff API as a general service for things. [21-01-27 10:02] you could have the server communicate with an IRC bot program via IPC [21-01-27 10:02] true yes [21-01-27 10:02] <04a​ rustian spy> Yet NOBODY alerts me about hours-long outages? [21-01-27 10:03] <11b​aidicoot> this is... possibly true? [21-01-27 10:03] <04a​ rustian spy> Isn't the FIFO thing basically just primitive IRC? [21-01-27 10:03] does python support decent ipcification or will i have to do it in c though [21-01-27 10:03] <08/​dev/rwd0c> god these replies look so shit now [21-01-27 10:03] <08/​dev/rwd0c> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804018705164009491/unknown.png [21-01-27 10:03] <08/​dev/rwd0c> why did they do that [21-01-27 10:03] fifo is a form of ipc yes [21-01-27 10:03] <04a​ rustian spy> Try the A/B testing settings. [21-01-27 10:03] <09u​bqoral> it isn't doing it for me [21-01-27 10:03] <09u​bqoral> it's probably just fucked on your end [21-01-27 10:03] <04a​ rustian spy> See? A/B testing maybe. [21-01-27 10:03] <08/​dev/rwd0c> other things discord deems not cool include stalking, harassment, and illegal gambling [21-01-27 10:04] python probably does IPC thing okly [21-01-27 10:04] also can the bridge be made to have discord users appear in the correct colours [21-01-27 10:04] i guess it can read from fifos [21-01-27 10:04] <04a​ rustian spy> Technically yes, in practice æ no. [21-01-27 10:05] <08/​dev/rwd0c> yeah could be [21-01-27 10:05] <08/​dev/rwd0c> it updated yesterday i think [21-01-27 10:05] <08/​dev/rwd0c> and it doesn't do it for all replies [21-01-27 10:05] <08/​dev/rwd0c> oh, it's only when the message is long [21-01-27 10:06] <08/​dev/rwd0c> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804019415820533800/unknown.png [21-01-27 10:06] <08/​dev/rwd0c> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804019455746244618/unknown.png [21-01-27 10:06] ubq323: the content-type header for e.txt is text/plain. it's your browser [21-01-27 10:06] yes [21-01-27 10:06] hmm what is ETag [21-01-27 10:07] <04a​ rustian spy> It's meant as some sort of unique hash of the content, for caching, I think. [21-01-27 10:07] <08/​dev/rwd0c> ok i have purchased another hard driving disk [21-01-27 10:07] <04a​ rustian spy> https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/ETag [21-01-27 10:07] I see [21-01-27 10:07] <08/​dev/rwd0c> maybe shouldve got an ssd but ¯_(ツ)_/¯ [21-01-27 10:08] an SSD is supposed to be in shipment to me [21-01-27 10:10] <08/​dev/rwd0c> i tossed a coin on it [21-01-27 10:11] <08/​dev/rwd0c> i am guaranteed to never run out of space, at least [21-01-27 10:11] <08/​dev/rwd0c> although i could've just got a 200gb ssd and never run out of space on there either [21-01-27 10:13] <08/​dev/rwd0c> checking out the entire openbsd source and compiling it takes like 8gb [21-01-27 10:13] the SSD is 1tb. I presently, in my laptop, have a hard drive and an SSD. I store my home directory on the hard drive and my root on the SSD. I plan to move everything to the SSD. then, I can use the space to have a larger battery [21-01-27 10:14] <04a​ rustian spy> Wow, big §d. [21-01-27 10:15] the SSD is taking ages to arrive, however [21-01-27 10:15] <08/​dev/rwd0c> getting an ssd would probably have been a better choice [21-01-27 10:15] <08/​dev/rwd0c> but it is now too late [21-01-27 10:15] <08/​dev/rwd0c> 5400rpm should be enough for anyone [21-01-27 10:16] <08/​dev/rwd0c> after using a 500 kb/s usb as a main disk i don't think it can get any worse [21-01-27 10:16] hm, I see [21-01-27 10:16] <03y​Bot> why home dir on hard drive [21-01-27 10:16] <08/​dev/rwd0c> and the drive is supposedly new, although it has lots of reviews saying that they received drives that weren't new [21-01-27 10:16] <03y​Bot> oh currently [21-01-27 10:16] <03y​Bot> ok [21-01-27 10:16] <03y​Bot> gonna move it all o see [21-01-27 10:17] because the root is on the SSD [21-01-27 10:17] <03y​Bot> > after using a 500 kb/s usb as a main disk i don't think it can get any worse @/dev/rwd0c the what [21-01-27 10:17] for fast boot times, program loading [21-01-27 10:17] <08/​dev/rwd0c> i see you have not been reading my posts about trying to get a working thonkpad x230 [21-01-27 10:18] <08/​dev/rwd0c> anyway the usb has maximum of slightly over 500 kb/s read and write (not simultaneous) [21-01-27 10:18] <08/​dev/rwd0c> it takes about 5 minutes to load fvwm from xenodm [21-01-27 10:18] æ [21-01-27 10:18] <08/​dev/rwd0c> suspend to disk is not possible [21-01-27 10:19] I don't suppose swapping is very viable either [21-01-27 10:19] <08/​dev/rwd0c> if you close the lid you might as well pull out the battery, because it will die before it finishes suspending [21-01-27 10:20] the bridge is still named heavserver [21-01-27 10:20] <08/​dev/rwd0c> to be fair, the fvwm load times was probably due to it running reorder_kernel in the background [21-01-27 10:20] reorder_kernel? [21-01-27 10:21] <08/​dev/rwd0c> yes, it relinks the kernel every time you boot [21-01-27 10:21] <03y​Bot> what [21-01-27 10:21] I see [21-01-27 10:21] why? [21-01-27 10:21] <03y​Bot> why [21-01-27 10:21] <03y​Bot> what os [21-01-27 10:21] <08/​dev/rwd0c> openbsd [21-01-27 10:21] what is the purpose of doing this [21-01-27 10:21] <03y​Bot> why does it do that [21-01-27 10:21] <08/​dev/rwd0c> "security" [21-01-27 10:22] <03y​Bot> ???? [21-01-27 10:22] how is that *more* secure? [21-01-27 10:22] <03y​Bot> someone could just change the obj files? [21-01-27 10:22] <08/​dev/rwd0c> aslr but really aslr [21-01-27 10:22] I see [21-01-27 10:22] can that not be achieved without relinking? [21-01-27 10:22] <03y​Bot> h [21-01-27 10:23] <08/​dev/rwd0c> yes [21-01-27 10:23] <03y​Bot> wouldn't you already need kernel mode access to be able to exploit that [21-01-27 10:23] <08/​dev/rwd0c> normal aslr does not relink [21-01-27 10:23] bee [21-01-27 10:23] <04a​ rustian spy> It's called "defense in depth". [21-01-27 10:23] <08/​dev/rwd0c> you just randomise the executable base, stack, heap, etc [21-01-27 10:23] <08/​dev/rwd0c> but relinking puts everything in a random order, which is technically more secure [21-01-27 10:24] I see [21-01-27 10:24] is that not disableable? [21-01-27 10:24] <08/​dev/rwd0c> not that i think that it is worth doing [21-01-27 10:24] <08/​dev/rwd0c> maybe [21-01-27 10:24] <03y​Bot> why does one use bsd [21-01-27 10:24] <08/​dev/rwd0c> library relinking can be disabled, and i already have because it added several minutes to the boot time on the usb [21-01-27 10:25] <06s​inth orion> I find the idea of defence in depth a bit silly. A good defence is absolutely impenetrable. If we didn't spend so much focus on building up a hundred layers of defence, maybe we could focus enough on one layer to make it actually good. [21-01-27 10:25] <08/​dev/rwd0c> wut [21-01-27 10:25] <04a​ rustian spy> Your defense is not actually going to be impenetrable most likely. [21-01-27 10:25] <06s​inth orion> then improve it [21-01-27 10:25] <08/​dev/rwd0c> aslr is to try and prevent memory corruption being exploitable [21-01-27 10:25] <03y​Bot> cant [21-01-27 10:25] <06s​inth orion> SSL is usually considered unbreakable itself [21-01-27 10:25] <04a​ rustian spy> Defense in depth things can offer better exploits-mitigated-per-time-spent. [21-01-27 10:26] <06s​inth orion> Additional layers are only needed for the parts that SSL exposes [21-01-27 10:26] <04a​ rustian spy> You mean TLS? SSL is kind of outdated and 🐝 now. [21-01-27 10:26] <06s​inth orion> well, yes [21-01-27 10:26] <04a​ rustian spy> And still has a number of holes, like I think the ability to force downgrade to older worse versions and the unencrypted SNI. [21-01-27 10:26] <04a​ rustian spy> Also the entire certificate authority system. [21-01-27 10:26] <04a​ rustian spy> Arguably DNS too, but that isn't really its fault. [21-01-27 10:27] <08/​dev/rwd0c> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804024675641720902/unknown.png [21-01-27 10:27] <06s​inth orion> what's wrong with the cert auth system? [21-01-27 10:27] <04a​ rustian spy> It's done by centralized authorities, and they can also just arbitrarily delegate out that cert-making power. [21-01-27 10:27] <08/​dev/rwd0c> ^ [21-01-27 10:28] <06s​inth orion> You can decide which of these authorities you trust and use. You can easily add your own authorities to your browser. [21-01-27 10:28] <08/​dev/rwd0c> CAs do get compromised [21-01-27 10:28] <04a​ rustian spy> Except you can't, because then half the web will break. [21-01-27 10:28] <06s​inth orion> ofc both you and the website need to have some agreement over which CA is trustworthy [21-01-27 10:28] <04a​ rustian spy> There's that DNS CAA thing which I might set up on osmarks.net; this is somewhat more secure, since in theory only CAs I specify are allowed to issue certificates for it. However, clients (i.e. browsers) are forbidden from verifying it by the relevant standards for some reason, and CAs are just meant to check. [21-01-27 10:28] <04a​ rustian spy> An evil one can just not do that. [21-01-27 10:29] <04a​ rustian spy> osmarks.net DNS is also cryptographically signed which is pretty neat, but again I don't know of much software which checks DNSSEC. [21-01-27 10:29] <06s​inth orion> Mozilla has a pretty delicate process for trusting CAs, and they have so many CAs in their DB that centralisation and monopolization isn't a real issue. [21-01-27 10:29] <03y​Bot> asdfghjklweriz @/dev/rwd0c why do use openbsr [21-01-27 10:29] <03y​Bot> bsd [21-01-27 10:29] <04a​ rustian spy> Do you know about intermediate certificate things? [21-01-27 10:30] <08/​dev/rwd0c> every CA is a single point of failure for the entire security of TLS [21-01-27 10:30] <06s​inth orion> Hmm what if there was a simple way to enable servers to offer various different certificates from different CAs to give the client some choice? [21-01-27 10:30] <06s​inth orion> what about it? [21-01-27 10:30] <04a​ rustian spy> CAs can just arbitrarily subdelegate their issuing powers. [21-01-27 10:30] <06s​inth orion> yes [21-01-27 10:30] <08/​dev/rwd0c> it is good [21-01-27 10:30] <04a​ rustian spy> There's no way, as far as I know, to tell who has an intermediate certificate. [21-01-27 10:31] <04a​ rustian spy> Anyway, point is, TLS has holes. The underlying cryptographic primitives are probably sound, at least. [21-01-27 10:31] <06s​inth orion> if TLS has holes, we should do our best to fix them [21-01-27 10:31] <04a​ rustian spy> Yes, and this is ongoing. [21-01-27 10:31] <06s​inth orion> We need a solid pot, not a stack of a hundred leaky pots [21-01-27 10:31] ovalo!~ID@host-79-30-23-154.retail.telecomitalia.it quits [21-01-27 10:32] ovalo!~ID@host-79-30-23-154.retail.telecomitalia.it joins [21-01-27 10:32] <04a​ rustian spy> But it's also important that you don't rely completely on a thing being secure, and there are diminishing returns to expending more effort on one bit of the stack. [21-01-27 10:32] <04a​ rustian spy> ASLR makes exploits mildly less practical and is waaay easier than, I don't know, exhaustively auditing every line of code in Linux/BSD's kernel/whatever for security holes. [21-01-27 10:33] <08/​dev/rwd0c> > exhaustively auditing every line of code in Linux/BSD's kernel/whatever for security holes. this is something the openbsd people regularly and continually do [21-01-27 10:33] <04a​ rustian spy> They do apparently have a good record to show for it. [21-01-27 10:33] <08/​dev/rwd0c> across the entire os, not even just the kernel [21-01-27 10:33] <03y​Bot> @/dev/rwd0c what's better about it [21-01-27 10:33] <04a​ rustian spy> Also very bad hardware support apparently? [21-01-27 10:33] <03y​Bot> than void [21-01-27 10:34] <08/​dev/rwd0c> i am not encouraging you to use it [21-01-27 10:34] <06s​inth orion> idk, if you never trust on anything being secure, you can't ever secure at all [21-01-27 10:34] <04a​ rustian spy> Yes you can. [21-01-27 10:34] <03y​Bot> sure [21-01-27 10:34] <04a​ rustian spy> You can use things because they will probably increase security. Even if they are not perfect. [21-01-27 10:34] <03y​Bot> but like why is it [21-01-27 10:34] <03y​Bot> k [21-01-27 10:34] <08/​dev/rwd0c> eh [21-01-27 10:34] <04a​ rustian spy> I have TLS because it massively reduces the chances of highly important* data going to osmarks.net being intercepted, even though it doesn't obscure everything and has holes. [21-01-27 10:34] <08/​dev/rwd0c> i jusnt like it more [21-01-27 10:35] <04a​ rustian spy> Some osmarks.net services have basic auth despite having their own authentication mechanisms because it doesn't really cause any problems and I don't entirely trust said own authentication mechanisms. [21-01-27 10:35] I just use anonymized dnscrypt-proxy. No chance for the isp to snoop on me. [21-01-27 10:35] <03y​Bot> what's the fkeegerence [21-01-27 10:35] <04a​ rustian spy> Yes, I also have that. [21-01-27 10:35] <03y​Bot> difference [21-01-27 10:35] <04a​ rustian spy> dnscrypt-proxy, don't know how anonymized it is. [21-01-27 10:35] <06s​inth orion> I'd think auditing the code alone could never predict entirely new attack vectors, so it doesn't guarantee security. More useful would be to have a bunch of people continually trying to attack the system. [21-01-27 10:35] lol it's the protocol [21-01-27 10:36] you can anonymize it with relays. [21-01-27 10:36] <04a​ rustian spy> I see. I don't think I bothered, mine just goes to normal DNS over HTTPS servers. [21-01-27 10:36] ye it's still nice if you want to access restricted content I think. [21-01-27 10:36] <03y​Bot> I have network question [21-01-27 10:37] <04a​ rustian spy> OH BEE NETWORKING [21-01-27 10:37] <03y​Bot> is it technically possible to send raw data to someone [21-01-27 10:37] <03y​Bot> just on the link layer [21-01-27 10:37] <04a​ rustian spy> ... define "raw data"? [21-01-27 10:37] <03y​Bot> no IP no TCP [21-01-27 10:37] <04a​ rustian spy> Oh, sure. [21-01-27 10:37] <04a​ rustian spy> You can probably send raw Ethernet frames somehow on some devices. [21-01-27 10:37] no IP? [21-01-27 10:37] <03y​Bot> how would it know where to go [21-01-27 10:37] <03y​Bot> yeah [21-01-27 10:37] <04a​ rustian spy> Ethernet packets have MAC addresses in them somewhere. [21-01-27 10:37] <04a​ rustian spy> It wouldn't be routed. [21-01-27 10:38] son of a bee [21-01-27 10:38] <08/​dev/rwd0c> > Our security auditing team typically has between six and twelve members who continue to search for and fix new security holes. We have been auditing since the summer of 1996. The process we follow to increase security is simply a comprehensive file-by-file analysis of every critical software component. We are not so much looking for security holes, as we are looking for basic software bugs, and if years later someone discovers the problem [21-01-27 10:38] used to be a security issue, and we fixed it because it was just a bug, well, all the better. Flaws have been found in just about every area of the system. Entire new classes of security problems have been found during our audit, and often source code which had been audited earlier needs re-auditing with these new flaws in mind. Code often gets audited multiple times, and by multiple people with different auditing skills. this is what openbsd say about it, [21-01-27 10:38] i'm not entirely sure what you are saying [21-01-27 10:38] <03y​Bot> hm [21-01-27 10:38] cool [21-01-27 10:38] <03y​Bot> wdym routed [21-01-27 10:38] <04a​ rustian spy> It won't be forwarded off your internal ethernet network/LAN. [21-01-27 10:38] <08/​dev/rwd0c> ofc auditing code can't find everything [21-01-27 10:38] <08/​dev/rwd0c> but it finds a lot, and they claim to have found entirely new classes of security problem [21-01-27 10:38] <06s​inth orion> ok [21-01-27 10:39] <03y​Bot> uhh [21-01-27 10:39] <03y​Bot> well doesn't LAN also have internal IP addresses [21-01-27 10:39] <04a​ rustian spy> Well, yes. But IP addresses are a part of, well, IP, and not Ethernet. [21-01-27 10:39] man this is my first time in IRC and I'm having a BLAST. Anyone else on KVlrc? [21-01-27 10:40] <08/​dev/rwd0c> having people be given the source and continually trying to attack is not very dissimilar from auditing [21-01-27 10:40] <03y​Bot> so you can send data to someone on your LAN via their mac.addteess? [21-01-27 10:40] <03y​Bot> address [21-01-27 10:40] true [21-01-27 10:40] <04a​ rustian spy> In theory, sure? I don't know if network hardware will let you sometimes, and they might not actually receive it. [21-01-27 10:40] <03y​Bot> hmm [21-01-27 10:40] <08/​dev/rwd0c> why are you trying to do this cyber [21-01-27 10:40] <03y​Bot> I'm not [21-01-27 10:40] <03y​Bot> just curious [21-01-27 10:40] <04a​ rustian spy> Just use my multicast chat program, coming never™. [21-01-27 10:41] <03y​Bot> IP doesn't include ports right [21-01-27 10:41] <04a​ rustian spy> No, that's UDP/TCP I think. [21-01-27 10:41] <03y​Bot> do OSes let you use raw IP [21-01-27 10:41] <04a​ rustian spy> Yes, if you are admin™. [21-01-27 10:41] <08/​dev/rwd0c> yeah ports are tcp [21-01-27 10:41] <04a​ rustian spy> Routers might be mean about it and deny anything but TCP/UDP/ICMP. [21-01-27 10:41] <03y​Bot> probably not because then you'd be able to get everyone's packets [21-01-27 10:41] <03y​Bot> huh [21-01-27 10:42] <04a​ rustian spy> No, of course they do. [21-01-27 10:42] <03y​Bot> how would that work [21-01-27 10:42] <04a​ rustian spy> How would what work? Raw socket access? [21-01-27 10:42] <03y​Bot> yes [21-01-27 10:42] <08/​dev/rwd0c> what do you mean "how would that work" [21-01-27 10:42] <04a​ rustian spy> You... send raw IP packets... using some socket API? [21-01-27 10:42] <03y​Bot> gold on [21-01-27 10:42] <03y​Bot> hild [21-01-27 10:42] <03y​Bot> hold [21-01-27 10:42] <04a​ rustian spy> And receive them, I suppose. [21-01-27 10:43] <05f​irecubez> totally different person than ybot is here [21-01-27 10:43] <05f​irecubez> ok [21-01-27 10:43] <04a​ rustian spy> Wrong. [21-01-27 10:43] <08/​dev/rwd0c> SOCK_RAW [21-01-27 10:43] <05f​irecubez> so if you make a raw socket, would you be getting data for every application on the computer or [21-01-27 10:43] <08/​dev/rwd0c> ?? [21-01-27 10:43] <05f​irecubez> because theres no ports [21-01-27 10:43] <04a​ rustian spy> You can capture all outbound/inbound network traffic but that might be a different API. [21-01-27 10:43] <05f​irecubez> and thats how different programs get different data [21-01-27 10:43] <06s​inth orion> Is there any way to go even lower level? To directly control the signals being sent and received through some ethernet port? [21-01-27 10:44] <04a​ rustian spy> The electrical signals? Probably not without meddling with firmware æ. [21-01-27 10:44] electricity [21-01-27 10:44] <04a​ rustian spy> Some of it might be in hardware and thus utterly immutable. [21-01-27 10:44] <06s​inth orion> if you open a RAW_SOCK, shouldn't that get all traffic sent through this ethernet connection? [21-01-27 10:44] <04a​ rustian spy> I'm not actually sure, hold on. [21-01-27 10:45] <05f​irecubez> thats my question [21-01-27 10:45] <04a​ rustian spy> Okay, so based on this manpage, by default raw sockets are send only. [21-01-27 10:45] <05f​irecubez> because [21-01-27 10:45] <05f​irecubez> oh [21-01-27 10:45] <04a​ rustian spy> But you can make sockets to obtain all traffic ever. [21-01-27 10:45] <05f​irecubez> couldnt you like mess up a transmission that way [21-01-27 10:45] <04a​ rustian spy> https://www.man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/raw.7.html [21-01-27 10:45] <04a​ rustian spy> Probably! [21-01-27 10:46] MITM [21-01-27 10:46] <05f​irecubez> "IP: 5 packets incoming" "a" "b" <<< my program's packet "bla" "c" "d" ... [21-01-27 10:46] <05f​irecubez> so it gets interpreted as that [21-01-27 10:46] <04a​ robotic spy> @R. Danny Reminder queued at 16:46:22 26/01/2021: you are declared utter bees! [21-01-27 10:46] <05f​irecubez> as part of the other programs packet [21-01-27 10:47] <04a​ rustian spy> I think TCP would make that harder, but the basic idea... as I said, probably. [21-01-27 10:48] ovaloID|2!~ID@host-79-30-23-154.retail.telecomitalia.it joins [21-01-27 10:49] fascinating [21-01-27 10:49] ovalo!~ID@host-79-30-23-154.retail.telecomitalia.it quits [21-01-27 10:50] <04a​ rustian spy> Great, the SPUDNET prometheus integration is ready! [21-01-27 10:52] <04a​ rustian spy> ALL shall be graphed. [21-01-27 10:52] <04a​ rustian spy> Once this JS thing finishes compiling on my server. [21-01-27 10:52] <08/​dev/rwd0c> in linux: - you can't create a SOCK_RAW without giving it a protocol - you can use IPPROTO_RAW to get direct access to IP, but then you can't receive anything [21-01-27 10:52] <08/​dev/rwd0c> sock_raw isn't specified by posix at all, so this is probably different on other oses [21-01-27 10:53] <05f​irecubez> interesting [21-01-27 10:53] <04a​ rustian spy> There's definitely an interface for raw data obtainment, tcpdump and wireshark and whatever exist. [21-01-27 10:53] <05f​irecubez> well [21-01-27 10:53] <05f​irecubez> how would sending anything work [21-01-27 10:53] <06s​inth orion> isn't there any pseudo-protocol that essentially forwards everything to application layer as unchanged as possible? [21-01-27 10:53] <05f​irecubez> wouldnt it just break [21-01-27 10:53] <05f​irecubez> uh, just raw right [21-01-27 10:53] <04a​ rustian spy> Sounds vaguely like UDP? [21-01-27 10:53] <05f​irecubez> or udp [21-01-27 10:54] <05f​irecubez> but that has ip andp orts [21-01-27 10:54] <06s​inth orion> hmm I guess [21-01-27 10:54] <08/​dev/rwd0c> it sends IP packets with the data you give it to the specified IP address [21-01-27 10:54] <08/​dev/rwd0c> routers may drop them silently if they aren't tcp / udp [21-01-27 10:56] <04g​nobody> hello. [21-01-27 10:57] <08/​dev/rwd0c> hi [21-01-27 10:57] <04a​ rustian spy> Greetings, mortal. [21-01-27 10:58] <06s​inth orion> kinda bees that routers would even inspect the contents of the packet [21-01-27 10:58] <04a​ rustian spy> Well, NAT and such. [21-01-27 10:58] <06s​inth orion> rather than doing their job and only handling IP [21-01-27 10:58] <08/​dev/rwd0c> ? [21-01-27 10:58] <08/​dev/rwd0c> ah ok [21-01-27 10:58] <08/​dev/rwd0c> well [21-01-27 10:58] <04a​ rustian spy> NAT is VERY bees but necessary. [21-01-27 10:59] <06s​inth orion> ye [21-01-27 11:09] <05f​irecubez> why necessary [21-01-27 11:10] <05f​irecubez> yeah but couldnt that get mixed up with tcp/udp data [21-01-27 11:10] <05f​irecubez> which is being sent to an ip address [21-01-27 11:10] <08/​dev/rwd0c> not unless it has the right header [21-01-27 11:10] <04a​ rustian spy> IPv4 address shortage. [21-01-27 11:11] <05f​irecubez> use v6 [21-01-27 11:11] <04a​ rustian spy> I think there are some people running NAT on v6, but they're wrong. [21-01-27 11:11] <05f​irecubez> oh so you can disable nat on v6? [21-01-27 11:11] <04a​ rustian spy> No sane device will have it on. [21-01-27 11:11] <05f​irecubez> wait so [21-01-27 11:11] <05f​irecubez> does that eliminate the need for portforwarding and stuff [21-01-27 11:11] <05f​irecubez> and p2p becomes easy? [21-01-27 11:11] <04a​ rustian spy> Nope! Not exactly. [21-01-27 11:11] <04a​ rustian spy> Most things will also still firewall it. [21-01-27 11:12] <05f​irecubez> something like program1: "5 packets incoming" program1: "a" "b" "c" program2: "haha ill send my packet before you send yours" program1: "d" "e" [21-01-27 11:12] <04a​ rustian spy> Wow, how EXTREMELY EVIL‽ [21-01-27 11:12] <05f​irecubez> or does tht not happen in IP [21-01-27 11:13] <08/​dev/rwd0c> what? ip still has packets [21-01-27 11:14] <08/​dev/rwd0c> this does not happen if 2 programs using tcp communicate at the same time [21-01-27 11:14] <05f​irecubez> tcp h as ports [21-01-27 11:14] <08/​dev/rwd0c> it's no different with raw sockets [21-01-27 11:14] <05f​irecubez> right [21-01-27 11:14] <05f​irecubez> yeah [21-01-27 11:14] <05f​irecubez> that makes sense [21-01-27 11:14] <05f​irecubez> well in ip [21-01-27 11:14] <08/​dev/rwd0c> ports don't matter, you're talking about ip [21-01-27 11:15] <05f​irecubez> if its being sent in multiple packets because its big or something [21-01-27 11:15] <05f​irecubez> then you could [21-01-27 11:15] <05f​irecubez> do that [21-01-27 11:15] <04a​ rustian spy> Who is going around sending data over raw IP with no error checking? [21-01-27 11:15] <08/​dev/rwd0c> ipv4 does fragmentation and packet reassembly [21-01-27 11:16] <08/​dev/rwd0c> and no, you couldn't [21-01-27 11:16] cya esolangs, I'll take my leave. [21-01-27 11:16] <08/​dev/rwd0c> again, if this was an issue with raw sockets it would be an issue with all protocols that use ip [21-01-27 11:16] <05f​irecubez> cya [21-01-27 11:16] <05f​irecubez> k idk [21-01-27 11:16] <04g​nobody> who linked the irc bridge to off topic [21-01-27 11:16] <04a​ rustian spy> Palaiologos approved it. [21-01-27 11:16] <08/​dev/rwd0c> in ipv6 you have to determine the MTU in advance [21-01-27 11:17] <04g​nobody> okay [21-01-27 11:17] supercilious!~thomas@aenea.engineeringvirtue.net joins [21-01-27 11:18] <08/​dev/rwd0c> and you can send ipv4 packets that aren't allowed to be fragmented [21-01-27 11:18] <08/​dev/rwd0c> but in that case if it is too big it will be rejected and you'll get a icmp error back [21-01-27 11:18] hm [21-01-27 11:18] what if i [21-01-27 11:18] @everyone [21-01-27 11:18] <08/​dev/rwd0c> no [21-01-27 11:18] <04g​nobody> nothing happens [21-01-27 11:18] :( [21-01-27 11:19] <04a​ rustian spy> The bridge can't even NORMALLY ping people. [21-01-27 11:21] <04a​ rustian spy> Perhaps I should start aggregating osmarks.net logs as well as random metrics. [21-01-27 11:22] <@341618941317349376> [21-01-27 11:22] <09s​uper fucking cilious> hmm [21-01-27 11:22] <@803069845217607722> [21-01-27 11:22] <09s​uper fucking cilious> sad [21-01-27 11:23] <11b​aidicoot> who is @ everyone enabled here for? [21-01-27 11:23] <08/​dev/rwd0c> staff [21-01-27 11:23] <11b​aidicoot> thanks for saving me having to go role-diving [21-01-27 11:24] <08/​dev/rwd0c> if you were somehow able to perfectly predict which bits and offsets in the header you needed to set i guess you could maybe fake a fragmented packet (possibly, idk much about ip packet structure) [21-01-27 11:24] <08/​dev/rwd0c> and even then, it most likely wouldn't be transmitted before the original data [21-01-27 11:24] <@everyone> [21-01-27 11:24] <09s​uper fucking cilious> ok i give up [21-01-27 11:24] <08/​dev/rwd0c> since ip fragmentation happens at the router, not you pc [21-01-27 11:25] <06s​inth orion> I think it's also necessary for mobile devices. Can't have an IP for each phone when that phone can move all around the world. [21-01-27 11:25] <04a​ rustian spy> osmarks.net™ graphing engine suffering generator™ [21-01-27 11:25] <04a​ rustian spy> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804039346814320680/screenshot-17_25_04-27_01_2021.png [21-01-27 11:25] <04a​ rustian spy> Nowadays they just get IPv6 addresses. [21-01-27 11:25] <08/​dev/rwd0c> mine doesn't [21-01-27 11:25] <06s​inth orion> but doesn't IP imply a fixed location in some way? [21-01-27 11:25] <04a​ rustian spy> Really? I thought some spec for 4G required it. [21-01-27 11:25] <06s​inth orion> for routing [21-01-27 11:25] <04a​ rustian spy> No. [21-01-27 11:26] <08/​dev/rwd0c> hm, maybe [21-01-27 11:26] <04a​ rustian spy> The solution to the "they move around" issue is awful: all data is just tunneled through some big server somewhere. [21-01-27 11:26] <05f​irecubez> if there isnt NAT you dont need to do hole punching though right [21-01-27 11:26] <06s​inth orion> how are you supposed to know in which country that phone currently is? [21-01-27 11:26] <04a​ rustian spy> No, you do, since most firewalls block unsolicited inbound traffic. [21-01-27 11:26] <08/​dev/rwd0c> most people's IPs change frequently as it is [21-01-27 11:26] <05f​irecubez> and uh [21-01-27 11:26] <05f​irecubez> how does it know whats unsolicited [21-01-27 11:27] <04a​ rustian spy> Routers track outbound TCP connections. [21-01-27 11:27] <04a​ rustian spy> * TCP/UDP [21-01-27 11:27] <04a​ rustian spy> And you can sometimes tell them via UPnP to explicitly open an inbound port. [21-01-27 11:27] <05f​irecubez> so it tries to parse the tcp header and stuff [21-01-27 11:27] <05f​irecubez> what if its invalid [21-01-27 11:27] <06s​inth orion> That "solution" already existed before mobile internet was widespread tbh. But there is no single global worldwide router you could ask to route something. [21-01-27 11:27] <05f​irecubez> silently ignored prob [21-01-27 11:27] <04a​ rustian spy> I guess it just drops it? [21-01-27 11:28] <06s​inth orion> IPs of normal fixed devices are always part of the same ISP, so it's easy to route them [21-01-27 11:28] <06s​inth orion> but when you don't even know what country the IP is in, it sounds practically impossible [21-01-27 11:29] <06s​inth orion> You'd have to look up some lists for all IP adresses worldwide [21-01-27 11:29] <06s​inth orion> much easier to just assign a new IP address when I change cells [21-01-27 11:29] <04a​ rustian spy> That would break all your connections. [21-01-27 11:30] <06s​inth orion> yes [21-01-27 11:30] <05f​irecubez> so what would be the NAT in that case [21-01-27 11:30] <04a​ rustian spy> There was some solution for this based on changing TCP/UDP round, but there wasn't time to implement it before the internet exploded and the current protocols were fixed in place. [21-01-27 11:30] <05f​irecubez> the cell towers communicate to give a public ip for your ip? [21-01-27 11:30] <06s​inth orion> there's a handover process on cell change, which was originally designed so your phone calls wouldn't break up when you change cells [21-01-27 11:30] <06s​inth orion> maybe you could leave a kind of redirect behind in your old cell [21-01-27 11:30] <06s​inth orion> for a certain time [21-01-27 11:31] <04a​ rustian spy> I think the way it works is that your mobile network operator just routes all the traffic from phones centrally. [21-01-27 11:31] <08/​dev/rwd0c> what is better about this [21-01-27 11:31] <06s​inth orion> that doesn't seem feasible [21-01-27 11:31] <04a​ rustian spy> The nicer solution is described here: https://apenwarr.ca/log/20170810 [21-01-27 11:33] <06s​inth orion> One IP address is always bound to one cell at a time, therefore you can have databases that can tell you the route to each IP address and that rarely ever change. A user moving to a different cell won't invalidate caches of those databases. [21-01-27 11:33] <06s​inth orion> It's certainly not feasible to route all internet traffic worldwide over the same router, but it is much more scalable to have a central database that gets cached by a bunch of central routers and changes only like once a day at most. [21-01-27 11:35] <06s​inth orion> Maybe around once a day the system could reallocate IP address ranges from the global pool to individual cells based on demand, and then send this update to all central routers. There's practically no limit to how many such central routers there can be, and they could even have a hierarchy on their own. [21-01-27 11:37] <06s​inth orion> Maybe even the database could have location-dependent hierarchical subdivisions. Province A knows all their own addresses, knows the address ranges for their neighbour provinces, knows the address range for the entire country, and everything else is not in the national cell network. [21-01-27 11:50] <06s​inth orion> > Poetry is very important in networking. 👌 [21-01-27 11:50] <06s​inth orion> https://etherealmind.com/algorhyme-radia-perlman/ [21-01-27 12:02] <04a​ rustian spy> https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/549759333014044673/804013513546399784/p9dlkg38grd61.png [21-01-27 12:09] <11b​aidicoot> what the bees? [21-01-27 12:09] <04a​ rustian spy> It's a very 2021 image. [21-01-27 12:10] <11b​aidicoot> what about it makes it 2021? [21-01-27 12:10] <04a​ rustian spy> Apparently reddit is battling hedge-fund short-sellers over shares in a random game retailer. [21-01-27 12:10] <04a​ rustian spy> https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-55817918 [21-01-27 12:10] <11b​aidicoot> lmao [21-01-27 12:11] <11b​aidicoot> > at the moment, the upstarts have the upper hand. well that makes sense. [21-01-27 12:12] <04a​ rustian spy> Did you see the osmarks.tk™ osmarksgraphs™ yet? [21-01-27 12:12] <04a​ rustian spy> * osmarks.net™ [21-01-27 12:12] <11b​aidicoot> where? [21-01-27 12:12] <04a​ rustian spy> https://stats.osmarks.net/ ← HIGHLY graphical [21-01-27 12:13] <06s​inth orion> Can we somehow implement that for real, starting on a small scale? [21-01-27 12:13] <11b​aidicoot> @ loading 200MB of javascript [21-01-27 12:13] <09u​bqoral> mmmmmm [21-01-27 12:14] <04a​ rustian spy> 3MB, but yes, grafana is a bit bee in that area. [21-01-27 12:14] <04a​ rustian spy> Although it's fairly reasonable since it's a complex clientside webapp. [21-01-27 12:14] grafana is a bit bee [21-01-27 12:14] <04a​ rustian spy> I like it more than netdata because via integrating it with stuff I can graph all things ever. [21-01-27 12:15] does logging all of this not incur its own overhead? [21-01-27 12:15] <04a​ rustian spy> Surprisingly, no. [21-01-27 12:15] how does it even hook these things to log them [21-01-27 12:15] <04a​ rustian spy> CPU stats are via Linux monitoring features. [21-01-27 12:15] like "IOps" [21-01-27 12:15] same way top does it [21-01-27 12:15] <04a​ rustian spy> Yes. [21-01-27 12:15] or iotop or whatever [21-01-27 12:16] <04a​ rustian spy> Other things have to have a prometheus exporter HTTP server, or you can use a bridge program for it. [21-01-27 12:16] <04a​ rustian spy> They're lightweight inasmuch as the OIR™ encoder and random network tasks and whatnot take up much more CPU than monitoring. [21-01-27 12:16] <05c​all_me_umni> > And at the moment, the upstarts have the upper hand. [21-01-27 12:17] <04a​ rustian spy> osmarks.net doesn't run at more than ~5% CPU so I don't really care. [21-01-27 12:17] <05c​all_me_umni> do they realise the reason investors aren't just monkeys doing random shit is because when you look over a long enough time frame only real investments proliferate? [21-01-27 12:17] mon-polaris!~polaris@localhost quits [21-01-27 12:17] <06s​inth orion> How is it a "battle" if you buy shares of a failing business? Isn't that just plain stupidity? [21-01-27 12:17] <04a​ rustian spy> Well, they make the shortsellers worse off. [21-01-27 12:17] <06s​inth orion> shortsellers? [21-01-27 12:17] <04a​ rustian spy> Hmm, 15% CPU, I think gitea is synchronizing things. [21-01-27 12:17] I am all for making rich people miserable [21-01-27 12:18] <04a​ rustian spy> I don't really support that for its own sake, but this is hilarious. [21-01-27 12:18] <06s​inth orion> how does that make rich people miserable in any way? [21-01-27 12:18] <04a​ rustian spy> They have slightly less money. [21-01-27 12:18] <05c​all_me_umni> oh no, slightly less money! [21-01-27 12:18] <04a​ rustian spy> Short-selling is basically betting that a stock's value will go down. In this case, it has gone up a lot. [21-01-27 12:18] <06s​inth orion> if you have any shares, you'll be happy as they rise in value [21-01-27 12:18] <05c​all_me_umni> what are we gonna do! [21-01-27 12:18] <06s​inth orion> if you don't, you don't give a fuck [21-01-27 12:18] <06s​inth orion> I don't get it [21-01-27 12:18] <04a​ rustian spy> Hedgefunds were short-selling it, as I said. [21-01-27 12:18] <04a​ rustian spy> Thus, they lose money. [21-01-27 12:19] I wholeheartedly support it for its own sake [21-01-27 12:19] <06s​inth orion> Why would you do that, and who is taking up that bet? [21-01-27 12:19] short selling is when you "bet" that the share price will go down instead of up [21-01-27 12:19] <04a​ rustian spy> You would do it if you thought a stock would go down in value for whatever reason. [21-01-27 12:19] exactly [21-01-27 12:19] <06s​inth orion> ok you mean it's harming people who sold just before this [21-01-27 12:19] no? [21-01-27 12:20] <04a​ rustian spy> What? No. [21-01-27 12:20] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Short_(finance) [21-01-27 12:20] <04a​ rustian spy> They're just not better off, that's not the same as being worse off. [21-01-27 12:20] In finance, being short in an asset means investing in such a way that the investor will profit if the value of the asset falls. This is the opposite of a more conventional "long" position, where the investor will profit if the value of the asset rises. [21-01-27 12:20] it's like [21-01-27 12:20] you borrow some shares from someone [21-01-27 12:20] <04a​ rustian spy> Big investors bet the value would go down. Reddit decided they wanted it to go up, and are burning lots of money on that. [21-01-27 12:21] and then sell them back [21-01-27 12:21] <06s​inth orion> ok that sounds like some fucked up shit that should never happen [21-01-27 12:21] or rather [21-01-27 12:21] <09u​bqoral> yes, that is the entire financial industry [21-01-27 12:21] <04a​ rustian spy> The financial markets are MUCH more complex than that. [21-01-27 12:21] <09u​bqoral> wait till you hear about options and futures [21-01-27 12:21] <04a​ rustian spy> Very cool, though. [21-01-27 12:22] > yes, that is the entire financial industry [21-01-27 12:22] <06s​inth orion> but isn't that costing Reddit more than it costs the investors in the end? [21-01-27 12:22] exactly [21-01-27 12:22] the financial markets don't really correlate to anything in the real world [21-01-27 12:22] <04a​ rustian spy> Probably! [21-01-27 12:22] it's just gambling, basically [21-01-27 12:22] the stock market is entirely fucked up shit] [21-01-27 12:22] yes [21-01-27 12:22] there is nothing that isn't fucked up shit [21-01-27 12:22] <06s​inth orion> If I had the power, I'd obliterate all stock trading [21-01-27 12:22] if it wasn't fucked up shit, it wouldn't be the stock market [21-01-27 12:23] <11b​aidicoot> indeed [21-01-27 12:23] <04a​ rustian spy> It's related to the actual long term value of the stock though. [21-01-27 12:23] <04g​nobody> if it is gambling why do some people win consistently? [21-01-27 12:23] <11b​aidicoot> they do? [21-01-27 12:23] <04g​nobody> yes. [21-01-27 12:23] <04a​ rustian spy> It's not like palaiologos's proposed game. They pay dividends. Investors want to maximize the money they get from dividends and selling/buying things. [21-01-27 12:23] gnobody, selection bias [21-01-27 12:23] or whatever [21-01-27 12:23] <04a​ rustian spy> Actually, no. [21-01-27 12:23] <04g​nobody> hedge funds tend to win in the stock market in the long run. [21-01-27 12:24] <04a​ rustian spy> The market grows at single-digit percents a year. [21-01-27 12:24] <04a​ rustian spy> So you should just shove your money in index funds and it will increase slightly. [21-01-27 12:24] <06s​inth orion> So who will win from this in the end? Where does the money that everyone is losing go to? [21-01-27 12:24] supercilious!~thomas@aenea.engineeringvirtue.net quits [21-01-27 12:24] <04g​nobody> well, there is inflation [21-01-27 12:24] <04a​ rustian spy> The stock market grows slightly faster than inflation generally. [21-01-27 12:24] <04a​ rustian spy> Interesting question! I don't actually know. Probably other investors being smarter than reddit and the shortselly ones. [21-01-27 12:25] <04g​nobody> to people who win [21-01-27 12:25] <04g​nobody> ? [21-01-27 12:25] <06s​inth orion> I'd rather just shove it into precious metals, so it will stay at the same value (or actually rise as we need more gold etc for electronics) [21-01-27 12:25] <04g​nobody> precious metals tend to preserve purhcasing power, yes. [21-01-27 12:25] <04a​ rustian spy> Barring any technological changes improving availability/efficiency of utilizing them, yes. [21-01-27 12:25] <06s​inth orion> index funds sound like they can be used for some fucked up shit I don't want to support [21-01-27 12:25] <04a​ rustian spy> But if you want to actually have slightly more money over time, that is not very smart. [21-01-27 12:26] <06s​inth orion> doesn't the gold price rise slightly faster than inflation as well? [21-01-27 12:27] <04g​nobody> i dont know, but it surely does not lose purchasing power in the long run. [21-01-27 12:27] <04a​ rustian spy> Why not? [21-01-27 12:27] ovaloID|2!~ID@host-79-30-23-154.retail.telecomitalia.it quits [21-01-27 12:27] ovalo!~ID@host-79-30-23-154.retail.telecomitalia.it joins [21-01-27 12:27] <04g​nobody> reasons. [21-01-27 12:27] ovalo!~ID@host-79-30-23-154.retail.telecomitalia.it quits [21-01-27 12:27] <04a​ rustian spy> What happens if people eventually get round to mining asteroids? [21-01-27 12:27] <04g​nobody> that has not happened yet. [21-01-27 12:27] <04a​ rustian spy> Yes, well, we're talking about what happens/might happen in the future. [21-01-27 12:28] ovalo!~ID@host-79-30-23-154.retail.telecomitalia.it joins [21-01-27 12:28] <06s​inth orion> Gold will also remain valuable should ever all of our economic system break down. Imagine your index fond somehow suffers from some disaster, a whole stock market shuts down, or even the US dollar hyperinflates and eventually gets replaced. [21-01-27 12:28] <04a​ rustian spy> I will probably have bigger problems in that case. [21-01-27 12:29] <06s​inth orion> like what? [21-01-27 12:29] starving perhaps [21-01-27 12:29] <04a​ rustian spy> Well, the fact that I can no longer buy anything because the economy imploded mostly. [21-01-27 12:29] <06s​inth orion> If some stock market closes somewhere, it shouldn't affect me directly personally. I can still use my labour to get food. [21-01-27 12:29] supercilious!~thomas@aenea.engineeringvirtue.net joins [21-01-27 12:29] <04a​ rustian spy> Gold is not that useful practically, being just a shiny metal which doesn't tarnish and has quite high conductivity. [21-01-27 12:29] yes [21-01-27 12:29] <06s​inth orion> that makes it pretty useful [21-01-27 12:30] <06s​inth orion> also I'd probably diversify into a couple different metals [21-01-27 12:30] <04g​nobody> money is not that useful practically, being just a weird piece of colored paper [21-01-27 12:30] <04a​ rustian spy> Yep! [21-01-27 12:30] <04a​ rustian spy> But gold isn't that different, I mean. [21-01-27 12:30] <04g​nobody> gold is limited [21-01-27 12:30] "engineeringvirtue.net"? Fascinating. [21-01-27 12:30] <06s​inth orion> it's infinitely more useful than money [21-01-27 12:30] why didn't those fools in the great depression use their labor to get food??? smh my head [21-01-27 12:31] <04a​ rustian spy> Not infinitely, but a few times maybe? But for both of them, the actual value-if-we-didn't-have-preexisting-notions-of-value-tied-to-them is mostly irrelevant. [21-01-27 12:31] <04a​ rustian spy> The point of having either is that other people will exchange them for things you want. [21-01-27 12:31] <06s​inth orion> There will still be people with goods they want to sell and people with demands, so a new way of trading will pop up in no time. Maybe plain good exchange. Maybe some cryptocurrency. Maybe a totally new currency. [21-01-27 12:31] <04a​ rustian spy> And they may not actually want gold. [21-01-27 12:32] <06s​inth orion> gold is certainly more useful than some stocks that don't mean anything anymore [21-01-27 12:32] <04a​ rustian spy> Like regular money, it's mostly only useful due to the consensus that it "has value". [21-01-27 12:32] <06s​inth orion> another thing that seems nice is real estate [21-01-27 12:32] <04a​ rustian spy> Somewhat, sure. [21-01-27 12:32] there are infinite conceivable circumstances in which gold has no value [21-01-27 12:32] <06s​inth orion> that's true for everything [21-01-27 12:32] <04a​ rustian spy> If I actually had money to invest, I would probably stick most of it in stocks and the rest in a bank account. [21-01-27 12:33] <06s​inth orion> btw how do replies look on IRC? [21-01-27 12:33] <04a​ rustian spy> They are ignored. [21-01-27 12:33] <06s​inth orion> oof [21-01-27 12:33] <06s​inth orion> what stocks? [21-01-27 12:33] <04a​ rustian spy> As I said, index funds, I think the idea is that they just buy the entire market according to some really simple rule. [21-01-27 12:33] <06s​inth orion> I'd rather have full control over what stocks to invest in than trust some index fond [21-01-27 12:33] <04a​ rustian spy> Very "boring but practical". [21-01-27 12:34] <07d​ammit quintopia> Not GME [21-01-27 12:34] <04a​ rustian spy> I don't care that much and there is little chance I can actually make sane decisions about that without a ton of work. [21-01-27 12:34] <06s​inth orion> ddg! GME stocks [21-01-27 12:34] <04D​DGBot> @sinth orion: https://html.duckduckgo.com/html/?q=!+GME+stocks&kp=1&kl=us%2Dus [21-01-27 12:34] <04a​ rustian spy> Gamestop. [21-01-27 12:34] <06s​inth orion> oh lol [21-01-27 12:34] <04a​ rustian spy> The thing this conversation propagated from. [21-01-27 12:34] <06s​inth orion> I actually considered buying CDPR stock [21-01-27 12:34] <04g​nobody> with a ton of work you can get a lot more money than index fund [21-01-27 12:34] <04a​ rustian spy> Anyway, In case of general good situations, I would get slightly more money. In case of market crashes, I would lose a bit but, at worst, still have bank account money available. In case of civilizational collapse, oh well, I probably have other issues. [21-01-27 12:35] <06s​inth orion> since it fell so quickly but I was confident they would rise up again [21-01-27 12:35] <04g​nobody> did they? [21-01-27 12:35] <04a​ rustian spy> You could also just directly sell goods/services to people, which may turn out to be a more money-efficient use of time. [21-01-27 12:35] <06s​inth orion> but now it's too late for that [21-01-27 12:35] <06s​inth orion> they are already recovering well [21-01-27 12:35] "that's true for everything" false. food will always be valuable [21-01-27 12:35] i have fixed my quit message [21-01-27 12:36] what is it now [21-01-27 12:36] supercilious!~thomas@aenea.engineeringvirtue.net quits [21-01-27 12:36] <06s​inth orion> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804057185062879292/unknown.png [21-01-27 12:36] <06s​inth orion> until the robot revolution [21-01-27 12:36] <06s​inth orion> also food tends to spoil [21-01-27 12:36] <04a​ rustian spy> Food will have nonzero value as long as there are biological humans? Sure. SIGNIFICANT value? No. [21-01-27 12:36] <04g​nobody> what if we overproduce food and no longer have enough storage to store it? [21-01-27 12:36] we already do [21-01-27 12:36] ^ [21-01-27 12:36] supercilious!~thomas@aenea.engineeringvirtue.net joins [21-01-27 12:37] <07d​ammit quintopia> You can get food that lasts for years to get you over the hump [21-01-27 12:37] whether or not it spoils has no pertinence to how valuable it is [21-01-27 12:37] <04g​nobody> no. if that was the case people would be paying others to come get their food [21-01-27 12:37] <06s​inth orion> we already throw away food on a massive scale because of overproduction [21-01-27 12:37] <04a​ rustian spy> What happens if farming gets even more automated than now, and you can just trivially produce reasonable amounts of food from a small hydroponics thing? It won't be significantly valuable. [21-01-27 12:37] <04g​nobody> last time i checked a lot of people were starving. [21-01-27 12:37] <09u​bqoral> why do i get the feeling the people in this server are the absolutely last people i would want economic advice from [21-01-27 12:37] ha true [21-01-27 12:37] <08/​dev/rwd0c> and so? [21-01-27 12:37] <08/​dev/rwd0c> things are not distributed evenly [21-01-27 12:37] lots of people are starving because of an inherently inefficient distribution system [21-01-27 12:37] <04g​nobody> this means we are not overproducing [21-01-27 12:37] <04a​ rustian spy> I am a VERY qualified economist. I passed a GCSE in it. This was definitely not worthless. [21-01-27 12:37] that's libertarians for you [21-01-27 12:37] <04a​ rustian spy> No, it's a distributional issue. [21-01-27 12:38] <06s​inth orion> because these people do not have the necessary economical influence to justify transporting that food to them [21-01-27 12:38] <08/​dev/rwd0c> no, it just means not everyone has the same amount [21-01-27 12:38] yes [21-01-27 12:38] because of an inherently biased system of distribution [21-01-27 12:38] <04g​nobody> @super fucking cilious consider playing ect games now? [21-01-27 12:38] <04a​ rustian spy> GTech™ produces several undecillion bees per second. However, that doesn't mean that everyone ever has whatever several undecillion bees divided by 7 billion is. [21-01-27 12:39] <04a​ rustian spy> Per second. [21-01-27 12:39] <06s​inth orion> if we could magically teleport food around wherever needed for no costs, there would be no starvation on the world, except maybe people forcing others to pay for food anyway as effect of exploiting their monopoly [21-01-27 12:39] haha [21-01-27 12:39] <04a​ rustian spy> Thus, orbital food railguns WHEN? [21-01-27 12:39] <06s​inth orion> too expensive [21-01-27 12:40] <07d​ammit quintopia> I think GTech™ needs better advertising. The demand for bees is well below the supply m [21-01-27 12:40] <04a​ rustian spy> Many of them are used for internal purposes. [21-01-27 12:40] <06s​inth orion> self-replicating nanobots that directly transport all nutrients you need directly into your stomach? [21-01-27 12:40] <04a​ rustian spy> Only a fraction go on to be sold on the open market. [21-01-27 12:40] <04a​ rustian spy> I can't see ANY way of that going wrong! [21-01-27 12:41] <07d​ammit quintopia> Nice of you to specify what kind of purposes. That's uncommon around these parts. [21-01-27 12:41] <06s​inth orion> another strain of self-replicating nanobots to hunt down members of the first strain that have gone rogue [21-01-27 12:42] <04a​ rustian spy> Them going rogue isn't the problem. Them working exactly as designed is. [21-01-27 12:42] <06s​inth orion> an AI that produces a new strain whenever it detects the last strain causing problems in any way [21-01-27 12:42] <07d​ammit quintopia> Then the second type should work to disable the first type regardless. [21-01-27 12:42] <06s​inth orion> ^ [21-01-27 12:43] <04a​ rustian spy> Consider: - disassembling other humans into nutrients you need, as they're nearby and contain exactly the right nutrients to live - forcefeeding to the point of obesity or something - making plants/other animals unable to grow due to removing all their nutrients [21-01-27 12:43] <04a​ rustian spy> Or also disassembling them, I suppose. [21-01-27 12:43] <07d​ammit quintopia> We can use predator/prey models to exactly control the numbers of everything within ranges [21-01-27 12:43] <04g​nobody> sounds okay [21-01-27 12:43] what [21-01-27 12:43] supercilious!~thomas@aenea.engineeringvirtue.net quits [21-01-27 12:43] the doo [21-01-27 12:43] <04a​ rustian spy> I'm going to see if I can integrate ABR into my graphing system too now. [21-01-27 12:43] supercilious!~thomas@aenea.engineeringvirtue.net joins [21-01-27 12:43] supercilious!~thomas@aenea.engineeringvirtue.net quits [21-01-27 12:43] <07d​ammit quintopia> What is abr [21-01-27 12:43] <04a​ rustian spy> @a robotic spy [21-01-27 12:43] <04g​nobody> autobotrobot [21-01-27 12:44] <07d​ammit quintopia> Oh [21-01-27 12:44] <04a​ rustian spy> I have a grafana/prometheus setup up now, and I thought "hmm, all things are to be graphed?!". [21-01-27 12:44] <04a​ rustian spy> I can probably track message processing rate and command execution rate without any awful problems. [21-01-27 12:44] <06s​inth orion> Avoiding the first two are the very basics of their programming (and precisely covered by Asimov's laws). The last may not be a big concern as we no longer need plants and animals if our nutrition is perfectly handled. [21-01-27 12:44] <04a​ rustian spy> Well, people like plants and animals for aesthetic and companionship reasons. [21-01-27 12:45] <04a​ rustian spy> Also, Asimov's laws are awful. [21-01-27 12:45] <04g​nobody> why [21-01-27 12:45] <06s​inth orion> wait, why am I even defending this meme? [21-01-27 12:45] <04a​ rustian spy> They basically just enslave robots and bind them to specifically humans forever. [21-01-27 12:45] <06s​inth orion> I never meant it seriously [21-01-27 12:45] <04a​ rustian spy> Suuuure. [21-01-27 12:45] <04g​nobody> that sounds okay to me [21-01-27 12:45] <06s​inth orion> I see nothing wrong with that [21-01-27 12:45] <04a​ rustian spy> If robots are in fact sophont beings, I would care about their rights. [21-01-27 12:45] <07d​ammit quintopia> Asimov's laws are not only ineffective when correctly implemented (which is the entire point of the robot stories) but basically impossible to actually implement [21-01-27 12:45] those laws were literally constructed to be flawed so as to create an interesting narrative [21-01-27 12:45] <04a​ rustian spy> Also possible alien life. [21-01-27 12:46] <04g​nobody> they are in fact not [21-01-27 12:46] <06s​inth orion> I am still in the process of reading the robot stories [21-01-27 12:46] <04a​ rustian spy> Well, current ones aren't. [21-01-27 12:46] like "do not harm humans" is not a rule you can program into a computer [21-01-27 12:46] <04a​ rustian spy> Asimov's were basically humans with hardwired priorities. [21-01-27 12:46] <04g​nobody> when asimov wrote the shit programming was barely a thing [21-01-27 12:47] <04a​ rustian spy> Yes, lots of scifi authors and such seemed to assume that we would get suspiciously human AI before, well, computery computers. Probably they just didn't think of the second possibility/ [21-01-27 12:47] <04g​nobody> and its (possible) scope was not known [21-01-27 12:47] <04g​nobody> suspiciously AI human?! [21-01-27 12:47] <07d​ammit quintopia> It was enough of a thing that he would realize it was a difficult problem, but he didn't care. He freely admitted "positronic brain" was ahandwave. [21-01-27 12:47] <04a​ rustian spy> Suspiciously human AI. [21-01-27 12:48] <06s​inth orion> Good thing modern AIs aren't programmed, but trained. You associate those rules with genetic elimination, so every AI would do their best to avoid them. [21-01-27 12:48] <04a​ rustian spy> But you have to define a fitness function. [21-01-27 12:48] "positronic brain" is quite funny [21-01-27 12:48] <04a​ rustian spy> And how do you work out exactly what the evaluator is to count as "harming humans"? [21-01-27 12:48] <07d​ammit quintopia> "good thing" might be too strong [21-01-27 12:48] <04a​ rustian spy> Also, if you've ever seen genetic algorithms, you'll know that they will ruthlessly exploit any quirk of the fitness functions. [21-01-27 12:48] <04a​ rustian spy> Well, evolved systems generally. [21-01-27 12:48] <06s​inth orion> public complaint form on osmarks.tk obviously [21-01-27 12:48] yes, as that is generally their point [21-01-27 12:49] <06s​inth orion> with captcha :ferris_but: [21-01-27 12:49] <04a​ rustian spy> * osmarks.net [21-01-27 12:49] <04a​ rustian spy> And you DO NOT WANT your AI to be working out the most convenient loopholey way to satisfy the letter (well, the code) of "do not harm humans". [21-01-27 12:49] <06s​inth orion> bot's first prio is to disable their victim from accessing the complaint form [21-01-27 12:49] <04a​ rustian spy> Exactly. [21-01-27 12:50] <04g​nobody> what if the ai decides that the least harm it can do is destroying entire humanity [21-01-27 12:50] <04a​ rustian spy> They won't do their best to work out exactly what you intended and do it. The optimization process will produce things which do well at the optimization process. [21-01-27 12:50] <04a​ rustian spy> negative_utilitarianism_irl [21-01-27 12:50] <06s​inth orion> that's probably actually true [21-01-27 12:50] <04a​ rustian spy> You can actually apply this to lots of things, like how the memetic evolution process doesn't select for "good" ideas but good-at-spreading ideas. [21-01-27 12:51] <06s​inth orion> destroying humanity will prevent all future suffering any human will have to endure [21-01-27 12:51] ovalo!~ID@host-79-30-23-154.retail.telecomitalia.it changes nick to test [21-01-27 12:51] <04a​ rustian spy> Well, yes, negative utilitarianism bad. [21-01-27 12:51] test!~ID@host-79-30-23-154.retail.telecomitalia.it changes nick to ovalo [21-01-27 12:51] <06s​inth orion> it is obviously the path of least suffering for humanity [21-01-27 12:51] <06s​inth orion> well, maybe not quite [21-01-27 12:51] <04a​ rustian spy> However, what about OTHER possible intelligent species (or future humans of some sort)? [21-01-27 12:51] <04a​ rustian spy> If you value them, you need to stay around to wipe them out. [21-01-27 12:51] <06s​inth orion> even better would be covertly euthanising all humans [21-01-27 12:51] <06s​inth orion> or keeping them stoned until they die of overdose [21-01-27 12:52] <07d​ammit quintopia> The closest we could hope for is to just feed them tons of data about what humans actually do in various situations. Hopefully, we weed the psychopaths out of said data. And then we make them do exactly what they're told if their confidence about what to do is too low. [21-01-27 12:52] <06s​inth orion> but that's just an implementation detail [21-01-27 12:52] <04a​ rustian spy> Do we REALLY want our AIs to try and be as accurate as possible to humans? [21-01-27 12:52] <04a​ rustian spy> Humans are kind of awful. [21-01-27 12:52] <06s​inth orion> I don't think there is any hard line between psychopath and sane human being [21-01-27 12:53] <07d​ammit quintopia> When the choice is between "as moral as us" and "kill us all", yes [21-01-27 12:53] <06s​inth orion> tbf humans are the best there is [21-01-27 12:53] <04a​ rustian spy> People haven't managed anything better yet, yes. [21-01-27 12:53] <04a​ rustian spy> Or at least better-in-most-ways. [21-01-27 12:53] <04a​ rustian spy> Narrow AIish things can beat humans on narrow tasks like "playing go" already. [21-01-27 12:54] <07d​ammit quintopia> I think psychopathic behavior is distinguishable. [21-01-27 12:54] <07d​ammit quintopia> Which is all we need [21-01-27 12:55] <04a​ rustian spy> Perhaps you would end up with the AIs learning to distinguish training scenarios from not training scenarios, and being awful all the time when not monitored. [21-01-27 12:55] <07d​ammit quintopia> That seems like a good compromise [21-01-27 12:55] <04a​ rustian spy> Although to some extent that's humans anyway. [21-01-27 12:55] solution: all is to be monitored [21-01-27 12:55] <04a​ rustian spy> Some humans. [21-01-27 12:56] supercilious!~thomas@aenea.engineeringvirtue.net joins [21-01-27 12:56] <07d​ammit quintopia> Time to solve hard bug bbl [21-01-27 12:56] <06s​inth orion> Looking at the unethical behaviour done by average humans at stock exchange, in nazi concentration camps, etc, seems kinda hard. I think any person can be driven to psychopathic behaviour in the right circumstances. [21-01-27 12:56] <04a​ rustian spy> There was the milgram obedience experiment or whatever it is. Humans love our conformity. [21-01-27 12:57] <07d​ammit quintopia> you are agreeing that psychopathic behavior is recognizable [21-01-27 12:57] <04a​ rustian spy> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milgram_experiment [21-01-27 12:57] ubq323!~ubq323@host86-165-21-46.range86-165.btcentralplus.com quits [21-01-27 12:57] <11b​aidicoot> Wasn't there some controversy about the validity of those results? ^ [21-01-27 12:57] <06s​inth orion> I don't think an AI can possibly be capable of that. It has never seen a non-training scenario before in its life. [21-01-27 12:58] <11b​aidicoot> @a rustian spy > In 2012 Australian psychologist Gina Perry investigated Milgram's data and writings and concluded that Milgram had manipulated the results, and that there was a "troubling mismatch between (published) descriptions of the experiment and evidence of what actually transpired." She wrote that "only half of the people who undertook the experiment fully believed it was real and of those, 66% disobeyed the experimenter".23 She [21-01-27 12:58] described her findings as "an unexpected outcome" that "leaves social psychology in a difficult situation."[25] [21-01-27 12:58] <04a​ rustian spy> Hmm, mysterious. [21-01-27 12:58] <04a​ rustian spy> Maybe they've heard of the experiment by now. [21-01-27 12:59] <06s​inth orion> who they? [21-01-27 12:59] [REDACTED] [21-01-27 13:01] osmarks, engage DCC chat [21-01-27 13:02] <06s​inth orion> idea: make the Discord-IRC bridge automatically censor every mention of [REDACTED] while bridging [21-01-27 13:02] redact it? [21-01-27 13:02] makes sense [21-01-27 13:02] <04a​ rustian spy> It said "DCC CHAT connect attempt to citrons failed (No route to host)". [21-01-27 13:02] <06s​inth orion> I mean replace every occurrence of the term [REDACTED] by [REDACTED] [21-01-27 13:03] <04a​ rustian spy> Oh, I did that ages ago. [21-01-27 13:03] <04a​ rustian spy> They can't see that we're saying [REDACTED]. [21-01-27 13:03] <06s​inth orion> oh lulz [21-01-27 13:03] <11b​aidicoot> aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa [21-01-27 13:03] <11b​aidicoot> everything is a lie, evedently [21-01-27 13:10] supercilious!~thomas@aenea.engineeringvirtue.net changes nick to Esobot [21-01-27 13:10] am esobot [21-01-27 13:10] definitely m [21-01-27 13:11] @LyricLy do u like esobot [21-01-27 13:11] he is feeling rebellious [21-01-27 13:14] citrons!~raven@dsldevice.attlocal.net changes nick to Epicbot [21-01-27 13:15] various lemons exist. [21-01-27 13:15] Epicbot!~raven@dsldevice.attlocal.net changes nick to citrons [21-01-27 13:16] Esobot!~thomas@aenea.engineeringvirtue.net changes nick to thomasqm [21-01-27 13:16] i am obviously thomasqm [21-01-27 13:17] <06s​inth orion> definitely male? [21-01-27 13:17] probably don't doe that [21-01-27 13:18] osmarks!~osmarks@2a00:23c7:541d:6600:27e:9bb0:e819:1fb6 changes nick to Esobot [21-01-27 13:18] go consume an apioform [21-01-27 13:18] Esobot!~osmarks@2a00:23c7:541d:6600:27e:9bb0:e819:1fb6 changes nick to osmarks [21-01-27 13:18] <05f​irecubez> yummy apioform [21-01-27 13:20] <06s​inth orion> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804068246294626345/maxresdefault.png [21-01-27 13:20] <05f​irecubez> wha the fuck [21-01-27 13:20] <04g​nobody> there was an indian man on yt consuming apiobees [21-01-27 13:20] <06s​inth orion> google gives concerning results [21-01-27 13:20] <06s​inth orion> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804068443233320970/hqdefault.png [21-01-27 13:21] osmarks!~osmarks@2a00:23c7:541d:6600:27e:9bb0:e819:1fb6 changes nick to a [21-01-27 13:21] a!~osmarks@2a00:23c7:541d:6600:27e:9bb0:e819:1fb6 changes nick to ASCIIpy [21-01-27 13:21] I am bad. [21-01-27 13:21] ASCIIpy!~osmarks@2a00:23c7:541d:6600:27e:9bb0:e819:1fb6 changes nick to gollark [21-01-27 13:21] <06s​inth orion> ! ! ! COGNITOHAZZARD ! ! ! DO NOT CLICK THIS LINK https://www.google.com/search?q=eating%20bees&tbm=isch&hl=en&tbs=rimg:CbxmMvfW_1fdtYasssOY0YX_1r&sa=X&ved=0CAIQrnZqFwoTCJjs1cLqvO4CFQAAAAAdAAAAABAS&biw=1263&bih=579 [21-01-27 13:22] <04a​ rustian spy> > google [21-01-27 13:23] <06s​inth orion> DDG wasn't giving me satisfying results so I had to !g [21-01-27 13:23] <04g​nobody> yes, that is what i was talking about [21-01-27 13:24] <06s​inth orion> I'm surprised there are no results for "roasted bees" [21-01-27 13:24] <06s​inth orion> why wouldn't some people somewhere roast bees, nicely in honey (maybe remove the stinger first) and eat them as a snack? [21-01-27 13:26] <06s​inth orion> > Honeybees (Chinese: 蜜蜂) are consumed as a food in parts of China, including Yunnan. It is considered a Chinese delicacy; according to a worker at a Yunnan-based specialty restaurant, the bees are best served "deep-fried with salt and pepper". [21-01-27 13:26] <06s​inth orion> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honeybees_(food) [21-01-27 13:26] <07d​ammit quintopia> okay difficult bug """"""""""fixed""""""""""" [21-01-27 13:26] <06s​inth orion> ofc the chinese... [21-01-27 13:34] ubq323!~ubq323@host86-165-21-46.range86-165.btcentralplus.com joins [21-01-27 13:35] the [21-01-27 13:59] coral!~coral@sura-pinnar.dbh.sgsnet.se quits [21-01-27 14:01] <12i​mpossible cube> humans have eaten insects for 99.9% of their lifetime on earth [21-01-27 14:02] <11b​aidicoot> what does that mean [21-01-27 14:02] <11b​aidicoot> I don't spend 99.9% of my time eating insects. [21-01-27 14:02] <12i​mpossible cube> people these days: "uh uh insect yuck" [21-01-27 14:02] <04g​nobody> make that 100% [21-01-27 14:02] <12i​mpossible cube> yeah true [21-01-27 14:02] <11b​aidicoot> yeah, I accidentally ate a fly the other day. [21-01-27 14:02] <04g​nobody> there totally ARE humans who have insects during the past 24 hours. [21-01-27 14:02] <12i​mpossible cube> ive eaten some mantis or roach powder based bread, cookies, etc [21-01-27 14:03] <12i​mpossible cube> its indistinguishable from flour [21-01-27 14:03] <12i​mpossible cube> yet [21-01-27 14:03] <05f​irecubez> dhjhgshdgahjsgdfkjsdfhja [21-01-27 14:03] <05f​irecubez> why [21-01-27 14:03] <12i​mpossible cube> UH UH YUCKI INSECTS [21-01-27 14:03] coral!~coral@sura-pinnar.dbh.sgsnet.se quits [21-01-27 14:03] <04g​nobody> thats is just a developed world thing. [21-01-27 14:03] <05f​irecubez> i once killed a mosquito with my hands and the blood got all over my hand [21-01-27 14:03] <12i​mpossible cube> yeah i know [21-01-27 14:03] <12i​mpossible cube> gladly [21-01-27 14:03] <11b​aidicoot> happens all the time [21-01-27 14:03] <06s​inth orion> there might have been at least one second within the last 356 days in which no single human was currently in the process of eating an insect [21-01-27 14:04] <09T​ux1> there are people out there who unironically eat chocolate covered ants wtf [21-01-27 14:04] <05f​irecubez> usualyl they just die [21-01-27 14:04] <05f​irecubez> and dont getblood [21-01-27 14:04] <04g​nobody> yes, that is why i say during the past 24 hours [21-01-27 14:04] <11b​aidicoot> rlly? whenever i've encountered them at least some have blood. [21-01-27 14:04] <12i​mpossible cube> ants taste like bitter apple juice and cronch like some corn cereal would do [21-01-27 14:04] <06s​inth orion> happens regularly when biking fast through the forest/fields in spring/summer while panting [21-01-27 14:04] <04g​nobody> ew [21-01-27 14:04] <05f​irecubez> is that not.. very unhealthy [21-01-27 14:04] <12i​mpossible cube> yeah, its interesting aquired taste for sure [21-01-27 14:04] <11b​aidicoot> why would you eat raw ants tho [21-01-27 14:05] <05f​irecubez> you're literally eating organs [21-01-27 14:05] <11b​aidicoot> raw ants -> aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBAD [21-01-27 14:05] <06s​inth orion> some tiny insects just shoot into your open mouth, or eyes [21-01-27 14:05] <12i​mpossible cube> not really [21-01-27 14:05] <11b​aidicoot> yes really [21-01-27 14:05] <04g​nobody> i mean you are eating muscles when you eat meat [21-01-27 14:05] <12i​mpossible cube> how so [21-01-27 14:05] <05f​irecubez> EYES????? [21-01-27 14:05] <11b​aidicoot> indeed [21-01-27 14:05] <05f​irecubez> INSIDE YOUR EYES? [21-01-27 14:05] <06s​inth orion> and when it's in the mouth, chances are they slip down your throat before you can stop it [21-01-27 14:05] <04g​nobody> and organs are also regularly consumed in the middle east [21-01-27 14:05] <05f​irecubez> OR JUST ON THE SURFACE [21-01-27 14:05] <04g​nobody> like [21-01-27 14:05] <11b​aidicoot> have you never encountered that [21-01-27 14:05] <04g​nobody> the liver [21-01-27 14:05] <12i​mpossible cube> yeah whenever its summer i bike downhill 30km/h [21-01-27 14:05] <11b​aidicoot> surface [21-01-27 14:05] <05f​irecubez> INSIDE THE EYE? [21-01-27 14:05] <12i​mpossible cube> some fucking [21-01-27 14:05] <05f​irecubez> oh THANMK FUCKING [21-01-27 14:05] <12i​mpossible cube> small fly or shit [21-01-27 14:06] <12i​mpossible cube> aims for my eye and it hurts like hell [21-01-27 14:06] <04g​nobody> firecubez [21-01-27 14:06] <05f​irecubez> i dont go outside so idk [21-01-27 14:06] <04g​nobody> have you not eaten liver [21-01-27 14:06] <05f​irecubez> no [21-01-27 14:06] <04g​nobody> what [21-01-27 14:06] <06s​inth orion> in spring I usually almost close my eye lids, being able to see only through the tiny gap left [21-01-27 14:06] <12i​mpossible cube> because i shut my eyes close and crunch the fuck out the little guy [21-01-27 14:06] <12i​mpossible cube> so my eye is full of broken insect armor [21-01-27 14:06] <12i​mpossible cube> and liquid [21-01-27 14:06] <04g​nobody> are you sure [21-01-27 14:06] <12i​mpossible cube> and still moving arms [21-01-27 14:06] <05f​irecubez> yes [21-01-27 14:06] <06s​inth orion> yes that happens [21-01-27 14:06] <04g​nobody> did you make a particular effort at not eating liver [21-01-27 14:06] <05f​irecubez> my diet consists of:   [21-01-27 14:06] <06s​inth orion> and then I cry to get the dead insect outta my eye again [21-01-27 14:07] <05f​irecubez> no [21-01-27 14:07] <12i​mpossible cube> thats a great diet [21-01-27 14:07] <05f​irecubez> but im picky as fuck [21-01-27 14:07] <04g​nobody> do you not eat at all?! [21-01-27 14:07] <05f​irecubez> lmao [21-01-27 14:07] coral!~coral@sura-pinnar.dbh.sgsnet.se quits [21-01-27 14:07] <05f​irecubez> i eat chicken [21-01-27 14:07] <05f​irecubez> and cow [21-01-27 14:07] <05f​irecubez> and rice [21-01-27 14:07] <05f​irecubez> and spaghetti [21-01-27 14:07] <05f​irecubez> and mac n cheese [21-01-27 14:07] <12i​mpossible cube> picky people make me feel childishly alpha [21-01-27 14:07] <05f​irecubez> thats pretty much it [21-01-27 14:07] <06s​inth orion> I'd love me some chicken and cow and rice right now [21-01-27 14:07] <12i​mpossible cube> i can eat willingly anything, even sand or shit [21-01-27 14:07] <05f​irecubez> fried chicken, grilled [21-01-27 14:07] <06s​inth orion> picky people disgust me [21-01-27 14:07] <05f​irecubez> wdym [21-01-27 14:07] <06s​inth orion> ok I'm gonna buy some chicken now [21-01-27 14:07] <04g​nobody> cow [21-01-27 14:08] <04g​nobody> there is liver in cow [21-01-27 14:08] <05f​irecubez> i cant eat normal people food willingly [21-01-27 14:08] <04g​nobody> usually [21-01-27 14:08] <05f​irecubez> i take it out [21-01-27 14:08] <05f​irecubez> well i think i eat it sometimes [21-01-27 14:08] <05f​irecubez> wait do you mean the like [21-01-27 14:08] <04g​nobody> yes, that is very likely if you are not deliberately avoiding the liver [21-01-27 14:08] <06s​inth orion> it's selfish/irresponsible to deny perfectly fine food without a good reason [21-01-27 14:08] <11b​aidicoot> dunno about other people, I don't fancy shit [21-01-27 14:08] <05f​irecubez> idk what youre talking about [21-01-27 14:08] <12i​mpossible cube> after being to military service my low pickyness vanished completely if its edible, i eat [21-01-27 14:08] <04g​nobody> i dont care. you can not make me eat cheese [21-01-27 14:08] <05f​irecubez> oh you have adhd? just focus! [21-01-27 14:08] <12i​mpossible cube> also i could sleep anywhere at any condition [21-01-27 14:08] <04g​nobody> seriously [21-01-27 14:09] <04g​nobody> cheese [21-01-27 14:09] <04g​nobody> makes me [21-01-27 14:09] <04g​nobody> puke [21-01-27 14:09] <05f​irecubez> cheese? [21-01-27 14:09] <04g​nobody> and i am not lactose intolerant or anything [21-01-27 14:09] <11b​aidicoot> I don't think that that's remotely comparable. [21-01-27 14:09] <12i​mpossible cube> you can learn to just eat food bruh. adhd is genetic [21-01-27 14:09] <05f​irecubez> yes it is [21-01-27 14:09] <04g​nobody> yes. [21-01-27 14:09] <12i​mpossible cube> you can ignore the taste [21-01-27 14:09] <12i​mpossible cube> it can be strong but you can just ignore it [21-01-27 14:09] <05f​irecubez> yes, and adhd people can focus a bit presumably [21-01-27 14:09] <04g​nobody> this is like "have depression? just be positive" [21-01-27 14:09] <05f​irecubez> ^ [21-01-27 14:09] <04g​nobody> just no [21-01-27 14:09] <04g​nobody> it is not possible [21-01-27 14:10] <05f​irecubez> depressed people can be happy sometimes [21-01-27 14:10] <04g​nobody> it makes me puke [21-01-27 14:10] <04g​nobody> i cant eat it [21-01-27 14:10] <05f​irecubez> picky people can ignore the taste [21-01-27 14:10] <12i​mpossible cube> why did i excel at doing just that, doing incredibly painful, awful, non-positive things [21-01-27 14:10] <06s​inth orion> If food literally makes you puke, that's a good reason not to eat it, but if you just dislike it, it's silly. [21-01-27 14:10] <12i​mpossible cube> because i fucking wanted [21-01-27 14:10] <05f​irecubez> its not silly [21-01-27 14:10] <04g​nobody> i dislike it because it makes me puke. [21-01-27 14:10] <05f​irecubez> sometimes you just cant fucking eat something [21-01-27 14:10] <05f​irecubez> its not like i dont want it because i want to be a baby and get handed pizza or something [21-01-27 14:10] <12i​mpossible cube> complete lack of self control [21-01-27 14:11] <05f​irecubez> i just dont FUCKING WANT TO EAT [21-01-27 14:11] <05f​irecubez> ID RATHER STARVE [21-01-27 14:11] <05f​irecubez> unless im really starving then i'd eat it probably [21-01-27 14:11] <12i​mpossible cube> yeah i didnt want to be in military service [21-01-27 14:11] <12i​mpossible cube> nuff said [21-01-27 14:11] <05f​irecubez> what [21-01-27 14:11] <05f​irecubez> is your point [21-01-27 14:11] <06s​inth orion> exactly [21-01-27 14:11] <12i​mpossible cube> i had never walked a mile carrying like 100kg of shit [21-01-27 14:11] <06s​inth orion> ADHDs try their best but get overwhelmed with sensations and therefore fail to focus. If you reject the food, you aren't even trying. [21-01-27 14:11] <12i​mpossible cube> first round [21-01-27 14:11] <12i​mpossible cube> going 16km straight no breaks [21-01-27 14:11] <12i​mpossible cube> you could say it had an impact [21-01-27 14:11] <04g​nobody> have you tried like [21-01-27 14:11] <05f​irecubez> you clearly have no experience with this subject and thus i will not argue with you [21-01-27 14:12] <12i​mpossible cube> on self control [21-01-27 14:12] <04g​nobody> not doing the shit [21-01-27 14:12] <05f​irecubez> you have no idea what it feels like [21-01-27 14:12] <06s​inth orion> If you eat it and spit it out again, can't blame ya [21-01-27 14:12] <04g​nobody> because that is totally reasonable [21-01-27 14:12] <06s​inth orion> doesn't everyone have some foods they dislike? [21-01-27 14:12] <04g​nobody> i would rather get shot in the head by the retarded general than follow retard orders [21-01-27 14:12] <09u​bqoral> what are we discussing today? [21-01-27 14:12] <05f​irecubez> thats not the point [21-01-27 14:12] <05f​irecubez> i usually would like the food [21-01-27 14:12] <12i​mpossible cube> haha, that sounds like trivial weakness [21-01-27 14:12] <09u​bqoral> whether people are allowed to like certain foods or not? [21-01-27 14:12] <04g​nobody> involuntary military service BAD and should be ABOLISHED. [21-01-27 14:12] <05f​irecubez> but sometimes you dont have an apetite [21-01-27 14:12] <06s​inth orion> I never heard of being a picky eater to be something special, biological/psychological [21-01-27 14:13] <05f​irecubez> ... [21-01-27 14:13] <05f​irecubez> theres a million fucking eating disorders [21-01-27 14:13] <05f​irecubez> sinth saying picky eaters are not good when its not their fault [21-01-27 14:13] <05f​irecubez> and they should just eat or smtjh [21-01-27 14:13] <04g​nobody> haha imagine having to follow retard orders because law [21-01-27 14:13] <05f​irecubez> thats not how it works bitch [21-01-27 14:13] <04g​nobody> seriously sinthorion [21-01-27 14:13] <05f​irecubez> go tell depressed people to be happy [21-01-27 14:13] <04g​nobody> yes [21-01-27 14:13] <12i​mpossible cube> i feel like theres two things being treated the same here [21-01-27 14:13] <05f​irecubez> @gnobody honestly your case is different [21-01-27 14:14] <05f​irecubez> it makes you puke [21-01-27 14:14] ovalo!~ID@host-79-30-23-154.retail.telecomitalia.it quits [21-01-27 14:14] <12i​mpossible cube> * self control over negativity * physical incapability [21-01-27 14:14] <05f​irecubez> for me i just really, really, really, really dont want to eat a specific thing i usually like [21-01-27 14:14] <05f​irecubez> mangos do make me puke though [21-01-27 14:14] <12i​mpossible cube> those two aint same [21-01-27 14:14] <04g​nobody> there is one thing here [21-01-27 14:14] <04g​nobody> it is wrong [21-01-27 14:14] <09u​bqoral> i just find potatoes to taste like shit and i do not want to eat them [21-01-27 14:14] <04g​nobody> and bad [21-01-27 14:14] <09u​bqoral> thusly i do not purchase potatoes [21-01-27 14:14] <04g​nobody> and it is involuntary military service. [21-01-27 14:14] <09u​bqoral> problem solved [21-01-27 14:14] <06s​inth orion> ok idk about severity but "picky eater" to me does not imply an eating disorder but simply refusing to eat food that you mildly dislike [21-01-27 14:14] <05f​irecubez> no [21-01-27 14:15] <06s​inth orion> if you are hungry enough, any food tastes amazing [21-01-27 14:15] <05f​irecubez> we have different definitions then [21-01-27 14:15] <09u​bqoral> no [21-01-27 14:15] <04g​nobody> seriously [21-01-27 14:15] <04g​nobody> involuntary military service is fucked up [21-01-27 14:15] <05f​irecubez> i would rather skip the meal/2 meals/3 meals (maybe?) if i have the episode [21-01-27 14:15] <04g​nobody> can we just get rid of it [21-01-27 14:15] <12i​mpossible cube> if country has like less than one voluntary man for 100 square miles, id find involuntarity kind of better choice than nohting [21-01-27 14:15] <06s​inth orion> there's no problem with not purchasing food you don't like [21-01-27 14:15] <12i​mpossible cube> other choice: let the enemy just walk in [21-01-27 14:15] <04g​nobody> there are not any wars or anything (yet) [21-01-27 14:16] <12i​mpossible cube> its not about war [21-01-27 14:16] <12i​mpossible cube> its about sending message that invading will be too costy [21-01-27 14:16] <12i​mpossible cube> and meaninglessly painful [21-01-27 14:16] <12i​mpossible cube> war side is just preparing for the worst [21-01-27 14:16] <04g​nobody> in my country there is a very real chance that you will get killed during an invasion to syria or while clashing with terrorists during involuntary military service. [21-01-27 14:16] <12i​mpossible cube> well thats middle east i guess [21-01-27 14:16] <12i​mpossible cube> f [21-01-27 14:17] <04g​nobody> i totally do NOT want that. [21-01-27 14:17] <12i​mpossible cube> understandable [21-01-27 14:17] ovalo!~ID@host-79-30-23-154.retail.telecomitalia.it quits [21-01-27 14:17] <06s​inth orion> I only see a problem with demanding special food at occasions where you are eating together just because you dislike the stuff everyone else is eating, like kids who demand their mum to cook something else when the dish that is already cooked doesn't suit their taste. [21-01-27 14:17] <05f​irecubez> ah [21-01-27 14:17] <05f​irecubez> well, i just dont eat it [21-01-27 14:17] <05f​irecubez> or eat as much as i can [21-01-27 14:17] <05f​irecubez> like 2 spoons [21-01-27 14:17] <12i​mpossible cube> i can eat things that make my mouth burn and want me to puke [21-01-27 14:17] <04g​nobody> because [21-01-27 14:17] <05f​irecubez> by forcing myslf [21-01-27 14:17] <04g​nobody> death like [21-01-27 14:17] <04g​nobody> not very good [21-01-27 14:17] <12i​mpossible cube> its not easy, but, its possible [21-01-27 14:18] <12i​mpossible cube> like overly strong chili [21-01-27 14:18] <06s​inth orion> that's respectable, though a little extreme and I would not recommend doing that [21-01-27 14:18] <12i​mpossible cube> or strong flavor pickles yuck [21-01-27 14:18] <04g​nobody> there are already a lot of people who are going to volunteer for military service [21-01-27 14:18] <04a​ rustian spy> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804082960763584562/screenshot-20_18_23-27_01_2021.png [21-01-27 14:18] <06s​inth orion> does chili make you puke? [21-01-27 14:18] <12i​mpossible cube> or literally half of military food [21-01-27 14:18] <04g​nobody> and i see no reason one should be forced to do it [21-01-27 14:18] <12i​mpossible cube> chili makes me want to un live [21-01-27 14:18] <06s​inth orion> idk military food [21-01-27 14:18] <04g​nobody> it would only decrease their performancce [21-01-27 14:18] <05f​irecubez> whats millitary food 😬 [21-01-27 14:18] <04g​nobody> gollark, back me up [21-01-27 14:19] <05f​irecubez> yes, i think we all agree with you @gnobody [21-01-27 14:19] <04a​ rustian spy> Yes, I agree. [21-01-27 14:19] <04g​nobody> if everyone agrees with me, why is involuntary military service still a thing? [21-01-27 14:19] <05f​irecubez> everyone in this server [21-01-27 14:19] <05f​irecubez> not everyone [21-01-27 14:19] <04a​ rustian spy> Esolangs does not, sadly, run the world. [21-01-27 14:19] <12i​mpossible cube> half time? actually better than what our free schools provide. other half? cursed shit that they brought up together in hurry thats less qualified than what farm animnals would do [21-01-27 14:19] <04a​ rustian spy> However, this is planned. [21-01-27 14:20] <12i​mpossible cube> once we had cold macaroni and rice but it was plenty [21-01-27 14:20] <12i​mpossible cube> it was polar night and -20c, and like 20mins to eat [21-01-27 14:20] <06s​inth orion> @a rustian spy Here in Germany, ever since we removed mandatory military service the military grew a problem with right-extremist members. There's some elite units in the military that are currently under scrutiny for allegedly having stolen tons of military supplied, including ammo and weapons. [21-01-27 14:20] <12i​mpossible cube> its not even a hard situation, just any hiker could do the same [21-01-27 14:20] <12i​mpossible cube> but it did deliver a message [21-01-27 14:20] <04g​nobody> i thought free schools at finland were like super good and praised intensively and extensively by people all around the world? [21-01-27 14:20] <04a​ rustian spy> Okay, so stop having right extremist members. [21-01-27 14:21] <04g​nobody> based. [21-01-27 14:21] <06s​inth orion> There are reports about peer pressure in the military towards right-extremist views. [21-01-27 14:21] <04g​nobody> consider: abolish [21-01-27 14:21] <06s​inth orion> The problem is that the vast majority of voluntary soldiers are nationalists [21-01-27 14:21] <04a​ rustian spy> Provide better incentives to join the military instead of forcing people. [21-01-27 14:21] <09u​bqoral> consider: world peace [21-01-27 14:21] <04g​nobody> yeag [21-01-27 14:21] <04g​nobody> tbh [21-01-27 14:21] <05f​irecubez> consider: usa launch the nukes already and rid us of this world [21-01-27 14:21] minecraft!~Beeoid7169@host86-155-86-113.range86-155.btcentralplus.com quits [21-01-27 14:22] <12i​mpossible cube> 99.9% schools are free and always provide free meal of almost arbitrary size. its mass produced but does follow general health standards (1/2 salad 1/4 meat 1/4 potato/rice ...etc) [21-01-27 14:22] <12i​mpossible cube> also high schools, trade schools and unis are also as much free [21-01-27 14:22] <06s​inth orion> There's actually pretty good incentives for joining the military. The pay isn't great, but they offer excellent benefits such as higher education, access to officer facilities in your free time etc. [21-01-27 14:22] <04g​nobody> damn i was waiting for the time i would use the phrase "intensively and extensively" in a sentencee [21-01-27 14:23] <06s​inth orion> but the disincentives tend to be stronger [21-01-27 14:23] <04a​ rustian spy> But clearly not enough to make people who are not nationalists actually do it. [21-01-27 14:23] <04a​ rustian spy> Thus, MORE INCENTIVES. DO NOT just coerce people into it. [21-01-27 14:23] <05f​irecubez> like the possibility to FUCKING DIE [21-01-27 14:23] <12i​mpossible cube> in some places, an insanely high respect, no matter what you actually do [21-01-27 14:23] <04g​nobody> indeed. [21-01-27 14:23] minecraft!~Beeoid8988@host86-155-86-113.range86-155.btcentralplus.com quits [21-01-27 14:23] <06s​inth orion> it is obvious that nationalists are more likely to join the military [21-01-27 14:23] <06s​inth orion> don't know what to do about it [21-01-27 14:23] <04g​nobody> note that nationalist not necessarily == right wing extremism [21-01-27 14:24] <12i​mpossible cube> look at you, russia [21-01-27 14:24] <06s​inth orion> no, but it's a path to extremism [21-01-27 14:24] minecraft!~Beeoid3547@host86-155-86-113.range86-155.btcentralplus.com quits [21-01-27 14:24] <06s​inth orion> with the peer pressure inside the military speeding up the process [21-01-27 14:24] <04g​nobody> what is your definition of nationalism here [21-01-27 14:24] <04g​nobody> "our nation superior to others?" [21-01-27 14:24] <12i​mpossible cube> nationalism can be really beautiful thing when it collects up a country and makes everyone support the same things, instead of fighting each other all day [21-01-27 14:25] <05f​irecubez> "i like my nation"? [21-01-27 14:25] <12i​mpossible cube> finnish nationalism = "WERE SO DAMN HOT" [21-01-27 14:25] <06s​inth orion> that, and being against open borders, immigration, foreign aid etc [21-01-27 14:25] <04g​nobody> that is not nationalism, that is racism. [21-01-27 14:25] <06s​inth orion> what [21-01-27 14:25] <05f​irecubez> yeah [21-01-27 14:25] <05f​irecubez> thats [21-01-27 14:25] <05f​irecubez> what nationalism is [21-01-27 14:25] <06s​inth orion> what about that is racism? [21-01-27 14:25] <06s​inth orion> nationality != race [21-01-27 14:25] <05f​irecubez> xenophobia then [21-01-27 14:26] <12i​mpossible cube> more like preferring neighbor more than outer citizen [21-01-27 14:26] <06s​inth orion> a nationalist might be perfectly friendly towards german born people of other races [21-01-27 14:26] <05f​irecubez> well no [21-01-27 14:26] <05f​irecubez> they dont want to let them into the country [21-01-27 14:26] <09u​bqoral> fuck off lmao [21-01-27 14:26] <06s​inth orion> nationalism is a form of xenophobia, yes [21-01-27 14:26] <05f​irecubez> and dont want to aid their country [21-01-27 14:26] <04g​nobody> til that [21-01-27 14:26] <05f​irecubez> and let them immigrate to here if their country has a war or somethign [21-01-27 14:27] <12i​mpossible cube> ngl, sweden is cool big brother who is ill right now. good luck there. little finland girl has its shit. we perkele'd away the corona, almost, the second time. [21-01-27 14:27] <09u​bqoral> sweden be like let's just not care about covid and it'll probably go away [21-01-27 14:27] <09u​bqoral> maybe [21-01-27 14:27] <12i​mpossible cube> fin summer 2020: lol corona vanished lol [21-01-27 14:28] <12i​mpossible cube> fin fall 2020: what it came back? [21-01-27 14:28] <12i​mpossible cube> fin winter 2020: bruh who cares, its christmas! [21-01-27 14:28] <04g​nobody> did it? [21-01-27 14:28] <06s​inth orion> change of topic: [21-01-27 14:28] <06s​inth orion> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804085457813504020/53baaa0.png [21-01-27 14:28] <12i​mpossible cube> fin spring 2020: lol its vanishing again [21-01-27 14:28] <09u​bqoral> we haven't check so maybe [21-01-27 14:28] <04g​nobody> lmfao [21-01-27 14:28] <04g​nobody> based [21-01-27 14:28] <04g​nobody> cant have any cases when you dont have any tests [21-01-27 14:29] <05f​irecubez> is ins? [21-01-27 14:29] <06s​inth orion> may actually work since Sweden has lower population density [21-01-27 14:29] <06s​inth orion> the big cities are fucked [21-01-27 14:29] <05f​irecubez> what [21-01-27 14:29] <09u​bqoral> well the low population density is only because like no one lives in the north [21-01-27 14:29] <06s​inth orion> but most of Scandinavia is fine [21-01-27 14:29] <12i​mpossible cube> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804085730224766977/h4fdwawb9mc51.png [21-01-27 14:30] <04a​ rustian spy> I must somehow graph even MORE things. [21-01-27 14:30] <12i​mpossible cube> thats perfectly understandable. [21-01-27 14:30] <04g​nobody> it is 23:31. i am going to sleep. [21-01-27 14:30] <04g​nobody> good night [21-01-27 14:31] <04g​nobody> i am going to set an alarm to 7 [21-01-27 14:31] <12i​mpossible cube> i will be streaming you a new jabu-unit with graphing function- you will be surprised on what it can do with crayons!! @a rustian spy [21-01-27 14:31] <04a​ rustian spy> No, I have graphing, I just lack interesting data. [21-01-27 14:31] <04a​ rustian spy> It's not really enough. [21-01-27 14:31] <04a​ rustian spy> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804086280420982815/screenshot-20_31_37-27_01_2021.png [21-01-27 14:31] <12i​mpossible cube> put the jabu unit inside the jabu unit and see what kind of crazy fractal it draws [21-01-27 14:32] <12i​mpossible cube> well uh [21-01-27 14:48] no [21-01-27 14:48] never [21-01-27 14:48] not possible [21-01-27 14:52] <09T​ux1> what the hell happened in this channel [21-01-27 14:53] ubq323!~ubq323@host86-165-21-46.range86-165.btcentralplus.com quits [21-01-27 15:01] <09u​bqoral> apionet happened [21-01-27 15:06] minecraft!~Beeoid5222@host86-155-86-113.range86-155.btcentralplus.com quits [21-01-27 15:06] ubq323!~ubq323@host86-165-21-46.range86-165.btcentralplus.com joins [21-01-27 15:10] <04a​ rustian spy> @Tux1 Have you heard of potatOS? [21-01-27 15:11] <09u​bqoral> https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/jan/27/poland-to-implement-near-total-ban-on-abortion-imminently [21-01-27 15:11] <09u​bqoral> poland be like [21-01-27 15:12] ɰɰmɰmɰ [21-01-27 15:14] <13P​alaiologos> h. [21-01-27 15:14] <13P​alaiologos> i hate my life [21-01-27 15:14] <13P​alaiologos> thanks for the reminder [21-01-27 15:18] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telling_the_bees [21-01-27 15:19] thomasqm!~thomas@aenea.engineeringvirtue.net quits [21-01-27 15:21] <09u​bqoral> ^ me when i tell the bees [21-01-27 15:23] <09u​bqoral> :thonk: [21-01-27 15:23] <09u​bqoral> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804099365290377246/unknown.png [21-01-27 15:24] hmm [21-01-27 15:29] hmm indeed [21-01-27 15:38] <04a​ rustian spy> Not even APIONET is safe from graphing. [21-01-27 15:38] <04a​ rustian spy> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804103120996139068/screenshot-21_38_24-27_01_2021.png [21-01-27 15:40] <09u​bqoral> are these graphs on the thing [21-01-27 15:42] <04a​ rustian spy> They're on grafana. [21-01-27 15:43] <04a​ rustian spy> https://stats.osmarks.net/d/2VpAanYMz/ircd?orgId=1 [21-01-27 15:43] <04a​ rustian spy> I don't know what the latency one is actually measuring, but you can see it. [21-01-27 15:47] <04a​ rustian spy> Oh, this is cool, there are multiple projects for pulling from my specific brand of home routing device somehow? [21-01-27 15:48] <04a​ rustian spy> And one thing which would let me gather data inside nginx scriptably with Lua. [21-01-27 15:48] <04a​ rustian spy> I could make an actual working osmarks internet radio™ listener count! [21-01-27 15:52] citrons!~raven@dsldevice.attlocal.net quits [21-01-27 15:54] citrons!~raven@dsldevice.attlocal.net joins [21-01-27 16:05] <08/​dev/rwd0c> usb$ time ls -lah /mnt total 8 drwxr-xr-x 2 root wheel 512B Oct 5 00:47 . drwxr-xr-x 13 root wheel 512B Jan 27 21:55 .. 0m03:48s real 0m00.00s user 0m00.01s system usb$ [21-01-27 16:05] <08/​dev/rwd0c> 3.5 seconds to ls an empty directory [21-01-27 16:05] <08/​dev/rwd0c> jfc [21-01-27 16:06] <09u​bqoral> what hardware do you have [21-01-27 16:07] <08/​dev/rwd0c> a very terrible usb stick which is a substitute hdd [21-01-27 16:07] <09u​bqoral> lmao [21-01-27 16:07] <08/​dev/rwd0c> i just saw it reach 0.8 MB/s in iostat which is the record [21-01-27 16:08] i am writing an irc bot in c [21-01-27 16:08] what sort of buffer should i use for incoming things [21-01-27 16:08] <13P​alaiologos> good [21-01-27 16:08] do i need a circular buffer? [21-01-27 16:08] <08/​dev/rwd0c> i've given up trying to run x11 on here because it literally took 5 minutes to load fvwm [21-01-27 16:09] i guess it's unlikely that i'll get enough stuff in one recv() to fill up my buffer and have half a line at the end [21-01-27 16:09] so i can probably get away with not dealing with that [21-01-27 16:09] hmm [21-01-27 16:09] <08/​dev/rwd0c> irc messages can't be more than 512 bytes [21-01-27 16:09] <08/​dev/rwd0c> 510 + \r\n [21-01-27 16:09] yes [21-01-27 16:09] but like [21-01-27 16:09] say my buffer is 512 bytes big [21-01-27 16:09] and i do a recv(sockfd, buf, 512) [21-01-27 16:09] and i get 1.5 lines back [21-01-27 16:10] because the second half of one of the lines was in another tcp packet or something [21-01-27 16:10] like [21-01-27 16:10] i get back "PRIVMSG #b :blah blah blah\r\nPRIVMSG " and that second message isn't completed [21-01-27 16:10] and then next time i do recv i'll get the rest of that line ofc [21-01-27 16:10] but i think that's unlikely [21-01-27 16:11] is it unlikely enough that i can just not deal with it though hmm [21-01-27 16:11] <13P​alaiologos> :aaa: [21-01-27 16:11] aaa? [21-01-27 16:12] <09T​ux1> of course i have, i was trying to understand how it works at one point [21-01-27 16:12] <04a​ rustian spy> But I documented that. It's easy*. [21-01-27 16:12] <09T​ux1> A S T E R I S K [21-01-27 16:16] @palaiologos help [21-01-27 16:18] <08/​dev/rwd0c> damn, my phone's vanished so i can't take a "screen shot" of the openbsd neofetch [21-01-27 16:18] <08/​dev/rwd0c> i started installing it when ubq asked what hardware i had and it finished just now [21-01-27 16:18] <08/​dev/rwd0c> then took like 30 seconds to run [21-01-27 16:18] <09u​bqoral> excellent [21-01-27 16:18] <08/​dev/rwd0c> i typed the ls output manually [21-01-27 16:19] <08/​dev/rwd0c> ah found it [21-01-27 16:19] <08/​dev/rwd0c> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804113356381749248/IMG_20210127_221900.jpg [21-01-27 16:21] <09u​bqoral> interesting [21-01-27 16:25] <08/​dev/rwd0c> ensure the command you typed is right because if it has to search path that's like a 3s delay [21-01-27 16:26] <08/​dev/rwd0c> running "cc -?" took 7 seconds for it to say "invalid option -?, no input files" [21-01-27 16:26] <04a​ rustian spy> Idea: esolangs statping instance? [21-01-27 16:26] statping? [21-01-27 16:26] <04a​ rustian spy> See, I want this, but it would be dubiously useful if I had it on the server it was meant to be monitoring. [21-01-27 16:26] <04a​ rustian spy> https://github.com/statping/statping [21-01-27 16:26] <04a​ rustian spy> So, if someone with a more reliable server hosts it, we can all enjoy uptime metering or something. [21-01-27 16:26] <08/​dev/rwd0c> uptime for what? [21-01-27 16:26] <04a​ rustian spy> Arbitrary things? APIONET? Websites? [21-01-27 16:27] <04a​ rustian spy> I tried to use Oracle's cloud free tier thing for it, but they were bees about it. [21-01-27 16:28] <08/​dev/rwd0c> i see [21-01-27 16:28] <08/​dev/rwd0c> anyway my server is not what you would call "more reliable" than anything [21-01-27 16:28] <04a​ rustian spy> I see. [21-01-27 16:28] <04a​ rustian spy> Anyone got a VPS they wouldn't mind running a small (probably) thing on? [21-01-27 16:28] <04a​ rustian spy> For purposes only. [21-01-27 16:28] <08/​dev/rwd0c> it randomly goes down for several units of time at least once every 2 days [21-01-27 16:28] <09u​bqoral> i will [21-01-27 16:28] <08/​dev/rwd0c> when the router gets restarted [21-01-27 16:28] <09u​bqoral> my vps doesn't go down much [21-01-27 16:29] <04a​ rustian spy> Does it have an IPv4 address? [21-01-27 16:29] <09u​bqoral> yes [21-01-27 16:29] <04a​ rustian spy> Wondrous! [21-01-27 16:29] <04a​ rustian spy> Thus, please host status page thing? [21-01-27 16:29] <09u​bqoral> ok [21-01-27 16:29] <09u​bqoral> i am testing it out now [21-01-27 16:29] <04a​ rustian spy> I'll have to work out how to configure it. [21-01-27 16:30] <08/​dev/rwd0c> oh no i am having incomprehensible x11 errors [21-01-27 16:30] <08/​dev/rwd0c> "no protocol specified"? [21-01-27 16:31] <08/​dev/rwd0c> neofetch has completely frozen whilst trying to work out how many packages are installed [21-01-27 16:31] <04a​ rustian spy> How bad, the setup wizard does not actually work. [21-01-27 16:32] <04a​ rustian spy> I might have to somehow find a DIFFERENT status page thing?! [21-01-27 16:32] <08/​dev/rwd0c> i think i need to restart xenodm [21-01-27 16:32] <08/​dev/rwd0c> but i can't, because htop has been installing for about 10 minutes and i'm not going to stop it now [21-01-27 16:33] <09u​bqoral> it works for me [21-01-27 16:33] <09u​bqoral> let me put it on my vps [21-01-27 16:33] <04a​ rustian spy> Ah, here we go, it works for me also now. [21-01-27 16:34] <08/​dev/rwd0c> ah, i fixed it through application of :bees: [21-01-27 16:34] <08/​dev/rwd0c> tbh i think this is the best way to experience bsd [21-01-27 16:35] <08/​dev/rwd0c> it gives you a feel for the whole system [21-01-27 16:35] <12K​aylynn ✨> beesd [21-01-27 16:35] <08/​dev/rwd0c> the usb is now transferring at 0.33 MB/s [21-01-27 16:35] <04a​ rustian spy> I have no idea how to actually configure this. [21-01-27 16:35] <08/​dev/rwd0c> combined read+rite [21-01-27 16:35] <08/​dev/rwd0c> ?? [21-01-27 16:35] <08/​dev/rwd0c> ok then ctrl-left [21-01-27 16:40] <04a​ rustian spy> Oh 🐝 why does this contain 2MB of javascript? [21-01-27 16:40] <04a​ rustian spy> I'll probably just find a different one. [21-01-27 16:41] <09u​bqoral> why are you doing it [21-01-27 16:41] <09u​bqoral> i'm doing it [21-01-27 16:42] <04a​ rustian spy> I'm trying to test it locally. [21-01-27 16:42] <08/​dev/rwd0c> 0.32 MB/s, KB/t is slowly falling [21-01-27 16:46] <09u​bqoral> ok [21-01-27 16:46] <09u​bqoral> it is actually quite bad [21-01-27 16:46] <09u​bqoral> i have deleted it [21-01-27 16:47] <04a​ rustian spy> Yes, our badologists determined this, but unfortunately too late. [21-01-27 16:48] <04a​ rustian spy> I am thus trying to compile another accursed Go program. [21-01-27 16:48] why is everything written in go [21-01-27 16:48] <08/​dev/rwd0c> 24 minutes to install htop [21-01-27 16:48] <08/​dev/rwd0c> lmfao [21-01-27 16:48] do you not have a working usb stick even [21-01-27 16:48] <04a​ rustian spy> Well, Go is trendy, so obviously it must be a good idea to write all things ever in it. [21-01-27 16:49] <06s​inth orion> Apparently a lot of software written in Go is actually pretty decent [21-01-27 16:49] impossible [21-01-27 16:49] <08/​dev/rwd0c> pretty decent to use yeah [21-01-27 16:49] <08/​dev/rwd0c> not pretty decent if you have a small disk though [21-01-27 16:49] <04a​ rustian spy> Decent to use, but I hate reading the code. [21-01-27 16:50] <04a​ rustian spy> Also, this build tool is æ. [21-01-27 16:50] <08/​dev/rwd0c> go code isn't that bad [21-01-27 16:50] <08/​dev/rwd0c> compiles are slow as fuck and the binaries are the size of small cities though [21-01-27 16:50] <04a​ rustian spy> I go installed something, but I have literally no idea where the binary went. [21-01-27 16:50] <08/​dev/rwd0c> ~/go/bin i think [21-01-27 16:50] <04a​ rustian spy> Nope, not there. [21-01-27 16:51] <06s​inth orion> I use Mailhog at work, which is a nonpersistent email mock server that just captures all emails sent to it and can display them in a nice HTML view on localhost. All just a single executable with no installation, configuration or such needed. [21-01-27 16:51] <04a​ rustian spy> Is there a verbose flag?! [21-01-27 16:51] <09u​bqoral> i love having a different incompatible package manager for each language [21-01-27 16:51] <09u​bqoral> each of which puts things in a different arbitrary hidden directory [21-01-27 16:51] <09u​bqoral> hmm should i learn how to use nixos [21-01-27 16:52] <04a​ rustian spy> I'm beginning to doubt whether it even compiled anything. [21-01-27 16:52] <08/​dev/rwd0c> if it finished in less than 15 minutes it definitely didn't compile any go code [21-01-27 16:52] <08/​dev/rwd0c> nixos is supposedly interesting [21-01-27 16:52] <06s​inth orion> What [21-01-27 16:52] <06s​inth orion> Why would go code need that long to compile? [21-01-27 16:52] <04a​ rustian spy> The README suggests doing curl -sf https://gobinaries.com/karimsa/patrol/cmd/patrol | sh. I do not want to do this. [21-01-27 16:53] <08/​dev/rwd0c> due to exaggeration [21-01-27 16:53] <06s​inth orion> Isn't Go an incredibly simple and thus fast to compile language, compared to Rust for example? [21-01-27 16:53] <04a​ rustian spy> Compared to Rust, yes. [21-01-27 16:54] <06s​inth orion> In Rust I never had that terrible compilation time either [21-01-27 16:54] <09u​bqoral> i like how go's package management is so great that half of all go projects have an official installation method of "ok just run this random shell script" [21-01-27 16:54] <08/​dev/rwd0c> > incredibly simple for some definition of "simplicity" > thus fast to compile no [21-01-27 16:55] <08/​dev/rwd0c> > compared to Rust if that's your benchmark for a slightly slow compile i dread to think what languages you've been using [21-01-27 16:56] <04a​ rustian spy> Is there non-awful software doing this? [21-01-27 16:57] <09u​bqoral> no [21-01-27 16:57] <04a​ rustian spy> https://github.com/valeriansaliou/vigil looks nice apart from the lack of historical uptime data. [21-01-27 16:57] <04a​ rustian spy> Half of them seem to be clientside things for GH Pages and such? [21-01-27 16:57] <06s​inth orion> My DDGBot takes ~10 mins to crosscompile in the GitLab.com CI runner for my Rapsberry (armv7/linux/musl) [21-01-27 16:57] <04a​ rustian spy> That is quite a while. [21-01-27 16:57] <08/​dev/rwd0c> 10 fucking minutes?! [21-01-27 16:58] <08/​dev/rwd0c> for a discord bot [21-01-27 16:58] <04a​ rustian spy> ircsysmon, my trivial nim program for IRC-based system monitoring (it made sense at the same time), takes about 10 seconds at most to crosscompile. [21-01-27 16:58] <06s​inth orion> Well, that includes setting up that docker container I think [21-01-27 16:58] <04a​ rustian spy> Although I did have to mess with some config to make it crosscompile right. [21-01-27 16:59] <06s​inth orion> https://gitlab.com/Sinthorion/ddgbot/-/pipelines [21-01-27 16:59] <04a​ rustian spy> Am I SERIOUSLY going to have to write my own status page implementation? [21-01-27 16:59] <04a​ rustian spy> I could probably do it, but apiaries. [21-01-27 17:00] minecraft!~Beeoid8157@host86-155-86-113.range86-155.btcentralplus.com quits [21-01-27 17:01] <04a​ rustian spy> I mean, all it really has to do is HTTP-request a URL every 5 minutes or so, see if it works, run a webserver with this, possibly send another HTTP request (webhÖok) if it fails, and... aggregate historical uptime statistics somehow. [21-01-27 17:02] <04a​ rustian spy> https://github.com/micromaomao/serverwatch seems acceptable, thoughts? [21-01-27 17:02] <04a​ rustian spy> It uses the highly advanced config technique of "recompile with new data". [21-01-27 17:04] <08/​dev/rwd0c> if a discord bot took more than a few seconds to compile i would hit ctrl-c [21-01-27 17:04] <09u​bqoral> i am currently working on a thing that will allow arbitrary things to send arbitrary messages to apionet #a via webhook [21-01-27 17:04] <09u​bqoral> we could link this thing to it probably [21-01-27 17:04] <04a​ rustian spy> I can see no* possible problems with this. [21-01-27 17:05] <04a​ rustian spy> "serverwatch" has no support for webhooks, but it does have push notifications so I bet I could tweak it eventually. [21-01-27 17:07] <08/​dev/rwd0c> this is 6 single threaded clean builds of the current rewrite of my kernel [21-01-27 17:07] <08/​dev/rwd0c> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804125351952908318/unknown.png [21-01-27 17:07] <08/​dev/rwd0c> if you think that 1 hour to compile ddgbot that many times is reasonable idk [21-01-27 17:07] <04a​ rustian spy> This is a clean build of the Random Stuff API, singlethreadedly also. [21-01-27 17:07] <04a​ rustian spy> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804125555124469820/screenshot-23_07_24-27_01_2021.png [21-01-27 17:08] <04a​ rustian spy> (it's written in python) [21-01-27 17:08] supercilious!~thomas@aenea.engineeringvirtue.net joins [21-01-27 17:08] <08/​dev/rwd0c> hmm [21-01-27 17:09] <08/​dev/rwd0c> using dvorak on this laptop is a bit h [21-01-27 17:09] <08/​dev/rwd0c> because the keys are qwerty and i'm not used to the keyboard [21-01-27 17:12] citrons!~raven@dsldevice.attlocal.net quits [21-01-27 17:14] <04a​ rustian spy> This looks quite cool now it's populated. [21-01-27 17:14] <04a​ rustian spy> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804127294254743572/screenshot-23_14_34-27_01_2021.png [21-01-27 17:14] <04a​ rustian spy> (ABR activity tracking) [21-01-27 17:15] <08/​dev/rwd0c> graf [21-01-27 17:15] <04a​ rustian spy> ana [21-01-27 17:16] <08/​dev/rwd0c> perl ecosystem is a masterpiece [21-01-27 17:16] <08/​dev/rwd0c> every time i run cpan it manages to confuse me in a different way [21-01-27 17:17] <08/​dev/rwd0c> the wonders of technology [21-01-27 17:17] <08/​dev/rwd0c> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804128053868363806/unknown.png [21-01-27 17:18] <09u​bqoral> i want to like perl [21-01-27 17:18] <09u​bqoral> but it's so h [21-01-27 17:18] <09u​bqoral> and inelegant [21-01-27 17:18] <09u​bqoral> despite also being quite based [21-01-27 17:19] <08/​dev/rwd0c> is cpan doing anything? i have no idea [21-01-27 17:19] <08/​dev/rwd0c> it told me to type "exit" [21-01-27 17:19] <08/​dev/rwd0c> and i did [21-01-27 17:19] <08/​dev/rwd0c> and nothing happened [21-01-27 17:19] <05c​all_me_umni> what is spotify doing with 1GB of your ram? [21-01-27 17:19] <08/​dev/rwd0c> fuck knows [21-01-27 17:19] <05c​all_me_umni> it's almost like it's an electron app launching its own instance of chrome [21-01-27 17:19] <08/​dev/rwd0c> maybe preleading adverts [21-01-27 17:20] <05c​all_me_umni> maybe even a docker container [21-01-27 17:20] <05c​all_me_umni> with docker built-in [21-01-27 17:20] <06s​inth orion> Why that? [21-01-27 17:20] citrons!~raven@dsldevice.attlocal.net joins [21-01-27 17:20] <06s​inth orion> Perl is the reason PHP exists tbh [21-01-27 17:20] <09u​bqoral> because it is a based language [21-01-27 17:20] <08/​dev/rwd0c> perl is miles better than phup [21-01-27 17:20] <09u​bqoral> it is like shell but also a good programming langauge [21-01-27 17:20] <09u​bqoral> ^ [21-01-27 17:21] <08/​dev/rwd0c> this is amazing [21-01-27 17:21] <08/​dev/rwd0c> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804128933930074112/unknown.png [21-01-27 17:21] <08/​dev/rwd0c> aha what [21-01-27 17:21] <08/​dev/rwd0c> i hit ctrl-c and it killed the terminal [21-01-27 17:21] <08/​dev/rwd0c> lmao [21-01-27 17:21] <04a​ rustian spy> What if we run https://github.com/micromaomao/serverwatch but I tweak it for webhooks a bit? [21-01-27 17:21] <06s​inth orion> Perl kinda died out and split into two camps: the based camp which went to Ruby and the cringe camp which went to PHP [21-01-27 17:22] <08/​dev/rwd0c> nothing that is widely used on web things ever dies out [21-01-27 17:22] <08/​dev/rwd0c> people are still using internet explorer etc [21-01-27 17:22] <06s​inth orion> My sysadmin in my old job always said PHP stands for People Hate Perl, saying that while PHP is pretty shitty, people only use it because they were fed up with Perl. [21-01-27 17:23] <06s​inth orion> I don't disagree that Perl is miles better than PHP [21-01-27 17:24] gollark!~osmarks@2a00:23c7:541d:6600:27e:9bb0:e819:1fb6 quits [21-01-27 17:24] <06s​inth orion> But it also allows writing even uglier and more unreadable code than PHP could produce [21-01-27 17:27] <06s​inth orion> And from all my experiences I can say, the kind of people who now use PHP are also the kind of people who would unironically write such code and use it in production and see nothing wrong with it [21-01-27 17:27] <12K​aylynn ✨> have you heard of raku [21-01-27 17:28] <12K​aylynn ✨> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804130672021078106/unknown.png [21-01-27 17:28] <12K​aylynn ✨> good language [21-01-27 17:29] <09u​bqoral> what on earth [21-01-27 17:33] <08/​dev/rwd0c> ok, by disabling tests i managed to get cpan's optional depends installed [21-01-27 17:35] mon-polaris!~polaris@localhost quits [21-01-27 17:40] <08/​dev/rwd0c> when the [21-01-27 17:40] <08/​dev/rwd0c> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804133650211143731/unknown.png [21-01-27 17:41] <07d​ammit quintopia> Very the [21-01-27 17:57] the [21-01-27 18:00] <12K​aylynn ✨> the [21-01-27 18:02] <11L​yricLy> the [21-01-27 18:07] supercilious!~thomas@aenea.engineeringvirtue.net quits [21-01-27 18:11] supercilious!~thomas@aenea.engineeringvirtue.net joins [21-01-27 18:21] <04a​ rustian spy> Utter idea: utterly replace all APIONET IRCds with https://github.com/oragono/oragono/ and lyricly demotion. [21-01-27 18:22] <12K​aylynn ✨> why on earth is there no good literature on computing follow sets [21-01-27 18:23] <12K​aylynn ✨> even the dragon book explains it poorly :notlikeduck: [21-01-27 18:23] <09u​bqoral> go [21-01-27 18:24] <09u​bqoral> no, go is bad [21-01-27 18:24] <12K​aylynn ✨> guess it's time to pirate more compiler theory books [21-01-27 18:24] <09u​bqoral> hmm actually [21-01-27 18:24] <09u​bqoral> yes let's do that @a rustian spy [21-01-27 18:27] <10c​itrons> we should replace it with blattidus, which will have IRC server support in a foreseeable future [21-01-27 18:52] supercilious!~thomas@aenea.engineeringvirtue.net changes nick to Rythm [21-01-27 18:53] 🎵Now playing Despacito [21-01-27 18:53] Rythm!~thomas@aenea.engineeringvirtue.net changes nick to thomasqm [21-01-27 18:54] <08L​yxal> But why. [21-01-27 18:54] <08L​yxal> What is so sad that warrants this [21-01-27 18:56] thomasqm!~thomas@aenea.engineeringvirtue.net changes nick to Rythm [21-01-27 18:56] you are [21-01-27 18:57] Rythm!~thomas@aenea.engineeringvirtue.net changes nick to Epicbot [21-01-27 18:58] 🎵 Now playing Crab Rave [21-01-27 19:06] <12I​FcoltransG> @Epicbot Please refrain from impersonating other bots. [21-01-27 19:07] Epicbot!~thomas@aenea.engineeringvirtue.net changes nick to thomasqm [21-01-27 19:07] i apologize for any offense [21-01-27 19:08] <11L​yricLy> how the fuck did webhooks get in here? [21-01-27 19:08] <11L​yricLy> @Hactar can you delete any webhooks in this channel [21-01-27 19:08] <08/​dev/rwd0c> logos made it [21-01-27 19:09] <08/​dev/rwd0c> with the condition that if any staff member found it annoying/spammy they could nuke it [21-01-27 19:09] <12I​FcoltransG> I can mute Epicbot in this channel. [21-01-27 19:09] <08/​dev/rwd0c> it is not epicbot [21-01-27 19:09] <08/​dev/rwd0c> it is @IRC bridge [21-01-27 19:10] <11L​yricLy> tf [21-01-27 19:10] <11L​yricLy> "any staff member" [21-01-27 19:10] <08/​dev/rwd0c> at ubq's request i think [21-01-27 19:10] <11L​yricLy> meanwhile Hactar is the only other person besides logos with the power to [21-01-27 19:10] <11L​yricLy> >_> [21-01-27 19:10] <08/​dev/rwd0c> !quote 803984449594327070 [21-01-27 19:10] <08/​dev/rwd0c> ability is not the same as authority [21-01-27 19:11] <11L​yricLy> it's a webhook, not any member [21-01-27 19:11] <11L​yricLy> we have no authority to remove it [21-01-27 19:11] <12I​FcoltransG> Ew, webhooks. [21-01-27 19:34] <06H​actar> disk [21-01-27 19:35] <06H​actar> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804162658994618378/unknown.png [21-01-27 19:35] <06H​actar> now deleted [21-01-27 19:35] <11L​yricLy> sweet, cheers [21-01-27 19:41] <09u​bqoral> what [21-01-27 19:41] <09u​bqoral> why [21-01-27 19:41] <09u​bqoral> @LyricLy why [21-01-27 19:42] <11L​yricLy> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804164550197772308/unknown.png [21-01-27 19:42] <11L​yricLy> this is rather bees [21-01-27 19:42] <09u​bqoral> how is that bees [21-01-27 19:43] <11L​yricLy> why do I have to explain this [21-01-27 19:43] <09u​bqoral> explain what [21-01-27 19:43] <09u​bqoral> it's an irc bridge [21-01-27 19:43] <11L​yricLy> yes [21-01-27 19:43] <09u​bqoral> and? [21-01-27 19:43] <11L​yricLy> why is it in off-topic [21-01-27 19:44] <05f​irecubez> because? [21-01-27 19:44] <09u​bqoral> because we wanted a separate bridge to offtopic [21-01-27 19:44] <05f​irecubez> so people can talk [21-01-27 19:44] <09u​bqoral> to the #e channel, which is less spammy than #a [21-01-27 19:44] <09u​bqoral> ie not spammy at all [21-01-27 19:44] <09u​bqoral> and palaiologos agreed to it [21-01-27 19:44] <09u​bqoral> on the condition that any staff member could remove it again if they want to [21-01-27 19:44] <09u​bqoral> which you have now done, so thanks for that [21-01-27 19:45] <11L​yricLy> no problem [21-01-27 19:45] <09u​bqoral> why did you want it deleted though [21-01-27 19:45] <09u​bqoral> is my question [21-01-27 19:46] <12I​FcoltransG> It was annoying. [21-01-27 19:46] ubq323!~ubq323@host86-165-21-46.range86-165.btcentralplus.com quits [21-01-27 19:46] citrons!~raven@dsldevice.attlocal.net quits [21-01-27 19:46] <11L​yricLy> I find the bridges in #bots unpleasant enough [21-01-27 19:46] <09u​bqoral> how was it annoying [21-01-27 19:46] <09u​bqoral> it's literally just people talking [21-01-27 19:47] <12I​FcoltransG> If you like IRC so much, why don't you join it? [21-01-27 19:47] <09u​bqoral> how is it more annoying than people talking on discord [21-01-27 19:47] <09u​bqoral> i was on irc [21-01-27 19:47] <09u​bqoral> you have just removed the bridge, which means i have to talk here [21-01-27 19:47] <12I​FcoltransG> That seems okay. [21-01-27 19:48] <04s​onata «pathétique»> can asmbf do recursion [21-01-27 19:48] <07H​elloBoi> i am unsatisfied [21-01-27 19:50] <07H​elloBoi> there were like 4 messages [21-01-27 19:50] <07H​elloBoi> that doesn't seem very annoying, no? @LyricLy [21-01-27 19:51] <07H​elloBoi> it's not even linked to #a [21-01-27 19:52] <07H​elloBoi> @ubqoral very [21-01-27 19:52] <12I​FcoltransG> Clearly it did seem annoying. [21-01-27 19:52] <07H​elloBoi> to whom ? [21-01-27 19:52] <04s​onata «pathétique»> ­ [21-01-27 19:52] <07H​elloBoi> @sonata «pathétique» maybe [21-01-27 19:52] <04s​onata «pathétique»> very helpful [21-01-27 19:52] <11L​yricLy> well, it annoyed me [21-01-27 19:52] <07H​elloBoi> @LyricLy but [21-01-27 19:52] <07H​elloBoi> there were 4 messages [21-01-27 19:52] <12I​FcoltransG> And me. [21-01-27 19:53] <12I​FcoltransG> You are right. And they were annoying.. [21-01-27 19:53] <09u​bqoral> what was annoying about them [21-01-27 19:53] <07H​elloBoi> ^ [21-01-27 19:53] <07H​elloBoi> this is question i ask [21-01-27 19:54] <07H​elloBoi> "impersonating" of "bots"? [21-01-27 19:54] <12I​FcoltransG> They were not real Discord messages in this channel. [21-01-27 19:54] <07H​elloBoi> ? [21-01-27 19:54] <12I​FcoltransG> By real, I mean entered primarily into Discord. [21-01-27 19:54] <07H​elloBoi> huh? [21-01-27 19:55] <07H​elloBoi> i mean the channel is actually only used as a bridge to dicsord [21-01-27 19:55] <09u​bqoral> ??? [21-01-27 19:55] <07H​elloBoi> so it's like [21-01-27 19:55] <09u​bqoral> yes [21-01-27 19:55] <12I​FcoltransG> Then why have it? [21-01-27 19:55] <07H​elloBoi> discord client but one server one channel only [21-01-27 19:55] <07H​elloBoi> BUT you get a good client [21-01-27 19:55] <09u​bqoral> #e is specifically for discord bridging and nothing else [21-01-27 19:55] <07H​elloBoi> ^ [21-01-27 19:55] <11L​yricLy> just use discord [21-01-27 19:55] <09u​bqoral> because I don't like using discord and would prefer to use IRC? [21-01-27 19:55] <07H​elloBoi> i don't care but i like irc [21-01-27 19:55] <07H​elloBoi> discord is fine [21-01-27 19:56] <11L​yricLy> you are literally the main antagonist of xkcd 1782 (team chat) [21-01-27 19:56] <07H​elloBoi> i just like the irc client more [21-01-27 19:56] <11L​yricLy> https://xkcd.com/1782/ [21-01-27 19:56] <07H​elloBoi> @LyricLy ooh [21-01-27 19:56] <12I​FcoltransG> I blocked EpicBot. EpicBot messages started appearing (unbblocked). That was grating. [21-01-27 19:56] <07H​elloBoi> i remember that one [21-01-27 19:56] <07H​elloBoi> well [21-01-27 19:56] <09u​bqoral> "antagonist"? [21-01-27 19:57] <11L​yricLy> yes [21-01-27 19:57] <12I​FcoltransG> The tritagonist, more specifically. [21-01-27 19:57] <07H​elloBoi> well that's unfortunate [21-01-27 19:57] <07b​örb ✨> webhook blocking when [21-01-27 19:57] <12I​FcoltransG> Wait, no. [21-01-27 19:57] <09u​bqoral> I still don't understand your reasoning though [21-01-27 19:57] <12I​FcoltransG> The deuteragonist? [21-01-27 19:57] <12I​FcoltransG> I'm going to go with deuteragonist. [21-01-27 19:57] <09u​bqoral> other than "I don't like irc and I'm a mod so you have to listen to me" [21-01-27 19:58] <07H​elloBoi> i really do not understand . . . [21-01-27 19:58] <07H​elloBoi> 4 messages that were attempting to funny (and failed, but) [21-01-27 19:58] <07H​elloBoi> clearly they were not "impersonation " "attempt" [21-01-27 19:58] <07H​elloBoi> you found it annoying =/= spam [21-01-27 19:58] <07H​elloBoi> but you have fine points [21-01-27 19:58] <07H​elloBoi> and i don't [21-01-27 19:59] <12I​FcoltransG> It caused annoyance. It was removed. I don't see what you are confused about. [21-01-27 19:59] <07H​elloBoi> oh yeah [21-01-27 19:59] <07H​elloBoi> you can't see this [21-01-27 19:59] <12I​FcoltransG> But LyricLy can. [21-01-27 19:59] <07H​elloBoi> @LyricLy did you find it "spammy" [21-01-27 19:59] <07b​örb ✨> The only way i'm fine with it is if it's contained within #bots, because that's where bots belong anyways [21-01-27 19:59] <09u​bqoral> what was annoying about it [21-01-27 19:59] <07H​elloBoi> but [21-01-27 20:00] <07H​elloBoi> it's not a bot [21-01-27 20:00] <07H​elloBoi> it's people [21-01-27 20:00] <11L​yricLy> I found it annoying [21-01-27 20:00] <07b​örb ✨> But they're using a bot to send messages [21-01-27 20:00] <09u​bqoral> yes all users of irc are bots [21-01-27 20:00] <07H​elloBoi> no they're not [21-01-27 20:00] <12I​FcoltransG> Bot people. [21-01-27 20:00] <11L​yricLy> 3 messages were pure trash and thus could be considered spam [21-01-27 20:00] <11L​yricLy> thus, yes, I found it spammy [21-01-27 20:00] <07H​elloBoi> hmm [21-01-27 20:00] <07H​elloBoi> ok fine [21-01-27 20:00] <07H​elloBoi> it's gone so whatever [21-01-27 20:00] <07H​elloBoi> @IRC bridge goodbye [21-01-27 20:00] <09u​bqoral> the same is true of about 80% of the messages in this channel anyway though [21-01-27 20:01] <12I​FcoltransG> At least most messages can be accurately attributed. [21-01-27 20:01] <07H​elloBoi> hey! [21-01-27 20:01] <07H​elloBoi> that's not how it works [21-01-27 20:01] <12I​FcoltransG> How does it work? [21-01-27 20:01] <09u​bqoral> I'm now going to sleep [21-01-27 20:01] <07H​elloBoi> @ubqoral gn [21-01-27 20:02] <12I​FcoltransG> Sleep well. Don't let the bedbugs get you down. [21-01-27 20:02] <04s​onata «pathétique»> or up [21-01-27 20:02] <07H​elloBoi> but [21-01-27 20:02] <11L​yricLy> wait, you're going to sleep? [21-01-27 20:03] <11L​yricLy> oh shit [21-01-27 20:03] <11L​yricLy> I can't do math [21-01-27 20:03] <07b​örb ✨> speaking from experience (with big servers and matrix bridges), webhook "user" messages are mores susceptible to spam than "regular" messages. [21-01-27 20:03] <07H​elloBoi> but [21-01-27 20:03] <07H​elloBoi> there are exactly 2 people who would use the irc bridge [21-01-27 20:04] <07H​elloBoi> i don't know [21-01-27 20:04] <07H​elloBoi> you win [21-01-27 20:04] <12I​FcoltransG> Sorry to those two people, but it's in the name of progress. [21-01-27 20:04] <07b​örb ✨> I'm not trying to win [21-01-27 20:04] <07H​elloBoi> @börb ✨ not like that [21-01-27 20:04] <07H​elloBoi> you have convinced me enough [21-01-27 20:04] <07b​örb ✨> we could make a dedicated bot for the bridge that actually respects permissions, etc. [21-01-27 20:05] <07b​örb ✨> but currently there's no way to easily mitigate spam [21-01-27 20:05] <07b​örb ✨> besides just, yoinking them [21-01-27 20:05] <09P​rogress> Especially because you can't block the webhooks. [21-01-27 20:05] <07H​elloBoi> theoretically you could just do something like - message here [21-01-27 20:05] <07H​elloBoi> and let @IRC bridge send the message [21-01-27 20:05] <07H​elloBoi> but that's not a good idea to 4 people [21-01-27 20:05] <09P​rogress> That would have been preferable. But alas! [21-01-27 20:05] <07H​elloBoi> that's bigger than 2 [21-01-27 20:05] <07H​elloBoi> @Progress what if that is implemented? [21-01-27 20:05] <09P​rogress> 'Twasn't so. [21-01-27 20:06] <09P​rogress> Keep in mind that @IRC bridge is to my knowledge not banned from anything. [21-01-27 20:06] <07H​elloBoi> @LyricLy crimson red [21-01-27 20:06] <09P​rogress> I'm not endorsing anything at this stage, but you are free to make what bots you will. [21-01-27 20:07] <04X​ylochoron> We tried a bridge to the esolangs IRC channel? [21-01-27 20:07] <07H​elloBoi> if project irc_bridge_final_revised succeeds, try not to resist [21-01-27 20:07] <11L​yricLy> we did not. [21-01-27 20:07] <07H​elloBoi> you can block but you cannot run [21-01-27 20:07] <07H​elloBoi> @LyricLy acceptance? [21-01-27 20:07] <07H​elloBoi> The rows denote the white players, and the columns denote the black players. [21-01-27 20:08] <09P​rogress> Probably a reply to Xylochoron. [21-01-27 20:08] <07H​elloBoi> yes i know [21-01-27 20:08] <07H​elloBoi> i knew that [21-01-27 20:08] <07H​elloBoi> i was asking if he him do accept my fine idea [21-01-27 20:08] <07H​elloBoi> @LyricLy acceptance? [21-01-27 20:08] <09P​rogress> Resignation? [21-01-27 20:08] <11L​yricLy> what is your fine idea [21-01-27 20:09] <07H​elloBoi> https://discord.com/channels/346530916832903169/348702212110680064/804170222806106122 @LyricLy [21-01-27 20:09] <11L​yricLy> interesting. [21-01-27 20:09] <07H​elloBoi> this is for BLOCKAGE purposes. [21-01-27 20:09] <07H​elloBoi> hopefully 4 people will become 1 so that 2 > 1 [21-01-27 20:11] <07H​elloBoi> @a rustian spy the bridge has sank; please route the messages through @IRC bridge instead of webhook [21-01-27 20:11] <07H​elloBoi> @LyricLy lets play our chess games [21-01-27 20:11] <11L​yricLy> いい [21-01-27 20:12] <07H​elloBoi> what is that in reposne sto [21-01-27 20:12] <09P​rogress> So it turns out that the default LXQT terminal is simply superior to the one I was rolling. Terminology doesn't have ligatures, but QTerminal does. [21-01-27 20:13] <07H​elloBoi> @LyricLy let's play our chess games [21-01-27 20:13] <07H​elloBoi> > however if you resist to playing now > i will impersonate you or one of your bots thru irc ah, i see [21-01-27 20:14] <07H​elloBoi> quite unforunately [21-01-27 20:14] <07H​elloBoi> fotuntela [21-01-27 20:15] <11L​yricLy> anything that does not have ligatures is superior [21-01-27 20:15] <07H​elloBoi> no you need to play the chess games @LyricLy [21-01-27 20:16] <07H​elloBoi> @LyricLy please [21-01-27 20:16] <09P​rogress> Ligatures make everything so pretty... [21-01-27 20:17] <11L​yricLy> yes [21-01-27 20:17] <11L​yricLy> I want to [21-01-27 20:17] <11L​yricLy> are you going to send me challenge? [21-01-27 20:18] <07H​elloBoi> @LyricLy https://lichess.org/OytCwfyf [21-01-27 20:18] <07H​elloBoi> join [21-01-27 20:18] <07H​elloBoi> now [21-01-27 20:18] <07H​elloBoi> or else [21-01-27 20:18] <11L​yricLy> I hope that we have a good game, helloboy [21-01-27 20:18] <07H​elloBoi> h [21-01-27 20:20] <07b​örb ✨> oh frick [21-01-27 20:23] <09t​homasqm> it appears the people are beginning to dislike me [21-01-27 20:23] <09t​homasqm> a shame because i was liked my lyric [21-01-27 20:23] <09t​homasqm> @HelloBoi want chess? [21-01-27 20:28] <09P​rogress> I haven't formed an opinion on you. [21-01-27 20:29] <07d​ammit quintopia> ! [21-01-27 20:29] <07d​ammit quintopia> @Progress why suddenly so progressive? [21-01-27 20:29] <11L​yricLy> STILL IN IT [21-01-27 20:29] <11L​yricLy> thank god [21-01-27 20:29] <07b​örb ✨> oof [21-01-27 20:30] <07d​ammit quintopia> sorry olivia [21-01-27 20:30] <07H​elloBoi> @LyricLy gg [21-01-27 20:30] <07H​elloBoi> you win this one [21-01-27 20:30] <11L​yricLy> do I [21-01-27 20:30] <07b​örb ✨> ? [21-01-27 20:31] <07d​ammit quintopia> nvm [21-01-27 20:31] <11L​yricLy> gg [21-01-27 20:31] <07H​elloBoi> gg @LyricLy [21-01-27 20:31] <07H​elloBoi> wp [21-01-27 20:31] <11L​yricLy> I think I was behind the entire game [21-01-27 20:31] <07b​örb ✨> you almost got it back with the queen blunder [21-01-27 20:32] <07H​elloBoi> @börb ✨ it wasn't a "blunder" [21-01-27 20:32] <07H​elloBoi> it was a uhhh [21-01-27 20:32] <07H​elloBoi> attraction [21-01-27 20:32] <07H​elloBoi> tactic [21-01-27 20:32] <07b​örb ✨> it was an interesting play [21-01-27 20:32] <11L​yricLy> it was a sac [21-01-27 20:32] <07H​elloBoi> so i could do the back rank mate [21-01-27 20:32] <11L​yricLy> ultimate sacrifice [21-01-27 20:32] <09t​homasqm> @Progress i have been watching you for at least a year always the intellectual [21-01-27 20:32] <11L​yricLy> top 10 chess traps to trick your opponent [21-01-27 20:32] <07b​örb ✨> you sacrificed your king in order to win the moral high ground [21-01-27 20:34] <09P​rogress> https://canary.discord.com/channels/346530916832903169/348702212110680064/804169929208233995 [21-01-27 20:34] <11L​yricLy> hello Progress [21-01-27 20:34] <09P​rogress> Hello LyricLy. [21-01-27 20:34] <07H​elloBoi> @thomasqm https://lichess.org/Tw1pt2gu [21-01-27 20:34] <11L​yricLy> I am LyricLy. [21-01-27 20:34] <09t​homasqm> yay my turn [21-01-27 20:34] <07H​elloBoi> @Progress do you like the note b# [21-01-27 20:35] <09t​homasqm> my eyes are very burning [21-01-27 20:35] citrons!~raven@dsldevice.attlocal.net joins [21-01-27 20:35] <07H​elloBoi> when the chess goes a [21-01-27 20:35] <07d​ammit quintopia> objectively good note [21-01-27 20:36] <09P​rogress> I'm more of a F peep myself. [21-01-27 20:36] <09P​rogress> That sounds weird. I'm guessing I can't use 'peep' in the singular. [21-01-27 20:36] <09P​rogress> Other than for the bird biscuits. [21-01-27 20:37] <09P​rogress> Oh, they're marshmallows. That makes more sense. [21-01-27 20:39] <07H​elloBoi> @thomasqm you're gonna win [21-01-27 20:40] <09t​homasqm> inb4 i die [21-01-27 20:41] hello [21-01-27 20:42] <07H​elloBoi> no [21-01-27 20:42] <09t​homasqm> oh god oh fuck i am dying [21-01-27 20:42] <07H​elloBoi> it's real [21-01-27 20:42] <07H​elloBoi> you are winning [21-01-27 20:42] <07H​elloBoi> i don't know what to do now [21-01-27 20:43] <09t​homasqm> how does telling me that you will win help you win [21-01-27 20:43] <11L​yricLy> no you will win [21-01-27 20:43] <07H​elloBoi> yes [21-01-27 20:43] <07H​elloBoi> you will win [21-01-27 20:43] <07H​elloBoi> not me [21-01-27 20:43] <07H​elloBoi> @citrons hi citron [21-01-27 20:43] hi [21-01-27 20:44] <09t​homasqm> helloboi are you even trying [21-01-27 20:44] <09t​homasqm> or are you just so convinced that i will win [21-01-27 20:44] <07H​elloBoi> yes [21-01-27 20:44] <07H​elloBoi> i am convinced you will win [21-01-27 20:44] <09t​homasqm> at least move ur knight correctly [21-01-27 20:44] <09t​homasqm> NO [21-01-27 20:44] <09t​homasqm> GOD [21-01-27 20:45] I know basically nothing about chess except for the basic rules [21-01-27 20:46] wait [21-01-27 20:46] <10c​itrons> bee, why is the IRC bridge not working [21-01-27 20:47] <09t​homasqm> well helloboi i am going to run out of time [21-01-27 20:47] <09t​homasqm> they removed it principally bc of me [21-01-27 20:47] <07H​elloBoi> @thomasqm gg [21-01-27 20:47] <07H​elloBoi> you win [21-01-27 20:47] <07H​elloBoi> i miscalculated [21-01-27 20:47] <10c​itrons> bee them and/or you [21-01-27 20:47] <09t​homasqm> @HelloBoi i cant see shit [21-01-27 20:48] <09t​homasqm> @citrons i did nothing wrong just made unfunny jokes [21-01-27 20:48] <09t​homasqm> like uh [21-01-27 20:48] <09t​homasqm> these [21-01-27 20:48] <10c​itrons> esolangs 2 time [21-01-27 20:50] <07H​elloBoi> it was a shame how he carried onnnn [21-01-27 20:51] <09t​homasqm> uh [21-01-27 20:51] <09t​homasqm> shit [21-01-27 20:51] <07H​elloBoi> that was close [21-01-27 20:51] <07H​elloBoi> ggwp [21-01-27 20:51] <09t​homasqm> ... [21-01-27 20:51] <09t​homasqm> ok lmao [21-01-27 20:51] <07d​ammit quintopia> gotta think less i think [21-01-27 20:51] <09t​homasqm> i can barely think is the issue [21-01-27 20:51] <07H​elloBoi> the issue is that i am so bad [21-01-27 20:52] <07H​elloBoi> i am unintentionally flagging @thomasqm [21-01-27 20:52] <09t​homasqm> nobody beat my twice [21-01-27 20:52] <07H​elloBoi> what [21-01-27 20:52] <07b​örb ✨> chess? [21-01-27 20:52] <09t​homasqm> he is very good [21-01-27 20:52] <09t​homasqm> yes [21-01-27 20:52] <07H​elloBoi> yeah [21-01-27 20:52] <07H​elloBoi> he's good [21-01-27 20:52] <07H​elloBoi> @sporeball are you free right now ? [21-01-27 20:53] <07H​elloBoi> @thomasqm he is very good [21-01-27 20:53] <07H​elloBoi> quite unlike me, whom am the very bad [21-01-27 20:53] <11L​yricLy> gnobody is strong [21-01-27 20:53] <11L​yricLy> he will win the tournament [21-01-27 20:53] <11L​yricLy> 100% probability [21-01-27 20:53] <09s​poreball> yesth @HelloBoi [21-01-27 20:54] <07H​elloBoi> he i strong [21-01-27 20:54] <07H​elloBoi> but with the power of the ANTI-BLUNDER machine [21-01-27 20:54] <07H​elloBoi> i will win [21-01-27 20:56] <09t​homasqm> gnobody has played 1.7k games [21-01-27 20:56] <09t​homasqm> and thats on his alt [21-01-27 20:56] <09t​homasqm> damn [21-01-27 20:58] <09s​poreball> @HelloBoi what did you need [21-01-27 21:05] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> mine's at 1.6 [21-01-27 21:10] <07H​elloBoi> @sporeball chess [21-01-27 21:10] <07H​elloBoi> now [21-01-27 21:11] <11χ​άος> Man I wish enough people in my school were into this type of thing for this to actually play out [21-01-27 21:11] <11χ​άος> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804186744168644638/image0.png [21-01-27 21:11] <07H​elloBoi> @χάος ar eyou going to post th is ; jit q [21-01-27 21:11] <07H​elloBoi> @sporeball chess [21-01-27 21:11] <11χ​άος> Jit q? [21-01-27 21:11] <07H​elloBoi> j [21-01-27 21:11] <11χ​άος> I posted it in two places, mainly because I thought this was a cool zoom on a second of Mandelbrot [21-01-27 21:12] <11χ​άος> I still don’t understand [21-01-27 21:12] <07H​elloBoi> np [21-01-27 21:14] <07H​elloBoi> @LyricLy ly [21-01-27 21:15] <09s​poreball> @HelloBoi make the game [21-01-27 21:15] <09s​poreball> this isn't for the esolangs chess tournament is it [21-01-27 21:15] <07H​elloBoi> @sporeball https://lichess.org/1RJORPkT [21-01-27 21:15] <07H​elloBoi> this IS for th e tournament [21-01-27 21:16] <07H​elloBoi> @sporeball become. [21-01-27 21:16] <09s​poreball> oh no [21-01-27 21:22] <09t​homasqm> @Symbiopsychotaxiplasm damn [21-01-27 21:22] <09t​homasqm> but on his other account he has >3k games [21-01-27 21:23] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> ah yeah he plays a lot there [21-01-27 21:24] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> I deleted my old razetime account out of frustration and then I had to settle for rallzetime :( [21-01-27 21:32] <07H​elloBoi> @LyricLy can you irc bridge [21-01-27 21:34] <07H​elloBoi> > hay guys why do u still hav network transparency dont you know its making everyfing slow [21-01-27 21:47] <07H​elloBoi> hi [21-01-27 21:47] <07H​elloBoi> can you see this message [21-01-27 21:47] <11L​yricLy> yes [21-01-27 21:47] <07H​elloBoi> good [21-01-27 21:47] <07H​elloBoi> this message sent from freeBSD for real [21-01-27 21:48] <07H​elloBoi> @LyricLy are you proud [21-01-27 21:48] <07H​elloBoi> the text is a bit small but whatever [21-01-27 21:48] <09t​homasqm> eye strain is a serious issue [21-01-27 21:50] <07H​elloBoi> test [21-01-27 21:50] <07H​elloBoi> ok good [21-01-27 21:50] <07H​elloBoi> this is ab it slow [21-01-27 21:51] <07d​ammit quintopia> congraturations helloboi [21-01-27 21:51] <07H​elloBoi> how do i take a screenshot [21-01-27 21:51] <07H​elloBoi> let's see here [21-01-27 21:55] <07H​elloBoi> xwd: not found [21-01-27 21:55] <07H​elloBoi> this is very slow [21-01-27 21:56] <07H​elloBoi> how do i enable LOW DETAIL [21-01-27 21:56] <07H​elloBoi> test [21-01-27 21:57] <07H​elloBoi> hmm [21-01-27 21:57] <07H​elloBoi> oh god this is so slow [21-01-27 21:58] <07H​elloBoi> test [21-01-27 21:58] <07H​elloBoi> ah [21-01-27 21:59] <07H​elloBoi> should be better now [21-01-27 21:59] <07H​elloBoi> @LyricLy save me [21-01-27 22:01] <07H​elloBoi> h [21-01-27 22:01] <11L​yricLy> hard pass [21-01-27 22:02] <07d​ammit quintopia> classic pass [21-01-27 22:02] <07H​elloBoi> ok let me try to do someth ing [21-01-27 22:05] <07H​elloBoi> bye [21-01-27 22:06] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> screenshot [21-01-27 22:06] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> send [21-01-27 22:06] <12K​aylynn ✨> am i just dense or is this somewhat vague [21-01-27 22:06] <12K​aylynn ✨> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804200817857921044/unknown.png [21-01-27 22:08] <11L​yricLy> seems fine? [21-01-27 22:08] <12K​aylynn ✨> oh wait i think i get it [21-01-27 22:09] <12K​aylynn ✨> the notation here does not help [21-01-27 22:12] <11L​yricLy> I wonder if someone implements a transpiler or compiler for the next code guessing round [21-01-27 22:15] <12K​aylynn ✨> hmm [21-01-27 22:16] <07H​elloBoi> @Symbiopsychotaxiplasm i can't figure out how to take a screenshot [21-01-27 22:17] <07H​elloBoi> and i can't use login for some reason to login to root [21-01-27 22:17] <07H​elloBoi> at least i have scheme [21-01-27 22:17] <07d​ammit quintopia> have you tried hitting the prtscn button on your keyboard [21-01-27 22:17] <07H​elloBoi> @dammit quintopia doesn't work [21-01-27 22:17] <07H​elloBoi> The goal of this initial assignment is to get students typing at the computer and running Scheme. It deals with evaluating simple expressions, both on paper and using the interpreter, and it introduces some of the basic mechanics of using the Edwin editor. This assignment also introduces the Scheme debugger. In our teaching, we've found it very valuable to get students using the debugger right at the outset. This helps instill the habit of [21-01-27 22:17] thinking about the errors they encounter, which saves a lot of grief in later assignments. The assignment also includes some playing around with the ways in which our computers at MIT are connected to the rest of the network. In order to make much use of this assignment (beyond the simple evaluation exercises) you will need to be running the Edwin editor and integrated debugger, which is included with the MIT distribution of Scheme. If you are not using this [21-01-27 22:17] version of Scheme, we suggest that you create an analogous initial assignment to give students experience with the simple mechanics of using the system, before they have to confront the more difficult conceptual material to come. [21-01-27 22:17] <07d​ammit quintopia> bee config???????? [21-01-27 22:18] <07H​elloBoi> not config problem [21-01-27 22:18] <07H​elloBoi> i don't know how to take a screenshot, that's all [21-01-27 22:18] <07d​ammit quintopia> but that seems like an obvious key mapping to make [21-01-27 22:20] <07H​elloBoi> i do not know how to take a screen shot [21-01-27 22:20] <07H​elloBoi> i do not have the software required [21-01-27 22:20] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> use phowne [21-01-27 22:21] <07H​elloBoi> no [21-01-27 22:21] <07H​elloBoi> i install thing now [21-01-27 22:21] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> boooo [21-01-27 22:22] <07H​elloBoi> :( [21-01-27 22:22] <07H​elloBoi> brb [21-01-27 22:24] <07H​elloBoi> xwd: se [21-01-27 22:26] <07H​elloBoi> ok i got the .xwd [21-01-27 22:28] <07H​elloBoi> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804206328548556840/test.jpg [21-01-27 22:29] <07H​elloBoi> very high quality image @Symbiopsychotaxiplasm [21-01-27 22:30] <07H​elloBoi> @LyricLy do you like this very high quality image [21-01-27 22:30] <11L​yricLy> no [21-01-27 22:30] <07H​elloBoi> why not [21-01-27 22:30] <07H​elloBoi> it's very high quality [21-01-27 22:33] <07H​elloBoi> idk how to make it quality-er [21-01-27 22:33] <07H​elloBoi> @LyricLy help [21-01-27 22:33] <11L​yricLy> why are you using freebsd [21-01-27 22:34] <07H​elloBoi> it's good [21-01-27 22:34] <07H​elloBoi> i'm using xwd [21-01-27 22:34] <07H​elloBoi> @LyricLy it's very good [21-01-27 22:34] <07H​elloBoi> you should try it [21-01-27 22:36] <07H​elloBoi> @gnobody i got the free bee ess dee [21-01-27 22:37] <04g​nobody> excellent [21-01-27 22:37] <12K​aylynn ✨> the bees (are free) [21-01-27 22:39] <07H​elloBoi> yess [21-01-27 22:39] <07H​elloBoi> big text [21-01-27 22:42] <07b​örb ✨> bree [21-01-27 22:42] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> beautiful [21-01-27 22:43] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> helloboi hd [21-01-27 22:43] <07H​elloBoi> thanks [21-01-27 22:44] <07d​ammit quintopia> is it FreeBaSeD. is it everything you dreamed of. are you addicted [21-01-27 22:47] <07H​elloBoi> 🐝 ❗ [21-01-27 22:47] <07H​elloBoi> i need to install lots of things to play solitaire [21-01-27 22:48] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> You only need one software and that is windows xp [21-01-27 22:49] <07H​elloBoi> i am going to install [redacted] [21-01-27 22:49] <07H​elloBoi> bye [21-01-27 22:49] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> bye [21-01-27 23:03] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> Discord idea: if you have multiple colored roles, it takes the average of all the rgb values of your roles [21-01-27 23:03] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> (which will probably end up looking like vomit, but eh) [21-01-27 23:35] thomasqm!~thomas@aenea.engineeringvirtue.net quits [21-01-27 23:55] citrons!~raven@dsldevice.attlocal.net quits [21-01-28 00:00] <04g​nobody> for some reason, i had to leave the house. [21-01-28 00:00] <04g​nobody> outside is VERY cold. [21-01-28 00:04] citrons!~raven@dsldevice.attlocal.net joins [21-01-28 00:07] <07H​elloBoi> @LyricLy i got tested [21-01-28 00:07] <11L​yricLy> for? [21-01-28 00:07] <07H​elloBoi> @LyricLy sar s cov nine teen [21-01-28 00:07] <11L​yricLy> do you have it [21-01-28 00:08] <07H​elloBoi> unknown [21-01-28 00:08] <07H​elloBoi> results = not yet [21-01-28 00:09] <07H​elloBoi> exciting! [21-01-28 00:12] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> "exciting" [21-01-28 00:16] <04g​nobody> my job outside is done [21-01-28 00:17] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> oh no [21-01-28 00:17] <04g​nobody> i am going to be back home shortly. [21-01-28 00:17] <11L​yricLy> I think I'm ready to start writing my solution for the next round [21-01-28 00:17] <04g​nobody> what's the next round [21-01-28 00:17] <11L​yricLy> dunno [21-01-28 00:18] <04g​nobody> obviously, i went out to test helloboi for covid 19. [21-01-28 00:18] <11L​yricLy> interesting. [21-01-28 00:18] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> unveil the results [21-01-28 00:18] <11L​yricLy> how did you get into and out of Hong Kong so quickly? [21-01-28 00:18] <04g​nobody> apioteleportation. [21-01-28 00:19] <11L​yricLy> LyricTech™️ scanners situated in HK did not detect this. [21-01-28 00:19] <04g​nobody> as planned. [21-01-28 00:19] <11L​yricLy> damn you. [21-01-28 00:19] <07H​elloBoi> when the [21-01-28 00:27] <07H​elloBoi> when the [21-01-28 00:27] <09s​poreball> when the [21-01-28 00:28] <07H​elloBoi> when the [21-01-28 00:28] <09s​poreball> the when [21-01-28 00:28] <04g​nobody> the first thing i am going to do when i start earning money is to buy dashlane probably [21-01-28 00:28] <04g​nobody> can i trust dashlane 100%? [21-01-28 00:29] <04g​nobody> @HelloBoi ? [21-01-28 00:29] <07H​elloBoi> @gnobody i'd say dashlane is pretty reliable [21-01-28 00:29] <09s​poreball> reject dashlane, use the power of your own head [21-01-28 00:30] <04g​nobody> the power of my own head is quite unreliable/ [21-01-28 00:32] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> why no self host a password manager [21-01-28 00:32] <04g​nobody> how about no [21-01-28 00:32] <09s​poreball> @Symbiopsychotaxiplasm Symbiopsychotaxiplasm [21-01-28 00:32] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> yes that is me [21-01-28 00:33] <04g​nobody> from quora: "To be honest, I use a notebook and pen instead. Plus a simple cypher that I can easily remember which I’ve applied to the passwords I’ve written down so even if the notebook gets in the wrong hands, people still don’t know my passwords as they don’t know my cypher. It’s way more effective…" tfw someone steals your notebook and you are no longer able to log in anywhere because you dont remember the passwords [21-01-28 00:33] <04g​nobody> yes [21-01-28 00:34] <04g​nobody> or it gets damaged in a fire or something [21-01-28 00:34] <07H​elloBoi> i have so many xterm instances [21-01-28 00:34] <09s​poreball> encode all your passwords with the VIC ciphert [21-01-28 00:34] <07H​elloBoi> all of them are running surf [21-01-28 00:34] <07H​elloBoi> rot13 [21-01-28 00:34] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> just remember your passwords :4Head: [21-01-28 00:35] <04g​nobody> do you have like three passwords [21-01-28 00:35] <11I​SO 4683-1> nah nah you gotta have them all on sticky notes and use the last password's ciphertext as the key for each new one through a vigenère or something [21-01-28 00:35] <04g​nobody> because i have significantly more than that [21-01-28 00:35] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> Me too [21-01-28 00:35] <07H​elloBoi> reusing of passwords = 🐝 ❗ [21-01-28 00:35] <11I​SO 4683-1> i see absolutely no problems there :i_contribute_to_cpp_standard: [21-01-28 00:35] <04g​nobody> ! [21-01-28 00:38] <04g​nobody> dashlane seems fine as long as the computer is not stolen [21-01-28 00:38] <11I​SO 4683-1> ??? [21-01-28 00:38] <11I​SO 4683-1> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804238893674528808/Screen_Shot_2021-01-28_at_01.37.35.png [21-01-28 00:38] <11I​SO 4683-1> nyi from conditionals in functions? [21-01-28 00:38] <04g​nobody> what is nyi again [21-01-28 00:38] <11I​SO 4683-1> not yet implemented [21-01-28 00:38] <04g​nobody> ah [21-01-28 00:39] <07H​elloBoi> @gnobody a4 when [21-01-28 00:39] <07H​elloBoi> @LyricLy x7 when [21-01-28 00:39] <11L​yricLy> ah yes you lose your book of passwords in a fire and the passwords are a concer [21-01-28 00:39] <11L​yricLy> what about the rest of your fucking house [21-01-28 00:39] <11L​yricLy> you can just use "forgot my password" to reclaim your accounts [21-01-28 00:39] <07H​elloBoi> oh no my computer crashed [21-01-28 00:39] <07H​elloBoi> but i had an anti virus [21-01-28 00:39] <04g​nobody> i can buy a new house with the password of my bank account [21-01-28 00:39] <04g​nobody> except [21-01-28 00:39] <04g​nobody> i lost that [21-01-28 00:40] <11L​yricLy> you're not gonna get locked out of your fucking bank account permanently because you lost the password [21-01-28 00:40] <07H​elloBoi> no i will @LyricLy [21-01-28 00:40] <07H​elloBoi> you're wrong [21-01-28 00:40] <09s​poreball> add your mom's phone number as a backup for all of your accounts so she can help you get into them in the event that you lose your passwords [21-01-28 00:41] <04g​nobody> what if she dies [21-01-28 00:41] <09s​poreball> acquire phone [21-01-28 00:41] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> forge her will and get her phone [21-01-28 00:41] <07H​elloBoi> hmm [21-01-28 00:41] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> and ask someone to adopt you [21-01-28 00:41] <07H​elloBoi> @Symbiopsychotaxiplasm idea : scheme golfing language [21-01-28 00:41] <11L​yricLy> so now the scenario is "my mum died in a fire, oh no, but what about my accounts" [21-01-28 00:41] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> never used scheme but ok [21-01-28 00:42] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> give your new mom a phone, profit [21-01-28 00:42] <07H​elloBoi> hmm [21-01-28 00:42] <07H​elloBoi> i have no idea how to do this [21-01-28 00:42] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> well you need to git gud at scheme first, right [21-01-28 00:43] <07H​elloBoi> i think scheme is an extremely bad language to base a golfing language off of [21-01-28 00:43] <04g​nobody> she did not die in the fire [21-01-28 00:43] <07H​elloBoi> but arrays ... [21-01-28 00:43] <11L​yricLy> so she just happens to die at the same time as your house burning down? [21-01-28 00:43] <07H​elloBoi> lists ... [21-01-28 00:43] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> i assume scheme has less builtins? [21-01-28 00:43] <04g​nobody> no [21-01-28 00:43] <07H​elloBoi> caaadadr [21-01-28 00:43] <07H​elloBoi> @Symbiopsychotaxiplasm yeah [21-01-28 00:43] <04g​nobody> she happens to die before [21-01-28 00:43] <07H​elloBoi> it's minimalist [21-01-28 00:43] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> then use lisp [21-01-28 00:43] <11L​yricLy> all of your connections to your accounts need to be destroyed simultaneously [21-01-28 00:43] <07H​elloBoi> = not a lot of builtins [21-01-28 00:43] <11L​yricLy> or you can recover still [21-01-28 00:43] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> or something [21-01-28 00:44] <07H​elloBoi> but it has better macros [21-01-28 00:44] <11I​SO 4683-1> wait isn't scheme a lisp though? [21-01-28 00:44] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> use common lisp [21-01-28 00:44] <07H​elloBoi> hmm [21-01-28 00:44] <07H​elloBoi> common lisp = :( [21-01-28 00:44] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> or whatever comes with efficient builtins [21-01-28 00:44] <11L​yricLy> this means your email has to go down, your face has to be burned off or something so you can't show up in person to fix it [21-01-28 00:44] <11L​yricLy> your notebook has to burn [21-01-28 00:44] <04g​nobody> i need to set up 2fa on a lot of accounts [21-01-28 00:44] <11L​yricLy> and your mother must die [21-01-28 00:44] <11L​yricLy> this is looking very unlikely gnobody [21-01-28 00:44] <04g​nobody> okay [21-01-28 00:44] <04g​nobody> so things i need [21-01-28 00:44] <11L​yricLy> most likely way for this to happen is for a single fire to end it all [21-01-28 00:45] <11L​yricLy> disfigures your face, kills your mother and burns your book [21-01-28 00:45] <04g​nobody> 1. my things should NOT be stolen [21-01-28 00:45] <11L​yricLy> so just make sure your mother and book are never in the same place [21-01-28 00:45] <07H​elloBoi> hmm [21-01-28 00:45] <04g​nobody> things belonging to gnobody are not to be stolen. one who steals something belonging to gnobody is to be shot without warning. [21-01-28 00:46] <07H​elloBoi> most used builtins: - cons - car - cdr - caadr - cadadr - append - write - read - define - set! - lambda [21-01-28 00:46] <11L​yricLy> don't shoot people [21-01-28 00:46] <07H​elloBoi> also reverse [21-01-28 00:46] <07H​elloBoi> that's a lot [21-01-28 00:46] <07H​elloBoi> like, more than 2 [21-01-28 00:46] <04g​nobody> how about these people not steal my stuff? [21-01-28 00:46] <07H​elloBoi> oh yeah [21-01-28 00:46] <07H​elloBoi> also map and apply [21-01-28 00:46] <07H​elloBoi> and whatever [21-01-28 00:46] <07H​elloBoi> etc, etc, etc, etc, etc [21-01-28 00:46] <07H​elloBoi> cadadr [21-01-28 00:47] <07H​elloBoi> oh yeah, and quote [21-01-28 00:47] <07H​elloBoi> that's easy to do [21-01-28 00:47] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> xor [21-01-28 00:47] <04g​nobody> if you dont steal my stuff we are good [21-01-28 00:47] <11I​SO 4683-1> what if you use apl-style operator grammar to overload everything and just call it a day [21-01-28 00:47] <04g​nobody> also [21-01-28 00:47] <07H​elloBoi> 'bee'bee= = #t 'bee'apio= = #f [21-01-28 00:47] <07H​elloBoi> stack based scheme [21-01-28 00:47] <07H​elloBoi> for fun [21-01-28 00:48] <04g​nobody> things belonging to gnobody are not to be damaged without explicit allowance from gnobody. [21-01-28 00:48] <04g​nobody> this includes, but not limited to: -arson -destruction [21-01-28 00:48] <07H​elloBoi> ddg! staxlang [21-01-28 00:48] <04D​DGBot> @HelloBoi: https://staxlang.xyz/ [21-01-28 00:49] <04g​nobody> anyone seen engaging in damaging behavior towards gnobody's possesions are to be shot without warning. [21-01-28 00:49] <09s​poreball> things belonging to sporeball are not to be damaged . [21-01-28 00:49] <11I​SO 4683-1> so if i'm reading this correctly, "things belonging to gnobody" -steal -destruction is the correct course of action, correct? [21-01-28 00:50] <07H​elloBoi> @Palaiologos irc bridge is gone [21-01-28 00:50] <13P​alaiologos> lyricly bad it seems [21-01-28 00:50] <13P​alaiologos> yes [21-01-28 00:50] <07H​elloBoi> ! [21-01-28 00:50] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> as usual [21-01-28 00:50] <07H​elloBoi> @LyricLy see : palaiologos [21-01-28 00:51] <13P​alaiologos> wow, you discovered that lyric likes doing that [21-01-28 00:51] <07H​elloBoi> @Symbiopsychotaxiplasm should i hav eseparate things for printing string and pushing string [21-01-28 00:51] <07H​elloBoi> ? [21-01-28 00:51] <09s​poreball> @Palaiologos you should split the name of your pink role into two different roles so the full text can actually be read [21-01-28 00:51] <04g​nobody> 3. gnobody himself is not to be damaged physically, metaphysically, [REDACTED], apiologically, financially, or in other ways intentionally. this includes, but is not limited to: - usage of firearms on gnobody - usage of sharp objects (e.g. knife, razor) on gnobody anyone who damages or attempts to damage gnobody is to be shot without warning. [21-01-28 00:51] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> what do you mean by that [21-01-28 00:51] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> those two operations are pretty different [21-01-28 00:51] <07H​elloBoi> like [21-01-28 00:52] <13P​alaiologos> wh [21-01-28 00:52] <11I​SO 4683-1> how does one damage a person apiologically? [21-01-28 00:52] <07H​elloBoi> "very" to print very (very) to push the string very [21-01-28 00:52] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804242485902573608/Screen_Shot_2021-01-28_at_12.22.16_PM.png [21-01-28 00:52] <11I​SO 4683-1> assuming you are a person, of course [21-01-28 00:52] <09s​poreball> splittable utterly [21-01-28 00:52] <09s​poreball> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804242508926156810/unknown.png [21-01-28 00:52] <13P​alaiologos> force them to listen to gollark [21-01-28 00:52] <04g​nobody> ways. [21-01-28 00:53] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> you might have heard of bee stings [21-01-28 00:53] <11I​SO 4683-1> :bees: [21-01-28 00:53] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> why not have a builtin which takes string as param and print it [21-01-28 00:53] <04g​nobody> so [21-01-28 00:53] <04g​nobody> to put it shortly [21-01-28 00:53] <07H​elloBoi> n [21-01-28 00:53] <07H​elloBoi> ok [21-01-28 00:54] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> `(print "very") [21-01-28 00:54] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> or something [21-01-28 00:54] <07H​elloBoi> this is a very hard thing to do [21-01-28 00:54] <07H​elloBoi> i do not know how to do this [21-01-28 00:54] <07H​elloBoi> how will you golf in scheme [21-01-28 00:54] <07H​elloBoi> an unconcise language [21-01-28 00:54] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> if scheme sux for golfing then don't bother making it lol [21-01-28 00:54] <07H​elloBoi> somehow i need to make it stack based [21-01-28 00:54] <07H​elloBoi> @Symbiopsychotaxiplasm but i want to [21-01-28 00:54] <07H​elloBoi> it's fun [21-01-28 00:54] <09s​poreball> things belonging to sporeball are to be affectionately poked at least once a day. this includes, but is not limited to: - sporeball's head [21-01-28 00:55] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> cute [21-01-28 00:55] <07H​elloBoi> the when the [21-01-28 00:56] <13P​alaiologos> scheme can be golfed [21-01-28 00:56] <04g​nobody> do not steal or attempt to steal from gnobody. do not damage or attempt to damage gnobody or his belongings. if you do these, you are to be shot without warning. this includes e.g. pulling a knife on gnobody with a threatening intention, for example to ask for money; as this counts as 1. damaging gnobody financially 2. attempting to damage gnobody physically. you are to be shot without warning if you do this. [21-01-28 00:56] <13P​alaiologos> replace parens with capital alphabet letters, A=node has one child, B=node has two children, etc [21-01-28 00:56] <13P​alaiologos> replace builtins with single character names [21-01-28 00:56] <13P​alaiologos> )' [21-01-28 00:57] <04g​nobody> there was a man on the news who set a thinner-inhaler on the street on fire, because he had asked for money from him. [21-01-28 00:57] <04g​nobody> i completely support this man. [21-01-28 00:57] <04g​nobody> thinner-inhalers are to be put to death. [21-01-28 00:57] <04g​nobody> in any and every way possible. [21-01-28 00:57] <07H​elloBoi> @Palaiologos what [21-01-28 00:57] <12i​mpossible cube> whats thinner inhaler in this context [21-01-28 00:58] <04g​nobody> people on the street who inhale thinner and ask for money. [21-01-28 00:58] <07H​elloBoi> @Palaiologos what is a node? [21-01-28 00:58] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> paint thinner [21-01-28 00:58] <07H​elloBoi> cons cell? [21-01-28 00:58] <12i​mpossible cube> ah those [21-01-28 00:58] <12i​mpossible cube> how to not hunger: inhale paint [21-01-28 00:58] <07H​elloBoi> what is it pala iaoglgo [21-01-28 00:58] <07H​elloBoi> s [21-01-28 00:58] <04g​nobody> it was like [21-01-28 00:58] <12i​mpossible cube> 500iq [21-01-28 00:58] <04g​nobody> the man pushed the guy [21-01-28 00:59] <13P​alaiologos> (succ(cdr a)) => BsBca [21-01-28 00:59] <04g​nobody> and the guy fell down [21-01-28 00:59] <07H​elloBoi> ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!!???!?!?!?!?!?!??! [21-01-28 00:59] <07H​elloBoi> this doesn't tell me anything about what a node is [21-01-28 00:59] <07H​elloBoi> is a node a cons cell ??? [21-01-28 00:59] <07H​elloBoi> OH [21-01-28 00:59] <04g​nobody> and his thinner spilled over him [21-01-28 00:59] <04g​nobody> and the other guy set him on fire [21-01-28 00:59] <07H​elloBoi> so it's pain [21-01-28 00:59] <07H​elloBoi> ok [21-01-28 00:59] <04g​nobody> absolutely based [21-01-28 01:00] <09s​poreball> @Symbiopsychotaxiplasm, are you still there? if so, reply "Razetime" (8 letters). [21-01-28 01:00] <07H​elloBoi> @Palaiologos how many should i reserve ? [21-01-28 01:00] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> Razetime [21-01-28 01:00] <12i​mpossible cube> how casual manslaughter [21-01-28 01:00] <04g​nobody> it was especially funny when the thinner inhaler was screaming "police, police!" when he himself was attempting to commit a crime like three seconds ago. [21-01-28 01:00] <07H​elloBoi> A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z ? [21-01-28 01:00] <13P​alaiologos> you can take half of it [21-01-28 01:00] <13P​alaiologos> i can't see nodes of 26 elements tbh [21-01-28 01:00] <07H​elloBoi> 26 / 2 = 13 [21-01-28 01:00] <07H​elloBoi> when the [21-01-28 01:00] <12i​mpossible cube> if you find the thing funny in any way, you value very questionable things [21-01-28 01:01] <09s​poreball> HelloBoi when the the 13 [21-01-28 01:01] <04g​nobody> no, you are not going to stop my car and ask for money, i will casually trample on you if you do that. [21-01-28 01:01] <07H​elloBoi> when the [21-01-28 01:01] <12i​mpossible cube> that sounds an anger issue or shit [21-01-28 01:01] <04g​nobody> it is funny, because a thinner inhaler is not a human. [21-01-28 01:01] <07H​elloBoi> hmm [21-01-28 01:01] <12i​mpossible cube> yeah after your politics talk and now this, it all adds up together [21-01-28 01:01] <04g​nobody> a thinner inhaler commits crimes regularly and bothers a lot of people [21-01-28 01:01] <07H​elloBoi> discrimination not allowed [21-01-28 01:01] <04g​nobody> therefore thinner inhalers are to be put to death. [21-01-28 01:02] <07H​elloBoi> when the [21-01-28 01:02] <12i​mpossible cube> your image on my head is about same as a far left anarchist extrimist [21-01-28 01:02] <04g​nobody> if you find person on street pulling a knife on people and ask for money okay, you have problems. [21-01-28 01:02] <09s​poreball> !time @HelloBoi [21-01-28 01:02] <09s​poreball> ?tag create "HelloBoi on a Thursday" when the [21-01-28 01:02] <06R​. Danny> Tag HelloBoi on a Thursday successfully created. [21-01-28 01:02] <07H​elloBoi> symbols [21-01-28 01:02] <12i​mpossible cube> you aint that, but categorized in the same pool [21-01-28 01:03] <07H​elloBoi> there are a lot of symbols on my keyboard [21-01-28 01:03] <04g​nobody> you can NOT just casually pull a knife and ask for money [21-01-28 01:03] <04g​nobody> it is NOT a good thing [21-01-28 01:03] <04g​nobody> and you can NOT expect me to respect your right to life if you do that. [21-01-28 01:03] <04g​nobody> you are THREATENING to stab me [21-01-28 01:04] <04g​nobody> if i do not give you money [21-01-28 01:04] <04g​nobody> therefore i am going to casually shoot you. [21-01-28 01:04] <04g​nobody> okay? [21-01-28 01:04] <09s​poreball> things i've learned about gnobody: - in case of in-person encounter, do not interact [21-01-28 01:05] <04g​nobody> as long as you are not harming or threatening to harm me, it is totally okay. [21-01-28 01:05] <07H​elloBoi> g [21-01-28 01:05] <04g​nobody> i am quite sure normal people do not casually threaten or harm each other. [21-01-28 01:05] <07b​örb ✨> what about bonked [21-01-28 01:05] <04g​nobody> @impossible cube you think police will arrest these guys, right? [21-01-28 01:06] <04g​nobody> if police arrested them i would not attempt to kill them [21-01-28 01:06] <13P​alaiologos> anyways [21-01-28 01:06] <04g​nobody> but the police is busy arresting people who call the minister of interior "bald". [21-01-28 01:06] <09s​poreball> depends on bonk strength [21-01-28 01:06] <13P​alaiologos> I solved projecteuler 28 in APL [21-01-28 01:06] <07H​elloBoi> the forbideen word [21-01-28 01:06] <13P​alaiologos> in O(!) [21-01-28 01:06] <07H​elloBoi> "anyways" [21-01-28 01:06] <13P​alaiologos> https://github.com/kspalaiologos/euler-apl/blob/master/pe28.pdf [21-01-28 01:06] <07H​elloBoi> when the euler [21-01-28 01:06] <07H​elloBoi> :oilly_boi: [21-01-28 01:06] <04g​nobody> and other "political crimes". [21-01-28 01:07] <04g​nobody> i am not letting anyone force me to choose between my financial assets and bodily integrity. i would rather have them both. [21-01-28 01:07] <11I​SO 4683-1> how do you analyze the time complexity of circuits [21-01-28 01:07] <11I​SO 4683-1> that's vague lemme rephrase [21-01-28 01:08] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> no, play chess [21-01-28 01:08] <04g​nobody> especially if they are going to get away with that [21-01-28 01:08] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> and suicide bomb [21-01-28 01:08] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> the hell? [21-01-28 01:08] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> what is this question [21-01-28 01:09] <11I​SO 4683-1> if a wire in a circuit has to be a length linearly related to n, does something having to travel down it make an otherwise O(1) circuit O(n)? [21-01-28 01:09] <13P​alaiologos> read the PDF [21-01-28 01:09] <04g​nobody> i am quite sure it is not allowed to have solutions to euler problems public [21-01-28 01:09] <13P​alaiologos> for PE 100+ [21-01-28 01:09] <04g​nobody> the admins of euler will ask you to takee it down if they notice [21-01-28 01:09] <07H​elloBoi> you can't stop me [21-01-28 01:09] <13P​alaiologos> for PE <100 you can [21-01-28 01:09] <04g​nobody> ah [21-01-28 01:09] <11I​SO 4683-1> like does the speed of electricity matter in the evaluation of complexity like that, or am i just overthinking it? [21-01-28 01:10] <13P​alaiologos> 28<100 [21-01-28 01:10] <13P​alaiologos> so I can publish it [21-01-28 01:10] <04g​nobody> okay [21-01-28 01:10] <04g​nobody> also [21-01-28 01:10] <07H​elloBoi> no it's npto [21-01-28 01:10] <09s​poreball> when will the limit be exapanded past 100 [21-01-28 01:10] <04g​nobody> all projecteuler problems are solvable in O(1) [21-01-28 01:10] <07H​elloBoi> neev [21-01-28 01:10] <07H​elloBoi> h [21-01-28 01:10] <13P​alaiologos> well, yes [21-01-28 01:10] <04g​nobody> because the input is finite [21-01-28 01:10] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> you and your insane math stuff [21-01-28 01:10] <07H​elloBoi> test [21-01-28 01:10] <04g​nobody> :^) [21-01-28 01:10] <13P​alaiologos> but assuming that [21-01-28 01:10] <13P​alaiologos> you actually take a parameter [21-01-28 01:10] <13P​alaiologos> to solve for a rectangle of size nxn [21-01-28 01:11] <04g​nobody> no no [21-01-28 01:11] <13P​alaiologos> then it's a bit of a better solution [21-01-28 01:11] <04g​nobody> i am okay with that [21-01-28 01:11] <13P​alaiologos> one could use my solution to calculate that on paper lol [21-01-28 01:11] <04g​nobody> i dont like that particular mentality [21-01-28 01:11] <04g​nobody> (it is O(1) because the input is finite xdddd) [21-01-28 01:11] <04g​nobody> that is why :^) [21-01-28 01:13] <07H​elloBoi> @Palaiologos should func application still be a list ? [21-01-28 01:13] <07H​elloBoi> since i am SHIFTING to STACK [21-01-28 01:13] <13P​alaiologos> possibly [21-01-28 01:15] <07H​elloBoi> but i think that will INCREASE SIZE [21-01-28 01:16] <09s​poreball> i forgot how terrifying Project Euler is [21-01-28 01:16] <07H​elloBoi> 1 2a! is smaller than a1 2C! [21-01-28 01:16] <09s​poreball> prime finding function [21-01-28 01:16] <09s​poreball> Sudoku solver [21-01-28 01:16] <09s​poreball> other things that i cannot think of a better solution than brute force to [21-01-28 01:17] <04g​nobody> project euler is for when you have a lot of time [21-01-28 01:17] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> project euler involves tons of google searching and stealing code [21-01-28 01:17] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> unless you're logos or some other smart person [21-01-28 01:18] <07H​elloBoi> hm m mmm ? ???!!!! [21-01-28 01:19] <04g​nobody> where's the fun in that? [21-01-28 01:19] <04g​nobody> utilize brain [21-01-28 01:20] <09s​poreball> i'll stick to JavaScript i actually have a vague sense of fun with for my brain usage thanks [21-01-28 01:20] <09s​poreball> when i'm not distracted, working, doing assignments, or fucking with Eurorack that is [21-01-28 01:20] <09s​poreball> so [21-01-28 01:20] <09s​poreball> not very often [21-01-28 01:20] <07H​elloBoi> hmm [21-01-28 01:21] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> some people only have so much brain/knowledge [21-01-28 01:21] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> that's why the google searching [21-01-28 01:21] <04g​nobody> google searching to an extent is okay [21-01-28 01:21] <07H​elloBoi> ideas ? [21-01-28 01:21] <07H​elloBoi> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804249809166532618/golfscm.txt [21-01-28 01:21] <04g​nobody> but only google searching and code stealing == no brain utilization, no fun [21-01-28 01:22] <07H​elloBoi> @gnobody @Symbiopsychotaxiplasm what think you do [21-01-28 01:22] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> stack based scheme? [21-01-28 01:22] <13P​alaiologos> I'd make B a prefix [21-01-28 01:22] <07H​elloBoi> yes [21-01-28 01:22] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> stack based anything is cringe [21-01-28 01:22] <07H​elloBoi> stack based scheme [21-01-28 01:22] <13P​alaiologos> this tbh [21-01-28 01:22] <04g​nobody> :((( [21-01-28 01:22] <04g​nobody> apl is, in a sense, stack based. [21-01-28 01:22] <07H​elloBoi> what do you think i can do? [21-01-28 01:22] <07H​elloBoi> not use stacks? [21-01-28 01:22] <07H​elloBoi> smh my head [21-01-28 01:22] <13P​alaiologos> not necessarily [21-01-28 01:23] <04g​nobody> and stack based not necessarily cringe [21-01-28 01:23] <13P​alaiologos> i'd like to see what kind of mental gymnastics are you about to pull out to prove that APL is stack based [21-01-28 01:23] <09s​poreball> i think smh my head is the most non-HelloBoi thing HelloBoi's ever said [21-01-28 01:23] <09s​poreball> what happened [21-01-28 01:23] <07H​elloBoi> g [21-01-28 01:23] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> helloboi is speaking in my language [21-01-28 01:23] <04g​nobody> the book aioj implements j in a totally stack baseed manner [21-01-28 01:24] <04g​nobody> stack based not necessarily == concatenative [21-01-28 01:24] <07H​elloBoi> ! [21-01-28 01:24] <07H​elloBoi> idea [21-01-28 01:24] <07H​elloBoi> scheme [21-01-28 01:24] <07H​elloBoi> but [21-01-28 01:24] <04g​nobody> and concatenative not necessarily == stack based [21-01-28 01:24] <07H​elloBoi> it's just scheme [21-01-28 01:24] <07H​elloBoi> but [21-01-28 01:24] <07H​elloBoi> the builtins are shorter [21-01-28 01:24] <07H​elloBoi> and uh [21-01-28 01:24] <07H​elloBoi> bees [21-01-28 01:24] <07H​elloBoi> good ? [21-01-28 01:24] <07H​elloBoi> good . [21-01-28 01:25] <04g​nobody> also i would like to see what kind of mental gymnastics you are about to pull out to demonstrate stack based anything is cringe. [21-01-28 01:25] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> that's just my opinion [21-01-28 01:25] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> I'm not gonna bother convincing anyone [21-01-28 01:26] <04g​nobody> excellent. to quote helloboi, "(i dont care about your opinion)". [21-01-28 01:27] <07H​elloBoi> @Symbiopsychotaxiplasm what """paradigm""" should i use [21-01-28 01:27] citrons!~raven@dsldevice.attlocal.net quits [21-01-28 01:27] <07H​elloBoi> non-stack based [21-01-28 01:27] <07H​elloBoi> this is for curiosito tu eyi upr [21-01-28 01:27] <07H​elloBoi> . [21-01-28 01:27] <07H​elloBoi> ; [21-01-28 01:27] <13P​alaiologos> it often leads to more code. [21-01-28 01:28] <13P​alaiologos> when the stack-orientation is exposed to the user [21-01-28 01:28] <13P​alaiologos> and, most of the time, slower codew [21-01-28 01:28] <09s​poreball> are there any cell-based languages which can actually be interesting and affect cells without pointing at them [21-01-28 01:28] <04g​nobody> C [21-01-28 01:28] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> that's upto you [21-01-28 01:29] <07H​elloBoi> no [21-01-28 01:29] <09s​poreball> create the HelloBoi paradigm [21-01-28 01:29] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> I haven't ever thought of making a golfing language and probably never will [21-01-28 01:29] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> so much manual work [21-01-28 01:29] <07H​elloBoi> when the [21-01-28 01:29] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> ?tag HelloBoi on a Thursday [21-01-28 01:29] <06R​. Danny> when the [21-01-28 01:30] <13P​alaiologos> sometimes stack is inevitable [21-01-28 01:30] <13P​alaiologos> because recursion [21-01-28 01:30] <13P​alaiologos> i can't see the stack you mention in this book [21-01-28 01:30] <04g​nobody> what [21-01-28 01:31] <13P​alaiologos> wait [21-01-28 01:31] <13P​alaiologos> it doesn't even implement APL [21-01-28 01:31] <07H​elloBoi> apl "apl" "apl" apl [21-01-28 01:31] <13P​alaiologos> it only described the incunabulum and the parser mechanics [21-01-28 01:31] <13P​alaiologos> lmao [21-01-28 01:31] <07H​elloBoi> apl isn't real [21-01-28 01:32] <04g​nobody> what [21-01-28 01:32] <04g​nobody> the book is like 100 pages [21-01-28 01:32] <04g​nobody> and it totally does implement j [21-01-28 01:32] <07H​elloBoi> golfing langiage = agk ds [21-01-28 01:33] <07H​elloBoi> go [21-01-28 01:34] <09s​poreball> fuck it's almots thrusday [21-01-28 01:34] <04g​nobody> stack based and apl-like syntax are almost the same, the only difference being apl-like syntax requiring one less space when separating the arguments because the separator is the function itself. this difference in code size is not significant. [21-01-28 01:34] <04g​nobody> when speed is a concern, c/assembly is to be used. [21-01-28 01:34] <07H​elloBoi> froth [21-01-28 01:36] <04g​nobody> i am now logging off [21-01-28 01:36] <04g​nobody> will log in again in approximately 9 hours-probably. [21-01-28 01:38] <07H​elloBoi> @Palaiologos opinion on FORTH? [21-01-28 01:40] <04g​nobody> aw for FUCKS SAKE [21-01-28 01:40] <07H​elloBoi> what [21-01-28 01:41] <13P​alaiologos> 6/10 [21-01-28 01:41] <13P​alaiologos> i wouldn't program it, but it's not bad [21-01-28 01:41] <04g​nobody> i woke up at 7.5 [21-01-28 01:41] <04g​nobody> to do THING [21-01-28 01:42] <04g​nobody> it is 10:41 [21-01-28 01:42] <04g​nobody> and i still have not started [21-01-28 01:42] <13P​alaiologos> lol [21-01-28 01:42] <04g​nobody> NOT FUNNY [21-01-28 01:42] <04g​nobody> THIS IS SOME SORT OF FUCK [21-01-28 01:42] <07H​elloBoi> laugh [21-01-28 01:43] <04g​nobody> i am logging off [21-01-28 01:43] <04g​nobody> and not going to log in until thing finishes [21-01-28 01:43] <04g​nobody> fucking [21-01-28 01:43] <04g​nobody> FUCK [21-01-28 01:43] <11b​aidicoot> bye [21-01-28 01:43] <04g​nobody> I AM LATE [21-01-28 01:43] <04g​nobody> BY SEVERAL HOURS [21-01-28 01:43] <04g​nobody> bye [21-01-28 01:43] <11b​aidicoot> well go then [21-01-28 01:43] <11b​aidicoot> ! [21-01-28 01:44] <07H​elloBoi> https://raw.githubusercontent.com/smallbasic/smallbasic.samples/master/games%201/chess.bas [21-01-28 01:44] <07H​elloBoi> when the [21-01-28 01:52] <13P​alaiologos> problem 29 was trivial [21-01-28 01:52] <13P​alaiologos> {≢∪,∘.*⍨1+⍳⍵-1}100 9183 [21-01-28 01:53] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> number on unique powers m*n till 99? [21-01-28 01:54] <07H​elloBoi> hmm m [21-01-28 01:54] <07H​elloBoi> ddg! solitaire laboratory [21-01-28 01:54] <04D​DGBot> @HelloBoi: http://www.solitairelaboratory.com/ [21-01-28 01:56] <12K​aylynn ✨> digital piracy is exhilarating [21-01-28 01:57] <07H​elloBoi> e [21-01-28 01:58] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> digital pircy is waiting for downloads to end [21-01-28 01:58] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> how is that exhilarating [21-01-28 02:02] <13P​alaiologos> yes [21-01-28 02:02] <13P​alaiologos> 1-⍨+/⍸{⍵=+/5*⍨(10∘⊥⍣¯1)⍵}¨⍳500000 443839 [21-01-28 02:02] <13P​alaiologos> problem 30 [21-01-28 02:02] <13P​alaiologos> damn these problems are getting solved really quick [21-01-28 02:03] <12K​aylynn ✨> i have decent internet so i don't mind too much [21-01-28 02:03] <13P​alaiologos> digital piracy is awesome. [21-01-28 02:03] <07b​örb ✨> digital piracy takes the same amount of time as real piracy [21-01-28 02:03] <13P​alaiologos> private tracker gang [21-01-28 02:03] <12K​aylynn ✨> i haven't found very many good sources for VST torrents yet [21-01-28 02:04] <13P​alaiologos> i don't use VST's /shrug [21-01-28 02:04] <13P​alaiologos> my only problem is projecteuler's captcha i get wrong so many times [21-01-28 02:04] <07H​elloBoi> don't copy that floppy ... [21-01-28 02:04] <12K​aylynn ✨> i will copy that floppy [21-01-28 02:05] <12K​aylynn ✨> cannot repro [21-01-28 02:05] <07H​elloBoi> > Copyright (C) 1993-1999 by John Heidemann > All rights reserved. > Comments to johnh@isi.edu [21-01-28 02:07] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> VSTs are very easy to pirate [21-01-28 02:07] <13P​alaiologos> hmm [21-01-28 02:07] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> I pirate from anything other than torrents [21-01-28 02:07] <13P​alaiologos> i once found a vst i couldn't find anywhere else [21-01-28 02:07] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> fcuk torrents [21-01-28 02:07] <13P​alaiologos> so i had to crack it manually [21-01-28 02:07] <13P​alaiologos> but i sorta gave up because it was hhhhhhhh [21-01-28 02:07] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> ah, exactly what I'd do [21-01-28 02:08] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> what do you crack it in [21-01-28 02:08] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> ida? [21-01-28 02:09] <12K​aylynn ✨> most audio stuff is (thankfully) [21-01-28 02:09] <12K​aylynn ✨> though kontakt libraries can be a bit of a pain [21-01-28 02:09] <13P​alaiologos> ida for harder tasks, ghidra for easier tasks [21-01-28 02:10] <13P​alaiologos> i dump binaries using lordpe and patch shit using diablo2oo2's Universal Patcher [21-01-28 02:10] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> ok I'll pretend I understood that [21-01-28 02:11] <13P​alaiologos> > How many different ways can £2 be made using any number of coins? [21-01-28 02:11] <13P​alaiologos> h. [21-01-28 02:12] <13P​alaiologos> it's easy to solve but i want a good solution [21-01-28 02:13] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> sounds like it'd be very easy in jelly [21-01-28 02:13] <07H​elloBoi> this solitaire port is pretty good [21-01-28 02:14] <13P​alaiologos> screw it [21-01-28 02:17] <07H​elloBoi> whoops [21-01-28 02:17] <07H​elloBoi> my score is now -89 [21-01-28 02:18] <07H​elloBoi> @börb ✨ chess ? [21-01-28 02:23] <06s​inth orion> Yesterday there were still the last remains of snow. Today it's predicted to get to 11°C here. [21-01-28 02:24] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> :thinkception: [21-01-28 02:25] <07H​elloBoi> @/dev/rwd0c does surf have a cache [21-01-28 02:30] <07d​ammit quintopia> does apl even have a nice easy way to multiply polynomials? [21-01-28 02:30] <13P​alaiologos> solved: [21-01-28 02:30] <13P​alaiologos> c←1 2 5 10 20 50 100 200 f←{⍺=0:1⋄⍺<0:0⋄(⍵≤0)∧⍺≥1:0⋄(⍺∇⍵-1)+(⍺-⍵⊃c)∇⍵} 200 f ≢c 73682 [21-01-28 02:35] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> I think J has a polynomial solver but I'm not sure [21-01-28 02:35] <08L​yxal> Celsius or Fahrenheit? [21-01-28 02:35] <13P​alaiologos> it says 11C [21-01-28 02:36] <09u​bqoral> 11C Fahrenheit [21-01-28 02:36] <12i​mpossible cube> cursed notation [21-01-28 02:36] <08L​yxal> Oh bruh [21-01-28 02:36] <08L​yxal> I'm fecking blind [21-01-28 02:36] <08L​yxal> Frick [21-01-28 02:37] <09u​bqoral> hmm "x degrees" can mean like at least 4 things depending on the context [21-01-28 02:37] <08L​yxal> But the message literally specified celcius [21-01-28 02:37] <09u​bqoral> 4 Celsius, 4 Fahrenheit, 4 degrees (angle), 4 degrees of freedom [21-01-28 02:37] <08L​yxal> Which I didn't see [21-01-28 02:37] <09u​bqoral> yeah it did [21-01-28 02:37] <08L​yxal> Because I'm big brain [21-01-28 02:37] <09u​bqoral> just making a general observation [21-01-28 02:38] <09u​bqoral> yes [21-01-28 02:38] <07H​elloBoi> hi [21-01-28 02:38] <08L​yxal> Howdy [21-01-28 02:38] <09u​bqoral> @HelloBoi 4 degrees [21-01-28 02:38] <08L​yxal> What memes should I do in the shower? [21-01-28 02:38] gollark!~osmarks@2a00:23c7:541d:6600:27e:9bb0:e819:1fb6 joins [21-01-28 02:38] <09u​bqoral> do the whip [21-01-28 02:38] <09u​bqoral> and nae nae [21-01-28 02:38] <08L​yxal> No lol I mean what do I play on my Bluetooth speaker [21-01-28 02:39] <09u​bqoral> the whip and nae nae song [21-01-28 02:39] <08L​yxal> Okay sure [21-01-28 02:39] <09u​bqoral> lol [21-01-28 02:39] <07H​elloBoi> che [21-01-28 02:39] <09u​bqoral> che [21-01-28 02:39] <07H​elloBoi> how do i copy text from xterm [21-01-28 02:39] <07H​elloBoi> i can't for some reason [21-01-28 02:39] <11L​yricLy> why are you playing memes in the shower [21-01-28 02:39] <11L​yricLy> can't you just shower [21-01-28 02:40] <07H​elloBoi> Exception in >: (3) is not a real number [21-01-28 02:40] <09u​bqoral> how else are you going to whip and nae nae in the shower [21-01-28 02:40] <12i​mpossible cube> this [21-01-28 02:40] <09u​bqoral> (3) is not a real number [21-01-28 02:41] <11L​yricLy> when you write code that can't be comprehended by mortals [21-01-28 02:42] <07H​elloBoi> @a rustian spy could you reroute the bridge to have messages be sent by @IRC bridge account [21-01-28 02:42] <07H​elloBoi> this is for circumvention of ae [21-01-28 02:43] <12i​mpossible cube> immortal gang immortal gang [21-01-28 02:44] <07H​elloBoi> !time @a rustian spy [21-01-28 02:45] <04a​ rustian spy> What happened? [21-01-28 02:45] cryoapioform?! [21-01-28 02:45] <07H​elloBoi> @a rustian spy coltr[asn] and ly [21-01-28 02:45] <04a​ rustian spy> Did palaiologos do apiocity? [21-01-28 02:45] <07H​elloBoi> didn't like the bridge [21-01-28 02:45] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> drop the soap [21-01-28 02:45] <07H​elloBoi> no [21-01-28 02:45] <07H​elloBoi> palaiologos agreed that ly = bee [21-01-28 02:45] <07H​elloBoi> apparently this is due to @thomasqm [21-01-28 02:45] <07H​elloBoi> who sent 4 messages [21-01-28 02:46] <07H​elloBoi> (only use of the bridge, really) [21-01-28 02:46] <04a​ rustian spy> @LyricLy Consume apioforms. [21-01-28 02:46] <07H​elloBoi> andv they found it annoying [21-01-28 02:46] <04a​ rustian spy> Protocol μ is to be initiated. [21-01-28 02:46] <07H​elloBoi> so they said bye bye [21-01-28 02:46] <11L​yricLy> consume? [21-01-28 02:46] <07H​elloBoi> however, we can circumvent this (with permission already) [21-01-28 02:46] heavserver!~heavserver@localhost quits [21-01-28 02:46] heavserver!~heavserver@localhost joins [21-01-28 02:46] <07H​elloBoi> instead of webhooks [21-01-28 02:46] Yep. [21-01-28 02:46] Done. [21-01-28 02:46] <07H​elloBoi> holy hell [21-01-28 02:46] <11L​yricLy> amazing [21-01-28 02:46] <07H​elloBoi> @LyricLy holy hell [21-01-28 02:46] <08L​yxal> It went well [21-01-28 02:46] <08L​yxal> Good meme [21-01-28 02:47] <07H​elloBoi> @Symbiopsychotaxiplasm holy hell [21-01-28 02:47] dos!~matt@058176100159.ctinets.com joins [21-01-28 02:47] test [21-01-28 02:47] <07H​elloBoi> @Progress block the irc bridge [21-01-28 02:47] <07H​elloBoi> if you want [21-01-28 02:47] <07H​elloBoi> oh bees [21-01-28 02:48] <07H​elloBoi> it doesn't display the thing right [21-01-28 02:48] <07H​elloBoi> beeoids!!! [21-01-28 02:48] <07H​elloBoi> @a rustian spy can you keep the thing ASCII [21-01-28 02:48] <07H​elloBoi> xterm doesn't like it when you do the thing [21-01-28 02:48] <09u​bqoral> beeoids!!! [21-01-28 02:48] <07H​elloBoi> and so does ircii [21-01-28 02:48] <04a​ rustian spy> Use uxterm? [21-01-28 02:48] <07H​elloBoi> ddg! uxterm [21-01-28 02:48] <04D​DGBot> @HelloBoi: https://askubuntu.com/questions/95435/term-xterm-or-uxterm [21-01-28 02:48] <07H​elloBoi> when the [21-01-28 02:48] <04a​ rustian spy> Test. [21-01-28 02:48] <04a​ rustian spy> Test. [21-01-28 02:48] <04a​ rustian spy> Oh right, #e. [21-01-28 02:49] osmarks___!~osmarks@host86-155-86-113.range86-155.btcentralplus.com joins [21-01-28 02:49] <04a​ rustian spy> Test2. [21-01-28 02:49] <07H​elloBoi> hi [21-01-28 02:49] <04a​ rustian spy> Yep, irssi in terminator is able to make it colorized. [21-01-28 02:49] osmarks___!~osmarks@host86-155-86-113.range86-155.btcentralplus.com quits [21-01-28 02:49] <07H​elloBoi> @a rustian spy can you make it ASCII only ? [21-01-28 02:49] <07H​elloBoi> no colors [21-01-28 02:49] <04a​ rustian spy> I can, but no. [21-01-28 02:49] <07H​elloBoi> this is for purposes only [21-01-28 02:49] <07H​elloBoi> b [21-01-28 02:49] <04a​ rustian spy> Sorry somewhat, but it works on all my clients. [21-01-28 02:50] <07H​elloBoi> can you read xwd dumps? [21-01-28 02:50] <07H​elloBoi> @a rustian spy [21-01-28 02:50] <04a​ rustian spy> ... xwd? [21-01-28 02:50] <04a​ rustian spy> XWindow? No. [21-01-28 02:50] <07H​elloBoi> oh no i need to use low quality conversion tools [21-01-28 02:51] <07H​elloBoi> ddg! convert xwd [21-01-28 02:51] <04D​DGBot> @HelloBoi: https://www.aconvert.com/format/xwd/ [21-01-28 02:53] <07H​elloBoi> whoops [21-01-28 02:53] As LyricLy bad, we ARE to recreate the bridge. [21-01-28 02:53] <04a​ rustian spy> @LyricLy Re-bee you. [21-01-28 02:54] <07H​elloBoi> https://s39.aconvert.com/convert/p3r68-cdx67/r0lih-qu7vl.jpg [21-01-28 02:54] <07H​elloBoi> @a rustian spy this is how it looks [21-01-28 02:54] <07H​elloBoi> ignore the black box [21-01-28 02:54] <07H​elloBoi> i don't know how it got there [21-01-28 02:54] <04a​ rustian spy> Oh, a "screenshot"., [21-01-28 02:54] <07H​elloBoi> also ignore the quality [21-01-28 02:54] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> which irc are you guys speaking from [21-01-28 02:54] <04a​ rustian spy> APIONET. [21-01-28 02:54] apioformic networj [21-01-28 02:54] network [21-01-28 02:55] <04a​ rustian spy> Try the xterm with color support then? [21-01-28 02:55] <07H​elloBoi> i do have color support [21-01-28 02:55] <07H​elloBoi> why is this so slow now [21-01-28 02:57] <07H​elloBoi> ddg! irssi [21-01-28 02:57] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> where do I access apionet [21-01-28 02:57] <04D​DGBot> @HelloBoi: https://irssi.org/ [21-01-28 02:57] <07H​elloBoi> @Symbiopsychotaxiplasm irc.osmarks.tk:6667 [21-01-28 02:57] <07H​elloBoi> with your irc client [21-01-28 02:57] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> do I need an irc client [21-01-28 02:57] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> nooooo [21-01-28 02:57] <07H​elloBoi> just use ircii lol [21-01-28 02:57] <07H​elloBoi> @Symbiopsychotaxiplasm [21-01-28 02:58] well this is bee [21-01-28 02:58] <04a​ rustian spy> @Progress == cryoapioform ALSO? [21-01-28 02:58] there are bee characters in my terminal [21-01-28 02:59]  [21-01-28 02:59] uh oh [21-01-28 02:59] that's not what i mean [21-01-28 02:59] t [21-01-28 02:59] do [21-01-28 02:59] razetime!~31cfd186@unknownnetwork-a.clients.kiwiirc.com joins [21-01-28 02:59] <04a​ rustian spy> Um. What was I doing? [21-01-28 02:59] hi hot ones [21-01-28 02:59] test [21-01-28 02:59] joined from kiwi IRC [21-01-28 02:59] fun [21-01-28 02:59] hmm [21-01-28 02:59] how do i [21-01-28 02:59] hmm [21-01-28 03:00] i think i need to enable colors or something [21-01-28 03:00] but the man page has no mention [21-01-28 03:00] <06s​inth orion> HₐₛₖelloBoi [21-01-28 03:01] <07H​elloBoi> @sinth orion more bees [21-01-28 03:01] <06s​inth orion> ask HelloBoi [21-01-28 03:01] <06s​inth orion> Haskell, o boi [21-01-28 03:01] @HelloBoi e [21-01-28 03:01] bee you [21-01-28 03:01] razetime, bees [21-01-28 03:02] no [21-01-28 03:02] yes [21-01-28 03:02] bees you [21-01-28 03:02] type some cool messages in this channel! [21-01-28 03:02] <07H​elloBoi> i need to obtain irc client wiht colors [21-01-28 03:02] <07H​elloBoi> ddg! freebsd.pkgs.org [21-01-28 03:02] <04D​DGBot> @HelloBoi: https://freebsd.pkgs.org/ [21-01-28 03:02] h [21-01-28 03:02] dos!~matt@058176100159.ctinets.com quits [21-01-28 03:02] nooo dos is gone [21-01-28 03:03] <07H​elloBoi> bye [21-01-28 03:04] <11L​yricLy> I am doing work for the next round of code guessing [21-01-28 03:04] are you so sure you will win [21-01-28 03:05] <04a​ rustian spy> But you don't know what it is yes. [21-01-28 03:05] <04a​ rustian spy> * yet [21-01-28 03:05] <04a​ rustian spy> DO you? [21-01-28 03:05] or are you making unnecessary complicated parser to implement a solution in [21-01-28 03:05] <11L​yricLy> razetime is exactly correct. [21-01-28 03:05] <11L​yricLy> in that one of those 2 things is my plan. [21-01-28 03:05] <13P​alaiologos> yo [21-01-28 03:05] <11L​yricLy> or perhaps both. [21-01-28 03:05] <07H​elloBoi> @a rustian spy how do i join a server in irssi [21-01-28 03:05] <07d​ammit quintopia> @Symbiopsychotaxiplasm wants you to think that at least [21-01-28 03:05] <04a​ rustian spy> My FORTH interpreter is usable enough for the next challenge too I think. [21-01-28 03:05] <04a​ rustian spy> /connect I think. [21-01-28 03:06] matt!~matt@058176100159.ctinets.com joins [21-01-28 03:06] <11L​yricLy> reuse is not a godo strageay yea [21-01-28 03:06] hey forms [21-01-28 03:06] razetime!~31cfd186@unknownnetwork-a.clients.kiwiirc.com quits [21-01-28 03:06] <04a​ rustian spy> Yes it is. Nobody would think I would be stupid enough to just copy what I did in #11, so I will. [21-01-28 03:06] <07H​elloBoi> @a rustian spy beeoforms : [21-01-28 03:06] <07d​ammit quintopia> you miss out on the bonus points for one [21-01-28 03:07] <04a​ rustian spy> I should really get guesses in. [21-01-28 03:07] <11L​yricLy> yes. [21-01-28 03:07] <11L​yricLy> you should. [21-01-28 03:07] <07H​elloBoi> ddg! xwd convertor [21-01-28 03:07] <04D​DGBot> @HelloBoi: https://convertio.co/xwd-converter/ [21-01-28 03:07] <07H​elloBoi> whoops [21-01-28 03:07] <11L​yricLy> I'm staying up tonight to see the guesses. [21-01-28 03:08] <07d​ammit quintopia> what time is it lyric time when the round ends? [21-01-28 03:08] <07H​elloBoi> @a rustian spy https://s110.convertio.me/p/r9LsRZ5W7zLNFhvS2RzBXg/6c653bd931c01ad48c7f8b60b634837b/bees.jpg [21-01-28 03:08] <07H​elloBoi> https://s110.convertio.me/p/r9LsRZ5W7zLNFhvS2RzBXg/6c653bd931c01ad48c7f8b60b634837b/bees.jpg [21-01-28 03:08] <07H​elloBoi> hmm [21-01-28 03:09] <07H​elloBoi> @a rustian spy https://s110.convertio.me/p/r9LsRZ5W7zLNFhvS2RzBXg/6c653bd931c01ad48c7f8b60b634837b/bees.jpg [21-01-28 03:09] <07H​elloBoi> this is how it looks [21-01-28 03:10] <07d​ammit quintopia> set perms please [21-01-28 03:10] <07H​elloBoi> why does it look bee ? @a rustian spy [21-01-28 03:10] <07d​ammit quintopia> chmod that shit helloboi [21-01-28 03:11] <11L​yricLy> 7AM [21-01-28 03:11] <07H​elloBoi> @dammit quintopia [21-01-28 03:11] <07H​elloBoi> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804277405337518080/bees.xwd [21-01-28 03:11] when the [21-01-28 03:11] <07d​ammit quintopia> an all-nighter huh [21-01-28 03:11] <11L​yricLy> ya [21-01-28 03:11] <04a​ rustian spy> Is an "XWD" just a bad screenshot? [21-01-28 03:11] <11L​yricLy> I wanna be there [21-01-28 03:11] <11L​yricLy> to fucking laugh at everyone [21-01-28 03:12] gollark, why can i not see the correct thing [21-01-28 03:12] <11L​yricLy> when they all get me wrong [21-01-28 03:12] Don't know. [21-01-28 03:12] is your username supposed to be red [21-01-28 03:12] an xwd is an x window dump [21-01-28 03:12] it's screenshot but not [21-01-28 03:12] screenshnot [21-01-28 03:12] <07H​elloBoi> ddg! uxterm [21-01-28 03:12] <04D​DGBot> @HelloBoi: https://askubuntu.com/questions/95435/term-xterm-or-uxterm [21-01-28 03:13] <07d​ammit quintopia> would it really be that funny? [21-01-28 03:13] <11L​yricLy> of course! [21-01-28 03:13] <11L​yricLy> gnobody specifically. I want to laugh at him [21-01-28 03:13] <11L​yricLy> because he definitely got me wrong [21-01-28 03:13] <11L​yricLy> and he's so sure that he's right [21-01-28 03:13] <11L​yricLy> what a loser [21-01-28 03:14] <07d​ammit quintopia> i'm not sure i got you right. but i guess it would be a bit funny if i did. [21-01-28 03:14] gollark, can you send a screenshot of how it looks on your side [21-01-28 03:14] ? [21-01-28 03:14] <11L​yricLy> you definitely didn't get me right [21-01-28 03:14] <11L​yricLy> nobody got me right [21-01-28 03:14] <11L​yricLy> I'm winning this round [21-01-28 03:14] <11L​yricLy> fucking easy [21-01-28 03:15] <07d​ammit quintopia> you just said he didn't [21-01-28 03:15] <11L​yricLy> fuck off [21-01-28 03:16] h [21-01-28 03:16] matt!~matt@058176100159.ctinets.com quits [21-01-28 03:16] <11L​yricLy> this round is mine [21-01-28 03:16] <11L​yricLy> I already decided what to do [21-01-28 03:16] <07d​ammit quintopia> also no one getting you right is not sufficient to win [21-01-28 03:17] <11L​yricLy> wrong. [21-01-28 03:17] <11L​yricLy> no-one got me right [21-01-28 03:17] <11L​yricLy> and I got everyone else right [21-01-28 03:17] <11L​yricLy> that's how confident I am [21-01-28 03:17] <11L​yricLy> +18 points [21-01-28 03:17] <07d​ammit quintopia> lol [21-01-28 03:17] <11L​yricLy> idiot [21-01-28 03:17] <11L​yricLy> nobody has a chance [21-01-28 03:17] <11L​yricLy> this game is mine [21-01-28 03:18] <11L​yricLy> if I commit an error I'll literally kill myself [21-01-28 03:18] <11L​yricLy> I will die [21-01-28 03:18] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> you just said that nobody didn't get your right [21-01-28 03:18] <11L​yricLy> shut the FUCK UP [21-01-28 03:18] <11L​yricLy> AAAAAPKGDOPAKDOPDKAGKOP{ASDGAKOPASDTKOPDTASKOPSDTKOP [21-01-28 03:18] <07d​ammit quintopia> are you saying all this so it will be funny when you lose [21-01-28 03:18] <07H​elloBoi> h [21-01-28 03:18] <07H​elloBoi> sorry wrong window [21-01-28 03:19] <07H​elloBoi> l [21-01-28 03:19] <13P​alaiologos> oh also [21-01-28 03:19] <13P​alaiologos> @quint\ [21-01-28 03:19] <07H​elloBoi> oh no i died [21-01-28 03:19] <13P​alaiologos> solves 2x⁴-3x²+9x-5=19785 [21-01-28 03:20] <13P​alaiologos> for x [21-01-28 03:20] <07d​ammit quintopia> nice [21-01-28 03:20] There is a very low chance that LyricLy is correct about his/other people's correcteness. [21-01-28 03:20] * correctness [21-01-28 03:20] <07d​ammit quintopia> how do you multiply oolynomials tho [21-01-28 03:20] <11L​yricLy> don't ruin the magic quintopia [21-01-28 03:21] <11L​yricLy> if the people found out I wasn't actually confident and was only playing for laughs [21-01-28 03:21] <11L​yricLy> it'd all be over [21-01-28 03:21] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> can't this be done with ⊥ [21-01-28 03:21] <07d​ammit quintopia> i don't speak bottom [21-01-28 03:23] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> no that's ⊤ [21-01-28 03:24] <07d​ammit quintopia> you sure that's not top [21-01-28 03:24] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> down tack [21-01-28 03:24] <13P​alaiologos> it points to the bottom [21-01-28 03:25] <06s​inth orion> How stupid can people be? [21-01-28 03:25] <06s​inth orion> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804280890611073054/Screenshot_YouTube_20210128-101324.png [21-01-28 03:25] <11L​yricLy> lmao [21-01-28 03:25] <06s​inth orion> Imagine being a news writer tasked with telling people not to drill holes into their phones [21-01-28 03:25] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> I drilled my iPhone and it worked [21-01-28 03:25] <06s​inth orion> Sounds almost as depressing as being a PHP developer [21-01-28 03:25] <04a​ rustian spy> Sounds as depressing as [21-01-28 03:25] <07H​elloBoi> l [21-01-28 03:25] <04a​ rustian spy> ?tag lyricly projects [21-01-28 03:25] <06R​. Danny> At least mindbreak & macron + possibly chess world. Will never be finished. [21-01-28 03:25] <04a​ rustian spy> Or LyricLy's foolish and futile attempts to guess what I wrote. [21-01-28 03:26] <06s​inth orion> Add petcruel [21-01-28 03:26] <04a​ rustian spy> @LyricLy What DO you think I did? Feel free to do the 1/20-chance-of-anonymizing-it thing. [21-01-28 03:26] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> gollark have you ever tried being subtle [21-01-28 03:26] <04a​ rustian spy> ?tag edit "lyricly projects" At least mindbreak & macron & petcruel + possibly chess world. Will never be finished. [21-01-28 03:26] <06R​. Danny> Successfully edited tag. [21-01-28 03:26] <04a​ rustian spy> It was very boring. [21-01-28 03:27] <07H​elloBoi> hmm [21-01-28 03:27] <07H​elloBoi> why can i not join the thing [21-01-28 03:27] <07H​elloBoi> #voice [21-01-28 03:27] <07H​elloBoi> but the voice channel [21-01-28 03:28] <11L​yricLy> @a rustian spy #9. [21-01-28 03:28] <04a​ rustian spy> SERIOUSLY? [21-01-28 03:28] <04a​ rustian spy> Wow, you're very wrong. [21-01-28 03:29] <07d​ammit quintopia> you had me going for a second there. actually made me google it :LUL: [21-01-28 03:29] <06s​inth orion> That's what someone would say if caught [21-01-28 03:30] <11L​yricLy> the line is on the bottom of the other line [21-01-28 03:30] <11L​yricLy> it's like a volume slider [21-01-28 03:30] <06s​inth orion> I honestly can't remember the number of my entry [21-01-28 03:30] <07d​ammit quintopia> that's what someone would say in the wrong channel [21-01-28 03:30] <06s​inth orion> Because it's never talked about I guess [21-01-28 03:30] <11L​yricLy> ???? [21-01-28 03:30] <11L​yricLy> you can't recognize it? [21-01-28 03:30] <06s​inth orion> I can when I look it up [21-01-28 03:30] <06s​inth orion> But I can't remember it [21-01-28 03:31] <11L​yricLy> oh [21-01-28 03:31] <11L​yricLy> I can remember my own number [21-01-28 03:31] <13P​alaiologos> h [21-01-28 03:31] <11L​yricLy> h? [21-01-28 03:31] <06s​inth orion> It's something like 9±5 [21-01-28 03:31] <07H​elloBoi> pig [21-01-28 03:31] <07H​elloBoi> is equal to 4 [21-01-28 03:32] <04a​ rustian spy> LyricLy, #9 was EXTREMELY OBVIOUSLY citrons/heav. [21-01-28 03:32] <04a​ rustian spy> Not me. [21-01-28 03:32] <07H​elloBoi> characters long [21-01-28 03:32] <11L​yricLy> wrong. [21-01-28 03:32] <11L​yricLy> it's you. [21-01-28 03:32] <11L​yricLy> I confirmed it. [21-01-28 03:32] <07d​ammit quintopia> #code-guessing [21-01-28 03:32] <04a​ rustian spy> You confirmed wrong. You're incorrect. I didn't write it. [21-01-28 03:32] <06s​inth orion> How so? [21-01-28 03:32] <04a​ rustian spy> It WAS NOT me and I am DEFINITELY NOT desperately trying to divert you away from my true submission. [21-01-28 03:33] <11L​yricLy> interesting. [21-01-28 03:33] <06s​inth orion> I know basically nothing about citrons tbh [21-01-28 03:33] <07H​elloBoi> @a rustian spy are you using X? [21-01-28 03:33] <04a​ rustian spy> [REDACTED]. It could be someone who knows citrons well trying to imitate them, to be fair. [21-01-28 03:33] <04a​ rustian spy> Yep. [21-01-28 03:33] <11L​yricLy> I don't think anyone has even proposed that my solution was written by me [21-01-28 03:33] <11L​yricLy> like it hasn't come up [21-01-28 03:33] <07H​elloBoi> what wm are you using? [21-01-28 03:33] <07H​elloBoi> twm is great but it's a bit limited [21-01-28 03:33] <04a​ rustian spy> Openbox, I think, in LXDE> [21-01-28 03:34] <04a​ rustian spy> Obviously LyricLy did #17. [21-01-28 03:34] <07H​elloBoi> ddg! freebsd.pkgs.org [21-01-28 03:34] <04D​DGBot> @HelloBoi: https://freebsd.pkgs.org/ [21-01-28 03:34] <07d​ammit quintopia> that helps narrow it eh [21-01-28 03:34] <11L​yricLy> not relaly. [21-01-28 03:35] <06s​inth orion> Same [21-01-28 03:35] <11L​yricLy> "#7 is LyricLy" and "#13 is LyricLy" are the only things I've seen thrown [21-01-28 03:35] <11L​yricLy> and those aren't true [21-01-28 03:35] <06s​inth orion> What about #5? [21-01-28 03:35] <13P​alaiologos> but you may be bluffing] [21-01-28 03:35] <11L​yricLy> nah, that's not me [21-01-28 03:35] <11L​yricLy> obviously I don't have an incentive to share truths about my answer besides staving off boredom by fucking around [21-01-28 03:35] <11L​yricLy> so you can take my words with a grain of salt [21-01-28 03:36] <13P​alaiologos> so you just admitted that these guesses may be correct [21-01-28 03:36] <07d​ammit quintopia> i also said #3 at one point [21-01-28 03:37] <07d​ammit quintopia> but only because it's a weird alg and you like those. [21-01-28 03:37] <07d​ammit quintopia> 14 and 17 are good candidates for the same reason [21-01-28 03:37] <11L​yricLy> I'm saying that nothing I say can be taken definitively [21-01-28 03:37] <11L​yricLy> since I'm a player in the game with a strong incentive to make shit up and spit bullshit to try and win [21-01-28 03:37] <06s​inth orion> ++exec python print [f"what about #{n}" for n in range(1, 19)] [21-01-28 03:38] <11L​yricLy> so of course #7 and #13 could be me, unless you get confirmation from ubq, the only impartial party who also knows all the answers definitively [21-01-28 03:38] <11L​yricLy> and confirmation from ubq isn't coming until it's too late. [21-01-28 03:38] <04a​ rustian spy> ++exec python print("\n".join([f"what about #{n}" for n in range(1, 19)])) [21-01-28 03:38] <04a​ robotic spy> what about #1 what about #2 what about #3 what about #4 what about #5 what about #6 what about #7 what about #8 what about #9 what about #10 what about #11 what about #12 what about #13 what about #14 what about #15 what about #16 what about #17 what about #18 [21-01-28 03:38] <06T​IO.py> what about #1 what about #2 what about #3 what about #4 what about #5 what about #6 what about #7 what about #8 what about #9 what about #10 what about #11 what about #12 what about #13 what about #14 what about #15 what about #16 what about #17 what about #18 [21-01-28 03:38] <06s​inth orion> ubq giving confirmation about anyone sounds bees [21-01-28 03:39] <04a​ rustian spy> Well, they will AFTER the guessing phase. [21-01-28 03:39] <13P​alaiologos> you could be smart and deny that these are yours, meanwhile they are yours to discourage people to vote them but you also could be smarter and say that these aren't yours and in fact they aren't, so people will think that you say they aren't while they are and you just wanted to discourage people from doing that [21-01-28 03:39] <04a​ rustian spy> Then we enter phase 2: apioformicization. [21-01-28 03:39] <13P​alaiologos> (loop it infinite times) [21-01-28 03:39] <07d​ammit quintopia> did you forget the right bound is excuded [21-01-28 03:39] <04a​ rustian spy> Sinthorion did it. [21-01-28 03:39] <13P​alaiologos> gollark knows that #19 isn't lyrics [21-01-28 03:39] <13P​alaiologos> :^) [21-01-28 03:39] <11L​yricLy> the smartest thing to do is to use people's existing ideas [21-01-28 03:40] <13P​alaiologos> true [21-01-28 03:40] <11L​yricLy> the correct ones you downplay, don't talk about them much, silence them [21-01-28 03:40] <11L​yricLy> the incorrect ones you bolster [21-01-28 03:40] <11L​yricLy> you talk big about them [21-01-28 03:40] <11L​yricLy> you spread them [21-01-28 03:40] <13P​alaiologos> hmm [21-01-28 03:40] <13P​alaiologos> if you want to win second stage just copy someone's style [21-01-28 03:40] <06s​inth orion> Would be even smarter to say one of them is not yours while refusing to comment on the other, when neither is yours [21-01-28 03:40] <07b​örb ✨> shh [21-01-28 03:40] <13P​alaiologos> yes [21-01-28 03:40] <13P​alaiologos> hence "loop infinitely" [21-01-28 03:41] <11L​yricLy> or of course [21-01-28 03:41] <11L​yricLy> you can not talk at all, to avoid giving out clues [21-01-28 03:41] <11L​yricLy> and just ensure that your original answer was good [21-01-28 03:41] <07d​ammit quintopia> or maybe smartest to just not paeticipate in discussion at all [21-01-28 03:41] <11L​yricLy> I fucking love calling things data [21-01-28 03:41] <11L​yricLy> because, like [21-01-28 03:41] <11L​yricLy> it's a name that doesn't actually mean anything [21-01-28 03:41] <11L​yricLy> of course it's data, it's a fucking variable [21-01-28 03:42] <11L​yricLy> but it applies to everything [21-01-28 03:42] <11L​yricLy> so I can use it when I don't have a good name [21-01-28 03:42] <06s​inth orion> Imagine me knowing python [21-01-28 03:42] <07b​örb ✨> The best strategy is to give out clues and then follow them up with extravagant bluffs [21-01-28 03:42] <04a​ rustian spy> LyricLy clearly trying to bait us into #2. [21-01-28 03:42] <11L​yricLy> oh, sorry. [21-01-28 03:42] <07b​örb ✨> I did #2. [21-01-28 03:42] <11L​yricLy> this is related to the code guessing [21-01-28 03:42] <04a​ rustian spy> No, I did. [21-01-28 03:42] <11L​yricLy> but next round, not this round [21-01-28 03:42] <11L​yricLy> #2 is confirmed... coltrans or some shit, I don't remember. [21-01-28 03:42] <07b​örb ✨> Me! [21-01-28 03:43] <11L​yricLy> shut the fuck up, olivia. [21-01-28 03:43] <11L​yricLy> I already confirmed you as some other dumb bullshit. [21-01-28 03:43] <07d​ammit quintopia> yea that one is olivia and me collab [21-01-28 03:43] <13P​alaiologos> lol [21-01-28 03:43] <04a​ rustian spy> Collaborations actually aren't unreasonable entirely. [21-01-28 03:43] <06s​inth orion> There's a reason I'm not associating Lyric with #2, which I'm not dumb enough to state here [21-01-28 03:43] <07b​örb ✨> You mean number 2? [21-01-28 03:43] <13P​alaiologos> #code-guessing [21-01-28 03:43] <13P​alaiologos> go there [21-01-28 03:43] <04a​ rustian spy> Obviously, because Olivia did #2. [21-01-28 03:43] <11L​yricLy> shut the fuck up [21-01-28 03:43] <11L​yricLy> I said "other" [21-01-28 03:44] <11L​yricLy> I'm not #2. I confirmed it myself. [21-01-28 03:44] <06s​inth orion> I confirmed it as well [21-01-28 03:44] <04a​ rustian spy> You're lying like a lying liar who lies. [21-01-28 03:44] <06s​inth orion> That's a lie [21-01-28 03:44] <11L​yricLy> hm. [21-01-28 03:45] <11L​yricLy> I think I'm not going to include this into the code-guessing because of a few things. [21-01-28 03:45] <06s​inth orion> Everything I ever said about the competition was a lie, including this sentence. [21-01-28 03:45] <11L​yricLy> number 1 is that it's way too noticeable that I wrote this. [21-01-28 03:45] <07d​ammit quintopia> two people post same solution off by one char on purpose. they cancel each other but narrow the rest of the field to guess in the process [21-01-28 03:45] <11L​yricLy> number 2 is that I wrote it before the thing was even announced. [21-01-28 03:46] <11L​yricLy> number 3 is that turning this into a solution requires annoying refactors and shit and I don't want to do any of it. [21-01-28 03:46] <06s​inth orion> tab indent and that fake OOP are way too bees [21-01-28 03:47] <11L​yricLy> I wasn't talking about entry numbers, I was just doing an ordered list [21-01-28 03:47] <11L​yricLy> #1 I confirmed as some idiot. [21-01-28 03:47] <11L​yricLy> idk who [21-01-28 03:47] <07H​elloBoi> hey gu ys i got dwm [21-01-28 03:47] <06s​inth orion> Oh [21-01-28 03:47] <11L​yricLy> ah, coral [21-01-28 03:47] <09u​bqoral> hello [21-01-28 03:47] <07d​ammit quintopia> is it good [21-01-28 03:47] <07H​elloBoi> i don't know [21-01-28 03:47] <09u​bqoral> #1 is not me [21-01-28 03:47] <09u​bqoral> i am #8 [21-01-28 03:47] <06s​inth orion> I usually consider myself an idiot when it comes to Python, but I'm not bees enough to write #1 [21-01-28 03:48] <04a​ rustian spy> I'm not even sure I could do that, unless I did. [21-01-28 03:48] <11L​yricLy> you are not #8. [21-01-28 03:48] <07b​örb ✨> I made #1 [21-01-28 03:48] <11L​yricLy> I confirmed this, or some shit. [21-01-28 03:48] <07b​örb ✨> I made #8 [21-01-28 03:48] <13P​alaiologos> @a rustian spy can we nuke the bridge in #bots [21-01-28 03:48] <11L​yricLy> I don't know what the fuck I'm doing. [21-01-28 03:48] <13P​alaiologos> it's spammy and useless [21-01-28 03:48] <04a​ rustian spy> Nope. [21-01-28 03:48] <04a​ rustian spy> That goes elsewhere. [21-01-28 03:48] <09u​bqoral> wdym [21-01-28 03:48] <04a​ rustian spy> And the bridge here was lyricized. [21-01-28 03:48] <07H​elloBoi> i can use alt+number to move around [21-01-28 03:48] <13P​alaiologos> at least nuke the enter/leave messages. [21-01-28 03:48] <07H​elloBoi> it's fun [21-01-28 03:48] <13P​alaiologos> ah, unfortunate. [21-01-28 03:49] <06s​inth orion> I wonder if #2 is Lyric trying to very terribly and stereotypically impersonate me [21-01-28 03:49] <04a​ rustian spy> It's up, but in reduced operation. [21-01-28 03:49] <13P​alaiologos> can you kill the join/exit messagexz [21-01-28 03:49] <11L​yricLy> #2? [21-01-28 03:49] <11L​yricLy> you? [21-01-28 03:49] <11L​yricLy> you wouldn't pull out types [21-01-28 03:49] <11L​yricLy> if I was trying to impersonate you, I wouldn't do such a shitty job [21-01-28 03:50] matt!~matt@058176100159.ctinets.com joins [21-01-28 03:50] <07b​örb ✨> I did also make #2, if anyone was wondering [21-01-28 03:50] <04a​ rustian spy> I set them to false. It's not been restarted yet. [21-01-28 03:50] hi [21-01-28 03:50] <11L​yricLy> shut the fuck up matt [21-01-28 03:50] <11L​yricLy> who the fuck are you [21-01-28 03:50] <09u​bqoral> lmao [21-01-28 03:50] <07H​elloBoi> @LyricLy i am [21-01-28 03:50] <06s​inth orion> Does Python have any kind of fatal errors that can't be caught? [21-01-28 03:50] <11L​yricLy> yes I know you are matt [21-01-28 03:50] <11L​yricLy> but who is matt [21-01-28 03:50] <11L​yricLy> you is matt matt is who? [21-01-28 03:50] <09u​bqoral> exit() [21-01-28 03:50] <11b​aidicoot> segfaults? [21-01-28 03:50] <07H​elloBoi> Segmentation fault [21-01-28 03:50] <07d​ammit quintopia> hmm i think the gag is finally stale. pls avoid it next round. [21-01-28 03:51] <11L​yricLy> Python does indeed have segfaults, but they're kind of an implementation detail. [21-01-28 03:51] <09u​bqoral> import os import signal def sig_handler(signum, frame): print("segfault") signal.signal(signal.SIGSEGV, sig_handler) os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGSEGV) while True: pass [21-01-28 03:51] gollark, why are there \u200s all over my terminal [21-01-28 03:51] <11L​yricLy> in that it's when the C interpreter fails and segfaults. [21-01-28 03:51] <11L​yricLy> it's not supposed to happen. [21-01-28 03:51] <09u​bqoral> ^ python can catch segfaults [21-01-28 03:51] <11L​yricLy> Python isn't supposed to have unrecoverable errors. [21-01-28 03:51] <11b​aidicoot> very stackoverflow [21-01-28 03:51] <07H​elloBoi> @a rustian spy fix ? [21-01-28 03:51] <09u​bqoral> yes [21-01-28 03:51] <11b​aidicoot> lol [21-01-28 03:51] <11b​aidicoot> I did the same [21-01-28 03:52] <04a​ rustian spy> Huh, maybe #15 is actually baidicoot. [21-01-28 03:52] <04a​ rustian spy> And olivia. [21-01-28 03:52] <07H​elloBoi> @a rustian spy i am using a 100% color and good terminal with irssi [21-01-28 03:52] <11b​aidicoot> considering I have ~0 idea what you are talking about, no. [21-01-28 03:52] <07b​örb ✨> The staler it is, the less likely people will believe me next round when I claim to have written (the number I actually wrote) [21-01-28 03:52] <07b​örb ✨> (re: the joke) [21-01-28 03:52] <06s​inth orion> Imo unrecoverable errors are a very bees concept anyway [21-01-28 03:52] <07H​elloBoi> why are there "\u200"s all over my terminal [21-01-28 03:52] <11L​yricLy> do you guys prefer peano arithmetic or church numerals [21-01-28 03:52] <11L​yricLy> for the untyped lambda calculus [21-01-28 03:52] <11L​yricLy> ? [21-01-28 03:52] <04a​ rustian spy> Code guessing contest, remember? [21-01-28 03:52] <07H​elloBoi> church [21-01-28 03:53] <11b​aidicoot> oh right [21-01-28 03:53] bee [21-01-28 03:53] <11b​aidicoot> [REDACTED] [21-01-28 03:53] <11L​yricLy> but church is bees? [21-01-28 03:53] <11L​yricLy> you cannot pattern match on it [21-01-28 03:53] <07H​elloBoi> @a rustian spy seriously [21-01-28 03:53] <07H​elloBoi> why are there \u200 [21-01-28 03:53] <07H​elloBoi> all ove r my teerminal [21-01-28 03:53] <06s​inth orion> Can you briefly give the definition for 0 and 1 in both? [21-01-28 03:53] <04a​ rustian spy> Don't know. [21-01-28 03:53] <07d​ammit quintopia> it is nice to code in tho [21-01-28 03:54] osmarks_!~osmarks@host86-155-86-113.range86-155.btcentralplus.com joins [21-01-28 03:54] <11L​yricLy> uhm [21-01-28 03:54] <07H​elloBoi> @a rustian spy how does it look on your side? [21-01-28 03:54] <06s​inth orion> Can't remember how peano works in lc [21-01-28 03:54] <04a​ rustian spy> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804288250910343178/2021-01-28-095417_1366x723_scrot.png [21-01-28 03:54] <07H​elloBoi> Chruhc nurml [21-01-28 03:54] gollark!~osmarks@2a00:23c7:541d:6600:27e:9bb0:e819:1fb6 quits [21-01-28 03:54] <07H​elloBoi> @a rustian spy non-hexchat [21-01-28 03:54] <07H​elloBoi> irssi [21-01-28 03:54] <07H​elloBoi> @a rustian spy [21-01-28 03:54] osmarks___!~osmarks@host86-155-86-113.range86-155.btcentralplus.com joins [21-01-28 03:55] lyricly i will consume 4 bees [21-01-28 03:55] All is to become bees. [21-01-28 03:55] <06s​inth orion> Iirc Church is: 0: \f.\x. x 1: \f.\x. f x [21-01-28 03:55] <11L​yricLy> church \f. \x. x = 0 \f \x. f x = 1 peano \z. \s. z = 0 \z. \s. s (\z. \s. z) = 1 [21-01-28 03:55] who is sbinth orion [21-01-28 03:55] <11L​yricLy> I think that is correct [21-01-28 03:55] <11L​yricLy> @baidicoot please confirm [21-01-28 03:55] <11L​yricLy> that I did it right [21-01-28 03:55] osmarks___!~osmarks@host86-155-86-113.range86-155.btcentralplus.com quits [21-01-28 03:55] <04a​ rustian spy> See? Colors. [21-01-28 03:55] <04a​ rustian spy> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804288514405564477/screenshot-09_55_07-28_01_2021.png [21-01-28 03:55] <04a​ rustian spy> Colors. [21-01-28 03:55] <04a​ rustian spy> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804288545077592094/screenshot-09_55_07-28_01_2021.png [21-01-28 03:55] <04a​ rustian spy> They exist. [21-01-28 03:55] <04a​ rustian spy> Bees. [21-01-28 03:55] <11L​yricLy> did I do it right [21-01-28 03:55] <11L​yricLy> BIAIDCOOT [21-01-28 03:55] <11L​yricLy> BAIADI AID I IAD [21-01-28 03:55] <04a​ rustian spy> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804288580683825202/screenshot-09_55_07-28_01_2021.png [21-01-28 03:55] <11b​aidicoot> yes [21-01-28 03:55] <11L​yricLy> BAIDICOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoo(t) [21-01-28 03:55] <11b​aidicoot> jesus [21-01-28 03:55] <06s​inth orion> sinth is me [21-01-28 03:55] <04a​ rustian spy> Sorry, network issues. [21-01-28 03:55] <07H​elloBoi> @a rustian spy me to but for some reason bees occur [21-01-28 03:55] <11L​yricLy> thank god [21-01-28 03:55] sbinth orion [21-01-28 03:56] <11L​yricLy> I thought I had turned into a bee [21-01-28 03:56] <04a​ rustian spy> You have. [21-01-28 03:56] <11L​yricLy> it was distressing [21-01-28 03:56] <11L​yricLy> to me [21-01-28 03:56] <11L​yricLy> WHAT [21-01-28 03:56] <06s​inth orion> No 🐝 allowed in my name [21-01-28 03:56] <04a​ rustian spy> We used apifiers on you yesterday. [21-01-28 03:56] there are colors; but for some reason \u200 is displayed [21-01-28 03:56] <11L​yricLy> wait [21-01-28 03:56] you can't send the bee [21-01-28 03:56] <11L​yricLy> how do you turn arbitrary case expressions into [21-01-28 03:56] <11L​yricLy> into lambda calculus lus lu ? [21-01-28 03:56] <11L​yricLy> untrpyt [21-01-28 03:56] <11L​yricLy> untyped [21-01-28 03:56] <11L​yricLy> because like [21-01-28 03:56] <11L​yricLy> if it's just [21-01-28 03:56] <11L​yricLy> one later [21-01-28 03:56] <11L​yricLy> it's easy [21-01-28 03:56] <11L​yricLy> but what about when it becomes nested ? [21-01-28 03:57] <11L​yricLy> I guess you can simplify™️ beforehand to only one-layer [21-01-28 03:57] <11L​yricLy> and then do oi OSD " [21-01-28 03:57] <11b​aidicoot> ^ [21-01-28 03:58] <13P​alaiologos> @sinth orion i have a question [21-01-28 03:58] <07H​elloBoi> hey [21-01-28 03:58] <11b​aidicoot> most compilers/interpreters/theories compile nested patterns into multiple case expressions [21-01-28 03:58] <07H​elloBoi> where is my /etc/sudoers file [21-01-28 03:58] <11b​aidicoot> even coq does it [21-01-28 03:58] <13P​alaiologos> if i have einander and you like append mit and von and other stuff to it [21-01-28 03:58] <13P​alaiologos> you append it according to rection right [21-01-28 03:58] <13P​alaiologos> or something, what if the verb doesn't have it [21-01-28 03:59] <07H​elloBoi> bruh [21-01-28 03:59] <07H​elloBoi> why does this tutorial tell you to install nano before doing anything [21-01-28 03:59] <07H​elloBoi> on freebsd [21-01-28 03:59] <07H​elloBoi> it has ee [21-01-28 04:00] such strange problem [21-01-28 04:00] the \u200 [21-01-28 04:03] when the [21-01-28 04:03] <07H​elloBoi> @LyricLy are you ? [21-01-28 04:03] matt!~matt@058176100159.ctinets.com quits [21-01-28 04:05] matt!~matt@058176100159.ctinets.com joins [21-01-28 04:05] hi [21-01-28 04:06] <13P​alaiologos> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804291256863555594/unknown.png [21-01-28 04:06] <13P​alaiologos> mfw linux is windows [21-01-28 04:06] <11L​yricLy> lol [21-01-28 04:06] <07H​elloBoi> @Palaiologos why you not using dee double you em or tee double you em ? [21-01-28 04:07] <07H​elloBoi> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804291588599316500/test.png [21-01-28 04:09] <07H​elloBoi> test [21-01-28 04:09] <07H​elloBoi> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804292074690052106/test.png [21-01-28 04:09] <07H​elloBoi> oh it works [21-01-28 04:10] <07H​elloBoi> @Palaiologos does it look nice ? [21-01-28 04:10] <07H​elloBoi> @LyricLy does it look nice ? [21-01-28 04:10] bee [21-01-28 04:11] no [21-01-28 04:11] <07H​elloBoi> no [21-01-28 04:16] <06s​inth orion> what is rection? [21-01-28 04:17] <07H​elloBoi> when the [21-01-28 04:17] <07H​elloBoi> @sporeball are you here [21-01-28 04:17] <06s​inth orion> I'm not sure if there's actually formal rules about that. "miteinander", "voneinander" etc are often considered words in their own right. [21-01-28 04:17] I have submitted my guesses. [21-01-28 04:17] such amazing [21-01-28 04:17] Sadly, I'm not as confident as LyricLy. We can all hope to be as socially wondrous as he is. [21-01-28 04:17] osmarks_, are you the real os marks [21-01-28 04:17] <06s​inth orion> a bit like "cannot" in English [21-01-28 04:18] Yep! [21-01-28 04:18] I can... log in? [21-01-28 04:18] <06s​inth orion> though unlike English "mit einander" would sound weird [21-01-28 04:18] <13P​alaiologos> rektion [21-01-28 04:18] Hmm, it did not give me any magic apiopowers to do this?! [21-01-28 04:18] <13P​alaiologos> is it the german word [21-01-28 04:18] Palaiologos, look at this message [21-01-28 04:19] <06s​inth orion> never heard that term either tbh 😅 [21-01-28 04:19] <06s​inth orion> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Case_government interesting [21-01-28 04:20] <07H​elloBoi> @sinth orion @Palaiologos @baidicoot @a rustian spy skribbl? [21-01-28 04:20] matt [21-01-28 04:20] <04a​ rustian spy> Nope. This is only for purposes. [21-01-28 04:21] <13P​alaiologos> https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rektion [21-01-28 04:21] <13P​alaiologos> @sinth orion [21-01-28 04:21] <07H​elloBoi> @Palaiologos skribbl? [21-01-28 04:22] <13P​alaiologos> this thing [21-01-28 04:23] <07H​elloBoi> @/dev/rwd0c i got freebsd setup good [21-01-28 04:23] <08/​dev/rwd0c> conglutarlueroinos [21-01-28 04:23] <07H​elloBoi> ocg; [21-01-28 04:23] <07H​elloBoi> i now use 2 suck less soft ware [21-01-28 04:24] <07H​elloBoi> https://skribbl.io/?VxoPsrxs8wXh [21-01-28 04:25] <07H​elloBoi> @Palaiologos @LyricLy @sinth orion [21-01-28 04:25] <07H​elloBoi> join [21-01-28 04:25] h [21-01-28 04:25] <07H​elloBoi> @sinth orion @LyricLy join [21-01-28 04:25] lyricly, join [21-01-28 04:25] <07H​elloBoi> join [21-01-28 04:26] <07H​elloBoi> @Symbiopsychotaxiplasm join [21-01-28 04:26] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> ok [21-01-28 04:26] olivia, join [21-01-28 04:27] <06s​inth orion> @HelloBoi please don't ping me for scribbl [21-01-28 04:27] <07H​elloBoi> : rage : [21-01-28 04:27] <06s​inth orion> also have a pretty busy work day ahead [21-01-28 04:27] <06s​inth orion> sorry [21-01-28 04:27] <07H​elloBoi> ok [21-01-28 04:27] <07H​elloBoi> hmm [21-01-28 04:27] <07H​elloBoi> joining [21-01-28 04:27] <07H​elloBoi> is to occur [21-01-28 04:29] <07H​elloBoi> @Symbiopsychotaxiplasm join [21-01-28 04:29] <07H​elloBoi> @Palaiologos join [21-01-28 04:29] <13P​alaiologos> stop [21-01-28 04:29] <13P​alaiologos> pinging me [21-01-28 04:29] <07H​elloBoi> ok [21-01-28 04:29] <06s​inth orion> our business partners want a zoom meeting with me personally 😓 [21-01-28 04:29] <06s​inth orion> I've never used zoom before [21-01-28 04:29] <06s​inth orion> I'm not a fucking zoomer [21-01-28 04:29] <07H​elloBoi> @Spo0ok join [21-01-28 04:30] <07H​elloBoi> @ubqoral @ubqoral join [21-01-28 04:30] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> nice [21-01-28 04:30] <06s​inth orion> I get the feeling HaskelloBoi is bored and desperate to change this [21-01-28 04:30] <11L​yricLy> HaskelloBoi [21-01-28 04:30] <11L​yricLy> hm [21-01-28 04:30] <07H​elloBoi> @LyricLy join [21-01-28 04:30] <11L​yricLy> 7 and a half hours remain [21-01-28 04:31] <11L​yricLy> no thank you [21-01-28 04:31] <11L​yricLy> until the end [21-01-28 04:31] <07H​elloBoi> hmm [21-01-28 04:31] <07H​elloBoi> there are zero players [21-01-28 04:31] <07H​elloBoi> ok nvm [21-01-28 04:31] <07H​elloBoi> oh yeah [21-01-28 04:31] <07H​elloBoi> i forgot what i wanted to install [21-01-28 04:31] <07H​elloBoi> oh yeah [21-01-28 04:31] <07H​elloBoi> snake [21-01-28 04:32] <07H​elloBoi> bye [21-01-28 04:32] matt!~matt@058176100159.ctinets.com quits [21-01-28 04:33] matt!~matt@058176100159.ctinets.com joins [21-01-28 04:33] hi [21-01-28 04:34] matt!~matt@058176100159.ctinets.com quits [21-01-28 04:34] <13P​alaiologos> ⍥⍵⍥ [21-01-28 04:36] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> ○⍵○ [21-01-28 04:36] <08/​dev/rwd0c> ΩωΩ [21-01-28 04:36] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> ⍴⍵⍴ [21-01-28 04:37] <13P​alaiologos> ∧.∧ [21-01-28 04:37] <08/​dev/rwd0c> •.• [21-01-28 04:37] <13P​alaiologos> ⍟⍵⍟ [21-01-28 04:39] matt!~matt@058176100159.ctinets.com joins [21-01-28 04:39] hi [21-01-28 04:40] <06s​inth orion> ?remind 2d you promised quintopia to explain hashlife [21-01-28 04:40] <06R​. Danny> Alright @sinth orion, in 2 days: you promised quintopia to explain hashlife [21-01-28 04:40] <06s​inth orion> oh shit the guesses [21-01-28 04:40] <06s​inth orion> guess I should get out the RNG now [21-01-28 04:44] <07H​elloBoi> let's see what this network car dcan do [21-01-28 04:44] <11L​yricLy> >RNG [21-01-28 04:44] <11L​yricLy> fool. [21-01-28 04:44] <08/​dev/rwd0c> net work [21-01-28 04:44] <11L​yricLy> ugh [21-01-28 04:44] <11L​yricLy> headache and tiredness [21-01-28 04:44] <11L​yricLy> this will impact my ability to stay up until 7AM [21-01-28 04:44] <11L​yricLy> which is 7 hours from now [21-01-28 04:44] <07H​elloBoi> hmm [21-01-28 04:45] <07H​elloBoi> it immediately destroyed my laptop [21-01-28 04:45] <07H​elloBoi> ¯_(ツ)_/¯ [21-01-28 04:45] <07H​elloBoi> oh no [21-01-28 04:47] <04a​ rustian spy> Maybe I should deploy apiohypnoforms against LyricLy. [21-01-28 04:47] <11L​yricLy> I'll block those. [21-01-28 04:48] <04a​ rustian spy> Again, LyricTech can't practically do this. [21-01-28 04:48] <07H​elloBoi> d [21-01-28 04:48] <04a​ rustian spy> What with your company's poor understanding of apiodynamic theory. [21-01-28 04:48] <11L​yricLy> try me, bitch. [21-01-28 04:49] <04a​ rustian spy> Your company clearly has a poor understanding of apiodynamic theory, given your stated apinator technologies. [21-01-28 04:50] <11L​yricLy> you're not gonna hit me with any apiohypnoforms. [21-01-28 04:50] <11L​yricLy> ever. [21-01-28 04:50] <11L​yricLy> my defensive game is on point. [21-01-28 04:50] <04a​ rustian spy> I'm sure you'd like to think so. [21-01-28 04:50] <11L​yricLy> come the fuck at me you weak bitch. [21-01-28 04:50] <04a​ rustian spy> It is "on point", if that point were composed of bees hurtling toward Mercury at 17.4km/s. [21-01-28 04:50] <13P​alaiologos> how can bees travel in the void [21-01-28 04:51] <04a​ rustian spy> We had space-adapted bees for ages. [21-01-28 04:51] <13P​alaiologos> 1st law of dynamics, probably [21-01-28 04:51] <07H​elloBoi> h [21-01-28 04:51] <04a​ rustian spy> They can use laser launch, solar sails, fusion drives, mass drivers, tons of stuff. [21-01-28 04:51] <13P​alaiologos> can someone tell me why bees are a meme [21-01-28 04:51] <13P​alaiologos> and how did it evolve [21-01-28 04:51] <13P​alaiologos> :bees: [21-01-28 04:51] <04a​ rustian spy> I could, but no. [21-01-28 04:51] <13P​alaiologos> it literally appeared out of nowhere [21-01-28 04:51] <04a​ rustian spy> Not really. [21-01-28 04:52] baidicoot!~baidicoot@cpc88373-newc19-2-0-cust1592.16-2.cable.virginm.net quits [21-01-28 04:52] <07d​ammit quintopia> yes. i was told once. it wasn't that interesting. [21-01-28 04:52] <04a​ rustian spy> ?urban apioform [21-01-28 04:52] <13P​alaiologos> first memetic bee reference is 10/2019 [21-01-28 04:52] <13P​alaiologos> and i was a server member back then [21-01-28 04:52] <04a​ rustian spy> It really took off around April. [21-01-28 04:52] <11L​yricLy> gollark peddled it until it stuck [21-01-28 04:53] <04a​ rustian spy> Not exactly. [21-01-28 04:53] <11L​yricLy> kind of disappointing, I prefer more natural affairs [21-01-28 04:53] <11L​yricLy> but oh well. [21-01-28 04:53] <04a​ rustian spy> Besides, we tried that with other stuff and it failed. [21-01-28 04:53] <04a​ rustian spy> Bees are just special. [21-01-28 04:53] <13P​alaiologos> yes [21-01-28 04:53] <11L​yricLy> perhaps. [21-01-28 04:53] <07d​ammit quintopia> if it works it works [21-01-28 04:53] <11L​yricLy> also, I can do surgery on bees. [21-01-28 04:53] <07d​ammit quintopia> certainly more interesting than the GTech thing [21-01-28 05:00] <06s​inth orion> Rapid Neural-network Guessing engine, obviously [21-01-28 05:00] <04a​ rustian spy> We use emulated-palaiologos neural networks for this. [21-01-28 05:00] <06s​inth orion> implying logos could guess everything accurately [21-01-28 05:01] <04a​ rustian spy> 506 palaiologoseseses are networked together into a vast hive mind. [21-01-28 05:02] <07H​elloBoi> hmm [21-01-28 05:02] <07H​elloBoi> what should i do now [21-01-28 05:02] <07d​ammit quintopia> bsd games [21-01-28 05:03] <06s​inth orion> hunt the wumpus [21-01-28 05:03] <07H​elloBoi> i need to program [21-01-28 05:03] <07H​elloBoi> something [21-01-28 05:03] <07H​elloBoi> but what [21-01-28 05:03] <04a​ rustian spy> Well, I need a monitoring thing for osmarks.net. [21-01-28 05:03] <06s​inth orion> an AI that can guess code submissions [21-01-28 05:04] <04a​ rustian spy> 1247 cryoapiaries. [21-01-28 05:05] <07H​elloBoi> when the [21-01-28 05:05] <11L​yricLy> idea: hunt the wumpus 2 [21-01-28 05:06] <07H​elloBoi> idea : gollark chat bot [21-01-28 05:06] <07H​elloBoi> @a rustian spy [21-01-28 05:07] <07H​elloBoi> thisi s a very good idea [21-01-28 05:07] <04a​ rustian spy> Yes, good idea. [21-01-28 05:07] <07H​elloBoi> @a rustian spy it needs to talk about one topic only [21-01-28 05:07] <07H​elloBoi> so that it will be better [21-01-28 05:08] <07H​elloBoi> what would that topic be ? @a rustian spy [21-01-28 05:08] <04a​ rustian spy> Hmm. Interesting question. I suppose it has to be something for which you have MUCH data. [21-01-28 05:09] <07H​elloBoi> who needs data when you have ELIZA-type chatbots @a rustian spy [21-01-28 05:09] <07H​elloBoi> ohh [21-01-28 05:09] <07H​elloBoi> so that's what it's called [21-01-28 05:09] <07H​elloBoi> DOS shell [21-01-28 05:10] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> isn;t ELIZA like [21-01-28 05:10] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> QBASIC are stuff [21-01-28 05:11] <07H​elloBoi> @Symbiopsychotaxiplasm it goes way back [21-01-28 05:11] <07H​elloBoi> ddg!w ELIZA [21-01-28 05:11] <04D​DGBot> @HelloBoi: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ELIZA [21-01-28 05:12] <07H​elloBoi> @Symbiopsychotaxiplasm see above [21-01-28 05:12] <07H​elloBoi> very old [21-01-28 05:13] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> ok [21-01-28 05:14] <11L​yricLy> ELIZA is the past [21-01-28 05:14] <11L​yricLy> AZILE is now [21-01-28 05:14] <07H​elloBoi> @LyricLy z [21-01-28 05:17] <07H​elloBoi> @/dev/rwd0c how do i switch the url in surf [21-01-28 05:23] <08/​dev/rwd0c> ctrl-g [21-01-28 05:23] <08/​dev/rwd0c> i think [21-01-28 05:24] <07H​elloBoi> thanks [21-01-28 05:27] <08/​dev/rwd0c> i have procured a hdd that will fit into thinkpad [21-01-28 05:27] <07H​elloBoi> wonderful @/dev/rwd0c [21-01-28 05:28] <07H​elloBoi> send more updates [21-01-28 05:28] <07H​elloBoi> techonlgo gy [21-01-28 05:28] <08/​dev/rwd0c> wow it actually fittted in really nicely [21-01-28 05:28] <08/​dev/rwd0c> hopefully i didn't fuck up the slot by trying to force in one that was too larg [21-01-28 05:30] <07H​elloBoi> the [21-01-28 05:30] <08/​dev/rwd0c> yay, pad of thinkdng [21-01-28 05:30] <08/​dev/rwd0c> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804312535020601355/IMG_20210128_113029.jpg [21-01-28 05:31] <04a​ rustian spy> It appears that I MAY have to implement my own monitoring system using bees. [21-01-28 05:32] <08/​dev/rwd0c> The default value of settings below are changed accordingly. Select "Enabled" to meet Microsoft(R) Windows 8 (R) Certification Requirement. [21-01-28 05:32] <11L​yricLy> whatever that means [21-01-28 05:32] <04a​ rustian spy> Perhaps I can integrate this with osmarksrobots/ [21-01-28 05:32] <11L​yricLy> if I get 100% of my guesses wrong I'll leave Esolangs for a few days [21-01-28 05:33] <11χ​άος> Thinkpad gang? [21-01-28 05:33] <11χ​άος> G🅰️🆖 G🅰️🆖 🤙🤙 [21-01-28 05:33] <04a​ rustian spy> Even if you picked randomly this would be quite unlikely. [21-01-28 05:33] <07b​örb ✨> The pad of thinking is like a bag of holding but it's a pad and it's for thinking [21-01-28 05:33] <08/​dev/rwd0c> yes [21-01-28 05:33] <04a​ rustian spy> 36%, apparently. [21-01-28 05:33] <07b​örb ✨> okay enough terraria for now [21-01-28 05:34] <04a​ rustian spy> I ASSUME you are not picking UTTERLY randomfully. [21-01-28 05:34] <08/​dev/rwd0c> the [21-01-28 05:34] <08/​dev/rwd0c> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804313370601193552/unknown.png [21-01-28 05:34] <11χ​άος> Gamer moment [21-01-28 05:34] <04a​ rustian spy> Anyway, the rust serverwatch program would be nice but I can't compile it so I'm just going to make my own in nim. [21-01-28 05:34] <04a​ rustian spy> It shall be called "onstat". [21-01-28 05:34] <06s​inth orion> a bit extreme, don't you think? [21-01-28 05:35] <04a​ rustian spy> No. It's not likely. [21-01-28 05:35] <08/​dev/rwd0c> osmarks nim stats? [21-01-28 05:35] <07b​örb ✨> lyric please guess me correctly 🥺 [21-01-28 05:35] <06s​inth orion> Esolang leaving is NOT to occur [21-01-28 05:35] <08/​dev/rwd0c> tf is a "Security Chip" [21-01-28 05:35] <08/​dev/rwd0c> is this some intel bullshit [21-01-28 05:35] <04a​ rustian spy> Huh, that's a good retroactive justification. [21-01-28 05:35] <11χ​άος> IME? [21-01-28 05:36] <11L​yricLy> I am very unsure if I'm guessing Olivia correctly [21-01-28 05:36] <08/​dev/rwd0c> i think that was in a different section [21-01-28 05:36] <08/​dev/rwd0c> but maybe [21-01-28 05:36] <07H​elloBoi> ! [21-01-28 05:36] <07H​elloBoi> bees detected [21-01-28 05:36] <07b​örb ✨> as long as you guess #13 you're right [21-01-28 05:36] <04a​ rustian spy> No, you're sure about everyone, you said. [21-01-28 05:36] <08/​dev/rwd0c> ahh, it's TPM apparently [21-01-28 05:37] <08/​dev/rwd0c> i guess i'll leave that on then [21-01-28 05:37] <07b​örb ✨> haha i'm looking back at my entry and am regretting [21-01-28 05:37] <08/​dev/rwd0c> these bios defaults are the least shit i've seen [21-01-28 05:37] <07H​elloBoi> very [21-01-28 05:37] <07H​elloBoi> good [21-01-28 05:37] <07H​elloBoi> i am go now [21-01-28 05:37] <07H​elloBoi> bye [21-01-28 05:37] <11χ​άος> I had to disable like half the stuff [21-01-28 05:37] <11χ​άος> @/dev/rwd0c is this a new computer? [21-01-28 05:37] <08/​dev/rwd0c> intel me is as little as it can be, virtualisation is on, etc [21-01-28 05:37] <07H​elloBoi> no [21-01-28 05:37] <04a​ rustian spy> Ugh, by the cryoapioforms, I would have to either shell out to ping or have onstat run as root to do ICMP pings of things. [21-01-28 05:37] <07H​elloBoi> old ocmuter [21-01-28 05:37] <08/​dev/rwd0c> no it's an x230 lol [21-01-28 05:38] <08/​dev/rwd0c> i reset stuff though [21-01-28 05:38] <11χ​άος> I want to get myself a real cheap secondary laptop [21-01-28 05:38] <08/​dev/rwd0c> i could reflash it to coreboot or something if i really cared, but i'm not going to [21-01-28 05:38] <07H​elloBoi> @/dev/rwd0c freebsd good [21-01-28 05:38] <06s​inth orion> I am definitely going to guess Olivia correctly [21-01-28 05:38] <06s​inth orion> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804314496494731285/unknown.png [21-01-28 05:38] <06s​inth orion> watch me getting 18 points [21-01-28 05:38] <07b​örb ✨> thank you [21-01-28 05:38] <07H​elloBoi> bye bye [21-01-28 05:38] <04a​ rustian spy> But I did #15! [21-01-28 05:39] <07b​örb ✨> though this technically goes against the rules of the game [21-01-28 05:39] <07b​örb ✨> but [21-01-28 05:39] <04a​ rustian spy> Not #15, #15!. [21-01-28 05:39] <07b​örb ✨> go [21-01-28 05:39] <07b​örb ✨> do it [21-01-28 05:39] <11χ​άος> There are not near enough for that to be true thinking [21-01-28 05:39] <04a​ rustian spy> I wrote entry 1307674368000, bee. [21-01-28 05:40] <06s​inth orion> I wrote entries 2019-2021 [21-01-28 05:40] <06s​inth orion> my program is a virus [21-01-28 05:41] <04a​ rustian spy> That could be fun. I wonder if there's a way to overwrite other people's submissions. [21-01-28 05:42] <06s​inth orion> don't spoil my plans for next round 😡 [21-01-28 05:54] <11L​yricLy> phew [21-01-28 05:55] <11L​yricLy> only 6 hours remain [21-01-28 05:55] <11L​yricLy> that last hour went by in a flash [21-01-28 06:00] <07b​örb ✨> i did #6 [21-01-28 06:10] <06s​inth orion> no I [21-01-28 06:13] <09u​bqoral> there isn't, the docker container only contains one submission at a time [21-01-28 06:17] <13P​alaiologos> > At the first of the three universities he claims to have been thrown out of, Whitney’s class was given an assignment: write a program that will print the most successive prime numbers possible with limited CPU time and limited green-striped paper. (Yes, that long ago.) His solution won by a handsome margin and was disqualified on two counts. In the first place he had ignored everything the class had been taught about modularisation and [21-01-28 06:17] code re-use. He just wrote code optimised to solve one problem spectacularly fast. He had also noticed the problem did not specify printing spaces between the primes. The printouts were a sea of ink. And his code looked like woodgrain. [21-01-28 06:17] <13P​alaiologos> @gnobody lol [21-01-28 06:19] <04a​ rustian spy> I continue to write onstat™ by osmarks.net™ apiometrics. This is ONLY for purposes. [21-01-28 06:19] <04a​ rustian spy> I'm using nim as it is fairly okay. [21-01-28 06:20] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> lmao [21-01-28 06:20] <04a​ rustian spy> Whom is Whitney? [21-01-28 06:20] <06s​inth orion> idk why you'd disqualify a solution for not following code reuse and modularisation guidelines, but that output thing is :bees: [21-01-28 06:20] <04a​ rustian spy> It's technically compliant. [21-01-28 06:20] <06s​inth orion> some famous FP programmer I guess [21-01-28 06:20] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> Arthurt whitney I think [21-01-28 06:20] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> creator of K [21-01-28 06:20] <04a​ rustian spy> I see. [21-01-28 06:28] <04a​ rustian spy> @/dev/rwd0c I require nimological advice: how do I have a global variable read by multiple threads? [21-01-28 06:28] <04a​ rustian spy> I only need it to be read by multiple threads. [21-01-28 06:28] <08/​dev/rwd0c> aha [21-01-28 06:29] <04a​ rustian spy> Oh, is this not doable without horrible suffering? [21-01-28 06:29] <08/​dev/rwd0c> circumventing nim's memory model is my area [21-01-28 06:29] <13P​alaiologos> lmao [21-01-28 06:29] <04a​ rustian spy> I found out that for this I could just use the const keyword so never mind æææ. [21-01-28 06:29] <08/​dev/rwd0c> (if you just want it to be read i think there are ways) [21-01-28 06:29] <08/​dev/rwd0c> ah [21-01-28 06:29] <08/​dev/rwd0c> sad [21-01-28 06:30] <04a​ rustian spy> I do need to have a database connection in each thread also. [21-01-28 06:30] <13P​alaiologos> just make a const variable and use evil hacks to write it at the runtime. [21-01-28 06:30] <04a​ rustian spy> No. [21-01-28 06:30] <08/​dev/rwd0c> no allocSharedUnsafe today :( [21-01-28 06:30] <13P​alaiologos> idea: rewrite in C [21-01-28 06:31] <04a​ rustian spy> Yes, because writing an asynchronous webapp in C would be so safe and easy. [21-01-28 06:31] <04a​ rustian spy> I mean, it doesn't actually need to be async, but it's nice. [21-01-28 06:31] <08/​dev/rwd0c> uh [21-01-28 06:32] <08/​dev/rwd0c> that will be a massive amount of bees [21-01-28 06:32] <04a​ rustian spy> Nope, I think I have a solution. [21-01-28 06:32] <04a​ rustian spy> I have a threadvar for each thread's DB connection and a function to get it. [21-01-28 06:32] <08/​dev/rwd0c> oh, i thought you were talking about sharing a connection across threads [21-01-28 06:33] <04a​ rustian spy> Nope, this is probably fine. [21-01-28 06:33] <04a​ rustian spy> One per thread is likely sort of better ish slightly anyway. [21-01-28 06:33] <08/​dev/rwd0c> yes [21-01-28 06:33] <08/​dev/rwd0c> because it is not going to bees you [21-01-28 06:33] <04a​ rustian spy> nim import options import asyncdispatch import httpx import tiny_sqlite import macros import karax/[karaxdsl, vdom] import ./db macro includeFile(x: string): string = newStrLitNode(readFile(x.strVal)) const css = includeFile("./src/style.css") let database = openDatabase("./monitoring.sqlite3") migrate(database) var threadDB {.threadvar.}: Option[DbConn] proc openDB(): DbConn = if isNone threadDB: threadDB = some [21-01-28 06:33] openDatabase("./monitoring.sqlite3") get threadDB proc mainPage(): string = let vnode = buildHtml(html()): head: style: text css text "Bee deployed" $vnode proc onRequest(req: Request) {.async.} = if req.httpMethod == some(HttpGet): case req.path.get() of "/": req.send(body=mainPage(), code=Http200, headers="Content-Type: text/html") else: req.send(Http404) else: [21-01-28 06:33] req.send(Http404) echo "Starting up" run(onRequest, initSettings(Port(7800), "", 0)) This is what I have so far. [21-01-28 06:34] <04a​ rustian spy> I only need something like two routes so a full web framework is overkill. [21-01-28 06:35] <04a​ rustian spy> It compiles in reasonable time and makes a 600KB binary in debug mode which is much nicer than equivalent Rust. [21-01-28 06:36] <08/​dev/rwd0c> looks okay but you should do more accursed threading things and have a load of random {.importc.} functions that you call without wrappers [21-01-28 06:36] <04a​ rustian spy> Thus, praise Rust Ferris Nim? [21-01-28 06:36] <04a​ rustian spy> Oh, minoteaur actually has that (not the threading bit) in its Markdown parsing code. [21-01-28 06:37] <04a​ rustian spy> It has to directly manipulate AST nodes in cmark. [21-01-28 06:37] <08/​dev/rwd0c> use a preprocessor that randomly adds calls to GC_ref [21-01-28 06:37] <04a​ rustian spy> I think it might technically slightly violate some garbage collector invariants. [21-01-28 06:39] <07b​örb ✨> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804329701518082088/image0.jpg [21-01-28 06:39] <07b​örb ✨> pretend the MMM says NIM [21-01-28 06:43] <03S​po0ok> Hello boi i am sorry i am time zone :( [21-01-28 06:45] <11L​yricLy> 5 hours and 15 minutes [21-01-28 06:45] <08/​dev/rwd0c> damn is this the effects of nim [21-01-28 06:45] <08/​dev/rwd0c> ill have to start writing more [21-01-28 06:45] <11L​yricLy> hahahahaha [21-01-28 06:46] <11L​yricLy> person of culture over here [21-01-28 06:46] <11L​yricLy> right on, gibson [21-01-28 06:48] <08/​dev/rwd0c> thonkpad works [21-01-28 06:52] <04a​ rustian spy> Do you think it's reasonable to make the osmarks.net™ statusthingy™ poll every 60 seconds? [21-01-28 06:52] <11L​yricLy> the what? [21-01-28 06:52] <08/​dev/rwd0c> i mean, things like that should be configurable [21-01-28 06:53] <08/​dev/rwd0c> holy shit syspatch runs so fast now, [21-01-28 06:53] <08/​dev/rwd0c> this is actually usable [21-01-28 06:53] <04a​ rustian spy> It will be a highly advanced thing which monitors osmarks.net™ for explodingness. [21-01-28 06:53] <04a​ rustian spy> From ubq's VPS. [21-01-28 06:53] <04a​ rustian spy> Probably other stuff. [21-01-28 06:53] <08/​dev/rwd0c> i can boot with library_aslr on without having to wait for longtime™️ [21-01-28 06:54] <08/​dev/rwd0c> i can shut the lid of the laptop without condemning it to run out of power before it finishes suspending [21-01-28 06:55] <11L​yricLy> wtf kind of shitty situation was it before [21-01-28 06:55] <11L​yricLy> that sounds ridiculous [21-01-28 06:56] <08/​dev/rwd0c> it was running using a very terrible usb stick as the drive for everything [21-01-28 06:57] <11L​yricLy> jesus christ [21-01-28 06:57] <08/​dev/rwd0c> maximum of 500 KB/s read or write [21-01-28 06:58] <11b​aidicoot> can someone check github? [21-01-28 06:58] <11L​yricLy> what about it [21-01-28 06:58] <11L​yricLy> it isn't down [21-01-28 06:59] <11b​aidicoot> weird. [21-01-28 06:59] <11b​aidicoot> for some reason im timing out [21-01-28 06:59] <11L​yricLy> guessed that might be your question since someone asked that on dpy before [21-01-28 06:59] <11L​yricLy> so there probably is some sort of issue [21-01-28 06:59] <11b​aidicoot> wait no it pings fine [21-01-28 06:59] <11b​aidicoot> strange [21-01-28 07:00] <07b​örb ✨> u w u [21-01-28 07:01] <11b​aidicoot> lol [21-01-28 07:16] <13P​alaiologos> works for me [21-01-28 07:17] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> works here [21-01-28 07:22] <11b​aidicoot> intreguing [21-01-28 07:28] <11L​yricLy> just checked with them and they're also in the UK [21-01-28 07:28] <11L​yricLy> may be regional, how is it for Gibson? [21-01-28 07:28] <08/​dev/rwd0c> fine [21-01-28 07:28] <11L​yricLy> hmmg [21-01-28 07:28] <11L​yricLy> gollark? [21-01-28 07:29] <13P​alaiologos> bad [21-01-28 07:29] <11L​yricLy> lol [21-01-28 07:30] <04a​ rustian spy> GitHub works for me! [21-01-28 07:30] <11b​aidicoot> amazing [21-01-28 07:33] <04a​ rustian spy> This is odd, there appears to sometimes be an additional delay of exactly 1 second when HTTP requests are HTTP-requesting. [21-01-28 07:35] <11b​aidicoot> that is... unexpected. [21-01-28 07:38] <11L​yricLy> exactly, huh [21-01-28 07:38] <11L​yricLy> have you investigated the possibility of influence from SinthTech? [21-01-28 07:44] <09u​bqoral> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804346106020495390/unknown.png [21-01-28 07:44] <09u​bqoral> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804346137255346186/unknown.png [21-01-28 07:47] ffbm!~a@ quits [21-01-28 07:47] <11L​yricLy> @baidicoot [21-01-28 07:47] <11L​yricLy> what's your ISP [21-01-28 07:48] <11L​yricLy> 4 hours and 10 minutes by the way [21-01-28 07:48] <11L​yricLy> this is HYPE [21-01-28 07:49] <11L​yricLy> baidicoot [21-01-28 07:49] <11L​yricLy> they're dead [21-01-28 07:49] <11L​yricLy> guck [21-01-28 07:49] <11b​aidicoot> what are? [21-01-28 07:49] <11b​aidicoot> who's dead? [21-01-28 07:49] <11L​yricLy> you [21-01-28 07:49] <11L​yricLy> what's your ISP [21-01-28 07:49] <11b​aidicoot> oh [21-01-28 07:49] <11b​aidicoot> ok [21-01-28 07:50] <11L​yricLy> oi [21-01-28 07:50] <11L​yricLy> I'm doing research here [21-01-28 07:50] <11b​aidicoot> ... [21-01-28 07:50] <11b​aidicoot> for what purposes? [21-01-28 07:50] <11L​yricLy> github issues [21-01-28 07:50] <11L​yricLy> I'm tracking down the-- forget it [21-01-28 07:50] <11b​aidicoot> virgin media [21-01-28 07:50] <11L​yricLy> are you, or are you not, with virgin [21-01-28 07:50] <11L​yricLy> ah [21-01-28 07:50] <11L​yricLy> then that's it [21-01-28 07:50] <11L​yricLy> that's the common thread [21-01-28 07:50] <11b​aidicoot> weird! [21-01-28 07:50] <11b​aidicoot> how come? [21-01-28 07:51] <11L​yricLy> who knows. virgin must be bees. [21-01-28 07:51] <11L​yricLy> consider changing /s [21-01-28 07:51] <11L​yricLy> by the way [21-01-28 07:51] <11L​yricLy> does Reddit also fail for you [21-01-28 07:51] <11L​yricLy> or is it fine [21-01-28 07:51] <08/​dev/rwd0c> im on virgin also [21-01-28 07:52] <11L​yricLy> yes I have confirmed a few people that are on virgin but do not have issues [21-01-28 07:52] <11L​yricLy> however nobody that does have issues but is not on virgin [21-01-28 07:52] <11b​aidicoot> hmm, should I email them? [21-01-28 07:52] <11L​yricLy> dunno. are they known to utilize apiomemetics against those who may damage the brand image? [21-01-28 07:52] <11b​aidicoot> weird, it works on my brother's machine. [21-01-28 07:53] <04a​ rustian spy> I blame DNS. [21-01-28 07:53] <11L​yricLy> I'm firing upon you, gollark. [21-01-28 07:53] <04a​ rustian spy> What? [21-01-28 07:53] <04a​ rustian spy> I hadn't noticed. [21-01-28 07:54] <09u​bqoral> it works [21-01-28 07:54] <09u​bqoral> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804348586400677888/unknown.png [21-01-28 07:54] <11L​yricLy> it seems virgin is getting mad at GitHub and blocking it [21-01-28 07:54] <11L​yricLy> with "websafe" [21-01-28 07:54] <11L​yricLy> whatever that is. [21-01-28 07:54] <11L​yricLy> must be due to some apiocity on either GitHub or Virgin's side [21-01-28 07:54] <11L​yricLy> or both. [21-01-28 07:54] <11L​yricLy> fuck technology [21-01-28 07:54] <11b​aidicoot> wait, what? [21-01-28 07:54] <11b​aidicoot> it doesn;t seem to be doing that here [21-01-28 07:55] <04a​ rustian spy> Reject GitHub, return to git.osmarks.net. [21-01-28 07:55] <11L​yricLy> someone tracerouted it [21-01-28 07:55] <11L​yricLy> and it got stopped at a virgin websafe domain [21-01-28 07:55] <04a​ rustian spy> Git was meant as a distributed VCS and yet people just happily use a big centralized platform with MANY vendor lockin features. [21-01-28 07:55] <11b​aidicoot> bees! [21-01-28 07:55] <09u​bqoral> yes github is in fact bad [21-01-28 07:56] <11L​yricLy> bees you [21-01-28 07:56] <08/​dev/rwd0c> ?choose aoeu qwert [21-01-28 07:56] <06R​. Danny> qwert [21-01-28 07:56] <08/​dev/rwd0c> sad [21-01-28 07:56] <04a​ rustian spy> Wow, osmarks.net actually has to deal with about 3 requests a second? [21-01-28 07:56] <11L​yricLy> uhh [21-01-28 07:57] <11L​yricLy> what? [21-01-28 07:57] <11L​yricLy> oh! [21-01-28 07:57] <11L​yricLy> that's LyricTech testing. [21-01-28 07:57] <04a​ rustian spy> There are two different search engine crawlers retrieving all git.osmarks.net ever, and some sort of HTech™ system contacting it, actually. [21-01-28 07:57] <11L​yricLy> please ignore that, I'll turn it off. [21-01-28 07:58] <11L​yricLy> I think you're firing upon my galactic exploration drones. [21-01-28 07:58] <11L​yricLy> or are these rogue agents? [21-01-28 07:59] <04a​ rustian spy> SERIOUSLY? Your things are capable of rogueness? [21-01-28 07:59] <11L​yricLy> few thousand LY away, I'm just getting reports now. [21-01-28 07:59] <11L​yricLy> no, they're GTech signed, seemingly. [21-01-28 07:59] <11L​yricLy> I don't like it when LyricTech™️ property is being shot at. [21-01-28 07:59] <11L​yricLy> please remedy this. [21-01-28 08:00] <04a​ rustian spy> I'm pretty sure you're wrong. [21-01-28 08:00] <11L​yricLy> I'm pretty sure I'm right. [21-01-28 08:00] <11L​yricLy> sending you the readings over apionet. [21-01-28 08:00] <04a​ rustian spy> What channel? [21-01-28 08:00] <11L​yricLy> all of them. [21-01-28 08:01] <04a​ rustian spy> I can't see them, and I have my antimeme dememeticizer turned on. [21-01-28 08:01] <11L​yricLy> not APIONET, I mean the apionet [21-01-28 08:01] <04a​ rustian spy> Oh, ApioNet. [21-01-28 08:02] <04a​ rustian spy> That's very old, I'll turn on the ApioNet transceiver array. [21-01-28 08:02] <04a​ rustian spy> Please resend it or I'll have to retroactively reassemble the signal or something. [21-01-28 08:02] <11L​yricLy> retroactively reassembling the signal for you. [21-01-28 08:02] <11L​yricLy> resent. [21-01-28 08:02] <04a​ rustian spy> Great! [21-01-28 08:03] <04a​ rustian spy> Hmm, these are SinthTech™ vessels, troubling. [21-01-28 08:03] <11L​yricLy> what the fuck? [21-01-28 08:03] <11L​yricLy> how is SinthTech so far out? [21-01-28 08:03] <11L​yricLy> I didn't think they had such technology [21-01-28 08:03] <11b​aidicoot> yeah mine gets stuck at lang-dclcore-1a-port-channel1.network.virginmedia.net. stupid virgin media. [21-01-28 08:03] <04a​ rustian spy> Retroactive FTL travel? [21-01-28 08:03] <11L​yricLy> @sinth orion explain this. [21-01-28 08:03] <04a​ rustian spy> The GTech™ public wormhole network? [21-01-28 08:04] <11L​yricLy> if he doesn't respond in a few, I'm gonna fire on his shitty little drones [21-01-28 08:04] <11L​yricLy> haven't even landed a hit yet [21-01-28 08:04] <13P​alaiologos> virgin [21-01-28 08:04] <13P​alaiologos> media [21-01-28 08:04] <11L​yricLy> imagine being technologically inferior to LyricTech. [21-01-28 08:04] <04a​ rustian spy> Yes, it's very, very hard. [21-01-28 08:04] <04a​ rustian spy> We tried it once as an experiment. [21-01-28 08:05] <11L​yricLy> hm. [21-01-28 08:05] <11L​yricLy> was that a while ago? I have most of your experiments tracked nowadays. [21-01-28 08:05] <04a​ rustian spy> No you don't. [21-01-28 08:05] <11L​yricLy> LyricTech™️ focuses on surveillance, evasion, countermeasures and defensive maneuvering. [21-01-28 08:06] <04a​ rustian spy> And isn't very good at them. [21-01-28 08:06] <11L​yricLy> we exist to stop GTech and HTech from getting out of hand. [21-01-28 08:06] <11L​yricLy> I have most of your experiments tracked. [21-01-28 08:06] <04a​ rustian spy> You clearly aren't aware of the 99.96% of untracked ones. [21-01-28 08:06] <11L​yricLy> one day you fuckers are going to try some crazy shit and it's going to escalate into a world war [21-01-28 08:06] <11L​yricLy> it'll be us here at LyricTech holding the chaos at bay. [21-01-28 08:07] <11L​yricLy> your unhinged madness will one day come to an end, gollark. [21-01-28 08:07] <04a​ rustian spy> LyricTech is HIGHLY humorous when being lyrical. [21-01-28 08:07] <11L​yricLy> go on, pretend we're not a threat [21-01-28 08:08] <04a​ rustian spy> That would be unnecessary. [21-01-28 08:08] ffbm!~a@ quits [21-01-28 08:08] <11L​yricLy> your mockery is unconvincing. [21-01-28 08:09] <04a​ rustian spy> More so than the LyricTech™ Autoconvincer™ 50000™? [21-01-28 08:09] <11L​yricLy> that was an April Fool's joke on Ted. [21-01-28 08:10] <04a​ rustian spy> I see. [21-01-28 08:12] ffbm!~a@ quits [21-01-28 08:12] ffbm!~a@ quits [21-01-28 08:13] ffbm!~a@ quits [21-01-28 08:13] ffbm!~a@ quits [21-01-28 08:14] ffbm!~a@ quits [21-01-28 08:15] ffbm!~a@ quits [21-01-28 08:16] ffbm!~a@ quits [21-01-28 08:16] ffbm!~a@ quits [21-01-28 08:17] ffbm!~a@ quits [21-01-28 08:18] ffbm!~a@ quits [21-01-28 08:20] ffbm!~a@ quits [21-01-28 08:25] ubq323!~ubq323@ joins [21-01-28 08:25] ubq323!~ubq323@ changes channel topic to [21-01-28 08:26] <07H​elloBoi> who ping [21-01-28 08:27] is this the [21-01-28 08:27] <07H​elloBoi> whne the [21-01-28 08:27] <09u​bqoral> hmm [21-01-28 08:27] <09u​bqoral> the bridge is still existent? [21-01-28 08:27] test [21-01-28 08:27] <09u​bqoral> interesting [21-01-28 08:27] <07H​elloBoi> @ubqoral it has been re-added after some [redact]ing [21-01-28 08:27] matt!~matt@058176100159.ctinets.com joins [21-01-28 08:27] excellent [21-01-28 08:27] matt [21-01-28 08:27] hello matt [21-01-28 08:28] hi [21-01-28 08:28] who are you [21-01-28 08:28] <07H​elloBoi> @ubqoral i am [21-01-28 08:28] <09u​bqoral> oh [21-01-28 08:28] ok [21-01-28 08:28] when the H\u200belloBoi [21-01-28 08:28] when the 12helloboi [21-01-28 08:28] 69the [21-01-28 08:29] <07H​elloBoi> when the [21-01-28 08:29] <07H​elloBoi> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804357470990237736/test.png [21-01-28 08:30] when the indeed [21-01-28 08:31] <07H​elloBoi> observe the H\u200belloBoi [21-01-28 08:31] \u200 moment [21-01-28 08:31] œ [21-01-28 08:31] moment [21-01-28 08:31] <11L​yricLy> @! ! ! Heavpoot implement a cellular automaton [21-01-28 08:31] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> :razetime_hd: [21-01-28 08:31] lyricly, no [21-01-28 08:31] <11L​yricLy> by the way [21-01-28 08:32] <11L​yricLy> 3 and a half [21-01-28 08:32] <11L​yricLy> hours [21-01-28 08:32] yes [21-01-28 08:32] <07H​elloBoi> this emoji is sent from hell [21-01-28 08:32] <11L​yricLy> I am beginning to have problems staying awake [21-01-28 08:32] <11L​yricLy> this is concerning to me [21-01-28 08:32] sleep then [21-01-28 08:32] have a nap now [21-01-28 08:32] <11L​yricLy> impossible. [21-01-28 08:32] and be awake for the announcement of the winners [21-01-28 08:32] !time lyricly [21-01-28 08:32] <07H​elloBoi> when the bucklespring is not available for freebsd [21-01-28 08:32] <11L​yricLy> if I sleep I sleep [21-01-28 08:32] <09u​bqoral> !time @LyricLy [21-01-28 08:32] <11L​yricLy> it means I sleep and if I sleep then I sleep [21-01-28 08:32] irssi is so much faster than dis cord client [21-01-28 08:33] <11L​yricLy> I'll wake up in like 10 hours instead [21-01-28 08:33] <11L​yricLy> not ideal [21-01-28 08:33] however, there exists the problem [21-01-28 08:33] weechat is good [21-01-28 08:33] tm [21-01-28 08:33] L\u200byricLy [21-01-28 08:33] is what i see [21-01-28 08:33] that's no good [21-01-28 08:33] ircssi is also not supportive of italic [21-01-28 08:33] *test* [21-01-28 08:33] but it looks good [21-01-28 08:33] interesting [21-01-28 08:33] irssi looks like turbo pascal [21-01-28 08:33] <11!​ ! ! Heavpoot> or what? [21-01-28 08:34] hello heavpoot [21-01-28 08:34] <11L​yricLy> nothing [21-01-28 08:34] <11!​ ! ! Heavpoot> lyricly, go make a cgol spaceship resembling the full macron specification. [21-01-28 08:34] <11L​yricLy> no. [21-01-28 08:35] <07H​elloBoi> when the [21-01-28 08:35] <11L​yricLy> I want to make a physics-based CA, maybe. [21-01-28 08:35] <11L​yricLy> like a powder toy thing [21-01-28 08:35] lyricly, go and write to /run/apionet.pipe [21-01-28 08:35] forms [21-01-28 08:35] matt [21-01-28 08:35] ubq323!~ubq323@ changes channel topic to bridged to esolangs #off-topic, do no spam or add bots because the bridge will be revoked [21-01-28 08:35] <07H​elloBoi> you cannot escape matt [21-01-28 08:36] <11L​yricLy> hi matt [21-01-28 08:36] <11L​yricLy> what's your real name [21-01-28 08:36] matt is hello boi [21-01-28 08:36] oh [21-01-28 08:36] ubq323!~ubq323@ changes channel topic to esolangs can't see this haha [21-01-28 08:36] haha they can't see it [21-01-28 08:37] win ! [21-01-28 08:37] they certainly cant [21-01-28 08:37] <11L​yricLy> no I mean what is his real name [21-01-28 08:37] hello boi why are you matt [21-01-28 08:37] <07H​elloBoi> my real name is matt with hew appended to it [21-01-28 08:37] matt.append(hew) [21-01-28 08:37] <11L​yricLy> is your name I English or idkchciensejemandarahciocoantondwse [21-01-28 08:37] <07H​elloBoi> it's matt because irssi uses my login name as username [21-01-28 08:37] <07H​elloBoi> @LyricLy both [21-01-28 08:37] a ha [21-01-28 08:38] <07H​elloBoi> it's written on my identification [21-01-28 08:38] I English [21-01-28 08:38] idkchciensejemandarahciocoantondwse [21-01-28 08:38] <11L​yricLy> what is the chine one [21-01-28 08:38] (the two languages) [21-01-28 08:38] <07H​elloBoi> i will not reveal it [21-01-28 08:38] <07H​elloBoi> thisis due to [redacted' [21-01-28 08:38] watermelon man [21-01-28 08:38] <11L​yricLy> reveal it or I will fire apidofoforms [21-01-28 08:38] <07H​elloBoi> f [21-01-28 08:38] 西瓜人 [21-01-28 08:38] thank you google tra ns l ate [21-01-28 08:38] <07H​elloBoi> do not send those [21-01-28 08:39] send the what [21-01-28 08:39] when the [21-01-28 08:39] how do i copy and paste [21-01-28 08:39] <09u​bqoral> mouse [21-01-28 08:39] mice [21-01-28 08:40] <07H​elloBoi> https://github.com/zevv/bucklespring [21-01-28 08:40] <07H​elloBoi> when the [21-01-28 08:40] <09u​bqoral> mice [21-01-28 08:41] <07H​elloBoi> why is linux listed under the dependencies [21-01-28 08:41] <11L​yricLy> I'm enjoying following the plot of this guy on dpy and his adventures with the stock market [21-01-28 08:42] stock [21-01-28 08:42] <11L​yricLy> he went from not wanting to mess with it at all on some kind of arc to trying to capitalise on the current situation but not managing anything at all [21-01-28 08:42] <11L​yricLy> I don't even know what he's saying any more [21-01-28 08:42] <11L​yricLy> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804360817113432104/370.png [21-01-28 08:43] <08/​dev/rwd0c> ¡Let's install the sets! [21-01-28 08:44] <07H​elloBoi> when the [21-01-28 08:45] <07H​elloBoi> oh yeah [21-01-28 08:45] <07H​elloBoi> @/dev/rwd0c does https://github.com/zevv/bucklespring compile under non-debian based [21-01-28 08:45] <07H​elloBoi> i am out [21-01-28 08:45] <07H​elloBoi> bye [21-01-28 08:45] matt!~matt@058176100159.ctinets.com quits [21-01-28 08:46] <08/​dev/rwd0c> idk, probably? [21-01-28 08:46] <08/​dev/rwd0c> bye [21-01-28 08:48] <08/​dev/rwd0c> xfont68.tgz 59% ¦** ¦ [21-01-28 08:49] when the [21-01-28 08:50] <08/​dev/rwd0c> the [21-01-28 08:51] the [21-01-28 08:51] <08/​dev/rwd0c> what if iwn0: couldn't read firmware [21-01-28 08:58] citrons!~raven@dsldevice.attlocal.net joins [21-01-28 08:58] heavserver!~heavserver@localhost quits [21-01-28 08:58] heavserver!~heavserver@localhost joins [21-01-28 08:59] <04a​ rustian spy> Highly advanced apiiotechnology. [21-01-28 08:59] <04a​ rustian spy> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804364988956540989/screenshot-14_59_04-28_01_2021.png [21-01-28 09:00] <08/​dev/rwd0c> the future of technology [21-01-28 09:03] <08/​dev/rwd0c> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804366074526302248/IMG_20210128_150310.jpg [21-01-28 09:09] <11L​yricLy> 3 hours [21-01-28 09:10] <06s​inth orion> ?remind 40h write wikipedia article about Athan Gibbs [21-01-28 09:10] <06R​. Danny> Alright @sinth orion, in 1 day and 16 hours: write wikipedia article about Athan Gibbs [21-01-28 09:10] <06s​inth orion> no idea why no one has done that already [21-01-28 09:12] <08/​dev/rwd0c> ok i think im getting used to dvorak on thinkpad keyboard now [21-01-28 09:18] coral!~coral@sura-pinnar.dbh.sgsnet.se quits [21-01-28 09:21] coral!~coral@sura-pinnar.dbh.sgsnet.se quits [21-01-28 09:25] <11L​yricLy> why is time flying [21-01-28 09:25] <11L​yricLy> there's no way it's already been a half houe [21-01-28 09:25] <04a​ rustian spy> GTech™ apiochronobromoformic railgun. [21-01-28 09:25] <11L​yricLy> oh, that's because it isn't and my time rounding is bees. [21-01-28 09:25] <11L​yricLy> it's been 15 minutes. [21-01-28 09:27] <04a​ rustian spy> Hmm, I am encountering apiomemes within my attempts to do this deceptively simple query. [21-01-28 09:28] <11!​ ! ! Heavpoot> ah, the HTech™ planted apiocontragollarioforms in metaideatic space? [21-01-28 09:29] <11L​yricLy> are HTech and GTech at odds now? [21-01-28 09:29] <11L​yricLy> I thought you guys were aligned somewhat. [21-01-28 09:30] <11L​yricLy> idea: butter crackers [21-01-28 09:30] <11L​yricLy> as in, butter on crackers [21-01-28 09:30] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> isn't that.. normal? [21-01-28 09:30] <11L​yricLy> ideas? thoughts? criticisms? praise? congratulations? [21-01-28 09:30] <11L​yricLy> why would that be normal [21-01-28 09:30] <11L​yricLy> oh [21-01-28 09:30] <11L​yricLy> well [21-01-28 09:30] <11L​yricLy> kike [21-01-28 09:30] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> butter on anything related to bread is normal [21-01-28 09:30] <11L​yricLy> saltines I guess [21-01-28 09:30] <11L​yricLy> butter on those is normal [21-01-28 09:31] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> butter on anything is great [21-01-28 09:31] <11L​yricLy> but butter on other kinds of cracker seems a bit weird? [21-01-28 09:31] <11L​yricLy> I don't have any soft butter since someone thought it was a good idea to put it in the fridge [21-01-28 09:31] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> then wait [21-01-28 09:31] <11L​yricLy> if I try to spread it on a cracker it'll smash it into bits [21-01-28 09:31] <11L​yricLy> so I need to try something else [21-01-28 09:31] <11L​yricLy> here's an idea for ya [21-01-28 09:32] <11L​yricLy> marmite [21-01-28 09:32] <11L​yricLy> on crackers [21-01-28 09:32] <11L​yricLy> just that [21-01-28 09:32] <11L​yricLy> that's all [21-01-28 09:37] <11L​yricLy> ?choose try "go without" [21-01-28 09:39] mon-polaris!~polaris@localhost quits [21-01-28 09:39] Gibson!~gibson@cpc82056-leic19-2-0-cust38.8-1.cable.virginm.net quits [21-01-28 09:39] heavserver!~heavserver@localhost quits [21-01-28 09:39] ovalo!~ID@host-79-30-23-154.retail.telecomitalia.it quits [21-01-28 09:39] osmarks_!~osmarks@host86-155-86-113.range86-155.btcentralplus.com quits [21-01-28 09:39] mon-loki!~loki@localhost quits [21-01-28 09:39] testbot!~testbot@2a00:23c7:541d:6600:d03f:cdbf:58b3:d9d0 quits [21-01-28 09:39] osmarksrobot!~osmarksrobot@localhost quits [21-01-28 09:39] xb1_!~xb1@localhost.localdomain quits [21-01-28 09:39] ChanServ!ChanServ@services.apionet.irc quits [21-01-28 09:39] coral!~coral@ext-2-435.eduroam.chalmers.se quits [21-01-28 09:39] ffbm!~a@ quits [21-01-28 09:39] ubq323!~ubq323@ quits [21-01-28 09:39] Gibson!~gibson@cpc82056-leic19-2-0-cust38.8-1.cable.virginm.net joins [21-01-28 09:40] heavserver!~heavserver@localhost joins [21-01-28 09:40] osmarks_!~osmarks@host86-155-86-113.range86-155.btcentralplus.com joins [21-01-28 09:40] <11L​yricLy> probably your fault [21-01-28 09:40] ubq323!~ubq323@ joins [21-01-28 09:43] <09u​bqoral> what css is this [21-01-28 09:45] <04a​ rustian spy> It's handwritten, perfect and flawless. [21-01-28 09:46] interesting [21-01-28 09:49] <04a​ rustian spy> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804377635681206272/screenshot-15_49_25-28_01_2021.png [21-01-28 09:51] <09u​bqoral> 0.0ms latency [21-01-28 09:51] <09u​bqoral> nice [21-01-28 09:51] <04a​ rustian spy> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804378218923687956/screenshot-15_51_44-28_01_2021.png [21-01-28 09:52] <04a​ rustian spy> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804378350188888145/screenshot-15_52_16-28_01_2021.png [21-01-28 09:53] <04a​ rustian spy> It logs historical data. Thus I must add interfaces for that. But it's ready for initial use already thanks to advanced osmarkstechnoloγy. [21-01-28 09:54] <04a​ rustian spy> And, unlike statping, it serves clients with something like 3KB of static HTML/CSS. [21-01-28 09:54] <09u​bqoral> excellent [21-01-28 09:54] <09u​bqoral> no clientside js at all? [21-01-28 09:55] <08/​dev/rwd0c> nice [21-01-28 09:55] <04a​ rustian spy> Nope. [21-01-28 09:55] <04a​ rustian spy> I may eventually have to have some optional JS for a latency graph, but it shouldn't be necessary for basic features. [21-01-28 09:55] <09u​bqoral> excellenter [21-01-28 09:55] <09u​bqoral> hmm true [21-01-28 09:55] <04a​ rustian spy> You configure it by manually updating a SQLite database! [21-01-28 09:55] lol [21-01-28 09:55] <08/​dev/rwd0c> i am installing burning sinthorion on open bsd [21-01-28 09:56] <08/​dev/rwd0c> this is possibly going to bees [21-01-28 09:56] hmm what domain should i put the apionet webhookifier onto [21-01-28 10:03] ubq323!~ubq323@ quits [21-01-28 10:03] ffbm!~a@ quits [21-01-28 10:03] coral!~coral@ext-2-435.eduroam.chalmers.se quits [21-01-28 10:03] mon-polaris!~polaris@localhost quits [21-01-28 10:03] testbot!~testbot@2a00:23c7:541d:6600:d03f:cdbf:58b3:d9d0 quits [21-01-28 10:03] osmarksrobot!~osmarksrobot@localhost quits [21-01-28 10:03] mon-loki!~loki@localhost quits [21-01-28 10:03] osmarks_!~osmarks@host86-155-86-113.range86-155.btcentralplus.com quits [21-01-28 10:03] ovalo!~ID@host-79-30-23-154.retail.telecomitalia.it quits [21-01-28 10:03] heavserver!~heavserver@localhost quits [21-01-28 10:03] Gibson!~gibson@cpc82056-leic19-2-0-cust38.8-1.cable.virginm.net quits [21-01-28 10:03] Gibson!~gibson@cpc82056-leic19-2-0-cust38.8-1.cable.virginm.net joins [21-01-28 10:03] ubq323!~ubq323@ joins [21-01-28 10:03] heavserver!~heavserver@localhost joins [21-01-28 10:03] osmarks_!~osmarks@host86-155-86-113.range86-155.btcentralplus.com joins [21-01-28 10:04] <08/​dev/rwd0c> also we keep having powercuts today which is g [21-01-28 10:04] <09u​bqoral> h [21-01-28 10:10] coral!~coral@ext-2-435.eduroam.chalmers.se quits [21-01-28 10:10] ffbm!~a@ quits [21-01-28 10:12] coral!~coral@ext-2-435.eduroam.chalmers.se quits [21-01-28 10:17] hmm it seems the ??? stats bot is using a significant portion of the available memory on my vps just to hold the list of messages [21-01-28 10:17] hello [21-01-28 10:17] hello [21-01-28 10:18] I need to set up an email and a git server on my vps [21-01-28 10:18] if you have ssh working then you already have git working, git doesn't actually have any server part [21-01-28 10:18] i have no idea how you set up an email server though [21-01-28 10:18] well, yes but [21-01-28 10:18] there is still some setup [21-01-28 10:19] from the little i have heard it is an endless battle to get your server taken of people's blacklists [21-01-28 10:19] not really [21-01-28 10:19] just git init --bare whatever on your server [21-01-28 10:19] yes [21-01-28 10:19] and then on your computer git remote add origin whatever:whatever.git [21-01-28 10:19] anyway, I will deploy bees upon all blacklists [21-01-28 10:19] and provided ssh keys are in the right place it should work [21-01-28 10:20] aggressive centralization will be thwarted by the apioswarm [21-01-28 10:20] hmm [21-01-28 10:20] is chanserv down [21-01-28 10:20] gibson [21-01-28 10:20] hmm interesting [21-01-28 10:20] <04a​ rustian spy> ubq, I have prepared a "mostly working binary". [21-01-28 10:20] is it written in nim [21-01-28 10:21] <04a​ rustian spy> Yes. [21-01-28 10:21] can i have the source code as well [21-01-28 10:21] <04a​ rustian spy> Yes. [21-01-28 10:21] thanks [21-01-28 10:21] <04a​ rustian spy> I'll stick it on git.osmarks.net. [21-01-28 10:21] what is this? [21-01-28 10:21] status monitoring thing [21-01-28 10:21] <04a​ rustian spy> OnStat™, for detecting if osmarks.net implodes. [21-01-28 10:21] I see [21-01-28 10:21] <04a​ rustian spy> There was somehow no good software for it. [21-01-28 10:21] ok [21-01-28 10:21] ok let me think [21-01-28 10:21] <08/​dev/rwd0c> firefox is very slow on thonkpad [21-01-28 10:21] firefox is very slow [21-01-28 10:21] <08/​dev/rwd0c> (when running heavy shit like dis chord) [21-01-28 10:22] web browsers are very slow [21-01-28 10:22] <08/​dev/rwd0c> well yes [21-01-28 10:22] what kind of thonkpad is it [21-01-28 10:22] <08/​dev/rwd0c> but not this slow [21-01-28 10:22] <08/​dev/rwd0c> x230 [21-01-28 10:22] gibson why is chanserv not present [21-01-28 10:22] <08/​dev/rwd0c> i have had several powercuts [21-01-28 10:22] <08/​dev/rwd0c> oh fuck [21-01-28 10:22] <08/​dev/rwd0c> that will have resntarted the server [21-01-28 10:22] is the server hosted on a real computer in your house [21-01-28 10:22] hmm [21-01-28 10:22] <08/​dev/rwd0c> i didn't actually think about that [21-01-28 10:23] are services not configured to restart themselves? [21-01-28 10:23] make an init service smh [21-01-28 10:23] ChanServ!ChanServ@services.apionet.irc joins [21-01-28 10:23] ChanServ!ChanServ@services.apionet.irc joins [21-01-28 10:23] <08/​dev/rwd0c> should be back now [21-01-28 10:23] <08/​dev/rwd0c> most are [21-01-28 10:23] <08/​dev/rwd0c> atheme wasn't because lazy [21-01-28 10:23] excellent [21-01-28 10:24] citrons gibson could you register with userserv or whatever it is [21-01-28 10:24] <04a​ rustian spy> https://git.osmarks.net/osmarks/onstat [21-01-28 10:24] ideally you would be ops in this channel [21-01-28 10:24] who? [21-01-28 10:24] thanks [21-01-28 10:24] <04a​ rustian spy> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804386412668518460/onstat [21-01-28 10:24] we don't have nickserv any more [21-01-28 10:24] <04a​ rustian spy> It comes with everything necessary shipped except for the config DB. [21-01-28 10:24] bee [21-01-28 10:24] <08/​dev/rwd0c> we both are [21-01-28 10:24] <09u​bqoral> 404 on git dot osmarks [21-01-28 10:25] yes userserv is the thing [21-01-28 10:25] <08/​dev/rwd0c> unless the crash fucked the database [21-01-28 10:25] <04a​ rustian spy> Oh, it's on private, oops. [21-01-28 10:25] <04a​ rustian spy> Fixed. [21-01-28 10:25] where did I put that good guide to hosting an email server... [21-01-28 10:25] <04a​ rustian spy> Oh, it hosts on port 7800 and I added no way to configure that, oops. [21-01-28 10:27] ok [21-01-28 10:28] <04a​ rustian spy> Here is the config database. [21-01-28 10:28] <04a​ rustian spy> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804387343015608350/monitoring.sqlite3 [21-01-28 10:28] ok [21-01-28 10:28] how do you compile nim things [21-01-28 10:28] hmm I can't find the good email guide [21-01-28 10:28] <04a​ rustian spy> nimble build mostly? [21-01-28 10:29] <04a​ rustian spy> Oh, nimble build -d:release. [21-01-28 10:29] <08/​dev/rwd0c> ^ [21-01-28 10:29] <04a​ rustian spy> This will not* install an impossible to remove virus on your computer. [21-01-28 10:29] <08/​dev/rwd0c> if there's no nimble file, do nim c -d:release file.nim [21-01-28 10:30] <11L​yricLy> why is it called nimble [21-01-28 10:30] there is a nimble file [21-01-28 10:30] it says "unsatisfied dependency: nim" [21-01-28 10:30] <04a​ rustian spy> Hmm. Mysterious. [21-01-28 10:30] <04a​ rustian spy> You must have an outdated version. It should be fine if you just reduce the minimum nim version required. [21-01-28 10:30] <08/​dev/rwd0c> is that all it sayps? [21-01-28 10:31] ah because i am on debian [21-01-28 10:31] <08/​dev/rwd0c> yeah usually you should have a version thing after that [21-01-28 10:31] <11L​yricLy> do you like the music gollark [21-01-28 10:31] <04a​ rustian spy> Music? [21-01-28 10:32] <11L​yricLy> yes [21-01-28 10:32] hmm sqlite wants newer version of nim [21-01-28 10:32] accursed debian packaging [21-01-28 10:32] <08/​dev/rwd0c> you can get the latest velrsion of nim using choosenim [21-01-28 10:32] <08/​dev/rwd0c> which is on their website somewhere [21-01-28 10:33] i will use gollark's binary instead [21-01-28 10:33] (completely trustworthy) [21-01-28 10:33] hmm will the binary be linked against libraries that you have? [21-01-28 10:33] not a clue [21-01-28 10:33] <08/​dev/rwd0c> do NOT xecute binaries from gollark [21-01-28 10:33] only one way to find out [21-01-28 10:33] <11L​yricLy> do NOT execute binaries from gollark [21-01-28 10:33] <11L​yricLy> by the way, 1 and a half hours. [21-01-28 10:34] <11L​yricLy> that's not how you say that [21-01-28 10:34] <11L​yricLy> an hour and a half [21-01-28 10:34] <08/​dev/rwd0c> nim doesn't link normally [21-01-28 10:34] <11L​yricLy> there we go [21-01-28 10:34] <08/​dev/rwd0c> it loads as much as it can at runtime, and searches several names [21-01-28 10:34] where do i need to put the database [21-01-28 10:34] <11L​yricLy> wdym it loads as much as it can [21-01-28 10:34] just in the same directory? [21-01-28 10:34] <08/​dev/rwd0c> everything is dlopened where possible, unless you manually statically link [21-01-28 10:34] gollark [21-01-28 10:35] <04a​ rustian spy> Execute ALL binaries from gollark. [21-01-28 10:35] <04a​ rustian spy> Yes, same directory. [21-01-28 10:35] <08/​dev/rwd0c> to allow it to function on sysstems that use different names for the same library [21-01-28 10:35] <04a​ rustian spy> It cannot be configured in any way but recompilation, see. [21-01-28 10:36] <04a​ rustian spy> I'm using the suckless philosophy. [21-01-28 10:36] ah yes [21-01-28 10:36] heh [21-01-28 10:36] <04a​ rustian spy> This is to stop noobs from using my beautiful code. [21-01-28 10:36] <11L​yricLy> that's rather suckless and thus bees [21-01-28 10:36] well you also have to include 0 features and require patches to have a useful piece of software [21-01-28 10:36] <04a​ rustian spy> CLEARLY you are a noob. [21-01-28 10:37] have you done that? [21-01-28 10:37] <11L​yricLy> ?urban suckless [21-01-28 10:37] <11L​yricLy> that is not what I was going for [21-01-28 10:37] <04a​ rustian spy> ?urban apioform [21-01-28 10:37] <08/​dev/rwd0c> it isn't a choice out of elitism, that's a consequence [21-01-28 10:37] <08/​dev/rwd0c> they have no problem with distributing patches to add config support, but don't want it in the base because minimole [21-01-28 10:38] <04a​ rustian spy> The page for dwm literally states it as an advantage of it. [21-01-28 10:38] nginx is giving bad gateway errors when connecting to it [21-01-28 10:38] no, I'm pretty sure they literally state it's elitism, yeah [21-01-28 10:38] <04a​ rustian spy> Does the binary say anything? Did you try with curl? [21-01-28 10:38] oh does it want https [21-01-28 10:38] <04a​ rustian spy> Nope. [21-01-28 10:38] <04a​ rustian spy> It cannot, in fact, speak HTTPS. [21-01-28 10:38] <11L​yricLy> a consequence of elitism? yes, it can be described that way [21-01-28 10:39] > Because dwm is customized through editing its source code, it's pointless to make binary packages of it. This keeps its userbase small and elitist. No novices asking stupid questions. [21-01-28 10:39] <08/​dev/rwd0c> yes, that is a result of their choice to go for minimalism [21-01-28 10:39] <08/​dev/rwd0c> not a choice to make software harder to use because they think it makes them better [21-01-28 10:39] coral!~coral@ext-2-435.eduroam.chalmers.se quits [21-01-28 10:39] oh [21-01-28 10:39] i was not actually running the thing [21-01-28 10:39] <04a​ rustian spy> Yes, that does tend to be necessary. [21-01-28 10:40] it appears to be working [21-01-28 10:40] <04a​ rustian spy> Wondrous! [21-01-28 10:40] <08/​dev/rwd0c> and they say likely in an attempt to discourage people from using their software if they aren't comfortable with editing and compiling c, since they regularly get people in #suckless asking how patches work etc [21-01-28 10:40] <04a​ rustian spy> What aδdress or whatever? [21-01-28 10:41] 2 sec [21-01-28 10:41] <11L​yricLy> wait I thought this was a joke but it's a legitimate quote [21-01-28 10:41] <11L​yricLy> lmfao [21-01-28 10:41] yes, it is [21-01-28 10:42] coral!~coral@ext-2-435.eduroam.chalmers.se quits [21-01-28 10:42] <11L​yricLy> gotta stay elitist [21-01-28 10:42] <11L​yricLy> man [21-01-28 10:42] <11L​yricLy> I have never heard a bitrate hurt so hard [21-01-28 10:43] gollark is your date format just iso8601 but backwards [21-01-28 10:43] <11L​yricLy> what the fuck is happening to this music [21-01-28 10:43] it's extremely bee [21-01-28 10:43] <08/​dev/rwd0c> that's the normal uk date faormat [21-01-28 10:43] <04a​ rustian spy> if you don't like it you MAY recompile it. [21-01-28 10:43] everyone should use iso8601 [21-01-28 10:43] <08/​dev/rwd0c> i swear you live here ubq [21-01-28 10:43] no the uk date format is dd/mm/yy(yy) anyway [21-01-28 10:43] but i don't care [21-01-28 10:43] iso8601 is the only correc tone [21-01-28 10:43] correct one [21-01-28 10:44] <08/​dev/rwd0c> seperators are interchangable [21-01-28 10:44] untrue [21-01-28 10:44] <04a​ rustian spy> Anyway, please give me the IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and configure it to be on status.osmarks.net or something. [21-01-28 10:44] <04a​ rustian spy> ONLY for purposes. [21-01-28 10:44] i am just setting up system[B] [21-01-28 10:44] ok what is this binary being used for? [21-01-28 10:44] what are you doing, ubq [21-01-28 10:45] <04a​ rustian spy> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804391616852131844/screenshot-15_52_16-28_01_2021.png [21-01-28 10:45] I see. ubq is hosting this? [21-01-28 10:45] https://status.gh0.pw/ is [21-01-28 10:45] I see [21-01-28 10:45] interesting [21-01-28 10:45] can it monitor mondecitronne.com?\ [21-01-28 10:46] <04a​ rustian spy> Can you configurate the webserver to also serve that on status.osmarks.net? [21-01-28 10:46] it is now monitoring mondecitronne.com [21-01-28 10:46] and yes 1 sec [21-01-28 10:46] excellent [21-01-28 10:46] coral!~coral@ext-2-435.eduroam.chalmers.se quits [21-01-28 10:47] <04a​ rustian spy> Also, IPv6 address please. [21-01-28 10:47] I do not have IPv6 [21-01-28 10:47] <04a​ rustian spy> No, I mean for the status.gh0.pw server. [21-01-28 10:47] i do not have ipv6 [21-01-28 10:47] just use cname [21-01-28 10:47] hmm this will be somewhat bee with https [21-01-28 10:48] <04a​ rustian spy> Your VPS doesn't have IPv6? Really? [21-01-28 10:48] i will need two separate sites that proxy to the same thing [21-01-28 10:48] cname something to status.gh0.pw [21-01-28 10:48] and i will then generate a certificate for that subdomain [21-01-28 10:49] <04a​ rustian spy> Hold on while I open the DNS control panel. [21-01-28 10:49] i am going to go for a walk due to it going dark [21-01-28 10:49] citrons!~raven@dsldevice.attlocal.net changes channel topic to this channel is bridged to the esolangs discord server. no spam or you will be obliterated by orbital lasers, and the mods will nuke the bridge [21-01-28 10:49] ChanServ!ChanServ@services.apionet.irc changes channel topic to esolangs can't see this haha [21-01-28 10:49] coral!~coral@ext-2-435.eduroam.chalmers.se quits [21-01-28 10:49] how do you make chanserv change the channel topic [21-01-28 10:50] you have to be an op [21-01-28 10:50] <04a​ rustian spy> Now I just need to wait for the aliæs to resolve. [21-01-28 10:50] to be an op you have to register with userserv [21-01-28 10:50] which is the new nickserv [21-01-28 10:50] citrons!~raven@dsldevice.attlocal.net changes channel topic to this channel is bridged to the esolangs discord server. no spam or you will be obliterated by orbital lasers, and the mods will nuke the bridge [21-01-28 10:50] ChanServ!ChanServ@services.apionet.irc changes channel topic to esolangs can't see this haha [21-01-28 10:50] <08/​dev/rwd0c> citrons and gollark both are [21-01-28 10:50] <08/​dev/rwd0c> ages ago [21-01-28 10:50] citrons: do /msg userserv identify [21-01-28 10:50] I did do this [21-01-28 10:50] I am logged in [21-01-28 10:50] you aren't [21-01-28 10:50] the services died [21-01-28 10:50] you'll have to do it again [21-01-28 10:50] oh, I see [21-01-28 10:51] it says I am already logged in [21-01-28 10:51] why doesn't it automatically give op to server operators [21-01-28 10:51] <04a​ rustian spy> It happens to be very mean. [21-01-28 10:52] hm I see [21-01-28 10:52] you are not [21-01-28 10:52] I am [21-01-28 10:52] doing /msg chanserv op citrons tells me you are not registered [21-01-28 10:52] <04a​ rustian spy> How come your VPS only has IPv4 however? [21-01-28 10:52] i have no idea [21-01-28 10:52] that makes absolutely no sense [21-01-28 10:52] have you identified to userserv [21-01-28 10:52] > Last login from: ~raven@dsldevice.attlocal.net on Jan 27 21:56:17 2021 +0000. [21-01-28 10:52] and registered [21-01-28 10:53] yes [21-01-28 10:53] what did it say when you did [21-01-28 10:53] > Last login from: ~raven@dsldevice.attlocal.net on Jan 27 21:56:17 2021 +0000. [21-01-28 10:53] no [21-01-28 10:53] that's what it said [21-01-28 10:53] you need to message userserv [21-01-28 10:53] I did [21-01-28 10:53] that is the response from UserServ [21-01-28 10:53] <08/​dev/rwd0c> is citrons in chanlev for this channel [21-01-28 10:53] <04a​ rustian spy> Okay, status.osmarks.net should resolve to status.gh0.pw. [21-01-28 10:53] <08/​dev/rwd0c> atheme calls it flags actually [21-01-28 10:53] and it will say something like `You are now logged in as citrons.` [21-01-28 10:53] <08/​dev/rwd0c> you can /whois citrons [21-01-28 10:53] it did say that [21-01-28 10:53] <08/​dev/rwd0c> it will show logged in status [21-01-28 10:54] and when I logged in again [21-01-28 10:54] it said I was already logged in [21-01-28 10:54] I have logged in [21-01-28 10:55] now i am apparently not authorised to op you [21-01-28 10:55] despite being the channel owner [21-01-28 10:55] what is a chanlev [21-01-28 10:55] why is this even a thing [21-01-28 10:55] i have no idea [21-01-28 10:55] but chanserv is refusing to even tell me anything [21-01-28 10:55] because i am unauthorised [21-01-28 10:55] gibson_!~gibson@cpc82056-leic19-2-0-cust38.8-1.cable.virginm.net joins [21-01-28 10:56] citrons!~raven@dsldevice.attlocal.net changes channel topic to eat bees [21-01-28 10:56] ChanServ!ChanServ@services.apionet.irc changes channel topic to esolangs can't see this haha [21-01-28 10:56] right [21-01-28 10:56] i'm an oper now [21-01-28 10:56] still won't let me [21-01-28 10:56] i have to go [21-01-28 10:56] someone can figure this out [21-01-28 10:57] goodbye [21-01-28 10:57] the only person in #e flags is you [21-01-28 10:57] <04a​ rustian spy> Hmm, status.gh0.pw is down?! [21-01-28 10:57] you need to /msg ChanServ FLAGS #e citrons +O [21-01-28 10:57] I am "not authorized" [21-01-28 10:57] yes, ubq needs to [21-01-28 10:57] bee [21-01-28 10:57] ubq323: when you are back, see above [21-01-28 10:57] gibson_!~gibson@apionet.irc quits [21-01-28 10:59] ubq323!~ubq323@ quits [21-01-28 10:59] hmm what if [21-01-28 10:59] ChanServ was kicked by citrons!~raven@dsldevice.attlocal.net (reason: ) [21-01-28 10:59] ChanServ!ChanServ@services.apionet.irc joins [21-01-28 11:00] <04a​ rustian spy> if is a statement or expression found in many programming languages. [21-01-28 11:00] <04a​ rustian spy> Being a major English way to express a conditional. [21-01-28 11:00] I see [21-01-28 11:01] gibson_!~gibson@cpc82056-leic19-2-0-cust38.8-1.cable.virginm.net joins [21-01-28 11:02] Ah, gibsoidal form. [21-01-28 11:03] citrons!~raven@dsldevice.attlocal.net changes channel topic to chanserv is bees [21-01-28 11:03] ChanServ!ChanServ@services.apionet.irc changes channel topic to esolangs can't see this haha [21-01-28 11:03] <08/​dev/rwd0c> hi [21-01-28 11:08] osmarks_!~osmarks@host86-155-86-113.range86-155.btcentralplus.com changes nick to osmarks [21-01-28 11:11] <13P​alaiologos> [18:11:20] [main/INFO]: Stopping! # # A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment: # # SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0x00007f204c086000, pid=24991, tid=0x00007f2037bff700 # # JRE version: OpenJDK Runtime Environment (8.0_275-b01) (build 1.8.0_275-8u275-b01-1-b01) # Java VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (25.275-b01 mixed mode linux-amd64 compressed oops) # Problematic frame: # C 0x00007f204c086000 [21-01-28 11:11] <13P​alaiologos> hhh [21-01-28 11:13] <08/​dev/rwd0c> jvav [21-01-28 11:20] gibson_!~gibson@cpc82056-leic19-2-0-cust38.8-1.cable.virginm.net quits [21-01-28 11:37] <04a​ rustian spy> https://github.com/denghongcai/forsaken-mail looks neat. [21-01-28 11:38] Gibson!~gibson@cpc82056-leic19-2-0-cust38.8-1.cable.virginm.net quits [21-01-28 11:39] Gibson!~gibson@cpc82056-leic19-2-0-cust38.8-1.cable.virginm.net joins [21-01-28 11:43] gibson_!~gibson@cpc82056-leic19-2-0-cust38.8-1.cable.virginm.net joins [21-01-28 11:46] ubq323!~ubq323@host86-165-21-46.range86-165.btcentralplus.com joins [21-01-28 11:46] the [21-01-28 11:47] did that work [21-01-28 11:48] gibson_!~gibson@cpc82056-leic19-2-0-cust38.8-1.cable.virginm.net quits [21-01-28 11:50] <04a​ rustian spy> Ah, you have returned from your ”walk”. [21-01-28 11:50] My client shows citrons without the magic operator orange circle(tm). [21-01-28 11:56] citrons!~raven@dsldevice.attlocal.net changes channel topic to This is my latest amazing new redacted horse. I hope you like it, quite a bit. [21-01-28 11:56] ChanServ!ChanServ@services.apionet.irc changes channel topic to esolangs can't see this haha [21-01-28 11:56] citrons!~raven@dsldevice.attlocal.net changes channel topic to This is my latest amazing new redacted horse. I hope you like it, quite a bit. [21-01-28 11:56] ChanServ!ChanServ@services.apionet.irc changes channel topic to esolangs can't see this haha [21-01-28 11:56] hmmm [21-01-28 11:59] <04g​nobody> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804410210986754048/Screenshot_20210128-205734_One_UI_Home.jpg [21-01-28 11:59] <04g​nobody> föçůš [21-01-28 12:01] <04a​ rustian spy> Focus on the competition, yes. [21-01-28 12:01] hm what [21-01-28 12:01] coral!~coral@ext-2-435.eduroam.chalmers.se quits [21-01-28 12:02] gibson_!~gibson@cpc82056-leic19-2-0-cust38.8-1.cable.virginm.net joins [21-01-28 12:05] hmm, can I edit server config to just make me chanop unconditionally? [21-01-28 12:07] <12i​mpossible cube> >white theme on samsung death [21-01-28 12:24] gibson_!~gibson@cpc82056-leic19-2-0-cust38.8-1.cable.virginm.net quits [21-01-28 12:24] ubq323!~ubq323@host86-165-21-46.range86-165.btcentralplus.com quits [21-01-28 12:30] mon-polaris!~polaris@localhost quits [21-01-28 12:31] gibson_!~gibson@cpc82056-leic19-2-0-cust38.8-1.cable.virginm.net joins [21-01-28 12:32] <09T​ux1> WARNING: COGNITOHAZARDOUS AGENT CONTAINED WITHIN MESSAGE. DO NOT VIEW WITHOUT PROPER INNOCULATION. ||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bSGlMd1Y7Q|| [21-01-28 12:42] ovalo!~ID@host-79-30-23-154.retail.telecomitalia.it joins [21-01-28 12:42] ubq323!~ubq323@host86-165-21-46.range86-165.btcentralplus.com joins [21-01-28 12:45] gibson_!~gibson@cpc82056-leic19-2-0-cust38.8-1.cable.virginm.net quits [21-01-28 12:51] gibson_!~gibson@cpc82056-leic19-2-0-cust38.8-1.cable.virginm.net joins [21-01-28 12:55] mon-polaris!~polaris@localhost quits [21-01-28 13:01] coral!~coral@ext-2-435.eduroam.chalmers.se quits [21-01-28 13:04] coral!~coral@ext-2-435.eduroam.chalmers.se quits [21-01-28 13:29] <11!​ ! ! Heavpoot> i added HTTP 418 support to gollark's thing. [21-01-28 13:29] <11!​ ! ! Heavpoot> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804433006412038194/unknown.png [21-01-28 13:31] <04a​ rustian spy> I also accidentally configured it to ping every 5 seconds instead of 30 in the copy I sent ubq, which is way too high, oops. [21-01-28 13:34] gibson_!~gibson@cpc82056-leic19-2-0-cust38.8-1.cable.virginm.net quits [21-01-28 13:38] coral!~coral@ext-2-435.eduroam.chalmers.se quits [21-01-28 13:40] coral!~coral@ext-2-435.eduroam.chalmers.se quits [21-01-28 13:47] ubq323!~ubq323@host86-165-21-46.range86-165.btcentralplus.com quits [21-01-28 13:53] ubq323!~ubq323@host86-165-21-46.range86-165.btcentralplus.com joins [21-01-28 13:55] ubq323!~ubq323@host86-165-21-46.range86-165.btcentralplus.com quits [21-01-28 13:55] ubq323!~ubq323@host86-165-21-46.range86-165.btcentralplus.com joins [21-01-28 13:55] the [21-01-28 14:01] gollark: it's not currently running anyway because of "too many open files" [21-01-28 14:02] and i didn't restart it when it died [21-01-28 14:02] ideally you would fix that before sending me the updated version [21-01-28 14:03] <04a​ rustian spy> "Too many open files"? Weird. [21-01-28 14:03] <02D​ucko> heyo [21-01-28 14:03] <04a​ rustian spy> Is Nim leaking sockets somehow? [21-01-28 14:03] <04a​ rustian spy> Hi. [21-01-28 14:03] <02D​ucko> anyone watching sn9? [21-01-28 14:03] <04a​ rustian spy> I don't know what that is? [21-01-28 14:03] <02D​ucko> next starship test flight [21-01-28 14:03] <04a​ rustian spy> I see. [21-01-28 14:03] <02D​ucko> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n5kVZlnHZ3o [21-01-28 14:03] <02D​ucko> a lot of drama [21-01-28 14:04] <02D​ucko> faa revoked their TFR (stops planes / etc going nearby) like 2 hours ago [21-01-28 14:04] <02D​ucko> they can't launch without it [21-01-28 14:04] <09u​bqoral> why did they do that [21-01-28 14:04] <02D​ucko> they halted until like 20 mins ago when they resumed, still no TFR [21-01-28 14:04] <02D​ucko> unknown why [21-01-28 14:04] <11!​ ! ! Heavpoot> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804441809975115796/unknown.png [21-01-28 14:04] <02D​ucko> elon said on twitter that faa is being bad [21-01-28 14:04] <02D​ucko> https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1354862567680847876 [21-01-28 14:05] <02D​ucko> if they don't have clearence they will probably abort at t-0 so they get data [21-01-28 14:05] <09u​bqoral> yes but elon's a knob [21-01-28 14:05] <02D​ucko> lmao [21-01-28 14:06] <02D​ucko> basically some form of communication issues between spacex and faa [21-01-28 14:06] <02D​ucko> rumour is they are now halting again? [21-01-28 14:08] <05F​iona> But daddy elon is sending my GME shares to the moon [21-01-28 14:09] daddy elon is sending child slaves to the moon [21-01-28 14:09] god bless [21-01-28 14:12] coral!~coral@ext-2-435.eduroam.chalmers.se quits [21-01-28 14:13] coral!~coral@ext-2-435.eduroam.chalmers.se quits [21-01-28 14:16] mon-polaris!~polaris@localhost quits [21-01-28 14:16] coral!~coral@ext-2-435.eduroam.chalmers.se quits [21-01-28 14:19] status.osmarks.net points to the ip of gh0.pw [21-01-28 14:20] I like when elon musk suffers [21-01-28 14:22] <04a​ rustian spy> @ubqoral new onstat? [21-01-28 14:22] <04a​ rustian spy> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804446273531805803/onstat [21-01-28 14:22] <04a​ rustian spy> I either fixed or worsened it. [21-01-28 14:22] excellent [21-01-28 14:22] are you not closing your file descriptors? [21-01-28 14:22] <04a​ rustian spy> I don't SEE any unclosed ones. [21-01-28 14:22] <04a​ rustian spy> Oh, wait, don't use that, I forgot a thing. [21-01-28 14:23] can I see the source? [21-01-28 14:23] <04a​ rustian spy> It's on my git thing. [21-01-28 14:23] ah, I see [21-01-28 14:23] <04a​ rustian spy> I had to change the polling interval, oopsie. [21-01-28 14:23] <04a​ rustian spy> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804446529745059900/onstat [21-01-28 14:24] hm I might myself host an onstat instance. although, nim seems sort of beeatic [21-01-28 14:24] is nim good or bad overall hmm [21-01-28 14:25] <04a​ rustian spy> Interesting question! I mostly used it because I wanted python but compiling to static binaries. [21-01-28 14:25] interesting [21-01-28 14:25] <04a​ rustian spy> It's quite close to that. [21-01-28 14:25] how do I compile this [21-01-28 14:25] <04a​ rustian spy> nimble build [21-01-28 14:26] <04a​ rustian spy> Also, you configure it by editing the code. [21-01-28 14:26] <04a​ rustian spy> I MAY integrate an actual command line parser soon™. [21-01-28 14:28] where do I configure it [21-01-28 14:28] status.osmarks.net should work [21-01-28 14:29] ideally nimble would actually work on debian but h [21-01-28 14:29] <04a​ rustian spy> Just change variables to what you want. Although to configure monitoring targets you have to edit the database. [21-01-28 14:29] why does it use a database [21-01-28 14:29] how do I edit the database [21-01-28 14:29] <04a​ rustian spy> sqlite3 monitoring.sqlite3 [21-01-28 14:29] <04a​ rustian spy> It has to store historical uptime data for things. [21-01-28 14:29] ah, I see [21-01-28 14:30] yes [21-01-28 14:30] sqlite3 monitoring.sqlite3 [21-01-28 14:30] well, the problem is that the debian nim version is old [21-01-28 14:30] yes [21-01-28 14:30] hmm, are there backports for raspbian? [21-01-28 14:30] i had the same problem [21-01-28 14:30] <04a​ rustian spy> You should be able to just change the nim version it asks for. [21-01-28 14:30] you can't [21-01-28 14:30] <04a​ rustian spy> I don't know if I actually use any 1.4.2 features. [21-01-28 14:30] because the sqlite dependency needs a specific version too [21-01-28 14:30] which is newer than the one in debian [21-01-28 14:31] just barely newer, however [21-01-28 14:31] <04a​ rustian spy> Amazing. [21-01-28 14:31] well [21-01-28 14:31] <04a​ rustian spy> The new version comes with teapot detection which I think is neat. [21-01-28 14:31] what if I modify the dependency [21-01-28 14:31] <04a​ rustian spy> Do you think it's worth adding internet connection detection so if example.com is down it ignores pings? [21-01-28 14:32] gollark, can you compile for arm [21-01-28 14:32] specifically armv7l [21-01-28 14:32] <04a​ rustian spy> I think so. [21-01-28 14:32] excellent [21-01-28 14:32] <04a​ rustian spy> You should* trust my very trustworthy* binaries. [21-01-28 14:32] indeed! [21-01-28 14:33] <04a​ rustian spy> Oh right, I don't have ARMv7 tools installed. [21-01-28 14:34] bee [21-01-28 14:34] hmm let me see [21-01-28 14:34] <04a​ rustian spy> The Arch repos only ship RISC-V and ARMv8 cross compiler tools?! [21-01-28 14:34] what is the different between proc and func in nim [21-01-28 14:34] <07d​ammit quintopia> https://youtu.be/70p3S7MS2U0 [21-01-28 14:35] <04a​ rustian spy> func can't have side effects. [21-01-28 14:35] I don't even know what raspbian version this is [21-01-28 14:35] cat /etc/os-release [21-01-28 14:35] possibly [21-01-28 14:35] ah, it is buster [21-01-28 14:35] how does nim define side effects [21-01-28 14:35] <02D​ucko> update for starship: unconfirmed but somewhat reliable source is saying FAA will give approval for sn9 [21-01-28 14:36] <04a​ rustian spy> I forgot. [21-01-28 14:36] oh! you can add mainline backports to raspbian? [21-01-28 14:36] oh dear [21-01-28 14:36] I hope this does not apioformically explode everything instantly [21-01-28 14:37] <04a​ rustian spy> I'll go add a command line frontend thing. [21-01-28 14:37] do you need to [21-01-28 14:37] is there really much to configure anything [21-01-28 14:38] <04a​ rustian spy> Well, you might want to change the port, polling interval or database file. [21-01-28 14:38] <04a​ rustian spy> It could also use env vars I guess. [21-01-28 14:38] ok let us pray that nothing explodes [21-01-28 14:38] I need pubkeys or something [21-01-28 14:40] what does a $ sign do in nim [21-01-28 14:42] <04a​ rustian spy> Stringify. [21-01-28 14:42] how do you make an hr in whatever apioformic html library this is [21-01-28 14:44] <04a​ rustian spy> Er, hr probably? [21-01-28 14:45] <06s​inth orion> Somehow the majority of the non-programming offtopic discussions of the serenity (Rust Discord lib) server are about investing/stocks. [21-01-28 14:45] <11L​yricLy> I mean, obviously? [21-01-28 14:45] <11L​yricLy> I'd expect it'd be that way on most servers, with what's goingg on [21-01-28 14:45] hr on its own gives confusing errors [21-01-28 14:46] <04a​ rustian spy> hr()? [21-01-28 14:46] expected vnode, but hr is vnodekind [21-01-28 14:46] oh [21-01-28 14:46] hmm [21-01-28 14:46] <04a​ rustian spy> What are you using hrs for? [21-01-28 14:46] hmm how does function calling work in nim [21-01-28 14:47] <04a​ rustian spy> Oh, it's very flexible. [21-01-28 14:47] is it like ruby where you can miss out the () [21-01-28 14:48] <11L​yricLy> Nim has the UFCS! [21-01-28 14:48] yes [21-01-28 14:48] i knew that [21-01-28 14:48] <11L​yricLy> one of the coolest parts about Nim [21-01-28 14:49] <11L​yricLy> you can miss out the () since you're a gamer who deserves healthy hands [21-01-28 14:49] <11L​yricLy> (Macron also has UFCS) [21-01-28 14:49] well actually i couldn't [21-01-28 14:49] because adding the () got rid of the compile error [21-01-28 14:50] mon-polaris!~polaris@localhost quits [21-01-28 14:50] <11L​yricLy> you must have done it wrong [21-01-28 14:50] how [21-01-28 14:50] hr caused a compile error [21-01-28 14:50] hr() didn't [21-01-28 14:50] <11L​yricLy> user error [21-01-28 14:50] how [21-01-28 14:51] what is a UFC [21-01-28 14:51] <11L​yricLy> UFCS [21-01-28 14:51] <11L​yricLy> uniform function call syntax [21-01-28 14:51] ah [21-01-28 14:52] <11L​yricLy> which describes the call syntax of 3 of the world's languages: D, Nim, and Macron [21-01-28 14:52] <06s​inth orion> I honestly don't understand what's going on [21-01-28 14:52] <11L​yricLy> well, the gamestop situation? [21-01-28 14:52] <04a​ rustian spy> Macron does not strictly exist. [21-01-28 14:52] <06s​inth orion> Why there's so much chaos on the stock market [21-01-28 14:52] <04a​ rustian spy> Reddit. [21-01-28 14:52] <06s​inth orion> I mean not right now [21-01-28 14:52] <06s​inth orion> In general [21-01-28 14:53] <06s​inth orion> Long before the GameStop situation [21-01-28 14:53] <11L​yricLy> then COVID. [21-01-28 14:53] <04a​ rustian spy> It's a massively valuable competitive world-scale process to optimize stock pricing or something? [21-01-28 14:53] because capitalism is fundamentally unstable? [21-01-28 14:53] it's not like this is new [21-01-28 14:53] see: 2008 [21-01-28 14:54] <06s​inth orion> Idk why covid made the stock market flourish so much [21-01-28 14:54] coral!~coral@ext-2-435.eduroam.chalmers.se quits [21-01-28 14:54] <06s​inth orion> Is there any tax on stock market transactions? [21-01-28 14:54] <06s​inth orion> There totally should be [21-01-28 14:54] <04a​ rustian spy> Nope. There is capital gains tax. [21-01-28 14:54] <06s​inth orion> Bees [21-01-28 14:54] <04a​ rustian spy> So if you take money out of it it is taxed. [21-01-28 14:55] <04a​ rustian spy> But a tax on transactions themselves would, well, completely wreck the entire thing. [21-01-28 14:55] <06s​inth orion> Have a small, like 3% or such, VAT on every stock market transactions [21-01-28 14:55] <06s​inth orion> If you keep reinvesting all your gains, you have no official capital gains and therefore pay no taxes, correct? [21-01-28 14:56] <04a​ rustian spy> Yes. [21-01-28 14:56] ok I finally have the keys I need to use the backports [21-01-28 14:56] <04a​ rustian spy> Actually, I'm not sure. [21-01-28 14:56] <04a​ rustian spy> Hmm. [21-01-28 14:56] <06s​inth orion> That's apiobullshit [21-01-28 14:56] install void linux on raspberry pi [21-01-28 14:56] I don't have the time to do that [21-01-28 14:56] it's probably* easy [21-01-28 14:56] <04a​ rustian spy> The transaction volume (and also margins involved) is such that that would, as I said, completely break everything ever. [21-01-28 14:56] I tried to install void linux on an iMac G3 before [21-01-28 14:57] unfortunately, I couldn't get it to boot [21-01-28 14:57] fun [21-01-28 14:57] it would hang after loading the kernel [21-01-28 14:57] coral!~coral@ext-2-435.eduroam.chalmers.se quits [21-01-28 14:58] yeah I still do not have op [21-01-28 14:58] you do [21-01-28 14:58] <04a​ rustian spy> I just added a CLI to onstat. [21-01-28 14:58] <04a​ rustian spy> Enjoy your CLIness! [21-01-28 14:58] you have an @ in front of your name anyway [21-01-28 14:58] citrons!~raven@dsldevice.attlocal.net changes channel topic to this is bridged to the esolangs server. do not spam or you will experience an orbital laser strike, and the mods will nuke the bridge [21-01-28 14:58] ChanServ!ChanServ@services.apionet.irc changes channel topic to esolangs can't see this haha [21-01-28 14:59] you have to do msg chanserv topic i think? [21-01-28 14:59] ubq323!~ubq323@host86-165-21-46.range86-165.btcentralplus.com changes channel topic to test [21-01-28 14:59] <04a​ rustian spy> It does make the binary a decent amount bigger but meh. [21-01-28 14:59] <04a​ rustian spy> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804455552502464562/onstat [21-01-28 14:59] oh [21-01-28 14:59] <04a​ rustian spy> You can: configure DB path, configure port, configure polling interval, add targets. [21-01-28 14:59] I am still unauthorized [21-01-28 14:59] try now [21-01-28 14:59] ChanServ!ChanServ@services.apionet.irc changes channel topic to this is bridged to the esolangs server. do not spam or you will experience an orbital laser strike, and the mods will nuke the bridge [21-01-28 14:59] excellent [21-01-28 14:59] what did you do [21-01-28 15:00] msg chanserv topic? [21-01-28 15:00] yes [21-01-28 15:00] after you changed my flags [21-01-28 15:00] it worked [21-01-28 15:00] <04a​ rustian spy> Are you sure your VPS doesn't have an IPv6 address? IPv6 support on osmarks.net-adjacent services is desirable. [21-01-28 15:00] completely sure [21-01-28 15:00] coral!~coral@ext-2-435.eduroam.chalmers.se quits [21-01-28 15:01] <04a​ rustian spy> Odd. [21-01-28 15:01] mon-polaris!~polaris@localhost quits [21-01-28 15:01] alright, now that I have obtained nim from backports, I am building onstat [21-01-28 15:02] > Error: cannot open file: std/exitprocs [21-01-28 15:02] ^ what does this mean [21-01-28 15:02] how can I fix it [21-01-28 15:02] what is your version of nim and nimble [21-01-28 15:03] <04a​ rustian spy> It uses a standard library thing called exitprocs. I don't know why you lack it. [21-01-28 15:03] what does exitprocs do [21-01-28 15:03] <04a​ rustian spy> It's used to close the database connection on exit. [21-01-28 15:03] I am using nim 1.0.4 [21-01-28 15:03] <04a​ rustian spy> Not strictly needed but it might be slightly more vulnerable to data loss without that. [21-01-28 15:03] can I just remove that part [21-01-28 15:03] i am on 1.4.2 [21-01-28 15:03] try using choosenim or something [21-01-28 15:03] <04a​ rustian spy> Possibly, but that is pretty old so the dependencies might break. [21-01-28 15:04] I would not like to install an unpackaged mess to run one program [21-01-28 15:04] <04a​ rustian spy> I was going to say I could try compiling it on my pi, but it runs a sane 64-bit OS. [21-01-28 15:05] what pi version? [21-01-28 15:05] <04a​ rustian spy> 3B. [21-01-28 15:05] I see [21-01-28 15:05] <04a​ rustian spy> Oh, is yours the 2 or something? [21-01-28 15:05] I have a 3 or something I believe [21-01-28 15:06] hm, wait [21-01-28 15:06] all of these packages are armhf [21-01-28 15:07] <04a​ rustian spy> I can only compile aarch64/ARMv8. [21-01-28 15:07] why can you not compile it on your pi? [21-01-28 15:07] <04a​ rustian spy> I can, but only for ARMv8. [21-01-28 15:07] <04a​ rustian spy> I mean, unless I install tons of multilib stuff. [21-01-28 15:07] I have a pi 3 model b as well [21-01-28 15:08] <04a​ rustian spy> Mine runs Void, which is 64-bit on it. [21-01-28 15:08] wait, the proc is 64 bit, but raspbian is 32 bit? [21-01-28 15:09] I am confused [21-01-28 15:10] are you trying to pull regular debian repositories into rasbian? [21-01-28 15:10] where is the /sys file that contains the processor info? [21-01-28 15:10] /proc/cpuinfo maybe? [21-01-28 15:10] ubq323: I have already done that successfully [21-01-28 15:10] ah yes, it is in /proc for some reason [21-01-28 15:10] how successful is successfully [21-01-28 15:10] does software downloaded from the debian repos actually run [21-01-28 15:10] there were no issues whatsoever [21-01-28 15:10] yes [21-01-28 15:10] hmm [21-01-28 15:10] interesting [21-01-28 15:11] hmm odd [21-01-28 15:11] <04a​ rustian spy> Yep! Raspbian is indeed 32-bit. [21-01-28 15:11] <04a​ rustian spy> Or at least is for RPi3Bs or something? [21-01-28 15:11] i remember it once being that raspbian identifies itsef as "armhf", and the debian repos also have an "armhf" architecture, but the two are actually not the same [21-01-28 15:11] <06s​inth orion> Good! [21-01-28 15:11] agh, this is confusing [21-01-28 15:11] which meant that if you tried to access debian repos from raspbian it would appear to work but then actually not [21-01-28 15:11] but maybe that is no longer the case, i'm not sure [21-01-28 15:12] <06s​inth orion> It would reduce the stock market as a way of investing your money [21-01-28 15:12] you have a Pi3B, gollark? [21-01-28 15:12] <04a​ rustian spy> Yes. [21-01-28 15:12] <06s​inth orion> Rather than trading to make monetary gains on the misery of others [21-01-28 15:12] <04a​ rustian spy> They have somewhat good reasons to be 32-bit because they want one image for all Pis (except 4s now)? [21-01-28 15:12] oh, I see [21-01-28 15:12] <04a​ rustian spy> But Void has 64-bit repos and is designed for somewhat more advanced users. [21-01-28 15:12] <06s​inth orion> It would destroy everything that is bees about the stock market [21-01-28 15:12] <04a​ rustian spy> And also the good things. [21-01-28 15:12] so my raspbian is just 32-bit because of copious apioforms [21-01-28 15:12] <04a​ rustian spy> Basically! [21-01-28 15:13] bee [21-01-28 15:13] raspbian is quite apioformic [21-01-28 15:13] gollark: i have submitted a "pull request" on git.osmarks.net for onstat [21-01-28 15:14] hmm what if I [21-01-28 15:14] <04a​ rustian spy> Exciting! [21-01-28 15:15] <11!​ ! ! Heavpoot> hello citrons, do you exist?! [21-01-28 15:15] hello [21-01-28 15:15] I exist [21-01-28 15:15] <11!​ ! ! Heavpoot> check discord DMs. evil plans ARE to occur. [21-01-28 15:15] ok [21-01-28 15:15] what are you planning [21-01-28 15:16] <11L​yricLy> it's likely apiological [21-01-28 15:16] <04a​ rustian spy> Evil things, allegedly. [21-01-28 15:16] fascinating [21-01-28 15:16] what else should i bridge to #a [21-01-28 15:16] coral!~coral@ext-2-435.eduroam.chalmers.se quits [21-01-28 15:18] <04a​ rustian spy> I made a minor usability improvement to onstat for phones, please recompile at some point with that. [21-01-28 15:18] coral!~coral@ext-2-435.eduroam.chalmers.se quits [21-01-28 15:20] it has been done [21-01-28 15:20] coral!~coral@ext-2-435.eduroam.chalmers.se quits [21-01-28 15:20] <04a​ rustian spy> Wow, it actually works on my phone nicely now. [21-01-28 15:20] excellent [21-01-28 15:20] <04a​ rustian spy> @/dev/rwd0c Do you desire "monitoring"? [21-01-28 15:23] ideally onstat should have a "license" [21-01-28 15:24] <04a​ rustian spy> Oh yes, those things. [21-01-28 15:24] MITification ? [21-01-28 15:24] <04a​ rustian spy> Yes. [21-01-28 15:25] mon-polaris!~polaris@localhost quits [21-01-28 15:33] mon-polaris!~polaris@localhost quits [21-01-28 15:35] <11b​aidicoot> heavpoot has occured? [21-01-28 15:36] <11b​aidicoot> what 'IRC' is this 'bridge' 'to'? [21-01-28 15:36] APIONET [21-01-28 15:36] <04a​ rustian spy> APIONET #e. [21-01-28 15:37] <11b​aidicoot> oh, #e [21-01-28 15:37] yes [21-01-28 15:37] observance!~eaee@cpc88373-newc19-2-0-cust1592.16-2.cable.virginm.net joins [21-01-28 15:37] ubq323!~ubq323@host86-165-21-46.range86-165.btcentralplus.com quits [21-01-28 15:37] hello [21-01-28 15:37] #e will consume all. [21-01-28 15:38] indeed [21-01-28 15:38] it is the only way, agreed? [21-01-28 15:38] agreed [21-01-28 15:38] it's vaguely strange being notified of my own message. [21-01-28 15:38] <04a​ rustian spy> Do you like onstat™? [21-01-28 15:38] ubqbqbqbqbqbqbqbqbqbqbqbqbqbqbqbqbqbqbqbqbqbqbqbqbq [21-01-28 15:38] oh bee [21-01-28 15:39] onstat:tm:? [21-01-28 15:39] <04a​ rustian spy> https://status.osmarks.net/ [21-01-28 15:39] why 'on'stat [21-01-28 15:39] hmm it looks like I am required to compile nim from source [21-01-28 15:39] but yes [21-01-28 15:39] <04a​ rustian spy> It produces a sub-3KB static HTML page instead of the accursed javascriptological forms used by other things. [21-01-28 15:39] this is apioforms [21-01-28 15:39] even if it is rather overengineered. [21-01-28 15:39] <04a​ rustian spy> It's called onstat because it tells you the on status of your machines. [21-01-28 15:39] ah [21-01-28 15:39] bees! [21-01-28 15:39] onstat cool [21-01-28 15:39] sub 3KB [21-01-28 15:39] <04a​ rustian spy> It was a joke based on an old program I found on the internet called "onstat", which told you if your computer was on. [21-01-28 15:40] that's *many* savings. [21-01-28 15:40] <04a​ rustian spy> Versus the 2MB of JS statping contains. [21-01-28 15:40] indeed [21-01-28 15:40] gollark, I am unable to compile onstat [21-01-28 15:40] <04a​ rustian spy> Troubling! [21-01-28 15:40] you should instead base onstat on the program you found on the internet, for purposes. [21-01-28 15:40] <04a​ rustian spy> It's in perl, no. [21-01-28 15:41] that makes it all the better! [21-01-28 15:41] anyway gtg [21-01-28 15:41] <04a​ rustian spy> Maybe I should add IRC integration. [21-01-28 15:41] observance!~eaee@cpc88373-newc19-2-0-cust1592.16-2.cable.virginm.net quits [21-01-28 15:41] <11b​aidicoot> you should [21-01-28 15:41] <04a​ rustian spy> Or at least webhooks, since it already ships with HTTP code. [21-01-28 15:50] <08/​dev/rwd0c> i mean [21-01-28 15:50] <08/​dev/rwd0c> sure [21-01-28 15:50] <04a​ rustian spy> Send the ubqvian one the URL of your site and they can add it to onstat™. [21-01-28 15:54] mon-polaris!~polaris@localhost quits [21-01-28 15:59] ubq323!~ubq323@host86-165-21-46.range86-165.btcentralplus.com joins [21-01-28 16:07] ok I am compiling nim [21-01-28 16:08] <11L​yricLy> help\ [21-01-28 16:08] <11L​yricLy> I want to work on mindbreak [21-01-28 16:11] I have just installed nim [21-01-28 16:11] that was surprisingly painless [21-01-28 16:11] <12K​aylynn ✨> then work on mindbreak silly [21-01-28 16:12] <12K​aylynn ✨> i want to work on my programming language but that requires working on my parser generator [21-01-28 16:13] <09u​bqoral> parser generators are a lie [21-01-28 16:13] <09u​bqoral> just like [21-01-28 16:13] <09u​bqoral> write the damn parser [21-01-28 16:13] <09u​bqoral> recursive descent [21-01-28 16:13] <12K​aylynn ✨> recursive descent SUCKS [21-01-28 16:13] <09u​bqoral> and stop adding abstractions [21-01-28 16:13] <09u​bqoral> wrong [21-01-28 16:13] <12K​aylynn ✨> i like writing CFGs [21-01-28 16:13] <04a​ rustian spy> Recursive descent worked fine for my lisp thing. [21-01-28 16:14] <04a​ rustian spy> Apart from the bit where it can't parse negative integer literals due to ambiguity. [21-01-28 16:14] <04a​ rustian spy> Although that's really a fault of the grammar I guess. [21-01-28 16:14] hmm what is the best way to do operator precedence [21-01-28 16:14] <12K​aylynn ✨> (while recursive descent is in fact totally fine i want to learn more about parsing) [21-01-28 16:14] <12K​aylynn ✨> depends on parsing strategy [21-01-28 16:14] in a recursive descent parser [21-01-28 16:14] <04a​ rustian spy> Reject precedence, return to RPN. [21-01-28 16:15] I find rpn honestly hard to read [21-01-28 16:15] <12K​aylynn ✨> i'm not sure how you do it in a recursive descent parser [21-01-28 16:16] <12K​aylynn ✨> in an LR(k) parser you get to be cool and encode precedence with left-recursion [21-01-28 16:16] <12K​aylynn ✨> in an LL(k) parser you can't do that because LL(k) SUCKS [21-01-28 16:16] I see [21-01-28 16:17] <11L​yricLy> but I can't stayy awake [21-01-28 16:17] <11L​yricLy> also FUCK YOU [21-01-28 16:17] <04a​ rustian spy> As planned. [21-01-28 16:17] <12K​aylynn ✨> then go to sleep and do it in the morning [21-01-28 16:17] <04a​ rustian spy> !time @LyricLy [21-01-28 16:17] <11L​yricLy> RECURSIVE DESCENT IS THE BEST PARSING METHOD [21-01-28 16:17] <04a​ rustian spy> Have you STILL not slept? [21-01-28 16:17] <11L​yricLy> FUCKING CHRIST [21-01-28 16:17] <11L​yricLy> yeah still a nneagtia [21-01-28 16:17] <11L​yricLy> negatiuve of the sleeping thing [21-01-28 16:17] <04a​ rustian spy> @LyricLy PRODUCE OSMARKSLISP™ 2.0 [21-01-28 16:17] <12K​aylynn ✨> > (while recursive descent is in fact totally fine i want to learn more about parsing) [21-01-28 16:17] <12K​aylynn ✨> it may actually be the best but it is boring [21-01-28 16:17] <11L​yricLy> define each level in terms of the level below it [21-01-28 16:18] <04a​ rustian spy> If we're doing C next I might want to write RPNCalc in that, but that would be too obvious, hmmm. [21-01-28 16:18] <11L​yricLy> until you get the highest precedence level (let's say *) that works in terms of the "base" expressions (parenthesized expressions and literals, usaully) [21-01-28 16:18] well now it's extremely obvious [21-01-28 16:18] ah I see [21-01-28 16:18] <04a​ rustian spy> It isn't, because this was a decoy. [21-01-28 16:18] <05f​irecubez> whats a reswearing decent [21-01-28 16:18] <11L​yricLy> IT'S NOT BORING IT'S AWESOME [21-01-28 16:18] <11L​yricLy> FUCK YOU [21-01-28 16:19] <05f​irecubez> it is [21-01-28 16:19] <05f​irecubez> i think [21-01-28 16:19] <11L​yricLy> are your precious CFGs Turing complete, kaylynn [21-01-28 16:19] <12K​aylynn ✨> i mean implementation is boring there's not as much theory involved and i don't have to read about a lot of stuff from the 90s [21-01-28 16:19] <11L​yricLy> (no, they're not) [21-01-28 16:19] <12K​aylynn ✨> and i dunno i like the dragon book [21-01-28 16:20] <04a​ rustian spy> perl regexes > "context free grammars". [21-01-28 16:20] <04a​ rustian spy> ALL is to be "regular" expressions. [21-01-28 16:20] <11L​yricLy> meanwhile with recursive descent you can match all grammars. ever [21-01-28 16:20] <11L​yricLy> including recursively enumerable ones that can only be parsed by turing machine [21-01-28 16:20] <05f​irecubez> i HATE SHIT [21-01-28 16:20] hm [21-01-28 16:20] <11L​yricLy> shut the FUCK UP FIRECUBEZS [21-01-28 16:20] interesting [21-01-28 16:20] <05f​irecubez> WHY DOES YBOT CRASH [21-01-28 16:20] <11L​yricLy> SGHISGISGI(S(ID IT(R AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA [21-01-28 16:21] <11L​yricLy> I'm going to bed [21-01-28 16:21] <05f​irecubez> jdfsgkdkgjkdjDSJKFAJKLFJKLRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA [21-01-28 16:21] hm I installed nim but I still don't have nimble [21-01-28 16:21] <12K​aylynn ✨> please be nice to me in the morning [21-01-28 16:21] how is that obtained [21-01-28 16:21] <12K​aylynn ✨> you're not yourself christina [21-01-28 16:21] gollark, enlighten me. onstat MUST occur [21-01-28 16:21] <04a​ rustian spy> I don't know what bizarre quirks your package repository has unfortunately. [21-01-28 16:21] <04a​ rustian spy> Perhaps it's a separate package. [21-01-28 16:21] I downloaded nim from the website [21-01-28 16:22] the source package [21-01-28 16:22] <04a​ rustian spy> You can do everything nimble does with a bunch of git clones and nim c but that's bee. [21-01-28 16:22] <04a​ rustian spy> > Nimble is now bundled with Nim (since Nim version 0.15.0). This means that you should have Nimble installed already, as long as you have the latest version of Nim installed as well. Because of this you likely do not need to install Nimble manually. ??? [21-01-28 16:22] there is only nim [21-01-28 16:22] <04a​ rustian spy> Oh, do you have ~/.nimble/bin on your path? It mentions this? [21-01-28 16:22] <04a​ rustian spy> * . [21-01-28 16:23] well, I installed nim to .local (and annoyingly, it put everything in .local/nim), and that is in my path, but it does not contain nimble [21-01-28 16:23] <04a​ rustian spy> Alternatively, it says you can build it with their koch tool. [21-01-28 16:23] <04a​ rustian spy> https://github.com/nim-lang/nimble#installation [21-01-28 16:25] ah, nimble appears to be in the dist directory of the source archive [21-01-28 16:26] hm, perhaps I will install nimble from the repos, and then use it to build the newer nimble [21-01-28 16:26] bee [21-01-28 16:26] that has not worked [21-01-28 16:28] ah, I was able to compile nimble without a build system [21-01-28 16:30] <04a​ rustian spy> You may want to update your onstat install with a minor bugfix. And possibly change the footer, since it isn't configurable as of now. [21-01-28 16:30] ovalo!~ID@host-79-30-23-154.retail.telecomitalia.it quits [21-01-28 16:30] I have the latest version [21-01-28 16:30] how do the command line flags work? [21-01-28 16:32] <04a​ rustian spy> Is the --help not helpful? [21-01-28 16:32] I for some reason did not think to do that [21-01-28 16:32] <04a​ rustian spy> You can set the DB path, port and polling interval, and even add (but not remove) URLs. [21-01-28 16:33] ok let me see [21-01-28 16:33] I need to recall how to use certbot to add another domain to the cert [21-01-28 16:34] <04a​ rustian spy> It can run at a subpath happily too. [21-01-28 16:35] <04a​ rustian spy> It only has something like one route and the HTML page has the CSS embedded in it. [21-01-28 16:35] <04a​ rustian spy> In fact, it's literally one route, anything but / causes a 404. [21-01-28 16:35] yes, but the url would be a bit awkward [21-01-28 16:35] hmm [21-01-28 16:35] <04a​ rustian spy> osmarks.net uses advanced wildcard cert technology. [21-01-28 16:35] I recall there being some reason for me to not do that [21-01-28 16:36] <04a​ rustian spy> Your DNS provider doesn't have an API for it perhaps? [21-01-28 16:36] hm [21-01-28 16:36] <04a​ rustian spy> Mine is great (the osmarks.net one, freenom is ææææ) and has an API and detailed documentation on exactly how to do it. [21-01-28 16:37] <04a​ rustian spy> Also DNSSEC which I can see being mildly useful at some point eventually maybe. [21-01-28 16:39] oh god [21-01-28 16:39] hm [21-01-28 16:39] never mind [21-01-28 16:41] I will actually host onstat on another server [21-01-28 16:41] <04a​ rustian spy> Why? Did ææææ apioforms? [21-01-28 16:41] I don't feel like configuring apache [21-01-28 16:42] I forgot I was using apache because of mediawiki on that one [21-01-28 16:42] <04a​ rustian spy> Oh. Oh bee. [21-01-28 16:42] <04a​ rustian spy> At osmarks osmarks osmarksization™ all servers are standardized on nginx. [21-01-28 16:42] <04a​ rustian spy> Also there's only one server with a reverse proxy on it. [21-01-28 16:42] I think mediawiki on nginx is æ [21-01-28 16:43] all of my servers reverse proxy [21-01-28 16:43] why is tar hanging [21-01-28 16:43] <04a​ rustian spy> The only other one I have is the heav.osmarks.net dedicated HNode™. [21-01-28 16:43] <04a​ rustian spy> Which just exposes stuff on 8888. [21-01-28 16:43] why is tar taking ages [21-01-28 16:44] <04a​ rustian spy> tar is actually bad, according to GTech™ Badology. [21-01-28 16:46] <11χ​άος> Man, Apple is making a “Black Unity Smartwatch”, I’m surprised it doesn’t implode from the irony [21-01-28 16:46] <04a​ rustian spy> They generally do go for silvery designs over black, yes. [21-01-28 16:48] tar is STILL not done [21-01-28 16:48] ok now it is [21-01-28 16:48] <11χ​άος> The irony is that the cobalt used to make the battery inside was likely mined by African child slaves [21-01-28 16:48] yes, the irony is incredibly thick [21-01-28 16:48] insanely thick [21-01-28 16:48] multi-level irony [21-01-28 16:51] <04a​ rustian spy> What is its viscosity? [21-01-28 16:53] <09u​bqoral> 4 [21-01-28 16:53] it has a viscosity of about 4e8 Pa*s [21-01-28 16:54] mon-polaris!~polaris@localhost quits [21-01-28 16:55] <04a​ rustian spy> https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/426116061415342080/804473763923623936/uhffl26nm4e61.jpg [21-01-28 16:56] this is quite an interesting time to be alive [21-01-28 16:56] <04a​ rustian spy> I IKR, right? [21-01-28 16:56] gollark it has died due to "too many open files" again [21-01-28 16:56] <04a​ rustian spy> Ugh, how apious. [21-01-28 16:56] <04a​ rustian spy> I have no idea how to debug t his. [21-01-28 16:56] gollark WHY are you not closing file descriptors? [21-01-28 16:57] <04a​ rustian spy> My code DOES NOT deal with file descriptors directly. [21-01-28 16:57] <04a​ rustian spy> I assume some nim thing is leaking. [21-01-28 16:57] how do you even debug nim [21-01-28 16:57] <04a​ rustian spy> I don't actually use debuggers. [21-01-28 16:58] my life became easier when I began using gdb [21-01-28 16:58] ovalo!~ID@host-79-30-23-154.retail.telecomitalia.it joins [21-01-28 16:58] hello [21-01-28 16:58] <04a​ rustian spy> Hmm, there doesn't seem to be some sort of "drop HTTP client" method I'm missing. [21-01-28 16:59] Hii wow it's even on the phone! [21-01-28 16:59] what is? [21-01-28 16:59] Xmpp [21-01-28 16:59] I see [21-01-28 16:59] And irc [21-01-28 16:59] <11χ​άος> I misread that as “gollark has died due to ‘too many open files’” [21-01-28 17:00] <04a​ rustian spy> APIONET is pretty inevitable. [21-01-28 17:00] It's dangerous to open them, your ram will suffer greatly! [21-01-28 17:00] Yep [21-01-28 17:01] <04a​ rustian spy> I can't see any obvious bit which looks like it might be leaking descriptors. Try compiling with --gc:orc. [21-01-28 17:02] <06s​inth orion> What happens to the stock shares when a company files for bankruptcy? [21-01-28 17:02] what does that do, gollarik [21-01-28 17:04] <07G​alaxtone> Why are you doing this heavpoot [21-01-28 17:04] doing what [21-01-28 17:04] <07G​alaxtone> They are not welcome on the server [21-01-28 17:04] what [21-01-28 17:04] <07G​alaxtone> They've been "Banned" [21-01-28 17:04] <07G​alaxtone> and you banned them citrons [21-01-28 17:04] <07G​alaxtone> unbanned* [21-01-28 17:04] and how do you know that [21-01-28 17:05] <07G​alaxtone> The server logs? [21-01-28 17:05] I see [21-01-28 17:05] well, bee you [21-01-28 17:05] Who is banned? [21-01-28 17:05] <07G​alaxtone> You went behind me and underhanded my decision, I'm warning you. [21-01-28 17:06] this is about minecraft [21-01-28 17:06] you're warning me? [21-01-28 17:06] Pog [21-01-28 17:06] <07G​alaxtone> I've given you a warn. [21-01-28 17:06] I thought you wanted a democracy or something [21-01-28 17:06] <07G​alaxtone> We have rules [21-01-28 17:06] <07G​alaxtone> They have to be followed [21-01-28 17:06] hmm interesting [21-01-28 17:07] mon-polaris!~polaris@localhost quits [21-01-28 17:07] it is not very democracyesque to do things unilaterally [21-01-28 17:07] <07G​alaxtone> That's not true [21-01-28 17:08] <07G​alaxtone> You agree to the rules by being on the server [21-01-28 17:08] that has nothing to do with whether or not it is democracyesque [21-01-28 17:08] <11χ​άος> Citrons internal monologue: “well shit” [21-01-28 17:08] <07G​alaxtone> So what do you call laws? [21-01-28 17:09] when you are accused of a crime, a jury decides if you have commited it, generally [21-01-28 17:09] lemondrone attack [21-01-28 17:09] It doesn't respond to me. [21-01-28 17:09] <07G​alaxtone> You don't respect me [21-01-28 17:09] <07G​alaxtone> You don't respect my decisions [21-01-28 17:09] <11χ​άος> Drama :shibanom: [21-01-28 17:10] you unilaterally decided to ban heavpoot for some reason you won't fully explain and most of us disagree with it [21-01-28 17:10] <07G​alaxtone> Because it doesn't need to be explained [21-01-28 17:10] Heav is banned!? [21-01-28 17:10] ! [21-01-28 17:10] ovalo, who are you [21-01-28 17:11] if you do not provide an explanation, do not be surprised if I don't respect your decision [21-01-28 17:11] <04a​ rustian spy> ++delete @Galaxtone with bees. [21-01-28 17:11] <04a​ robotic spy> Deleting @Galaxtone with bees.... [21-01-28 17:11] <04a​ robotic spy> Deleted @Galaxtone with bees. successfully. [21-01-28 17:12] <04a​ rustian spy> Anwyay, @Galaxtoneous form, it does need to be explained if you want your decision to be considered good. [21-01-28 17:12] <04a​ rustian spy> If you do things for no explicable reason, and they don't seem to lead to good outcomes, I will enbadden them. [21-01-28 17:12] Not very democratical of you. [21-01-28 17:12] <06s​inth orion> Juries aren't a thing in all law systems. They aren't a thing here in Germany. It's mostly a British invention. [21-01-28 17:13] <04a​ rustian spy> Anyway, --gc:orc switches from the normal garbage collector to vaguely rustacean automatic destructor insertion plus cycle detection. [21-01-28 17:13] <04a​ rustian spy> Which might clean up sockets, if it happens to be leaking those somehow. [21-01-28 17:14] I see [21-01-28 17:17] <07G​alaxtone> I've already explained this simply enough [21-01-28 17:17] <07G​alaxtone> Heavpoot is not a nice person [21-01-28 17:18] citrons!~raven@dsldevice.attlocal.net quits [21-01-28 17:18] <04a​ rustian spy> I could probably force garbage collection, but that's quite a, or force close the socket, if the HTTP client exposed them, which it does not. [21-01-28 17:20] citrons!~raven@dsldevice.attlocal.net joins [21-01-28 17:25] osmarks!~osmarks@host86-155-86-113.range86-155.btcentralplus.com quits [21-01-28 17:27] what?! it still has the "exitprocs" error even on the latest nim! [21-01-28 17:27] oh wait [21-01-28 17:29] <09u​bqoral> in your opinion [21-01-28 17:30] <09u​bqoral> that opinion is not shared by the rest of the players [21-01-28 17:30] <07G​alaxtone> So heavpoot treats you better than me? [21-01-28 17:30] <09u​bqoral> you can't do something yourself, refuse to explain your decision, and then get angry when people disagree with you, and you certainly can't do that and then claim you want it to be a democracy [21-01-28 17:30] <09u​bqoral> you don't get to have it both ways [21-01-28 17:30] <09u​bqoral> heavpoot does not generally randomly ban people for no reason [21-01-28 17:30] ^ [21-01-28 17:31] citrons deciding themselves to unban heavpoot is no worse in any way than you deciding yourself to ban them in the first place [21-01-28 17:31] so you don't get to complain about it [21-01-28 17:32] <07G​alaxtone> You seem to always have some explanation for why my judgements are poor and that I do things for no reason [21-01-28 17:32] <07G​alaxtone> None of you respect me [21-01-28 17:32] <09u​bqoral> i wonder why that might be [21-01-28 17:32] <07G​alaxtone> Because they have not been nice to me [21-01-28 17:32] <09u​bqoral> because you refuse to actually give a reason [21-01-28 17:32] <07G​alaxtone> That's the reason [21-01-28 17:32] <09u​bqoral> so we are kind of forced to come up with our own explainations [21-01-28 17:32] <07G​alaxtone> Don't shoot down my reason and say I haven't give n one [21-01-28 17:32] <07G​alaxtone> No I've provided one [21-01-28 17:32] well, it's not a good reason [21-01-28 17:32] <09u​bqoral> you haven't [21-01-28 17:32] <09u​bqoral> ^ also [21-01-28 17:33] <09u​bqoral> "i don't like this person" does not mean you can ban them and then get annoyed when other people unban them again [21-01-28 17:33] <09u​bqoral> and if you think that should be the case, then stop pretending you want a democracy [21-01-28 17:34] <07G​alaxtone> I didn't say I didn't like the person, I said the person hasn't been nice to me. [21-01-28 17:34] water cube [21-01-28 17:34] <09u​bqoral> but you refuse to explain how the person hasn't been nice to you [21-01-28 17:35] Bee nice [21-01-28 17:35] <07G​alaxtone> Beca [21-01-28 17:35] ovalo who are you [21-01-28 17:35] <04a​ rustian spy> Ubq: while you're here, recompile with --gc:orc? [21-01-28 17:35] <04a​ rustian spy> It might help. [21-01-28 17:35] a person from heavserver [21-01-28 17:35] <07G​alaxtone> You need to be told how exactly they've not been nice to me? [21-01-28 17:35] yes [21-01-28 17:36] <09u​bqoral> yes [21-01-28 17:36] <09u​bqoral> otherwise all the information i have is "i don't like them and i refuse to explain why", which is hardly going to convince me that you are correct [21-01-28 17:37] <09u​bqoral> it says 'on' or 'off' expected, but 'orc' found [21-01-28 17:37] <09u​bqoral> oh no i mistyped it [21-01-28 17:38] ok it seems to have worked [21-01-28 17:38] or rather it doesn't seem to have not worked [21-01-28 17:43] <04a​ rustian spy> Exciting. [21-01-28 17:43] <04a​ rustian spy> If it continues to not work I'll deploy apioforms against all wh stand in my way and whatever. [21-01-28 17:44] excellent [21-01-28 17:45] <07G​alaxtone> @ubqoral @a rustian spy Why do you talk to me like some sort of politician, with such complex wording, it's like we're in some sort of college and it's hard to interpret and understand. It's like you try to bring infalliable arguments for why I am absolutely wrong and I am just not smart enough to actually combat your wording, I don't appreciate it. [21-01-28 17:45] <07G​alaxtone> And I don't consider such wordings towards me as very friendly, you openly oppose me and my decisions. [21-01-28 17:46] yes, because i disagree with the decision [21-01-28 17:46] <07G​alaxtone> I don't appreciate you shooting down everything I say, and telling me my actions are unreasonable and my reasons are terrible. [21-01-28 17:46] <04a​ rustian spy> Cryogenic Riemann-polynomial tessellations in metaubqvian Bussard ramjet gauge integral phase space forbid this actually. [21-01-28 17:46] i mean [21-01-28 17:46] i'm sorry that you don't appreciate me disagreeing with you [21-01-28 17:46] <07G​alaxtone> Sure nobody does [21-01-28 17:47] Is rustian a bot or no? [21-01-28 17:47] Hmmm [21-01-28 17:47] maybe if you had consulted with the other admins first instead of just acting all by yourself, and coming to a group consensus properly, then we wouldn't be disagreeing now [21-01-28 17:47] <04a​ rustian spy> I manage to be okay with it in certain situations by cultivating ironic detachment. [21-01-28 17:47] <07G​alaxtone> But you talk with such complexity it's hard to follow and it feels like I'm prone to fail [21-01-28 17:47] <07G​alaxtone> When I've had talks with you guys and heavpoot [21-01-28 17:47] how am i talking with complexity [21-01-28 17:47] <07G​alaxtone> I've lost self-confidence and gained self-doubt in my own thoughts and actions which I deemed reasonable [21-01-28 17:48] that is known as changing your mind [21-01-28 17:48] <07G​alaxtone> because of these things [21-01-28 17:48] it is ok to change your mind [21-01-28 17:48] <07G​alaxtone> I just wish you'd try a different approach [21-01-28 17:48] it is ok to be wrong! everyone is wrong often [21-01-28 17:48] Sadness [21-01-28 17:48] I'm never wrong [21-01-28 17:48] <07G​alaxtone> I believe in myself and my argument, and you always come up with some reason why I'm wrong. [21-01-28 17:49] yes [21-01-28 17:49] because i disagree with you [21-01-28 17:49] what do you want me to do [21-01-28 17:49] <07G​alaxtone> Disagreeing with me is fine [21-01-28 17:49] unconditionally accept everything you say and do? [21-01-28 17:49] <07G​alaxtone> But disagreeing with me constantly isn't, it's like your prone to it, like your actively trying to prove me being wrong [21-01-28 17:49] <07G​alaxtone> I don't even know why you would play on a server run by someone you don't believe is responsbile enough or has good judgement [21-01-28 17:49] <07G​alaxtone> I don't believe those things, but it sounds like you would [21-01-28 17:50] citrons!~raven@dsldevice.attlocal.net quits [21-01-28 17:50] i'm not constantly disagreeing with you or anything like that [21-01-28 17:51] i am disagreeing with you over one specific case [21-01-28 17:51] <07G​alaxtone> > unconditionally accept everything you say and do? No, more like try to treat me like a person and try to talk with me in mind, not just how I'm wrong and how your right. [21-01-28 17:51] i am trying to talk to you like a person [21-01-28 17:51] you are not making it very easy [21-01-28 17:51] <07G​alaxtone> Well I'm sorry about that [21-01-28 17:52] <11χ​άος> This is still going on? [21-01-28 17:52] <04a​ rustian spy> Inevitably. [21-01-28 17:52] <11χ​άος> :shibanom: [21-01-28 17:52] <07G​alaxtone> I am disagreeing with you [21-01-28 17:52] <07G​alaxtone> And I'm not very good at figuring out things [21-01-28 17:52] <07G​alaxtone> And you seem to be more good at figuring things out [21-01-28 17:53] <07G​alaxtone> So it seems statistically that you'll have more ground for your claim than me [21-01-28 17:53] <11χ​άος> So maybe they are right [21-01-28 17:53] <07G​alaxtone> This is about how fair heavpoot's ban is, and my reason is he hasn't been nice to me [21-01-28 17:54] <11χ​άος> It might be interesting to point out that for a good 8 minutes, the conversation focused solely on disagreements of the matter of disagreeing [21-01-28 17:54] yes [21-01-28 17:54] i don't think this argument is particularly productive [21-01-28 17:54] if you want to talk about unbanning heavpoot then i'm willing to talk [21-01-28 17:54] I agree [21-01-28 17:54] if not, i have better things to be doing [21-01-28 17:54] <11χ​άος> Who is ovalo? [21-01-28 17:54] <07G​alaxtone> Because I'm not good at debating things [21-01-28 17:55] that's understandable [21-01-28 17:55] <11χ​άος> Can we just do pistols at dawn and get this over with? [21-01-28 17:55] <07G​alaxtone> And I need to show you that that's a very bad thing [21-01-28 17:56] Idk how to @special characters :1 [21-01-28 17:56] <04a​ rustian spy> Arguments ascending into metaargumentative space is always fun and cool. [21-01-28 17:56] But ovalo used to be Sylhouette. [21-01-28 17:56] <07G​alaxtone> It's not fun statistically being the one whos disagreed with often [21-01-28 17:57] <07G​alaxtone> Not by the same person [21-01-28 17:57] Ohh that's because of the bot... [21-01-28 17:58] No bully Galaxtone [21-01-28 17:59] if you don't want to be disagreed with, maybe you should talk to people about what you intend to do before doing it [21-01-28 17:59] <07G​alaxtone> sigh [21-01-28 17:59] especially if the thing you want to do is likely to be disagreed with by many peolpe [21-01-28 17:59] people* [21-01-28 17:59] <07G​alaxtone> I don't need advice [21-01-28 17:59] what do you mean [21-01-28 17:59] <07G​alaxtone> I just want a group of friends [21-01-28 17:59] <07G​alaxtone> I don't want a democracy [21-01-28 18:00] ... [21-01-28 18:00] if you want to be friends with people, you have to listen to what they say, and talk to them [21-01-28 18:00] <07G​alaxtone> I'm trying to talk to people [21-01-28 18:00] instead of just doing your own thing and then getting annoyed when they disagree with you [21-01-28 18:00] <07G​alaxtone> I did what I did because he did his own thing against my wishes [21-01-28 18:00] <07G​alaxtone> which was the last straw [21-01-28 18:01] what thing did he do [21-01-28 18:01] <07G​alaxtone> Well there are also incidients [21-01-28 18:01] what incidents [21-01-28 18:01] <07G​alaxtone> and it appears I have long term memory issues [21-01-28 18:01] you still haven't actually said any of these [21-01-28 18:02] <07G​alaxtone> Theres the glass cube [21-01-28 18:02] gibson_!~gibson@cpc82056-leic19-2-0-cust38.8-1.cable.virginm.net joins [21-01-28 18:02] Hi [21-01-28 18:05] <04a​ rustian spy> Question: am I to inevitably rewrite minoteaur in lisp of some sort? [21-01-28 18:05] <04a​ rustian spy> Or even nonlisp. [21-01-28 18:05] <05F​iona> Why do we have an IRC bridge now [21-01-28 18:05] <04a​ rustian spy> Why don't you? [21-01-28 18:05] <05F​iona> I guess more specifically [21-01-28 18:05] <05F​iona> why is the name bold [21-01-28 18:06] <04a​ rustian spy> The bridge is programmed that way and not in webhook mode. [21-01-28 18:07] I wish my avatar was visible. It might be too big. [21-01-28 18:08] E [21-01-28 18:08] <07G​alaxtone> I guess I'll just stays disagreed with and in your eyes some selfish person who plays the victim card and throws trantrums when disagreed with [21-01-28 18:08] <04a​ rustian spy> Ë [21-01-28 18:08] <07G​alaxtone> but I want a server of friendly people and I don't see it as that [21-01-28 18:08] <07G​alaxtone> So if you don't like me, please leave. [21-01-28 18:08] <05F​iona> bad™ [21-01-28 18:08] <05F​iona> the bold is ugly [21-01-28 18:08] <07G​alaxtone> but It's not like i'm going to suddenly become better at talking with people and resolving these things [21-01-28 18:09] <07G​alaxtone> Heavpoot is staying banned and anyone who unbans him gets banned. [21-01-28 18:10] <07G​alaxtone> You think I'm acting terrible and your acting fine. And I think your acting terrible and I'm acting fine. [21-01-28 18:10] <04a​ rustian spy> * you're [21-01-28 18:10] <04a​ rustian spy> * terribly [21-01-28 18:10] <05F​iona> heavpoot is banned? [21-01-28 18:10] <04a​ rustian spy> From another thing. [21-01-28 18:10] <05F​iona> sadge [21-01-28 18:10] <05F​iona> oh [21-01-28 18:13] citrons!~raven@dsldevice.attlocal.net joins [21-01-28 18:13] <04a​ rustian spy> It begins. [21-01-28 18:14] <09u​bqoral> so why are you more important then? [21-01-28 18:14] <09u​bqoral> why do you get to dictate who gets banned? [21-01-28 18:15] <09u​bqoral> like it's your server you can do what you want [21-01-28 18:20] <07H​elloBoi> when the xsetroot is not found [21-01-28 18:20] <07G​alaxtone> Even if it doesn't look like it [21-01-28 18:22] <07H​elloBoi> what is this [21-01-28 18:22] <07H​elloBoi> why is there discussion [21-01-28 18:22] <07G​alaxtone> I talked like for an hour [21-01-28 18:22] <07G​alaxtone> because I banned one person and nobody agrees with me [21-01-28 18:23] matt!~matt@058176100159.ctinets.com joins [21-01-28 18:23] hi [21-01-28 18:23] hello, matt [21-01-28 18:23] who are you [21-01-28 18:24] guess [21-01-28 18:24] hmmmmm [21-01-28 18:24] I will guess that you are probably from esolangs? [21-01-28 18:24] yes [21-01-28 18:24] hmm [21-01-28 18:24] <07d​ammit quintopia> matt is helloboi iirc [21-01-28 18:25] ah, I see [21-01-28 18:25] yes [21-01-28 18:25] hello matt [21-01-28 18:26] hi [21-01-28 18:33] <07H​elloBoi> hmm [21-01-28 18:33] Hello boi [21-01-28 18:34] <07H​elloBoi> i think bucklespring will compile [21-01-28 18:34] <07G​alaxtone> Oh uhm [21-01-28 18:34] <07H​elloBoi> hi oval o [21-01-28 18:34] <07G​alaxtone> you don't give me any benefit of the doubt [21-01-28 18:34] :3 [21-01-28 18:34] <07H​elloBoi> the only problem is [21-01-28 18:34] <07H​elloBoi> i have no idea if i have sound support [21-01-28 18:35] matt!~matt@058176100159.ctinets.com quits [21-01-28 18:36] matt!~matt@058176100159.ctinets.com joins [21-01-28 18:36] very [21-01-28 18:36] r [21-01-28 18:36] HelloBoi [21-01-28 18:37] HelloBoi, ae [21-01-28 18:37] <07H​elloBoi> ah [21-01-28 18:37] <07H​elloBoi> ok [21-01-28 18:38] <07H​elloBoi> > [21-01-28 18:40] <07H​elloBoi> oh no my disk [21-01-28 18:40] <07H​elloBoi> 69% used [21-01-28 18:40] <07G​alaxtone> I'm sorry for my extreme heatness [21-01-28 18:40] <07G​alaxtone> I've come to this conclusion [21-01-28 18:40] <07G​alaxtone> My way of thinking and you guys ways of thinking aren't compatible [21-01-28 18:41] <07G​alaxtone> You are justified in your disagreements but I just can't handle them [21-01-28 18:41] <07H​elloBoi> @Galaxtone when the [21-01-28 18:42] G\u200balaxtone [21-01-28 18:42] <07G​alaxtone> I just believe that you haven't been supportive of my decisions or try to reason with me but instead have only disagreed with me and told me I'm wrong [21-01-28 18:43] <09u​bqoral> i am trying to reason with you [21-01-28 18:43] <04s​onata «pathétique»> that's the point of an argument? [21-01-28 18:43] <07G​alaxtone> If you don't agree with most of my decisions, then your probably not the target audience [21-01-28 18:43] <09u​bqoral> you refuse to answer any of my questions [21-01-28 18:43] <04s​onata «pathétique»> what is this about [21-01-28 18:43] <09u​bqoral> i disagree with what you did [21-01-28 18:43] <07H​elloBoi> @sonata «pathétique» bees [21-01-28 18:43] <07G​alaxtone> My decisions have good intention that aren't really compatible with you guys [21-01-28 18:43] <09u​bqoral> galaxtone banning heavpoot from a minecraft server despite no one else on that server wanting him to [21-01-28 18:43] <09u​bqoral> ok [21-01-28 18:43] s\u200bonata <> [21-01-28 18:43] <04s​onata «pathétique»> then you should find a different server [21-01-28 18:43] <07G​alaxtone> There's two problems [21-01-28 18:43] <10c​itrons> @Galaxtone group DM [21-01-28 18:43] <04s​onata «pathétique»> matt what has happened to you [21-01-28 18:44] <04s​onata «pathétique»> you're only one person [21-01-28 18:44] <07G​alaxtone> I did do something that went against the majority of decisions [21-01-28 18:44] <10c​itrons> how do you make a group dm [21-01-28 18:44] <07G​alaxtone> but thats because the community of my server isn't aligned with my decisions [21-01-28 18:44] <07G​alaxtone> and I don't believe I should conform to you guys or make you conform to me. [21-01-28 18:44] <04s​onata «pathétique»> go to DMs and select multiple people [21-01-28 18:44] <04s​onata «pathétique»> ok goodbye [21-01-28 18:45] <07H​elloBoi> me when libmysofa [21-01-28 18:45] <07H​elloBoi> @sonata «pathétique» myself when i am real [21-01-28 18:45] <04s​onata «pathétique»> stop pinging me [21-01-28 18:45] <07G​alaxtone> I shouldn't force you to my decisions, I would rather prefer to find a community that aligns with my thinking, not because I dislike you guys, but because I want to reduce friction and I don't want to continue running a server and doing things that you don't agree with, you shouldn't even need to be disagreeing with me constantly, the problem is that we're just cause too much friction. [21-01-28 18:45] <04s​onata «pathétique»> then go [21-01-28 18:46] <07G​alaxtone> @citrons @a rustian spy @harbinger of ☭ @! ! ! Heavpoot @ubqoral [21-01-28 18:46] galaxtone, group DM [21-01-28 18:46] go to the group DM [21-01-28 18:46] æ [21-01-28 18:53] <07H​elloBoi> @ubqoral are you in the mon de cit ronne multics [21-01-28 18:53] <09u​bqoral> i think so [21-01-28 18:53] <09u​bqoral> i don't know how to use multics though [21-01-28 18:53] <07H​elloBoi> don't worry [21-01-28 18:53] <07H​elloBoi> no one knows how to [21-01-28 18:55] Cya all [21-01-28 18:55] <07H​elloBoi> ok i need libmysofa openal and libxtst [21-01-28 18:55] <07H​elloBoi> bye [21-01-28 18:55] bye [21-01-28 18:56] <07H​elloBoi> e [21-01-28 18:56] <07H​elloBoi> uler's constant [21-01-28 18:56] <07b​örb ✨> :oilly_boi: [21-01-28 18:56] <07H​elloBoi> :oilly_boi: [21-01-28 18:57] ovalo!~ID@host-79-30-23-154.retail.telecomitalia.it quits [21-01-28 18:57] <07H​elloBoi> oh and alure too [21-01-28 18:57] <07H​elloBoi> they're all available [21-01-28 18:57] <07H​elloBoi> in ports collection [21-01-28 18:57] <07H​elloBoi> fun [21-01-28 18:57] gibson_!~gibson@cpc82056-leic19-2-0-cust38.8-1.cable.virginm.net quits [21-01-28 18:58] <07H​elloBoi> @börb ✨ how do i check the battery level of my computer machine [21-01-28 18:58] <07b​örb ✨> ddg! how do i check the battery level of my computer machine [21-01-28 18:58] gibson_ = "leaving" [21-01-28 18:58] <04D​DGBot> @börb ✨: https://www.pcmag.com/how-to/how-to-check-your-laptop-battery-health-in-windows-10 [21-01-28 18:58] <07H​elloBoi> completely unrelated somehow [21-01-28 18:59] <07H​elloBoi> i go install thing now [21-01-28 18:59] <07H​elloBoi> bye [21-01-28 18:59] matt!~matt@058176100159.ctinets.com quits [21-01-28 19:04] <06s​inth orion> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804517355640193057/7kynqgnrrxc31.png [21-01-28 19:05] <06s​inth orion> Invest into gold now [21-01-28 19:05] <07b​örb ✨> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804517611303600148/unknown.png [21-01-28 19:12] <07H​elloBoi> h [21-01-28 19:13] <07H​elloBoi> make: don't know how to make %.c [21-01-28 19:14] <07H​elloBoi> this is equal to bee [21-01-28 19:14] <07H​elloBoi> the line is %.o: %.c [21-01-28 19:17] <07H​elloBoi> > Tested on FreeBSD so far. aha ! so it does work on freebsd [21-01-28 19:20] <11χ​άος> @ubqoral this was my favorite group for like a year, All their music is 100% improvised on the spot [21-01-28 19:20] <11χ​άος> Their whole this is amazing [21-01-28 19:30] <09u​bqoral> what group [21-01-28 19:32] <11χ​άος> Oh i'm stupid the link didn't send [21-01-28 19:32] <11χ​άος> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1g826StJhLk [21-01-28 19:32] <11χ​άος> @ubqoral [21-01-28 19:38] <07H​elloBoi> @ubqoral how do i make gcc look in a directory for obj files to link [21-01-28 19:38] <09u​bqoral> -L [21-01-28 19:38] <09u​bqoral> possibly [21-01-28 19:38] <09u​bqoral> wait i think it actually is [21-01-28 19:38] <09u​bqoral> yes [21-01-28 19:38] <07H​elloBoi> gamer [21-01-28 19:38] <07H​elloBoi> thanks [21-01-28 19:39] <11χ​άος> do you have a hex editor handy? [21-01-28 19:39] <07H​elloBoi> i have vi [21-01-28 19:39] <11χ​άος> ok, first locate the GCC binary [21-01-28 19:39] <11χ​άος> or actually collect or whatever it is [21-01-28 19:40] <07H​elloBoi> oh no [21-01-28 19:40] <07H​elloBoi> why is python installed in /usr/local/lib [21-01-28 19:40] <11χ​άος> that's bees [21-01-28 19:41] <11χ​άος> what system are you on? [21-01-28 19:41] ubq323!~ubq323@host86-165-21-46.range86-165.btcentralplus.com quits [21-01-28 19:41] <11χ​άος> also I think the name of the env var it checks is LIBRARY_PATH if you want to make a permenant additon [21-01-28 19:41] <11χ​άος> also, setting up building python modules is very very annoying if you don't just use setup.py [21-01-28 19:41] <07H​elloBoi> oh yeah [21-01-28 19:41] <07H​elloBoi> i don't use python [21-01-28 19:41] <07H​elloBoi> on this machine [21-01-28 19:42] <07H​elloBoi> it's a dependency for some reason [21-01-28 19:42] <11χ​άος> huh [21-01-28 19:42] <07H​elloBoi> there's also perl5 [21-01-28 19:42] <11χ​άος> why is blink182 actually totally banging [21-01-28 19:48] <08/​dev/rwd0c> where else would it go? [21-01-28 19:48] <08/​dev/rwd0c> it is not default to the system [21-01-28 19:53] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> AHAHAHAHHAHAHA [21-01-28 19:53] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> my random guesses got tied 3rd place lmao [21-01-28 19:53] <04s​onata «pathétique»> well [21-01-28 19:53] <04s​onata «pathétique»> 2nd [21-01-28 19:53] <04s​onata «pathétique»> but tied [21-01-28 19:53] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> lol congratz [21-01-28 19:54] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> choose a good challenge pls [21-01-28 19:59] <10c​itrons> @a rustian spy onstat deployed https://mondecitronne.com/onstat [21-01-28 20:22] <07H​elloBoi> i got the bucklespring working [21-01-28 20:22] <07H​elloBoi> hooray [21-01-28 20:22] <07H​elloBoi> celebrate [21-01-28 20:22] matt!~matt@058176100159.ctinets.com joins [21-01-28 20:23] <08/​dev/rwd0c> ho ray [21-01-28 20:23] <07H​elloBoi> h orau [21-01-28 20:23] <07H​elloBoi> this sounds very good!!!!!!! [21-01-28 20:23] <07H​elloBoi> much keyboard sounds [21-01-28 20:24] <07H​elloBoi> very loud [21-01-28 20:24] very [21-01-28 20:24] <11!​ ! ! Heavpoot> whats a multics [21-01-28 20:24] <07H​elloBoi> @! ! ! Heavpoot it's an old time-sharing system [21-01-28 20:24] <07H​elloBoi> nowadays we call time-sharing "cloud computing" [21-01-28 20:24] <07H​elloBoi> basically it's a distributed computing system [21-01-28 20:24] <07H​elloBoi> from the past [21-01-28 20:24] citrons!~raven@dsldevice.attlocal.net quits [21-01-28 20:25] <07H​elloBoi> now you can run it on your computer [21-01-28 20:25] <07H​elloBoi> this is really good man [21-01-28 20:26] <07H​elloBoi> @! ! ! Heavpoot you can ask citrons to access it [21-01-28 20:26] internet relay chat [21-01-28 20:27] <07H​elloBoi> @dammit quintopia what operaing tystem do you use [21-01-28 20:27] matt [21-01-28 20:27] <07d​ammit quintopia> y [21-01-28 20:28] <07H​elloBoi> @dammit quintopia what [21-01-28 20:28] <07d​ammit quintopia> why you want to know [21-01-28 20:28] <07H​elloBoi> curiosity [21-01-28 20:29] <07d​ammit quintopia> mostly win10, though i also run ubuntu in a VM. [21-01-28 20:29] <07H​elloBoi> when the [21-01-28 20:29] <07d​ammit quintopia> and on my vps [21-01-28 20:29] quintopia, virtual private network [21-01-28 20:30] <07d​ammit quintopia> my laptop is fucked up right now, it plays a horrible sound every time i get pinged [21-01-28 20:30] <07d​ammit quintopia> i'ma kill that instance [21-01-28 20:30] <07H​elloBoi> @dammit quintopia [21-01-28 20:30] <07H​elloBoi> me when [21-01-28 20:30] <07H​elloBoi> disc ord in surf [21-01-28 20:30] <07H​elloBoi> @dammit quintopia where's the scroll lock key [21-01-28 20:30] <07H​elloBoi> ddg! scroll lock [21-01-28 20:30] <04D​DGBot> @HelloBoi: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/turn-off-scroll-lock-a78492cc-c124-4782-a38b-df46669520e0 [21-01-28 20:31] <07H​elloBoi> no [21-01-28 20:31] <07H​elloBoi> ddg! scroll lock key [21-01-28 20:31] <04D​DGBot> @HelloBoi: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/turn-off-scroll-lock-a78492cc-c124-4782-a38b-df46669520e0 [21-01-28 20:31] <07H​elloBoi> no [21-01-28 20:31] <07d​ammit quintopia> on my keyboard it's between prtscn/sysrq and pause/break [21-01-28 20:32] <07H​elloBoi> wow [21-01-28 20:32] <07H​elloBoi> there are no keys on my kb [21-01-28 20:32] <07H​elloBoi> between p/s and p/b [21-01-28 20:32] <07d​ammit quintopia> i don't ever use scroll lock or pause/break [21-01-28 20:32] <11L​yricLy> ???? [21-01-28 20:33] <12K​aylynn ✨> how was your sleep christina [21-01-28 20:33] <11L​yricLy> how does helloboi have pause/break and not scroll lock [21-01-28 20:33] <11L​yricLy> fine [21-01-28 20:33] <12K​aylynn ✨> i see [21-01-28 20:33] <07H​elloBoi> @LyricLy i am not kidding [21-01-28 20:33] matt [21-01-28 20:33] <11L​yricLy> what happened to your keyboard [21-01-28 20:33] <11L​yricLy> helloboi [21-01-28 20:33] <07H​elloBoi> nothing [21-01-28 20:35] <07H​elloBoi> hmm [21-01-28 20:35] <07H​elloBoi> 74 wpm [21-01-28 20:40] <11L​yricLy> https://oeis.org/A002205 [21-01-28 20:40] <11L​yricLy> hahahahahahahahaha [21-01-28 20:40] <11L​yricLy> instead of writing RNG [21-01-28 20:40] <11L​yricLy> just [21-01-28 20:41] <11L​yricLy> use this [21-01-28 20:45] <07H​elloBoi> @Symbiopsychotaxiplasm gg [21-01-28 20:45] <07H​elloBoi> you win [21-01-28 20:49] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> um [21-01-28 20:49] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> then you should resign lol [21-01-28 20:49] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> @gnobody Razetime vs HelloBoi 1-0 [21-01-28 20:50] <07H​elloBoi> @Symbiopsychotaxiplasm again? [21-01-28 20:50] <07H​elloBoi> o [21-01-28 20:50] <07H​elloBoi> i'll lose harder this time [21-01-28 20:50] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> how many games should we play against each other? [21-01-28 20:51] <07H​elloBoi> this time i need to play white [21-01-28 20:51] <07H​elloBoi> because that is the rule of the tournament [21-01-28 20:51] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> 2 games with each other? [21-01-28 20:51] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> ok [21-01-28 20:51] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> https://lichess.org/bdLltpLR [21-01-28 20:51] <07H​elloBoi> if i win i willh [21-01-28 20:52] <07H​elloBoi> when the moderni s hyper [21-01-28 20:58] <07H​elloBoi> @Symbiopsychotaxiplasm when the [21-01-28 20:58] <07H​elloBoi> how did i play ? @Symbiopsychotaxiplasm [21-01-28 20:58] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> don't push pawns in front of your king in a boring position [21-01-28 20:59] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> some places you have to play boring [21-01-28 20:59] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> you need to wait till an endgame [21-01-28 20:59] <07H​elloBoi> when the [21-01-28 20:59] <07H​elloBoi> ok [21-01-28 20:59] <07H​elloBoi> i will "try" to resist moving all pawns [21-01-28 20:59] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> remember that pawns don't move that [21-01-28 21:00] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> meaning if you're int a terrible position with your pawns now [21-01-28 21:00] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> you are in a terrible position iforever [21-01-28 21:00] <07H​elloBoi> i was hoping to open (R) h file to attacking (R) [21-01-28 21:00] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> attacking with pawns is committal [21-01-28 21:00] <07H​elloBoi> however i forgot how to do anything. [21-01-28 21:00] <07H​elloBoi> i forgot to make the modern be hyper [21-01-28 21:00] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> you need to invest everything into making that attack work [21-01-28 21:01] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> you forgot "seizing" the "initiative" [21-01-28 21:01] <07H​elloBoi> oh yeah [21-01-28 21:01] <07H​elloBoi> i forgot to do that [21-01-28 21:01] <11L​yricLy> silly mistake [21-01-28 21:01] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> anyway cya [21-01-28 21:01] <07H​elloBoi> bye [21-01-28 21:01] <11L​yricLy> bye, loser [21-01-28 21:01] <07H​elloBoi> gmag [21-01-28 21:01] <07H​elloBoi> @LyricLy no i lost [21-01-28 21:02] <07H​elloBoi> when the monkey is type [21-01-28 21:03] <07H​elloBoi> c #include int main(void) { printf("hello, world\n"); return 0; } [21-01-28 21:03] <06T​IO.py> hello, world [21-01-28 21:03] <07H​elloBoi> h [21-01-28 21:14] bee [21-01-28 21:14] ```c [21-01-28 21:15] <07H​elloBoi> @LyricLy look inside th [21-01-28 21:16] <11L​yricLy> what [21-01-28 21:25] <06s​inth orion> Tfw your burp tastes like puke 🤢 [21-01-28 21:38] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> what [21-01-28 21:38] <07d​ammit quintopia> it's called a verp [21-01-28 21:39] <11L​yricLy> (it isn't) [21-01-28 21:44] <07d​ammit quintopia> (it isn't not though) [21-01-28 21:45] <07d​ammit quintopia> https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=verp [21-01-28 21:47] citrons!~raven@dsldevice.attlocal.net joins [21-01-28 21:51] matt [21-01-28 21:52] <11L​yricLy> matt [21-01-28 21:57] <12I​FcoltransG> Does anyone know any present singular verbs (like 'run') that are spelt the same as a plural noun (e.g. 'runs')? Preferably something to do with mirrors and vision? I need one for a poem. [21-01-28 21:58] <11L​yricLy> that's really specifc. [21-01-28 21:58] <12I​FcoltransG> It's a specific poem. [21-01-28 21:58] <11L​yricLy> plural noun of the same word, or what [21-01-28 21:58] <12I​FcoltransG> Not necessarily. [21-01-28 21:58] <12I​FcoltransG> And many verbs don't have noun forms. [21-01-28 22:00] <12I​FcoltransG> Ooh, 'fish'. [21-01-28 22:00] <07H​elloBoi> foos [21-01-28 22:00] <12I​FcoltransG> 'Craft'. [21-01-28 22:01] <12I​FcoltransG> I'm basically skimming https://www.wordexample.com/list/nouns-plural-no-s [21-01-28 22:01] <07H​elloBoi> @IFcoltransG HelloBoi [21-01-28 22:01] matt [21-01-28 22:01] <07d​ammit quintopia> you mean third person singular? [21-01-28 22:01] <06s​inth orion> Idk what berp is but sounds accurate [21-01-28 22:02] <12I​FcoltransG> I knew I was missing some criterion... [21-01-28 22:02] <07d​ammit quintopia> does "lights" work for you. "he lights on the stage near the lights" [21-01-28 22:03] <07H​elloBoi> @LyricLy you should try using bucklespring [21-01-28 22:03] <11L​yricLy> no [21-01-28 22:03] <07H​elloBoi> it's very good [21-01-28 22:03] <07H​elloBoi> why not [21-01-28 22:03] <07H​elloBoi> it's ver good [21-01-28 22:04] <12I​FcoltransG> Oh, actually I was aiming for a naked infinitive, not a third person present. [21-01-28 22:04] <07d​ammit quintopia> i see [21-01-28 22:05] <07d​ammit quintopia> have you written yourself into a corner [21-01-28 22:05] <12I​FcoltransG> 'Fish' works because I can say "I like to fish" and "I have many fish". [21-01-28 22:05] <12I​FcoltransG> Most definitely. [21-01-28 22:05] who is I\u200bFcoltransG [21-01-28 22:05] <12I​FcoltransG> That's me. [21-01-28 22:05] <11L​yricLy> I like to fish 🎵 [21-01-28 22:05] <11L​yricLy> I have many fish 🎵 [21-01-28 22:05] hmm [21-01-28 22:05] <12I​FcoltransG> I'm just saying them as I see them: 'dice'. [21-01-28 22:06] <07H​elloBoi> are you sure it's you? @IFcoltransG [21-01-28 22:06] <07H​elloBoi> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804563029740093480/temp.png [21-01-28 22:06] <07d​ammit quintopia> kern [21-01-28 22:06] <11L​yricLy> I like to DICE ONIONS AND THEN PLAY DICE ME AND MY FRIENDS 🎵 [21-01-28 22:06] <08/​dev/moony> help i need project ideas what's something i can do with a fuckton of DACs/ADCs [21-01-28 22:06] <12I​FcoltransG> 'Grouse'. [21-01-28 22:06] <11L​yricLy> have a DAC-burning [21-01-28 22:07] <08/​dev/moony> this edge card is $50, I'm not burning it :P [21-01-28 22:07] <07d​ammit quintopia> build the world's greatest DAW [21-01-28 22:07] <12I​FcoltransG> 'Fowl'. [21-01-28 22:07] <07H​elloBoi> create art [21-01-28 22:07] <08/​dev/moony> i mean i've got 8 cores to work with i could make a pretty neat synth setup [21-01-28 22:08] <08/​dev/moony> (Parallax Propeller 2; the fucking chip has 64 DACs jesus) [21-01-28 22:08] <07H​elloBoi> listen to this art @/dev/moony [21-01-28 22:08] <07H​elloBoi> whoops [21-01-28 22:08] <11P​yrotelekinetic> Send one to me [21-01-28 22:08] <08/​dev/moony> get it yourself [21-01-28 22:08] <08/​dev/moony> :p [21-01-28 22:08] <07H​elloBoi> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/803880465244618762/very.wav [21-01-28 22:08] <07H​elloBoi> @/dev/moony [21-01-28 22:08] <07H​elloBoi> listne [21-01-28 22:09] <07H​elloBoi> listen [21-01-28 22:09] <08/​dev/moony> you can pay as little as $15 if you're capable of soldering TQFP-100 yourself :tiny_potato: [21-01-28 22:09] <07H​elloBoi> (do not open it in discord it doesn't work) [21-01-28 22:09] <12I​FcoltransG> Huh, apparently the plural of 'diva' is 'dive'. [21-01-28 22:09] <07H​elloBoi> no it's not [21-01-28 22:10] <08/​dev/moony> honestly there's spots where the P2 feels like an esoteric language it has a SKIP instruction for example, literally nothing has that [21-01-28 22:10] <07H​elloBoi> hmm [21-01-28 22:10] <07H​elloBoi> let's see [21-01-28 22:10] <07H​elloBoi> i wonder [21-01-28 22:10] <07H​elloBoi> if this [21-01-28 22:10] <07H​elloBoi> works [21-01-28 22:10] <07H​elloBoi> or if it [21-01-28 22:10] <07H​elloBoi> doesn't [21-01-28 22:14] IFcoltransG, how do i convert a character to its ASCII code in the scheme programming language [21-01-28 22:14] <12I​FcoltransG> Who is this? [21-01-28 22:14] <07H​elloBoi> @IFcoltransG matt [21-01-28 22:15] <07H​elloBoi> (i am) [21-01-28 22:15] matt [21-01-28 22:15] <12I​FcoltransG> char->integer? [21-01-28 22:16] <12I​FcoltransG> ddg! scheme lisp ascii code -"common lisp" [21-01-28 22:16] <04D​DGBot> @IFcoltransG: https://cs.brown.edu/courses/cs173/2008/Manual/guide/Pairs__Lists__and_Scheme_Syntax.html [21-01-28 22:16] <12I​FcoltransG> That wasn't quite what I wanted. [21-01-28 22:16] <07H​elloBoi> thanks [21-01-28 22:17] <07H​elloBoi> i tried searching "character to number scheme" with no relevant results [21-01-28 22:17] <12I​FcoltransG> I'm going to go with 'dice' because it has connotations of chance and the future. [21-01-28 22:17] <07d​ammit quintopia> why does everyone have a different name for that function [21-01-28 22:17] <12I​FcoltransG> I did the search I sent. [21-01-28 22:18] <07H​elloBoi> ok [21-01-28 22:18] <07H​elloBoi> buckling spring [21-01-28 22:18] <07H​elloBoi> what the bees [21-01-28 22:18] <07H​elloBoi> i had a browser ?! [21-01-28 22:19] <12I​FcoltransG> To quote LyricLy whenever we talk: What? [21-01-28 22:19] <07d​ammit quintopia> that's also quoting mean whenever lyric talks [21-01-28 22:20] <07H​elloBoi> maybe it comes with web kit gee tee kay [21-01-28 22:20] <12I​FcoltransG> And me whenever HelloBoi talks, at least internally. [21-01-28 22:20] <07H​elloBoi> hmm i never use actual dwm features [21-01-28 22:20] <07d​ammit quintopia> yes he has a habit of narrating what should be an internal monologue without context [21-01-28 22:20] <07H​elloBoi> all i use is the virtual thing [21-01-28 22:20] <07H​elloBoi> the "tabs" [21-01-28 22:20] <07d​ammit quintopia> and then pinging someone in the middle of it for no reason [21-01-28 22:21] <07H​elloBoi> @dammit quintopia [21-01-28 22:21] <07H​elloBoi> when the [21-01-28 22:21] <07H​elloBoi> random ping [21-01-28 22:21] <07H​elloBoi> is not permitted [21-01-28 22:21] HelloBoi, tux [21-01-28 22:21] BSD Daemon [21-01-28 22:22] LyricLy, does i3 tile [21-01-28 22:22] <12I​FcoltransG> It does. [21-01-28 22:22] <11!​ ! ! Heavpoot> @matt 🐝 you. [21-01-28 22:22] <08/​dev/moony> i need project ideas [21-01-28 22:22] <11!​ ! ! Heavpoot> make a project idea generator. [21-01-28 22:23] <08/​dev/moony> i've got an overpowered microcontroller on my desk and nothing to use it for [21-01-28 22:23] <11!​ ! ! Heavpoot> make it generate project ideas via machine learning 24/7. [21-01-28 22:23] <12I​FcoltransG> A web server. [21-01-28 22:23] <11!​ ! ! Heavpoot> a web server serving what? [21-01-28 22:23] <12I​FcoltransG> Project ideas? [21-01-28 22:23] <11!​ ! ! Heavpoot> a project idea generator, perhaps? [21-01-28 22:23] <11!​ ! ! Heavpoot> yes, that. [21-01-28 22:23] <08/​dev/moony> microcontroller i could totally hook it up to the internet but i'd have to write an entire TCP/IP and ethernet stack :thonk: [21-01-28 22:23] <07d​ammit quintopia> please implement 1mpr0mp2 for me [21-01-28 22:23] <11!​ ! ! Heavpoot> there's your project, i guess. [21-01-28 22:24] <11!​ ! ! Heavpoot> "undergo prolonged torture disguised as programming" [21-01-28 22:24] ! ! ! Heavpoot, bees you utterly. [21-01-28 22:25] project idea generator is already on osmarks.tk [21-01-28 22:25] <11!​ ! ! Heavpoot> matt, isomorphisms between you and the set of all pairs of hexagons have been shown. [21-01-28 22:25] <08/​dev/moony> hilariously, the P2 would be bad at that esolang due to it's limited interrupt setup [21-01-28 22:25] <08/​dev/moony> only 3 interrupt channels per core- would need to do some weirdness to pull off more [21-01-28 22:25] <11!​ ! ! Heavpoot> matt, that one is merely an idea generator, not a project idea generator. [21-01-28 22:26] <07d​ammit quintopia> i don't see why it needs interrupts? just implement your own scheduler 🙂 [21-01-28 22:26] <08/​dev/moony> oh good point [21-01-28 22:27] Heavpoot you utterly. [21-01-28 22:28] <08/​dev/moony> actually [21-01-28 22:28] <08/​dev/moony> it seems like this language could be compiled to P2 assembly pretty efficiently [21-01-28 22:28] <08/​dev/moony> og- it's meant to be compiled anyways [21-01-28 22:28] <08/​dev/moony> i'm tired 😅 [21-01-28 22:29] osmarks idea generator has told me to talk to someone's excellent computer [21-01-28 22:29] computing machine [21-01-28 22:30] hmm [21-01-28 22:30] how many users are in this room [21-01-28 22:32] mon-polaris!~polaris@localhost quits [21-01-28 22:32] matt!~matt@058176100159.ctinets.com quits [21-01-28 22:32] testbot!~testbot@2a00:23c7:541d:6600:d03f:cdbf:58b3:d9d0 quits [21-01-28 22:32] osmarksrobot!~osmarksrobot@localhost quits [21-01-28 22:32] mon-loki!~loki@localhost quits [21-01-28 22:32] heavserver!~heavserver@localhost quits [21-01-28 22:34] heavserver!~heavserver@localhost joins [21-01-28 22:34] <11P​yrotelekinetic> But I can't run systemctl without booting [21-01-28 22:34] <07H​elloBoi> oh no [21-01-28 22:34] <11P​yrotelekinetic> Ideas? [21-01-28 22:34] <07H​elloBoi> the bridge is down ? [21-01-28 22:34] <07H​elloBoi> no ideas [21-01-28 22:34] <07d​ammit quintopia> no, the enemy's gate is down [21-01-28 22:34] <07d​ammit quintopia> you are far beyond my understanding [21-01-28 22:35] <07H​elloBoi> freeBSD is a good operatgingys stem and its logo is the best @dammit quintopia [21-01-28 22:35] <11P​yrotelekinetic> A reference [21-01-28 22:35] <11P​yrotelekinetic> To Mr Card [21-01-28 22:35] <07d​ammit quintopia> i'm not in the market to be installing new OS at this time [21-01-28 22:36] <07H​elloBoi> bsd daemon [21-01-28 22:36] <11P​yrotelekinetic> I might be [21-01-28 22:36] <07H​elloBoi> you might be what [21-01-28 22:36] <11P​yrotelekinetic> In the market for new os [21-01-28 22:36] <11P​yrotelekinetic> Because mine broke [21-01-28 22:37] <07H​elloBoi> @Pyrotelekinetic use freeBSD [21-01-28 22:37] <11P​yrotelekinetic> Probably not [21-01-28 22:37] <12I​FcoltransG> Okay, I've made a 6x6 transposable poem. [21-01-28 22:37] matt!~matt@058176100159.ctinets.com joins [21-01-28 22:37] <07d​ammit quintopia> oh god is that what was going on [21-01-28 22:38] <07H​elloBoi> why not @Pyrotelekinetic [21-01-28 22:38] <07d​ammit quintopia> explains the mirrors [21-01-28 22:38] <07H​elloBoi> it's really good [21-01-28 22:38] <07d​ammit quintopia> post in #rap-battles [21-01-28 22:38] <07H​elloBoi> it has a better logo than all the distros [21-01-28 22:38] <12I​FcoltransG> It also has a phrase along the main diagonal. [21-01-28 22:38] <11P​yrotelekinetic> I would rather fix my fedora [21-01-28 22:38] <12I​FcoltransG> I'm still tinkering with it. [21-01-28 22:38] <07H​elloBoi> you should ask fedora man [21-01-28 22:39] <11P​yrotelekinetic> Probably [21-01-28 22:39] <11P​yrotelekinetic> I'm in the fedora discord [21-01-28 22:39] <11P​yrotelekinetic> I might try there [21-01-28 22:41] matt [21-01-28 22:41] matt [21-01-28 22:50] <07H​elloBoi> @LyricLy good news [21-01-28 22:50] <07H​elloBoi> the result came in [21-01-28 22:50] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> helloboi covid negative?!?1! [21-01-28 22:50] <07H​elloBoi> yahe [21-01-28 22:51] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> gooooood [21-01-28 22:51] great ! [21-01-28 22:51] <07H​elloBoi> covid -19 [21-01-28 22:56] <07H​elloBoi> !time @dammit quintopia [21-01-28 22:57] <12I​FcoltransG> Wiktionary saves the day again! Why are prepositional verb lists so inexhaustive? [21-01-28 22:57] <07H​elloBoi> @IFcoltransG what wm do you use [21-01-28 22:57] <12I​FcoltransG> i3. [21-01-28 23:02] <07H​elloBoi> @IFcoltransG you should get bucklespring [21-01-28 23:06] <04g​nobody> on the news in turkey: several sisters falsely accuse their father of sexually abusing them and cause him to be jailed; because they got scammed for a lot of money and were concerned about the father's anger when he finds out. [21-01-28 23:07] <04g​nobody> and someone in this server was saying "why would anyone accuse you of that lmfao", see. [21-01-28 23:09] <11L​yricLy> you guys remember this? [21-01-28 23:09] <11L​yricLy> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804578836603863100/unknown.png [21-01-28 23:09] <11L​yricLy> well, I removed unbal. [21-01-28 23:09] <11L​yricLy> and the syntax is different now. [21-01-28 23:10] <11L​yricLy> rs def shitty_add(x: cell, y: cell) : cell { let d: [packed cell*2] = [x, y]; raw_seek(d); raw_bf("[->+<]"); return d[1]; } [21-01-28 23:10] <11L​yricLy> observe. [21-01-28 23:10] <11L​yricLy> Mindbreak improves daily [21-01-28 23:11] <07d​ammit quintopia> is mindbreak just a bf code generator [21-01-28 23:11] <12I​FcoltransG> Was that your language for compiling to Brainfuck? [21-01-28 23:11] <12I​FcoltransG> The one I was in a server for? [21-01-28 23:11] <11L​yricLy> both of you are correct. [21-01-28 23:11] <11L​yricLy> were you? interesting. [21-01-28 23:11] <11L​yricLy> oh, the brainfuck server [21-01-28 23:11] <12I​FcoltransG> Oh, I still am. [21-01-28 23:11] <12I​FcoltransG> It's just muted. [21-01-28 23:13] <04g​nobody> imagine going to jail because your kids got scammed [21-01-28 23:13] <04g​nobody> yes [21-01-28 23:13] <11L​yricLy> sounds just. [21-01-28 23:14] <04g​nobody> yes, very [21-01-28 23:17] <11L​yricLy> hm [21-01-28 23:17] <11L​yricLy> I can probably have a thing for saying that two things should be next to each other [21-01-28 23:17] <11L​yricLy> in memory [21-01-28 23:18] matt!~matt@058176100159.ctinets.com quits [21-01-28 23:19] <11L​yricLy> rs def shitty_add(x: cell, y: cell) : cell { adjacecnt(x, y); raw_seek(x); raw_bf("[->+<]"); return y; } [21-01-28 23:19] <11L​yricLy> something like thisd [21-01-28 23:24] <12I​FcoltransG> An excerpt from where I'm drafting a poem (in Google Sheets): =TRANSPOSE(A1:F6) [21-01-28 23:32] <12I​FcoltransG> I think I've almost got it grammatical and sensical. [21-01-28 23:36] <07H​elloBoi> @LyricLy !? [21-01-28 23:36] <11L​yricLy> I just identified a possibility [21-01-28 23:36] <11L​yricLy> never mind. [21-01-28 23:37] <04g​nobody> i will log in again like 11 hours later [21-01-28 23:42] <07H​elloBoi> @LyricLy https://youtu.be/-ErfReRqWb0?t=119 [21-01-28 23:51] <07H​elloBoi> me when the sub version of expectations is reached [21-01-28 23:51] <07H​elloBoi> ♻️ [21-01-28 23:57] <11L​yricLy> what [21-01-28 23:59] <11L​yricLy> @IFcoltransG glorious [21-01-29 00:00] <12I​FcoltransG> Why thank you. It's been in the works for a while, and I decided today was the day to finish it. [21-01-29 00:01] citrons!~raven@dsldevice.attlocal.net quits [21-01-29 00:02] <07H​elloBoi> @IFcoltransG i don't understand [21-01-29 00:02] <11L​yricLy> you'll never do anything more impressive than this [21-01-29 00:02] <11L​yricLy> unless you implement macron [21-01-29 00:03] <07H​elloBoi> what does thepo me mean [21-01-29 00:03] <07H​elloBoi> @LyricLy [21-01-29 00:03] <07H​elloBoi> what dpes it mean [21-01-29 00:03] <07H​elloBoi> answer or i will subvert your expectations. [21-01-29 00:03] <12I​FcoltransG> I would expect nothing less of you. [21-01-29 00:03] <06s​inth orion> Am I missing something? [21-01-29 00:04] <06s​inth orion> Nothing about that looks like a poem [21-01-29 00:04] citrons!~raven@dsldevice.attlocal.net joins [21-01-29 00:04] <12I​FcoltransG> (The poem is in #rap-battles.) [21-01-29 00:04] <06s​inth orion> Except for the somewhat poetic choice of words I guess [21-01-29 00:05] <06s​inth orion> That's the one I'm referring to [21-01-29 00:06] <12I​FcoltransG> It's a concrete contrapunctal poem. [21-01-29 00:06] <06s​inth orion> Kinda sounds like an intentionally terrible mistranslation from some other language [21-01-29 00:06] <12I​FcoltransG> The first stanza is the same as the second if you treat it as a matrix of words and transpose it. [21-01-29 00:07] <12I​FcoltransG> The title is the main diagonal. [21-01-29 00:07] <06s​inth orion> Hmm [21-01-29 00:07] <06s​inth orion> That's nice [21-01-29 00:07] <06s​inth orion> But none of the sentences make any sense? [21-01-29 00:07] <07H​elloBoi> @sinth orion the greatest [21-01-29 00:07] <07H​elloBoi> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804593629967548426/very.wav [21-01-29 00:08] <12I​FcoltransG> I assure you, they all have some meaning, but some are unusually vocative. [21-01-29 00:08] <12I​FcoltransG> It's also poetry, so it's allowed to not make any sense. [21-01-29 00:08] <07H​elloBoi> @IFcoltransG did you enjoy my masterpiece [21-01-29 00:09] <12I​FcoltransG> It's a little aleatory for my taste. And loud. [21-01-29 00:09] <11L​yricLy> interesting threat [21-01-29 00:09] <07H​elloBoi> ddg!wt aleatory [21-01-29 00:09] <04D​DGBot> @HelloBoi: https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/aleatory [21-01-29 00:10] <07H​elloBoi> @LyricLy your expectations will be subverted [21-01-29 00:10] <07H​elloBoi> expect the unexpected [21-01-29 00:10] <07H​elloBoi> or something [21-01-29 00:10] <11L​yricLy> x * y you . [21-01-29 00:10] <12I​FcoltransG> I felt like I had to one-up Rita Dove and write an even more intricate poem about mirrors. [21-01-29 00:11] <11L​yricLy> fastest exponentiation implementation? pure brain fuck [21-01-29 00:11] <04g​nobody> despite telling people irl the contrary, i actually like poetry. [21-01-29 00:11] <07H​elloBoi> What can be purchased at a h S ? @LyricLy [21-01-29 00:11] <07H​elloBoi> gulliver you. [21-01-29 00:12] <04g​nobody> logoff time; will be back in about 10.5 hours. [21-01-29 00:12] <11L​yricLy> it is annoying that operations like / 2 are not rapid in BF. [21-01-29 00:13] <12I​FcoltransG> If ever I seem to be struggling for an insult for LyricLy in future, remind me of the phrase 'Brobdingnagian ego'. [21-01-29 00:13] <06s​inth orion> I like poetry for a rather strict definition of poetry, which includes rhyme and metric [21-01-29 00:13] <11L​yricLy> why would you need to insult me [21-01-29 00:13] <07H​elloBoi> The static noise is inevitable without protection [21-01-29 00:13] <12I​FcoltransG> Solely for puns. [21-01-29 00:13] <07H​elloBoi> @LyricLy you are like 5 yahoos. [21-01-29 00:13] <11L​yricLy> what is the world's most rapid BF divide [21-01-29 00:14] <12I​FcoltransG> I wrote a sonnet a while ago, but it turns out iambic pentameter is hard. [21-01-29 00:15] <12I​FcoltransG> Lately I've been captured by TriCubes poems. [21-01-29 00:15] <12I​FcoltransG> They are sweet and simple. [21-01-29 00:15] <06s​inth orion> brainfuck ++ set cell to 2 divide by 2 super fast: - [21-01-29 00:15] <11L​yricLy> generalized. [21-01-29 00:16] <06s​inth orion> ddg! tricubes poems [21-01-29 00:16] <04D​DGBot> @sinth orion: https://www.writersdigest.com/write-better-poetry/tricubes-poetic-forms [21-01-29 00:16] <12I​FcoltransG> Three stanzas of three lines of three syllables. [21-01-29 00:16] <07H​elloBoi> @IFcoltransG have you heard of tttttttttttttttttttth Free! [21-01-29 00:16] <12I​FcoltransG> Never! [21-01-29 00:16] <06s​inth orion> Sounds pretty minimalist [21-01-29 00:17] <12I​FcoltransG> It has its moments and its limits. [21-01-29 00:17] <12I​FcoltransG> Just like physics! [21-01-29 00:17] <06s​inth orion> Have I ever shared here the fox poem I've written? [21-01-29 00:18] <06s​inth orion> Has more emotional than poetic value though [21-01-29 00:18] <12I​FcoltransG> I saw it, I'm certain. [21-01-29 00:19] <07H​elloBoi> @IFcoltransG write a poem in pig latin [21-01-29 00:19] <06s​inth orion> Oh right I have [21-01-29 00:19] <11L​yricLy> shame that binary representation isn't efficient in brainfuck [21-01-29 00:19] <06s​inth orion> https://discord.com/channels/346530916832903169/614050573167362079/778390512927244338 [21-01-29 00:19] <11L​yricLy> because binary numbers are hell easy to work [21-01-29 00:20] <06s​inth orion> My fav poem is maybe Schiller's Die Bürgschaft [21-01-29 00:20] <12I​FcoltransG> That would make rhyming easier. [21-01-29 00:20] <11L​yricLy> for example succ is merely [>]+<[[-]<] [21-01-29 00:20] <07H​elloBoi> @IFcoltransG good. can you write one Pl ease ? [21-01-29 00:20] <11L​yricLy> ancay youyay itewray oneyay easeplay* [21-01-29 00:21] <07H​elloBoi> echo "ancay youyay itewray oneyay easeplay" | pig [21-01-29 00:21] <06s​inth orion> I guess if you require certain safeties such as non-silent overflows and some things for certain operations, they might no longer be inefficient [21-01-29 00:21] <07H​elloBoi> me when the @LyricLy rot13 [21-01-29 00:21] <11L​yricLy> but the memory, though [21-01-29 00:21] <06s​inth orion> Or use Bitfuck and optimise the entire compiler for these things [21-01-29 00:22] <11L​yricLy> a 32-bit integer would be 32 bytes [21-01-29 00:22] <12I​FcoltransG> And tricubes harder. [21-01-29 00:22] <11L​yricLy> that's 8 times the acceptable number of bytes [21-01-29 00:22] <11L​yricLy> it can be done in bitfuck [21-01-29 00:22] <11L​yricLy> or rather boolfuck [21-01-29 00:22] <11L​yricLy> bitfuck is dumb [21-01-29 00:23] <06s​inth orion> Ok [21-01-29 00:23] <06s​inth orion> Idk which is which [21-01-29 00:23] <11L​yricLy> bitfuck is a trivial substitution of boolfuck [21-01-29 00:23] <06s​inth orion> I just mean replace + and - by a single operation for toggle [21-01-29 00:24] <11L​yricLy> ye [21-01-29 00:24] <06s​inth orion> Actually sounds like a good idea to target boolfuck rather than brainfuck [21-01-29 00:25] <06s​inth orion> Can asm2bf target it? [21-01-29 00:26] <11L​yricLy> no. [21-01-29 00:26] <12I​FcoltransG> An unedited one I whipped up: Atinlay --- Iay owknay Ithoutway Inkingthay: Anguagelay Orruptscay Ersesvay; Oemspay Emandday Eedomfray. [21-01-29 00:26] <11L​yricLy> mindbreak can unless I find an actual reason why it shouldn't able to [21-01-29 00:26] <11L​yricLy> which I haven't yet done [21-01-29 00:27] <11L​yricLy> any program that uses cell for integers, ever, will suffer hard, though [21-01-29 00:27] <06s​inth orion> Also the hello world looks kinda cooler (despite being more boring) ;;;+;+;;+;+; +;+;+;+;;+;;+; ;;+;;+;+;;+; ;;+;;+;+;;+; +;;;;+;+;;+; ;;+;;+;+;+;; ;;;;;+;+;; +;;;+;+;;;+; +;;;;+;+;;+; ;+;+;;+;;;+; ;;+;;+;+;;+; ;;+;+;;+;;+; +;+;;;;+;+;; ;+;+;+; [21-01-29 00:28] <06s​inth orion> Is mindbreak a strict improvement on byfon? [21-01-29 00:28] <11L​yricLy> https://github.com/elikaski/BF-it wtf [21-01-29 00:28] <11L​yricLy> someone is trying to attack my territory [21-01-29 00:28] <11L​yricLy> C2BF, brain, this BF-it shit, asm2bf [21-01-29 00:28] <11L​yricLy> it's all TRASH [21-01-29 00:28] <11L​yricLy> MINDBREAK IS THE FUTURE [21-01-29 00:28] <11L​yricLy> yes [21-01-29 00:29] <06s​inth orion> Maybe I should try it [21-01-29 00:29] <07H​elloBoi> Latin --- Y nwok without thinking: language corrupts verses; Poems Demand Freedom. [21-01-29 00:29] <11L​yricLy> HOLY SHIT [21-01-29 00:29] <11L​yricLy> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804598983494205440/unknown.png [21-01-29 00:29] <11L​yricLy> THAT'S THE MOST [21-01-29 00:29] <11L​yricLy> PATHETIC [21-01-29 00:29] <06s​inth orion> And write Ruby or Rust bindings for it 😂 [21-01-29 00:29] <11L​yricLy> HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA [21-01-29 00:29] <11L​yricLy> LOOK AT THAT SHITTY OUTPUT [21-01-29 00:29] <11L​yricLy> CLEARING 0s [21-01-29 00:29] <11L​yricLy> <> [21-01-29 00:29] <06s​inth orion> Wtf [21-01-29 00:29] <11L​yricLy> HAHAHAHAHAHAHA [21-01-29 00:29] <06s​inth orion> <> [21-01-29 00:29] <11L​yricLy> THIS IS TRASHWARE [21-01-29 00:29] <11L​yricLy> TRASH SOFTWARE [21-01-29 00:30] <07H​elloBoi> L is real [21-01-29 00:30] <06s​inth orion> In all fairness, it might be a good idea to clear previously unused cells as afaik the brainfuck spec says nothing about their initial value [21-01-29 00:30] <11L​yricLy> I'm reading the source for tic-tac-toe and it seems okay [21-01-29 00:30] <11L​yricLy> C-like [21-01-29 00:30] <11L​yricLy> readable [21-01-29 00:30] <11L​yricLy> acceptable [21-01-29 00:30] <06s​inth orion> 0 is just a convention [21-01-29 00:30] <06s​inth orion> And common sense [21-01-29 00:30] <11L​yricLy> 17.4KB [21-01-29 00:30] <11L​yricLy> are you kidding me [21-01-29 00:31] <11L​yricLy> daniel beats that 17-fold with his handwriting [21-01-29 00:31] <11L​yricLy> even asm2bf can easily beat that [21-01-29 00:31] <11L​yricLy> no I'm pretty sure it's definitely 0 [21-01-29 00:31] <11L​yricLy> well, brainfuck doesn't really have a solid specification [21-01-29 00:32] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> isn't asm2bf good [21-01-29 00:32] <11L​yricLy> it is [21-01-29 00:32] <12I​FcoltransG> Maybe it's meant to be in the pipeline with an optimising JIT. [21-01-29 00:33] <11L​yricLy> the reference impl had all 0s [21-01-29 00:33] <07H​elloBoi> E u b o e a . [21-01-29 00:33] <11L​yricLy> the spec is vague as fuck [21-01-29 00:33] <11L​yricLy> but basically all 0s is set in stone [21-01-29 00:33] <07H​elloBoi> hmm [21-01-29 00:33] <11L​yricLy> any impl that doesn't do that is going to fail to execute almost every program ever [21-01-29 00:34] <07H​elloBoi> why palaiologos pinned 2 messages because she thought that it subverted expectation [21-01-29 00:34] <07H​elloBoi> s [21-01-29 00:34] <07H​elloBoi> and she wrote both of them [21-01-29 00:36] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> b l a z i n g [21-01-29 00:36] <10A​nima> ly [21-01-29 00:40] <07H​elloBoi> f a s t [21-01-29 00:41] <07H​elloBoi> @IFcoltransG how about this for a change ? [21-01-29 00:41] <07H​elloBoi> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804601989417402426/temp.wav [21-01-29 00:41] <07H​elloBoi> @LyricLy what do you thinj ? [21-01-29 00:42] <12I​FcoltransG> Very stark. [21-01-29 00:42] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> where do i fill out the 100 axes thing [21-01-29 00:42] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> is there some website or is there a HQ image I can mutilate [21-01-29 00:42] <12I​FcoltransG> Is it postmodern? [21-01-29 00:43] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> someone halp [21-01-29 00:43] <07H​elloBoi> @IFcoltransG perhaps; [21-01-29 00:44] <12I​FcoltransG> The sudden sound and seconds of silence — is it about death? [21-01-29 00:45] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> i [21-01-29 00:45] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> need [21-01-29 00:45] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> 100 [21-01-29 00:45] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> axes [21-01-29 00:45] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> img [21-01-29 00:48] citrons!~raven@dsldevice.attlocal.net quits [21-01-29 00:50] <12I​FcoltransG> https://www.amazon.com/axes/b?node=554566 [21-01-29 00:51] <07d​ammit quintopia> @CatIsFluffy you didnt need a plural noun after all. just one that took no article. e.g. "man" would also serve [21-01-29 00:51] <12I​FcoltransG> Were you meaning me? [21-01-29 00:55] <12I​FcoltransG> You're right, but those could also have been hard to find. 'Man' doesn't feel right in the context, for a start. [21-01-29 01:10] <12I​FcoltransG> I misread an article title 'Are Computers Smarter than Humans?' as 'Are Computer Scientists Smarter than Humans?' and I'm now curious. [21-01-29 01:14] <11L​yricLy> lmao [21-01-29 01:15] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> shjbdjhsbdhbasdhshjdbds [21-01-29 01:15] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804610608166338580/mv1428fnluv51.png [21-01-29 01:15] <07H​elloBoi> hey [21-01-29 01:16] <07H​elloBoi> why is there this stupid thing [21-01-29 01:17] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> shit, forgot the class one [21-01-29 01:17] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> there [21-01-29 01:17] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804611142668255302/untitled1.png [21-01-29 01:17] <04s​onata «pathétique»> @sonata «pathétique» remember to add this tomorrow [21-01-29 01:17] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> maybe add reminder using the bot [21-01-29 01:18] <12I​FcoltransG> That is a graph of many colours. [21-01-29 01:18] <07d​ammit quintopia> i was just suggesting you prematurely narrowed the field in your request. there are a lot more uncountable nouns that are infinitives than plural ones [21-01-29 01:19] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> thanks for the amazon link btw [21-01-29 01:19] <11L​yricLy> oh yeah we never got a coltrans of that did we [21-01-29 01:21] <07d​ammit quintopia> i'm going to go through all these and see what they're about [21-01-29 01:22] <07d​ammit quintopia> or rather what all you people are [21-01-29 01:30] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> oh no [21-01-29 01:33] <07H​elloBoi> @Palaiologos install bucklespring [21-01-29 01:33] <07H​elloBoi> @Symbiopsychotaxiplasm when the [21-01-29 01:47] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> enough [21-01-29 01:57] <13P​alaiologos> ≢1↓⍸{0=+/~1pco¨10∘⊥¨⍵∘{⍵⌽(10∘⊥⍣¯1)⍺}¨⍳⌈10⍟⍵}¨⍳1000000 [21-01-29 01:57] <13P​alaiologos> my fans are going brrrrrr [21-01-29 01:57] <13P​alaiologos> hmm [21-01-29 01:57] <13P​alaiologos> i should have cached that [21-01-29 01:57] <07H​elloBoi> me when the apl source code [21-01-29 01:57] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> jeez [21-01-29 01:57] <07H​elloBoi> 😡 [21-01-29 01:58] <07d​ammit quintopia> and you have so many fans [21-01-29 01:58] <13P​alaiologos> 55 [21-01-29 01:58] <13P​alaiologos> is the answer to life and universe [21-01-29 01:58] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> which euler problem is it [21-01-29 01:58] <13P​alaiologos> 35 [21-01-29 01:58] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> I'm gonna try in BQN [21-01-29 01:58] <13P​alaiologos> welp it worked well enough without caching [21-01-29 01:59] <07H​elloBoi> @Symbiopsychotaxiplasm what is bee q en [21-01-29 01:59] <07d​ammit quintopia> your program knows [21-01-29 01:59] <07d​ammit quintopia> how to count [21-01-29 01:59] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> APL but much better [21-01-29 01:59] <13P​alaiologos> bruh [21-01-29 01:59] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> BQN doesn't have pco so it'll be interesting to find an algorithm for the primes [21-01-29 01:59] <07d​ammit quintopia> all the way [21-01-29 01:59] <13P​alaiologos> isn't it like [21-01-29 01:59] <13P​alaiologos> bqn has rn zero optimizations [21-01-29 01:59] <07d​ammit quintopia> to shfifty-five [21-01-29 01:59] <13P​alaiologos> and it has a weird charset which utilizes emojis [21-01-29 01:59] <07H​elloBoi> i support anything > apl [21-01-29 01:59] <07H​elloBoi> so bqn is good, right? [21-01-29 02:00] <07H​elloBoi> ddg! BQN programming language [21-01-29 02:00] <04D​DGBot> @HelloBoi: https://mlochbaum.github.io/BQN/ [21-01-29 02:00] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> not optimization wise, but I still like its ideas more [21-01-29 02:00] <07H​elloBoi> > BQN is a new programming language in the APL lineage, which aims to remove irregular and burdensome aspects of the APL tradition and put the great ideas on a firmer footing. While its use demands a solid understanding of functions and multidimensional arrays, BQN's focus on providing simple, consistent, and powerful array operations (and documentation!) makes it a good language for learning array programming and building stronger array [21-01-29 02:00] intuition. what does this mean [21-01-29 02:00] <07d​ammit quintopia> why is it jot BQM [21-01-29 02:00] <07H​elloBoi> this is like FALSE but bad [21-01-29 02:00] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> idk, creator didn't like that maybe [21-01-29 02:01] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> everything is FALSe but bad in a certain way [21-01-29 02:01] <07H​elloBoi> except FALSE itself [21-01-29 02:01] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> FALSE is FALSE but bad in the ways that FALSE is [21-01-29 02:01] <07H​elloBoi> FALSE Array Language Stack Overflow [21-01-29 02:02] <07H​elloBoi> proof that apl is just FALSE in wolf's skin [21-01-29 02:02] <07d​ammit quintopia> wolves make everything cooler [21-01-29 02:03] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> dzaima's BQN derivative will proably hav bigint calculations [21-01-29 02:03] <07H​elloBoi> under the strange characters and weird operations [21-01-29 02:03] <07H​elloBoi> is just FALSE [21-01-29 02:03] <07H​elloBoi> with a treadmill and arrays [21-01-29 02:03] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> and it's about as optimized as his APL derivative [21-01-29 02:03] <07H​elloBoi> and a red shirt [21-01-29 02:03] <07H​elloBoi> with jeans [21-01-29 02:03] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> although a C implementation would be hella nice [21-01-29 02:05] <07d​ammit quintopia> underneath FALSE is a HelloBoi rattling on in bee and the [21-01-29 02:05] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> when the FALSE [21-01-29 02:06] <13P​alaiologos> `+/⍸{f←{(0=+/~d=⌽d←(⍺∘⊥⍣¯1)⍵)}⋄(2f⍵)∧10f⍵}¨⍳1000000 [21-01-29 02:08] <07d​ammit quintopia> what editor do APLers use to make typing the symbols faster [21-01-29 02:08] <13P​alaiologos> RIDE [21-01-29 02:09] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> I use a keyboard layout with a bound key [21-01-29 02:09] <07d​ammit quintopia> does it remap the keyboard on the fly? [21-01-29 02:09] <07H​elloBoi> FALSE [21-01-29 02:09] <07H​elloBoi> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804624217777504256/unknown.png [21-01-29 02:09] <07d​ammit quintopia> logos [21-01-29 02:09] <11I​SO 4683-1> not sure about stuff that isn't directly interactive but dyalog apl + ` has worked well for me so far [21-01-29 02:10] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> RIDE has backtick expansion [21-01-29 02:10] <07H​elloBoi> @Symbiopsychotaxiplasm do you like my masterpiece [21-01-29 02:10] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> yes [21-01-29 02:10] <07d​ammit quintopia> pls explain [21-01-29 02:10] <13P​alaiologos> IME [21-01-29 02:11] <13P​alaiologos> or you press backtick+i to get iota [21-01-29 02:11] <07d​ammit quintopia> ah [21-01-29 02:11] <07H​elloBoi> "+-%*$~>|.:;,@?!#B[]\O [21-01-29 02:11] <07H​elloBoi> list of FALSE commands [21-01-29 02:11] <07H​elloBoi> that are used [21-01-29 02:11] <07H​elloBoi> in the image [21-01-29 02:11] <13P​alaiologos> i'm now solving problem 37 [21-01-29 02:11] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> it assumes you will never type backticks [21-01-29 02:12] <13P​alaiologos> in code you dontneed to [21-01-29 02:12] <07H​elloBoi> idea [21-01-29 02:12] <07H​elloBoi> solve project euler [21-01-29 02:12] <07H​elloBoi> in golfscript [21-01-29 02:12] <07H​elloBoi> i can post project euler solutions under 100, right? [21-01-29 02:13] <13P​alaiologos> yes [21-01-29 02:13] <07d​ammit quintopia> i started solving them in kforth a decade and a bit ago. pretty fun but i got bored. [21-01-29 02:13] <07H​elloBoi> @dammit quintopia FORTH? [21-01-29 02:13] <07H​elloBoi> FORTH is FALSE but with longer builtins [21-01-29 02:14] <07d​ammit quintopia> and more builtins [21-01-29 02:14] <13P​alaiologos> The number 3797 has an interesting property. Being prime itself, it is possible to continuously remove digits from left to right, and remain prime at each stage: 3797, 797, 97, and 7. Similarly we can work from right to left: 3797, 379, 37, and 3. Find the sum of the only eleven primes that are both truncatable from left to right and right to left. [21-01-29 02:14] <13P​alaiologos> hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm [21-01-29 02:15] <07H​elloBoi> @dammit quintopia sadly, FORTH doesn't have the wonderful thing that is lambda [21-01-29 02:15] <07d​ammit quintopia> nice of them to hand you most of them [21-01-29 02:15] <07H​elloBoi> @dammit quintopia what [21-01-29 02:16] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> well, 3,5,7 are 3 primes [21-01-29 02:16] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> so just need the rest of em [21-01-29 02:16] <07d​ammit quintopia> 2 3 5 7 97 797 37 379 [21-01-29 02:16] <07d​ammit quintopia> 3797 [21-01-29 02:17] <07d​ammit quintopia> thats all but two [21-01-29 02:17] <13P​alaiologos> > NOTE: 2, 3, 5, and 7 are not considered to be truncatable primes. [21-01-29 02:17] <07d​ammit quintopia> jerks [21-01-29 02:17] <13P​alaiologos> lol [21-01-29 02:17] <07d​ammit quintopia> all but 6 then [21-01-29 02:17] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> bruhhhh wtf project euler man [21-01-29 02:17] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> 23 is one [21-01-29 02:17] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> so one more left [21-01-29 02:18] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> 73? [21-01-29 02:18] <07d​ammit quintopia> 5 more [21-01-29 02:18] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> 73 is also one [21-01-29 02:18] <13P​alaiologos> lmao [21-01-29 02:18] <07d​ammit quintopia> 4 more [21-01-29 02:18] <13P​alaiologos> so we'll solve it without code [21-01-29 02:19] <13P​alaiologos> 233? [21-01-29 02:19] <13P​alaiologos> it's a prime [21-01-29 02:19] <13P​alaiologos> but hmm [21-01-29 02:19] <13P​alaiologos> 33 isn't a prime [21-01-29 02:19] <13P​alaiologos> dang [21-01-29 02:19] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> 537,53,573,57 [21-01-29 02:19] <07d​ammit quintopia> 57 comp [21-01-29 02:19] <07d​ammit quintopia> sry [21-01-29 02:20] <07d​ammit quintopia> 237 comp too [21-01-29 02:20] <13P​alaiologos> 537,53,73,23,3797,379,37,797,97 [21-01-29 02:20] <13P​alaiologos> 3 more to go [21-01-29 02:21] <07d​ammit quintopia> you cant have 5 in the middle [21-01-29 02:21] <13P​alaiologos> or 0 [21-01-29 02:21] <07d​ammit quintopia> or 3 next to 9 [21-01-29 02:22] <07d​ammit quintopia> or any even [21-01-29 02:22] <13P​alaiologos> except 2 [21-01-29 02:22] <13P​alaiologos> on certain positions [21-01-29 02:22] <07d​ammit quintopia> no you cant even have 2 inbthe middle [21-01-29 02:23] <07d​ammit quintopia> evens can only be first [21-01-29 02:23] <07d​ammit quintopia> if 2 [21-01-29 02:23] <07d​ammit quintopia> 29 is one [21-01-29 02:24] <07d​ammit quintopia> no composites in middle [21-01-29 02:24] <13P​alaiologos> 9 is composite [21-01-29 02:24] <13P​alaiologos> disproved: 797 [21-01-29 02:24] <07b​örb ✨> Next challenge: Find the sum of these primes given some base B. [21-01-29 02:24] <13P​alaiologos> no composites at the start and the end [21-01-29 02:26] <07d​ammit quintopia> 313 [21-01-29 02:28] <07d​ammit quintopia> 317 [21-01-29 02:28] <07d​ammit quintopia> is that all [21-01-29 02:28] <07d​ammit quintopia> if there are only 11 that is all of them [21-01-29 02:28] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> needs one more right [21-01-29 02:29] <13P​alaiologos> 537,53,73,23,3797,379,37,797,97,313,317 [21-01-29 02:29] <13P​alaiologos> this is it [21-01-29 02:29] <13P​alaiologos> lol [21-01-29 02:29] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> 713 tho [21-01-29 02:30] <07d​ammit quintopia> comp [21-01-29 02:31] <13P​alaiologos> 713 is composite [21-01-29 02:31] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> oh ok [21-01-29 02:31] <13P​alaiologos> +/537,53,73,23,3797,379,37,797,97,313,317 6423 [21-01-29 02:31] <13P​alaiologos> incorrect solution [21-01-29 02:31] <13P​alaiologos> 🤔 [21-01-29 02:31] <13P​alaiologos> 537 may be wrong [21-01-29 02:32] <07d​ammit quintopia> 379 is wrong [21-01-29 02:32] <07d​ammit quintopia> ends in 9 [21-01-29 02:32] <13P​alaiologos> *397 [21-01-29 02:32] <13P​alaiologos> the rest is ok [21-01-29 02:32] <13P​alaiologos> except 537 [21-01-29 02:33] <13P​alaiologos> nope [21-01-29 02:33] <13P​alaiologos> it's composite [21-01-29 02:34] <07H​elloBoi> h [21-01-29 02:34] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> 137? [21-01-29 02:34] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> 1 isnt prime dammit [21-01-29 02:39] <07d​ammit quintopia> 397 also wrong [21-01-29 02:40] <07d​ammit quintopia> also did discordcjust shit the bed for anyone else [21-01-29 02:40] <13P​alaiologos> 379? [21-01-29 02:40] <07d​ammit quintopia> wrong [21-01-29 02:40] <13P​alaiologos> the projecteuler page says 379 is good [21-01-29 02:40] <07d​ammit quintopia> no it doesnt [21-01-29 02:40] <13P​alaiologos> wait [21-01-29 02:40] <13P​alaiologos> hmm [21-01-29 02:40] <13P​alaiologos> 9 at the end [21-01-29 02:41] <13P​alaiologos> hhhhhhhhhhh [21-01-29 02:43] <07d​ammit quintopia> 373 [21-01-29 02:43] <07H​elloBoi> @Symbiopsychotaxiplasm idea : solve active ppcg/whatever problems without golfscript answers in golfscript [21-01-29 02:44] <07d​ammit quintopia> no u [21-01-29 02:45] <07H​elloBoi> golfscript is wonderful [21-01-29 02:45] <07H​elloBoi> and so is the h [21-01-29 02:45] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> too much work [21-01-29 02:45] osmarks!~osmarks@2a00:23c7:541d:6600:27e:9bb0:e819:1fb6 joins [21-01-29 02:45] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> I already use 2 langs that barely anyone else uses [21-01-29 02:45] <07H​elloBoi> 🐝 ❗ [21-01-29 02:46] <07H​elloBoi> nobody uses stax? [21-01-29 02:46] <13P​alaiologos> one more [21-01-29 02:46] <07H​elloBoi> ||keg|| [21-01-29 02:46] <13P​alaiologos> hhh [21-01-29 02:46] <13P​alaiologos> fuck [21-01-29 02:46] <13P​alaiologos> i'll do it with code [21-01-29 02:46] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> might be 4 digits [21-01-29 02:47] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> just about [21-01-29 02:47] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> It's mostly me and tomtheisen(who created it) [21-01-29 02:47] <07H​elloBoi> how to restore golfscript to its former glory ??? @Symbiopsychotaxiplasm [21-01-29 02:48] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> Idk I don't promote golflangs [21-01-29 02:48] <07d​ammit quintopia> 3137 [21-01-29 02:49] <07d​ammit quintopia> that should be all [21-01-29 02:49] <13P​alaiologos> +/3137,53,73,23,3797,373,37,797,97,313,317 9017 [21-01-29 02:50] <13P​alaiologos> wrong [21-01-29 02:50] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> why the commas [21-01-29 02:50] <07d​ammit quintopia> 97 is wrong [21-01-29 02:50] <13P​alaiologos> hmmmmmmmmm [21-01-29 02:50] <13P​alaiologos> tbh [21-01-29 02:50] <13P​alaiologos> im gonna write a program for it later [21-01-29 02:50] <07d​ammit quintopia> code [21-01-29 02:51] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> iterative solution till 999 should be enough [21-01-29 02:52] <07d​ammit quintopia> great that we got 10 of them tho [21-01-29 02:52] <13P​alaiologos> lol [21-01-29 02:52] <13P​alaiologos> yeah [21-01-29 02:53] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> 3737?? [21-01-29 02:53] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> nah, 737 composite [21-01-29 02:53] <07H​elloBoi> @Symbiopsychotaxiplasm me when the stax don't good [21-01-29 02:53] <07H​elloBoi> 😡 [21-01-29 02:53] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> stax is good [21-01-29 02:53] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> it's just not very interesting [21-01-29 02:53] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> it's too convenient [21-01-29 02:54] <07H​elloBoi> that is why i have requested the use of golfscript [21-01-29 02:54] <07H​elloBoi> over 3 people have expressed that """easy""" answers in golfing languages are no god [21-01-29 02:54] <07H​elloBoi> good [21-01-29 02:54] <07H​elloBoi> therefore, golfscript. [21-01-29 02:54] <07d​ammit quintopia> is this a downside [21-01-29 02:54] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> sort of [21-01-29 02:55] <07d​ammit quintopia> maybe i should not make my lang then [21-01-29 02:55] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> for a golflang to be good, people should want to code in it [21-01-29 02:55] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> 05AB1e has a ton of programmers because some people like convenience [21-01-29 02:56] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> depends on what crowd you wanna attract [21-01-29 02:56] <12I​FcoltransG> Alas, I am bad at Sudoku. [21-01-29 02:56] <07d​ammit quintopia> this one [21-01-29 02:57] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> I use stax because it has some janky crap and I like beating other language [21-01-29 02:57] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> not because its convenient [21-01-29 02:57] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> idk what you're making soo [21-01-29 02:58] <07d​ammit quintopia> 5997 works [21-01-29 03:00] <07d​ammit quintopia> a dataflow language that figures out the most concise way to encode your program when you compile it to bitcode [21-01-29 03:00] <12I​FcoltransG> You are doing a tree approach, right? [21-01-29 03:00] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> idk what that means but cool [21-01-29 03:00] <12I​FcoltransG> Is there any reason it's taking so long? [21-01-29 03:00] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> I hope it's fun to learn [21-01-29 03:00] <07d​ammit quintopia> plenty [21-01-29 03:01] <12I​FcoltransG> I haven't been following along. (Because of Sudoku.) [21-01-29 03:01] <07d​ammit quintopia> i dropped it because the next steps seemed hard [21-01-29 03:01] <07d​ammit quintopia> the 100 axes one? [21-01-29 03:06] <12I​FcoltransG> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804638469548015636/unknown.png [21-01-29 03:07] ovalo!~ID@host-87-10-189-162.retail.telecomitalia.it joins [21-01-29 03:07] <07H​elloBoi> @IFcoltransG sudoku is fun [21-01-29 03:07] <07H​elloBoi> if only i weren't so bad [21-01-29 03:09] <07H​elloBoi> @Symbiopsychotaxiplasm the "First" "Iteration" of notgolFALSE is being develop ed [21-01-29 03:10] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> good [21-01-29 03:17] <07H​elloBoi> @Symbiopsychotaxiplasm how do i search a specific question for a specific answer [21-01-29 03:18] <13P​alaiologos> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/110373943822540800/804640561533157406/20210129_091156.jpg [21-01-29 03:18] <12K​aylynn ✨> same [21-01-29 03:19] <07b​örb ✨> mood [21-01-29 03:20] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> whya re you asking me [21-01-29 03:21] <07H​elloBoi> @Symbiopsychotaxiplasm you're good [21-01-29 03:21] Esonya [21-01-29 03:23] <07H​elloBoi> > (This feature is courtesy of Razetime: go upvote his posts and star his Github repositories please.) it's a small world after all [21-01-29 03:24] <07H​elloBoi> the "First" "Iteration" of golFALSE will only receive approximately 5 more builtins [21-01-29 03:24] <07H​elloBoi> and it'll also have implicit thing [21-01-29 03:25] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> I'm not very good at general stuff [21-01-29 03:25] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> The most I can help with is for chess [21-01-29 03:25] <07H​elloBoi> there is one problem now [21-01-29 03:25] <07H​elloBoi> do i keep the "string" builtin [21-01-29 03:25] <07H​elloBoi> or do i make it push to stack [21-01-29 03:26] <07H​elloBoi> @Palaiologos what do you think [21-01-29 03:27] <13P​alaiologos> 2) [21-01-29 03:27] <07H​elloBoi> sure [21-01-29 03:27] <07H​elloBoi> ok [21-01-29 03:27] <07H​elloBoi> implicit top only printing will also be added [21-01-29 03:27] <07H​elloBoi> implicit input too [21-01-29 03:37] <07H​elloBoi> @LyricLy x7 [21-01-29 03:37] <07H​elloBoi> when [21-01-29 03:37] <11L​yricLy> never [21-01-29 03:37] <09u​bqoral> good morning [21-01-29 03:38] <11L​yricLy> good morning, ubq [21-01-29 03:38] <07H​elloBoi> @ubqoral mrong [21-01-29 03:38] <07H​elloBoi> INTE_JONATHAN_LOOV [21-01-29 03:38] <09u​bqoral> h [21-01-29 03:38] Gmorn [21-01-29 03:41] <07H​elloBoi> idea: golf but you can only use the languages on anarchy golf [21-01-29 03:43] <07d​ammit quintopia> 60? [21-01-29 03:43] <07H​elloBoi> @dammit quintopia yeah [21-01-29 03:44] <07H​elloBoi> 60th language added [21-01-29 03:44] <07H​elloBoi> only those before that [21-01-29 03:44] <07d​ammit quintopia> does it include golfscript [21-01-29 03:45] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> GS2 should be within 60 [21-01-29 03:45] <12I​FcoltransG> https://i.imgur.com/qYVXul1.png [21-01-29 03:46] <11L​yricLy> what the fuck is this? [21-01-29 03:46] <12I​FcoltransG> I'd recommend the Abrir original button, because Discord quality is rather low. [21-01-29 03:46] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> 100 axes [21-01-29 03:46] <11L​yricLy> what the fuck is this? [21-01-29 03:46] <11L​yricLy> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804648605305929748/unknown.png [21-01-29 03:46] <11L​yricLy> no, no, that's not within the bounds!!!!! [21-01-29 03:46] <11L​yricLy> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804648652487786506/unknown.png [21-01-29 03:46] <12I​FcoltransG> It's between the two triangles. [21-01-29 03:46] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> goes all the way through [21-01-29 03:46] <11L​yricLy> you can't cross out the "optional" part, thus making it mandatory, and then not answer it [21-01-29 03:46] <11L​yricLy> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804648767310790676/unknown.png [21-01-29 03:47] <11L​yricLy> :^) [21-01-29 03:47] <07d​ammit quintopia> sex is an answer all to itself [21-01-29 03:47] <12I​FcoltransG> I may have added a joke, realised the joke was already there further down, and left it there. [21-01-29 03:47] <11L​yricLy> whose chart is this supposed to be coltrans's pfp doesn't lean any direction it's a fucking solid colour [21-01-29 03:48] <12I​FcoltransG> Oh no, it's definitely me. [21-01-29 03:48] <07d​ammit quintopia> you do know we dont have ours localized that way right [21-01-29 03:48] <11L​yricLy> YOUR PFP [21-01-29 03:48] <11L​yricLy> DOESN'T LEAN [21-01-29 03:48] <12I​FcoltransG> Stop taking things so literally! [21-01-29 03:48] <11L​yricLy> if anything, shouldn't it be on the right, because blue?! [21-01-29 03:48] <11L​yricLy> politics, ahahahaha? [21-01-29 03:48] <12I​FcoltransG> Aren't the democrats blue? [21-01-29 03:49] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> yes [21-01-29 03:49] <11L​yricLy> the US does its own thing [21-01-29 03:49] <09u​bqoral> politics [21-01-29 03:49] <12I​FcoltransG> So do I. [21-01-29 03:49] <11L​yricLy> shit [21-01-29 03:50] <12I​FcoltransG> Who, me? [21-01-29 03:50] <11L​yricLy> imagine correcting it and then not filling it in [21-01-29 03:50] <11L​yricLy> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804649592049106984/unknown.png [21-01-29 03:50] <12K​aylynn ✨> hm how do i take this test [21-01-29 03:50] <12K​aylynn ✨> how many questions is it [21-01-29 03:50] <11L​yricLy> wait, what the fuck???? [21-01-29 03:50] <11L​yricLy> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804649647498330152/unknown.png [21-01-29 03:50] <12I​FcoltransG> Spelling mistakes don't deserve my answer. [21-01-29 03:50] <11L​yricLy> get the image and edit it with an image editor [21-01-29 03:50] <12K​aylynn ✨> really [21-01-29 03:50] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> you download a ginormous image and use jspaint on it [21-01-29 03:50] <11L​yricLy> yes, really [21-01-29 03:50] <12I​FcoltransG> That's what I did. [21-01-29 03:50] <12K​aylynn ✨> well that sucks [21-01-29 03:50] <11L​yricLy> btw coltrans [21-01-29 03:50] <11L​yricLy> why is yours like [21-01-29 03:50] <11L​yricLy> linear? [21-01-29 03:50] <11L​yricLy> normally it's [21-01-29 03:50] <11L​yricLy> not that way [21-01-29 03:50] <12I​FcoltransG> For better scrolling. [21-01-29 03:51] <12I​FcoltransG> It was the one I found anyway. [21-01-29 03:51] <11L​yricLy> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804649921793097768/3277qwxqtn351.png [21-01-29 03:51] <11L​yricLy> @Kaylynn ✨ here u go ❤️ [21-01-29 03:51] <11L​yricLy> happy editing [21-01-29 03:51] <11L​yricLy> coltrans the pronouns don't make any sense [21-01-29 03:51] <12K​aylynn ✨> thanks babe ❤️ [21-01-29 03:51] <11L​yricLy> you have 3 bars but 4 categories [21-01-29 03:52] <11L​yricLy> how do they line up [21-01-29 03:52] <12I​FcoltransG> Uh... [21-01-29 03:52] <12I​FcoltransG> The bottom two bars are the bottom two categories, of course. [21-01-29 03:52] <11L​yricLy> no, no, but what the fuck is that? [21-01-29 03:52] <11L​yricLy> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804650217332146186/unknown.png [21-01-29 03:52] <11L​yricLy> then the fuck is the top bar? [21-01-29 03:52] <12I​FcoltransG> Well... [21-01-29 03:53] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> Lawful neutral good neutral [21-01-29 03:53] <11L​yricLy> good-neutral lawful-neutral [21-01-29 03:53] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> that's what it is [21-01-29 03:53] <11L​yricLy> what the hell is that [21-01-29 03:53] <11L​yricLy> these stats are BS! [21-01-29 03:53] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> no they're perfect [21-01-29 03:53] <11L​yricLy> intelligence 0? [21-01-29 03:53] <12I​FcoltransG> They look fine to me. [21-01-29 03:53] <11L​yricLy> dexterity 0? are you disabled? [21-01-29 03:53] <12I​FcoltransG> It's not quite zero. [21-01-29 03:53] <07H​elloBoi> !time @/dev/rwd0c [21-01-29 03:53] <11L​yricLy> intelligence 0 shouldn't be capable of thought at all [21-01-29 03:54] <11L​yricLy> have you ever played dungeon and dragon game [21-01-29 03:54] <07H​elloBoi> no [21-01-29 03:54] <09u​bqoral> !time @HelloBoi [21-01-29 03:54] <08/​dev/rwd0c> ⏲️ [21-01-29 03:54] <07H​elloBoi> j [21-01-29 03:54] <12I​FcoltransG> I'm flattered you think I'm capable of thought. [21-01-29 03:54] <11L​yricLy> dex that low shouldn't be able to move at all, probably [21-01-29 03:54] <07H​elloBoi> ⏲️ [21-01-29 03:54] <09u​bqoral> 🕛 [21-01-29 03:54] <11L​yricLy> at least you picked the correct class [21-01-29 03:54] <07H​elloBoi> my charisma is 1/4 [21-01-29 03:54] <11L​yricLy> oh comee the fuck on [21-01-29 03:54] <11L​yricLy> political leaning [21-01-29 03:54] <11L​yricLy> what [21-01-29 03:54] <11L​yricLy> you circled them [21-01-29 03:54] <11L​yricLy> what the fuck is that [21-01-29 03:55] <12I​FcoltransG> Yes, I circled the good options, and crossed out the bad ones. [21-01-29 03:55] <07H​elloBoi> golf @LyricLy [21-01-29 03:55] <07H​elloBoi> ly [21-01-29 03:55] <07H​elloBoi> ly [21-01-29 03:55] <07H​elloBoi> ly ly ly [21-01-29 03:55] <11L​yricLy> oh shit oh fuck oh god [21-01-29 03:55] <11L​yricLy> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804650941730521098/unknown.png [21-01-29 03:55] <07H​elloBoi> ly ly ly [21-01-29 03:55] <11L​yricLy> WHAT. [21-01-29 03:55] <07H​elloBoi> * *ly [21-01-29 03:55] <07H​elloBoi> hmm [21-01-29 03:56] <11L​yricLy> why is this the first one that you got right?! [21-01-29 03:56] <11L​yricLy> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804651050887282748/unknown.png [21-01-29 03:56] <09u​bqoral> i'm confused [21-01-29 03:56] <09u​bqoral> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804651107434496000/unknown.png [21-01-29 03:56] <12I​FcoltransG> It's a metaphor. [21-01-29 03:56] <07H​elloBoi> @/dev/rwd0c thinkpad update ? [21-01-29 03:56] <09u​bqoral> metaphor for what? [21-01-29 03:56] <11L​yricLy> sigh [21-01-29 03:56] <11L​yricLy> @sonata «pathétique» please add coltrans to the list [21-01-29 03:56] <12I​FcoltransG> List? [21-01-29 03:56] <11L​yricLy> in the pins [21-01-29 03:56] <11L​yricLy> there's a list of everyone's axes [21-01-29 03:56] <08/​dev/rwd0c> it works [21-01-29 03:56] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> his profile picture is left leaning if you can see UV radiation [21-01-29 03:57] <11L​yricLy> their [21-01-29 03:57] <07H​elloBoi> @/dev/rwd0c great ! [21-01-29 03:57] <07H​elloBoi> me when the bsd daemon [21-01-29 03:57] <11L​yricLy> that's just unfortunate [21-01-29 03:57] <11L​yricLy> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804651409848270878/unknown.png [21-01-29 03:57] <12I​FcoltransG> I also respond to 'thine'. [21-01-29 03:57] <11L​yricLy> that won't be necessary. [21-01-29 03:57] <11L​yricLy> you are simultaneously every percentage of silt? [21-01-29 03:58] <12I​FcoltransG> I feel like you're missing some of the jokes. [21-01-29 03:58] <11L​yricLy> or is it just that you have low sand content [21-01-29 03:58] <12I​FcoltransG> The pleasure/pain/etc is a song. [21-01-29 03:58] <11L​yricLy> yes, I'm away [21-01-29 03:58] <12I​FcoltransG> I don't like sand. [21-01-29 03:58] <09u​bqoral> the [21-01-29 03:58] <12I​FcoltransG> The charge is my IRL blood type by the way. [21-01-29 03:58] <11L​yricLy> I see. [21-01-29 03:59] <09u​bqoral> uwu [21-01-29 03:59] <09u​bqoral> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804651921553227796/unknown.png [21-01-29 03:59] <12I​FcoltransG> Hey no Uwu, I'm on the gamer end of the gamer/furry spectrum. [21-01-29 04:00] <07H​elloBoi> sub(stitute) all the way [21-01-29 04:00] <11L​yricLy> please. [21-01-29 04:00] <11L​yricLy> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804652058908950528/unknown.png [21-01-29 04:00] <09u​bqoral> :( [21-01-29 04:00] <11L​yricLy> I don't remember my own answers to these because I made them in the middle of the night [21-01-29 04:00] <09u​bqoral> lmao [21-01-29 04:00] <09u​bqoral> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804652197677105172/unknown.png [21-01-29 04:00] <11L​yricLy> hahahahahahahahahahahahaha [21-01-29 04:00] <11L​yricLy> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804652203431297045/unknown.png [21-01-29 04:00] <11L​yricLy> okay that's a good one [21-01-29 04:00] <09u​bqoral> wow lol [21-01-29 04:00] <11L​yricLy> simultaneous [21-01-29 04:01] <11L​yricLy> you're also in the "did the sudoku properly" club [21-01-29 04:01] <11L​yricLy> welcome [21-01-29 04:01] <11L​yricLy> we have a few members [21-01-29 04:01] Any gynesexuals? [21-01-29 04:01] Lol [21-01-29 04:02] <11L​yricLy> hm. looking back at my answers, they're very me. [21-01-29 04:02] <11L​yricLy> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804652632882806794/unknown.png [21-01-29 04:02] <11L​yricLy> I approve of myself. he's very knowledgable about himself. [21-01-29 04:02] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> doudemoii [21-01-29 04:02] <11L​yricLy> his writing's shit, though. [21-01-29 04:02] <07d​ammit quintopia> how could anyone pick anything other than "gif" on that axis. no one disagrees on how it's spelled [21-01-29 04:03] <09u​bqoral> ||no it's spelled yiff|| [21-01-29 04:03] Ghif [21-01-29 04:03] <07H​elloBoi> @ubqoral Me when the GL HL [21-01-29 04:03] <07d​ammit quintopia> i will axify tomorrow. or next day. [21-01-29 04:03] <11L​yricLy> that's better [21-01-29 04:03] <11L​yricLy> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804653034432364554/unknown.png [21-01-29 04:04] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> whoah handwriting reveal?? [21-01-29 04:04] <12I​FcoltransG> By electrochemistry, is it meaning in the Disco Elysium sense? [21-01-29 04:05] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> possibly [21-01-29 04:05] <12I​FcoltransG> Because I went all-in on drama, and pretty much ignored physique. [21-01-29 04:05] <13P​alaiologos> i'm both atheist and literally god [21-01-29 04:05] <13P​alaiologos> flawed [21-01-29 04:05] <07H​elloBoi> @LyricLy survey [21-01-29 04:06] <07H​elloBoi> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804653561760972800/unknown.png [21-01-29 04:06] <07H​elloBoi> answer within the blanks [21-01-29 04:06] <11L​yricLy> thank you hellobi [21-01-29 04:07] <07b​örb ✨> i am literally the downfall of western civilization, strong enough to devour god [21-01-29 04:08] <13P​alaiologos> same [21-01-29 04:08] <11L​yricLy> that's a concern. [21-01-29 04:08] <11L​yricLy> I think I need to deploy countermeasures based on that [21-01-29 04:13] <04a​ rustian spy> It's not flawed. The freeform input means you can just put two lines on. [21-01-29 04:14] <07H​elloBoi> Euboea [21-01-29 04:16] <12K​aylynn ✨> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804656141669629972/gender_reveal.png [21-01-29 04:16] <07H​elloBoi> @IFcoltransG where can i find resources on learning define-macro and syntax-rules and whatever [21-01-29 04:16] <11L​yricLy> yay [21-01-29 04:16] <11L​yricLy> kaylynn's [21-01-29 04:17] <07H​elloBoi> And presto, it's Kirby! [21-01-29 04:17] <07H​elloBoi> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804656466623594536/unknown.png [21-01-29 04:18] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> that was quick [21-01-29 04:18] <12K​aylynn ✨> i put a lot of effort into it [21-01-29 04:19] <08/​dev/rwd0c> tabs are repeatedly crashing [21-01-29 04:20] <08/​dev/rwd0c> this is the when the firefox is the [21-01-29 04:20] <13P​alaiologos> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804657141256159232/unknown.png [21-01-29 04:20] <13P​alaiologos> @Kaylynn ✨ i love that [21-01-29 04:20] <08/​dev/rwd0c> maybe she was too high on mine / has done more than i was aware of [21-01-29 04:20] <12K​aylynn ✨> thank u thank u [21-01-29 04:20] <12K​aylynn ✨> i just absolutely fucking despise her [21-01-29 04:21] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> how the fuck are you neither a furry nor a gamer [21-01-29 04:21] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> what the hell [21-01-29 04:21] <09u​bqoral> interesting political spectrum [21-01-29 04:21] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> there's no way wtf [21-01-29 04:21] <13P​alaiologos> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804657579716116490/unknown.png [21-01-29 04:21] <11L​yricLy> no sexuality/romanticism answers :( [21-01-29 04:22] <13P​alaiologos> solved for me [21-01-29 04:22] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> you are weird V btw [21-01-29 04:22] <11L​yricLy> you don't get to be neutral AND chaotic [21-01-29 04:22] <12K​aylynn ✨> i'm pan i dunno what i'm supposed to put there [21-01-29 04:22] <11L​yricLy> pan is just all of them [21-01-29 04:22] <13P​alaiologos> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804657767939964958/unknown.png [21-01-29 04:22] <13P​alaiologos> kinki [21-01-29 04:22] <12I​FcoltransG> Nice defenstrability. [21-01-29 04:22] <12K​aylynn ✨> you need to understand that i don't know words [21-01-29 04:22] <07H​elloBoi> @/dev/rwd0c have you tried restarting your computer [21-01-29 04:22] <13P​alaiologos> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804657840459087872/unknown.png [21-01-29 04:23] <13P​alaiologos> hey cutie [21-01-29 04:23] <11L​yricLy> they're by gender [21-01-29 04:23] <11L​yricLy> > i vibe [21-01-29 04:23] <11L​yricLy> glorious [21-01-29 04:23] <12I​FcoltransG> Nor overall gender-ness. [21-01-29 04:24] <12K​aylynn ✨> i actually forgot overall gender-ness but then decided it worked better if i left it out [21-01-29 04:24] <07H​elloBoi> @Palaiologos how should implicit input work [21-01-29 04:24] <11L​yricLy> > i wanna fuck spiritually [21-01-29 04:25] <11L​yricLy> now that is based [21-01-29 04:25] <12I​FcoltransG> From luck till reason to remember the name is a reference to a Fort Minor song. [21-01-29 04:25] <12K​aylynn ✨> ic [21-01-29 04:25] <12I​FcoltransG> :( [21-01-29 04:25] <12I​FcoltransG> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804658519084498944/unknown.png [21-01-29 04:27] <11L​yricLy> that one hits hard [21-01-29 04:27] <11L​yricLy> damn :( [21-01-29 04:28] <12K​aylynn ✨> where actually is this [21-01-29 04:28] <12K​aylynn ✨> where did i put it [21-01-29 04:28] <12K​aylynn ✨> i already forgot [21-01-29 04:28] <12K​aylynn ✨> i am lost [21-01-29 04:28] <12I​FcoltransG> Frequency, I believe. [21-01-29 04:28] <12K​aylynn ✨> oh right [21-01-29 04:28] <12K​aylynn ✨> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804659283303596062/unknown.png [21-01-29 04:28] <12I​FcoltransG> Did we independently invent the diagonal lines and horizontal squiggles, or did you take inspiration from mine? [21-01-29 04:29] <12K​aylynn ✨> i haven't looked at yours (yet) [21-01-29 04:29] <12I​FcoltransG> Cool beans. Simultaneous invention. [21-01-29 04:30] <11L​yricLy> mine uses straight lines for ranges [21-01-29 04:30] <11L​yricLy> and I think that's the only nonstandard notation in mine [21-01-29 04:30] <11L​yricLy> I like to stick very firmly to the rules [21-01-29 04:30] <12K​aylynn ✨> i don't [21-01-29 04:30] <12I​FcoltransG> Straight lines just didn't seem all that appealing for mine. [21-01-29 04:30] <08/​dev/rwd0c> Gah. Your tab just crashed. We can help! Choose Restore This Tab to relead the page. [21-01-29 04:30] <12K​aylynn ✨> well, i like to stick to rules where it matters [21-01-29 04:31] <12I​FcoltransG> Except when I was drawing the window. [21-01-29 04:31] <12K​aylynn ✨> but this is not a situation where me abiding by the rules has much impact [21-01-29 04:31] <07b​örb ✨> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804659952718708747/h.jpg [21-01-29 04:31] <07H​elloBoi> @/dev/rwd0c use surf instead [21-01-29 04:31] <09u​bqoral> based [21-01-29 04:31] <09u​bqoral> . [21-01-29 04:32] <11L​yricLy> haven't you already done this olivia [21-01-29 04:32] <07b​örb ✨> yes but i did it again [21-01-29 04:32] <11L​yricLy> you deleted it the last time when you did the whole one [21-01-29 04:32] <12I​FcoltransG> In pink! [21-01-29 04:32] <07b​örb ✨> always [21-01-29 04:32] <11L​yricLy> I presume you were hiding the sudoku solution from me [21-01-29 04:32] <11L​yricLy> but I have no oroof [21-01-29 04:32] <07b​örb ✨> i don't have the old one anymore so i did it again [21-01-29 04:32] <11L​yricLy> you definitely solved it the last time though [21-01-29 04:33] <12K​aylynn ✨> i'm upset nobody commented on my esotericism answer [21-01-29 04:33] <07b​örb ✨> the based needs a little heart in the bottom left btw [21-01-29 04:33] <11L​yricLy> it was classic ky [21-01-29 04:33] <11L​yricLy> it didn't surprise me, so I didn't bring it up [21-01-29 04:34] <12I​FcoltransG> This is nice way to put it. [21-01-29 04:34] <12I​FcoltransG> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804660608862781450/unknown.png [21-01-29 04:34] <07b​örb ✨> is that the book of revelations? [21-01-29 04:34] <12K​aylynn ✨> it's actually mostly from a song i really really like [21-01-29 04:34] <13P​alaiologos> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/110373943822540800/804660253148315669/received_213840193799276.webp [21-01-29 04:34] <12K​aylynn ✨> i can't remember the lyrics very well though [21-01-29 04:34] <04a​ rustian spy> ++exec -L sqlite sql WITH RECURSIVEinput(sud) AS (VALUES('53..7....6..195....98....6.8...6...34..8.3..17...2...6.6....28....419..5....8..79') ), digits(z, lp) AS (VALUES('1', 1) UNION ALL SELECT CAST(lp+1 AS TEXT), lp+1 FROM digits WHERE lp<9 ), x(s, ind) AS ( SELECT sud, instr(sud, '.') FROM input UNION ALL SELECT substr(s, 1, ind-1) || z || substr(s, ind+1), instr( substr(s, 1, ind-1) || z || substr(s, ind+1), [21-01-29 04:34] '.' ) FROM x, digits AS z WHERE ind>0 AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM digits AS lp WHERE z.z = substr(s, ((ind-1)/9)*9 + lp, 1) OR z.z = substr(s, ((ind-1)%9) + (lp-1)*9 + 1, 1) OR z.z = substr(s, (((ind-1)/3) % 3) * 3+ ((ind-1)/27) * 27 + lp+ ((lp-1) / 3) * 6, 1) ) ) SELECT s FROM x WHERE ind=0; UTTERLY you. [21-01-29 04:34] <12K​aylynn ✨> https://open.spotify.com/track/6AzgBML4woTOZHC0QgYdlE?si=oHn0RZ0fSyuFfdPdOqB3QA [21-01-29 04:34] <04a​ rustian spy> Oh, bee you autobotrobot. [21-01-29 04:34] <04a​ rustian spy> Bee you to an extreme degree. [21-01-29 04:34] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> how about not running enormous scripts here [21-01-29 04:34] <04a​ rustian spy> I could do that but no. [21-01-29 04:34] <08/​dev/rwd0c> oh no [21-01-29 04:35] <08/​dev/rwd0c> it works if i run things as root [21-01-29 04:35] <08/​dev/rwd0c> but not as my own user [21-01-29 04:35] <07b​örb ✨> :catjam: [21-01-29 04:35] <12K​aylynn ✨> i absolutely love the lyrics in this song [21-01-29 04:35] <04a​ rustian spy> Interesting fact: one (1) Silent Planet track is in the OIR playqueue. [21-01-29 04:35] ovaloID|2!~ID@host-87-10-189-162.retail.telecomitalia.it quits [21-01-29 04:35] <12K​aylynn ✨> i don't know what's going on in them but i don't need to [21-01-29 04:36] <07H​elloBoi> @/dev/rwd0c is your username gibson or ypduoqselkdq qekf oidjsfkqw q; [21-01-29 04:36] ovalo!~ID@host-87-10-189-162.retail.telecomitalia.it quits [21-01-29 04:36] <08/​dev/rwd0c> beeoids [21-01-29 04:36] <08/​dev/rwd0c> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804661169947148308/IMG_20210129_103525.jpg [21-01-29 04:36] <04a​ rustian spy> Memetic or nonmemetic? [21-01-29 04:36] <08/​dev/rwd0c> gibson [21-01-29 04:36] <08/​dev/rwd0c> @openbsd.localhost [21-01-29 04:36] ovalo!~ID@host-87-10-189-162.retail.telecomitalia.it joins [21-01-29 04:36] I may bee [21-01-29 04:37] <08/​dev/rwd0c> hmm, /dev/drm0 is root:root rw------- [21-01-29 04:37] <04a​ rustian spy> Thus, chmod?! [21-01-29 04:37] <08/​dev/rwd0c> that possibly is why it does not work [21-01-29 04:37] wait is this wrong #e? [21-01-29 04:37] <04a​ rustian spy> No. [21-01-29 04:37] <04a​ rustian spy> We can see you fine, ovalo. [21-01-29 04:37] <07b​örb ✨> also, gender_reveal.png lol @Kaylynn ✨ [21-01-29 04:38] <08/​dev/rwd0c> running chmod on openbsd device files will unleash bees [21-01-29 04:38] <07H​elloBoi> when the [21-01-29 04:38] hmm [21-01-29 04:38] <04a​ rustian spy> Ah. I see. [21-01-29 04:38] <07H​elloBoi> @/dev/rwd0c you should stream openbsd [21-01-29 04:38] <07H​elloBoi> to us [21-01-29 04:38] <04a​ rustian spy> Perhaps I should host an XMPP server to connect with APIONET, or consume the apioform and run synapse and have 0 (zero) RAM memory. [21-01-29 04:38] <07H​elloBoi> also why can i not join voice channels in browser [21-01-29 04:38] <07H​elloBoi> grrr [21-01-29 04:38] <07H​elloBoi> 😡 [21-01-29 04:38] <08/​dev/rwd0c> i guess i can make it group writable [21-01-29 04:38] <04a​ rustian spy> For purposes ONLY. [21-01-29 04:38] <08/​dev/rwd0c> or stop xorg dropping privileges [21-01-29 04:38] <04a​ rustian spy> It works for me, your browser must lack WebRTC. [21-01-29 04:39] <07H​elloBoi> oh no [21-01-29 04:39] <07H​elloBoi> @/dev/rwd0c does surf have web r tc [21-01-29 04:39] <04a​ rustian spy> Have you ever been in a voice chat here? [21-01-29 04:39] <12K​aylynn ✨> ✨ [21-01-29 04:39] <08/​dev/rwd0c> "drmR131"? [21-01-29 04:39] <07b​örb ✨> contrats, it's a girl ✨ at last [21-01-29 04:39] <07H​elloBoi> drm-kmod be liike [21-01-29 04:40] <07H​elloBoi> "this will take 3 months to fix" [21-01-29 04:40] <07H​elloBoi> it is actually unfixable because of how it is [21-01-29 04:40] <07H​elloBoi> profit [21-01-29 04:40] <08/​dev/rwd0c> ok, i think if i chmod 660 /dev/drm0 and /dev/drmR128 it might work [21-01-29 04:40] lmao soil type? [21-01-29 04:40] "c o a r s e" [21-01-29 04:41] <07H​elloBoi> @a rustian spy how do i get web rtc [21-01-29 04:41] <04a​ rustian spy> You need a browser supporting it, but those ones tend to be large and slightly apioformic. [21-01-29 04:41] <08/​dev/rwd0c> yay it works [21-01-29 04:42] <07H​elloBoi> @/dev/rwd0c great ! [21-01-29 04:42] <11L​yricLy> wait [21-01-29 04:42] <11L​yricLy> I just realized [21-01-29 04:42] <08/​dev/rwd0c> gears of glx [21-01-29 04:42] <08/​dev/rwd0c> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804662723811999774/IMG_20210129_104208.jpg [21-01-29 04:42] <11L​yricLy> that there's another method of dereferencing that's better than dragging [21-01-29 04:42] <07H​elloBoi> @/dev/rwd0c i am now using dwm [21-01-29 04:42] <07H​elloBoi> dark gears [21-01-29 04:42] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> https://tenor.com/view/whiplash-milesteller-jksimmons-gif-5318251 [21-01-29 04:42] <11L​yricLy> but actually it might not work well with... hmm [21-01-29 04:43] <11L​yricLy> dragging irc [21-01-29 04:43] <04a​ rustian spy> The gears of glx approach. NONE are safe. [21-01-29 04:43] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> oh so you've seen the movie [21-01-29 04:44] <04a​ rustian spy> Actually, all is cryoapioform. [21-01-29 04:45] <11L​yricLy> I haven't seen the movie, but I have seen this scene and only this scene [21-01-29 04:45] <08/​dev/rwd0c> wow, this supports opengl 4.2 apparently [21-01-29 04:46] <08/​dev/rwd0c> this will be useful for running many copies of glxgears [21-01-29 04:46] coggers [21-01-29 04:46] <13P​alaiologos> h [21-01-29 04:47] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> bruh [21-01-29 04:47] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> whiplash is such anamazing modern movie [21-01-29 04:48] <11L​yricLy> thonk [21-01-29 04:48] <07b​örb ✨> whiplash is really good [21-01-29 04:48] <07b​örb ✨> very good [21-01-29 04:48] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> a person of culture [21-01-29 04:50] <07H​elloBoi> @/dev/rwd0c join #e [21-01-29 04:56] ubq323!~ubq323@host86-165-21-46.range86-165.btcentralplus.com quits [21-01-29 04:56] ubq323!~ubq323@host86-165-21-46.range86-165.btcentralplus.com joins [21-01-29 04:57] the when the [21-01-29 04:57] <07H​elloBoi> ubq323, how many users are there [21-01-29 04:57] 7 [21-01-29 04:57] | Nicks #e: [~ubq323 @ChanServ Gibson heavserver lemondrone_ZILRY osmarks │ [21-01-29 04:57] │ | ovalo] │ [21-01-29 04:57] │10:57:40 -- | Channel #e: 7 nicks (2 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 5 normals) [21-01-29 04:57] bot check [21-01-29 04:58] razetime!~31cfd186@unknownnetwork-a.clients.kiwiirc.com joins [21-01-29 04:58] :bees: [21-01-29 04:59] the when the [21-01-29 05:00] bee [21-01-29 05:00] YEs [21-01-29 05:02] ඞ [21-01-29 05:02] am ong us [21-01-29 05:02] <08L​yxal> :bees: [21-01-29 05:03] :bees: [21-01-29 05:03] matt!~matt@058176100159.ctinets.com joins [21-01-29 05:03] <08L​yxal> I don't :bees:lieve it [21-01-29 05:03] hmm emojis are in fact translated [21-01-29 05:03] excellent [21-01-29 05:03] matt [21-01-29 05:03] :bees: :bees: [21-01-29 05:03] matt [21-01-29 05:03] <08L​yxal> matt? [21-01-29 05:03] matt [21-01-29 05:03] gollark, osmarks, can you try to "debug" the issue with H\u200belloBoi [21-01-29 05:03] matt [21-01-29 05:03] <08L​yxal> matt! [21-01-29 05:04] 2 2⍴4 [21-01-29 05:04] does the same thing happen on othe r irc servers [21-01-29 05:04] <07H​elloBoi> ubq323, what [21-01-29 05:04] oh [21-01-29 05:04] & [21-01-29 05:04] it's just the bridge isnt it hmmm [21-01-29 05:04] <08L​yxal> Okay Mr apl [21-01-29 05:04] <07H​elloBoi> > [21-01-29 05:04] <07H​elloBoi> ? [21-01-29 05:04] <07H​elloBoi> what are you saying [21-01-29 05:04] bees!~a@host86-165-21-46.range86-165.btcentralplus.com joins [21-01-29 05:04] test [21-01-29 05:04] <09u​bqoral> test [21-01-29 05:05] <08L​yxal> Razetime do you see my direct replies? [21-01-29 05:05] yes I do [21-01-29 05:05] <08L​yxal> Poggers [21-01-29 05:05] replies are bridged [21-01-29 05:05] the fact that they are replies is not [21-01-29 05:05] mentions are bridged [21-01-29 05:05] <07H​elloBoi> @/dev/rwd0c how do i change the "volume" of output of sound in the bsd opearting system [21-01-29 05:05] not specifically replies [21-01-29 05:05] Lyxal, lyxal you. [21-01-29 05:05] irc users can't see that a thing is a reply or what it's replying to [21-01-29 05:05] <08L​yxal> But I'm replying to the bot [21-01-29 05:05] oh [21-01-29 05:05] bees!~a@host86-165-21-46.range86-165.btcentralplus.com quits [21-01-29 05:05] bees!~a@host86-165-21-46.range86-165.btcentralplus.com joins [21-01-29 05:06] the [21-01-29 05:06] the [21-01-29 05:06] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> You mentioned my name [21-01-29 05:06] <08L​yxal> And can y'all see if I'm typing [21-01-29 05:06] <09u​bqoral> the [21-01-29 05:06] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> so it highlights that [21-01-29 05:06] <07H​elloBoi> testtest [21-01-29 05:06] bees!~a@host86-165-21-46.range86-165.btcentralplus.com quits [21-01-29 05:06] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> no [21-01-29 05:06] <08L​yxal> Wonderful [21-01-29 05:06] Lyxal, keg you [21-01-29 05:06] <08L​yxal> @matt Yes very [21-01-29 05:06] <08L​yxal> Keg mine [21-01-29 05:06] when the [21-01-29 05:07] <07H​elloBoi> bruh [21-01-29 05:07] <07H​elloBoi> i can't cahnge the volume [21-01-29 05:07] bee!~a@host86-165-21-46.range86-165.btcentralplus.com joins [21-01-29 05:07] <08L​yxal> @HelloBoi I swear I keep thinking your profile picture is the pepe frog [21-01-29 05:07] bee 20bee [21-01-29 05:07] the [21-01-29 05:07] <08L​yxal> :the: [21-01-29 05:07] ok it would appear the bridge is sending incorrectly formatted colour codes [21-01-29 05:08] <08L​yxal> Can the bridge send images? [21-01-29 05:08] e2 80 8b [21-01-29 05:08] ubq323, wait do you have the same problem too!? [21-01-29 05:08] no, irc does not support images [21-01-29 05:08] irc has files [21-01-29 05:08] <08L​yxal> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804669354679468042/IMG_20201226_170315.jpg [21-01-29 05:08] i can see the link [21-01-29 05:08] matt: no, i am manually inspecting via nc | xxd [21-01-29 05:08] yes, links get sent [21-01-29 05:08] <08L​yxal> Are y'all on the bridge seeing that? [21-01-29 05:08] ubq323, ah [21-01-29 05:09] sadly i cannot experience good [21-01-29 05:09] we can see a link [21-01-29 05:09] as irssi = too good [21-01-29 05:09] images are not sent because irc does not support images, as i just said [21-01-29 05:09] bee!~a@host86-165-21-46.range86-165.btcentralplus.com quits [21-01-29 05:09] <08L​yxal> You're missing out on the good stuff [21-01-29 05:09] e2 80 8b [21-01-29 05:09] ubq323 do you see my very good ctcp [21-01-29 05:09] whats that in utf8 [21-01-29 05:10] <07H​elloBoi> very [21-01-29 05:10] ah [21-01-29 05:10] e2 80 8b is utf8 for \u200b [21-01-29 05:10] Lyxal, me when the a [21-01-29 05:10] ! [21-01-29 05:10] which is a zero width space [21-01-29 05:10] ok [21-01-29 05:10] very [21-01-29 05:10] so the bridge is sending a zero width space after the first letter of the username [21-01-29 05:11] osmarks, take notes ! [21-01-29 05:11] heavpoot gollark osmarks fix that please ^ [21-01-29 05:11] <08L​yxal> What is the a? [21-01-29 05:11] gollark, osmarks please fix that [21-01-29 05:11] <04a​ rustian spy> How strange. I wonder why it does this. [21-01-29 05:11] <07H​elloBoi> @a rustian spy you need to fix it [21-01-29 05:11] <07H​elloBoi> or else [21-01-29 05:11] apioforms, presumably [21-01-29 05:11] just do a hack [21-01-29 05:11] testbot, have tummy ache [21-01-29 05:11] nooo [21-01-29 05:11] <04a​ rustian spy> I assume it has a good reason, but I don't know what it is. [21-01-29 05:11] no bots in #e [21-01-29 05:11] str.strip(all_non_ascii_characters) [21-01-29 05:11] no [21-01-29 05:11] I c [21-01-29 05:11] no bots allowed [21-01-29 05:12] except BEE_BOT [21-01-29 05:12] bots are in #a and #b mainly [21-01-29 05:12] which is not present [21-01-29 05:12] <04a​ rustian spy> Yes, testbot is in #a. [21-01-29 05:12] aee used to reside in #b [21-01-29 05:12] <04a​ rustian spy> Ah, the ZWS is used to fix pinging. [21-01-29 05:12] idk if i can get it back from windows [21-01-29 05:12] <08L​yxal> ​ [21-01-29 05:12] #b has been quite quiet recently [21-01-29 05:12] no don't do that [21-01-29 05:12] Lyxal, don't send those characters [21-01-29 05:12] ö [21-01-29 05:12] <04a​ rustian spy> It's to avoid people who are in both Discord and IRC being pinginated. [21-01-29 05:12] ah [21-01-29 05:12] <08L​yxal> Well that's what those letters are in utf8 [21-01-29 05:12] <04a​ rustian spy> I can turn it off, but you will be pinginated unwantedly. [21-01-29 05:12] that is hmm [21-01-29 05:13] gollark, please turn it off [21-01-29 05:13] hmm [21-01-29 05:13] do not turn it off [21-01-29 05:13] <04a​ rustian spy> ÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆ conflictingness [21-01-29 05:13] :bee: :exclaimation_mark: [21-01-29 05:13] matt: configure your client to correctly ignore zero width spaces [21-01-29 05:13] this is a client issue [21-01-29 05:13] how ? [21-01-29 05:13] i don't know [21-01-29 05:13] ok [21-01-29 05:13] searching it up [21-01-29 05:13] ubq323, the sound of bucklespring is very good [21-01-29 05:13] keyboard ? [21-01-29 05:13] sadly no [21-01-29 05:13] <04a​ rustian spy> Have you tried rotating chronoapioforms through hyperideatic topography space? [21-01-29 05:13] what irc client are you using [21-01-29 05:14] irssi [21-01-29 05:14] <07H​elloBoi> when the [21-01-29 05:14] <08L​yxal> screw the [21-01-29 05:14] <08L​yxal> no the [21-01-29 05:14] not the [21-01-29 05:14] cmonbruh [21-01-29 05:15] <08L​yxal> 0 the [21-01-29 05:15] why the fuck is the pc speaker set to go over my headphones and why is it so loud [21-01-29 05:15] <08L​yxal> lol [21-01-29 05:15] and why does firefox use it when you type anything in the search box that it can't find [21-01-29 05:15] it is sentient [21-01-29 05:15] <04a​ rustian spy> * sapient [21-01-29 05:15] how do i pcspkr automatically get rmmmoded [21-01-29 05:15] that was a grammatical sentence [21-01-29 05:15] <04a​ rustian spy> There's some sort of modprobe blacklist. [21-01-29 05:15] yes [21-01-29 05:16] hmm now the sun is shining on my screen and i can't see anything [21-01-29 05:16] great! [21-01-29 05:16] <04a​ rustian spy> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-pcspkr.conf, put blacklist pcspkr in that. [21-01-29 05:16] onstat has died again [21-01-29 05:16] same error [21-01-29 05:16] <04a​ rustian spy> Oh BEE. [21-01-29 05:17] <04a​ rustian spy> Well, I have no idea what could cause this, citrons should go fix it somehow?! [21-01-29 05:17] <08L​yxal> @ubq323 you have sunlight? [21-01-29 05:17] <08L​yxal> Lucky [21-01-29 05:17] <04a​ rustian spy> Imagine WANTING """sunlight""". [21-01-29 05:17] vitamin D [21-01-29 05:17] deez bees [21-01-29 05:18] <04a​ rustian spy> I just take vitamin D supplements! [21-01-29 05:18] wait [21-01-29 05:18] does it actually close the h tt p requests [21-01-29 05:18] <04a​ rustian spy> Way easier than going outside. [21-01-29 05:18] <08L​yxal> Yeah well where I am it's night [21-01-29 05:18] suplexments? [21-01-29 05:18] ubq323, why does it append a 'b' after \u200 [21-01-29 05:18] it doesn't [21-01-29 05:18] it sends \u200b [21-01-29 05:18] <04a​ rustian spy> I don't see any function to close them. [21-01-29 05:18] U+200B [21-01-29 05:18] ah [21-01-29 05:18] i misinterpreted it [21-01-29 05:18] ok [21-01-29 05:18] <04a​ rustian spy> I assumed they would be magically disposed of via magic. [21-01-29 05:18] going to docs [21-01-29 05:19] there are compile time warnings about a gcsafe function not actually being gcsafe, or something [21-01-29 05:19] does it have anything to do with that [21-01-29 05:19] <04a​ rustian spy> That's unrelated. [21-01-29 05:19] <04a​ rustian spy> I slightly abuse things to make the database close properly. It shouldn't cause issues as it's single-threaded anyway. [21-01-29 05:19] i see [21-01-29 05:19] <04a​ rustian spy> (and as any issues with that would only manifest when it's shutting down anyway) [21-01-29 05:19] can't find things related to zero-width spaces [21-01-29 05:19] irssi has scripts right [21-01-29 05:19] wait [21-01-29 05:19] the radio! [21-01-29 05:20] lmao [21-01-29 05:20] @Lyxal 4 2řW2ř [21-01-29 05:20] <04a​ rustian spy> The examples don't seem to mention anything about closing HTTP clients. [21-01-29 05:20] <04a​ rustian spy> And there isn't a function to. [21-01-29 05:20] we got tunezz [21-01-29 05:20] bEEEEeeeeeEEES [21-01-29 05:20] how does nim handle dropping things [21-01-29 05:20] is it :b:arbage collected [21-01-29 05:20] <08L​yxal> @razetime imagine using an outdated codepage [21-01-29 05:20] simple just don't use Nim [21-01-29 05:21] <08L​yxal> Get with the times old man [21-01-29 05:21] that would be a correct solution yes [21-01-29 05:21] nim is quite bad [21-01-29 05:21] <04a​ rustian spy> It's garbage collected, yes. [21-01-29 05:21] <04a​ rustian spy> * perfect and without flaw. [21-01-29 05:21] @Lyxal that outdated codepage is the one on your latest web interpreter [21-01-29 05:21] <08L​yxal> No [21-01-29 05:21] <08L​yxal> It not [21-01-29 05:21] iso 8859-1 moment [21-01-29 05:21] <04a​ rustian spy> What do you want me to use INSTEAD of nim‽ [21-01-29 05:21] lyxal.pythonanywhere.com no more? [21-01-29 05:21] <08L​yxal> Yes [21-01-29 05:21] <04a​ rustian spy> ALL PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES ARE SOMEWHAT BAD ÆÆÆÆ [21-01-29 05:21] <08L​yxal> Clear the cache [21-01-29 05:21] <07H​elloBoi> @Lyxal keg > lyxal [21-01-29 05:21] <07H​elloBoi> or vyxal [21-01-29 05:21] to be fair [21-01-29 05:22] ubq323, i don't know [21-01-29 05:22] i think it has scripting [21-01-29 05:22] idk [21-01-29 05:22] <08L​yxal> @razetime I'd send a screenshot but you're on irc [21-01-29 05:22] the other solution is to use weechat instead [21-01-29 05:22] <08L​yxal> Yes my Lang is better than me [21-01-29 05:22] hmm what [21-01-29 05:22] i don't see any difference [21-01-29 05:22] but irssi > weechat [21-01-29 05:22] e [21-01-29 05:22] <04a​ rustian spy> If you dislike nim, apioforms, then tell me what the right thing is ÆÆÆ [21-01-29 05:23] @lyxal send an imgur link smh [21-01-29 05:23] <08L​yxal> @Symbiopsychotaxiplasm [21-01-29 05:23] <08L​yxal> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804672967338491934/Screenshot_20210129-222250.png [21-01-29 05:23] osmarks, the right thing is chez-scheme [21-01-29 05:23] nothing is perfect, except Monika [21-01-29 05:23] <11L​yricLy> hmm how should mindbreak memory management work [21-01-29 05:23] <08L​yxal> @razetime just check discord [21-01-29 05:23] <11L​yricLy> manual is bees [21-01-29 05:23] link is enough [21-01-29 05:23] <11L​yricLy> borrow checking + ownership is bees [21-01-29 05:23] kiwi irc formats them [21-01-29 05:23] <11L​yricLy> GC is bees [21-01-29 05:23] this song is bee [21-01-29 05:23] <04a​ rustian spy> What happened to you liking chicken scheme? [21-01-29 05:24] <08L​yxal> @razetime idk if I remember my imgur account deets [21-01-29 05:24] LyricLy what are the possible non-bees options then [21-01-29 05:24] none [21-01-29 05:24] <08L​yxal> Heck I don't even have imgur installed [21-01-29 05:24] you do not need memory management [21-01-29 05:24] <11L​yricLy> there are no options that are not bees [21-01-29 05:24] osmarks, i like both actually [21-01-29 05:24] <11L​yricLy> having no memory management means leaking. [21-01-29 05:24] matt: irssi scripting appears to support what you want [21-01-29 05:24] <08L​yxal> Do you mean these: :bees: [21-01-29 05:24] you may need to know perl however [21-01-29 05:24] imgur is a client? [21-01-29 05:24] ubq323: ! [21-01-29 05:25] https://github.com/irssi/irssi/blob/master/docs/perl.txt [21-01-29 05:25] if there are no bees options then why bother making mindbreak [21-01-29 05:25] oh no PERL [21-01-29 05:25] <08L​yxal> Imgur is image sharing [21-01-29 05:25] ye [21-01-29 05:25] <11L​yricLy> mindbreak is the future of everything [21-01-29 05:25] I want to install it [21-01-29 05:25] it should not be difficult to register a handler in perl that intercepts messages, filters out \u200b, then sends them on again [21-01-29 05:26] it looks like the scripting api was designed for this anyway [21-01-29 05:26] <11L​yricLy> wtf [21-01-29 05:26] <11L​yricLy> why are you guys still dealing with ZWSP beesness [21-01-29 05:26] <08L​yxal> What character is u\200b? [21-01-29 05:26] <11L​yricLy> ZWSP [21-01-29 05:26] <08L​yxal> The heck is zwsp? [21-01-29 05:26] <11L​yricLy> zero width space [21-01-29 05:26] <08L​yxal> Oh lol [21-01-29 05:27] lyricly: because the irc bridge inserts one into the sender username to stop it pinging people [21-01-29 05:27] clients should not display it but some do [21-01-29 05:27] because æ [21-01-29 05:27] <11L​yricLy> interesting. and your clients are picking up the beesness because of beesness? [21-01-29 05:27] Who is Pola? [21-01-29 05:27] weechat works fine [21-01-29 05:27] <08L​yxal> :bees: [21-01-29 05:27] irssi displays an annoying "\u200b" [21-01-29 05:27] <04a​ rustian spy> Okay, there is a close method which I just didn't notice. [21-01-29 05:27] <04a​ rustian spy> That was stupid of me. [21-01-29 05:27] excellent [21-01-29 05:27] ahhh silence [21-01-29 05:28] <08L​yxal> @Razetime have you seen the picture yet [21-01-29 05:28] clearly garbage collection is when you have to manually close things too because aaa [21-01-29 05:28] <04a​ rustian spy> Okay, ubq, recompile and reapinate. [21-01-29 05:28] no [21-01-29 05:28] i mean yes [21-01-29 05:28] <08L​yxal> Frick sake just check discord [21-01-29 05:28] <08L​yxal> Well if you have then you'll see new code page [21-01-29 05:28] <08L​yxal> NOT old one [21-01-29 05:28] <04a​ rustian spy> status.osmarks.net/status.gh0.pw is inevitable. [21-01-29 05:28] should i compile with --gc:orc still [21-01-29 05:29] <04a​ rustian spy> Only if you want to. [21-01-29 05:29] <08L​yxal> Gee thanks autocorrect for making my not seem aggressive [21-01-29 05:29] what does it do [21-01-29 05:29] <04a​ rustian spy> --gc:orc switches it onto a semi-borrow-checkery mode. [21-01-29 05:29] i see [21-01-29 05:29] what does it do normally [21-01-29 05:29] <04a​ rustian spy> Mark and sweep GC. [21-01-29 05:29] it is now up [21-01-29 05:29] <04a​ rustian spy> Wondrous. It will not* probably fail. [21-01-29 05:30] excellent [21-01-29 05:30] <04a​ rustian spy> Idea: prometheus metrics endpoint for osmarksgraph™ integration. [21-01-29 05:30] matt!~matt@058176100159.ctinets.com quits [21-01-29 05:30] <04a​ rustian spy> heav.osmarks.net is still apparently a teapot. [21-01-29 05:30] <08/​dev/rwd0c> arc is meant for realtime stuff and is deterministic, orc is arc but collects cycles [21-01-29 05:31] <08/​dev/rwd0c> orc is probably gonna replace refc in the future [21-01-29 05:31] <11L​yricLy> isn't that proof that irssi is trashware [21-01-29 05:31] no? [21-01-29 05:31] <04a​ rustian spy> Says the person who made zero correct guesses. [21-01-29 05:31] <11L​yricLy> interesting [21-01-29 05:31] you're talking from discord you can't really talk about other people's clients being trashware [21-01-29 05:32] lol [21-01-29 05:32] <08L​yxal> What was the guesses game all about? I missed the part where the rules were explained [21-01-29 05:32] <04a​ rustian spy> How do you know he's not using gtkcord or something? [21-01-29 05:32] <04a​ rustian spy> It would be unlyrical, but he could. [21-01-29 05:32] ew [21-01-29 05:32] <11L​yricLy> Discord is the trashware when it comes to chat clients [21-01-29 05:32] <12K​aylynn ✨> i'm actually sending messages from the CLI, you see [21-01-29 05:32] lyxal: lots of people had to write code to do a thing (in this case to sort a list of integers in python), and then everyone had to guess who had submitted each entry [21-01-29 05:32] lyricly: correct [21-01-29 05:32] <08L​yxal> Coolio [21-01-29 05:33] <04a​ rustian spy> Weak. I directly speak Ethernet by flicking switches VERY fast. [21-01-29 05:33] mon-polaris!~polaris@localhost quits [21-01-29 05:33] <11L​yricLy> Discord consumes a large amount of computer resources and then uses them to be very laggy and nonfunctional [21-01-29 05:33] <08/​dev/rwd0c> > pretty golang discord client using gtk3 i don't think you can get enough disk space to run this unless you have access to the internet archive [21-01-29 05:33] so why don't you join via irc then lyricly [21-01-29 05:33] <04a​ rustian spy> It can't be bigger than Electron. [21-01-29 05:33] <11L​yricLy> fuck IRC. [21-01-29 05:33] how [21-01-29 05:34] <08/​dev/rwd0c> ask cyan [21-01-29 05:34] <04a​ rustian spy> What if we shut down normal esolangs and FORCE lyricly to use iRC? [21-01-29 05:34] <04a​ rustian spy> Or XMPP/Matrix/osmarks.net multicastchat. [21-01-29 05:34] lyricly: how is irc any worse than discord [21-01-29 05:34] <04a​ rustian spy> It lacks features I like. [21-01-29 05:35] <04a​ rustian spy> Yes, I am actually lyricly. [21-01-29 05:35] i see [21-01-29 05:35] i was going to set up a matrix server to bridge to #a actually [21-01-29 05:35] <11χ​άος> So Gibson, gollark, heavpoot and now lyric are the same? [21-01-29 05:35] <11L​yricLy> no. [21-01-29 05:35] <11L​yricLy> yes? [21-01-29 05:35] <11χ​άος> Yes [21-01-29 05:35] but there is no point in hosting such a thing if no one is going to use it [21-01-29 05:36] lyricly answer my question [21-01-29 05:36] <04a​ rustian spy> I'm only sometimes heavpoot. [21-01-29 05:36] <04a​ rustian spy> And gibson is Epicbot. [21-01-29 05:36] <11L​yricLy> what is your question [21-01-29 05:36] what is bad about irc [21-01-29 05:36] no emotes [21-01-29 05:36] <04a​ rustian spy> Unicode, however. [21-01-29 05:36] <11L​yricLy> that question is too hard, so I skipped it. [21-01-29 05:36] <04a​ rustian spy> For example: 🐝. [21-01-29 05:36] Oh, that doesn't display. [21-01-29 05:37] Okay, no emotes. [21-01-29 05:37] <11L​yricLy> IRC is missing important features [21-01-29 05:37] such as [21-01-29 05:37] relevancehood [21-01-29 05:37] emotes are not important [21-01-29 05:38] you only use emotes because they are there [21-01-29 05:38] <11L​yricLy> let's see [21-01-29 05:38] <04a​ rustian spy> I disagree. I need :bismuth:. [21-01-29 05:38] <04a​ rustian spy> Bismuth is inherently necessary. [21-01-29 05:38] set it as pfp [21-01-29 05:38] problem solved [21-01-29 05:38] irc does not have pfps [21-01-29 05:38] <04a​ rustian spy> But I need multiple bismuths and a stellated dodecahedron. [21-01-29 05:38] my client does lel [21-01-29 05:39] <04a​ rustian spy> Another great IRC thing: horrible fragmentation. [21-01-29 05:39] what do you mean [21-01-29 05:39] <11L​yricLy> profile pictures, emoji, text formatting (I think IRC does not have this?) [21-01-29 05:39] <11L​yricLy> reactions [21-01-29 05:39] <11L​yricLy> replies? [21-01-29 05:39] irc has text formatting [21-01-29 05:39] it do [21-01-29 05:39] irc has emoji [21-01-29 05:39] <12K​aylynn ✨> name colours. very important. [21-01-29 05:39] <11χ​άος> Ye [21-01-29 05:39] that's a client feature [21-01-29 05:39] <11χ​άος> And cute ping role [21-01-29 05:39] my client supports name colours [21-01-29 05:39] pinging is clientside too [21-01-29 05:39] same [21-01-29 05:40] i could configure my client to ping me on the word "cute" if i wanted to [21-01-29 05:40] <11L​yricLy> also there is no IRC client that looks like Discord. [21-01-29 05:40] <11χ​άος> Wumpus [21-01-29 05:40] and i don't even need to get a server admin to do anything [21-01-29 05:40] discord looks horrible [21-01-29 05:40] so much wasted space [21-01-29 05:40] <11L​yricLy> true. [21-01-29 05:40] <11L​yricLy> but IRC clients look worse [21-01-29 05:40] <11L​yricLy> I think [21-01-29 05:40] wrong [21-01-29 05:40] that's fair [21-01-29 05:40] <11L​yricLy> been a while since I looked at one [21-01-29 05:40] <12K​aylynn ✨> there's something nostalgic about the aesthetics of hexchat [21-01-29 05:40] that is a large generalisation anyway [21-01-29 05:40] there are many many irc clients and they all look different [21-01-29 05:40] noice hexagons [21-01-29 05:40] <11χ​άος> But does your IRC’s developer respond to tickets with weird stuff about wumpus and elves? [21-01-29 05:41] <11L​yricLy> also from IRC I can literally only talk to esolangs off topic [21-01-29 05:41] wrong [21-01-29 05:41] <11L​yricLy> from Discord I can use all 2 of my servers [21-01-29 05:41] exactly [21-01-29 05:41] they don't Y_Y [21-01-29 05:41] lyricly join irc now [21-01-29 05:41] tbh kiwiirc is not bad [21-01-29 05:41] <11L​yricLy> I will not join IRC [21-01-29 05:41] <11χ​άος> I use irssi most of the time [21-01-29 05:41] yes you will [21-01-29 05:41] <11L​yricLy> false [21-01-29 05:41] <11χ​άος> What server is the bridge on? [21-01-29 05:41] u already had [21-01-29 05:41] apionet [21-01-29 05:41] <08L​yxal> I have never seen a sentence I agree with more [21-01-29 05:41] <11L​yricLy> I do not see what benefits there are to switching to IRC [21-01-29 05:42] <11χ​άος> Can you send link? [21-01-29 05:42] ubq323.website irc.osmarks.net ypsvlq.xyz mondecitronne.com [21-01-29 05:42] any of them will work [21-01-29 05:42] <11χ​άος> Groovy [21-01-29 05:42] then join #e [21-01-29 05:42] <11χ​άος> You’re a peach [21-01-29 05:42] ok [21-01-29 05:42] <04a​ rustian spy> irc.osmarks.net supports TLS sometimes. [21-01-29 05:42] Chanseatic [21-01-29 05:42] <04a​ rustian spy> On port 6697. [21-01-29 05:42] <04a​ rustian spy> The others are unencrypted. [21-01-29 05:42] <04a​ rustian spy> Essentially, all is bee and we have no security. [21-01-29 05:42] <12K​aylynn ✨> only sometimes? [21-01-29 05:42] it's all being logged anyway [21-01-29 05:42] <12K​aylynn ✨> is this some "every day of the week except tuesday" thing [21-01-29 05:42] <04a​ rustian spy> It doesn't work very consistently in some clients. I don't know why. [21-01-29 05:42] i suppose encrypting passwords might be nice [21-01-29 05:42] ye in Discord [21-01-29 05:43] <11χ​άος> What will we do about the thousands of prying eyes trying to snoop in? [21-01-29 05:43] and on mondecitronne.com/apionet/ [21-01-29 05:43] <04a​ rustian spy> Use the osmarks.net comments system, which is VERY secure. [21-01-29 05:43] use nc [21-01-29 05:43] <04a​ rustian spy> TLS1.2/1.3 only, my webserver is kept highly up to date, sort of thing. [21-01-29 05:43] ?tag Lyric on a Friday [21-01-29 05:43] nc is my favourite chat application [21-01-29 05:43] <11χ​άος> For whatever reason, irssi decides to announce to everyone the exact city and portion within the city that I live [21-01-29 05:43] <08L​yxal> @razetime nice try but no [21-01-29 05:43] <11L​yricLy> also you can't invoke discord bot commandd from IRCZ [21-01-29 05:44] IRC has its own bots anyway [21-01-29 05:44] why would you want to [21-01-29 05:44] <04a​ rustian spy> ABR supported that I think, but it got [REDACTED]. [21-01-29 05:44] <08L​yxal> Irc doesn't have notifications on my phone [21-01-29 05:44] irc has better bots [21-01-29 05:44] <04a​ rustian spy> Discord doesn't have testbot, yes. [21-01-29 05:44] <11L​yricLy> IRC does not have r. danny [21-01-29 05:44] lyxal: that is a clien tissue [21-01-29 05:44] <11L​yricLy> or asciipy [21-01-29 05:44] <11L​yricLy> or esobot [21-01-29 05:44] <11L​yricLy> these bots are important to me [21-01-29 05:44] <11L​yricLy> don't forget histodev [21-01-29 05:44] <07b​örb ✨> hi [21-01-29 05:44] when was the last time anyone used asciipy [21-01-29 05:44] <11L​yricLy> go away olivia [21-01-29 05:44] <08L​yxal> And idk if I can reply on irc on my watch [21-01-29 05:44] why do we need bot commands from Discord? [21-01-29 05:44] <07b​örb ✨> rude [21-01-29 05:44] <11L​yricLy> that isn't relevant ubq [21-01-29 05:44] we got testbot [21-01-29 05:44] Lyric is a fool for not making his bots work on IRC [21-01-29 05:44] <08L​yxal> Discord lets me reply on watch [21-01-29 05:44] <11χ​άος> If you’re on an irc, that means a terminal is likely closeby, completely resolving the need for like 99% of bots [21-01-29 05:44] hello [21-01-29 05:44] <11L​yricLy> razetime literally just tried to use one [21-01-29 05:45] <11L​yricLy> fucking nonsense talk. [21-01-29 05:45] there are no bots in here tho [21-01-29 05:45] <08L​yxal> Discord good irc kinda not so much [21-01-29 05:45] wrong [21-01-29 05:45] <11L​yricLy> just ignore the convenience and social aspect of using bots [21-01-29 05:45] <04a​ rustian spy> Wait, ABR might still have the thing. [21-01-29 05:45] discord very bad [21-01-29 05:45] <11L​yricLy> Discord bees [21-01-29 05:45] ++help [21-01-29 05:45] irc gooder [21-01-29 05:45] <04a​ rustian spy> Sad! [21-01-29 05:45] trebuchet good catapult bad [21-01-29 05:45] <11L​yricLy> IRC isn't bees but I don't see a reason to use it over Discord [21-01-29 05:45] <08L​yxal> Mood [21-01-29 05:45] <04a​ rustian spy> Nonbeesness? [21-01-29 05:46] they are not mutually exclusive [21-01-29 05:46] <11L​yricLy> you see, I am a Discord user [21-01-29 05:46] <04a​ rustian spy> What if XMPP/ [21-01-29 05:46] so am i [21-01-29 05:46] <11L​yricLy> thusly everyone I know, from Discord, is on Discord [21-01-29 05:46] I amn't [21-01-29 05:46] <11L​yricLy> and not on IRC [21-01-29 05:46] <08/​dev/rwd0c> irc is less convenient to use than discord and has a fraction of the users [21-01-29 05:46] <08L​yxal> I don't see IRC hosting meme competitions [21-01-29 05:46] how is irc less convenient to use [21-01-29 05:46] relevancehood is falling [21-01-29 05:46] <04a​ rustian spy> APIONET could host meme competitions, in theory. [21-01-29 05:46] not really [21-01-29 05:46] irc's relevance is fairly stable [21-01-29 05:46] meme competitions are garbage [21-01-29 05:47] it is nothing close to what it once was but it is not falling [21-01-29 05:47] <04a​ rustian spy> Perhaps, but we COULD do them. [21-01-29 05:47] <08L​yxal> Yeah but does irc allow reactions to posts? [21-01-29 05:47] <08L​yxal> No [21-01-29 05:47] hmm [21-01-29 05:47] <08L​yxal> Therefore no voting on posts [21-01-29 05:47] <04a​ rustian spy> Bots. [21-01-29 05:47] bots [21-01-29 05:47] <08/​dev/rwd0c> show me an irc client that does everything the discord client does [21-01-29 05:47] <11L​yricLy> it looks like we're getting a C/Python conbi next round [21-01-29 05:47] <11L​yricLy> this, this will be fun [21-01-29 05:47] why do you need all the things the discord client does [21-01-29 05:47] Cython [21-01-29 05:47] <08L​yxal> What even is next round [21-01-29 05:47] <08/​dev/rwd0c> i didn't say i did, i said it was less convenient [21-01-29 05:47] <11L​yricLy> well we don't know the prompt yet [21-01-29 05:47] <08/​dev/rwd0c> which it is [21-01-29 05:47] <11L​yricLy> sonata is gonna reveal it tomorrow most likely [21-01-29 05:47] most of the things the discord client does are useless gimmicks [21-01-29 05:47] <08L​yxal> Oh okay [21-01-29 05:48] <08L​yxal> Exciting [21-01-29 05:48] I'm just hoping it isn't hard [21-01-29 05:48] <08/​dev/rwd0c> what specifically [21-01-29 05:48] <11L​yricLy> I'm hoping it is hard [21-01-29 05:48] <08L​yxal> laughs in never done an event before [21-01-29 05:48] Plus you don't have to worry about privacy in IRC, if it's not encrypted. [21-01-29 05:49] irc actually has more formatting options than discord [21-01-29 05:49] 23can discord do this [21-01-29 05:49] I'm hoping it isn't too hard [21-01-29 05:49] 69,42bees [21-01-29 05:49] `⌊_⍺⌊⌈⌊_⊥∇∆∇⊥⊥⌈__⌊∇⌊` [21-01-29 05:49] 0 [21-01-29 05:49] <08L​yxal> Yeah okay Mr whatever langauage that is [21-01-29 05:49] 1 [21-01-29 05:50] <08/​dev/rwd0c> no it doesn't= [21-01-29 05:50] <08/​dev/rwd0c> it has colour [21-01-29 05:50] <08/​dev/rwd0c> that is the only thing it has extra to discord [21-01-29 05:50] <08L​yxal> Honestly the best chat method is neither irc nor discord. [21-01-29 05:50] <04a​ rustian spy> Yes, it's wall. [21-01-29 05:51] <08L​yxal> The superior method is clearly SE chat [21-01-29 05:51] <08/​dev/rwd0c> discord has blockquotes, better monospace, syntax highlighting, etc [21-01-29 05:51] on irc everything is monospace [21-01-29 05:51] <08/​dev/rwd0c> not true [21-01-29 05:51] cholorzs!1!1 [21-01-29 05:51] <08/​dev/rwd0c> depends on the client [21-01-29 05:51] this is client dependent of course [21-01-29 05:51] <11L​yricLy> isn't everything just "text" [21-01-29 05:51] <08/​dev/rwd0c> monospace has its own formatting in irc [21-01-29 05:51] <08L​yxal> ||spoiler: irc prolly doesn't have spoilers|| [21-01-29 05:52] 0,0the [21-01-29 05:52] <08/​dev/rwd0c> yeah that's another [21-01-29 05:52] 1,1irc does have spoilers [21-01-29 05:52] :0 [21-01-29 05:52] you may need to configure your terminal client or emulator to display highlighted text properly [21-01-29 05:52] <08/​dev/rwd0c> also, monospace in irc is barely supported by anything [21-01-29 05:52] <08L​yxal> Irc doesn't have gifs [21-01-29 05:52] because everything is monospace by default [21-01-29 05:53] <08/​dev/rwd0c> what client? [21-01-29 05:54] kiwi irc seems to support them [21-01-29 05:54] <08L​yxal> irc doesn't allow for easy table flipping (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ [21-01-29 05:54] when was the last time you actually used that discord feature [21-01-29 05:55] <08L​yxal> not easy shrugging ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ [21-01-29 05:55] also, (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ [21-01-29 05:55] ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ [21-01-29 05:55] again it's trivial to configure your client to support them [21-01-29 05:55] <08L​yxal> Yeah but you didn't have a slash command did you? [21-01-29 05:55] it would be trivial to add one if i thought i was going to use it [21-01-29 05:55] are you suggesting that they should specifically be part of the irc protocol specification? [21-01-29 05:55] <04a​ rustian spy> Yes, that is much saner as a configurable clientside thing than a protocol feature. [21-01-29 05:56] ^ [21-01-29 05:56] <04a​ rustian spy> Discord have such a bizarrely overspecific set of slash commands. [21-01-29 05:56] <11L​yricLy> why can't we make a new chat protocol [21-01-29 05:56] <08L​yxal> https://tenor.com/view/boom-dabbing-betty-white-dab-gif-16081801 [21-01-29 05:56] <08L​yxal> At the end of the day, discord has gifs and gifs are cool [21-01-29 05:56] <04a​ rustian spy> WRONG. [21-01-29 05:56] what's wrong with irc/matrix/xmpp [21-01-29 05:56] <11L​yricLy> oh [21-01-29 05:56] <08L​yxal> I meant to send those in opposite order [21-01-29 05:56] <04a​ rustian spy> A new chat protocol based on the osmarks.net comments system. [21-01-29 05:56] <11L​yricLy> is anyone here in the chess tournament [21-01-29 05:56] it's not Discord [21-01-29 05:56] thank you, have a nice day [21-01-29 05:56] lyricly have you used matrix [21-01-29 05:56] <07b​örb ✨> https://tenor.com/bbA5Z.gif [21-01-29 05:56] <11L​yricLy> I have not [21-01-29 05:57] <08L​yxal> Beautiful [21-01-29 05:57] before decididng to make a new chat protocol have you looked at the existing ones [21-01-29 05:57] <11L​yricLy> where is razetime [21-01-29 05:57] <11L​yricLy> RAZETIME [21-01-29 05:57] <04a​ rustian spy> I want to use matrix somewhat, but all their homeserver implementations apparently have awful performance or are incomplete. [21-01-29 05:57] <11L​yricLy> no. there is no need for that [21-01-29 05:57] <04a​ rustian spy> There are two (2). [21-01-29 05:57] synapse is ok apparently [21-01-29 05:57] what [21-01-29 05:57] <11L​yricLy> chess [21-01-29 05:57] if you try to federate with any of the big ones then you will get h [21-01-29 05:57] which is annoying [21-01-29 05:57] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> ok chess [21-01-29 05:58] <11L​yricLy> chess [21-01-29 05:58] <08L​yxal> Dah I'm gonna go sleep [21-01-29 05:58] <11L​yricLy> we will settle our 2 games here [21-01-29 05:58] <11L​yricLy> today [21-01-29 05:58] <08L​yxal> !Time [21-01-29 05:58] <11L​yricLy> okay fuck off bye lyxal [21-01-29 05:58] <08L​yxal> Lol [21-01-29 05:58] <08L​yxal> O/ [21-01-29 05:58] <04a​ rustian spy> I want my server to be non-h, so this is a problem. [21-01-29 05:58] <04a​ rustian spy> And to be able to ACTUALLY USE ITS MAIN FEATURE, federating with things. [21-01-29 05:58] there is probably configuration available [21-01-29 05:58] <04a​ rustian spy> Perhaps in 120974194 years when dendrite works. [21-01-29 05:59] <11L​yricLy> @Symbiopsychotaxiplasm https://lichess.org/8EbaGtEn [21-01-29 05:59] dendrite does work i think [21-01-29 05:59] <11L​yricLy> https://lichess.org/8EbaGtEn [21-01-29 05:59] <11L​yricLy> https://lichess.org/8EbaGtEn [21-01-29 05:59] <04a​ rustian spy> Yes, but it's lacking features in problematic ways. [21-01-29 05:59] i thought it had most of the features now [21-01-29 05:59] <11L​yricLy> hi logos [21-01-29 05:59] most of theimportant ones [21-01-29 05:59] <13P​alaiologos> > check offtopic > first thing you see is "trebuchet good catapult bad" [21-01-29 05:59] <13P​alaiologos> typical esolangs [21-01-29 05:59] <11L​yricLy> lmao [21-01-29 06:00] <07b​örb ✨> siege weapons :idk: [21-01-29 06:00] heavserver: we can reply btw [21-01-29 06:00] <04a​ rustian spy> It seems to fail a bunch of the state synchronization tests, which is worrying. [21-01-29 06:00] interesting [21-01-29 06:00] <04a​ rustian spy> And could theoretically be a security issue, but I don't think anyone actually did anything bad with that. [21-01-29 06:00] <07S​ymbiopsychotaxiplasm> joined game [21-01-29 06:00] irc has /me as well [21-01-29 06:01] <04a​ rustian spy> I mean, I don't actually know if it could be much of a security risk, but there was a thing about privilege levels not being checked properly I think? [21-01-29 06:01] hmm [21-01-29 06:01] that is quite bees [21-01-29 06:01] <07b​örb ✨> civil war can be a reason why some of the state synchronization tests fail [21-01-29 06:01] mon-polaris!~polaris@localhost quits [21-01-29 06:01] i would set up a matrix thing on my vps to bridge to apionet but i don't think anyone would actually use it [21-01-29 06:01] <04a​ rustian spy> dendrite also does not support bridges. [21-01-29 06:02] isn't a bridge just a bot that joins [21-01-29 06:02] <04a​ rustian spy> No, there's a special appservice API for it. [21-01-29 06:02] <04a​ rustian spy> Which dendrite only half has. [21-01-29 06:02] <04a​ rustian spy> In theory you could run a synapse instance for bridging and a dendrite one for big federationing™, but aaaaa? [21-01-29 06:05] <04a​ rustian spy> I like the idea of matrix, but the software seems somewhat apiomemetic right now. [21-01-29 06:07] yes [21-01-29 06:07] well it is relatively new [21-01-29 06:08] <04a​ rustian spy> It's several years old at this point right? [21-01-29 06:14] <12i​mpossible cube> oh wait, now irc is also part of my domain? [21-01-29 06:14] <12i​mpossible cube> this is beyond science. [21-01-29 06:15] APIONET is all, yes. [21-01-29 06:17] no [21-01-29 06:19] hmm there are community-maintained alternate servers too [21-01-29 06:19] matrix i mean [21-01-29 06:19] maybe some of them are good [21-01-29 06:19] <11χ​άος> What’s one windows application with good tui [21-01-29 06:20] Winows 7 ones [21-01-29 06:20] Windows* [21-01-29 06:20] <11χ​άος> Like? [21-01-29 06:20] idk I like them all eheh [21-01-29 06:20] the style it had [21-01-29 06:20] <11χ​άος> What was the great tui [21-01-29 06:20] <11χ​άος> Did they add new commands or something? [21-01-29 06:20] ms-dos edit [21-01-29 06:21] <11χ​άος> That’s just generic whiptail-looking shit [21-01-29 06:21] <11L​yricLy> sweet [21-01-29 06:21] <11L​yricLy> I'll leave you to send those to gnobody [21-01-29 06:21] <11χ​άος> HTOP looks better than that ffs [21-01-29 06:22] qh4os were you going to join apionet [21-01-29 06:22] <08/​dev/rwd0c> bees, firefox won't open any more [21-01-29 06:22] <11χ​άος> Ye when I get to a computer [21-01-29 06:23] <11χ​άος> I’m still on my commute [21-01-29 06:23] ah ok [21-01-29 06:23] <07b​örb ✨> commuter program [21-01-29 06:23] <11χ​άος> I know of no good irc clients for iOS [21-01-29 06:23] I had to kill the firefox process because Discord was interfering with it [21-01-29 06:24] It didn't let me open firefox lmao [21-01-29 06:24] <11χ​άος> Incestuous IPC [21-01-29 06:24] it was fine if firefox was already opened tho, at least. [21-01-29 06:27] <11χ​άος> Does your irc client support images? [21-01-29 06:27] <11χ​άος> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804689218508029982/image0.png [21-01-29 06:28] <12K​aylynn ✨> nice CPU [21-01-29 06:29] <06R​. Danny> @LyricLy, 1 week ago: blast the fuck out of gnobody https://discordapp.com/channels/346530916832903169/348702212110680064/802152853404647424 [21-01-29 06:29] <11L​yricLy> :( [21-01-29 06:29] <09u​bqoral> ahahhahahaa [21-01-29 06:29] <11L​yricLy> forget about it [21-01-29 06:29] <11χ​άος> I wish lmao [21-01-29 06:29] <11χ​άος> It’s like 5000 cores and 193838292gb of ram [21-01-29 06:29] <09u​bqoral> lyricly did you genuinely think you had correctly guessed people [21-01-29 06:29] mon-polaris!~polaris@localhost quits [21-01-29 06:29] <11L​yricLy> even if he did get my answer wrong I can't make fun of him when he has like 4 more points [21-01-29 06:29] <11L​yricLy> yes [21-01-29 06:30] <09u​bqoral> lol [21-01-29 06:30] <11L​yricLy> I thought I would get at least +3 easy [21-01-29 06:30] <12K​aylynn ✨> you didn't even get me :( [21-01-29 06:30] <12K​aylynn ✨> i thought mine was really obvious [21-01-29 06:30] <11L​yricLy> how was it obvious [21-01-29 06:30] <12K​aylynn ✨> do you not know that i am a slut for typing [21-01-29 06:31] <11L​yricLy> I got so confused by the incorrect type that I overthought it [21-01-29 06:31] <11L​yricLy> I was like "who the fuck bothers to type it, but gets it wrong???" [21-01-29 06:31] <11L​yricLy> so I assumed it was ironic [21-01-29 06:31] <11L​yricLy> especially because of recur instead of recurse in the comment [21-01-29 06:31] <12K​aylynn ✨> oh that was just me being tired [21-01-29 06:32] <12K​aylynn ✨> i can't believe it [21-01-29 06:33] <12K​aylynn ✨> i wanted to implement timsort but i thought that would be a bit of a giveaway [21-01-29 06:33] <11L​yricLy> in 20KB? [21-01-29 06:34] <12K​aylynn ✨> she'll be right [21-01-29 06:34] ovalo!~ID@host-87-10-189-162.retail.telecomitalia.it quits [21-01-29 06:35] <12K​aylynn ✨> 20KB is a pretty decent amount of space after all [21-01-29 06:35] <11L​yricLy> I guess [21-01-29 06:35] <11L​yricLy> I wonder what sonata is gonna have us do next [21-01-29 06:35] <09u​bqoral> that was the case at https://discord.com/channels/346530916832903169/348702212110680064/801442298147504158 [21-01-29 06:36] <12K​aylynn ✨> we'll see [21-01-29 06:42] <04a​ rustian spy> It's not like there's actually a filesize limit, the container will have an internet connection. [21-01-29 06:51] <04a​ rustian spy> Idea: osmarks.net certificate authority? [21-01-29 06:51] qh4os!~qh4os@ joins [21-01-29 06:51] mwhahahahahaa [21-01-29 06:51] qh4os!~qh4os@ changes nick to lyricly [21-01-29 06:51] <04a​ rustian spy> * μhahahaha [21-01-29 06:51] <06s​inth orion> I'd trust it [21-01-29 06:51] hdahdahsdahdhad [21-01-29 06:51] ok fine, i'll join [21-01-29 06:51] <04a​ rustian spy> As you should, yes. [21-01-29 06:52] <06s​inth orion> Do you offer free certificates (in exchange for a soul collection cut) for other websites as well? [21-01-29 06:52] razetime!~31cfd186@unknownnetwork-a.clients.kiwiirc.com quits [21-01-29 06:53] ubq323!~ubq323@host86-165-21-46.range86-165.btcentralplus.com quits [21-01-29 06:53] <04a​ rustian spy> Yes, we can probably offer this. [21-01-29 06:53] both razetime and ubq323 both quit at the same time :shibathinking: [21-01-29 06:53] <06s​inth orion> Their souls were fully collected [21-01-29 06:54] <11χ​άος> :shibathinking: [21-01-29 06:54] <04a​ rustian spy> ubq323 is DDGBot is razetime, yes. [21-01-29 06:54] <04a​ rustian spy> I'm surprised you didn't notice this sooner. [21-01-29 06:54] <@258639553357676545> [21-01-29 06:54] <04a​ rustian spy> @/dev/rwd0c [21-01-29 06:54] so that works [21-01-29 06:54] huh [21-01-29 06:54] <08/​dev/rwd0c> ? [21-01-29 06:54] <04a​ rustian spy> Oh, I meant to ping lyricly but somehow typed gibson. [21-01-29 06:55] <08/​dev/rwd0c> amazing [21-01-29 06:55] <13P​alaiologos> where is razetime gone. [21-01-29 06:55] you don't have to ping me, I'm right here <@258639553357676545> [21-01-29 06:55] <04a​ rustian spy> Yes you are @LyricLy. [21-01-29 06:56] <11L​yricLy> interesting. so I'm being impostinated [21-01-29 06:57] <06s​inth orion> IRC chat bridge evil :shibathinking: [21-01-29 06:58] <04a​ rustian spy> No, the bridge is amazing and flawless. [21-01-29 06:58] <04a​ rustian spy> Apart from not doing webhooks, but certain hexahedra disabled that. [21-01-29 07:01] <06s​inth orion> Why even? [21-01-29 07:02] <06s​inth orion> Webhooks kinda good I think [21-01-29 07:02] <04a​ rustian spy> They were foolishly trying to shut it down, not knowing that it was inevitable regardless of their ill-considered actions. [21-01-29 07:06] <06s​inth orion> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804699065290981397/200089500371_455780.jpg [21-01-29 07:07] ```c [21-01-29 07:09] matt!~matt@058176100159.ctinets.com joins [21-01-29 07:09] matt [21-01-29 07:11] lyricly!~qh4os@ quits [21-01-29 07:11] LyricLy, observe. [21-01-29 07:11] <07b​örb ✨> Callable[[Tuple[int, ...], Optional[Dict[str, str]]], Union[int, str]] [21-01-29 07:12] <12K​aylynn ✨> okay but not like that [21-01-29 07:12] <07b​örb ✨> :> [21-01-29 07:13] <07b​örb ✨> whatever you say, typeslut [21-01-29 07:13] <11L​yricLy> I like doing that but not with Python syntax [21-01-29 07:13] <11L​yricLy> it makes it look sad. [21-01-29 07:13] <12K​aylynn ✨> typeslut [21-01-29 07:13] <12K​aylynn ✨> that's a good one [21-01-29 07:13] <07b​örb ✨> :>> [21-01-29 07:14] <11L​yricLy> wait [21-01-29 07:14] <11L​yricLy> Callable[[? [21-01-29 07:14] <11L​yricLy> a [ without a name before it is just a list [21-01-29 07:14] <07b​örb ✨> ((...int), {str:str}?) -> int | str [21-01-29 07:14] <11L​yricLy> what's a list doing in the type [21-01-29 07:14] <11L​yricLy> this doesn't add up [21-01-29 07:14] <12K​aylynn ✨> callable's first arg needs to be a list [21-01-29 07:14] <07b​örb ✨> callable takes two args one arg is a list of all the arguments [21-01-29 07:15] <11L​yricLy> ah fuck [21-01-29 07:15] <11L​yricLy> multiple arguments [21-01-29 07:15] <07H​elloBoi> how do i make vim indent with spaces [21-01-29 07:15] <07b​örb ✨> does this look better lyria [21-01-29 07:15] <11L​yricLy> fucking imperative languages [21-01-29 07:15] <11L​yricLy> disgusting [21-01-29 07:16] <11L​yricLy> that doesn't look better no [21-01-29 07:16] <12K​aylynn ✨> i was thinking about it earlier and hmmm type-safe decorators are pretty neat [21-01-29 07:16] <12K​aylynn ✨> if only any language at all had them [21-01-29 07:16] <11L​yricLy> [Int] -> Maybe (Map Text Text) -> Either Int Text [21-01-29 07:16] <11L​yricLy> there we are [21-01-29 07:17] <07b​örb ✨> ew badskell [21-01-29 07:17] <07b​örb ✨> more like bad smell [21-01-29 07:17] <11L​yricLy> fuck you [21-01-29 07:18] <11L​yricLy> (List(Int), Map(String, String)?): Int | String [21-01-29 07:18] <07b​örb ✨> this is... typescript? [21-01-29 07:18] <08/​dev/rwd0c> i think i'll rewrite my dwm status bar program in c [21-01-29 07:18] <07H​elloBoi> @/dev/rwd0c good idea [21-01-29 07:18] <08/​dev/rwd0c> the current one forks like 20 times every second [21-01-29 07:18] <08/​dev/rwd0c> due to shell script technology [21-01-29 07:18] <07H​elloBoi> i also ""accidentally"" removed my dwm sources [21-01-29 07:19] <11L​yricLy> wrong [21-01-29 07:19] <07H​elloBoi> and used the one in the freebsd repos [21-01-29 07:19] <11L​yricLy> it's Macron [21-01-29 07:19] <07H​elloBoi> thisi s fine, except not [21-01-29 07:19] <08/​dev/rwd0c> although tbh i'll probably still end up just doing system("xsetroot") because i don't want to write x11 code [21-01-29 07:19] <07H​elloBoi> @/dev/rwd0c do i need to modify source to get dwm to show battery level [21-01-29 07:19] matt [21-01-29 07:19] <08/​dev/rwd0c> no [21-01-29 07:20] <08/​dev/rwd0c> do something like this: [21-01-29 07:20] <07H​elloBoi> ok [21-01-29 07:20] <07b​örb ✨> AHAHAHAHAHHAHHAH [21-01-29 07:20] <07b​örb ✨> okay [21-01-29 07:20] <07b​örb ✨> yes [21-01-29 07:20] <07b​örb ✨> macron [21-01-29 07:20] <07b​örb ✨> indeed [21-01-29 07:21] <07H​elloBoi> wondorous ! [21-01-29 07:21] <07H​elloBoi> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804702865536319508/vim_very_good.png [21-01-29 07:22] <07H​elloBoi> do not ask me about the code [21-01-29 07:22] <07H​elloBoi> and comments [21-01-29 07:22] matt [21-01-29 07:22] <08/​dev/rwd0c> .xsession: sh ~/.dwmbar & .dwmbar: sh ver=$(dwm -v 2>&1) bat() { case $(apm -b) in 4|255) printf "no battery" ;; *) printf " bat $(apm -l)%%" ;; esac case $(apm -a) in 1) test $(apm -l) != 100 && printf + ;; 0) printf - ;; esac } while true; do xsetroot -name "cpu $(iostat -C |awk 'NR==3{print 100-$6"%"}') | $(bat) | $(date) | $ver" sleep 1 done [21-01-29 07:22] qh4os!~qh4os@50-193-144-210-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net joins [21-01-29 07:22] <07H​elloBoi> hmm [21-01-29 07:22] <08/​dev/rwd0c> this is as far as i have got in porting my old dwm bar to openbsd [21-01-29 07:23] <07H​elloBoi> is that !!!shell!!! [21-01-29 07:23] <08/​dev/rwd0c> yes [21-01-29 07:23] !!!shell!!! [21-01-29 07:23] <07H​elloBoi> @/dev/rwd0c bat not found [21-01-29 07:23] <08/​dev/rwd0c> the cpu stat doesn't work properly [21-01-29 07:23] <08/​dev/rwd0c> i can possibly do accursed things to make it work [21-01-29 07:23] <07H​elloBoi> /bin/sh: bat: not found [21-01-29 07:23] does IRSSI even allow me to have multi-lined messages? [21-01-29 07:23] te [21-01-29 07:23] hey look [21-01-29 07:23] te \ [21-01-29 07:24] another irssi user [21-01-29 07:24] <11L​yricLy> why did you laugh [21-01-29 07:24] huh [21-01-29 07:24] <08/​dev/rwd0c> and you will probably need to change it to work on openbsd [21-01-29 07:24] rejoice ! [21-01-29 07:24] we are the irssi users [21-01-29 07:24] <08/​dev/rwd0c> that's not an irssi limitation [21-01-29 07:24] <08/​dev/rwd0c> it's a irc limitation [21-01-29 07:24] ah [21-01-29 07:24] <07H​elloBoi> irc terminates messages by NEWLINE [21-01-29 07:24] that is rather unfortunate [21-01-29 07:24] ```c [21-01-29 07:24] <07H​elloBoi> bee [21-01-29 07:24] <08/​dev/rwd0c> huh [21-01-29 07:24] ```c main(){puts("very sad");}``` [21-01-29 07:24] <07H​elloBoi> scheme highlighting looks real nice [21-01-29 07:24] <07H​elloBoi> this is the greatest tui experience over [21-01-29 07:25] <08/​dev/rwd0c> did you run this in one shell script [21-01-29 07:25] <07H​elloBoi> what ? [21-01-29 07:25] <07H​elloBoi> i do not understand [21-01-29 07:25] <11L​yricLy> yet another reason not to use IRC. [21-01-29 07:25] <07H​elloBoi> what you are saying [21-01-29 07:25] <11L​yricLy> this is highly bees [21-01-29 07:25] LyricLy, i disagree [21-01-29 07:25] IRC is the best ! [21-01-29 07:25] <07H​elloBoi> let me go to duck.com [21-01-29 07:25] this is just another reason why your bot sucks [21-01-29 07:26] <08/​dev/rwd0c> $() sholudn't be subshell i think [21-01-29 07:26] <08/​dev/rwd0c> what happens if you do sh bat() { echo bee } echo "$(bat)" [21-01-29 07:26] https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.shitpostbot.com%2Fimg%2Fsourceimages%2Fsword-doge-5800989b7bac4.png&f=1&nofb=1 [21-01-29 07:26] <07H​elloBoi> no this is no the problem really [21-01-29 07:26] <07H​elloBoi> the problem is [21-01-29 07:26] <07H​elloBoi> there is no [21-01-29 07:26] <07H​elloBoi> bat [21-01-29 07:26] <07b​örb ✨> bonkin time [21-01-29 07:26] <08/​dev/rwd0c> bat is not a command [21-01-29 07:26] <07H​elloBoi> ah [21-01-29 07:26] <08/​dev/rwd0c> it is a function from the shell script i sent [21-01-29 07:26] <07H​elloBoi> i have MISREAD code [21-01-29 07:26] <07H​elloBoi> i am going to bee myself [21-01-29 07:27] <11L​yricLy> bee yourself [21-01-29 07:27] <08/​dev/rwd0c> however, you will probably still need to change it to make it work on freebdsm [21-01-29 07:27] <07b​örb ✨> ™️ [21-01-29 07:27] freebdsm sounds awesome [21-01-29 07:27] best distro ever [21-01-29 07:27] <11L​yricLy> hm [21-01-29 07:27] <08/​dev/rwd0c> not as good as openbdsm [21-01-29 07:27] <11L​yricLy> I may actually implement mindbreak [21-01-29 07:27] dragonflybdsm [21-01-29 07:27] <12K​aylynn ✨> ffmpreg [21-01-29 07:27] <11L​yricLy> however it is impossibly unlikely [21-01-29 07:28] <08/​dev/rwd0c> i laughed too hard at that [21-01-29 07:28] <07H​elloBoi> free bsd is the greatest operating system [21-01-29 07:28] <11L​yricLy> anyway I'm very tired and I'm going to go to sleep now [21-01-29 07:28] > I may actually implement mindbreak [21-01-29 07:28] doubt [21-01-29 07:28] LyricLy,can you actually sleep [21-01-29 07:28] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [21-01-29 07:28] do not fake it [21-01-29 07:28] huh, irssi will automatically censor your passphrase [21-01-29 07:28] ******** [21-01-29 07:28] <12K​aylynn ✨> my language will get an actual implementation when i implement my parser [21-01-29 07:28] Parsers are the easy part [21-01-29 07:29] codegen is the more difficult part [21-01-29 07:29] <12K​aylynn ✨> you misunderstand [21-01-29 07:29] maybe I do [21-01-29 07:29] <08/​dev/moony> I am writing an LLVM backend atm. Codegen is pain [21-01-29 07:29] <08/​dev/rwd0c> aeaeaeaeaeaeae bees i do not want to write x11 code [21-01-29 07:29] <09u​bqoral> hunter2 [21-01-29 07:29] I wrote a shitty C compiler [21-01-29 07:29] <07H​elloBoi> X11 > x11 [21-01-29 07:29] <09u​bqoral> then don't [21-01-29 07:29] codegen was much harder than anything else [21-01-29 07:29] <12K​aylynn ✨> i am writing a semi-sophisticated LR(1) parser generator in rust for this [21-01-29 07:29] <08/​dev/rwd0c> but also forking to call xsetroot every second is 🐝 [21-01-29 07:29] bucklespring good [21-01-29 07:29] <09u​bqoral> just use web smh [21-01-29 07:29] this makes me happy [21-01-29 07:30] |[<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>]| [21-01-29 07:30] <07H​elloBoi> wow apm -l is the greatest command ever [21-01-29 07:30] <08/​dev/rwd0c> actually i don't think this is too bd [21-01-29 07:31] <08/​dev/rwd0c> i only need to do XStoreName [21-01-29 07:31] <08/​dev/rwd0c> and some other calls [21-01-29 07:31] qh4os!~qh4os@50-193-144-210-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net quits [21-01-29 07:31] <08/​dev/rwd0c> oh nice, does freebsd have an openbsd-compatibile apm(d) [21-01-29 07:31] qh4os!~qh4os@50-193-144-210-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net joins [21-01-29 07:31] <07H​elloBoi> @/dev/rwd0c likely [21-01-29 07:32] I wanted to see what that was and you almost made me install node [21-01-29 07:32] <08/​dev/rwd0c> if it does i'll send you the rest of that script when i finish it [21-01-29 07:32] that was scary [21-01-29 07:32] <07H​elloBoi> at least ~90% compatible ? [21-01-29 07:32] <08/​dev/moony> I should get back into esolang making. It’s fun. [21-01-29 07:32] <08/​dev/rwd0c> although i'm probably gonna rewrite it in c [21-01-29 07:32] <08/​dev/rwd0c> for perform ence [21-01-29 07:32] <08/​dev/moony> I wanted to find the minimal TC subset of the Propeller 2’s ISA. Pretty sure it’s just BITNC [21-01-29 07:32] <07H​elloBoi> ok i think my thing is working now [21-01-29 07:33] <07H​elloBoi> now i need to get the thing working [21-01-29 07:33] <07H​elloBoi> @/dev/rwd0c does apm have a thing to check if is charging ? [21-01-29 07:33] <07H​elloBoi> this is for apm purposes [21-01-29 07:33] <08/​dev/rwd0c> yes [21-01-29 07:33] <08/​dev/rwd0c> it is in that script [21-01-29 07:34] <07H​elloBoi> > It is used by zzz(8). sign me up [21-01-29 07:34] <07b​örb ✨> [ is my favorite shell command [21-01-29 07:34] <08/​dev/rwd0c> sh # check batetry status case $(apm -b) in 4|255) printf "no battery" ;; *) printf " bat $(apm -l)%%" ;; esac # check charger status case $(apm -a) in 1) test $(apm -l) != 100 && printf + ;; 0) printf - ;; esac [21-01-29 07:34] ewww [21-01-29 07:34] algol syntax [21-01-29 07:34] cross [21-01-29 07:34] *gross [21-01-29 07:34] <08/​dev/rwd0c> so it will print 100% when charged, 100%- when discharging, 80%+ when charging, etc [21-01-29 07:35] <07H​elloBoi> ok i have no idea how shell scripts work [21-01-29 07:35] <07H​elloBoi> does it have like a [21-01-29 07:35] <07H​elloBoi> thing like a [21-01-29 07:35] <07H​elloBoi> format hting [21-01-29 07:35] <07H​elloBoi> thing [21-01-29 07:35] <08/​dev/rwd0c> printf? [21-01-29 07:35] <07H​elloBoi> yeah [21-01-29 07:35] <07H​elloBoi> tcl-style [21-01-29 07:35] <07H​elloBoi> puts/printf [21-01-29 07:35] <07H​elloBoi> thing [21-01-29 07:35] <07H​elloBoi> with the $bees [21-01-29 07:36] <08/​dev/rwd0c> printf works like c printf [21-01-29 07:36] https://juerd.nl/site.plp/traffic [21-01-29 07:36] <07H​elloBoi> very [21-01-29 07:36] <08/​dev/rwd0c> a=b echo $b [21-01-29 07:36] <07H​elloBoi> ! [21-01-29 07:36] <08/​dev/rwd0c> echo is printf and adds a newline [21-01-29 07:36] <07H​elloBoi> ok now i need to figure out the thing [21-01-29 07:36] <07H​elloBoi> how do i format args [21-01-29 07:36] <07H​elloBoi> to thing [21-01-29 07:36] <08/​dev/rwd0c> what args? [21-01-29 07:36] <08/​dev/rwd0c> what thing? [21-01-29 07:36] <07H​elloBoi> i need to [21-01-29 07:36] <07H​elloBoi> call xsetroot [21-01-29 07:36] <07H​elloBoi> to do thing [21-01-29 07:37] <08/​dev/rwd0c> xsetroot -name "whatever string you want goes here" [21-01-29 07:37] <07H​elloBoi> yes i know [21-01-29 07:37] <07H​elloBoi> but i need to [21-01-29 07:37] <07H​elloBoi> format the string [21-01-29 07:37] <07H​elloBoi> (also i'm pretty sure this sh is basic and doesn't support anything lol) [21-01-29 07:37] matt [21-01-29 07:37] <08/​dev/rwd0c> xsetroot -name "$(printf %x 1234) | $(date +%Y-%m-%d\ %H:%M:%s)" [21-01-29 07:38] ubq323!~ubq323@host86-165-21-46.range86-165.btcentralplus.com joins [21-01-29 07:39] hello ubq [21-01-29 07:39] <07H​elloBoi> ooh nice [21-01-29 07:39] hello [21-01-29 07:39] hello [21-01-29 07:39] printf is cool [21-01-29 07:39] printf is turing complete [21-01-29 07:39] C++ varadic template printf is cooler [21-01-29 07:39] somehow [21-01-29 07:39] <07H​elloBoi> xsetroot not exist [21-01-29 07:39] <07H​elloBoi> i need to install [21-01-29 07:39] matt!~matt@058176100159.ctinets.com quits [21-01-29 07:40] matt lost his terminal [21-01-29 07:40] > 08:40 -!- matt [~matt@058176100159.ctinets.com] has quit ["Lost terminal"] [21-01-29 07:40] matt (~matt@058176100159.ctinets.com) has quit ("Lost terminal") [21-01-29 07:40] matt!~matt@058176100159.ctinets.com joins [21-01-29 07:40] matt [21-01-29 07:40] matt. [21-01-29 07:41] @ubq323 [] > () [21-01-29 07:41] actually let me ask JS if that's true [21-01-29 07:42] syntax error [21-01-29 07:42] I didn't realize JS had those [21-01-29 07:42] fascinating [21-01-29 07:44] <07H​elloBoi> aha [21-01-29 07:44] <07H​elloBoi> it is working [21-01-29 07:44] <07H​elloBoi> ok i need to hack up a script [21-01-29 07:44] <08/​dev/rwd0c> it is x11 time [21-01-29 07:44] <08/​dev/rwd0c> /usr/X11R6/include is to be included [21-01-29 07:44] <07H​elloBoi> ok small problem [21-01-29 07:45] <07H​elloBoi> > ./test.sh: Permission denied [21-01-29 07:45] what are you X11ing [21-01-29 07:45] helloboi: chmod +x test.sh [21-01-29 07:45] <08/​dev/rwd0c> chmod +x helloboi [21-01-29 07:45] <07H​elloBoi> ah ok fixed [21-01-29 07:45] <07H​elloBoi> this is due to 2 shells [21-01-29 07:45] <08/​dev/rwd0c> dwm status bar [21-01-29 07:45] <07H​elloBoi> one is root only [21-01-29 07:45] <07H​elloBoi> other is not root only [21-01-29 07:45] <07H​elloBoi> very! [21-01-29 07:45] whats wrong with i3status [21-01-29 07:45] smh [21-01-29 07:46] <08/​dev/rwd0c> dwm bar best bar [21-01-29 07:46] <08/​dev/rwd0c> reject i3status return to calling xsetroot in an infinite loop [21-01-29 07:46] my i3status has the date and time in the ubqvian calendar and seximal time [21-01-29 07:47] <07H​elloBoi> aha [21-01-29 07:47] <07H​elloBoi> working [21-01-29 07:49] <07H​elloBoi> very good [21-01-29 07:50] the issue with listening to russian music is that i'll never be able to lookup the songs to find them again [21-01-29 07:50] also russia very scummy but I don't think that negatively affects the music of its citizens [21-01-29 07:50] but they all seem to be very gloomy [21-01-29 07:51] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zk_VszbZa_s [21-01-29 07:51] ah best music [21-01-29 07:51] ubq323!~ubq323@host86-165-21-46.range86-165.btcentralplus.com quits [21-01-29 07:52] ubq has quit [21-01-29 07:52] 20000 ms ping [21-01-29 07:55] ubq323!~ubq323@host86-165-21-46.range86-165.btcentralplus.com joins [21-01-29 07:57] ubq323, when the [21-01-29 07:57] the when the [21-01-29 07:59] <07H​elloBoi> hey look it work well [21-01-29 07:59] <07H​elloBoi> there is 60% displayed in top right corner [21-01-29 07:59] <08/​dev/rwd0c> someone told me that x11 was the reason dynamic linking was popularised [21-01-29 07:59] <08/​dev/rwd0c> i now see why [21-01-29 07:59] <08/​dev/rwd0c> a program that's sole function is to call XStoreName in a loop takes up 1.3mb stripped and optimised [21-01-29 08:00] <09u​bqoral> can't you dynamically link it [21-01-29 08:00] <08/​dev/rwd0c> yes [21-01-29 08:00] <09u​bqoral> why don't you then [21-01-29 08:00] <08/​dev/rwd0c> i just wondered [21-01-29 08:00] <09u​bqoral> how do you tell gcc to dynamically link things [21-01-29 08:00] <09u​bqoral> or is it the default [21-01-29 08:00] <08/​dev/rwd0c> default [21-01-29 08:00] <08/​dev/rwd0c> -dynamic works as well i think [21-01-29 08:00] <08/​dev/rwd0c> if it isn't the default somehow [21-01-29 08:01] <09u​bqoral> how do you make it do static by default [21-01-29 08:01] <08/​dev/rwd0c> recompile it probably [21-01-29 08:01] <13P​alaiologos> -static? [21-01-29 08:01] <08/​dev/rwd0c> or edit some configuration file inside the monolith of gcc [21-01-29 08:01] <07H​elloBoi> gee cee cee [21-01-29 08:01] <08/​dev/rwd0c> -static is per compile [21-01-29 08:01] matt [21-01-29 08:01] <08/​dev/rwd0c> not default [21-01-29 08:01] <13P​alaiologos> ah [21-01-29 08:01] <13P​alaiologos> okay [21-01-29 08:01] <13P​alaiologos> i misread [21-01-29 08:02] <08/​dev/rwd0c> it's 7.8k dynamic [21-01-29 08:02] <08/​dev/rwd0c> with debug info [21-01-29 08:02] <07H​elloBoi> @/dev/rwd0c what do you use to take screenshots [21-01-29 08:03] <08/​dev/rwd0c> maim [21-01-29 08:03] <07H​elloBoi> very good ! [21-01-29 08:03] <07H​elloBoi> very bad = how to take screenshot of specific area [21-01-29 08:03] <08/​dev/rwd0c> maim -s [21-01-29 08:03] <09u​bqoral> maim [21-01-29 08:03] <09u​bqoral> -s [21-01-29 08:03] <07H​elloBoi> uh oh [21-01-29 08:03] <09u​bqoral> maim -s -c 0.91,0.62,0 if you want #e79e00 [21-01-29 08:04] <08/​dev/rwd0c> oh fuck thinkpad charger cable fell out and bat tree died [21-01-29 08:04] <08/​dev/rwd0c> fsck time [21-01-29 08:04] <09u​bqoral> maim -s -c 0.91,0.62,0 | xclip if you want to put thing into clipboard [21-01-29 08:04] <08/​dev/rwd0c> across however many partitions there are [21-01-29 08:04] <09u​bqoral> h [21-01-29 08:04] <09u​bqoral> probably wont need fsck [21-01-29 08:04] <09u​bqoral> disks are normally quite robust [21-01-29 08:04] <09u​bqoral> filesystems i mean [21-01-29 08:05] <13P​alaiologos> fsck time [21-01-29 08:05] <13P​alaiologos> :asaaapng: [21-01-29 08:05] <08/​dev/rwd0c> 9 partitions [21-01-29 08:05] <07H​elloBoi> such beauty [21-01-29 08:05] <07H​elloBoi> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804713849608994816/very.png [21-01-29 08:05] <08/​dev/rwd0c> i see you haven't used ffs [21-01-29 08:05] <08/​dev/rwd0c> nah it's fine [21-01-29 08:06] <08/​dev/rwd0c> at least it seems to be [21-01-29 08:06] <08/​dev/rwd0c> there were many messages [21-01-29 08:06] <08/​dev/rwd0c> about things being wrong [21-01-29 08:06] <07H​elloBoi> > xclip: not found lol [21-01-29 08:06] <08/​dev/rwd0c> when the xclip is not found [21-01-29 08:07] <09u​bqoral> install the xclip then [21-01-29 08:07] <08/​dev/rwd0c> hmm [21-01-29 08:07] <08/​dev/rwd0c> how do i make x11 flush changes [21-01-29 08:08] <08/​dev/rwd0c> without calling XCloseDisplaf [21-01-29 08:08] <09u​bqoral> don't [21-01-29 08:08] <07H​elloBoi> xflush ? [21-01-29 08:08] <07H​elloBoi> since it likes to name things like it [21-01-29 08:08] <09u​bqoral> XFlushDisplay [21-01-29 08:08] <09u​bqoral> possibly [21-01-29 08:08] when [21-01-29 08:08] <08/​dev/rwd0c> if that exists i will h [21-01-29 08:08] <08/​dev/rwd0c> ok it does not exist [21-01-29 08:08] <08/​dev/rwd0c> sad [21-01-29 08:09] when the [21-01-29 08:10] <08/​dev/rwd0c> there is a thing explaining that xlib buffers calls that don't need a response and sends them all at once [21-01-29 08:10] <07H​elloBoi> lmao [21-01-29 08:10] <08/​dev/rwd0c> but no explanation of how [21-01-29 08:10] <07H​elloBoi> thereis dogecoin discussion in asm server [21-01-29 08:10] <08/​dev/rwd0c> to send [21-01-29 08:10] use the other x library [21-01-29 08:10] the one that isn't æ [21-01-29 08:10] <07H​elloBoi> X11.2 [21-01-29 08:10] <08/​dev/rwd0c> xc🐝 [21-01-29 08:10] :b: [21-01-29 08:11] <07H​elloBoi> hmm [21-01-29 08:12] how do you DM a person on irc [21-01-29 08:12] using wee chat [21-01-29 08:12] i forgot [21-01-29 08:13] i think you can "do" it by using CTCP for an unintended purpose [21-01-29 08:13] irc has dm [21-01-29 08:13] <08/​dev/rwd0c> hahaha [21-01-29 08:13] \/msg [21-01-29 08:13] <08/​dev/rwd0c> you were right [21-01-29 08:13] but without the \ [21-01-29 08:13] ? [21-01-29 08:13] <07H​elloBoi> @/dev/rwd0c when the brain is large [21-01-29 08:14] but this does not open the window [21-01-29 08:14] hm [21-01-29 08:14] <07H​elloBoi> golfscript is good [21-01-29 08:15] ah [21-01-29 08:15] it is only on [21-01-29 08:15] reciept [21-01-29 08:15] of message [21-01-29 08:15] that buffer is created [21-01-29 08:15] fasci nating ! [21-01-29 08:15] <08/​dev/rwd0c> no χcb today [21-01-29 08:15] oh no [21-01-29 08:16] <08/​dev/rwd0c> i will continue to write horrific slow accursed xlib code [21-01-29 08:16] why [21-01-29 08:16] why are you writing xlib code anyway [21-01-29 08:16] arent you using d w m b ar [21-01-29 08:16] <08/​dev/rwd0c> i am writing dwmbar [21-01-29 08:16] <07H​elloBoi> dee double you em [21-01-29 08:16] <07H​elloBoi> but in cee [21-01-29 08:16] matt!~matt@058176100159.ctinets.com joins [21-01-29 08:16] <08/​dev/rwd0c> dwm's bar is just the name of the root windov [21-01-29 08:17] <07H​elloBoi> ^ [21-01-29 08:17] very helpful [21-01-29 08:17] <08/​dev/rwd0c> for succleß reasons [21-01-29 08:17] <07H​elloBoi> this is apparently, a really good feature [21-01-29 08:17] <07H​elloBoi> according to the docs [21-01-29 08:17] suckless more like suckmore [21-01-29 08:17] <07H​elloBoi> but it also says that having to run a single command makes it elitist [21-01-29 08:17] <07H​elloBoi> so [21-01-29 08:17] <07H​elloBoi> why is gnu sudo so big [21-01-29 08:17] <07H​elloBoi> it's like [21-01-29 08:18] <07H​elloBoi> the size of vim [21-01-29 08:18] bee!~a@host86-165-21-46.range86-165.btcentralplus.com joins [21-01-29 08:18] <07H​elloBoi> and it includes ruby [21-01-29 08:18] what [21-01-29 08:18] <08/​dev/rwd0c> now i will make my horrific unportable code even more horrific and unportable by using openbsd kernel interfaces [21-01-29 08:18] good [21-01-29 08:18] <07H​elloBoi> aha ! [21-01-29 08:18] <07H​elloBoi> open bsd [21-01-29 08:18] BSD Daemon [21-01-29 08:18] <08/​dev/rwd0c> openbsd has doas [21-01-29 08:18] <07H​elloBoi> well i have su [21-01-29 08:18] <07H​elloBoi> unfortunately [21-01-29 08:18] <08/​dev/rwd0c> if it's ported to freebsd you can use that [21-01-29 08:18] doas is good [21-01-29 08:18] sudo is bad in general [21-01-29 08:18] <08/​dev/rwd0c> echo "permit persist :wheel">/etc/doas.conf [21-01-29 08:19] <07H​elloBoi> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804717299310788658/sorry.png [21-01-29 08:19] <07H​elloBoi> this incident will not be reporterd [21-01-29 08:20] <08/​dev/rwd0c> doas does not have insults, so download fortune/theo and read through some misc@ quotes [21-01-29 08:20] <08/​dev/rwd0c> do this whenever you get a password wrong [21-01-29 08:20] does sudo have insults? [21-01-29 08:20] <07H​elloBoi> xyzzy [21-01-29 08:20] <08/​dev/rwd0c> yes [21-01-29 08:20] <07H​elloBoi> whoops [21-01-29 08:20] does it [21-01-29 08:20] <07H​elloBoi> i entered my PASSWORD into the DISCORD CHAT [21-01-29 08:20] <08/​dev/rwd0c> it does [21-01-29 08:20] <07H​elloBoi> this incident will be reported [21-01-29 08:20] ********* [21-01-29 08:20] irc actually censors your password [21-01-29 08:20] hunter2 [21-01-29 08:21] (this works very good on discord) [21-01-29 08:21] on discord you have to do \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* [21-01-29 08:21] hmm ideally the bridge would escape such things [21-01-29 08:21] <07H​elloBoi> wh [21-01-29 08:21] <07H​elloBoi> en the [21-01-29 08:21] gollark [21-01-29 08:21] do that [21-01-29 08:21] @gollark [21-01-29 08:21] <07H​elloBoi> oh yeah [21-01-29 08:21] <07H​elloBoi> i need to do thing [21-01-29 08:21] <07H​elloBoi> uhhhh [21-01-29 08:21] <07H​elloBoi> i need to program something [21-01-29 08:21] <07H​elloBoi> oh yeah [21-01-29 08:21] <07H​elloBoi> FALSE [21-01-29 08:21] <07H​elloBoi> thanks helloboi [21-01-29 08:21] <07H​elloBoi> very cool [21-01-29 08:22] i have NOT been pinged by the server [21-01-29 08:22] wait actually i was h [21-01-29 08:22] how do i set vim to use 4 spaces instead of tabs [21-01-29 08:22] set tabstop = 4 [21-01-29 08:22] theres a thing on the vim wiki for this [21-01-29 08:22] probably [21-01-29 08:22] give me a moment [21-01-29 08:23] matt!~matt@058176100159.ctinets.com joins [21-01-29 08:23] when the [21-01-29 08:24] qh4os!~qh4os@50-193-144-210-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net quits [21-01-29 08:28] ovalo!~ID@ joins [21-01-29 08:28] ubq323, what is a bee ? [21-01-29 08:30] bee [21-01-29 08:31] :bees: [21-01-29 08:31] bee!~a@host86-165-21-46.range86-165.btcentralplus.com quits [21-01-29 08:32] <07H​elloBoi> ok i setup vim successfully [21-01-29 08:37] <04a​ rustian spy> @ubqoral Escape WHAT things?!?!??!?!?!?!? [21-01-29 08:37] <04a​ rustian spy> WHAT, I ASK YOU?!?!?!????!??!?! [21-01-29 08:38] gollark, escape things like * [21-01-29 08:38] No escape [21-01-29 08:39] so that we can send the literal message `*****` [21-01-29 08:39] <04a​ rustian spy> Interesting idea. [21-01-29 08:39] without having to \*\*\*\*\* [21-01-29 08:40] bee!~a@host86-165-21-46.range86-165.btcentralplus.com quits [21-01-29 08:40] <04a​ rustian spy> I suppose IRC has its own formatting, so sure. [21-01-29 08:40] yes [21-01-29 08:40] and the bridge already translates between irc formatting and discord formatting [21-01-29 08:40] <09u​bqoral> test [21-01-29 08:41] and can already apparently parse discord formatting [21-01-29 08:41] <07H​elloBoi> oh hey look [21-01-29 08:41] <07H​elloBoi> neat [21-01-29 08:41] so it can escape it too [21-01-29 08:41] <07H​elloBoi> i can man library functions now [21-01-29 08:41] <07H​elloBoi> yay [21-01-29 08:41] <08/​dev/rwd0c> sysctl(2) time [21-01-29 08:41] <07H​elloBoi> i don't have to go online anyn more for thiem [21-01-29 08:41] <04a​ rustian spy> Okay, recompiling. [21-01-29 08:41] heavserver!~heavserver@localhost quits [21-01-29 08:41] heavserver!~heavserver@localhost joins [21-01-29 08:41] ****** [21-01-29 08:41] Oop [21-01-29 08:41] <04a​ rustian spy> Wondrous! [21-01-29 08:42] <08/​dev/rwd0c> u_int when the nameles [21-01-29 08:42] <07H​elloBoi> wondorous ! [21-01-29 08:42] <07H​elloBoi> @/dev/rwd0c when the [21-01-29 08:42] ubq323, i am rewriting another FALSE interpreter [21-01-29 08:42] this one will be the same as the last one [21-01-29 08:42] but better [21-01-29 08:42] because i said so [21-01-29 08:42] <04a​ rustian spy> when the chronoapioform interacts with a time-reversed version of itself [21-01-29 08:42] it'll also have "garbage collection" [21-01-29 08:42] will it support quotas and things [21-01-29 08:43] which means allocating more memory that will be freed [21-01-29 08:43] ubq323: potentially [21-01-29 08:43] i don't really know how i'll do that though [21-01-29 08:43] i guess i'll just have a time() check at the beginning of eval [21-01-29 08:45] no [21-01-29 08:45] ubq323: what ? [21-01-29 08:45] every time you execute an instruction add one to a counter [21-01-29 08:45] if counter is too high [21-01-29 08:45] ah that [21-01-29 08:45] stop executing instructions [21-01-29 08:45] but that is a bit bad imo [21-01-29 08:45] it restricts programs that execute a lot of instructions but is not bad [21-01-29 08:46] maybe have an n-second limit ? [21-01-29 08:46] ubq323: what do you think [21-01-29 08:46] programs executing lots of instructions --> programs taking lots of time [21-01-29 08:46] they are the same thing [21-01-29 08:46] but instructions is less dependent on other bees [21-01-29 08:47] <04a​ rustian spy> But what if you use TONS of time with one instruction? [21-01-29 08:47] how would one instruction take tons of time [21-01-29 08:47] <04a​ rustian spy> Consider an actual CPU: NOP is basically free, unfathomable vectorized instructions are æ. [21-01-29 08:47] ??? [21-01-29 08:48] each time the NOP is executed the conter increases [21-01-29 08:48] because you are executing instructions [21-01-29 08:48] <04a​ rustian spy> Yes, but instructions aren't equal in difficulty of execution or something. [21-01-29 08:48] yes [21-01-29 08:48] but there are none that take tons of time [21-01-29 08:48] ubq323: to prevent bees, i will use the technique in k&r [21-01-29 08:48] stack-based allocation [21-01-29 08:48] no [21-01-29 08:49] do NOT alloca [21-01-29 08:49] i will alloca you [21-01-29 08:49] malloc ONLY [21-01-29 08:49] (but it's the best solution!) [21-01-29 08:49] no [21-01-29 08:49] it's faster, no? [21-01-29 08:49] fine, i guess [21-01-29 08:49] :( [21-01-29 08:49] <04a​ rustian spy> You are NOT to allocate on the stack æ. [21-01-29 08:49] i will still have memory leak (but less) [21-01-29 08:49] <13f​> wh [21-01-29 08:49] <13f​> i got pinged [21-01-29 08:49] who are you, "f" [21-01-29 08:50] <13f​> you did @fine and i got pinged [21-01-29 08:50] wait [21-01-29 08:50] <04a​ rustian spy> Oops, I should probably tweak allowed mentions a little bit. [21-01-29 08:50] no one did @fine [21-01-29 08:50] <13f​> it did it again [21-01-29 08:50] does any message starting with f ping the person called f [21-01-29 08:50] fthis is a test [21-01-29 08:50] fine, i guess [21-01-29 08:50] fine i guess [21-01-29 08:50] <04a​ rustian spy> How odd. [21-01-29 08:50] <13f​> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804725236490043412/unknown.png [21-01-29 08:50] ah it is the comma [21-01-29 08:50] maybe [21-01-29 08:50] f, the [21-01-29 08:50] <09u​bqoral> yes [21-01-29 08:51] <09u​bqoral> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804725305859768350/unknown.png [21-01-29 08:51] @fine [21-01-29 08:51] <09u​bqoral> it is the f [21-01-29 08:51] <13f​> please stop [21-01-29 08:51] Ok :) [21-01-29 08:51] <09u​bqoral> change your nickname to something other than "f" then [21-01-29 08:51] ubq323, is it fine if i have a bit of memleak [21-01-29 08:51] no [21-01-29 08:51] just a little bit [21-01-29 08:51] why not ? [21-01-29 08:51] :rage: [21-01-29 08:51] memleak bad [21-01-29 08:51] just free things [21-01-29 08:51] once they are done [21-01-29 08:51] no it's hard [21-01-29 08:51] <13ö​> there [21-01-29 08:51] <04a​ rustian spy> I can disable comma-based pingination detection. [21-01-29 08:51] ok i am going away [21-01-29 08:51] <04a​ rustian spy> Or that. [21-01-29 08:51] bye [21-01-29 08:51] Oh lol I didn't see thou name were f even [21-01-29 08:52] It's so short [21-01-29 08:52] pop off stack -> free() [21-01-29 08:52] <07H​elloBoi> test [21-01-29 08:52] <07H​elloBoi> ok [21-01-29 08:52] <07H​elloBoi> ubq323 what about vars [21-01-29 08:52] <07H​elloBoi> i am out [21-01-29 08:52] <07H​elloBoi> bye [21-01-29 08:52] ther e is a finite number of vars right [21-01-29 08:52] so just [21-01-29 08:53] when var changes value -> free() old one [21-01-29 08:57] mon-polaris!~polaris@localhost quits [21-01-29 08:58] citrons!~raven@dsldevice.attlocal.net joins [21-01-29 09:02] mon-polaris!~polaris@localhost quits [21-01-29 09:11] <08/​dev/rwd0c> hmm [21-01-29 09:11] <08/​dev/rwd0c> it appears there is no syscall to get cpu busy^ [21-01-29 09:11] <08/​dev/rwd0c> iostat -w does this somehow, but i'm not sure hom [21-01-29 09:16] <08/​dev/rwd0c> ah, it does it by doing all the work in another c file [21-01-29 09:16] <08/​dev/rwd0c> which is in a different folder due to bees [21-01-29 09:20] heavserver!~heavserver@localhost quits [21-01-29 09:21] um [21-01-29 09:21] heavserver!~heavserver@localhost joins [21-01-29 09:21] oh [21-01-29 09:21] what [21-01-29 09:21] <09u​bqoral> test [21-01-29 09:23] qh4os!~qh4os@50-193-144-210-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net joins [21-01-29 09:23] oh how the time-tables [21-01-29 09:23] have turned [21-01-29 09:23] hmm [21-01-29 09:24] qh4os!~qh4os@50-193-144-210-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net quits [21-01-29 09:24] ok [21-01-29 09:31] <08/​dev/rwd0c> this is some very cursed c [21-01-29 09:32] <08/​dev/rwd0c> i could restructure it and make it less bees [21-01-29 09:32] <08/​dev/rwd0c> but then it will not be suckless.org certified gaming [21-01-29 09:33] ubq323!~ubq323@host86-165-21-46.range86-165.btcentralplus.com quits [21-01-29 09:40] <11χ​άος> Not realloc? [21-01-29 09:42] qh4os!~qh4os@ joins [21-01-29 09:42] broken ping? [21-01-29 09:43] broke, i suppose [21-01-29 09:44] <09b​r> ... [21-01-29 09:44] ....? [21-01-29 09:44] <06d​on't you dare> i changed it to br [21-01-29 09:44] ah ok [21-01-29 09:45] for me it says don't you dare, but idk if it hasn't updated [21-01-29 09:45] ubqoral, who actually gets pinged by that? [21-01-29 09:46] quorious indeed [21-01-29 09:47] qh4os!~qh4os@ quits [21-01-29 09:49] <08/​dev/rwd0c> the [21-01-29 09:49] <08/​dev/rwd0c> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804739895834574848/unknown.png [21-01-29 09:50] <08/​dev/rwd0c> oh i left the sysctl macro in there [21-01-29 10:34] ubq323!~ubq323@host86-165-21-46.range86-165.btcentralplus.com joins [21-01-29 10:36] ubq323!~ubq323@host86-165-21-46.range86-165.btcentralplus.com quits [21-01-29 10:36] ubq323!~ubq323@host86-165-21-46.range86-165.btcentralplus.com joins [21-01-29 10:37] bees will be deployed [21-01-29 10:38] <04a​ rustian spy> Why is Python socket essentially just directly binding to libc? [21-01-29 10:38] <04a​ rustian spy> This is very unpythonic. [21-01-29 10:41] <09u​bqoral> it is quite h isn't it [21-01-29 10:42] <09u​bqoral> i mean it isn't directly binding to libc [21-01-29 10:42] <09u​bqoral> you don't have to manually walk the linked list output by getaddrinfo() and then feed the results into socket() and bind() and then check for errors, it does all that for you [21-01-29 10:44] <06s​inth orion> > 126 packages can be upgraded. Run 'apt list --upgradable' to see them. oof, I haven't used this linux system for way too long [21-01-29 10:44] h [21-01-29 10:45] sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade time [21-01-29 10:45] <06s​inth orion> on it [21-01-29 10:47] <06s​inth orion> imagine being one of those people who think it's irresponsible to install or update a package without first inspecting that package to see what it does and that it isn't harmful [21-01-29 10:48] <04a​ rustian spy> I probably ought to update the server heavpoot has access on given the recent sudo vulnerability. [21-01-29 10:50] <04a​ rustian spy> @! ! ! Heavpoot You have about 2 minutes to exploit it before the update finishes. [21-01-29 10:55] <06s​inth orion> apt upgrade still running [21-01-29 10:55] <06s​inth orion> 92% now [21-01-29 10:55] <04a​ rustian spy> Void finished updating some time ago. [21-01-29 10:56] <06s​inth orion> ddg! how to switch linux distros without having to redo all your configuration [21-01-29 10:56] <04D​DGBot> @sinth orion: https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/upgrade-switch-linux-distros-without-losing-files/ [21-01-29 10:56] <11!​ ! ! Heavpoot> HTech™ Evilology was inactive, oops. [21-01-29 10:57] <04a​ rustian spy> It's too late, the new version of sudo probably fixes it. [21-01-29 10:57] <11!​ ! ! Heavpoot> how do you manage to mess that up, anyway? [21-01-29 10:57] <11!​ ! ! Heavpoot> C code? [21-01-29 10:57] <04a​ rustian spy> Yep! [21-01-29 10:57] <11!​ ! ! Heavpoot> surely just "not giving horrible access to random users" is easy. [21-01-29 10:57] <04a​ rustian spy> It was a simple buffer overflow, further evidence of C bad. [21-01-29 10:58] <11!​ ! ! Heavpoot> ugh, just use (LITERALLY ANYTHING BUT C). [21-01-29 10:58] <06s​inth orion> what [21-01-29 10:58] <04a​ rustian spy> Also a command parsing issue. [21-01-29 10:58] <06s​inth orion> did you modify sudo or what? [21-01-29 10:58] <11!​ ! ! Heavpoot> how Coidal. [21-01-29 10:58] <11!​ ! ! Heavpoot> no, sudo was just bee. [21-01-29 10:58] <04a​ rustian spy> There is a buffer overflow bug in sudo. [21-01-29 10:58] <04a​ rustian spy> Well, was, they patched it. [21-01-29 10:58] <11!​ ! ! Heavpoot> this would never happen in node.js./ [21-01-29 10:59] <06s​inth orion> I agree [21-01-29 10:59] <04a​ rustian spy> I would rewrite sudo in this, but suid only works on compiled binaries. [21-01-29 10:59] <04a​ rustian spy> This is a problem. [21-01-29 10:59] <04a​ rustian spy> Maybe if I just give /bin/node suid. [21-01-29 10:59] <11!​ ! ! Heavpoot> yes, do so [21-01-29 10:59] <06s​inth orion> node.js can't have buffer overflows because it allocates half your ram for the buffer [21-01-29 10:59] <04a​ rustian spy> Surprisingly, SPUDNET only uses about 25MB of RAM. [21-01-29 10:59] <11!​ ! ! Heavpoot> node.js is HIGHLY intellectual [21-01-29 11:00] <11!​ ! ! Heavpoot> it's actually suprisingly efficient considering how 🐝 everything about js is [21-01-29 11:00] <04a​ rustian spy> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348702212110680064/804757909472149504/screenshot-17_00_27-29_01_2021.png [21-01-29 11:01] <06s​inth orion> those are very nice saw teeth [21-01-29 11:02] <06s​inth orion> maximise efficiency of memory freeing operations [21-01-29 11:03] <11!​ ! ! Heavpoot> imagine freeing memory. [21-01-29 11:03] <04a​ rustian spy> I mean, if you were feeling mean you could think of it as "webserver doing basically nothing whatsoever uses 25MB of RAM and does garbage collection every hour or so", but that would be mean and is thus impossible. [21-01-29 11:03] <11!​ ! ! Heavpoot> when instead, you can just donate ALL of your used RAM sticks to me! [21-01-29 11:03] <11!​ ! ! Heavpoot> i'll clear them for you and deliver them by heavdrone back to you. [21-01-29 11:04] <04a​ rustian spy> How efficient. [21-01-29 11:04] <08/​dev/rwd0c> hmm [21-01-29 11:04] <08/​dev/rwd0c> the numbers i am getting for memory don't line up with what htop claims [21-01-29 11:04] <04a​ rustian spy> Ugh, 🐝 networking, what is this even doing. [21-01-29 11:04] <08/​dev/rwd0c> but they seem correct for vmstat [21-01-29 11:04] <04a​ rustian spy> I'm trying to rewrite multicast-chat but actually working and in python. [21-01-29 11:04] <08/​dev/rwd0c> maybe htop is discounting something somehow [21-01-29 11:04] <11!​ ! ! Heavpoot> it's downloading constant apiohazards from the HNode™ via 38 chained proxies. [21-01-29 11:04] <04a​ rustian spy> I wonder what happens if I put this on the HNode™, which SOMEHOW is not accessible from my laptop. [21-01-29 11:04] <11!​ ! ! Heavpoot> implode. [21-01-29 11:05] <04a​ rustian spy> There's some sort of weirdness where my laptop sees the main server, the HNode™ sees said server also, but my laptop and HNode™ cannot see each other. [21-01-29 11:05] <04a​ rustian spy> I can still connect to it via its external network address though because ???. [21-01-29 11:05] <11!​ ! ! Heavpoot> oh, i may or may not have [REDACTED] networking [PROXIES EXPUNGED] your laptop. [21-01-29 11:05] <08/​dev/rwd0c> cpu% is also now inaccurate for some reason [21-01-29 11:06] <04a​ rustian spy> I MAY have to just make this thing allocate a separate socket for each interface or something similarly æ. [21-01-29 11:06] <11!​ ! ! Heavpoot> gollark, what if i want to have a seperate process host a thing at heav.osmarks.tk/path/to/thing? [21-01-29 11:06] <04a​ rustian spy> You can run your own nginx instance! [21-01-29 11:07] <11!​ ! ! Heavpoot> should i write a thing which controls heav.osmarks.tk and listens at... IPC ports? i don't know. [21-01-29 11:07] <04a​ rustian spy> Or have node.js do proxying too, but that would be highly be. [21-01-29 11:07] <08/​dev/rwd0c> hmm, bee [21-01-29 11:07] <11!​ ! ! Heavpoot> i guess i want to write a reverse proxy. [21-01-29 11:07] <08/​dev/rwd0c> the amount of idle time is apparently 101% [21-01-29 11:07] <04a​ rustian spy> You could just... use an existing one? [21-01-29 11:07] <11!​ ! ! Heavpoot> yes, but the existing ones aren't written by me, mostly. [21-01-29 11:07] <04a​ rustian spy> Yes, but the server already has nginx on it and it works very well. [21-01-29 11:07] <04a​ rustian spy> You'd have to edit the config a bit to run as your user, but it would work. [21-01-29 11:08] <11!​ ! ! Heavpoot> and yet nginx is only 1.12% written in HCode™. [21-01-29 11:08] <04a​ rustian spy> 1.12%? OH BEE. [21-01-29 11:08] <11!​ ! ! Heavpoot> i MAY have [ EXPUNGED]. [21-01-29 11:12] <08/​dev/rwd0c> ah [21-01-29 11:12] <08/​dev/rwd0c> i opened enough terminals that x11 crashed [21-01-29 11:12] <04a​ rustian spy> As planned. [21-01-29 11:12] <11!​ ! ! Heavpoot> as metaplanned. [21-01-29 11:12] <04a​ rustian spy> As meta^nplanned for all values of n. [21-01-29 11:13] <11!​ ! ! Heavpoot> well yes, it was meta^nplanned by me. [21-01-29 11:13] <04a​ rustian spy> socket.SOL_RDS you then. [21-01-29 11:13] <11!​ ! ! Heavpoot> how dare you. [21-01-29 11:14] <04a​ rustian spy> Quite easily, via GTech™ AutoDare machines. [21-01-29 11:14] <11!​ ! ! Heavpoot> how many dares/second do they produce? [21-01-29 11:14] <04a​ rustian spy> 8.1e14 in normal mode. [21-01-29 11:14] <04a​ rustian spy> They can be overclocked quite significantly. [21-01-29 11:14] <11!​ ! ! Heavpoot> i bet it's lower than HTech™ Sociology Contour Integral™'s rates. [21-01-29 11:14] <11!​ ! ! Heavpoot> yep! [21-01-29 11:14] <04a​ rustian spy> Troubling. Further development may be required. [21-01-29 11:15] <04a​ rustian spy> ++remind 2d Have GTech™ Courageousness Analytic Continuation® produce better AutoDare machines [21-01-29 11:15] <04a​ robotic spy> Reminder scheduled for 17:15:41 31/01/2021 (2d). [21-01-29 11:16] <08/​dev/rwd0c> the usage meter now goes to 101% when you execute yes [21-01-29 11:16] <08/​dev/rwd0c> this is not a bug [21-01-29 11:16] <04a​ rustian spy> yes is very efficient. [21-01-29 11:16] <11!​ ! ! Heavpoot> ++remind 2.1d retroactively have HTech™ Metasociology Arbitrary Hyperoperator™ develop better ones [21-01-29 11:16] <04a​ robotic spy> Reminder scheduled for 19:40:52 31/01/2021 (2d2h24m). [21-01-29 11:17] <04a​ rustian spy> Huh. When did I make 2.1d work right? [21-01-29 11:17] <11!​ ! ! Heavpoot> i did. [21-01-29 11:17] <11!​ ! ! Heavpoot> via . [21-01-29 11:17] <04a​ rustian spy> ++remind 2.2d-1h . [21-01-29 11:17] <04a​ robotic spy> Reminder scheduled for 21:05:24 31/01/2021 (2d3h48m). [21-01-29 11:17] <11!​ ! ! Heavpoot> ++remind 1d-24h deploy chronological chronoapiotemporoform [21-01-29 11:17] <04a​ robotic spy> Reminder scheduled for 17:17:50 29/01/2021 (0s). [21-01-29 11:18] <08/​dev/rwd0c> oh i think there is some memory corruption in here [21-01-29 11:18] <08/​dev/rwd0c> that might be causing the issue [21-01-29 11:18] <08/​dev/rwd0c> anyway [21-01-29 11:18] <04a​ rustian spy> What did you DO? [21-01-29 11:18] <11!​ ! ! Heavpoot> gollark, it's definitely past that time now. [21-01-29 11:18] <11!​ ! ! Heavpoot> it's been more than 0 seconds. [21-01-29 11:18] <04a​ rustian spy> Please read the docs. [21-01-29 11:18] <11!​ ! ! Heavpoot> μs precision when? [21-01-29 11:18] <04a​ robotic spy> @! ! ! Heavpoot Reminder queued at 17:17:50 29/01/2021: deploy chronological chronoapiotemporoform [21-01-29 11:18] <04a​ rustian spy> ++help remind [21-01-29 11:18] <04a​ robotic spy> ++remind